xt7pvm42vf8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vf8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1971 1971 1971-02-23 2020 true xt7pvm42vf8w section xt7pvm42vf8w ' ’~ - if ' l '
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\VASlllXtIl‘UX iAl’I- l’resident Nixon re» liut ,\.l\IHt did renew his unsuccessful ti-rpiesl (limits ‘.'.t if or v , ‘ x 3'3. $1..
newed his request Monday tor a revamping and of last \e.ii‘ tor a \atioiial l’ouiidiition tor Higher ( \ Iziii 2.5;. .;~i . i fir}. '
Nbilanillion expansion of iollegiustudent .il(l so l‘.(lll( .ition within the gowinioent to tiuaiu e mic. the ..=, a i in; ,V, ~’ , . , x ‘. ‘-'.~_- ’
an additional million hwy—income V\ouiiL’ people tittioii and exploit- methods for Iltit I'l tedeial .iiii polio" of on: Zia i ' i - 3-“ . ‘
could receive t'cdeial education subsidies. to institutions. iliisxliii. -::i. W» .» . i‘i":1":1."."u”i'
liepeatinL’ his commitment that no ipialiiied “oikable tormula ershii: Ilitl‘i' . *2 'i" ; ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ 5.. .- .’ kw»
student who wants to go to college should be l)t', Sidni \ l’ \lailaud li.. Ioniinissionw oi :1. 1; row: .. 'z t;
barred b\' lack of money.“ the chiei esetiitin‘ education. agreed that (‘Hilt'L’I's desperatel‘ null 'i’i is i 1 '. ’ "'““
V . ' V . ' _ ‘ . V V I' i! 'I' _1f V ' V .' 1‘" V-,i
told (.ongress iii a spetial message: due-rt .iiil. lliit the administration vie. iih :3 I» g V .’ ‘ ~.= . ' ‘ .:, fr
... . . < . . , . . .,1_.\ ».; I. in ri‘ , ‘1 ;, ' V“: ‘ . V. a
lhe program which liii again siiliiiiitting this make lo‘.\'—inconie students the \o, l pi'ioiiix m .I I1t VV 1 i . > .1 .~' .
. . . , , , ‘ V i‘. . : ii i‘. 't ,'ir't.«"‘ l.i‘..’ .' . 5, VVs 5
\car would benefit appi‘oxmiatelx‘ one million part because no workaliie toruiiila ioi iii-xiitiizwua. . m l V . . , ‘
more students than are currently receiying aid. aid has been dew-loped. he said. ~ Vs'. . ,
”it would assure that federal funds go first. l'ndei the l’resident‘s‘ Nilltli‘ltlntltl proposal. ill: ’ l‘II'Iiiiti‘I‘ u 7 I ‘ ' '35 . 5"-1"’. .
and in largest amounts. to the neediest students. eligibility maxmiuin would be SlUtiIlII a use "i«““---“'*‘ i I h“ I“ i' . .. -.
in order to place them on an equal footing with taxable income tor a tamilt ot tour. "i'V‘ V'-' ' ' . - vh,
students irom higher-income families.“ Maximum gmernnn-nt .iid would in 's l . too i ii Kit I Ii LII!“ I"=?II""‘ i “ " ' . )2 2 '
Students from families making our “3000 year per student through a mix of giants. \\t9lL~ "'i‘i" “W” ‘ -’ ' ' 7‘1 I 1
are foe times more likely to attend college than stud} payments and subsidi/ed loans. t‘Vt‘t‘lH ha ’ “mp,” \[ t- mmiV 7W, w . ‘ ' ‘ V-i rVVi ,
,VOIIIIL’. [3001)le WhUSI‘ families earn less than students attending high-cost colleges who Veouhi “MNHM the ”HM”! m .gI ' '2 1'. .. 2 , ’ V .-,li"t"“-'i’1_-i; ’
8.3.000. he said. . receive an additional $1.400 a _\ear in subsidi/ed ”pump!” L“ “If" \V l:- 'Y :s * I»V ' . "gart-
Identical plan loans. V . .3”; i 4' . . . VV/ .4
. . -. . . . . . _ _ D (.onsohdate ttie \aiious pol -, z, . “ *'
(.ongress killed :1 Virtually identical admmis- In general. lowerancome students would to ‘ . m; -. q. . ~ . - .. g. .
