xt7pvm42st1t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42st1t/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946;1947;1948;1949;1950;1951;1952;1953;1954;1955;1956;1957 journals kentucky_leaflets_101_200 English Lexington :  The Division,  1938-1943. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Leaflets A-P / Extension Division, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. text Leaflets A-P / Extension Division, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky. 1946 1946;1947;1948;1949;1950;1951;1952;1953;1954;1955;1956;1957 2014 true xt7pvm42st1t section xt7pvm42st1t ‘  »-:.  
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X _   I   ) ’§L{TL ll¤LL vi Fnl Ppllk /7. O l __   _   7   l c0·OpEY¤llV€ Ex'°nsI°n work in AQYECUINIYQ and Hg"]. E(°n°mks
3 D QC g BC__ _ Vk r 1 n num mu mx cmu., 70 >y," 7 777 --  *7* ~0·=7’—7··""" 77‘·0· —777"7+7V V 7 :
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in  sp 2,7 1 7- " ul · M-; V/~ l' • _
"“ "” ““'°`“ ‘ " 'E lx; RAM _ _ HE CN Y l.-}4-»i@i7—¥—»~7%l College of Agflwllure und Home Ecqnqmms
        and me Unired Slctas Department of Agriculture, co-operating
B§N90\EBVl7-li yhomqs P. C¤¤P¢', Dlf•¢•¤r. Ads of M¤y 8 und June 30, 1914,
LEAFLET 35 Apalll 1943

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  ]\ •-·= FROM GARDEN TO THE TABLE ll 7/ K
Fruit should be ripe but still firm; vegetables Pour boiling woter on product ot stgrt of
2*   in good condition lor table use. SOGKUYQ P€F1OCl— _ _ ’
` V Dehydrdtion does not improve guolityi Con- Proportions indicotted in chctrt ore only ct  
seguently, if ct good dried product is desired, guides open—li¤iSl¤€S Ulm bmlgql t>1¤¤GS-_bI Pro ect trdnsporent contdiners from light tr:
ay   Products vrnoy be dehydrgtefi bwllll GCM G kcrqp product from turning d<‘zrl<.   g
I @  if  l peelings left or., olthough drying time is usugle BGQS ShOuId bg SIOTQCI in mgm IDSQCI Cmd   A D
      IY I;]UCY€‘GZ?d@l·y _ _ t {_ _ h t rodent proof contginers.   ,9
vt ote cr itioricrl ins ruc ions in c dr. t K. »7
cf 4 Q Qw . T V
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@> J Used for fruits only, to mciintoin quolity ond ROUIOVG item Clehydrcttor ond pcrckoge ot /
i / color once Jo ovoirl insect infestrgrtion,   ./~
"   After preporotion, place on nonmetollic Vopontight, heotseol bdgs, glass tors, or i/
VJ I trdys in ct foirly tight box outdoors. nietdl contginers with tight, sedled lids dre *·
  Light ri sulphur crirndle or use loose sulphur sdtisfcctory,
g   in cup, with gtrtp of poper protruding for ap— Focioge in srnoll quantities sufficient for
  Q; ->  ‘ plying tntgrtolrr one cr two medls. Remember thdt the re» l il lol “` ```` M
I   " i     Put ignited guiphur in bottom of box. Sule tresneil product returns to obout 85CO of tt; `I = ~,_
I, _ I i , _ . . . . 3 I Y ~
I7\~   ., phuring time; Note chdrt. Oi`lQlD(IlSlZ€, I _ g I
‘ 4 ` , ~ \
_ , rt; ‘\_,     _    
N `   .   V / J 3
" ‘ ,_ s , “ CD “ / ` i
S - ·e’ I { ,
    / 4 I J; `l\t_
o/ ‘
_   g *   4, BLANCHING 5, DEHYDRATION t   ' J \
/   is l I ` Consists of cooking or pcrrtiglly cooking To shgrten drying time preheot cdbinet vrftlidixinprr zldsed   " I I I
