xt7pvm42vb62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42vb62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-05-27 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 35,  May 27, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 35,  May 27, 1915 1915 1915-05-27 2015 true xt7pvm42vb62 section xt7pvm42vb62 I ( _
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y _ A I  VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MAY 27, 1915. N0_ 35_
)  -——··
"         DR. A. S. MACKENZIE’S     $15 smn“`0NLY FIVE TRACKERS
Parker J. Hord, '06, of Maysville, who ' Five "K‘¤", the lowest number ever
. ls the author of a. number of success-, , awarded ln track and Held athletics
ful ph0to·plays, among which is "The at State, were given the flve mem·
. . . . Mlx-up," has written s. tragedy and lsl · bers of the ’1T track ugd M d y. ·········
Pmze of $2 W1ll be D1Vld€d Wm Seven Games, Lose ° "' °° “ · .
- at present ln New York to present it · · The former basis of awarding the C3 (BIH Jlmm Leads Team
· E uall Between () S | E1ght and T1e One· Score Y
q y l · · to the Shuberts. Mr. Hurd sttrlbutes 78 Points to 60 coveted letter was the winning of an to 8 3-to-2 V1Ct0l‘y Over
"‘_*"""" LCG and     NlCh0l8 much ot hls success to a course oil event ln an imercolleglabe contest, U18 DePauw Lads
""_ ‘°°°“'°“ °“ “‘° “"“’““ "°“"’"’“ by The wuam bmuun swan, which but '~h*¤ Y¤·¤"¤ ¤¤l¢¤ M ¤¤¢¤¤¤¤h<><1 by ._..
C°¤W“ umm' °Y TM m°‘* Dr. A. S. Msckenzle while he was s closed with the 3_2 victory Over De_ Coach W. L. Anderson, consisted of a cgpmn Jlmmy and gwwm Jgm.
w°’ Wm- °°mmm°°’ °pp°m°d w "“""“‘ “‘ S"*°· “ *"‘ l"'°*’°"‘° **““ Pguw on Friday, While not glgnglly 8*** °* ’°¤°*¤¤ UM ¤¤¢b ¤¤¤-¤ Md ¢¤ mrs hurling wlng were chlelly re|p0n·
' decide upon the most suitable mu-8 he will com? here next fsu to lecture successful in number uf ggmeg won, better t° b°c°m€ eugime fvr the honor- sible Y0? the tl’0unclng of the DePauw
  for the university DIDN'. h¤V6 ¢0¤¤|d· to the gmdgmg in [hg Graduate School was in mon respects satisfactory m The live men who qualified were: lads by me cm.; on Stoll mgm lu;
  ered csmfully the names lvbmmed on the technique or the drama, me student fum The record of ww J. W. Lindsay, 440-yard duh. in bet- Saturday, The scm-8 wu 3 W z_
  ’ and h-No unnnimoudy $8T*d upon Another gfldulfb of [hB l[l8.j0l' Eng- en games won,   lost, and one   [Or than $54;     Woods, IDHO in S8,[\]l'day'§ pitchfggt, Wag [hg gcgg.
  the title, "The K¤¤t¤¢kY K¢¥‘¤¤l» ugh course who lg mqklug good lu me out of a mul of suwm game, plaveml better than 4:47; E. Frazier, broad sion tor Captain Jlmmy’s hut appen-
5 °“"°°”° M M°°"°‘ J' B' Nt°h°l° ‘“°“°*’°'“““ “’°""’ °' '°“°"' "’ ·'°*“‘ ln men um me mmm a success-lJ“'“P "°“°*' thm 19 *°°*¢ E- 6**** ¤¤¤•> More the footlizhts or cotton
‘ Wd O· S- L*°· ’°‘P°°u"lY· Fcland. formerly of L¤W1‘0¤¤¤b\1f8. ful muon but l more cudul my;BwIf6|d0¤'· “0·Y¤'d duh U1 b9t¢€¤' thm baseballdom and he knew he c0uld¤'t
Q Rupgqtgmg E;¤:;:_d' **:0 is IT;" °°';:°‘~‘:dl wghaftl: TW' of the mm,. p|·ygd ghowl that mal *;*3 ;·fHi¢k¤¤¤<>¤. shot D¤*· bei?-GY let the whlte flag be hung up on his
1 ` ` ° H ne' u °'" r' °m °."° 1915 team deserves 5 great deal of t "' *t· final mound work. Tha.t’s why hg dgglt
Q ROGER M- PARRISPL {gg the university was ggjoclgwd with credit for thou, work. The YGII ID {NCR W88 UIISUCCBBBYUL out the ugugl three opg¤.g,hr gwgu gg
KARL P. ZBRF‘09S· mmm Hubby-.; .g mug Aurorg, N, Y., Ona in un uct is out the due to the wm-up condition of Stoll me invisible mgmngmqg to ning D,.