, . _ . . .. . , . iutioii (Ullll'Ul agent lt'\ into .i i' .' -'$
tration plan last year. largely because at least ceive mostly grants and work-study payments . .- a“: in». .-.‘.. .' ..
. , ' . . i V ‘. . . ' . V . . ._ single department, \\liit'li ‘\'t‘.li.i I .; ;,- . .~V, ;.,
300.000 middle-income students woult lose e 1- while higher—income \oungsters would ieceisi- __ I. ._ V l.r I. w i .. ' . ti. 3 .- '
. .. . . V. . . ' be adequatels stalled in turn» (1 . . ‘ ,i I .- J
gtbilitv for interest—subsidy loans. subsrdized loans. i ll t' l I we no»? 'iwr: ' it . . ' . " ‘
.. ' . . . . . . . roin ie we 'H l\‘ ”it -.v ' ~ ‘ -..- s... - »
Ihe Presidents proposals again failed to meet The Presidents proposal would increase gin- ‘ ‘ ‘4‘ it. -, ii. .: - ;: - ~ ' , . -. -
< . . . . ~ . . . — ~ . - _- . .. 1 ‘ ' t ’V . V,t
the request of higher education organizations tor eminent Slll)Sl(l]CS to colleges from Sgit) million } Abolish stiip mining “lies. .. li-‘ii‘h .i. on . «iii w . , -, 1;
direct government aid to colleges and universities. this your to $1.6 billion in fiscal 1972. PI'UIN‘I‘ I‘Imsei‘\.itioii l‘ldt lit es -.n :vvundr; it- i , '
‘1, i_. 1’17 V V.
:73: .VVV .VVVVV V, Va
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EDITORS NOTE: This is the gymnasium. our 1‘1" 5 50 U I‘beir speeches are relatisel} ant lustiu t . l) MI I-III ”Hi i" ‘4“ I‘ ”Us ~““‘ -I' I i ..i, .
~ . w ' y , -~- . 1 I -V V 1'1.1-" '-V ' ("
first or a three-part series ex- of pamphlets by the time. you short, but almost all of them tie positive plans tor what is being tali lo. it!’ .rutpou. in; of 'in VVV. ~V..-VfV.V-’Vi~VV-
amining the antiwar movement got up the steps. You C0“](1 in to the main subject for the called the May Day denioiistia- \ltIlt'IIl diIlHMI! sitrtnne u? Wu: ..1}? X,
both nationally and locally. hardly reach in your pocket l0 conference. SMC's proposed tion. Supported by the National the \H'r'lsi‘nd ol \lio l tlifl L V'Vu a}. . u .’
Show your registration card to Spring calendar of antiwar ae- Student Association and behind l‘ht‘II ”II “M I“ MM 4. Phi?“ ‘ :5 "- iii-‘0'
BY JERRY ‘V- LE‘VIS the girl checking them at the tion, centering on the April ‘24 the leadership of such names as mil hn‘ people to lnhiw in I on V‘ 1'f ‘ 'r'
Editorial Page Editor dOOF- demonstrations in \Vashington lleiinie Davis and l).i\e l)el- L'J't'ss tin IlsiHL' om Ii.t\ oi. so V ' 1
The atmosphere around and Yet ("ICC III the gymnasium. and San Francisco. demanding linger. PCP} supports the l’eo~ ('I-Il llI‘lh't‘ and emthii we not 1 5,-1‘1',‘
in the Catholic University gym- you clearly realized the purpose the immediate withdrawal of ple's pm“. Treaty. ”(.gmmu-(i taiisin. lair the test oi ii». in i it, ; '5 _' .'
nasium was somewhat different of your coming to \Vashington. US, troops from the Indochina between NSA and students born the Peoples (‘Inilitien mills in: f‘ " .1' ,-‘. ,
than the night before when has- D.(‘.. You suddenly became a war. South and North \‘jpimm, a “nationwide lili‘litliti sun on at. T '
ketball fans and cheerleaders part 0f 3 whole. uNixon now has one hand The P(TPl Spring action cal~ hllslness .ts Usual " It.
were making "10“ 0f the "01-5“ National “0““?an tied behind his back," Don cndar calls for a massise assem— In an iiilt'i\lt‘\\ ii iii, in mm . iii"; v.1 ' .
