xt7pvm42vg8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vg8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-06-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1979 1979 1979-06-14 2020 true xt7pvm42vg8f section xt7pvm42vg8f Vol. LXXI. No. 157 K2] 2] Unlvenlty or Kentucky
Thursday. Jum "' ”79 In independent student newspaper Lexington. “mt“‘h!
~ _ -*
’ ‘ Drenno appoi ted Actin Doe

I . h C I I - I Fit-Ti:- ‘ i Ali‘s V. T\

in t e O ege of Communications
Dr. Herbert [)rcnnon. political science Human Communication the twodnisions of ' t ’ fl 8:

professor and Associate Dean of special tht‘ College ”I. Communications. ‘ g It '3 ,_ ~
programs for Arts and Sciences. has been When asked how he planned to handle the fl ¥$ at i! " -

aPPOInted Acting Dean of the College of problems “0“ existing in the COHCBC- [)rennon “ It a fl " 9‘
Communications. said. “listen and learn. and then operate on the _ l! v ‘ i ll 53'
Drennon. who offically begins his duties as assumption that every ““9 shares 3 common -. {I hi it . ‘: s:
dean on July I. replaces l)r. Ramona Rush who concern t“ WWIW any problems dhd ”10W y I! h. n 3 .N
held the position of dean for two )‘ears‘. ahead." ‘ g 31‘“ T'
I). "d h' h hh' . ...' . 3‘» :«fl

, Rush. who resigned as dean last month said - rennon W 1- dtf roug IT conversations ' H ’ fl ‘1‘“
her resi nation was rom ted by a decisitm if with the colleges faculty. h? has found the T u“ y ‘
th ‘ ’1ng . d .“.p . p — ’ I. ‘ ‘ biggest concern to be needs of the students, ‘ ‘ ssi“~»§

T . T ntlnlstrdt'on . l0 he l [.hL “Everyone has expressed a particular concern " »' ¥ S!
communications faculty recruiting effort. She that the highest priority in the college is the . 3...... 'é‘h: god
was quoted as saying sht‘ “lie lCd upw'ithtrying programmatic continuity of the students." he \\ ,i W T' W
to put together a viable College of said. Ts Ess“\§ \\ S? 332$... .
( ommunications, He said he sees his role as dean as more “a TT“ CT: \ ‘\§ fifT’T‘.

RUsh's resignation. which came about after a question of management rather than building a 1*“. \“\ § § \‘33 ‘e. finite
lengthy period of unrest among’ihe college new program." TS T§ Ts TTT ls‘T ST ST" :2:
facult)‘ members. followed a letter. endorsed by "I perceive the immediate problems to be T‘ I T‘* w is 1: f f .i i;

' In of the college‘s 20 full—time faculty members. operational problems. SUCh as space and g1 -. T if $§§T§Tw€j
expressing a lack of confidence in the dean, PUM’WWI problems." Drennon said, "I think the T 5 ”$5?" WT”

’ Another problem know'ntoexist inthe college main objective is to keep the “”1ch Ti; \' r. \ s»? s ' k

. is friction between faculty members in the operational." . . ‘ 5.“ s3 "3': "‘7‘“ i T” 2 “T: I

_- School of Journalism and the Department of (ontinued on page T " % {M £1 ‘\ . ix-..h“‘:w~- .

. . . ~ .gw . l 'l rm. -

. Nat/anal cancer director praises - . .g. t ._ let -- «so

i N k 5* ‘ -_ » ‘ ‘ we .. _- c .

McDowell Cancer etwor .,

' B TERESA YOUNG conference last Friday. ofbeingapproved byCongress. L I. h
Stiff Writer “Kentucky is showing The President is asking for unar '9 ts

leadership." $937 million (in cancer funds). 7

Dr. Arthur C. Upton. M.D., He said the local network is but Congress appears to be The full moon shining over the Classroom Building unveiled

' director of the National Cancer still in an early stage — too suggesting a little more. an eerie scene recently as I row of vacated mail trucks made ‘

Institute, has nothing but early know what type Of effect “We can hope that the the surrounding are. look hgunted - but not to [7K .
praise for the Ephraim it Will have. budget Will keep up With the students who were enjoying it vacation from eIIsses until .> ' -

, McDowell Community Cancer “1 am confident on the basis cost ofliving increase." he said. todgy, 1:

Network located on UK‘s of what has already happened Upton said that cancer. ‘. ~

“ campus. here (at the cancer network) which is the second leading Although some research is to smoke. finding WBXS t0 '1. .. .