‘   x\gI‘I It vegetables in voter or steorn, preferably the to ISU t   then put products into it, Vl/`hen products ’fEI`f’· ; sorted   —>;%f;e I   I
_g___ I3     ly luiitter, to maintain guczlity ond reduce cooking to IW decrees, pdrtidlly open dcrmpers. H:»:h»;;:uste¢€ wi: } ould . ~   I I
L   `—; "JQ time. ‘ crrrrjr sufficient moisture to dctmpen buck of lirrrid,    ards ggigjg i ~\ ;_`i"~_
I   To stedm, plcco product in cloth bog or per end at drying perio/il open doinpers rnore. on lg'; i;*?F~lI -
l ` 7— /71 ft J J » <- ` J qr» ‘ £E$?Q4'5F’ 1 ·
I  ~_-- ..-.   ff"fql?"‘ Cmlqii C*‘   BGG Cl CO§*l`·Um€?li Om CAUTION: Control temperature with thermostat or by unscrewing bulbs, TT * RI
.  gésgrf g ,  VUV? ?Y“`lTU@ ‘”il;J¤~VO l'?@llUlQ V~'J`Tl@Y· FIGCO ltd ON not by adjusting dampers. The dampers are for humidity control only. I l\I
an-·@1>·· {M K2 DGH. lititlli/CWI instructions below. Spread products evenly on trays for uniform drying. »»// N
J t

               .$V      J   fz    
'>-,    if  fi    T Ng O li ei   it i · , ._;?°l·¥§§%l`5*    Tell i Q
{ zi  »     i ,;  Q   `—=f§  ‘       ¢ All    
_.- lf ll i  ,, lit t l i i , If] ll   no mi  i *”`§4l · V. T;  Qi /fihi S-  
i ‘ Y’ e     ily  ’ f.;`i§    314},. 
HOW T0 PLANT 5 R er lo 4; e q gmgll V M  { .4   {W  ; -·   E   z ’ f r   if  {left`   N ”
.   }_...,€·r:» $§-  ,         H yg  uf`? I  [If' )       lax  :, ?`r<  .  f l ,. 
1 AS SOO"] GS trees Ore cimount of topsoil oround _;   YQ ]    J     ·  e;§Qif   li    _‘  l
' · '   "     ’Yl» ` , I ‘   if T ~   T1?  }»**·¥l *  ",'
received from nursery, The mms and pack tight ` 2           s ·i·   1l"%·"·ii`li\`l   if
l'l'€€S in G l'I'€I'lCl'l deep     ll'lQ loose soil.         ’```   ji     i
\ Ir ,3,., _·_;q. ·- ;_~*?.‘,;.;;_{'Z.t ...- ».__‘_.-,~ ·**  we A   ·;»¢ ; .{¤_ · M,-,v All I .
enough to cover the roots. §L~~`1/ ·     ’      j   I.  g _ » L wk  
lf   ' d t h __ [lilly? ,* -     ,     ,V,, ,· Q i ___i_.§_‘.»·i Z';. .
frgggil IS ry] WG Gr T G   ` .\     WHEN T0 p|_ANT     ,.       "  '
_   ,4.,   *€;z;#;,._ @3. ,    —,  · t-  ""¤ ““`T‘_; - -   . 
Din: IM the "°°l$ Tree seedlings ore ovoiloble ot the stote nursery ' L
G . . . tr l “ ,#
9 ry in October, November, Merch, ond April. They fe QOO qv
should be plonted during these months when soil
 QM    —t 2_ T,»G,q$pOrt the trees conditions ore fovoroble. Don’t plont when the I
  _ from heelingqn trench fo soil is frozen or too wet. i   I O
,` ;‘l`!`,,~._' "j plonting site in o bucket
  or bushel bosket contoin- ‘   I
  ing enough moist dirt to SPACING      
  keep lhe VOOIS Covered. Plont trees 6 feet oport except in plontings to con-
· trol ull erosion when 2 to 3 feet is better spocing. ist uy 1·i._],t.Ml\
__, i .,_ Don t let the roots 9 Y I
V get d|·y_ Six-foot spocing requires l2OO trees per ocre. Do
not check row.
3 Corry trees olong
' Gull Erosion Control
plonting row wropped in   PROTECTION Y
G Wet burlcp bog Or in O I Unless trees ore protected from fire ond livestock, Posts Gnd Timber
bucket Conmmmg Wcler I   the time ond effort spent in plonting them will be Building Up Vt/On,] SOM
‘ » .. *¤$<"'*:‘ ··. . . . .
Gnd dirt  >l—__  wosted. lf o fence is required, it should be built _ _
D0n't let the roots  "¢ before the trees ore plonted. Thlckenmg Old WOOd Slends
get dry. ll
, 4, With mottock or grub .
