xt7pvm42vm49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vm49/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1947 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.18 n.2, March-April, 1947 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.18 n.2, March-April, 1947 1947 1947 2020 true xt7pvm42vm49 section xt7pvm42vm49  


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' “An‘qunl “nation-1 Ofipm-iiinllyioi Emery’Ke-ilndsy Child”






 The K. N E. A. Journal

Offiwial Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association


VOLr XVIII March-April, 1947 N0. 2

Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 2230 West Chestnut Street
Louisville 11. Kentucky

w. Hr perry. in. Executive Secretory. Louisville, Managing Editor
w. o, Nuckolls. Providence. President of KJ‘LEoA.


c. B. Nuckolls. Ashland E. w. Whiteside, Paducah
Victor K. perry, Louisville Whitney M. Young. Lincoln Ridge
Published bimonthly during the school year
November, January, March and April


Membership in the KrNJElAl lncludes subscription to the Journal.
Rates of adverfising mailed on request.











K.N,E,A, Officers 2
Editorial Comment. .. 3
Announcements 5
Stale Educational Associations Officials Meet. 4
Louisville Teacher in Organ RecitaL. 5
Lincoln Institule Deeded to State 7
Misr Mr Li Copeland Plans Retirement. 7
Over's (he Editor's Desk. 8



Convention ngmm

 K.N.E.A. OFFICERS FOR 1946-1947
w. of Nuckolls, Presiden
Robert L. Dowery, First Vice-President
Elmer 0. David. Second Vice—President
w, H. perry, .Vr., Secretaryd‘reasure

w. or Nuckolls, President,,
C. )3. Nuckolls.
Victor K. Perry
E. w, WLiiteside.
Whitney M4 Young.


Edward T. Buford, High School and College Depamnen Bowling Green
Mayrne R. Morris, Elementary Education Department
M L. Copeland Rural School Department,
R L. Carpenter Music Department

B W Browne, Vocational Education Department
John v. Robinson, Principals’ Conference.
Beatrice C. Willie, Primary Teachers' Department
Anorma Beard, Youth Council
Hattie Figg Jackson, Art Teachers' Conference
G. w. Jackson, Social Science Teachers‘ Conference






Lincoln Ridge






. Louisville





Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference,.. . Danville
Jewell R, Jackson, English Teachers’ Conference Covington
C, Elizabeth Mundy, Librarians‘ Conference Louisville
W. L. Keen, Physical Education Department. .Louisvlllc
W. H. Craig, Guidance Workers’ Conference .Covington
A. J. Richardfi, Foreign Language Teachers' Conference Frankfort
William '1'. Davidson, Adult Education Conference. Louisville

1 Bettie C. Cox, Paduca‘h . First District Association
2 Lester G Mlmms, Earlington Second District Association
S—E. B McClaskey. Russellville. .Tllird District A‘sociatiorl
4—1/1. 1. Strong. Campbellsville. Fourth District Association
5—Elizabeth Wi Collins. Louisville Fifth District Association
6—P. L. Guthrie, Lexington Blue Grass Distrlct Association
77H. R. Merry, Covington Northern District Association
LE1 M, Kelly, Pike'ville Eastern District Association
9—J. A. Matthews. Benhsm pper Cumberland District Afsociation


l—E. T. Buford: High School and College Department, Prlnclpa‘ls‘ Con-
ference, Librmans’ Conference, Adult Education Department, Art
Teachers' Conference (Section 1), Music Department (Section ll.

ZrBeEtrice C. Willis: Elementary Education Department, Primary
Teachers' Conference, Art Teachers’ Conference (Section 2), Music
Department (Section 2).

3—6. W. Jackson: Social Science Teachera' Conference, Science TeacherS‘
Conference, English Teachers' Conference. Foreign Language
Teachers Conference, Physical Education Department,

4—W. 1-]. Craig: Guidance Workers’ Conference. Youth Council, Voca—
tional Education Depamnent, Rural School Department,












Editorial Comment





An amendment to the Constitution of the K. N. E. A., to increase the
membership fee from one dollar to three dollars will be voted on at the
coming convention The fact that 15% of those who have paid their fee
(up to the time of going to press — 115 out of 770) have voluntarily paid
the three dollar fee as sustaining members, suggests a general recognition that
the amendment should be approved.