' ”I think what this state is that the level of support from cause of death in America. is being done on the inherited decrease the effect of tOXICs in 1; .

. doing (in the cancer research the federal government will caused by two main factors —— factors, Upton stressed the tobacco and restricting the use '_ , .

‘. and treatment field) is highly sustain and will increase." those influencing the body importance of conducting 0f carcinogenic chemicals are 5 '
innovative and imaginative." “Presently." Upton said.“the from the outside and inherited research on the outside factors. ways to cm down the “5“ 0t " .
said Upton during a press I980 budget is in its final stages factors. Influencing young people not Continued on page 6 2 _

- S t t d - es . Top/cs for drscussron at '

' .
By TERESA YOUNG discuss the structure of the could vote in temporary graduate students from said that they didn‘t hflVC “the -‘ ‘-
Staff Writer graduate student union which officers for the group. Lyle increasing or work out some experience to ChOOSC an . ' »
- disbanded in the early 70‘s. said. However. this will not be type of “refund" for them. thCCtiVC tOPiC for composi- '?
. . “Dean Gallaher was very decided until the meeting. she The catalyst which led the tiOfl-"(KIMCL Apri123. [979). .1, .. . '
Graduate representatives helpful in telling us what the said. graduate students to form a He banned Henry Millers ;
from I4 UK departments will old organization did and how it “We may also discuss the union were comments made by Block Spring and WIhlam : ' '
meet tomorrow to adopt a worked." Lyle said. She said issues we want to deal With." Dr Joesph Bryant English Faulkner‘s Ulht in Atlltflt :.
working structure for the new that she thought the majority of Lyle said. “Right now we want chairman last s rin ' from freshmen EHSIISh courses i. .
‘ ' graduate student union graduate students were to rank the issuesand dealwith ‘ p 8‘ after the parent 0t 8 StUdCHt f .
organization. Vicki Lyle. satisfied with the structure of the most important first." Bryant said that the English complained about the sexual 3 .
2 English Graduate Student the old organization and would One issue that may be teaching assistants for the passases in the Mill" hOOk- J . ‘
Organization president. said. vote to adopt the former by- discussed will betheincreasein English l05 sections were "too The student was in a class
; Ten graduate students laws. out-of-state tuition. She said immature” to teach. lacked taught by Betty Jean Gooch,a
recently met with Arts & The executive ad hoc the graduate students would proper judgment “to decide a former English teaching . -
: Sciences Dean Art Gallaher to committeeofgraduatestudents like to keep the tuition for book for their courses” and assistant. ' ‘
*- 3
it ’ i i V ' . V . ' h ' i . . V