There was a paradoxical feel- Before you are almost 2,000 Curewitz shouts into the micro— bly iii \\'.ishington. l)_(,'.. for lllt' DIIHs III \Vdslslnuhins (.l‘iii k 3f L '_ 'i; '1
ing in ”10 air. One Of C(meS‘O“ POOPh‘. gathered fOF lh“ II‘dlIOIIIIl phone, referring to the. influence week of May 1-7. “The war sil\er limes. he t‘\}il.ili:i‘vl a his . '. ’ ; p. .i
and 0"" 0f organization. People (‘OIIR‘ICYK‘O 0f the StIldt’IIl of the student dcmons‘rations ends in May" their buttons and is nnumt h\ this in ‘loTIHIIliH ' " 1"
relieved that they had finally ar- Mobilization Committee (SMC). over the Cambodian invasion of ”The \toilil ivii \ out is: this V‘ . i. .-
rived, but still not sure where A Friday night rally is shaping last May. “\Vp must now tip the -,,,,,,,,,, -,,-,--,,-, uth'Hnnq‘iil to It i"“ ..,i ‘sltlht V? i _i
”WY “'9"? l-IOi‘UL "P 115 some ‘30 antiwar lt‘IKlf‘TS other hand back so he gets his Plat 4's like the i’.-i.1.iinV,... and 1 . ‘V V.
“Don't be left out, be out take their places on a stage in face kicked in." WPilllH‘r LLIHI‘IlItIit‘iii our: !\ .tll in... il.. . V- I
left," someone was shouting in front of the gymnasium. However. mm below the ioiintiy should lit ionhonti d 7‘ ' '1
y . . - r
. ' I “ ' i ‘ ";"‘ . -.-. i .- . . . - . . . . \ ' a iti‘ihv "'i ‘. ‘~. - "
.ui atttmpt to st" two p anphltts lhr spr llu rsV rt pitst nt V1 .spi . (hi 5‘ i n “V lufort p( oph lM “firm“ for Lesington de u- \ llli lllt pm \i ii . 1 . ip. . V _ V ‘V
for 25 cents. both outlining a broad range of different organi- gan to am“. lor the U,,.hi,-(.,K.(.V (’inity'i (lloudv and (old todin i‘II‘ii-Hfli l” I'Iiidur’ to remit. . ,V .V
few 935," steps to create the rev- ”mm“: D0" (lurewitz, SMC the mood of the conference. the with an expected high of ‘l8 ‘ “ Ii (lisiilu.ili.-,,. i V ,, MIA to i H . . . ,~
' 1 \V; 1 11".. :1 i I" .~\ .‘ . i v. ' ..i. t r i ‘ ‘ , . , i I lll'll.l - ‘i ‘ . .s-I, i
olution. VAt tbr sVinic time i nVition il VV(‘\V((tltl\( scrretirVy, ”this ‘1.“(1 Hit ‘1‘" mom on most ”Hung de mm” mmgm wuh s a it h d. i ii do us \.\ ill in V . . .
other voice explained the spe— Nancy Williamson. Boston I‘e- peoples minds were predes- 1 low around 0‘; The precipit'i ilosi-d. the roads that ion“. .i , i .‘
cial subscription price for the male Liberation; Ron Dellums, miml tion [mssibilities‘ a", ‘30 perrcnt them to the \\t)ll(l hloi Lailiil '
Militant. 10 issues for only one US. (migressman from llerke- May Day today decreasing to 10 percent with om hoiilM and um de ”H. _ ' . V .
