xt7pvm42s37r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42s37r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1962 yearbooks ukyrbk1962 English Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Kentuckian text Kentuckian 1962 1962 2012 true xt7pvm42s37r section xt7pvm42s37r     KENTUCKIAN
IN Autumn is a time of quiet beauty, as the splendid colors of the dying leaves screen the colonial dignity of King library.
We at UK are no different from students at any other University. College students have experiences in common that can only be understood by them. We all remember the first week of finals, weekend football games, missing eight o'clocks, our first impression of a college professor, the burden of English themes, looking forward to holidays, and letters from home. These things are universally collegiate.
In other ways, however, UK is unique, and things are typical of our University that can be found nowhere else. As seniors, we can look back and remember rooting with Rupp, singing "My Old Kentucky Home" with the Marching Cats, making preparations for the big game with Tennessee, getting the Christmas spirit during the traditional Hanging of the Greens, looking forward to spring and the Little Kentucky Derby, and reading the Kernel in class.
These indentify UKthese characterize its personality.   The Sigma Chi Derby, first big weekend of the year, is filled with activities, games, and contests that are often more fun for spectators than participants.
The voice of the Wildcats flows from the resilient lungs of the Marching 100 during every home game.   Citation, one of the all-time great thoroughbreds, stands at his Lexington home, Calumet.
Cumberland Falls provides a majestic backdrop for a weekend of relaxation away from the rush of college life.
The big Fall question in the minds of male students"are short skirts as temporary as  autumn leaves?"
10 With the excitement of the Kentucky Derby gathering in the air, UK's version of the Run for the Roses comes the week before. The big difference $125,000 to the winner.
The interminable lines that are a common but dreary sight at any university are sometimes brightened by the addition of the unusual.
Lexington . . . city of over 100,000. Surrounded by blue grass, tobacco, and white fences, it is the famed thoroughbred horse center of America.
Lexington . . . built on tradition, but confident of its future. Proud of its history and heritage, it is the birthplace of many who fought on both sides of the Civil War. A city which sent out brother against brother, father against son, it is the home of a daring Confederate general, a bitter abolitionist, the Great Compromiser, and the Confederacy's secretary of war.
Lexington . . . home of our University and center of our college life.  To Lexington, and to our University, people come from everywhere. They come with different hopes, dreams, and aspirations. They create a nucleus of diversified interests. Each person has his own ideas and ideals, and each has a goal. For some, this goal will one day become a reality, while for others it is one never to be realized. College causes most people's world to change in its scope. Things become more real, education more meaningful, friendships more genuine. While in college, a person's life is transformed, for it is here that he passes from adolescence to manhood. No one can say when this metamorphosis takes place, and few can say why, but even fewer can deny it.
Our college world is one of diversity, because it is made up of peopleand no two of us see life with like viewpoints. Some of us will live in a world consisting primarily of test tubes and laboratories, doing research in an effort to learn more about the complexities of our universe. Others will live in a world of typewriters and stencils, recording human history as it is made. Some think our survival will depend on an increased knowledge in the various fields of medicine, while others see the world as a mass which can only be united through diplomacy. Some in our world will leadothers, to round out the pattern, will follow.  ONE COMMON GOAL
To each, the university is something different, yet there is one element common to us allthe attainment of our education and the fulfillment of our aspirations. Be it modest or far-reaching, the goal we have set for ourselves is the intangible force which directs each of our lives, especially during our college years. The university is the first big step toward the realization of that goal. It provides opportunities which we would otherwise not have known. It makes us appreciate the importance of education. But most important, it gives us the chance to mature as individualseach prepared to face life as educated citizens in a vast, complicated, ever-growing world.
When we leave our university, and Lexington, we will be leaving a way of life, while making preparations for still another. But there are certain things about our campus, our college, and our college life that we will never be able to forget. These things we can call "the familiar" because they are things that we see every day. These are the things that, in the years to come, remind us of our college life. Those things familiar to us all yet never really thought about by any of usthe campus signs, the walls of the Coliseum, the cannon. These and many othersall a part of UK, and all a part of a way of life.
STOLL FIELDThe home of the Kentucky Wildcats also the center of student life during the fall football season.
14  "We'd better request another chest of drawers. We'll never make it through the year with just one."
The First Day ...
"Three people in this room for a year?" "Everybody here seems so friendly." "I can't wait to meet my roommate!" "I've never seen so many confused looking people." "Son, I just want you to remember one thing. . ." "So this is college life!" "Looks like another sharp freshman class." "I'll see you Thanksgiving, mom." And another year is under way! Registering in the dorms is only one of a series of confusing encounters for the already bewildered freshmen.