 ‘ . . . _ ._ _ . t. I ‘ I. ..,. .- ..l_ - .. . t... . .' -. . a .
2-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. 'l‘liunduy. June 14. 1979 . .
I I , .
UK students losmg friend usy wee over or - er S
W pmf S retlrement By TERESA YOUNG 5" gap. . ,1?” "ii "i .
l r h th ht f 5“" Writ" is.» «r - its: 3
. I n‘ act, t e . oug. o ~ . _ t
P! ch HAMBI‘RG catching up on his reading IS A 630 th' m r in 824 f, f: . i ’ :le :is‘iig.‘ "r
5”” "m one of the reasons Black is [h ‘ ll (:5 o c: nofg‘UK‘s ' i - . -. .2 ' . . .‘
. ‘0 , f d mia looking forward to retire- yout 5 r0 e u . b . . $ t‘ " _“ :5" f
After-Bl)eakrS(;18€a: t" ment campus to go hometired— tut . . » . __ - .- - § .. . .
. t t en 5 ' . _ ‘ «s1 = g or" .5 .j , r
2.2.522. milimfirixmn Her-rs: camm UK m m: :gghnxafimmms ~;. . a» ;. fie
_ . - i as an undergraduate majoring . . ,' .~ ' s. 1 Q“ ..~,. '1
thhzurfffimer professor of in Journalism. However. the Com]: 1:1"ch ,fgLfirngfii i ism “‘ i ‘ it;
E l *h and assistant dean of SIS-a-week newspaperjobs of K tguck 8Coo crative : . gigs '- " ' ’.
Angis d Sciences said that he the Depressm" confine“ E etn ' glervice hive hosted « \“N ......_..¥e~ a“ . ' r
harsiZii'oved his colleagues him that Journalism wasn‘t th: engizgrin of to 441ch m;- «was .- . . . ‘-
and hlSJCareer blil added that ev'egythindgdit wtfsdcracked Up fromgthrougfiout thep state at . ar- . _._ *3 . is ~. is = I ‘W
. ' to go into '.. {1‘}: N Elixijzgg "959* f 1‘ " $2.: 4' ~...:S. ' .
he is readv for the change. He to i d" _ 66' ii UK. .1“, £- - _ - ». ~» .- .. ~ ~. »
said that. one advantage of the field 0' .Engl'Sh‘ . Dennis Goodman .4—H :yask & .g ' 7 , it?“ t ~. ,
retirement “i“ be ""0‘ living “gm Ithaht [lthelinl)Bl§Ck\:al:je‘ Week coordinator. said the ““3? i . S g: .7,» i. '
. » , » l' . .ng IS . . s 'e . . . 3,! . geek" . ‘3...“ _ 1 L
:33: 2de dcffargeurlfi 91:13: relatively rare and they could 32ine0biszirvczociphnci 538mg? g - is F! -.- 3.2.1. . a j .‘ fig; » .V':
dars.“ ircsfietakom “me the” own leadership. citizenship. social {s 33‘ 3" ',_ Z. } .
theaugi°:?:3‘rdn;iort\9 ofahis After attending UK' Black :ekliiltliznsiiing" 'nlcrpcr anal ’ - ‘5‘) i. . i . 7 5;.-
renremem if m': grading is"? ‘ghflag'agd 323:3; comma? who has been 4 - A. says ' .. ' . .. § :; ,
7.. receive IS as ers r l . . . g a t. e , 4
pairirsiom Black became “’40- ”e ”‘6" ”med ”‘6 33;“;‘5. w::rs4-:idw:::t fr: :- - ' .391: if ii i “i" ‘ ' i, .
assistant de a n of Arts and service. vvhere (according to thought "is year‘s 4-H Week § \.syqs “a t 3
. Sciences because. as he saw. fibek)‘ 2° Eta" tithebeci'nosm was one of the best ever. He I i i ' By BILL BELL/ Kernel Staff 3
.. .. - in sst e o a . . .
thley told me is). ThTJOb “as civilian". g salgltlhat Even Witifi in finer?“ 4-H leaders follow the bouncing (earth) ball
on y suppose to as! one . .- . . _ 0 Int ecosto t e our ay _
year. but the administration h.Het.59iiilj_ h'imf'm dutiesta‘: conference. the' number conference. who ranged from the week. were. elected \ ‘
never asked him to leave the [M'TTC'H'afn _“ere_ O a‘ssis participating was up signifi- 12 to l9 years-old. were yesterday morning and
posrtion. . -d- - Dr‘s???” '" [fsé'f‘g cantly compared to last year. accompanied by l25 county installed last night during the
He said the work has been :qnuipmrgrii iii lilbiifla ra ‘1 r “it shows the kids still care extension agents and leaders inaugural banquet and ball.
' 4 ' . ‘ - —- and st ed 'n K'rwan and . . .
m .. ' .
betpvteen agdministratitin and Campbellsville native began he said. g ‘ Ten delegates from Ohio. State 4-H Fashion revenue. ;
teaching can betiring andthe work On his Ph‘D' at The theme of this year‘s Indiana. Virginia, West From. the 1.30 delegates that, , ‘
- . ‘ Michigan. and in 1948 took a .. . - - ~ Parnelpated in the style show.
regular office hours meanyou , h’ _ _ , l‘K conference was 441. What A Virginia and Tennesse were ten state finalists were ‘ck d
can‘t go fishing.“ ”dc, mg pomm," ‘" ' Difference You‘ve Made in My guests of the conference. They ‘ . P' e ’
After retirement this vear. While ‘mChmg here. he Life “ Dr Hope Daugherty Shared ideas and plans from Tuesday night and one ofthese
Black plans to "plav around completed h” d'“c”i°n 4 WH leader with the US: their states. as well as gaining M” be "F‘m‘d, 1? represent 5
{Ofasemcsit‘fland géIEOOG 1“ concerning Shakepmrc.” mic Department of Agriculture‘s ideas from the Kentucky 4 ~ Kentucky m a i-National Revue '\
loafing ~- He \ald he will in the writing of Sir 'Ihomm Science and Education Hers. m Chicago during National 4- ‘