The program of the Association merits the whole-hearted support of every
teacher. Its cost at operation has increased as the costs of items essential to
its operation have increased. There are many indications that our member-
ship wants the program now ,under way to he further developed. This means
increased expenditures-for research, lobbyists, dissemination of infoi‘matit'lnY
and particularly for developing the various departments. Our convention
speakers now render double service — on public programs and at group
sessions. Their contributions have been valuable.

Plans for the future provide for presentation of public programs varied,
cultural and practical in nature, and departmental programs guided by spe-
cilalzists in the respective fields.

The K. N. E. A has lewer potential members than its sister educational
associations. Those like Virginia, with a membership of 5,000, and a mem-
bership fee of $3.00; South Carolina, with a membership of 7,000 and a
membership fee of $2.00, and Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, also with large
teacher enrollments and fees not less than two dollars, have income of from
810,000 to $15,000 for the programs; some set an additional amount for sub-
scription to the educational journal. Kentucky has fewer than 1400 teach—
ers. The three dollar fee would give our association far less working capital
than many associations have but enough to provide a strong program for our


The Seventy-First Annual Convention of the Kentucky Negro Education
Association will meet in Louisville, Kentucky, April 16—19. Daytime sessions
will be held at the Madison Street Junior High School Building, Eighteenth
and Madison Streets Lunches will be served in the school cafeteria Eve-
ning sessions will be held at Quinn Chapel A. Mr E. Church, 912 West
Chestnut Street.

The annual election of officers will be held Friday, April 18, from 8:00
AM. until 5:00 PM. Presentation of membership card is necessary to se-
cure a ballot.

Candidates for elective office should notify the secretary by April 15,

in order that names may be placed on the ballot.
The annual Principals Banquet will be held at the Brock Building, Ninth
and Magazine Streets, at 5:00 RM. Thursday, April 17. Mr. J. A. Matthews,


 princi a] of llcnlmm High Sclmul, will Msru' m luluhnzulcr.

Tlu- Annual Spelling Comm “s11 lx- hold lwginning :u 10 no ML m
Ifmlln April 18, in room No. r1, Mudimn Smut Junior High School lmxlrl
ing, Xamcw of contc‘hmta, klmr “gm gnulv and mlmul 53mm“ slmuld {u-
. nt (luv . n-lzu'} no later than April 16. Mr. Tluvmlnrv R. [hm/2m, k-‘n-Iv-l
ul Englixlv at A um Sin-cl Junim’ High School. ix (Iiwciur of (luv comm
le mum! .m zuuuml 101mm- of the prugmm nf ihv Elmmmun Down.
mull. nl \vlucli Mr, .\lu_\mc R. Morris n clmnnun.

A matting ul (mu-Int“ of llzuulichle children “Ill lw lu-ld in mom ,\n
310 Frklxn'. April 18, u! 11:0u AM. Imcmn-d ppmm un- uniml.

A: llu- same 1mm, teacher, u! mutlwmntiw will mm in ruum \‘u. 30!), u.
ihc organiymnm uf ;\ wnferenm

l’t-rwms luuming mum-s m‘ tom-hm who luu‘ (lu'd .xim'n- Imr 1946 u»
\vnllun an 1d m \e‘ml tlu-m In Mr. C. A, Liggiu. 3011 “m Clucxmul
bin-M. Lnuiuilk cl ' immn of thy Cmnmim-L- nu ,\l nlng):

Dm‘ :0 (ln- shunugc ul .nzlihblc mun» in Loumillr. k A "H
lmw Imull' m) Arrangrnwnlx lur (lu‘ lmmi ul «when “Im (lull Jllt' l.
1:;qu lmvlwr who plans m ntlcml tlw com mun shank] unungr fur lndgin!














ln-fm'v mung,

WM __ __H ‘ h.
Keprese mm; of dam. . Iale Educational Associations meet u Len-nym-
College: Memphis. Tennener