So This Is College!
'Gosh, I never expected service like this in college."
Take a good look! this may be the last time you will see females entering Haggin Hall.
27 There are always those who try to take a shortcut to avoid the rush.
Registration . . .
Another mass of eager students surges into the coliseum to initiate another semester.
What goes on the little cards is all-important, for what the semester will hold in store is determined now.
Orientation ...
Orientation is the time for incoming students to become familiar with the campus. During the day they visit campus buildings, fill out forms, take shots and tests, and ask and answer questions. Older students, acting as guides, are in charge of making them feel at home and seeing that they get properly registered.
The Sigma Nu's are hard at work again, giving the University a hand every chance they get.
A fresh air approach to class is always welcomed by student and teacher alike.
 The typically confused freshman visits her psychiatrist in this skit for organizations night in the coliseum.
The most painful test of allthe tuberculin test. "A-lo-ha-ee, go KKG. . sorority houses.
Rushees were confronted with skits for two days, both coming to and going from
Sorority Rush..
"It's your decision, my dear!", snaps the Queen of Hearts to Alice in Deltaland.
Hundreds of interested girls crowded into Memorial Hall for pre-rush orienta-tion. The Pi Beta Phi!s brought loads of pep, enthusiasm, and competition to campus with their first participation in rush at UK.
Will This Anxiety Ever End?
Although sorority rush only affects a small percentage of the women students on campus, the emotions arising from it are sometimes felt by all. It is a time of confusion, rumors, excitement, and sadness. It is tiring, pressured, and hectic, with coke parties, skits and impressive preference parties. Girls either "just hate it" or "think it's wonderful", but when it's all over, twelve sororities are delighted with their pledge classes and the rushees at last have found a Greek home.
Step by step, sorority girls and rushees alike, met enthusiastically, evaluated seriously, and happily made'their respective choices.
 Smokers give the fraternity men a chance to get to know each rushee a little better, and the rushees have a chance to form their first opinion of
In the fall of I960, the University instituted a deferred rush program for the fraternity system. After that semester, comments concerning deferred rush ranged from "... easier, and not as tense and formal," to " . . . entirely too expensive and time consuming." But by this fall, fraternity men had become more familiar with the program. They had learned how to conserve their time and money, and at the same time had found that a semester of rush was actually a far better way to select men with whom fraternal bonds would be made.
Records are kept of every man participating in rush, and information about the various fraternities is handed out.
The trophies a fraternity has accumulated over th< years are pointed out with pride to the rushees.
34 A fraternity scrapbook is useful in showing the rushee what the chapter has been doing over the years.
A Semester of Smiles.
The scene is the same at all houses during rushcigarettes, cokes, and smiles.
35 Homecoming ...
Homecoming, scheduled during Thanksgiving vacation, prompted more than the usual controversy this year. Students hurried home for a quick two-day visit hoping they could get back in time for the game Saturday afternoon. The traditional house displays were modified and fixed on wheels for the parade. The vacation was transformed from a few days of leisure, into a mad scramble of excitement for the traditional battle with Tennessee. Before anyone cared to realize, the Homecoming game was in the past, vacation was over, and the routine of classes had begun once again.
Inga Riley, Homecoming queen, is crowned during the halftime ceremonies by Gov. Bert Combs.
Everyone was up in arms for the parade, but the Tennessee attack soon proved to be too much.
The game was fought hard, but the Wildcats couldn't seem to get going until too late. Final score: Tennessee 26, Kentucky 16.
 Among Kentucky fans were Gov. Bert Combs, Lt. Gov. Wilson Wyatt, and UK President Frank Dickev.
Some chose to enter the parade by decorating cars, rather than building floats. Here, the "Roaring Twenties" theme is personified.
And the Students Were Home.
Kappa Delta's entry in the parade.
The Homecoming parade, held for the first time in several years, replaced the house displays.
 Sorority candlelight serenades give added spirit to the season.
Christmas ...
Delta Delta Delta sorority gave a Christmas party for foreign students.