practice loafing b} fishing. ”“7” Black ”“1 thatth‘etried Administration, spoke to the One of the highlights of the H Congress. t
gardening and continuing his ‘9 51.10“ that fhdkewedri delegates on this theme last week was election of the new Almost all delegates . -
reading on the Elizabethan “m“ ””5 hfif‘dr‘g 33d £0236 Monday night. state officers. The candidates. attended workshops put on by
A e. on inue p g The youths attending the who campaigned throughout Continued on P389 3
Rape CfiSiS C9 to H . . e I I
By TERESA YOUNG personal counseling to any between the hours or '0 P-m- assailants may be someone in Rice said. i
Staff Writer victim of rape. sexual and l am. your own family or even your “Regardless of what ' _ ~
harrassment or abuse. “This will be a service to newspaper deliverer. happens we 80 on the _ S. . -.
“It is notapleasant thing to A referral service is also women who are out late at She 3'50 said that many assumption that the woman '_ ‘ -
consider. but every woman isa offered; counselors can refer night and do not have an rapes are planned. The victim has been raped if she says she '
potential rape victim. One out victims to other agencies, the escort,” Rice said. The Center may not always be selected has been raped.“ she said. At = . 1 .
of every l5 twomen will be police. or lawyers. . is looking for volunteers who beforehand. but .many least two counselors will meet .
raped according to the FBI.“ Through the Community can prowde transportation one assailants dectde they will rape with the Center‘s clients at the . - .
' Susan Rice, director . of Education program. local night a week. . someone at a certain time. hospitalafter the rape has been y ' i.
Lexington‘s Rape CrlSls groups and clubs can contact There Will be an organiza- College girls are more reported to give moral support
Center. said. the Center and members will' tional meeting for the escort available (to assailants) to the victims. _ ‘ ‘ >
Last year. the Centerworked come and speak about service June 27 at 7 p.m. because they are less prone to If h d 'd ' ‘.
with over one hundred rape programs dealing with any Interested people can contact take precautions." Rice said. ' ewoman eci‘estogoto ' .' .
victims. “In I978 we had overa topic selected by the group. The the center for more informa- “They often are out late at night court. the Center w‘" SUPP?" _ .
hundred reported rapes,” she subjects range from rape tion on the meetingat 253-26l5 by themselves and are not hert throughout tlhh entire - . ' ,
said.“buttherearebetween 500 prevention to sexual harrass- between 9 am. and 5 p.m. prepared to fight the rapist." sessmn and cougse 9; is," > , .
to l000 rapes that go ment on the job. Monday through Friday. She said women ShOUid call ”1.: tntal‘tstover. ice 58‘ ’ e ‘ - * ' ' _
unreported (each year).” Anyone interested in having The main topic at the the Center With any type of tltitinkitistmportant t.° suppolrt ’ .’ - '
Anyone who has been the a program Presented can meetingwillbewhatformatthe problem, no "18“" how t c woma: cfintinuous y .' "
victim of sexual harassment — contact Rice at 253-26l5. escort service will use. “Right insignificant it may appear to because shenast c courage to - .
whether it is rape or obscene Rice said the Center is now we are looking at other the victim. If a woman is 8° ‘0 court. - ‘ -
phone calls »— can call the developing a new program cities' escort programs," Rice receiving obscene phone calls. Rice said that the Center 1
Center's crisis line. 253-25l l. which will aid women said. “and deciding which ones or has been flashed. harrassed, encourages women to go ahead 7 '
The Center offers several attending UK by providing a we want to use to pattern ours abused. raped or has problems and report rapes and sexual > . ’ .
different services to local women‘s escort service. by." with her boyfriend she can call assaults. “Anything that -' .
women, such as the Crisis Tentative plans call for the A large number of rape the Center for help. violates a woman‘s space and ‘
Intervention program which program to provide transporta— victims know their assailants, All first contacts at the Rape integrity, WC COHSidCT an , '-
. offers both telephone and tion to women on campus she said. adding that the CTiSiS Center are anonymous, assault.” . . '
. 3 '5
- ~m.m..__,..-..-w~-«.v.-....Mw-.-~ ~ .-. —-- 4...-.. --. V.,-,..._..~V-...-...,...,...‘... . ,., .. ..‘..... . M... m. ..-.... M . .. .. - ._.... .,-. ... "up . . . -, _. ... _., ,-.__.__ ”*WW” ,_,. _ _, f ;,._. . . it“; ‘ .

