xt7pvm42s28s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42s28s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1931 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 04, 1931 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 04, 1931 1931 1931 2012 true xt7pvm42s28s section xt7pvm42s28s T Kentucky Alumnus
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_£; Ralph Kercheval, Kentucky`s sophomore ace in the 1931 Southern g the es
. E Conference grid deck. in his punting exhibitions during most of the Wild- '§ I'lcul'¤¤
§ cats’ games this season. promises national fame for Kentucky in 1932. 2 1989-
i "Kerchy," as he is known to his friends, has given as fine an exhibi— __; Folli
i tion of punting as ever seen on Southern gridirons. He also did a lion's =`=;-’ land S
E share of hitting the line for the Wildcat school. He has two more years i 000 2M
E at Kentucky, and we who follow the Blue and White look to this youth § a (Kim]
g ond his "talented toe" to be of great help to Kentucky in future ggzuncs. E Legzlsh
E E Cl] U1':
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·   Historq of the I1n` `t f K t k
E ·Miss Helen King, assistant ed to the Legislature the union of scene of various drills and mili-
E director of the publicity bu- *Bacon College, Transylvania at tary manoeuvers. The town
E , reau, has Vprepaied the fol- Lexington, and the new Agricul- branch, (now a small creek) Hows
E V ~ lowing article for publication tural and Mechanical College to through the campus of the uni-
; A in the national. magaz1neV of be recognized at Lexington under versity and was once the meeting
E 5 Sigma Nu social fraternity. the name of Kentucky University. place of early settlers. A spring
E Intensive research was con- Tho consolidation took place in located in the Vbeautiful ravine ‘·
E ducted by Miss King Vin gath- 1355 yvith Bowman as rogoot, and back of the stadium is the spring
E ering data for the article, was majotaiood until 1874; Whoo about which Henry Clay is once
§ -—The Editor. dissensions arose and Bowman re- Bald to have l`emal`ked: UNO mall
E I V V signed It was not until 1878, can. consider himself a gentleman
E V The establishment of the Uni- however, that the Legislature sep- until he has W9·l1€1`€—- ::—:·;.;,,;,,.;,,,_ _____ V   -..._   -==·...__:___  
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E which gave each state a land grant nMechanical College of Kentucky. Maxwell Woods and is the origi-
i or land script, profits from the .ln 1909 the name of the school was nal land claim staked out by John
E sale of which were to be used for changed to the State College of Maxwell, one of the settlers of
g the establishment of a state Ag- Kentucky and operated under that Lexington. Upon hearing of the
i ricultural and Mechantcal Col- title until 191B,f when the institu- battle of Lexington, Massachu-
i lege. tion was given the corporate title setts, he is said to have jumped to
§ Following a $3],; of Kootuokyg of University of Kentucky. his feet from the campfire and
g land Script, which was for 330,- The University of Kentucky is Suggested to llls cemlmnlons that
g' 000 acres and sold for $165,000, built on historic ground. It was the land ullell Whlcll they Stood
§ 3 cqmlllltt€€ was appointed by thc here that the armed forces of the be Called _L€Xlll?$t?ll· The hom? Ol
§ Legislature to establish an agri- Confederacy, the Spanish-Ameri- tlle lllesldellt Pl the unlllersltyv
§_ cultural and iizchanical college, can VVar. the War of 1812, and Sltuetell Ol} 3 Use °Vel“l°°l“ll¤‘¥ the
g The committee, at me I-Qcmmmm- the worn wm, timiiea and me- St¤¤l1¤¤¤» is Ml ¤¤ll€<1 lrlawell
.·:= (l3t10Tl_ of John B, Bowman, at pared for conflict. The Very Plac€·
71,hat time regent of the old Bacon ground upon which is now erected There is a tablet carved into
.C¤llege in Harrodsburg, sn;;·;;·est- thc university stadium was the the foundation of the Alumni

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gymnasium at the university unearthed by workmen in. the in the early 1900’s. The Ken. 
