xt7pvm42vd65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vd65/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1964 Vol.30 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, March 1964 Vol.30 No.6 1964 1964 2019 true xt7pvm42vd65 section xt7pvm42vd65 . -1 I * I w
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I Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers I '
i I
I -\ I }
‘ o I' ,
I The Kentucky Press Association recognizes I I
the fundamental importance of the implied I I
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination I i
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- I I,
mess, accuracy, and decency in the presentation I ’
I of news, as set forth in the Canons of Iourmzl— I
i ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its I i
I advertising column. It opposes the publication
. 0f propaganda under the guise of news. It af- I :
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ' V .
, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- I i
meets equality of opinion and the right of every I '
I individual to participation in the Constitutional i I
I guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes I
. In the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, I
economic, social and cultural community de« I I
I relopment and progress. I I
I i
7 I . I I
. PUbIIcotion Office: I I
University of Kenfuc ky // W? aggressor” WWI‘IwI ‘
_ g’ron, Kentucky ,a/a/ \, iiI Iamiiwcflgiei,_I " ,EiilI . I
xi" x’IIII Isgnifiiflimi; ; '
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7 - ’I I I I 3334-334 9? I H"‘...-—““ ‘”‘H “WI: i ,
, '9 6 Kentucky Dam Village, site of West Kentucky Seminar I '
I and WKPA Meeting, April 17-18. I
"‘ I VOIUme 30, Number 6 I i .
I i
o I I i .