 l ' ' é
' THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. ThuMay. June l4, 1979-3
. I
' Youths leave With new Ideas ~~ W,
. , ,y 1) CONTROLLER-
; ‘ ,1 // Salary open
Continued from Page 2 educational experiences which that you can keep for a life ‘ fl/Mfl 2.) 'NDUSTR'AL ENGR‘
: 4-H specialists and extensron lead to greater opportunties in time. It is an experience that ,1! M V To 171,00 '
\ ' agents. The topics of these the future." ‘ you will never forget." said f 3) OFFICE ASST.-
workshops ranged from “It isachance to meet people former 4~~er state secretary 600d typing, "‘3
1 “Getting High on Life" to “Sex and make friends 7 friends and UKjunior Suzanne Ryan. 181 N MIII St :2;?33ndka plus
1 Roles." ~ w -
Besides the meetings. ' . 4) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
workshops and assemblies. the vw ‘CBUGQQ OWNERS SUI'O 7'8 gl—ESTgO 00
- delegates did have some ' o "
; recreation; They amended two L9X., Ky. 40507:) PURCHASING spor-
dances and participated in “4 __, ’ " j . ' h _ 1,3;00 month Great
7"1 H Superstars,“an afternoon of _ « m1! ) ’ (606) 254 0586 Beginner Spot in Industry
track and goofy gamesin which "1"" 3‘“ ‘5 i- ‘ ‘ ~.
g the 4,,Hers competed for «g a» ”We, ; i» j . wfi'm,‘ ) Our Hottest Openlnge WIII Be Lleted Weekly
{3 awards. ‘ ® _ “ A 1 "
{.1;r Steve Whitaker. state flff'flgq,‘{v'“‘ ‘J
president of 4-H. said the week ’ A
1 was planned by the state é ~ '; \u I, (.., FISH BOWL BEST PETS
> officers. 36 teen council [3i 1; “‘ 2:374:— g
_j delegates and state extension ( '- bifotfeet Wax QC Cat and Dog Supplies
if . staffers. ‘ ‘ ‘5 '1'. gix‘d“;
c' Marlene Kallop. a teen ‘5.“ , 7 0" = .\ K3524”? Blrds
council delegate and UK 1 ' i @;
sophomore, said. “The most weglvevw owners _' Marlne & Troplcal FIBh
Important aspect of 4-1 H .
Week is having 4~Hers from UP ‘0 $1,000 and afree custom Small Anlma|s and SUPPHGS
a” ”‘3 90""‘y5 '" ‘he We point [ob lust for having ogood time.
- 6 together in one place to share FISH BOWL BEST PETS
E d You ve probably seen BEETLEBOARDS featured on
60~Minutes or the ABC~TV and NBC-TV National News GARDENSIDE PLAZA
z PrOf name We re the people who have transformed over 9000 0 0 (OFF VERSAILLES)
VW Bugs like yours into custom painted supergrdph-
f as new dean ically decaled BEETLEBOARDS‘ O ’77'°°°3
‘, (‘ontinued from page I Now here 3 yOur opportunity to become a member of Q;- v— JV
3 . , the wo.-ld s most unique international car club and “:17
‘ Drennon. who has been at receive over $1 000 in cash and merchandise vdlLlE-S' «‘