‘ which indicates that near there freight yards of_the Louisville tuckrans, completely outclassQ(5 ‘
Maxwell and his band of patriotic and Nashville railroad in 1915 fought such a ferocious and gal 
confederates first camped on the and thus have been preserved by lant battle that they were‘give: .
site of Lexington. the university. the name of Kentucky W_ildcm»  ‘
Many and varied are the tradi- The Administration. building, lgiiéagise press and Gntlmsmstlc pw' ?
tions at the University of Ken- occupied by administration offices, ‘ _  g
tusky, principal among them being and White hall, occupied at pres- Que of the most lHt€l'€Stln; ; _}
‘ the "Battle of the Beer Keg," ent by the College of Commerce relics of other days preserved m g?
which takes place each Thanks- and by the Botany department, the the campus_is the trunk. of Lex  >-
giving day when Kentucky meets two oldest buildings on the cam- 1ngton’s "B1g hTree," which git;-;駥
its historic gridiron rivals fr·om pus, were erected in 1882. It is opposite the Hen1·y Clay hom. ;
the University of Tennessee. The interesting to note that the cus- and which was cut down a {e i U
two state universities met first in todian of the Administration years ago, amid a Hurry of pn- ;
1893 and placed at intervals until building is a venerable, dark-haired tests on the plea that it interfere   D
1906, when they began a series darkey of doubtful age who, as a with traffic. U It has been preseru. 
` which has gone on uninterrupted, young boy, carried water to the in large jagged-shaped table .;
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with the exception of the two war workmen on these tow buildings constructed on wrought-iron stani    M
years, ’17 and ’18, to the present 49 years ago and has been in the which W€1‘€ made in thc COUPE! ·
day. The Keg is a highly decorat- employ of the university since of Engiiteeringt ‘where the rdrf   G
ed cask painted in the Blue and that time. of preserving the wood originat&L_,
White of Kentucky and the Gold _· and where the tables are now use#:E·Z°
· . Memorial hall one of the recent - if- —·
and White of Tennessee, and It . . ’_ . by young Kentuckians for strlilsik
. . buildings was erected m 1929 and - · rr
‘ has the same significance of the T’ . tables in the large recreation mpg;
. was dedicated rn Ma of that ear · ""
famous "L1ttle Brown Jug." It to the Kentucki yh 1 ‘t gl ._ study room known as Dicker hai.;   LJ
z goes to the winning football team lives in the Woigg VJVS. Osh isle; —From Kentucky Kernel. Y .. Z
each year and remains rn its do- contribution f th .t.r‘ f th { _
min until 11; is br-ought to the Commonwealfh aS€q°‘n;f)f]Q1§n° t te 2 ·.,- (
l $€€¤€ of €0¤il1€t f01` th€ next ·, , ° en 0 Mr. and Mrs. Clar·k Lane ar·eil·__i°`j Z
, T _k D b ttl their World War dead. . . - .
, ¤1_€Y ay 3 €· _ _ _ _ proud parents of a baby girl boi;  ._.
~ l Situated on the campus directly Athlet1c teams at the University Tuesday morning, November 3.     II
in front of Mechanical hall, College of Kentucky has carried the name Lexington, Ky. 5. if
of Engineering, is a cement block "WlldC3tS’, since a memorable Mrs, Lane, was before her ini'.?