* N M••N"· 0**** S- L" md J- B- for a while. I i ed d rm th enum our Field, which prevented the men round- pguwers gnd nyc [hg oqm-I only two
t ""°"°" "°"‘ """"“”" "‘° """’“‘ ······*~··· .Z1"*.,,‘L"K§ .,,,L‘ct.‘.,,,.Z., .,9,., .,   ·¤·» —····»·» ·¤ ··¤·»   ·»» mm mb. nt the .,1......, .,.,.r.,.¢.. H,.
I , uhh, mq prlge ot $2.00 otlered by PN- with Vanderbilt and Georgetown. condltlon powders were working tlne
. parent lu the opening games with
f f°"°r E°°°h C"°haT; h°°il;°tb;h:l 1:: Ohm md Michum had been dmut ——--—-•-+•-———— and in the eighth he slammed the pill
. pgrtment of Journ ll, W V · { to the outer garden tor s couple of
T · °" °""‘"’ "°°"°°“ "‘° “'° °°‘"°°°`! ?m°:$5.¤°;"::dmD:K,$:°§,1:L°L,;t         but Brother Cm ..,.. ,1.,.,
· uns. These men will DIGCJG CID lil W I failed to throw the switch to th main
’ Pmfuwr ummm,. Omoo for md], __ Possibly the must serious weakness in H °
. *· -""""' me team was the inheld neldlng and         "'
awnrd. •
l COIll'.3.lI`lS Mahy Novel FEB- several games were lost entirely on R. Harris, in the third frame, made
That the contest created much ln- . R hun B Hm [ r I I U {
tam ov" the lchool is shown   the           [HUGH] Ql'f0|'|,   Wai the CLAQ 0]] _-1°_—_ “ y p 0 I- Ou D rom
· not unt ninety tour names were sub 3 “D3I`il'tg IIl!lOV3.t10Il" me dgsugrou, gouthom U-;p_ in which Chapel T\,1I'l’l€d II'lt.O 133,13,06 P¤1‘k’¤ but and culled it out or the
` ` ——— _ ' ” _ bleachers in at way that would have
mined by the students and f¤¢¤l¢Y The 1915 Annual will be put on sale we were defeated by Cumberland Um Of Mlrth by Take OHS brought joy to the shades of M —
versity and the Southern Presbyterian on Prgfggggrg °"
member; to take the place of the pres· Monday and students who have signed pheus
out name of MTBE IDEAJF up {Of th6il' (:0py may g6[ it [hen   Unlverslty, bOu'l of   t8&IDB should ·—·- CurL     the   in the
,,,1,he Kentucky Kernel,. was many paying the remaining $1.75. 'l`hi¤»huve been "easy plckins." The beam The annual "Movlng Day" program
Y‘*“"“ A““““l can aptly b° d°“°"ib°d I as a whole batted well during me eu- was the feature of yesterdays chapel Second ¤°0¤¤d. WM Kiven a. fme ticket
chown by g process of elimination as ul ··dm.mg mn0v,m0n_·· It hu E exe,-else; According to custom, the on 8pa1ding‘s hit and bro ht iu the
tire season and in the majority of the ug
from amougthase by th€J\1d86¤· The sun back and the binding or the H I d b th Seniors moved to places on the we- ms; {ally on Bridgyg en-0,·_ Spalding
Over twice. E number of me most uu. the edges are ln gold. ipluylng of some of the lntlelders was and engaged in ··mke_0ngs·· on me fac. Kemps mt
I mul ones hom mmwn out at the There has been a change of style,\erra.tlc and bubbles at critical mo- ulty members, while the other classes '
Y K ° °h°“8° *" tm °·""““¥°’“°“‘ ““d·mems were responsible for me loss qt moved up a notch. "Movlng Duy" has U•>*’¤¤w‘¤ initial tally came in me
°°°°°d °°°m°g` This process was con- “"°“gh°“‘ "‘° °"“'° "°'“““’ “‘° "’°"1a lm- 8 er cam of th., ,,,,,8, of *¤¤s been mw ¤f the Jclliest celebru- fourth when al-meg sua me hm,.