dollar. lOY. Calif; JOB Miles. founder of A week earlier, at a peace tonight People til then) lie gneii the op- j a ' ' ,V
It was almost like a street fair Cl 5 United Against the \Var. conference iti Anti Arbor, Mich, portunih to stop and think ' i ' -
atmosphere as you entered the and many others. the Peoples Coalition for Peace ,,,,,,---,--,---A----- (‘ontinuod on Page 7. Col. l - . 1'

 2-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 197l —______—______—_____———————-—
H d ' t ' d ’ |
. FRANKFORT (AP) — A mediatcly if additional action ” . . .rock dusting was obvi- news kernEIs tl
final state report on the Hyden might be taken ously' substandard precedingthc l’i
N . mine disaster cites ”apparent ‘ _ explosion . . . although a water . re
, violations” of three Kentucky Prelmunary report line had been provided for one From AP reports tli
, , ‘ , statutes ”which led to the e,\- The commissioner liadgiveiia section, testimony revealed that ‘ . . ._ _ . y . _ sit
. plosion or caused difficulty dur- preliminary report at a news coii- water was not being used to al- . 59"?” policemen 1" “"9 cities were 51"" “hfl k'lled I” ll" id
' ing the recovery work." ference here a few weeks ago lay dust during cutting andload- C'd"”t5_ over the weekend. The police. ('(h‘h"“55“”“"' 9f Phll' (it
. ' The report on the Dec. 30 and the final survey does not ingoperations at the face." adelphia blamed Citizens Wh“ he Silld are promoting 1"“ 1'5
_ blast which killed 38 miners did seem to change any basic find- The department added that “Why for the two killings there. to
‘ ’ not make any recommendations ings. However, it emphasizes even though rock-dusting ma- The other deaths included a marshal and‘state trooper
on puislinient or fines, which are certain points and provides new chines had been repaired, the killed during a ShOOtOUt With tWO men I“ St John, lh‘l- ! m
. ~ ‘ far milder under state than un— sidelights. crews continued to apply dust an Officer shot in a gunfight in (lreenville, SC and an ot— 1M,
' der federal laws, iior (lid it spc- Tl _, , . . by hand. ficer killed by gunfire from a passing car as he stood on a m
ie report cinteiided statutes .‘ . g - . y
. citically blame anyone. . . . . .. , A boom hole is a coal loading Mm")! Stred- th
. . ,. . relating to adequate rock dust- . . . . .y
. ‘ ' But H.l\. lsirkpatrick, state ing use of explosives under— pomt where a higher ceiling is r . . ‘ m.
mines and minerals coininission- ' l p l ‘le-kiA _‘m 10, \ blasted. Such dliOpttlullUllloucll- “ASHII‘VCTOi‘s —The Defense Department asked the y yo
‘ er, told a newsman Monday the grount ant. L 1.“ ng ‘ p le‘ edoffthe fatal explosion. Selective Service System today to draft 2,100 doctors this du
. .. . m and out of the mine were ‘. . _ . . ‘ -. . .
3 owners are in effect being peiial- violated On the question of illegal es- year in the first callup of physicians smce 1969. th
ized severely by the continued ’ plosives. the report summed up The Pentagon said the callup of physicians, osteopaths and (.0,
. _ A 1 closure of the mine at a time Rock dust is used to lessen things this way; “In substance dentists was needed because too few medical school grad- ’ (1a
‘ when Will PriceS life the hit-{h- the explosive tendencies of coal it appears that surface mine and uates have volunteered for military service. i P0
est in years. dust. highway blasting techniques Beginning in july, 1,531 doctors of medicine, 77 doctors f
I ‘ , will?) h‘dW 5““ “0t l‘t‘UlWM‘d ”Additional rock dust did not were applied to underground of osteopathy and 536 dentists will be drafted into the i
f I and it looks like now we're not appear to have been applied in mining." Army, Navy and Air Force for a period of two years ac- l
. ‘ . going to let them reopen," Kirk- the vicinity of the boom‘holes Contained photo five duty.
