xt7pvm42vr2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vr2b/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1796-07-08 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 8 July 1796 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 8 July 1796 1796 1796-07-08 2023 true xt7pvm42vr2b section xt7pvm42vr2b “up 3.
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-.,‘ phizzemént, eenfinné par la déclam‘aiou

' - mu: vi nL dc {aim faire 21 la diet-e par
:imx‘gfl d’alfiires.

' i is de 101mm 168 Russia: a suivi,

arm-Him {es twinge.- événcmcna

53:5 pun. ic sort de l’Allemagne. Tout

mix: u an pairiotisme que Flusieurs

Eng-fry oat 11-5 Juyr": sans rcifuthe pour la défenae

.v m: peut cac‘nm‘ la pcinc qua

:e {unzieurs auéres, 8: Je manque (1’an

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-'rs:n.2'5 {(3 plus iniimrs nvcc Ie chef de

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majcaié imp-flaw all ()3;th de la pins rive Bolli-

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1mm: u: adamant

f}? Bruu‘iz'ci, In 1'". m.

= Midar.


Le passage d‘l lihfin par "arr: 'L' du £61151“ Nova-*1.
au moment. 0!: lrs génmaux autrichicn: SLLHJ I
peu 51 um: pafeiéic opt-ration , a emiersmcn’c
louhs lCUiS wmhinaiwns.

Lu général Richr‘r, (Eui
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i‘ixc aliacizze ;ux'}’a:‘1219‘- auxin
cu mem'

zzi 21 la 1313 (1:5 Jiv’
LL‘LS remunurr 1m: 5-
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pa: {.1 oiiviaim] (in a»!
nlms mancr'; H-ss Ja Sin-:5. 3: a 5.943;} 5611.: 11146113 sans
, Lia Autx'ichfims 5c re—
lirani £1 l'apl-n‘ocht deg l’rangLis (1:."z‘icrcla Lalm. Dijfi
l’aa apprwnfl‘ gun: Ics répub‘ic smut alrivés i Ukzrath.
Sous ptu In furim-essv‘ (YEWQLu'uLlL-z :cra bioguéc your
la troisiewzr: {ms (lcpufs ux: an. *

Ls. généml hollaméuls van ()usrivk3, commandant 1a di—
vision (I? troupes butuz'u dtsiiz—év: £1 jeindre Farrah (in
généxal [\lxbvar; s’csi‘ ;2:‘1é:é dams In; «mire-115d: Mum‘s,
5‘1 .1 élaluii («on quartmr—gén‘ral (:(ms cello ville. Cela'
éioit d'euiwi plus mg-nt qu’a l’vppmahe d7: Bhin une
dew-rhea masidx-rrc-izle Email mist parmi lea troupes hol-
landuists, 8; qu’clle amoit ééé Plus forte 5i on leur avoit
fait paszer (2c H-uvv.

L’cemdxe cummnndéc par 1: rnnh‘e—amiral van Stabcl ,
qui s’éioii :‘asuunblCc «‘iass la rudu 61v Fiessingue , tn est
partie. '1! y a 4;xzc1q0c5 jnur: pmxr aller sa réunifduns 1.
Tcer a mu» forte t‘H‘.i:.{l‘!‘ Luriamdais). C(s fozces coughi‘
uécs 59m. dutmées ‘a cwiacr dam la may du Noni, qui

rcnvmurcx‘ Ia ma'mhi rvsisiancc
















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(x {‘51 (1;. ' goyj,.M.,.‘.-,.- 5’11, FIJI/T 1,1 REP/IIIILL/[L I‘be‘x'd 11.12.11 la 1’1-px".=‘.la'.10n 11a11011:,.‘(: 5.2."! dens Ir:
, . . , .


smxius (21121210125 lti a: 5 (11125 (1(5 circumstances
"(iibfi pews (ii'mym' pr'ui—éired hormnrs 11102115 (Fm/unis.
l1“. Citwyrn F111:E '1" 1: di'jé sanii cw? 11222113, 2: nousix zi
' ' (12.5 1.011(- vivc 1‘.((;nnoi: same (11: liuté15‘. q:.i'. a

" Aux 111111113 ('15s 1: ’(vzwellcs i-olitiguns.

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31““ ”11." ‘ la Télc des 1‘1») ","""1'" 5, '10L1lleenn'1vf'w in: (l(‘ cher1r;(L-v
H'blh'uii" [pond-"m e , m :1 [1.111 (m: 3111’: f; n):- IS h, -1.. (UE‘JCF .191}???-
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pvt-lie, &qul tic-Ht (.c 1101) pz'cs aux (:flaires 11' “11m—
"31331111211: gour m2 was :néri'w (.‘élrc was iunéc (la-11.3105 1.:wa
“f" c 1"};3'011r V L'i('i 1c Tait.
. ' Ame: (won out paxté 165 so Liza toasts qui avnicm (1’2
231‘ 105 (11213119111: (3" 3;:1'233u, on (Emmi, £12-
121121-0- uni-11min, (‘n 11;:“1' d’mgtrrs an 4102::

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1:1 1'2211122321-2tuiio'1 Dul'wilil': 1'1.


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{ mt’,‘ (3.11 r0, (“Well 1): “It".



361/1113 prt'uaér <7". «ILH
('Imhc 11'1 augrdqnurt Ire: "uiI .
1‘1"? ('05, (1.511151%, 0U. imam}: 111‘,- c- (id-1181'}: your 5111
61mm CC Imbuf;




CONSIZIL 1:123 CIHQ—Cnfira.


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wrve cu ’-‘Ilc

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U11 chum m'nii 11mm. .L- um: 1351111021 3L1 m'sczzfitw— dam-e
[11"111n‘ss b: 11'

'1 care aI 1:11rnouvfie. L

aux 1164111111: (Eu
qu’:ls s rem 112110 :‘1
5610“,! regaa n pawn HL 151‘»;


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A A“ .5. 111.19.1"I1‘: scwut


avert' 'mmt du 9h? ,7 \“1 1 111- "11113”. I“ . . .
. , . 3%. .1 . \ ' '/ , I'slm's a muurc 01111501011; {1'13
11.111111 (L s d:~111;111'1»:'.11 imav la ucuvnncc cm .A 11- ! .;_ 5 ‘
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1'1’:~3'1v1e dams 11's lamina 113‘ 10111113.?


La cernzzaizm'nn r -. .z' (:11: 1011104911.:
' "WI-L 5111 i555. '

116:1: 1115.5.»

10:17.91, 1111 1mm (‘13 1.1 CI)?‘1‘.II.551'071 311-1.."116‘1‘2, teflte
tifimu ,1
1.3111, {1'1111' l:- I‘xmfii. pub ic d" w 311:1 (0115 115 301111310115 6.1"
11241311“. 111111.10; :iu'. 13 114121.151? 5111' la l5)"-"'li\(" was upb-

.;q..1\“"'n€m<'1\.t; (121:1 1-”:5 1111:; your clrc 0531-


rzznmycn, a Ir'ILz-L' 111111 (‘51 tuujm: 5 1'.


vi 115 mien:
L=1 rI’srlutfun


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5.11.1112-1'1:1101111?gsées 21.115 1.5 lurmes Ufiié' ; I; 5;. 3‘ ._jn+ .12 C1. 1.3 $101.. ,15
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'-";)I:":<. 1151111 éié “11'." 1'13 H.515, LS; quc lcs L'crm p'rs"..uLs 1].. .9 .7 rmlnpn;


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