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1 1 11 1 ‘ 111‘ IUme 30, Number 6 + defeated; h Iftel the Pl'Oposalwas/
1111‘ 1 1 111 1 official P . L'b . tl‘l lt 11.213 been Stated O . I
»‘ ‘1 ‘ 1 311‘ 1 1 I 1 Kentucky Press :ZIicotion N; e| SUIl‘ Defenses p.12)” Oifus who have voteclftthls floor that Upr1
1 a 1 ‘ 11 1‘ it: 1 K ”nation; Inc. "St Re ‘ 6” 1‘Om t1 0' 0 exem t
11: 1 i 11 1 1 1 much he“ Se'Vicel lnc. =11s veal 50urces t0 “eWSpaper 13:34 Sales tax hadpyiglc1111‘1 .
‘ >1 1 1 1 1 1 P Victor R. Portmunn, Editor . uperior Court of New to make it cleal. thsul‘e Out of fear, I ed A COHStlt“
1; ‘ 1‘ ‘1‘ 1 ‘ ‘ 1 any J. Ashley, Associate Edit Cently that a newgp 1p lei‘sey ruled re— ate that my to the members of th \gan‘ tlEe press an
11 1 :31 ‘ 1 .1 °" SOLri-ces Of' ~ " 61‘ must re . . . V0 6 to 61- - 6 en 0 the US
1. 1 .5 11 1 ‘ ‘ Member . Information if . ‘ veal lts papers from th , ll‘nlnate the . . .
. 11 1 :1 1“ 1 1 _ 1 . ‘ NeWSPaper Managers Ass . . 1t pleads fair COmment as defenses to libel pui-pOse of SefSales tax was for the “(i115 Much threw
1' 3‘ 2:1. _ 1 1 1:1 ‘ Kentucky chamber of CO°C|C|tIon and lack of maker; 1 , good faith, truth rights and 1'b a eguardjng the i d'p'llm! of $000,000
1111 111 1 1 1 1 1 Batter Business Bureau Lem-meme Sufi Was filed ' . ple Of this ] Cl‘tieg guaranteed ton W1d1111 and four Ne
! 11 1 1 1‘ 1 1. ‘, 1 N Sustaining Meébernngton Publishing Co pubilgEmSt Point Ple‘lS‘lnt and St'lte CCOtlntry under the Unit tgespeo balance bell
, 1 '1 1 ‘; atio - . 1 . " ls er i ‘ ‘ tr ‘ Onstit - e t; .
11 1 ‘ 11 1 1 1 MI Ed."°"°1 Association plhel’ the Point Ple'1 0f 1 Weekly nCWS— Regardleu “tlohs‘ 111 terehs’ the
,1 1 _ 11 1 . ASsociare M Wlllian H ‘Sant (N.].) L 1 55 Of what and write
1. 11 ; ‘ Natlonal News eMber P 1 - Beecroft C111 f eader by )Ody have St'lt (1 members of h , ar
1 11 i 1 Paper Promotion A55°Ciufion leasant. The P01i»1 16 0f pOIice, Point Of the V’lri ‘ e _1'€lative to the le 11 lemon Of th
_: 1 j 1‘ 1 ‘ 1 Pubnmfion Office ages as a result of“? chlef is seeking (1.1m Circlll'ltihnohs legislatures to tax n31 r1011 101'Ycommer
‘ . ‘ - .. ‘ a ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . S
l 1 1 . ‘1 USChool of Journalism :dltol 1‘11 published inntglleged defamatory media of the SftIOlllgly feel that a tax 0531111 -The COHSt
1 1 ’ ' . r _
1 1‘ 3‘ p 1 _—flfli—_ 9(633. 6 Leader July 24 a tax which 001:: 10:11] of Speech 011pi~es:11 tron fofr em
= .1 31 0mt i'uli ’ ties .‘ 1C estro th , p .1 a11060 pub];
11 111 1111 1 Kentuck P llewqu - 11g pame on a motio 1) th' Whlch are iltherent y e baSlC hhel aHIUStiCesr'
1 111 ‘ 11 1 1 C y "355 ASSociation Inc pl-iint’ltpit1 to Smke SeVeral queer n by the 1‘5 COUMI‘Y- to the Peoplet the decis‘ 1
31 1:1 1 11“ 1 : 1 1 Gorge 10PM“ 111, Pre - ' ' . 1 “ring Pl'e-trial . 3 10‘“ Y the Many time . - 10‘?
111 111 11 ' 11 1 1 gdent the SourCeS up011 wh’ .h exdmmation about We have bee S1 W.e in public life feel th1 FUNK. hflicm
‘11 1 11 . '1 ‘ 1 Maurice K ammomuealth So based. The It the editorill )‘1 - n uhlhstly att'l k 1 or Chhdsm
1: 11 g} 1‘ - Henry, ViCG-Preside t > merset inform t‘ newspaper COHtended £1 was It‘lels The pl‘GSent la k‘C ed by new, less he mm
1 1 ‘ ‘ . n 3 Ion Was . t at th 0 ibel - W1 I10wn ( . 1‘
‘-' 111 11 1i 1‘ VictOr R D (”Ill News, Middl the pl‘ivil COnfidentlal and .1 . e l' a'glves every Pel‘so . '13. the 14' made with r
11 “1 1 1 1 p ' P0rtmann’ Secret eSme N ege Of non-disclo C ahhed 1C ofhc‘alsa the 4' n, lhdhdmg p111 held th
.' '1'1 .11 g 1: err?! ]_ AShley’ ASsistant grl/‘Manager ew Jersey Statute sure granted by Courts £01- in 1.11ght to appeal to it fl at, CV1
11 $1. :11 ‘1 , ‘ Florida R. Garrism Assistanic;dary-M0Mger hsupel‘ior Court 1Cited nOw to tht n: lbelous printing To be: :59 and (16
‘K 1'1 ‘ . ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ y . ( ‘ (K | . C y ' . ' C I, '
11 111 1 1 1. : :1 1 Ufliversity of K971522117? tCe present Case” a p15 .COIltrOlllng in taxing free Speihi‘wels, which is in eilet “11$? Ilbel
t 1:11 11 11 1 1 ‘ 0' ~ y’ exmgton Curt dBCisio ’ ( rev‘ous Su - ing - C ’ We a1'6 11 ' 1 com/i111
' ’ 1 1 1 'StNCt Execut‘ h' h (BI'Ogan . pleme Oh‘ 0W“ freed ‘ so JGOpai-drl Vated b
l 11 1 5 1 1 We comm‘ W 1C1] held th V‘ P3552110 N nUm . 0m of Speech I y dell
, 1 1“ 1; 11 .- Chairm , Ifl'ee d at When 6W5) elous tussl ~ ‘ have ha Th
1' 1 11 1 11 an: Larry St efenSeS f . a neWSp-1 . . ' es Wltl‘l me e Court
1. u ‘1 ‘1 1 ‘ tral - one, Mes-sen . 0 fair Co ‘Pel raises entoyed th . WSPRPBI'S- 1hr H
M 1 1 1 1 “W (Second . . {gm-Argus c aiidt - mment and e Contl‘OVG'Wl ‘ ‘elman \
f1: 1‘ 1 1 L 0 ), Frrst, W'lh‘ , en- “ estrfies that . . . good faith I perso . lsia BXChan es ,1. . , Vag
1 111 11 1 sgh'hnsgggntyVI-Ierald’ Edclyville.a “71711118 Dill/is, a reliable soul-eel}? tfilforln‘dtion came from, Papers liilul/h bilge had With varigus 1:11:11 llllli'and Justir
1‘ 3‘ ‘ , ' ’ 1’ > t' . - . ’ 6 new . - e tate f . . 1 “6- I