UK for 28 years. said his If you have 1 WV Btg or 9 iper Beetle n( m it
. . - , ' i l e L a A a i {1 er
prewous posmons as professor what year or mileage. and minimum state auto :nsur ,
and Assomate Dean of Arts ancecallthe BEETLEBOARDS24rhourtollfree mum
and Sciences will be helpful In ber for more information' a O, "Na. - ,
his upcoming role. ‘Cas'mm‘ Me'°“a"°'5° f “"‘ \‘E
i “Being a professor and _Call now—There are limited BEETLEBOARD openings T.\ .. \
associate dean helps to keep "1 VOU' area. 11-. ,y .- - ; .
you aware of what the real ' , ‘41; i‘
' problems of the student are." MM 1
Drennon said. Call toll tree 24 hours 7 days a week I fig r x
: According to Ray Horn- _ ~ g. ;_ 9
' back. of University Relations. (800) 528 6050 EXI' 306° , f’ ‘ ;
. said the appointment of fit 1
V l Drennon is not offical until the w _ «I ~ -
; UK Board Of TFUSICCS meeting lhc A't'muv/t l' kernel. 2“) Journalism Budding. _ {I/K -
at the end 0f thI;S month. l'nixersity of Kentucky. Lexington. K}. 40506. is published “‘1 '
, He said that in addition to each class da) during the spring and fall scnk‘stcrs and WE M I
i the appomtment 0f prcnnon, weekly during the summer session, ‘
' the president‘s; office ‘7'" Third class postage paid at l.cx1ngton. Kentucky . 405” m _
; - ; establishacommltlec t0 I’CVICW Subscription rates are mailed $5 per )car or one cent per
. ' the status of the college and year mm mailed. m6
, make recommendations to his Jim (‘leveland
i ‘ ~ office. The committee is Production .llgr. m ;
y ; . expected to complete their Anthony Gray Lynda Wilson “ W
' 1 . evaluation sometime m the fall sir/running Dirm'mr Hit/V. l’rm/m Hun .llgr m
i ' ”mew IN THE BORN
1 an “Furniture Is our Mlddle Name" Tom.
' ’ 1032 Melaun Drlve
- N‘ Ch to be better
i \ With Ihll Ad 0, o gigginnerlgrs :oCUhicken Fiiet Dinner
. ' so per cent OFF ‘ or 0 Shrimp Dimezj;%o°m:'ggse'se ‘
' , . ‘ Flnt Month'e Rentl 0" "‘9 "‘em‘ 9
i ' ‘ a . - ’ Option to Purchase 5 V‘ IU_:1‘ '
. , . 1 , 7 1. —_—— flaw-“l; . an E. Reynaldo ne.
‘1 x ‘ 3 . MOW-F" 9'51”!” m ' 4;.le ‘ -. ll 7 1 Block Behind Derryl'e
‘ k .. -- ~ _. .‘g'f: Sat. 10-29-"1- i “-4 l 5.5. : - Lexlngton. Ky.
: ‘2 ~ ‘ ** 259-0476 ,\ ‘L /-i' °§ l 273-1111
' V " fi . «‘9‘ ” 259-0477 1\ ' DRIVE-THRU SERVICE
. a, _.__.
. ; { M. a;F Take Georgetown Pk. . 0’s
4 away from town. Right
. Niki at tirst light pest Gay's?!“ '
. Parkette Drive-In
_ - i 5 ‘ ;
“:3. _ _ .
’1; ‘ ‘ . . “WWW . 1 , ,
‘; - ‘ ; H ; . . " "‘ "";"",'"‘~~~--~--- o:w';.-,.n... ..-. . . < ; . ;
i . ' , ' _ ' i . '1 , '~ : 1. ~ ‘ . . ‘ ; u 7