The pre-Christmas season is probably the most hectic, hilarious, and happy time on the University campus. Days before vacation are characterized by a hurried atmosphere, as one tries to work exams and papers in between holiday activities. Groups get the spirit by entertaining children, exchanging gifts and caroling one another. Couples share last minute whispers and parting gifts before returning to families and homes. Many drive back during vacation to see the UK Invitational Tournament. But all leave school remembering mistletoe, formals and the hanging of the greens. Hark! the UK Students Sang
The weatherman did his part in keeping with the spirit of Christmas

 Come to Me My Melancholy Baby.
I Think It's Gonna Work Out Fine.
Dancing ...
You Know You Make Me Want to Shout.
Dancing this year was something different, the "twist" came into being. The craze engulfed UK in its whirlwind conquest of the nation leaving sore ankles, tired feet, and an occasional slipped disc in its wake. But, despite the consequences, nearly everyone tried it. At least there was one good resultit was good for reducing. Chubby Checker lost 35 pounds, coeds lost their sophistication, and the chiropractor business was booming. "Come on baby ..."
40  The columns of Elmendorf form a majestic backdrop for a quiet afternoon of study and relaxation.
There's no way to get away from the books in college, but this couple seems to have found the answer to the drudgery of studies.
Crystal Ice Club offers a different, entertaining way to spend an evening.
Dating ...
Dating is an established component of the student's experiences. To some it means companionship, while to others it is simply a social accomplishment of convenience. Dating can be a source of excitement, anxiety, discussion or agitation. It provides an excellent opportunity for meeting people, for expanding social attitude, and for discovering life-long associations. Whatever its scope, serious or affable, dating cannot be denied its significance in college life.  The complexion of UK changes as the sun goes down. From early morning until late in the afternoon students and professors alike are in classrooms or offices.
After the last class, each goes his separate way. It is like a bag of marbles being dropped and scattered.
Some go to their favorite retreat to study, some go to meetings, some sit around and talk or read, some look for recreation, or go to a show, or get together for a party. Some go to work, some go to bed.
Night Life .. .
A break during a night of study in the library is always welcome.
  Coeds apply mascara, rat and spray coiffures, and slip into their most alluring swim suits, without the slightest intention of taking a dip at the Campbell House pool parties held frequently during the year.
The hills of Kentucky come to life in burlap and denim at a hillbilly party.
and the Tension is Gone.
Have you ever gone to pick up your date for a quiet evening and been met at the door of her dorm or sorority house by a Roman soldier and Cleopatra, a couple headed for the Wild West, or a pair of hillbillies? If you're a college man, these sights are not uncommon. For seldom does a weekend go by that someone isn't having a party, whether it be costume, swimming, or just plain party.
These get-togethers are what make college life unforgettable for many. They are what we think of when we think of weekends.
The Phi Sigs converted their dining room into a miniature Monte Carlo for their fall gambling party.
 Profound disgust. Acute agitation.
Emotions ...
Every human experience creates some kind of emotion whether it be cool indifference or uncontrollable exuberation. The university campus abounds with emotion, giving an outlet for every mood. To most students, moods are inescapable.
Choose a popular spot on campus and watch students as they hurry to class. The observant eye can catch expressions of excitement, surprise, amusement, anticipation, fear, and depression. To the individual, moods are distinct, yet an expression captured by the photographer's camera can recount experiences common to all.
Ardent exuberation.
48  The Thinker, contemplating the bust of ???
Keeneland ...
Twice each year, the more venturesome students join thousands of tourists from across the nation for days of fun and excitement at Keeneland, the famous Bluegrass racetrack. Win or lose, ardent fans enjoy the beautiful surroundings and race horses at this Kentucky attraction.
Racing down the stretch toward the finish line,
  Annette Westphal parades past the judges as the other candidates await their turn.
The word derby has a special meaning in Kentucky. In the fall, the first all-campus weekend is the Sigma Chi Derby. Whipped cream, pie, and broken eggs constitute the menu as sorority pledges compete for top honors. This year's winner was Kappa Delta.
In my Easter bonnet, with all the eggs upon it.
Sigma Chi Derby J
The weaker sex, engaged in combat. The victorious Kappa Sigs and Queen Nancy Clay McClure.
Lambda Chi Pushcart Derby
Then comes spring and the Lambda Chi Alpha Pushcart Derby. The afternoon begins with a parade honoring the Derby Queen. The derby, a unique event where manpower and durability determine the winner, is held around the administration building circle drive. Kappa Sigma was winner of the fraternity division, and Zeta Tau Alpha took top honors in the sorority bracket.
In this world of ordinary people, I'm glad there's you.
"I think I can, I think I can."
cm w
53 I.
"On your mark, get ready, PEDAL.'