l . . . _ , _
z in whrch rs embedded a section of football game between the Ken- riage, Miss Lucy Lee Wilson 
‘ . the old Lexington and Ohio rail- tucky representatives and the St. the class of 1924. Mr. and l\lr>i V
‘ road in the West. The first were Louis University team at St. Louis Lane live at Morehead, Ky.   ·

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I     { Omcial Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky In ‘ THE
“ I Y- Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington   Y NOV
_ j_ ··   truly
- 2 Volume IV DECEMBER 1931 Number 4    = the ui
- i ‘  1,,Z    did th
I ; “ Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postofilce at Lexington, Ky, May 22. 1929, under the Act of March zi, 1879    ' a rg;
I I ` I   VP I `fgth
- " , _ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR _. siiiigg
' . , l   W . #..L,.l.I... . . . ..i..- . L.-L»#.. S game
`-   JAMES S. SHROPSHIRE, '29 ..... Editor and Manager ·· OH St(
, ’ { BETTY HULETT, '30 ......,. Assistant Manager _;  ’ The
i A   PAULINE HARMON, ’35 ...... Student Editor   ’C;itg
`     »  ——i-··I»»—l—-~—»f~»~—   for tlt
V , Q orrrcnns 01=· THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION icxscurrvs comiuirrnn {QT ` tllckizl
l · ; LEON K. FRANKELH .00 _ _ _ President   C; Wihsion   lJr.4E. C. Elliott ‘02, Lulic Logan 'l3   blue-c
I , i MISS SARAH Sr-ANSING. ·2¤ - vi¤¤—SiSSi¤~¤¤ nii1;i$i?{eyéiII TT"` i$n‘...-Y'£’}£-T.i`.i$L`€ ITE, I3. iYYS}°;£§  T  Sam
E , JAS. S. SHROPSHIRE, *29 . Secretary—Treasurcr Johnston, G. Lec McLain, Dr. G. Davis Buckner '08 ·ji;..e  Bd tm
 _ -" . nrk_V_i_,> g,;g:;. nessee
. . _  ""‘-·r""sJr’"f’#4‘   this n
i , ALUMNI CLUBS   0* Um
`   . . _ John R. Bullock, President, 412 Dixie Ter-   placed
    A ih; §§§§‘f,,Q“‘g°" P"’S‘“°“‘· B"*°"S‘°“° b“““ ininni building, Cincinnati, oiiin.   uint
 i   _ ` ’ ` I. B. Helburn, Vice-President.   not b
i   A LA TA AL MNI B Carl Riefkin, Secretary. i—fgj·  stead,
’   _ T N U CLU Lawton Daley, Treasurer, 2111 Eastern Ave. ji? fore l
` g i ` C. L. Tcmplin, President, 746 Greenwood Ave. Covington, Ky. fh- the u
;   , Y·G1`eIor§>e AA. Wisenberger, Secretary-treasurer, CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB   §i;$F;i
i   Warren Clare, Vice—President, care Clare & R' Layman M3‘yS* PI°$Id°“/°* 30IS East Owl"   b0YS-
; g Coq Bona Allen building look Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.   Sony
 ,   R. E. Clark, Secretary-treasurer, 1388 East   See t
E V gg BELL COUNTY CLUB 101st., Cleveland, Ohio.   hu-ne,
l ¤   owei-.
,   h _ _ M K t B . 66, LEXINGTON ALUMNI CLUB , ,f,;(-.~.
i   P,,,I;;“;I°;2;I° W ` ° °°’ S°°I° Im °" Marguerite ix1cLaugn1in, President, zzs msi   223%
·   ’ Maxwell St. _   that .
          HCICH King`, S€CI`€t3.l‘y,   Llhdéll      
I i 1 J. M. Sprague, President, Box 66, Ensiey, Ara, L0UI§VILLE_ CLUB   niggi
·   s. c. nnnen, Vice-President zsi nniwn-ivnini Bw Gm kms- 28» 1’¤<=S··¤*<=¤¢·   il
 i   _ building BiI,mingham_ ’ Levi O. Coleman, ’14, Vice-President.   2;%;*
·  = n. ii. nnwnii, rnnisnnn, Box mi, Binning- 0S¤=#¤ J- $*·><=SS¢¤_’2§- S¢¤¥·=*=¤y·   T
= ~‘ ha_m_ Ahh _ D. i"Dud") O. Williams, ·2'7, Treasurer.   t It 1
i I   o gii
? C. G. Blakely, Topeka; Dr. J. A. Yates, Pitts-   the I
r _. ` W. J. Craig, President, care Western Kentucky burg.   Temu
S . i Mary Lee Taylor., Secretary, care Western _ _  Y
_ . y State Teachers C0“€ge_ Samuel A Smith, President, 17 John Street.  
3 New York City.   Mc
  i BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB W. G. Hillen, Secretary-treasurer, 850 Freling—   ni ch
I g _ _ _ huysen Ave., Newark, N. J.   mas .