A mnh-n-ncc of State Educufirm Awocakinn «J < .nk was lu-ld u! L‘
anv Cnllcgc anphh. Tennesq-(u on Sllmlzl}. rl'lwnmry Is, 19 ' Maw
klmn mire; penmw, roprmnung 11 mus, attended \\‘il mm 11, Pm}: w
mun. n-p 'nlctl llu' l\ .\ E, A, le Invding mm ('ulll'tl (0 Index I) .\I‘
1. 1k Puntt, spun-my ml the Virginia Amx |tlUn for Educmiun. Dr. Gm:
\\ Guru, In. N115!“ Iv. Tl'nll('.~,\(’l‘ \\ s ell-(ml n-mpnmn leinnun. '1
um-mh Im-lmlvd dumminn n! (u) inh-grumm 47f .\v;1ruu in the Nunow







 Education Association, (b) Federal Aid to Education Legislation now penda
ing in the Congress at Washington, (c) the minimum $2,400 salary per
teacher, (all improvement of working relations as associations, (e) support—
ing the American Teachers Association.

The group went on record as recommending a new interpretation of the
word THE in the N. E. A. constitution so as to include Negro state teachers
organiutions in the determination of state delegates for the N. E. A. delegate
assembly. A committee composed of Mr, Picott, Mr. 0. B. Cobbins, of Mis-
sippi, Mr. I. C. Parks, of Maryland, and Dr. Gore was appointed to confer
with N. E. A officials in Atlantic City during March. The group also went
on record as recommending that state organizations endeavor to secure rep-
resentation through the white associations and by means of the local asso~
ciations. Mr. Perry was appointed chairman of a committee to draw up a
statement of the philosophy of the group.

It was moved that endorsement be given Senate Bill as now written
with respect to Federal Aid and that our local organizations send telegrams
to Congressmen, if possible send representatives to Washington, and actively
publicize the bill in every practicable way,

The principle of adequate salaries was endorsed, and $2400.00 as a mini-
mum yearly saliuy for teachers in all states agreed on. It was stated that the
American Teachers Association should be more active with respect to public
relations, and the following suggestions made: (a) employment of a full
time public relations officer, (b) publishing the A. T. A. Bulletin regularly,
and (c) the employment of a full time secretary. Dr, Hr c. Trenllolm,
executive secretary of the A. T, A., was commended for the work he has done
through that office. There was an exchange of ideas among representatives
of the various state organizations, looking to closer cooperation and improve-
ment of the programs within the several states, particularly with regard to
publications and buildings.

It was finally decided that the group should fonn a permanent organiza-
tion as a part of the A. T. A. if possible, it not. as an independent organiza.
tion, The name, 'Conference of State Educational Association Officials’ was
chosen. Mr, J. n. Picott, of Virginia, was elected permanent chairman, and
Dr. G. W. Core, In, of Tennessee, permanent sodomy-treasurer. The newly
clected rem—etary-treosurer was instructd to get out a quarterly news letter
supplying information concerning acfivities in various states. A midsummer
meeting will be held in August, in connection with the A, T. A.,, and a mid-
winter meeting is scheduled for Louiiann, probnbly at Southern University,
next February.

Members of the Conference of State Teachers and Education Association
Officials will recall that at its first meeting held in Memphis, Tennesseee, on
February 16, it was unanimously decided that the matter at complete inte-
grntion in the National Education Association and other national activities
and programs be pushed with 311 possible vigor, Following these instructions,
a Committee (0, B, Cobbins, Jackson, Mississippi; G. W. Gore, Nashville,
Tennessee; and J. Rupert Picott, Richmond, Virginia) met at the Liberty
Hotel in Atlantic City on Tuesday, March 4, and made the proper contacts.