‘1 1 1 . 1 1 Howard 0 0103 of St' Matth 1' W’llves Its 1‘ '1 Spapel In H much 0 WISCOns ' . n 5
1 ‘ 1. 11 1 gles Far; - ews; Fourt] - . p 1V1 ege and e ed 7 I aSSume . 1n, l”St t1 lustice
1 1 1 1 C. Bell T " We, Franklin. F'f 1’ ‘m‘med 00 ~ ~ may be ~~ IfI "‘5 they hav - ~‘ 5 Blue]
1 1 1. ; , , th F nceinrn h a , CIoss-ex_ Were t . e eHJOyedtheic .
1111 1 1 Edward Hmble DEmOCrat B d l ’ rank The C g t e 1'611able , . 0 use the floo- f 0”” Shoiild
1 1- 1 5 M- Templin H ’ e ford; Sixth . QUIT noted that SOUI‘Ce.’ ‘lte as a meam f .1 O the State S“ 11$th
11 ‘13 1‘: 1 ton; SeDenth W , erald‘Leader Lex' ’ 1ty of reported ‘ 1n the Vast m. . tax 0 - 0 retallation by 1 - . an abs
1= ‘1 : 11 3 lisle- E' I : arren R. Fisher M ’ lng— pa 6. , Cases involvi ‘1101’ 11 newspapers I pacmg Officrals ev
‘ ‘L ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ N , zg 1th, LOuis D R , eTCury, can P Imans Pl‘ivile . ng the new5_ to Serve . . 7 W0uld not be worth tic , en
nj 1 1 ews, Columb‘ . . e Osetta Adair (1 grand 'u ge, ‘t Was inka d « ‘15 ‘1 member of th' b 1 eDngaS'
1 1 ‘ 1 Indepm'lde la, N'mth, James T .Ounty . .] FY 01' legiSlativ b _ e bef01~e The Sales t . 15 Ody. Thl .
‘ 11 1 . ‘7”: Ashl d. - Noms ] 1nV€Sti qt' e Odles 0- - . 1 ax 15, as k S far-re
‘ ~ 1 11 klnq E a“ , Tenth R . ’ r» g. 111g Pl‘oc d' . 1 at Slmll‘1~ sllmei' ta you now a cor th-
1 ‘ 1 " "terprise H ’ - springer H Sult of ee lllgs Instit ‘1 x. We are ‘ltte - ’ 1 teats to fr
‘ 1 ‘1 1‘ 1 1 Van C ’ arlan; State- t_L 05' , {In article . . Uted 215 a 1-e_ C0n5ume. ‘ mptmg t0 placethl Sh 61
1 1‘ 1 “1'0“, State I ‘1 urge S C‘ llShed - 01 series of .- 1 tax Where 't - Ollldhav r
‘ ‘1 1 Large Jam Ournal, Fr'mkf , 1 1' In a new altICIeS 13 People f - 1 W111 least harm th ( ’ e ‘
u -1 1 1 , es Lee c ‘ 0ft; State.at_ ho Spaper.” Th Pu - 0 WISConsi 4 . ’15 PI‘ESs
1 1 1 State—at_L ra"VfOrd Tm, WeVer that “ e Court - the 11‘ Bear 1n mind thati - ‘ RT
1 1 1 urge, Warr ’ “"9, Corbin. ’ an aetio . 531(1) 6nd We and .11 (tunes '1“
. ; 1 Hal, LO - . . en Abrams, C . ’ Paper for 1 ‘ 11 agalnst a 0' d Other Consum . 1 t ‘ c0111
1 1‘ ‘ . : J. Burkhfiéllec’ Immediate Past Preggner—Jom- COHSidei-atiolbe’l plesents entirely d.é‘ews— 9; mg to pay this tax. 815111111161 Ratio“ 1,
1‘ 1 1 ———,(:fy County News Luigi; Fred The Coriihth 1 1 erent t 11am pleased that the Sen t h t1 111111610116 W1“
1 ‘ 11 1 1 _____)__._ . 1‘150 Stat 0 eimina ae as vorjan 6*
. ' 1 1 1 Ke the SWeeplug nat . ed that 111 View f thii b‘ te the tax on neWSptlpers fro lie 1) lhaps
1 1 ' 1 Mucky PreSS s - Which . .‘ me of our dis- 0 5 111 for the 1.61 1 n.
J 1- 1 1; Cemge M. Wil ervrce, Inc, t he des‘gned to ins . “New “1165, tax a news '1 . - ‘SOh that the 130“"?r 11 Until t1
, . 1 3 1 Breakinsggg Igesident 0 Obtaln all l'elevant f we - - - the ability only the {13‘ P61 Is the power to destrol’ 1111 have be 16
f = 1 1 1 Landau Wills F' hald'NW’s, Hardin b court PerceiVes ms before trial thm indi 'd leedom 0f the Press but our 0111 ent en a U
i W ’ Jixweél’resident S “’8 [Brogan] where @1110 diStincti0n betw 15 V1 Hal freedom of speech” 'butstates foll
. ‘ - . ’11' . fl ea 6 .- - een - not (
'1 ' 1 1 1 mm T' Dams, Second V-nty News’ CalhOun 0h cross-examimt' puvdege Was Claim d r a . 1criti' 111’ F
1 g ; Victoi- R Lyon antJCfinlsidem at bar where th c Ion at trial Rn d the e FLY—BY NI . 1 11m 'cllsm of D1
1 1 1 Perry] APrfrrhnann’ Secretary-rig d’ EddYVille before trial in ehhv‘lege has been qssehase ' GHT PROMOTERS the leges' H‘
1 1 ‘ 1 Florida.Rs ey’_ASSiStant Sea-eta “safe, motion.” Support Of the defe dltedi Spring time ' “ . lillll a'w 0f t1
1 . Camson, Assistant Trry V n ants papers to 11 IS Warning” time for "8111' hams 0f the
‘ eawrer Ca attent' f -. . 11rd]
, 1 1 Board of _ as * * - fly-b . 1011 0 then leaders 1t , Yawo.
1 . Y-nl ht - , 1t . 1d
1" 1 Chairman, Martin D thl’ectors [Senator Flnds Dan flll'rlzicesg Se (liltimmels Who want to ‘ 1311111 “11th the
1 do“; Mallrice K. He yc e, Sentinel-Echo Lo n TOXing Adv ’ gel‘ Out tOb'; . e aWns, trim Shrubber'y, p" rstAmendir
1 boro; Niles o. Dill-my’ Daily NW8, Middlm Th . erhs'“9 down (CLO StOCkS’ fertilize, fix roofsa ' .Ke’tmckv 1
g Springs; Theims Lingham, Progress Dawiil 111i efWISCOnSin legisl-uL11 I'eade spouts—the list is long Want to Rights pl‘Ol/jd
~. ‘ . ’ ‘< 1‘ . s ‘e .. . r . ' .
1 1 thl‘ma; Robert Fa Sirestrm, Democrat C O eXtendlng the st. t Came Within a fi. 5 to tlade only With local reputal great and e 11
. , Officers e ' y, relby News S] ) yn— paper fldve-t' . a 6 Sales taxt Ims, beCause th , . 1 free sse
‘ : x'Officzo. , le]])yVille; Will 0 1 15mg. The likelil 0 news_ long gon e itinerant promoter 6' 80ve1~mm
1 1 Conqj Ome up again, and notmOd that this Warn 0 e and no recourse. We might 211‘ stabll1Slled, w
. , 1 n, adds interest to the only In Wis- Pul‘ch'lsul I'eaders against “referral” 1111 11' Rights
commehts Of them 1:8 falld home‘smdy C0111365; Ch? 1
' re u y.