Little Kentucky Derby ...
Triumphant team members rush to congratulate each other after victory.
Modeled after the famous Kentucky Derby, LKD is the big weekend of the year. It begins Friday night with the Debutante Stakes, the girl's tricycle race in Memorial Coliseum. Saturday begins with the Turtle Derby, held on the SUB lawn.
The derby, run in heats and substituting bicycles for horses, is run on Saturday afternoon. Winner of the final heat this year was Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Casualties are frequent in this intense performance of speed and endurance.
54 Bicycles built for many.
-------~ J
f, V. .
The Derby crowd surges toward the track as the cyclists round the curve in the final heat.
THE Weekend.
Debutante Stakes contenders making last minute preparations before the final swing around the floor.
55 Variations . . .
'All Campus Sing" is made possible by the efforts of a few for the enjoyment of many.
The Lambda Chi's winning quartet demonstrates that practice and coordination preceded hafmony and perfection.
Each college recognizes its outstanding students in the "Honors Day" Program every year.
56 Conscientious students gather to exchange thoughts of today and tomorrow.
To Enrich College Days.
Too often, the college student becomes so engrossed with academics that other activities play only a minor role. This need not happen at UK. The student is given every opportunity to participate in various extracurricular events. In appreciation of outstanding leadership, the university rewards individual students on Honors Day.
A hard, day of work at the Leadership Conference comes to an end with some physical relaxation.
Every leader at one time or another takes a gamble.
i : Study . . .
Studying is the backbone of college life. Any student working toward a degree will verify this. Though sometimes forbidding, studying can be enjoyable if one takes his work seriously. In the end, there are few who will deny that "it was worth it."
Some students find that group study is the best way to become familiar with the music of some of the world's great composers.
The easy way out.
Why is it that you always learn more with your shoes off?
58  Guignol...
First hand experience in all phases of theater production as well as entertainment for the University and community is provided by Guignol Theatre. Writing, producing, directing, make-up, stage craft and acting offer both the student and members of the community a chance to take part in various productions.
Utilizing both student and local Lexington talent, the theater this year presented "Oklahoma!", "Pictures in the Hallway", "Dr. Faustus", "J. B.", and "Tentative American Premiere of a Comedy."
Preparing make-up for the role of the trusting wife of the tormented "J. B."
Judgment is passed on husband and wife in one of the intense scenes of MacLeish's "J. B."  Wood and wire sculpture adorns the Fine Arts Building.
Student Art...
In a university, there is constant activitystudy, research, technical experiments, and meetings. But there are also opportunities for the artistic, talented and cultural minded. One is free to participate or enjoy, create or criticize.
A series of changing exhibitions in the University Art Gallery is offered by the Art Department. Among those presented this season were Work by the Faculty, Walter Quirt Retrospective, Graphics '61, and Sculpture Retrospective by Jose de Creeft.
Literary talents are expressed in two student publications, Stylus, a fiction and poetry booklet, and Moot, a humor magazine introduced for the first time this year.
University Musicales featuring student and faculty groups are presented on Sunday afternoons throughout the year.
While preparing a canvas the artist visions the finished painting.
 The Fine Arts Gallery offers students a chance to see works such as the controversial Piccador of metal pipes by De Creeft.
A Chance for Expression.
Students admire their completed products in wood sculpture.
Lexington's folksong creator John Jacob Niles shows his lute to students after an appearance at Guignol Theatre.
63 The Boston Symphony Orchestra, directed by Charles Munch, played works of Beethoven, Copeland and Debussy.
Blazer Lectures
Outstanding speakers on national and international affairs are brought to the campus and community through the philanthropic efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer.
The Blazer Lectures, ranging in topics from "Roosevelt, MacArthur and the War of the Pacific" to "Khrushchev's Multiple Challenge", were presented by Philip LaFollette. Joseph Johnson, Roy Basler, Vernon Carstensen, Phillip Moseley, Bernard Berelson, Carl Bode and Henry Pochman.
"Roosevelt, MacArthur and the War of the Pacific" was the topic of the lecture delivered by Phillip F. LaFollett, former Governor of Wisconsin. Pictured with LaFollett is Dr. Carl Cone of the History Department.
tint L	
President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Dr. Joseph Johnson, spoke on "The United Nations and the World Power Conflict." Coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, Roberta Peters, gave a joint recital with tenor Cesare Valletti.