 As a result, we wish to offer the following sugges on



That every local, city or county group of at least Sl National Educa-
tional Association members in all the states immediately organiZe
themselves into a NEA chapter. This chapter should proceed at once
to apply for affil tion at a local group with the National Education
Association. Wri Mr. T. D. Martin, Director of Membership, Nae
tional Education Association. 1201 — 16th Street, N. W., Washington
6, D. c,, and announce your intentions to him Such a local group, .1
it hns 51 members is automatically entitled Ia one delegate at the
NEA which will he held this year in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 7-11,


Presidents and Executive Secretaries ol State Associations should int»
mediately eontntt their various white state associations as has been
done in Tennessee with the aim of having the two state associations in
a particular state to share the delegate quota which the NEA assign:
to a particular state. One delegate is allowed the state association for
every 500 NBA members a state,

Your ofiitiuls will push with all possible vigor the request for further
recognition and integration in the NEA and other national organiza-



Mr. VVl'llium ti. King, Must l3.. Mns. hl., University of lllinois, teacher at
Madison Street Junior High school, Louisville, was greeted by a large and
appreciative audience at his organ recital, given in Louisville Memorial Aw
dttorium on March 16,

The program included number» from Each to Purcell and from Sowexlq


 to Mulet (from the early German school of organ music to the modern
French school), Recognized critics commented favorably on his perform-
ance. Mrr King is a graduate of Central High School, Louisville, and was
recently elected to membership in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfania, honorary music
fraternity, being one of its three colored members.


Lincoln Institute, founded in 1912 as a private high school and iunior
college. was formally deeded, on March 26, to the State of Kentucky as a
state high school and teacher training laboratory tor Negroes. Built on land
purchased with money contributed by the late Andrew Carnegie, the school
was financed principally by endowments and private subscriptions Since
1939, the state has contributed funds, in return for which practice teacher
training ms given For the biennium 1946—47, $75,000 was provided an-
nually by the state for the operation of Lincoln Institute as a state high
school. Also, $100,000 was appropriated for rebuilding a dormitory de<
strayed by fire last year,

Lincoln Institute is an outgrowth of Berea College, established in 1867,
and attended by both and white and Negro studenB, but forced by the Day
Law, passed in 1904 requiring segrcgeation of races in educational institu-
tions, to release its Negro students Nearly 2,000 Negro youth of high
school age live in the 65 counties which Lincoln Institute serves as a State

boarding high school


News comes that Mrs. Mr L. Copeland, A. B, Kentucky State College.
M. A., Columbia University, who has served Kentucky schools for forty-four
years. and who is now Jeanes Supervisor, will retire on July 1. A life member
of the K N. E. A” and the American Teachers Association, she has been
very active in both organizations During the fifteen years she has served as
chairman of the Rural Department of the former organization, its develop-
ment and influence have been noteworthy. The Rural Department of the
American Teachers Association liltewise showed growth under her guidance

Mrs. Copeland has the distinction of having served in the Kentucky state
Department of Education longer than any other colored perm. As she
goes to her home in Hopkinsville to enjoy a well earned rest, and share the
companionship of Reverend Copeland, she may reflect on a worlt well done,
and know that she has the respect and goodwill of her friends in education

and in the stator

 Over the Editor’s Desk


S472, a bill to authorize the appropriation of iederal tunds to assist the
states and territories in financing a n-iininuni foundation program of public
elementary and secondary education and to assist in reducing the edumtional
in-equalities in the nation, wns introduced in the Senate on January 81, 1947,
5472 is supported by the National Education Association,

Chief provisions of the bill include:
(1) Federal aid to assist the states, where needed, to finance a $40-floor-
progmm per pupil irl average daily attendance, excluding expenditures
for interest, capital outlay, and debt retirement.

(2) Distribution of funds to the states in direct proportion to need and
effort, and in inverse proportion to financial ability

(3) Th ebil] authorized $150,000,000 the first year, $200,000,000 the sec-
ond, Ind thereafter $250,000,000 per year, The number of States
eligible for benefits will vary as economic conditions change

(4) Each minority racial group in each state is assured a proportion of
federal funds in an amount not less than the population ratio each
minority racial group in the state bears to the state’s total population.
The $40-flootrprogram applies uniformly

(5) The bill safeguards state educational controls in three ways:
(a) It makes no transfer of state educational controls to federal gov-

(b) It specifically and clearly prohibits the exercise of educational
controls by any federal agency, officer, or other representative.