l '
l 1 ‘ ' 3,

3 proposal “ml C 1' S N P d . b l l l ‘ i
l ‘ l r " 1. *

i... floor i. Supreme our e s ew rece ent In Ll el Cases ; l . .
uexemptnewu . . . . _ . l l l l
or had yielded' A constitutional landmark for freedom of suit of safety and happiness, free speech, this Supreme Court decision may not even l ' l , :
ffear, Iwanl the press and speech came in the decrsron acquiring and protecting property, peace- be brought to trial as, no doubt, the de— l . .
ers of the Senl of the US. Supreme Court on March 9 able assembly, redress of grievances, bear— cision will have immediate impact thereon. l '
ate the newgl which threw out an Alabama libel judgment ing arms. All men are, by nature, free and The New York Times now faces a total 3 l 1? :
sfor the prim. of $500,000 against the New York Tunes equal, and .have certain inherent and in— of $5 million in libel suits in Alabama. The 1' l l . j,
be individur and four Negro ministers. It struck a new alienable rights, among which may be Columbia Broadcasting System is being 1 l l .
ed to the p80. balance between sometimes conflicting in- reckoned: sued there for $1.5 million. The Times had l l f
5 United State terests, the rights of Americans to speak First: The right of enjoying and defend— argued that the purpose and effect of these l l l ' 3,. ’
and write and publish freely, and the pro- ing their lives and liberties. suits was to discourage coverage of the l f j .

nbers of ill tection of their reputations against defama- Second: The right 0f worshipping Al- racial situation. That view was supported l l = ’
the legal riqll tory comment. mighty God acCOYCllni-I t0 the dictates 0f in friend-of—the-court briefs filed by the l . l . 3
tax newspapel The Constitution provides special protec— their consciences. Chicago Tribune, the \Vashington Post, and l l l f
it a tax on an' tion for comment on the public perform— T bird: The right of seeking and pursuing the American Civil Liberties Union. l l l i ii =
ech or pressl ance of public officials, the Court held with their safety and happiness. The decision arose from an advertisement i , l l i ll l }
he basic libel all Justices in unanimous ClECiSIOIL II] filCt, Fourth: The right of freely communicab published in The Ne\V York Times on i l l l l l lll l:
the people[ the decision sets forth the principle that a ing their thoughts and opinions. March 29, 1960, which sought to raise l l . l . ll lll “‘. l
l public official cannot recover libel damages Fifth: The right of acquiring and pro- funds for civil rights causes. The advertise- ll lll, l ll lll lll l