tlnued untill three numel WQP0 B9l0€t· or u. "dll‘terent" Annual prevails. I 8 D g ' tions of the year and this was no ex- up to u ,_w0_ba_gg6r md connected wml
ed as bqmg me mop; gulmble for the On its 368 pages are seven c0|0,·‘¤0¤¤‘¤®. 110 College baseball team ever www"' me home stretch on Mnhuuefs mt
comm I,,pe,._ Theoe titles wm, ···ph,, plates. about 500 cuts and an ample ¤¤¢1¤*·¤** the =*¢€¤dY ¤`6“¤bi“¢Y of the President James Park, or the grad- u ‘
Kentucky Cardinal., ..,1.116 Kentucky SUDDIY 0f the reading matter thatlhlghly trained pmfeggigngl teams, and mmng c|&SS_ presided Over the meeb ~ ¤h¤¤'€Y Scored in the ninth, sner
' ’ oes to make a. good Annual. The 1 1 th 1 1 1 bl tl gp id [ being given a tree pass to tint, on
C°l°¤°1·" wd '°Th° K'¤t“°kY K°m°l·"|gxpenslve color work has been doneljczii Zag as good or better than the Igsrkgr afxdnhlzl‘:r1u;r?a{1ii11(:>us'?E;Eay€l;f Waters' wild heave to me inltlgl sack,
’ The Qrjj named Wag put out of [hé at no extra cost [0 [hg gubgcribgr, [hg— 8 ' [)l`0I1OUHCing ..Xi9€'ami" was heartily [ll [he Illlllh Tl.l[[,1€'S stick C0lll1€C[·
runnin: dw! it WM d9<>id6d thu the priw mmaming the “°m° as ml The development of the pitching wpmuded ed with the horsehide tor u. trot to
use of we mma might confuse the D¤'0Vl0\1¤ Y68·¥`¤··$2·50- The A¤¤¤¤-lsbstaff by Gossage was one ot the sen- Leo J. Sandman, ln the role of Pro-5 V _ _
of the Seniors ·will have the sub-l ti n ml 6 whe th do 8_ yessor (-_ R_ Melcherl presented the second. bpuldiugs try at g, sacrifice
umvenuy wm, the University of _ sa, o so 1688.80D. n e p
scrlbers name 011 the front ln gold chapel announcements in u. way tha.t.PUi him at UW ih¤'¢>€·q\1&!‘tel‘ DOHC, and
1·<>¤¤¤vi¤¤¤ ¤i¤°° uw L°“i”"m° “·u?l“' letters. {Stem mst winter were ngurmg Outiwas well received. He was followed Crum's right tleld sally gave hlm s
· lc mgm.; ue known as the "Cardi- Credit should be given the sta.ff,°“" chances this Bp"i"g· Hwy putlby Mlss Lois Bartlett in u clever lm-%reason for rumplug home with me
m,_]s·· and gudgm,] fg their college members who devoted their time to Stute's odds at about 50 to 2, because personution of Miss Sweeney of melwmning score
colon   narrowed the choice to making [1118 [118 b€B[ Annual   The ____j____________________ _____ Houle Econonlics Departlllent, on [1181 Cruul and S   [ UN ln
_. HlB!Db8l'S HTG Owen S. LQO, Edl[0l'-ll1- C U od P   bj [ ( ME i S dl U 1 p g K0 0 I °$
"*‘*·¤ K¤··*¤¤*y ¤¤*·>¤·>*- mh W Cm; Herbert cmu., Jl..l..,r As. ‘ °L‘Li’Li‘;L-'°"’ |if;,,,‘§{’, §’,,c0,,,f,‘i¥‘°“" “ "°" “‘   me mgm   im., .,1.,
¤“8K°*‘@°d bY tw') P*’°f°“°” and t·h*`°° sistant Edlt0r·ln-Chief; Associate Ed- 0 0 ·|• O *|* •|* •|• ·|• + O O O + '|’ '|’ Lester W. Grady}; wake-grr" on   hearts of the bleaclxerites, and Tut-
students, md "The Kentucky Kernel." ltors Christine Hopkins, Marguerite O ‘•‘ Commandant Arthur Underwood was l ues [wo-Saqkgn the forerunner of the
The judges uwly docgded that thglggt Schweers, R. B. Taylor, A. B. Liebov- 0 The tentative program for ·I· good. as was B_ U_ gm-tm in his im, winning nm, gave them www to re-
d was more in     the itz,     Ehr“Ch, C. P. Taylor,     + C°n"\"\°nC•n`Ont wI•k EI II fol- + pgrB0na_|_i0“ of Judgg Lyluun Chalk.` _ il   ` f   I
d d Noel, Kenneth Doris and Art Editor. ·l· |¤w•1 O ley and A, C, Young lu his ··mke.0¢r·· Jo te' Q B°°r° ° °w°‘
me °f we (:011988 paper lm accor ` R. R. Morgan. The business stat! con- O Sunday. June 6th—BaccaIau· •I• on Dem, A_ M_ Mmm-_ l he¤tucky—— AB R H P0 A li
lngly t\1l'lI0d in HIGH dBOid0|\ $8 |`9‘ glgtg of }{_ M_ Parrish, Business Man- O r¢liQ Sermon. * Natalie \\'ood'g grrgignmgutl pep Schruder, ss. . 4 0 0 2 1 1
produced gbqve, agar; S. E. Cooke, Assistant Business O Monday. Jun! 7th—C|II| ¤•i- + Dean Anus Hsmllton, of some ut [h8€\\'a,[_tyrg_ gb_   4 U 0 5 2 2
The winning img wm be submitted Manager; M. Brooke, Subscription # t¤q•th•r‘I and d|¤•M‘I· $•¤l¤t‘ * Patterson Hall girls wss one of the J park p 4 U 1 0 1 0
Manager, and Assistants, Bessie Whlte O BIN. •V¤¤i¤Q· '•|best "tskeol'fs" of the program. l)r.l A I I  
T ‘ EA B d I C t l t · . .