(c) It prohibits any Agreement between any state and federal officials
which would in effect shift any measure of educational control
whatsoever from the states to federal govemmenl:

(e) Aid authorized by the act must supplement and not substitute for
state and local school dollars.

(7) Only those schools which are supported within is state by state and
local taxes can benefit under the act,

Mr. Theodore K Bailey, Head of the Department of Education at Ken-
tucky State College, has been appointed as the representative of the American
Teachers Association in Kentucky, to secure members for that organization,
the national association of colored teachers.


 The annual membership fee is only $1.00. A Life membership may be
obtained by a payment of $25.00, Fees may be sent directly to Mr, Bailey,
at to the Executive Secretary, President Hr C. Trenholm, State Teachers
College, Montgomery, Alabama. Mrs. Minnie ], Hitch, K. S. C., is secretary
of the Fourth Region, A.T.A. Every Kentucky teacher should .support the


The Kentucky Council for Interracial Cooperation recently adoptea a new
constitution, and became the Kentucky Division of the Southern Regional
Council. Its object and purposes are “to organize and maintain a Kentucky
Cuuncil for the improvement of economic, civic, and racial conditions in
Kentucky, in the endeavor to promote greater unity in Kentucky in all efforts
toward state and racial development" Officers include L M. Tydiogs, chair-
man; B. B. Atwood, vice-chairman; Mus. Hortense Young, secretary; Direc-
tors, Frank Stanley, Mrsr Lucy Harth Smith, Whitney M, Young; Advisory
Director, w. Hr Perry, Jr.



The Domestic Life and

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22 Years of Satisfactory Service


Has Purchased $1,000,000 Government Bonds
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w. Li SANDERS, President .1. Er SMITH, Vice-President
n D. TERRY, Secretary and Agency Director







Prlllclpal. Colnl'ed Depaflmbnti
Kentucky School {or the Blind


And God said, let there be light:
and there was light, Genesis: 14;


The problems of the VlSUALLY HANDICAPPED child are many and
complex, and the dominant thought in my mind at the present. is whether or
not I can find adequate words in my meagre vocabulary to bring the prob
lems and struggles of the visually handicapped child into the homes and
hearts of the Negro citizens of the State of Kentucky.

In the first place, the visually handicapped are a very small minority
group in every state and they are lost in the large groups, for which the major
part of the welfare programs are planned The most difficult group to deal
with will usually be neglected until last and often forgotten, This is the
plight of the visually handicapped children of our state. It is hue that the
present appropriations are inadequate to provide for a full and extended
program, but this need is dwarfed by the need of genuine interest on the
part of all persons who are interested in educationl opportunities for all, and
the failure to use their influence and knowledge to aid in screening the
children in our school and camrnunififl, so as, to place ‘them in the educa-
tional environment suited to their needsr

The Colored Department of the Kentucky School for the Blind was es-
tablished in 1884, and since that time it has been primarily supported by the
state. It is interesting to observe that this institution has brought into useful
employment 3 number of blind persons who formerly were thought to be
nnemployable. The success that has been achieved by the few pupils who
have been enrolled in the Kentucky School for the Blind throughout the years
should have served as a challenge and incentive to others, but despite this


 commendable service we have allowed ourselves to become short—sighted to
such an extent that our institution for the visually handicapped has failed
to keep abreast with the many social and economical changes throughout the
years, and consequently we find that the institution has retrogressed-to an
alarming stage, with a present enrollment of eleven (11) pupils. This small
enrollment can largely be traced to the existence of the following conditions:
( 1) tailure to inform the public of the existence of a state institution, (2) the
lack of contact with other educational institutions and their leaders, (3) the
failure to acquaint the public with the purposes and aims of the institution,
and (4) the lack of a unified and effective effort on the part of our workers

It is difficult to draw a distinct line of demarcation between the two
groups of visually handicapped children who require the type of education
provided in the schools tor the blind, and those who can progress with the
aid of special equipment such as is provided in classes for particularly seeing
children, In the first group luust be included not only those totally blind
but those having such exceedingly low vision that they must be considered
educationally blind and who, although able to see to a limited extend must
use their sense of truth rather than that of sight as the chief avenue of educa-
tional approach to the brain.