. patrick said. before they were blasted, the
' He did not indicate iin— report said. The report contained a photo— CHARLESTON, \V, \‘gi,—I<‘oriiier \\'est Virginia Coy, \Vj]-
' ' ‘ graph clearly ShOWihi-I pieces 0f liam \Vallace Barron and his wife are to appear for arraign-
‘« ._ detonatiiig cord near the fatal merit in US. District Court here \\'ednesday on charges
. f 0 0 boom hole. of bribing the foreman of a federal jury that acquitted
. " L003 l’lUClSlO’l bOgged d0wn ”The 9‘9“”th “'35 initiated Barron of bribery conspiracy charges in 1968. be
.' - -V h)’ improper aiid'illegal useyot Barron's brother. Fred, said the former governor left his 1‘”
‘ . . s\[(_()\ \l" s.,m|.\jcnmm- g was t,, reach Sepone and to pennissibleexplosives alongwith Pompano Beach. Fla. home Sunday and intended to be 5P
' . ‘ i-se forces \icrt' reported ”Hit-it‘d cut across the famous supply a nonpermissible (lCl’O‘llatlllg a— here \Vednesday. But he said he didn't know where the “t
’ - ' ’ . f ' dim“ for fht‘ fifth \tr-liillll dil)‘ trail leading from \ortli \ietiiani gent or by the use Ol "0”Per' former state executive had gone. by
- . _" in laos \loiiday but flit goy erii- to Laos. (iziinbodia and South "“5““le high strength explosives Li
. . . " . lht‘lll l“ \«llil‘m (limited the "P' \ it’lllalnt detonated 1” a iioiipernussible DARLINCTON, SIT. — An all-white jury has convicted
'. ': eiation so far had rcwltcd in the \ 11m t‘mmt’nt (‘Olnmllnltitlt’h' manner. it said. three white men of rioting at Lamar public schools where cal
» . . destruction. of 12.603 tons of sued in Saigon said the South In underground mines, electr- a mob attacked school buses carrying Negro children to cm
. ' ‘ . . t‘ltt‘lll)‘ munitions. ‘ \ ictnanicse forces on the ground ic blasting caps and low strength the newly desegregated facilities last year. the
f .' . "lhc L‘ 5' (.oinmand mi- and l'h‘ ‘1” strikes had (195m))" exploswes are supposed to be Judge \Vade \Veatherford of Darlington County General ”m
. ' nounced ”I.“ h?” oftwo more hell- ”l the hull“ stores 0f mummies used, wuh blasting m sequence Sessions Court told the jurors after their verdicts Sunday: 1"“
A copiers, bringing to 26 the nuiii- as “-ell as 12 Soviet-made l’li6 at a boom hole. Authorities 211— “Y ,7 1 ‘ . 1 . . 1 l .. _ k . l' . ‘ '. ter
i , her that have been officially .in- tanks. 65 trucks. 400 bicycles. ready have said that the blast- 1 9“ yelcontl your int" ant )h‘mt )Oil to now “At as'in the
.l ' ”minced as lost in the driw. 123.000 gallons of fucl.4.500 feet ing operation in the mine near ‘h'hgnt‘ut (nth he mu“ “1 ““0“ n” “he ‘0 d" to”
. . now beginning its third \Vts‘ls. of pipeline and a large quantity Hyden was handled irregularly huh“- é .
‘1‘ ' . " l.lit'liiy' forces in (ianibodia of food and other equipment. and with far too much explo— ‘ l ‘L'i
handed the gm‘t’rnms‘lit tllt'rt‘ it The communique said the sives at one time. LONDON—Britain promised Monday 1” 5"” “V115? hell" t Sui:
Tr-—---~—~—»-——---~---rz;‘-—r—--~ \t'ilmtls by sinking .iii aiiiiiiuiii- ground forces had seized 1.231 _ ._ l copters to South Africa, and South Africa promptly shot in I t not.
' -_ . tioii barge being towed "D the rifles and 198 heavy weapons. ‘ l 3‘ request for 59‘5"“ 0f the antisubmariiie “h““fl- l l (Till
‘ ‘ ' i \lt‘lmllil lith‘r from South \iet- lt claimed also that 1.960 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL t and
y‘ y llrllli. 'l'hrce \inericans aboard \orth \ietiianiese troops had STth}: KUentucky therii‘el. University f .
. , . _ I. 1 y -, ) . w H .- . ~ _ ; . - taion. niversrt o entuck , Lex— ‘
‘ . y, , :i‘.t...fiitli.‘“i it}:”.13‘.E?..,f.ili.‘:i§f..‘. l:;f;;,h"l‘.‘li 1522‘:1‘3i‘t‘§.,“i§’.‘3:‘$.33? 2:51:22.sane{seismieegiisrzs SST advoc t t 't d - it?