 ‘ U KY .
KENT C Jay Fossell Sail Tarhan Teresa Young
Editor Entertainment Editor
Jay Hamburg
Debbie .Mt‘[)am'el Gary Lenders P013." (00" i
. Managing Editor Photo Editor " 5
editorials 8: comments 5...” wmm
appeared in over 200 films. his role in a certain picture. never worked. John Wayne has been ‘
commanmry Among [hem wcrc such classics They never cvcn spoke of I've laughed at him during around for a long time. He was .4" .
B SAlT TARHAN as Stagecoach, Red River and him as if he was a real person. his unbelievable movies for both a man and a myth. butthe
All Ind Entcmmmm Ed] The Green Berets. ln I969, He was rough, tough. pure and being unbelievably trite ~ 2! man is now gone. What will we 7;
l onl had one toy] in and Wayne won an Academy strong — but with a heart of living, breathing stereotype. do when we need that strong 1*;
holster get asa kid andgl played Award for best actor for his gold. He was always “the But I‘ve always liked him. I‘ve image to turn to ina moment of g: .
with it twice lth'ink beforel performance in TrueGrltasthe greatest.“ And I never always secretly wished for crisis? Who will represent 'i'J '
put it away iriacloset‘to gather irascible Rooster Cogburn. questioned it. I just accepted someone like him tobereal for America {0" US? National
dust with other toys that didn‘t His final film. in I975, was The the fact that John Wayne was me. someone personally to Lampoon has even lost a I:
interest me anymore Shootllt with Lauren Bacall America at its best. know ~ someone I could subject. ‘5
When l went to the movies I I admired John Wayne, in And lstillbelievc it 7— iflcan admire more than flickering Did we thank you enough in ,
was never inclined to root for my own way. for having such a cut through my cynicism and image on a movie screen. your lifetime? Did we give you
the fast-gun hero in white who long and varied career, for view him as a man instead ofa No matter how cynical 1 get. enough gratitude for letting us
invariably kept law and order beinga respectable humanitar-i myth. That's incredibly hard to it all fades away when I think of lean on you (well. at least your
in the cowtown and married an, for standing behind his do. the Duke. ln mymind,any man image)? ;
Maureen 0.14;” (alias a beliefs (regardless of whether The Duke has been who is held so close by so many I can't say goodbye forever. 5
school marm in the end. or not I agreed with themy. parodied. cajoled, satired. Americans. just by being but I won't be tacky and say ‘ f
lwasaeynical little brat.But But mostly. I admired him lampooned and hard-hearted himself, deserves my respect somethinglike“See you onthat I
l always liked John Wayne. because of his “powerhold” on cynics have attempted to and admiration. dusty trail." How about just,
John Wayne. the American public. For so dethrone him from his pedestal ‘ And. it's hard (0 say “Thank you for giving yourself
The name is synonymous many years he symbolized the time and time again. But it goodbye. to us. We sure loved you."
with words like “rugged strength that the public likes to ,
individualism," “strength” and .‘hmk rep‘rti‘sent: Amlenca; I was ‘
“masculinity.“ “1c “Duke.“ in awe 0 im or t at. -
“What a man." Everything As a child, I watched his old 9 anoatocmonsm LEXINGTON .
seems 10 8C! parentheses when movies on TV and went with ONE HOUR 35:25:51,:11‘5'2122
describing John Wayne. my arents to see The Green
‘ . P soumuuosrones ,
He dled before he hlt the Berg“ and True Grit, They DRY CLEANERS '
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D THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thunday. June l4. 1979-5
Welc m t mm t UK ’th K |’
0 e 0 SU er a —- 9 er ne
'2 ,i Whether you have been on editor or Gary Landers, Editor. Room “3 Journalism, editors feel. have special training or other qualifications
3 vacation for the Past {CW WCCkS director of photography for University of Kentucky, crede nt ials . experie nce . to address a particular subject.
. 0' attending the {OUT‘WCCk more information. Lexington Ky. 40506. For legal
l’, summer session, the Kentucky Letters. opinions and reasons, contributors must MISSING LINK NISSINO LINK MISSING LINK ”MING LINK leNg
.. Kernel welcomes YOU back ‘0 commentaries must by typed present a UK lD before the 8 Q