c life feel thl for criticism of his official performance un— tecting property. ment attacked conditions in many parts of l l . l ll: ~ .5, .-
zked by new, less he can prove that the statement was Sixth: The right of assembling together the South in strong terms, but no official 3 ‘1 . l l Ll} = '
awn as the la made with deliberate malice. The Court in a peaceable manner for their common was mentioned by name in the ad. Never— l l l l l lll - ‘; 7
including pul held that, even though a statement may be good, and of applying to those invested theless. four present and former city officials l l l l lll ‘
.ppeal to tlr false and defamatory, an official may not with the power of government for redress of Montgomery and the governor at the l j l l . l ill .
:ing. To be' recover libel damages unless he can prove of grievances or other proper purposes, by time claimed they were defamed. The first l x ‘ l . l llll _ 9,; ._
ich is in eilet with “convincing clarity” that it was moti- petition, address or remonstrance. suit tried was one brought by L. B, Sulli— l . l r1 lill ‘ f
also jeopardil rated by deliberate malice. Seventh: The right to bear arms in de— van, a Montgomery city commissioner with l l l ll illl :-
ch. Ihave ha The Court’s opinion, written by Justice fense of themselves and of the State, sub‘ general charge of the police there. He said l ll l i ll llr L ,f
papers. lhai Brennan, was joined by Chief Justice VVar— ject to the power of the General Assembly the public would connect the alleged illegal l l 3 r sl‘ ill! 5 i.
changes whi‘ Yen and justices Clark, Harlan, Stewart, and to enact laws to prevent persons from carry- activity by the police described in the ad ‘ l l l l lll
various new White. In separate concurring Opinions, ing concealed weapons. with him, and so he would be injured. Ala- l‘ll l ‘l lll ' fl
consin, just al justices Black and Goldberg said that the § 8. Freedom of speech and of the press. bama courts found the advertisement “li- l ll l l l lll i
genjoyedther‘ Court should have gone further and estab- Printing presses shall be free to every per- belous per so” because it tended to injure l l l ‘ lll ‘ fl
the State Sell lished an absolute privilege for criticism of son who undertakes to examine the pro- Sullivan’s reputation and said it was there- l l l l. llll l ;
.1 by placing Oiiicials, even for malicious statements. Jus- ceedings of the General Assembly or any fore presumptively malicious. l 3’ l l ' igli .
not be \vortlll lice Douglas joined these opinions. branch of government, and no law shall One defense left was absolute truth. The l j l 1 l ' lll _’ l.
; body. This far-reaching rule will meet new ever be made to restrain the right thereof. Times could not argue this defense because l .l l l 1 l l ‘j
know, a coil threats to freedom of press and speech. It Every person may freely and fully speak, it conceded certain errors in the advertise~ l l , l . lll fl 7,
lg to placeth Should have a forceful impact on the coun— write and print on any subject, being re- ment. Herbert VVechsler of New York, who , l l l ll V
least harm lll try-s press and politicians for it really re- sponsible for the abuse of that liberty. argued the case for the Times, made two l l l l l 3 ll E
n mind the!“ (lurres all concerned to see the possibility of § 9. Truth may be given in evidence in alternative contentions. He said the first l ‘l l l " l l . i ’
consumers all llhel action in an entirely new light. Its prosecution for publishing matters proper amendment bars all libel suits for comment l i j l i l - ‘
II full “We Will be clear only after some timc for public information; jury to try law and on officizrl conduct—the View taken in the : ll l 3

mate has will and perhaps after other cases seek litiga- facts in libel prosecutions. In prosecutions concurring opinions—or at least rules out so i l . l l l ' :le
w5papers fro, hon. . for the publication of papers investigatingr loose a test of libel as Alabama had applied. l i . l I .1: l5
: the power ll hUntrl the present, limits on libel suits the official Conduct of officers or men in 11 The Brennan opinion does leave it open to l l l ; l l . l I
1. to deSn-oynrl ave been a matter of state law with differ- public capacity, or where the matter pub— Mr. Sullivan to seek a new trial. But the l l l ‘ ll . :1
55 but ouro‘l, lent states following different rules. Many. lished is proper for public information, the Court made it plain that it would upset any l . ‘ l l ’ l 7
:h.” l ”ltd?“ all, provide qualified privilege for truth thereof may be given in evidence; jury verdict for him based on the kind of l : ‘ ll . ‘rl ,"
firIlIFISIn of public officials along With other and in all indictments for libel the jury shall evidence produced in the first trial. l l . ‘ . l l 'i a