Concert and Lecture Series
Supplementing student culture and classwork by presenting internationally famous lecturers and artists to the University is the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series. The series, arranged through the cooperation of the Central Kentucky Concert Association and the Lexington Public Forum, is open to all full-time students.
The 1961-1962 program presented The Boston Symphony Orchestra; Roger Wagner Chorale; Robert Merrill; Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra; Vienna on Parade; Roberta Peters and Cesare Valletti; Glenn Gould; National Ballet of Canada; William L. Shirer; Thomas Mitchell; and Dr. I. M. Levitt.
William L. Shirer, author of the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", appeared at the University through the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series. 
A scene from the classical ballet given by the National Ballet of Canada. i
In retrospect, we see our college days with a certain amount of pride. Four years ago, who would have thought we would be receiving a college degree? This thought thrills us today. But still we have some reservations. We can't help wondering what tomorrow will hold.
It seems like such a short time ago when, fresh out of high school, we entered college. Maybe we were "green", but we didn't think so at the time. It's hard to realize four years have elapsed since we walked into our dormitory and were introduced to our first roommate. But since that day, a lot has happened. We have grown up. We have received an education and now realize we soon will become responsible citizens.
College, besides an education, has given us new friends. Now have we come to understand and appreciate the value of true friendship, and have made friends whom we know we will not lose when our college days are over. We see now these are the people who give homecoming its special meaning. Already, we are making plans to see them again.
Another year has passed, and we are able to look back on what we feel must surely have been one of history's most productive years. Our senior year on campus had a busy atmosphere. Construction played a big role. The library annex caused sidewalks to be torn up. Remember how we sloshed through mud on rainy days? A high and dry spot to walk on was hard to
find. But spring came and "Keep Off the Grass" signs warned us. Another sight familiar to us as freshmen was gone. The tennis courts had given way to progress and the new Chemistry and Physics building. The predicted surge in college enrollment began, and a new women's dorm was built. Who knows, maybe someday even Splinter Hall will be replaced.
 The first protest we uttered this year came when it was learned Homecoming was scheduled for Thanksgiving holidays, but nevertheless we filled the stands for the kickoff. For weeks after the game, our coach's position hung in the balance, and recruiting was slow. But at last we had a new coach, and Charlie Bradshaw promised we would "come out fighting" next year.
And there were more changes. Moot, campus humor magazine, began publication, while Stylus, the literary work, was threatened. Two new sororities began. WBKY broadcasts were cut for lack of funds. "Look" magazine selected a UK coed as the ideal freshman. Student Congress regained some of its lost prestige. A record 850 students were enrolled in a TV Anthropology class, and we wondered who would grade the papers.
This year, we saw some of the world's great personalities for the last time. The world was saddened by the loss of Dag Hammarskjold, Sam Rayburn, and Ernest Hemingway. Gary Cooper, Ernie Kovacs, and Jeff Chandler, idolized by many of us, died. Grandma Moses, one of America's beloved painters, died at the age of 101. Oscar Hammerstein, writer of songs that were classics before we were born, died of a heart attack. And the sports world lost one of its immortals, Ty Cobb, while the "M and M" boys kept gaining in popularity.
The big news story of the year was the American space program. Shepard was the first astronaut, followed by Grissom. And then came February and the preparations for the shot carrying the man into orbit. All America was praying for Col. Glenn that historic morning at Cape Canaveral when all signals read "A-OK." Before the day was over, America had successfully orbited a man and brought him back safely. Our first try, and a good one. The race for space was underway.
Internationally, news came mostly from Berlin. Many remember the night last summer when the President addressed the nation and said we must prepare to sacrifice. We may have felt uneasy, but we were willing to do our part.
The resumption of atomic testing also made the headlines. Despite America's pleas, Russia exploded a 50 megaton bomb, and everyone wanted a fallout shelter.
Elsewhere, a new dance craze hit America and the campus. Not since the Roaring Twenties and the days of the Charleston had anything swept the country like the Twist. Statistics showed that the record was presenting the first real challenge to Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" as the biggest selling single record in history.
Yes, our college days were busy ones. There were times when we wondered if the day would ever come for graduation. For some of us, it has.
THE END S -   .      - m
 ASHLAND . . . The Bluegrass home of Henry Clay is a symbol of the beauty of antebellum architecture.  J/7une JKoore
1962 DCentucJzian Queen
It is only fitting that June Moore should add the honor of Kentuckian Queen to her long list of beauty titles. She has captured almost every crown offered on the campus. A senior math major from Miami, Fla., she has reigned as queen of Mardi Gras, Military Ball, Pushcart Derby, and Little Kentucky Derby. A member of Mortar Board and past president of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Miss Moore represented UK in the Mountain Laurel Festival.