` W Hb ID °" ° °“ "° ° and Kaunem more; glu-; 3086;-; 5,.1- ·|» Tuuday. Jun• 8\h—E¤•¤‘· WA. S. Mackenzie WM ebly ¤‘¢l>¤‘¤¤€¤¤¢· (W Park L   4 I I 9 Z U
their “"“ m°°'·i“g t°' °“°“u"°   vertlslng Manager, and Lester Grady, + ci•e• by the Tau B•t• Pl: mnt- *led by J, 'l‘. launch, and an hour m “ right- 3**   * U 1 0 2 2
V Um! Mld if HWY B0 d9°Y‘69· uen Yea"! Assistant Advertising Manager. + MQ cf fh! B¤|¢‘d ot Tf‘U|¢¤¤|» *!Judge l.utYvrty's class room, us pre- Tuttle, lb. .... 4 1 1 8 0 0
edition ot "THE IDEA" wlll appesras ..1..+*-.. O m¤¢‘¤l¤¤· CIM! p¤v‘¤d••· ¤N••‘· '|’ sented by Wurwn lcubsnk, was well Sl,u;d;,,g, "_ __ 3 1 2 0 U U
"'l‘he Kentucky Kernel? "submitter" headed the list "The Ken- ‘•’ "°°"· cl"°“'· ln "‘*"""°"'* WM "’ received. James l’urk'¤ hnpersonntlon or m me U .
# ¤¤ SMU Fi•|d 8 P· m· * of the always-re resented Ur 'l‘l ert u ’   4 U I 1 0 0
The word "Wlldcut" seemed to tlnd tucky Co-ed." and two Civils wanted ’ P · K» Kem, Cf   3 U I _
iv Wednesday. Jun• 9th—C|¤II '• und "Sllm" l·lhrIlt·h ss "Speedy" l‘ur—~ )' ' ‘ A U 0
{aver with many ot the contestants, the name changed to "The Kentucky • und"., morning Alumni • NL m“_i“_d round after round of up W I _' l__ V l_
audit sppesredinmsny combinations. Fellne." "'l‘he Vunguard" and "The .•. bu·in°·· m,,t;,,¤_ anu-,,°°n_ 4 Ulauam   ·l·U[MS 4_____ 34 3 9 ZT 8 5
"’l`lle ulu•pusette" and "Wudcst Week-l—graph" were also submitted + Alumni hanquct. Pho•nix H¤· 0 ’l`he1·hupelwu5 .—mwd,·q by g[ud(~u[g l,_,,»uu“ AH N H PU A E
Doine" were two of six tltles suggest- and two culling cards were found to '·‘ "'· °"""‘9· '·’ wlw “‘¤¤i¢*d to Sw ¥h<*U‘ l>¤'¤f¤¤¤ul‘¤` lt. HMNS 3bA _
Q Thursday Jun• 10th—C¤m· O placed in the "rl ht ll l1t"bet'or tl- ` * U U I 4 U
ad by one ot the {slr cu-eds, and some bear the names "The Kentucky Korn- ’ _ K B ° ° ' L_ H, 1. -5 .,b 4 .
bn 6 __ F dt __ M I Q m•nc•m•nt •¤•rc|•••, mcrmnq- O ers, whlle the faculty, fearful of hu.v·` _ ° N ' " ‘ ‘ U U I J U
u! the boys turned ln such entries as ko sn. The eu st. any 0 + Alumni Nunn um., a""_ * mg wmelmus Sum about umm __bc_ m,msN, tbl U * I I H U 2
"Kentucky Kolyumn," "'l‘he Hunt- the titles suggested were dupllcst•d\• m·,°n_ 4 mud meh. bucksx. [umm] out iu mul N   7 A     —
mur," **8. U. Ky. Scre•chor." One on many 01 the pspsra. O O Q O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 0 O wwe, { (Continued on Page Thww
' L.
·` i

8 T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go'; Go.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE °"""""5°
Me At ·
- - . P-. wn•r and Mann or. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
V1\ q I q nally large number of friends assem- Ou,. w"kIy 8 I
l I   poclal.
,   M9? mr tho gala °c"I“l°"‘ tlrntlunted l>oesn't Neeesnarlly Mean • ·
Pvbiillied every Thursday throughout the Collggg yur by III. jtuagnf 504, rum h"m‘* 1*****3 *****1 8 b"¤¤'»if¤i I.;III,,HI,.,I_
of tho State University of Kentucky, tor tho benetlt. ot tho und•r· "i*‘i’ *“"`¤"U"*‘iY d°°0*`8i*‘d hl natural
I graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. colors and banked by u lovely earthy
    I+~   e · R · ~~ -—-·-·= material. As the tzuests xatlierrd tht? The Gauny s•y•:
I THE IDEA in the ofticial newspaper of tho University. lt. in lnuod with low humming of voices made most t
itho vlew of furnishing to its subscribers all tho collogo news of Kontucki, IWHIIIIIIIII IIIIIBIC Smrm pmmp wm bmw mm th°
{together with A digest of itoun ot lntoroat concornlng tho unlvornltlos of TI _ I) II ,` I , I I I bI I I m""i" M Yh·"~¤¤¤¤-that-w¤¤¤'t-loaded.