. lllimlegeS' However, most printed texts on have the right to determine the law and the There is no doubt that the decision will l l l l
”Rs l illlilvgfsvofoihthe press devote chapters to facts, under the direction of the court, as in have immediate effect upon the tremendous . . l ll l . l
time £01. new hill‘dlv q V .513 Several state laws, but record other cases. ' . sum allowed by the courts for punitive dam- ‘ 1 I 3 3 l . l j
'heil’ readers ll lion \l’iih ‘tfilf toward the Federal Constitu- Now there is a uniform national limita- ages. \Ve Visuallze that hereafter courts 3 , l l 53 l
) want to . First Amen; Emphasis placed alone on the tion under the free press and speech clauses (will be loathe t3 assess such huge damages l ,l l . ll l . « 1 f
Shrubber)’iP"' Kentnck ment. . ' of the First Amendment. Its most imme— on reputations as we have seen the past l :' l p l . l ‘,
, fix roofsa Rights prol’dCOnstrtution in the Bill of diate effect is likely to come in the context year. Justice Brannan undoubtedly had this l . lll ' l ,
jg, Warn lll great and “V es .1“ Its. preamble: That the in which the Times case arose—the context trend in mind when he wrote: . 3 3 li
local, replllflll free gov essential pl‘lnciples of liberty and of the racial struggle in the South. How- “[Criminal-law] safeguards are not avail— . . ' l l f,
t promoter establighezjmnent may be recognized and ever, the Court, in its decision, did not limit able to the defendant in a civil action. The l . ‘ . l 1 l -.
We might fll‘ ill 1:. ’ “re dCClal‘e that: its discussion to the racial context. Many judgment awarded in this case . . . was one l, . l , l l l
“‘ ferral” lll - lghts 0f life; libel‘tV, worshi r- ,lin libel suits have been awaiting on thousand times greater than the maximum n l " i
re , p, pu an( g . . l r , -
courses; Che , -l l - .
l: . l l I I?

:“3...‘ .i/ ii -

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i‘ H E 1‘ E 1 . E E 'E E E


t ..E » .EE ‘ EEE E CH, 1964 E MAI
EEEE EEEIE. i»; E E E E fine rovid d . -- - . “

E ii E ‘E . ‘E E E _ ut p :Vhblh the Alabama criminal stat- tice Brennan: A rule compelling the critic inunicatio I f

i E, E EE E E .E E E e .E . . . et ei or not a newspaper can of oHicial conduct to guarantee the truth of 'b'l' ‘ 1111' ii any event, dESpite the posi

! E E1 E E E i E ' suiVive a 5110065510“ 0f SUCh judgments, the all his factual assertions—and to d SI 1 lty t atEsome excesses and abu5e5 m ,

E E E ‘1 E _ E E pall of fear and timidity imposed upon those pain of libel judgment vi t 11 01 50 01; g0 unremedied, we must l'eCOgnize that 'tii

‘ E‘. 1‘ , . E‘ . E E . . - . . . . . ‘ 1' 113 1111 imite ' - t

E E? ‘E ii E. E E E E :Vho EWOUIS g”? vow? to P1113119: Cl‘ltmlsm 15 in amount—leads to self—censorship.” C figifilszfi-tfl? 11:11:10]] have ordained in the»

E E E E E E E E E E idler: Kids); In WhltCh the 1:31“ Amend- “The public figure remains free more— bility of driczlsze t altd mbsplte 0f the {mini Old

E E . .. E canno SLll'VIVG. . . ’ S an a us ' .

E 1‘ EE E . E E , over, to sue for defamator comm t ' - ' - ' es, (Certain) 11E
E. ,EE E E E E E E s In the past, as Justice Brennan noted, the private life. The only meihber of 2: e (21:10:: filth? 313’ lnEthe long View, essential to all

. EE EEE E E E E . ugtemeECOurt has looked past such labels who reads the First Amendment so broadly lit eIEeth Opinion and right Conduct on tEEE KPA’S SF

E E E - E‘E EE E E E as insurrection,E ,, COiiteErn pt, breach 0f the as to bar libel suits even in the wholl .- p‘“ o e Cltlzens Of a democracy.’ the Senate

E . EE E; E E . peace, Eobscentiy and solicitation of legal vate area is Justice thk At least by 113]” For these reasons (with others) E Wilson Pal:

E . .jEE E E E busmess to find violations of the First said so in the past. He did not 1‘91 16 t 12115 strongly believe that the Constitution ac.‘ 119, passed

E E‘ E E‘} E . EE Amendment. Now the New York Times point this week” ‘C1 e cords Cltlzen and press an unconditionE 5with 7 se

E , {E EEEE E ' E EE says it has looked under the cover “libel” ' freedom to Cl‘itiCize ofiici l L