{ hoe dig O hole Icrge Get from your county ogent the order forms ond Imlm ml
enough {O O||OW {U|| ony odditionol informotion you moy need in refer-
§ spreod of roots. Ploce the ence to plonting work. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
”   tree in the hole ot the .
  n H   ·    Sgme depth if StOOd in the {   _ _, V M in _ _ _ College of Agriculture and Home Economics
  §§.;7' f'lUI'S€l'y, coopemtivu Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: C01- Agricultural Extenslcm Division _
 `l  ·` lege of Agriculture and Home Eoozouticsft University ont Keu¥;cky. ill}?
¤ _· ~4 I j` { _ _ ’ LITE, COO )Bl'H lI`l . IOIIHIS . · , _ ; _, I _ - _ _ _ _
  ,;  Don r lei the roots 3Z,i,,J§L_",‘§?,i3"$E?`§§l°Q.§‘lI2"}§i·t‘im.·$fJS“0l me mi-or Mft it and J lili F "·~·*·-·~ * · <· <··~ i><·- ’*~·~ -··¤<* '*~·<*·~
  g€l'   `m' milk i5); 1.45 Imxiursimi. livmuclcy J;mu;u·y_ 1946
G O A {Y G

For Gully Erosion Control where topsoil is gone and subsoil is exposed
l. Construct one or more temporary, well-tied-down check dams of either brush, rock, mill
slabs, fence wire, or some such material, across and at right angles to gully.
2. Break down ridges between gullies to a more even slope. Block locust is the most generally satisfactory
3. Spread ground limestone, 2 tons per acre, over area to be planted. forest tree for gully erosion control in Ken-
4. Plant the trees. Directions for planting: tucky. lt is a legume with branching, inter-
(0) Place l tablespoonful of phosphate in each planting hole. lacing roots, and it favors heavy growth of
(b) Don’t try to keep straight rows or a set spacing of trees. • grass beneath it.
(c) Space the trees 2to3 feet apart. lf necessary, the trees can be thinned after erosion is l
Block locust, if limestone and phosphate are
For Posts ond Timber, where there are no gullies, but erosion is severe and no ¤PPll€d *0 the Gmc GS °b°V€_
lOP$Oll is remGlnlng· Loblolly pine or Shortleuf pine if no limestone
l°lGn1` lf€€S 6 f€€\` GDGFT. and phosphate are applied to the area.
For Posts and Timber, where erosion is moderate, some topsoil is remaining and the Bl¤¤l< l°¤¤$*
subsoil is mellow. Lobiouy p;,,€
Plant trees 6 feet apart. A Shertleaf pine
White oak
Red ook
For Thickening Understory of Old Woods $t¤nd run-down because of fire ;Tl":(e °$:‘
` b l` estock ` °° w° '“'l
Or grczmg Y lv _ Yellow poplar
Plant trees 6 feet apart, taking trees now on Oreo into consideration. About 500 trees per acre Where there me Imge pC,,,k_|,k€ Openings in
will be needed. woods—
Loblolly pine
Shortleaf pine
Further suggestions:
Don’t use limestone or phosphate when plmnt- Where there are no gullies, plow furrows made Slope. Avoiding such straight lines helps to
l"‘Q Plne l"€€$· 6 feet apart, running with the contour of the prevent Weshlng between rewe
Hardwood trees (locust, oak, and so on) should Plemlng Slle Serve G5 excellem PlG'”‘ll"‘9 "OWS lf spot planting is used and there is a heavy
not be planted in a mixture with pine. Such D€€li>€¤ €¤€l* Dl¤¤'\Tl¤Q spot Wlll'1 G digging TO0l sod or broom sedge cover on the ground, the
species of trees can be grown on the some if sail is hard, sod or broom sedge should be scalped off on
area but should be planted in separate plan- area 8 to lO inches square before digging the _
tation blocks. Don’t set trees in a straight line running up a Dlonfing hole.