2       Iothor •t.•te• mu u•n•u•.. ‘* Hr ‘ "d“‘“'I °‘° Y “ ‘" “ “" in-tt t-titers will throw water out or the
I L grey ta ore sut with crepe de may- (I0rmItmy wmdowsl .
8 _ , snows DAILY . . 3 I•u•scnt•=rior1, one ¤ot.t.An ran vnu. nv: cswra nn corv """“‘”” “"**’“· “'*"‘ "‘*’ °"‘*° °'“' it soap wt--- tm- and nu- laundry- ~
I Entered at Lexington Pon Uf¤c• u second class mol] matter. “`°"’;*`" "imiirur wd.! Il°v°IIy B"? Ia man would pay one for the privilege
I · I I »-   s-   ·— -=- ’“““ Y °“” ° '"‘"“*“ ‘"° ““"“ " or keeping he- t-it-Im- use from for- -
I nc MATINEE I uc aotronmt. •1·At=r, 1|14-1I15. I"I‘;;°*I3€S;‘\‘;;*‘ ;I"h;*::;¥::;*°’r1?Ii9“';I SI: eign matter, there wottld sun be time ·
CLYDE P. TAYLOR ....................................,,. - - ' ’ ' ' Wl ’ ld t .l l
_ _ _ _   Ed"'°Mn_Cm“ is a son of Kentucky State University II, l:II:y0Imd 0;:23 m0a;§]Z030i?§::niI;;
      I hhM\l:.lH DOIUS ........... . ..... . ................... Managing Ldlmr and a grandson of the State L€gIsIu_ mm home plate » 8 I
J. UWEN REYNULDS .................................... A "
""“`“` ”°“°' I.`L2°‘II§TI°IZi`...?,§§§“Z‘.lZZ;Il’°3?II2§ S32 The °'·*·“·¤*·*·"··*·* me who use w
t t fl
Und•r Entlnly N•w M•n•g•m•nl I Auuhn Edin"' season to some of the seasons fair gp PI) at ve in tim morning to study R
.in:Ai¤t·;t·tts sum, .... t·m¤t·•o¤ nut J. ic. BOLLING ...... Mun. md mm. dHbHmnI€H_ ;‘I"“t JM *‘ B0" “h° °°m°¤ *¤ °·b¤¤* .
A. B. LEIBOVITZ ........... Attn 1 . *. rt ............... · · ia m°‘
  Gl CI G (J OGERS Munn: AITIOHK U18 g\l€B(,S pl`€B€Ili’. W€¥`€· There are all sorts of Liars, Includ_
s. w. itoru ............. Agriculture rnonancm HUGHES ..... Exchange Lillian and E- B-. Bess and Rosen Ing IIHI HIHIIHIII who says he worked
_____ Clara and E. A., Nat and Bill, Flor- three hours on that one problem and
O € 8 mcsrsn w. mum: ................................... Butum umqu *’f‘°° *‘"" “‘“°*‘*"· E" H““"’“ °·”d couidtrt get tt.
J. T. Gamma ..................................... Subscription umqu I""°l’ Ad°““ ““° T“"”d‘ Anim md ,A glimpse M Page 26 of any mod-
I     .... H 1 _ I I H.  Je"- Amy ““d F“’· Bm? ““d B‘“°““· em r-st-ton magazine ls enough I.,
Esther and Pinky and many others make us wonder what the world.!]
*»‘ whose names could not be learned or
4.;:, I   H   A e e .,_»_r,, ·   s I U--s— ----—.—.-- coming to next.
I Sp°u°d‘ The cheerful optimist is the one who
8 I THE LAST ISSUE. N has to take summer school every year Q
ow, Whaddye Think of Thla? and can still feel that the profs. did
I 'Phis, the thirty-tifth issue of the year, marks the end of the season for State University, Lexington, Ky., Imt   him a great injustice in mmm
I the publication of THI-I IDEA. The start has endeavored to put out a weok· 12 o‘clock Noon, May 25, 1915. HQVIIIIUIS It that the mgh bmw girl
Arc   •n   ly that would be enjoyed by the students and one Worthy to TQDTBBODK U16 The Committee on Discipline, h8.V- who can talk so fluently and intelli-
I institution. We wish to thank the students for their kind aid, and owe much iris had M this h0¤¤` H0 00¤i'€S¤i0¤B gently on Nietsche, Ibsen, Montemez.