. ‘ bargewas‘dainaged. , \iiierican officials regarded this 333333: 9:21;; hvgfildtflrsdzllrffinixghg k 3 es S a] rlve “‘55
' \\ (il'(l from the front in south- as an exaggeration. periods, and once during the summer . . . . . . ) . . is t
. . . em laos was that the \ortli \(yutli \ ietnumese losses were sciasfigil‘shed by the Board of Student \_\ ASHINCVIQX (Al )_ AC‘ flying: “th “ in It Be Bllllts C
‘ . _ p . \ivtmnww continued h, 110‘” put at 168 mt,” killed and 661 Publications. UK Post Office Box 4986. ell-““2 supersonic transport 0P' But By'Whom and Where?" ‘
. ‘_ ' ' lit-.iyy lire into South \ ietiiaiii- wounded. These figures (lid not puififzshlrld“goritfifiurgiasfiye'taénthlessltefrlgl ponents of promoting a realm Donald]. Strait. a l’airchild "fell
p . ' I ' . t’si' ranger positions si\ miles in include 298 rangers reported kill- ”’Xs‘giim ”bush d h . . _ 0f hy'stena. an industry-labor lliller (Torp. vice president and ‘S‘l'l‘yh
‘ y " from the border. \dvaiicc cle cd or wounded in a \orth Viet- tended to hglppthorgziderergfig.lsAlrfs' committee announced Monday a the committee 5 lhdllStW (‘0‘ Vl‘
. mm“ in ”H, pm“ “N? m.“ 171 2 mm‘vw mllt ofa base (m Sunday. $21sgeEggs:lizdrfifieacaeigirssrng should Eassnfiladvergsgng drive to get chaimian. said the nationwide i are
. _ ' miles into iaos along Highway lhc L .5. (loiniiiaiid said SUBSCRIPTION RATES ”1e DIU K an iongress behind dnve has 3 3330000 budget and i '
‘ ’ , . tlwhicli leads to \eiwiie.bclieve i V' ’ sV ‘
1' down from it) percent in ltlliT. seems almost iiie\ itahle. For our V A 'V I " .t: 3‘ ' VVV VV . g, VVVVV; - 3V. V ‘ . 3V .V . ', ‘
" is the lowest in the 133-)eiu his— population to stabilize. the loui- " 2 l ," W‘s. "4 2‘ . it is 2.‘ 2'
r ”This is certainl) t‘llt‘lllll'dfl,‘ tiall)’ disappear. Thilt 1‘ what ' 2 ' . , I i- " . '_ s '2» hi ' ‘; , 3 ‘5‘ ‘2." 2,1
3‘ I ing.” said Stickler. ”l’eoplc are Zl’C is tr} int: to do.” . V " ’ - i A 2 A A 1- 44 . ‘-V‘ '.'
' becoming aware of the popula— 2 ‘ i I. 3 V -- 2 v' 2 * .: is ‘ " ~ T
a lion problem and are showing Although the large lamil) is V '» 2, V ‘ -- " 2 2 , . i ' 3; ~. . 3 3.
their concern. Perhaps most en- liecoiiiiiigless popular here. more , .2 . . ' . '. ‘ _ . . . 2. - - . ' .
couraging is the response oi the .2\mcricans still want lots ol'lxiils 2‘ " ' ' ‘ ' ' 1 ' 2 ' ‘ '3. 'V2' 'V d”. '
9 young people who will he pro— compared to parents in those 3 I V 3 V . VVj 3' ,
S (lucing the next generation. ln ten countries that hare nearl) -» ‘ it; "V " -.
the 21—29 age group. only 1.3 per- succeeded instahilizingtheirpop- 3_ .V 'V V2 ‘
cent considered the large family iilatioii. In Sweden, tor example. I: . . 2:, .V
- desirable. whereas in 1967. 34 only 6 percent consider four or ' 3.}' V ' » V ‘
3 percent did." more children the idol family . V V . ' .