    TA V TT   Ta ‘   '``Y   L"   S V VM Mwzyr I ‘ T
`_>l- V     - I f g. H V} u ~ ,_ f__%“ “é;W_‘%J ` `A ( ’ , `>`“&'\;,•;;' W   .¥J}H-£;,iiI`;, ¢-jh : 1%-lv v%Y{j:‘ F;_r*‘h&,":: ;_?z:P" _£7l%¥;n‘(M Hiyihyl ` ne" diy JI I I"? I '
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        A     —··A   ».. .,     . Ag., A _»AA A.;  »v;,<. .A        ¤*'<2§:g2:Z‘3?Z$=§:;j‘¢x`*;§‘;?§Yi€.;·~égiiiiS3L;e°·;Tiz·;;.>*E>%.·,$··i_A`3·e;¢·5·f
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3. ‘ °     —~·· ~»~v;;M 4 V T · `A e;T¢?5~»;.é*-L~A ~ ~ ·-   A · " A. ``‘· -‘   at » "`·
  A. . L ifi? ?__Q;¢Z   ei; `ri · _· e   ¤·f**‘$’*f"T‘i <·4..¢.,AeA&A.§»‘ is  is i g   '    A; Vi   ’ " ¤‘
A   A;       ge;  A , v·‘’ fda?   gz      j »·‘»_-      A       _ -.2 ._ · A
?· .@ 'Qi Qi *· it   it T  ··*v ' i’ v»‘` ?" `’`A A     '       A’`.1   ·“*A'»         if 
 Z~‘>;l¥%$;i?    , 1   fi      ``TA.   ’'- A‘A f   A,A‘   P u I I E T S
" ·¢`»‘ '·   fw";   »·; »"* · <‘- T R r · g.  
R¤¤ge feeders for a better feeding program   V ` l T e Q wr ··’ °§f,i“  
      ‘ “i p` r A _/ __”   é` A
- · · . We     ·iA,, ew A T 4 *    ’  ·. *" "‘
lf ·$ ¤ be m·St¤lTe¤l<$2
W€OTl”€'» eee keep ·f frem er>·"·¤e ee the td the Comfort Or the pullets pigdng the 99* C"` "`“*'Y °"°g'"°$'S·
ground. Use one of these feeders for eoch A . ¢.. O Voccinote for fowl ox when the
ronge shelter where the pullets con ronge in p
50 pullets. Move the feeders eoch week to f, Id h I DUlleTS ore obout l2 weeks
keep bore spots from forming on the ronge. G mm 'E G pS· old.
Growing mosh contoins the protein, min- __ O Keep the pullets growing by
erols, ond vitomins needed for quick growth.     A _j;—_Q` ~ “*·  A · l feeding them well,
Without it, pullets grow slowly ond toke    géxn _ www  O Use lobor-soving methods, mgke
longer to reoch loying size. Self—feed the `Tigz`]Ti    ‘`   *l`1i`§?sgg;t> s.d;T _ e » s     . »,     the job eosier
- - - T.        i»..             ‘
growing mosh to the pullets. Feeding groin A gefgy,. - w{s§;g;;_,;.:é·_» ,.3 ~e .;;%;e;_   _,g   A.;g),,;,§.;g~· P _ _
ond no mosh during the summer is poor $.6  IGUITGTS VLGII grgwn OUT eleeuld be
. A ~· .       ’~e.    AA      
GCOHOYTTY. Gllfcllfl $l"IOLlld be   WITl"l The     ying W en G Out 6 nqOmthS  
A . ~ g _ .     ·.,,.¤·‘·& —»   #~ ‘_- ee; T ruffle-`»’  ;;t,:;;`-
growing mosh. Yellow corn is better thon _;l_;.¤·  ~.A·     ’,   ~A   A_—  
white corn ond should be fed whole. Crock-  :¢ j A V · - _ ~ a e  
mg it does not increose the feed velue. Be "‘ ` A .    
ley, wheot, ond oots ore very suitoble groins _ A A =r ¢=% 
·    `?~r*"’§l”’?Ar”Ti"’ ::»;:‘(      ’·*—=  .  U s `T   ·· - ·
to feed with corn. Feed them whole. Self-     1~¤··f*¤ MM
- r .:éA*e`e~:·  *·%~F;¤·,t~»*?.;;t~~s:iT~¢`*T`~?·~·S:*§~‘ e   ’·zé'$’
    QTOIHS.   »»* ‘°* `•@$"·l%**?:il¤·.Z}·?*¢‘?»}?·’—*—7`*~;i/‘A`>i`¤é~:¤—°“~:’ .`. ·»z.-3 U N I V E R S l T Y O F K E N T U•C K Y
  An inexpensive artificial shude
For plons for m¤l<¤¤9 The F¤¤Q€ Sl'*€*lT€¤', SOO I C0Tle9e of Agriculture and Home Economic;
t -   -AAA»AA --er A A ~eAr AAAeAA»· Aeer A-ATM A • . . . .