to the valuable assistance of the Department of Journalism. 'l`he work from °r mf°rmati°" regarding pm" Zi- Baudeiii"9 and Buch. d0e¤n't T9-
_ H has consumed much valuable titne of a few students, but we all feel that gitgmzsgatgxjexiarjgerhgsesy %:;:;_iI;$l:€dll:lf the attention that other , ‘
’·  if  . . . . . .. . ' · ’° °· t
  i the hotirslhawe been w ell spent, and hope the issues have met the approval In en-ect, the Order Issued on May 21, The nearest that Some of us back  
. ,·  ·;_     _   I or the magornty oi our readers. that the rooms on the third and f0uI‘th I sliders come to getting religion ig tp ’
_,;-_‘__}`$y;_1§`;tQrg.· Q I 'l`his is our last issue and we now turn THE IDEA over to the new staff, HOO? of the HYS! Mid second divisions I mail our letters in Y, M, C, A, gave. .
‘\_-4* · I   secure in the feeling that it will be in safe hands and trust that they, too, In U:) Old d;rmn;;y1;° vacated b&il°p€s·
I`. __.,- _ T . ., - . · "
will tind thc work of getting out the college paper next year, as pleasant 0;, pdm ay 15 Says an exchange' At 16 u gin
` K"   I ld nrc? bl) S we luv I Kd it 5 or er of the committee. will believe anything you tell her. but
V { `=·  “‘ “ J ·** ‘~ a ‘ " 0*** · C. W. MATHEWS, at 26 you will have to show her the
I I I _____________ Chairman. Iblue prints? O
_,_` _`_ I FIFTEEN’S FAVORABLE FAREWELL. — I Some of the more nervy ones may _
. Things to Worry About. !seek positions after graduating, but P-
' A `E I lt is amazin· and almost ·ur-rlsin l w ra>ldl· tl · r· l'd bv 'l`l Of eighty girls at Oberlin Couegein worm be long bemre the whole U
I · B · ” I · g ‘° i ’ ‘° wa “ gi 9 ·‘ ie only five knew that Ypres and Joffreiflapdoodle will hunt jobs. A
n { I   Class of Fifteen is now about to ieu\'t* the <‘0lliiIi€S of UIQ li!`li\'€l`Si¥Y T0 b€· were not names of face p0wderg_ I J
) 7 gin [hgir labors on u grt·u[(~[‘ 5l)]I(>]‘9_ T|)9]‘(—¤ are ()]]]y 3 few Witt) W()llid DOI.  *"""` ‘—*"" ""_"’ * I
x ‘ I add in chorus that the days have been both beneticial and highly enjoyable. “
° nv I 'l`ht· mtmories of the past linger and, about to go, we feel a resentment now.     I   'I
  _ _ I Many valuable lessons have been learned. Many experiences of college days *
) I will be a joy and prize forever. 'l`he faculty have been very kind and to To .
Omcmc I their untiring efTorts should be assigned a great part of the reward for our   O   C ' .
. .   gt Il g mp y
To inspect the new Sphngi . I , . _ .   . 0  
I ln parting wt- hate to the tlass ot sixteen the many customs, ancient
StyI¢8 in rights and iibertits of the Senior (Ylass. Some ot` thcsc may be changed or I   · .
shorn of some features notwitltstanding thc many t·t1`orts put t`orth to pass I I .
  H""‘·   ‘*‘·     ·‘ ‘·‘‘   I WELSH & MURRAY
Shoes, 1
  I·I· ·|• •I· ·I· ·|· + I- •|· ·I· ·|• ·I· O •I·`Uwner will please call at the Regis-I
. I, HHH OF THE GADFII, ,,.-...--5 MI-It-I for   I I   I   (  
Neckwear 1- 1- ·•- 1- 1- 1 ·•- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1-. NZM ¤·- <¤¤l·U¤· I ’ .
I t » · , i "*"" _ Incort ontdo. I
D Q L B • Q wr wr The Original Wise Guy.  
on t     ‘*‘; A wise old stude we']! all admit, '
I 1* •I• •I• •I• •I• ·I• •I• •I' 'F 'P '•' is he who is so slick   • • I
T O ' 1- \\'ith Apologies to + That when he "t·uts" he'll never tell e     S I
he     I ·I• Luke McLuke # 'l`ht· profs. that he was sick. I  
I I O OI + _    · `
Palm Baa". suits     •|» Cincinnati linquirer. •I• Oh_ Very weII_ I ·
Mau. tu urn"' i ___,I 'I' '|’ '.‘ '|' '·' '·' '·‘ '·’ '·' '•' '·' "'l`ht·rt· are some cases on I‘€<¤0l”d of `L
I —····—· studs-nts getting something for noth—     A  
( I   (   i can it Wan ks ing," said the optimist.
\\'t·`re told tlt•~t‘t·'s <>Hi)‘ {WU Wife "ltut not ou an e>.atn," $.illS\\'8I`€d the · •
y I mUI.__ IMIMN 124-128 North mmestone Lexmgton, Ky.