E z .1 E‘ f E E E . Chief t' H . . . a conduct. l-E absent, and
E E E E E3 EE E E: and found a deVice to repress free discus— 1 Jus ice ughes gave thls Wlse necessarily follows that in a case such 9 With 96
E- I ”E11 ' - . counse ’ c - ,« . . . . z. .1 _.
EEE EEE EE ii 510“ of public issues. We do not believe is the (1:11 "111 Olegon ECflSEe)- Impeiative thlS, wheie all agree that the allegedly deE voting or at

‘ i E E ;E El E E E E that the decision will goad our newspapers t1. t' lie? hto preserve inViolate the consti- famatory statements related to official C0EEE the bill Wh

EE :1 ‘ . 1 E , l ‘ - . .
E E E EE E‘E . to be more savage In their appraisals of fE1 ona rig ts of free speech, fiee press and duct, the Judgments for libel cannot cor and repeals
E (E E E . EE . public officials, or politicians than they have ieet asEstenEblyf in ordler to maintain the op— stitutionally be sustained» The pass

i. . E‘ E b - . ’ POI‘ 11111 y 01' fee 0 itical disc ' i .

E E E E. E . een in the past, espeCiEallyEwhenE we look end that OVern P uSSion, to the To Sum up,E evenEthough a statemer printed put

2 E E.‘ i‘ EE E E back to the bitter invective in political edi- th '11 g merit may be leSPOHSIVe t0 (against a P1113110 Ofllcml) may be false air libel section

1 E E EE :, EE ; ‘.‘ ‘ torials and cartoons of the last century. dei'wh Of the P601316 and that Changes, if defamatory> an 03101311 may not recover IibeE till must m'
3. EE EE . . EE . . . ll'e ( ' (

E E E EEEEE EE The deCISlOIl Will encourage outspoken Thereinnligs tigbtalnéfi by peaceful means. damages unless he can prove WITH CONE rection in \
E. E E E 2 EEE . . press comment on the vital issues to today the ver found tESP/cuiifty o theERepublic, VINCING CLARITY that it was niotivateEEE ment, or sta
1, E. EEEE E‘ E E by its elaboration of the First Amendment, emnlenz’” a Ion o constitutional gov- by DELIBERATE MALICE.—~V,R.P. ‘ defamatory-

:E E‘E EE E- E : E E In fact, the Court agreed with Herbert F. Justice Coldber 'h false, and st
E‘ E" E E - . . ' — _

EE 53E E EE . ‘-EE . . 3 E :Vei‘hlsleli‘, New YOik, who wrote in the brief concurring Cl 05 e dg’hglt (1 Justice 2hughas P 0 to the defe
E“ .EE‘, E . 1 E E 01' e irnes: , 60151011 wr t is

E E E . E E E ‘E .. , . em h - . “ ostol Econom Pro ram mentOEthe
E El E; ‘1 E E E This 15 not a time—there never was a -p atic statement, If the government 0f" NOl' T A” y g eSEiEbEEShl
, .EE ‘ E E t' h - fiCIal would be immune f‘ lb 1 ' 0 ed. Second-Class eg
E :E E . ‘EE ‘ . fine—W en 1t W0uld serve the values en- h - 10m 1 e actions E ning punitiV
E 1E _ EE E E Shrined in the Constitution to force the Is)o tdat his ardor to serve the public will not Postmaster General Gronouski statef are presume
3 E E : EE EE press to curtail its attention to the tensest e; tamperEiledE and fearless, vigorous, and March 10, while some postal service wall This new
.E E E ii 1 E E 2 1551165 that confront the country or to fore- .ec we a ministratioH 0f POEicies 0f gov- be redUCEd starting July 1, the processing correction w
EEE E E EE . go the dissemination of its publications in elramcfiit not be inhibited, then the citizen and delivery 0f first and second-class mai statute, and

. IE, EE E . EE E E the areas where tension is extreme.” 211p t1?) press Eshould likewise be immune is not supposed to be afiected by the cut-E spicuous p

.. E E E E I E E This figreement is evident in the Court’s will: IteTECt-lons for crlticism Of official backs. CUtbaF ks in services, estimated to. 411‘050’ def

E it E E EE E E words: . . . we consider this case against uc . eir ardor as Citizens will thus save $12.7 million annually, will eliminate the Size of h

E E‘ E : E E the background of a profound national com- not Ebeddampened and they will be free ‘to 37100 post office jobs under President John- It also re:
E E E . . . . a E , . . . . , . . .