' l ”However, we cannot afford size, according totheCallup Poll. V . W V V .13 2 _~ 3 '.
l V - 'c . 3 V. , VV. . .<
. ewman ecture series , .. s .. - m 2 .; 3 ,_ ‘v ...
' 0 ' I I i I The Fosttrllreighton (rune atop the Veter'm's \(lministr‘ition hos ' I ‘ It i I ‘
. . . . pita . 2 . ..
features UnlverSLty hlStOry L now under construction on the l'K (ampus is last hetomingI a l.c\iiigioii ‘3: l .i . “I ' ’~
‘ VV V V V V V V VV V V .V V . ._ ave "1888a 93 landmark—having presioush perched atop the Kll“;lll'Bl‘.lll(llllg toners -i i . '
‘ “hat 1‘8 .u Lm‘ihrs‘tl'? “hl He has taught 1‘it hilt lLllna g and the Patterson ()llite Timer during the (onstruttion ol those liuild sl '5 :‘ 1- '
bt'diSCll-“Cd from ””00 lliNt‘N'lC'dl has”): 3895“”? CU] .Cge.‘ “m, t K ings. The engineers ietentls replaced the (.hrisimas tree \sllll i iiioii la 'V E I i
“”1419“ i" the Newman Center State L‘ntherslt)‘ 0‘3 New \Vork. timely symbol of heme and‘loie—the \zilentiiie ‘ Z V .2 .l‘
spring lt‘L‘tler 591105 \VlllCll “pens illld l5 Ll l()nll€l' Cll'dlnllilll (ll tllt‘ ' 4 I 33V .. 3‘.\-L . V
at 8 p.in. Thursday with a talk toreignVlariguanes department at PROFESSOR- V ', V ,3 'VV. V V.
by Dr. Lewis A. .\l. Sumberg. Lake 1‘0”“ (““911“- Ill. ““‘lV‘V’l ————-————-—-—-—-—————— another U339 oil/hill: 127330932: ‘3 ‘ 2
UK professor ofFrcnch. the French Depurinmstest Us PERSONAL MESSAGES IN Tina KENTHZKY Ki::ii.\‘i~;i. U5 3;,” yg'u,9hcmg 5;; 3:33 2 a
”The pathology of what we . Dr. ““559” “’CLV‘I‘VVd h” Ph~ I) V . . . want a targe, home? Call st ’. 2: 2 3,-
call ‘universits‘. is an extremelV “01” Cl’lllmbl‘d Lll1"€‘fs\lt)~ and CLASSIFILD COLUMN BRING RESULTS. A, _ i ." :3’
. . , . , . . COMBS, Realtor, LOO 343 i. . 3 3 3 2 3
complex concept, dating back to has held 1’0““0'“ “V‘ ”W \“h”l" " anytime. a; 2 ' ‘ V -2 _ . j
the Middle Ages and reaching al Education Association and in 2V-V , 3 V3 . ‘ V ~
into the 1970‘s.“ says the Res. “3W \sitim'sil C't!u"”l‘ll{ WW" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllEIII ,1: .3 'V 2‘s _
Lawrence W. Hellman and Sis- “0“ Pmllr'f‘m 91 ”W L5 D‘“ = - = 1 v
ter Irene Martin. coordinator of partmentol justice. _ = - I 3 ‘3‘.
theserics. He also has been a faculty - J" l J = '«s -V ~ 2 ‘E .-
. 3 . member at johns Hopkins L'ni- = 3" ' ' . , = ‘ ‘.
i 33 VDVr- SVumberg “'Vlll Smith "'1 versity and the National War I 5 ‘ . p)? - A l. l 3 3 CARRY I s— .-
i Liiiversrty: How 1t3V“"“-" V DV3TV- College. Dr. Russell is among = \V W. 1 = T3553 '. - .‘ VVsVIVVV.
l 3 Suztnix'rg 35 a "‘lu’Vl'W‘i‘Us‘quHU“'1“ educators who has’e devised and = V l i ‘ l i -._. ‘2! A
no 6 some Shhi arities )etWeen im"lcmei‘itdl alternatives to the I i - , _. , i U OUTS I ’ -’ i
criticism 0t medieval universities pretsent university crisis. = U VLMUW ‘ V ‘ k/L = ;_ 3' 31".} j .