I\`t1tii t‘otuttit·nt·t·tuttit days are ()'(’I`i ___
  {   I II()\` Sus; “0I     Fer HeavIng·Y       _ — t__— L__L_—
't)l` gl`;] S, \\ lt) U U ", . I `;"1_""  “"" 
lnoorporqhd Il·‘or |';ttrit·k Hall th•·y`ll see no more. IIUuE?k::;re;Ia:;_u::Ev.€III9I     »
r I www ln t`hit·uI:,o there is an electric ple-
T-- C------ -=--tm S--- I       ....     ...... ..     .tt...     H IG H B RI DG E I
1;* i IIt)l|t)l' SIIHIUIII (INV “-iio ilu-S the pun [||[‘|I ()[|[ 2:{_|lUU I|I(*§ gl (lily,   ‘i
\\ilt·l't*\\iIilL\i to gt-t by without study- ,_ ,4_ _ S d _
I E • C• C i"** I The State·DoPauw Game.   ay,   30,   · " “
    O•I I'tttt Hull All ousls ill tht- ti¢·St·l`i. IIAS II.·III`,II DI [III, SU(.I(.ty H`,IIm·uIr_I •
hoo:-p•r•t•l \\‘IIt.·I· That whirh tails ut iHl¢*¤°·I III.- ttm-.- mt»ntlts` etigagetttctit of I
Mgnufgqurgrg gf utittvttt ttttcrtttls lrtnut thc (lid i)ortuIMI>h I I-_ Ik_I»uu“. and MI., In HI \`»IId_   [
    “i'“i"“* I I Ivut was brought to it sut·t·esst`ul and C C
  i‘;\lll|l All t>ir>·Il`llt'IltlIl lll lilv |'Uil(i lt) I IIMIIIII [I.I·uIIHuIIUH I,‘|·IlIuy uI‘l(.I-noon     E I ,
ii'*""i"ii·*' ut It 13 o`t·ltwk on Stoll Field with R ~ ¢
1** WE"' *M'N •T¤¢¢T I I.~II,..t what ti.-- nt·~tittI·, i--··-·-II--¤z—III.-_ --·I·_.I,..·· Aiii>t)ll oh`it·iati|tg. it Tag"' $3:nd I
`i“'"_"" "   ` ' Illtt; lltl t·rt·t·ti, titws ltr l‘lt‘it itllti |mU|' IIHS IUI IIIIIII-vhsiut affair, the bI,uutI_  
DR. J. D_   I**m"‘ `lul batdtgrtitttttl ot crepe dc dust being MUSIC i RECRVEAFION 1 SCENERY  
lvl EAR NOSE um THROAT ~ most attt·at·tiv-»ly decorated with aI T|¤|S•¢Il¤ld•¢L[X|NGT£ goodgolngonSpo¢l•ITnlnlouvlng||.|5•m.¤r I
° ‘PEc|AL|·T I Dtogencs, Where Art Thou? Ilatrgr >t|llitl`t· surrounded by nutner·I °“ r"'" N°·’· {
qu"., g,,I,,Id I, 0,.d,,._ i ·$i¤¤· ·»¤· l‘¤·<»¤ §|.··¤·i¤¤··¤"~ l¢¤¤l•·ti·¤ ·-Ms Mt"--¤- ·»t sz-be--ritz---! ~~Ii¤···.' ’l`h<·I I “°""     "‘;*;_":n'L".';I:::: "“:‘:‘·';‘:‘·*""°"· . , `
I iit lil <·l~t|tt\lt»t»k I ·tI \I‘i* (ifi ‘ i
“¤cI•"·nd lunch". ,_I I lr I»t_ I I- ati »i it -•-iu u I - 1431 (_ gh", gt Q) MGTON, KY. ·
          |·`()II|II| [Huck It·,t[IIt·|` I»t)t'k\*[II)()()k tllitllltllld UH hitlii I‘i\‘i|.I Mild All UUuB‘I - *7 `“`V4—_`r"""`__°"`_`°—-;°——'Yr" N 4**-* V4"`-Yr i [
. w
Q *t • D

L T H E I D E A g
4.— __.,_1__T,l1__,1_ ;-3-__;_-•   I
uuble "sub" into one of the best Wil 1- I
iKARRAKER HAS STORY PM ,w,,_r__ ( M. , ,
it H9 ’ ' ’
      Ah   Ones of the most gratifying uvvnts of     8    
Fl   t   i‘r0f¢·ss0r i’, Id, Karruknr, of thu Vim HPBBOH WHS i’8I‘k`¤ PMIITH U) ffifm.    
0 · 8 {Agrnnmuy I>¢—purnm·nt. has an articlv After M, wm thought nm; mg 4·m-qq- Phone 1517 for Private Lenonn.
415,423 E_ M.xw•|| .|n th<· May numhvr of the- Journal uf M A pitch". was Bndpd by mq m_ Ad I At. U. C. T. Hall, 8 tn 11.
. Agri<·uIt,umI lqasmrcln, entitled "i·1`- ` m salon 50 conn. All New Dancn Taught.