V E E E . E E mltIrEenEt to the prmCiple that debate on 13%;;ng (13:1? ECUEtlilZe the way public em- ions economy program. The economIeJE‘ publication”
E. EE E E E . E public .lssues should be uninhibited, robust, most im E eiIEEIO s, from the least to the lsted by the EPMG, include: . E daily and “p:
E E1 1 ‘ EE E and Wide open, and that it may well in- “If 1. por ant. 11' A reduction 0f delivery sen/Ice on par-E regular issue
E E E E E E clude vehement, caustic, and sometimes un- . _ 1ability ECan attach to political cri- ce DOSt routes from SIX to five days a week: dally’ and a
E E . E pleasantly sharp attacks on government and twism because it damages the reputation of 2‘ reduction 0f Window services at post ol-E days.” All 11

E: E , E E public oHicials. . . . a public official as a public oflicial, then no fiCes; 3. miscellaneous reductions such «1‘ 0n which a s
E E E E E “Criticism of their official conduct does CrEtlcal citizen can safely utter anything but cutbacks in maintenance services; 4' con'E Esl‘eceiVed b
i EE . i E E E E not lose its constitutional protection merely f131111nt praise about government or its officials. SOhdatlon 0f regional accounting and dlii This Statui
w w 2‘. = ‘ -- . ev‘ .. - '- -- ‘
E E E . gecause it IS eflective critiCISm and hence of thégpgpliés critipism by press and Citizen 51:5??? {Hand s'lhclmlSOhdflfihon 0f 3 E ihmzlt'ed med
E E 1 . iminishes ther official reputations.” da b th ucf’h o 1the government of the P s o ces Wit aiger o ces. .611; which
_ ‘ EE ‘ ‘ - a Y y eoeiasofthed - in 56 -
o .. 5 E E E E SturldlfilTifisis- avelgs that lawyers who have yield to silence if officials in coiling/12f Sgt)? . E 411.061 dill
‘E‘ E E . ice ’ ' - _ r
E, ’ EE E E doubt that it providldlslillejy Ziblslgdhtgcl) prim: :ErnEment agencies, instead of answering cri— Postal Regulation E The neu
EE ' E E . - . . 0- ICISmS, can resort to friendl ' .- . ‘ ’ S

. i {E E El . . E hectitonlfor critical comment on official con- stall criticism of their Oflicialycgulcies to fore- A Nebraska editor, turned postmasterEE AN ACT
‘ E E 2 93 'E tEls true, as Justice Hugo L. Black “The concl . h 11 “Ct' sent this memo to the state central oiliCEIE slander a 'r
E E E E sai in his concurring opinion, that a South- EuESIOII t at the Constitution “News 2. er editors ma be interested in gal“

E . - cc affords the eiti d P p y
-E ‘ E E . . ern JUIY might find malice” and return a solut . .1 zen an .t_he press an ab- this excerpt from the Postal Manual (SecE Be it enac
. E E . huge verdict whatever the facts. But Ins- COndieictplcllVl ege fpr criticism of ofi‘icial 152.24% ‘Manuscript intended for publicil' of the Com”
7 i E . , 0 ~ . , i
E E . . : E . tice 1E3rennan made deal that the Court will Without deis not eave the public ofIiCial tion when not accompanied by any matteEIE S .
i E; E . . :crutinize any such verdict and put a heavy Opinion dais]? against unsubstantiated in the nature of personal correspondencels for EE‘htion 1,
i E E E urden on the official to sustain it. our systgg :fl erate misstatement. Under not a letter. Mere news matter preparetE ment'e Publi
‘ - E “ 0v » 1 .
. . . E Som‘? may be concerned at the idea that merit and educafionelan-miht, Counter argn- by press correspondents for the columns 0. feiidanlt1 ahda]
. E an ofHCial may not recover damages for able to ex ose th 18 6 Weapons avail- their publications are not letters. N?) slIStain (ls all
- i E even false statements, if they were made in merit . . . Sf s eece}:e matters, n0t abridg- matter to be used for the pIITP059_0f ra iEE Plead :h by
E'E good ffilth. The reason for including the cial CGl‘t‘lll’ll hp . I The public Offi‘ broadcasting is not a letter.’ Thls meaE mitigat' 6 p1
false Wlthin the privile e was i : y as equal if not greater access this material need not 0 as first class maL- ion of
g g ven by 1115. tha . . . g ma b
i . 11 most piivate Citizens of media of corn- but could be sent as third class if desired y e “3C0"

 T. 1 T TT "2th
é T '
espite the pot! ° 1 C h Rural Road Carriers T T T , T
.d T. T [(PA Li e Statute anges RuTed Non-Employees T T . ;
31;: Shift? . . Rural motor carriers are not employees, 5 5 .
5. e m t! the US. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit, J <55 T
30f the'proba. Old R etr aCt [on Requirements decided in January, reversing a ruling of l T i,
;(certam) 1le the National Labor Relations Board. The T5 T V , '
:::?:5Cl5.,5: :5}: KPA’s sponsored libel bill, introduced in allege and prove publication with legal Ease invlolved