Pages could be written in regard to our problems and needs, but these are
surpassed by the need of a representative enrollment, which means that a
uniiied effort must be made to find the children of school age who are quali—
fied for enrollment and to encourage their parents to place them in the first}
tution that has been established to give them the educational opportunities
and training that they deserve There is a great need for sincere and genuine
interest on the part of our educational, civic, and social leaders throughout
the State of Kentucky. Without this interest our noble, but feeble efforts
to provide adequate educational opportunities and economical independence
for the visuallly handicapped children of this state will be sadly lacking in
force and results.

It grieves me no little to labor under the knowledge, that there are par-
ents of visually handicapped children in this state who through the lack of
understanding or interest are permitting their child or children to grow up
to lead a life of idleness, despondencoy, and dependency; to loiter on the
community streets and beside theatre ticket booths with a (mp in their hands,
and die familiar and monotonous cry on their lips, “Help the Blind." It ap-
pears to me that a word of encouragement and a few mommts of our time to
direct the attention of the parents of visually handicapped children toward
the institution that has been established, and equipped with special facilities
and trained teachers, to help them to become usetul and economically inde-
pendent in the society in which they live, is worth far more to the child, the
race, and the nation than an occasional nickel or dime in a tin cup.

Due to the fact that there are no funds available to employe a Special Soc
cial Worker for the Blind and the scarcity of clinics to provide free medical
earninaxtjons and treatments for the prevention of blindness, I hereby, make
an appeal that some person or organization in each area in the state, particu-
larly in smaller cities and communities take steps to develop a community
interest in the visually handicapped. Such organizations must present to the
public, to the best of their knowledge the importance of taking advantage of
the opportunities placed at their disposal tor the training and education of


 the visually handicapped child, so that the public can intelligently understand
and aid the programr
The obstacles that have hindered the development of a representative ens

rollment are numerous, but there are two which I consider the most prom.
inent, namely, the protective parental attitude of the parents and their reluct-
ance to give their consent to place their child in an institution far from
their immediate locality and the fact that some parents are under the im-
pression if their child enters the school for the blind, the A N. B. (Aid for
the Needy Blind) will discontinue its welfare compensation. Please permit
me to pass on to those concerned, the information that welfare compensation
for the blind is based primarily upon two factors: (I) the degree of vision,
and (2) the financial needs of the family.

I would also like to call your attention to the fact that any child in the
State of Kentucky whose sight is so impaired that he or she is unable to be
educated in the public schools, vn'thin the ages of five and eighteen years,
may be admitted to the Kentucky School for the Blind, provided such child
is in good health and of sound mind. There is no charge for tution, board,
laundry, books, or medical attention, but parents are expected to provide
clothing and to pay {or or provide transportation to and from school The
school session begins the second week of September and closes the second
week of June. The children return to their homes for all holidays and sum»
mer vacations. The students are offered vocational and musical training
along with their academic courses.

For further infomlation write to the Principal of the Kentucky School for
the Blind, Colored Department, 260 l-lrldomun Avenue, Louisville e, Ky.


Business courses offered in Kentucky Negro high schools is the subject
of a survey being conducted by Mr. James L. Stuart of the Kentucky State
College Department of Business Administration under fire sponsorship of the
Council on Special Studies at the college

Mr. Stuart is attempting to determine the types of courses offered, the
preparation and number of teachers involved, the equipment available, and
the future plans of the various schools in this field, In addition to those
strictly vocational courses preparatory to a career in business, the survey is
also interesting itself in such general courses or‘ units of study as would us-
sist low-income Negroes in the most economical use of their wages.

High school principals to whom the questionnaires have been send are
playing a vital role in assisting Mr. Stuart in obtaining complete coverage of
the Negro schoolsr Traditionally a low-income group the Negro can actually
increase the value of his income by its wise use, Mr. Stuart maintains The
current study is an attempt to determine what the high schools are doing
and can do to meet this need.