—   Bququets Made f0ril`•·r·t on Soil Moisture of i¥<‘h°¤*‘ nf the wlnninz KRYTIBB 011
(Inca r••••|) It is curnsilvrvl uitl i t ,t . _ . I
L D0R0THY '6°¤¤¤ SH¤¤·¤S   .m.(....'...t.I .11*., “..“.Ii.clI1§‘(§’.Z ° “" ""‘ ` ‘’‘' ""’"‘ """· *‘"" "’ "" “' ‘‘’‘‘ ‘“ , 80 20
FOR WOMEN   ‘ P · which went up when he wont Into thv
` $3.50 to $5.00 }»,.(,fm_,H0r E_ },·_ l,·m.quhM.' of the box in tho seventh inning of the Ha-    
, RALSTON HEALTH SHOE Iiepurtnwnt of |·}ng||H|;_ has dgyqvemd Wiiiiaii K9·m*‘· W9 BU UODB thilf if R•·m··mh··r   W N., More
_     (-(,mm,,m.€mBm addresses to high "JHH` KUHH in for professional bull he Our Hats ‘ No i,•-ss
. , . ill make good.
$4_00 to $5_00 school graduates as follows. Hazard W I l l   & A I n d
I Hixh School. May 20; Falmouth High Fha fart that two of the Wlldcats I    
Svhool, May 21; Stanford High School, haw h""“ given an OPPOVWUNY t0  
i_ A May 26. Tomorrow he will deliver an Rimw their *"¤h’-mg qualmes in tim V i V  ""MW
i   l address at   lbaintsvule   professional game, and 8   has A    
A ]'," *` S<·h00l and on June 3 at the Nicholas- Offers that ha is °°““id*"`mg “°c"pi' ` t V
  ivme High Sch00|_ ing· shows that our team has some ‘
i ________ good qualities at least,. "Biscuit"   and €S[)€Ci3iiy college fél-
|\\ : BOOKS AND NOTE BOOKS. Reéd has signed a. contract with the RV lows,   the new ’VarSity
| Li . .1 ·_     P°ttcry·
• wha. dl il wen md GOOD. Wriglxt, J. Park, Wright. Struck Out*(‘. Park .,._,.,,_ 13 48 ll 329 · _j'; __ · ,·   , ·  
—EEHy Park. 9; by Ford, 4. Butteries— Tuttle ..... . ..,,, 16 63 14 ,222 '°""’°"}`A_"_"'_°i".`L"`i`A_'A`"`_"””l"'“"""“"'"""" —··»·
I ` Hot Ch¤¢¤\•t•. CUNIY Und lc" J- Park und C- Park. i*`0Fd and MGF- Schrader ........ 16 64 13 .203  
—-————   mw. Guune Begu,n——3;3Z», Time- Flynn ________   3 7 [ _]43 '§ :.-° ·`
Dr lziili. Umpirc>—Allis0u, of Kentucky. Mc(‘lellund ...... 5 14 2 .135
•   Edward Gordon J J Graddy Nick Ryan T c arm. J 1- M c
* ———••-——- Tnonms ......... 7 23 x wu " ' ' ' Y "' ' ° °"°’
· —_— (Tala; ......   1 l   0 .000      
M¢cl•u•¤d Bwldhl   (Continued from Page 0¤e.)_ * _ gslivrrt ‘·‘·‘···   9 3 *233 GRADDY_RYAN C0_
GO To of Jim l’urk’s injury during the foot- ` `-`.```''' ` i¤__<_____ i- __ -__ I I W ` '  
I llmmus, Mvtlelluud. or Kelley iu the
• " “       Ibox, the fans were cuutident of see-    
‘ ‘ h d B 'img the nurnmg wen imiuieu. The 236 w· '“"‘ °'· °""‘° 35* T   _ _
Ant I-acne an ituminoul , ._ __ . , _ . Give your orders for dances, vct., h t S
`nxm l•usluuen. ixuiley and Md lellundi to MRIROGEH M. PARRISH of c      
[ I   Lworu the tluds or the seusou und it slum Uniwhlityl .
, K k ithey continue in form will be able to c°m°r L°m°"°"° and wI"°|°w‘
~ ....E..-L.-- ~...—.! ‘ "’ °“" "“ "“ "_ "’ "“""’ °' ,_,,,.,.,,,,, Full Lune ut sTA'1`l0NERY and SUPPLIES
_g -1- lfuur yours. While this is 'l`ill)lll8B’ ` .·,", _’ {
? mg (gmqgggg 1[|¢||[||$' |§[|||;Y mm-q year ut stm. mis is thu nm   L.····j;_·:_'  CREAUBIQ g n.u~cH c0u~TsR OPEN Severe ¤Avs Ann Num-ns.
a 4 , . ~ L *
l PRUMPT ~RlLlABL¤—II·`FlCIEN’l‘ 9***** thm h*‘ hw b"*"' “m‘* W “"‘|ui"°     · ‘   ESPECIAL