L “QPUS With 01" “'5' summer and triple-spaced, and must Kernel will beabletoacceptthe a ;
edition. . . include the writer's signature. material. a ;
f. The Kernelis anindependent address and phone number. Letters should be 30 lines or 3 ’
stqdcnt newsman. and Is UK students should include less and no more than 200 E . § , '
‘ written, edited, "“1 produced their year and major, and words. They should concern " .
bl? UKstudents. We hopié’oua University employees shouuld particular issues, concerns or E 8
.L i t e rea er. ehJOY 0‘" Pr “Ct list their osition and events relevant to the UK - , - .
3‘} and find some information init department. p community. 8 we come to U K 5
'7 lhfll WI" 81“ .YOU a better The Kernel may condense or Opinions should be 90 lines ‘ . -‘
.;, Bnderstanding 0f 1h? reject contributions. and or less and should give and g 5
h'lVCTSHY community 0 frequent writers may be explainapositionpertainingto g >
' Whéhhhwc arga part. ‘II b limited. Editors reserve the topical issues of interest to the ’5 SERVING THE CAMPUS WITH g
. "8 l e ".10“ “’1 e righttoedit forcorrectspelling, UK community. 5' .
PUthth during the summer grammar and clarity, and may Commentaries should be 90 3 ALL YOUR LEVI BAS'C NEEDS 8
; “55'9". one every Thursday. in delete libelous statements. lines or less, with no more than 8 .
: “Ch Issue the Kernel staff W1“ Contributions should be 800 words. These articles are . E
f attempt '0 examine some ofthe delivered to the Editorial reserved for authors who, the 8 5 _
i issues facing students and a 5
‘ faculty today and report our 5 so U I Hl-AN D ,
findings accordingly. But to be > 2 S
successful in touching all the so u a a :
E In addition. the Kernel ' 8 278 6812 ,0
would like to invite students ‘ - '-
who are interested in working 30¢ MICHELOB DRAFT g o g
. on the newspaper to drop by g 10%) OFF A“ 3
our offices. Experience is FRIDAY 3 . 1. m g; BASICS WITH 2
hel ful, but not necessa . I ' - c
Sfiudents should ask t3, talk FREE Hons DEURVES E VALIDATED UK ID 3
to Jay Fossctt, summer editor. 803 S. Broadway 233-9178 Missmo LINK Missmo me mssmo LINK mama LINK Missmo
Debbie McDaniel, managing
9:13.913«anemic/4my...H.mv o. ”mute/.3013}. v o. ~.e/;;.e.g;\o, LE'; 0, ;.~ .~' .. 0.3;... ,w ”.m Q WANT YOUR LEE
'3. St. Clemons Mlmo Company C P ?
. : GROW and DEVELO .
Is Now Opening Classes at Dancetyme . to ‘
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g 233-1628 141 Rose St. ; ' . % a"; y
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a: to‘ a»; -..- ‘3 'ng as a' o 4‘ 14‘4"". " 0 ’a‘ .snm rum-~57;2".\?‘/.~'T'.~ - a We a a". g V ‘ ‘ V._; '. Jones 1
x ’ _; Ir ‘ .
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 ' ' \-- ‘ . . 3:; V ‘I
s-rm: KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thur-thy. June 14. 1979 1
USIng animals In research for finding :----—-----7:-;;;-------1 l
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('ontinued from page i “It takes [0 to 30 years to he said that With the increasing 3 Beef! I
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disease and does not respond to therefore we should rely upon Community Cancer Network. One coupon per 9,223 I
a single treatment." Upton research with animals.“ there Is a parallel increase . . I
said "it is a family of diseases Upton said there is steady occuring _, an increase in the Extnres 6/30/79 I .
and different cancers must be growth each year in cancer chance that a CUFC for cancer IS I Commas plua I
treated different ways." research and treatment. And. ”1 ”1C near future. 1641 NlChOIaSVlNe Rd I

The practice of usinganimals Telephone 276—4437 I
to find out if a chemical is a ------—--—-----
cancer causing agent yields _ At
important results, Upton said M f
"We should assume if a g 0 ;
chemical causes cancer in an . _ a; .
animal it will cause it in a man. "M BA RRETT " ' I if g
Administrator is _ g - :5 e

DANCE mesr ”The Man that a a» x ,
ready to start CO h - ,, ’ ”it i ,
, cuts all r r as .
loafin ' .V . “my;
9 LAN PRELIMINARIES .r .. . ” 5! M5,-
i ('ontinued from page 2 Mon., June 18 .’" :3- at ”For Your Half ,
lines of that play by using .44", . 'r
handwriting analysis and FINALS 3;}! ‘3' ‘ Carder] Plaza galon
comparisons of imagery. _' J 25 ’. ; / . " 1 . . .

His stud) of Shakespeare Mon u".