“Increase the economic literacy of the Negro” is the basic long term goal
toward which this survey is but a first step. Mr. Stuart is a graduate of
Hampton Institute and has received his masters degree from Boston University.



Who’s Who On the Convention Program



MR. CLIFFORD J, CAMPBELL, Director, Dunbar Trade School, Clue
cage, Illinois, Bron in Washington, D. C.; Product of the Public Schools of
Washington, D. c.; 11.5, in Architectural Engineering, Chicago Technical Col-
lege; MA in Education, School of Administration and Organization, North-
western University, Evanston, Illinois; five years experience in the practice of
Architectural Engineering; fifteen years experience in Education, five of
which have been served as Director of Dunbar Trade School, Special Con-
sultant to the Regional Director of the U, 5. Veterans Administration, Mem-
ber of the Board of Directors, Wabash Avenue Young Men’s Christian Asso-
ciation; Member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Chicago Alumni Chapter.
Guest Lecturer, Northwestern University.

MRSr HELEN A. WHITING, Specialist in Rural Education, Atlanta
University. Atlanta, Georgia, B. S. and M. A., Columbia University. Special
Study at New York University, Chicago University, Iowa University. Assistant
in Teacher Education, Hampton Institute; Supervisor of Practice Teachin«,
Tuskegee Institute; formerly Supervisor of City Elmentary Schools. Charlotte,
N, Ci; formerly National Chairman Elementary Section of National confer-
ence on (1) Fundamental Problems at Negro Education, (2) Rural Stern/t.
ties, Department of American Teachers Association. Has contributed articles
and chapters to outstanding national educational ioumals; Author of several
educational publications, Guest editor of Phi Delta Kappa Sorority,

DRr REID E4 JACKSON, Director of Educational Research, Wilberforce
University Graduate of Central High School, Louisville, Kentucky; A. B,,
M. A,, Wilberforce University; PH. D., Ohio State University; formerly



tenchcr. Jockmn Strt-ct nod t‘hldisnn Strcct Junior High Schools, Loni. ille,
Ftinnerlv i tructur, Etlwin‘d \Vuters, Morgan, West Virginia Sink-c
nnd Longston Univc ties. Formerly Editor. ”The Sphinx," official publica-
tion ot the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.

DR. AUSTIN A. CURTIS, JR., Detroit. Michigan. Chm-st cn-worker of
George Washington Carver during hi lifetime; now proprirtm ot the A. w.
Curtis lnhorotory in Dctrnit, manufacturing beauty preparations derived Clliefr
1y iron the promo. iiis ‘ ihtt iirst xcgro scientific lnhorntory of o wide ex-
perimentnl nnture; emplq. a . f of st) ngcnts selling the products of h,
lnhoratory. More than 100 drug in Michigan hnndlc his products; their
rnriil orders are intrcasing. He i> continuing successfully the experiments on
peanuts licgun by Can-er.

WHITNEY M. Youh , Lincoln Institute, Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky.
Grndnnte of Lincoln Institutt; B. s. from Lrn iwille Municipnl College; M. A.
from Fisk Universit specinl training in Engineering, Cliicngo, Illnoio. E 1»
union director of Lincoln Institute; Director ot’ thc K.N.E.A.; iormer Presir
dent of thc Bluci, us District Education Association; first Negro to serve as
Assistant stiperxisor of Education, Statt- Dcportmcnt of Erlucntion, Kentucky.

ROGER DEEYF‘USS, Portrimrl’rince, Hriiti. Obtained I" French Bucca-
laurcnte rlcgrcc, 19 Civil Engineer diploma in 1 6; M. A., Columbia
University, iii - studied .rt Yilc University on a strolarsllip in 1935-1939,
nod was appointed by the government of lLuti as Director of Edn tion in
thnt country. Also tought French, English. and Spanish in the Haitian schools
own “Commercinl College" where he was n pioneer in a new method
oi tenc ng quickly French languages. He .‘ now pit-poring n