EOrCh{ iieie? ir:/5ri;;O;;€Lh;VC;:;lF€r’€S;$   Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Ec·:¤nmnics· CD1- Agrlcuhurul Extenslon Dlvlslon
OUT/T Y Q n O A   Q lege of _A;;1‘icu1ture and Home Economics, University of f<··nt.uc‘ky_ end Th P C .
Culture Gnd HOITIG ECO.nOn»HCSI |_€X|ngtOnA the United Sitatcs Dcpnrtinent of Agriculture. cuopcmliizu. 'rlmmds Omcs · OODQTI DEG"] Gnd DFVGCTOY
P. Coopm. Dzrcclor. Issuvd in fl1l`lQllC1‘£lllCC of thc Act·~ oi May 8 dm] .
June 3D` 1914. Lexmgton, Kentucky V April, 1946
10M—·1·4G ·
[ 5 i ’ [ 6 ]

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 A A  .. AAAA‘  ·l '    ,; ;     A     0 l   Y,,     vw&4`      ISS A   A  
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i! . T.   AI _ T __ A_ »,._      .T\T I ,__·     ,,V;,   TT I A   v .A _   IA, A     I I I: A   .T.eTI,I  TTI
· ‘ ‘ Q TT EAA? Qi Ara`.;     -v:V_       i  iI?2r;—$:`*·§r~v·»·v` »”j””*·;°‘$*IAi;$ I SSI  5 A _.··r· A At  
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·A   A AA .»t· .. I   ef   ·   · · `  i` *·?A$f`l€¤§·iAE=*·;3";;I?%,Zr    ·’A· €—·' >#,%L;;3   ~»  I ·A     ~m>~=——~~:=;~— ·A‘A r  ·. A   l
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,   ` »   F A ·   *    *£ -*¢"*·   'AAA   A· I* A good ransei Plenty of Pasture, feeders. waterers, and shade   I A.       Q    I  lA 5; ' ·iI Av .er°
A sun porch; the beginning of good summer management we I T  TT       A T _ ;..:  _TTTT T   TI TTT
Agood QTGGH IDGSTUTG TGCIUCGS l'l‘iG C]l‘T'iOUl'1l' I P]  ~·.,.  ei `A `TAAALA   {7,;   A ‘   A   A >
. . of `fGGCl GCITGYI by growing pL,|llGl‘S Gnd pro- I »"·' ,Al;~ t A— S'$ vi?*¤A~·` "° . .
            shelter, scoop up the droppings under it 0nd
E E »·A‘As’+   ~~s     .*;=¢i&?‘ s .ee~“l"‘*‘,j";‘~—»;  AAAA»  Q I   4 A
WAT R R ?*A"»¤·*?i"·‘*‘     AA~` A    :5*  I Corry them 0w0y.
    * A  A J A   `‘’‘·A ‘     sy;   gg;   f , A A
Tl'*€ leost 0XP€"*$lV0 P0** of 0 *€€dl¤Q   ,;*0 s§.,",;e;A   ‘”=T   ‘l.·‘ AT  LA I With Slotted floor (0s shown in the pig-
- · I   ’ -~..;;A_ Q,     AT ` A     `T, ;   Ii; _     A- __TTT   ·. I . _ ,
prOgrG|'T1, Gnd C1 \/Gry |I'TipOrTCm‘l‘ pqrf of |tI Ae  TTTTAT  I    e.i¥TT_§,T.?$.e_;I;A I , A T T    A QUVGI OI‘TWIl'l'idlT l'T‘T;GSl1TW|l'€T§lOOTri, tThe Shelter
. A ·      ‘        A — ? OGS HO G G C GGYIG OU . OT O W G
IS WCITGI'. VVGTGTIHQ the gl'OWIl'1g flock CON  ‘j;{;§ATI Ai¥;A$*"  r—r·    ,A r¢;;;AT    j I . me O . I IIS _
b d _ IT USITT The ITGTTTTI and         ·—AlA; AA ATIA  _.   eI,A, IT_  AAT _   I loor, either poultry netting or we ded wgre
S mS S SSS'Sr Y 9   A* »A=A   c0n be used. The s