and the u’hVCISIty today. An honors graduate of Vand- = = A ‘1. 2. 2 ‘V’~ ‘
Other speakers “hl 3 be Dr; erbilt University. Welch has I 252-4498 3 8] S h L' = '. . , ‘- ' V. :
.V James 13- Russell, prestdent VOf taught at Memphis State Uni- = out lmeStOne I " Vs‘V .. V
A the College 0f the Potomac, (Vhs' versity and the State University = = T 2' T3 -V
.Cussms ..H0w 1* ithwmverssm of New York, and served - PHONE AND YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY IN MINUTES! :
Flt. is today, on March 4, and Jerry sistant director for program pl 2111- = I V .‘ 2 .-' ~31 ‘
C- WiIShs coordinatorV 0f expen- ning in the Chattanooga Model = = 3' .33.: ' . 13‘
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31d 21);" if %L%g;::::eat Vt rekCnner VCities ProgramV. VHe hathraVVelVeVd = Coupon Good For 50C Dlscounf On Any = VV V I” V.. .~
nd 33 ' 3 . v3 59““ "13g on mthe SOViet Lnion and admuns— - I V, 3 . .Q!",'T.‘
The as mass as seas ssua use for : . Purchase OI $1.75 Or More = . . ,- ~ .
de _ March 11- American students. = NOT GOOD = » L5 1/ 3, 5
nd Dr. Sumberg receiva‘l his As principal author of ”The I ON DELIVER/ES! (I COUPON PER ORDER) l is .. -. 'V 3" .i.
op l Ph.D. from the University of College of Man." Welsh has de- = = V..V", 3
et- 3'3 Parts, and has published books vised a program of experimental = This coupon CANNOT BE USED ON SUNDAYS—nor for any = 3' '3 ’3 3 3 ‘V
to and articles on the history of education soon to be inaugurated I d I. Tl‘l I1 I . d . k f d 't I .2 s U '3
or French literature,Crusadehistory at UT, Chattanooga. = e "ery‘ e O der mus' come "1 an pIC up 00 or eat ' = 3 . V 3 2'3I '. . .‘ -3 2.
and literature, French lyric The lectures at the Newman I in Pas uale’s dinin room! . I i- _ '.
0’ poetry. and the development 0f Center. 340 Rose Lane. are open = q 9 Expires Sat, Feb 27' 197] = 2 3. 2 2 '
I r 73 ' ' - . .' ' t ',
ts .3 -——‘————*—_——.—A a___—.~~————_—- MW.“ -_7—.2—2—~_—~—__ _2__~2_.r L.._.-L_. _ 2 2 2M2” 22 22 2 1-. V2 ‘ i. V V
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“' ‘ “Ctlo l UDENl ENl ER CARD ‘- »
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as its"; a 33 Selections for 1971-72 Board Members . f ,4 ‘ r . 2 ,
e s.;=E-:l"”9°\ lass: ' ‘ K’s/23.3.; . ' ' .~"
hi 6. fi::.:::...€i'E:§:§.‘}-‘.’:?:’s§v5‘km’si'.’ ‘:i;'.’"liii‘§' ' l-i A l i
- :e;=:3 55.32.21?5:342:42?» . 3.1:; ‘ “Sax-:1 ~ ' . ~ . .
Z *a2g21..-.;::=.«.:i .. s MARCH 1-12 . . 3 , . .s
N‘, V “ 52452;: . ‘- ' '- ' 5. '. 2
33" «w L“ Applications available for the tollowmg pOSitions on the Executive Board: ‘2 3 . ~3‘-
‘ - " :sazéazsisrsma. LL .. . 3' " . "
k; I g " ‘ ~ ‘ ’°’ PRESIDENT SEC RE TARY—TREASURER ; ." 'V " f
r featuring original works of VICE-PRESIDENT PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR 2V 3 ‘V ‘ 3
al graphic art—etchings, MEMBER-AT-LARGE .3 ‘ 3 , - .V
lithographs,-—by leading 3 -1 : V “.2 .-
20th century artists: Applications available for the following Committee Choirmanships: ; ‘