The Queen and her court are, from left, Linda Coffman, third attendant; Betty Evans, second attendant; June Moore, queen; Judy Buisson, first attendant, and Carolyn Reid, fourth attendant.
Sorority sisters congratulate June.
71          SPORTS
KEENELAND . . . Where thousands of sports fans gather each year to watch some of America's outstanding thoroughbreds. Sam Huey, left, and Garvis Kincaid, right, present the awards at the annual football banquet. Highest scholarship was attained by Mark Thompson, second left. "Time" magazine chose Irv Goode, center. All American. The most valuable player was Tom Hutchinson, second from right.
1961 Honor Roll
At the top is senior tackle, Bob Butler, who represented UK on the south squad in the Senior Bowl. Below is Herschel Turner who was selected for the All-SEC Sophomore team.
Left to right: Irv Goode, senior center, All-Amercian; Darrel Cox, halfback, who made the All-SEC Sophomore team; and Tom Hutchinson, end, winner of the Most Valuable Player award.
 Steward gains yardage up the middle against Kansas State.
Sometimes Brilliant, Sometimes Erratic
We opened at home, this year, against Miami of Florida with plans for a successful season. We were expecting a tough game, but a victory. Our play was ragged in the first quarter but we managed to score, and fans attributed the ragged play to early season jitters. However, Miami swept to a touchdown just before halftime, and then came back on the strong arm of Mira for another in the third period, making the score 14-7. They had no trouble holding us the rest of the way, and the season was launched on a sour note.
Woolum, in the pocket, sets to throw, while a Rebel moves in for the kill.
The next weekend, the Rebels of Ole Miss rode into town, proud of their high national ranking and confident of victory.
After a hard fought first half, the Rebels held only a 7-6 advantage, but in the third stanza they struck twice from far out to increase the margin to 20-6. We .couldn't score again, but Ole Miss went home with claw marks on their backs and a new respect for a fighting bunch of Wildcats.
The next week we journeyed down to Auburn for a tussle with the heavily favored Plainsmen. We prowled around in their territory all day but couldn't seem to get the upper hand until late in the game when Woolum stepped back in the pocket, straightened up, and threw a strike to Hutchinson for a touchdown. This play gave us our first victory of the year, 14-12.
Kansas State gave us our first chance to let down a bit. They were tough as nails but just too small. Our big forward wall, and our passing attack sent them back to Manhattan on the short end of a 21-8 count.
Steward turns the corner and heads downfield against Ole Miss, with good support from his blockers.
 The Cats Were Exciting
Late in October we faced our make or break game against LSU. Our record stood at 2-2. A win would give us a good chance to finish without another loss, and perhaps earn us a bowl bid. We bore down in practice all week, and on Friday headed south to Baton Rouge.
LSU struck for two quick touchdowns, and Kentucky hopes were withering, but we came roaring back. Woolum to Hutch, Ransdell up the middle, and Mayfield's two extra points knotted the count by halftime. We ran out of gas in the second half, however, as their greater depth wore us down. A Bengal field goal, and another touchdown sent us down for the third time, 24-14.
We suffered a letdown the next weekend at Georgia as the Bulldogs squeezed out a 16-15 victory. It was a typical cat and dog fight, but we played poorly, and some rumbles of discontent were heard.
On November 4th Florida State came to town. We were picked to breeze to a victory. We won 20-0, but it was a hollow triumph. In the second period Woolum swept outside right end, and headed downfield, but he was hit by a crisp tackle from behind. He was out for the year with a broken leg. It cost him a chance for national recognition, the passing leadership of the S.E.C., and left the team without a quarterback of any experience. Wildcat followers sagged. The season was turning into a nightmare.
It looks like someone may have missed a block, and he probably hopes Cochran never finds out who it was.
Hutch hauls in another, in the midst of the Tennessee defenders.
Ransdell takes a hand-off from Rampulla, and sweeps wide against Florida State, with Dun-neback, Dickerson, and Brush leading the charge.
84 Rampulla, with good protection, tosses one down the middle against Florida State.
Good spirits and gaiety died as Tennessee took the Cats apart in the first half. The teams went to the dressing rooms at halftime with Tennessee ahead 13-0. The Vols resumed their target practice in the third quarter, blasting Kentucky with two more markers. Going into