{ { John W. Gudgel, President, 149 Highland Ave.   19 E
  l Dell Ramsey, Vice—president, Hamburg, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA CLUB   1535
g i Claude W. Daniel, Secretary-treasurer, care L; C· D““dS°“· ’23·,P'°S‘d"“t·   Ohio,
E , Americml Brass C0_ Richard Bozeman, 29, Secretary-treasurer.   Th
F   6 t
* ii h CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Jesse I. l\rIille·i·, President. Commercial Nation-   gg,]
_, y * ‘.l. n.1v1. Nicholls, President, 134 South Michigan el B¤¤k building, W=~Shm¤¢<>¤» D- C-  ,5 hf
· ` Avenue. Elmer D. Hayes, Secretary, Care Interstate   A
, , S. M. Cassidy, Secretary-treasurer, 2135 Black- Commerce Commission, Oxford Street, Chevy   and ,
· I   stone Ave. Chase, Md.  
  ? i   U1
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K I Editorials I   J  
U THE THANKSGIVING GAME THE NEEDS OF THE is very likely to be over anxious to   i
· Novgnibgr the twenty-sixth was UNIVERSITY THIS YEAR   iilizougglzgaaagiegtetdatl th;   _ V
- y ,· tynly a day for Thanksgiving at In other enlnm { th· · '" . oo o Z ?
4 y the ..,.ne.·aty, for the wines of the Ai..mms, t£2..§e,p;§.;Sit*§ igegggiyat gan hepgm 1;  Stage T  
·’ » did the unexpected and turned in budget, as Submitted by the board f g o To ooo no maize to t 9 :
- V , _ _ _ , _ _ ullest extent the value of educa- ·
. a gieat f00tlJ=1ll Bam? As many of tiustees to the state legislature tion to the wth d th 1 f »
— elf the fans _that _w1tnessed the that meets next month This the State yvvh anh fdpoopoo y
- Stynggle exclaimed, it W&S the best budget is truly in line with state b jd ` y S Ou vlc not ~
_ _ l_ d . ., _ ` u1 toward a future where all .
  game that has EVM been PJYG iinanc1al conditions of the time, for are more ca, able of handlin a
» on Stoll Hold' too board has asked for nothing situation similar to the one tooiia l
. · The largest crowd to see the thai is not $0Y€lY n€€d€d and has than we ourselves have been" Ios ·
  ’Cats Play this 3’€¤I`» "V9·$ On hand not boon asked for before- there abetter way to guard against l
we I for the holiday game- All K€n· The university feeling that it the future than to fortify the bo `
  . .   , _ _ ys _ ,
  i tuckians expected the nnlV?1>1tYS must do all it can to meet the and girls of our state with the .5 i
is ta'; blue-clad men to Play @h€l1` b€$t conditions that are at hand, and best in education, and as inexpen- 1 . 
v;   game of the Q'€i1l` but n0n€ €XP€€t· the reduced income to take care sive as can be had?   _ 
-68 V7  I gd them to tlc the DOW€I`fUl T€n· oi, these conditions, has acted very Following the trend 0f the times F, ,
  nessee aggregation, who up till wisely in not including any the university has shown its great i Y
: .j`  · this iiigiziglrable day };/el‘€fC%-l110lMDecengber *28 is pi-esident of the club. In the organization that was
  » 21 1 les ew usnc ox, .     perfected after the banquet, C. G. l g
  l5l5 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, , o . Blakelev of Topeka, one of the E
  Ohio- New Alumm Club 0rg¤¤¤Z*=d oldest alumni of the school was l
¤¤`°*'·   The program is as follows- · In kansas elected president; Dr. J. A. Yates, ‘ 
>  6 to o oclock €llnn€1‘_2`¢nr·e€..‘;¤2 ;?“» ltll
  , , an. ing, gan Portmsnm of th · , ·t f _ cen, e rimson and White, Uni-,;~`-F lan Pd
E l Ilgenzisgiienw at the University of uity and Mn F]·g_]·$(I3T11é/§li2i,yCh;€_ versity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. ss  Sol} he
  _ at the allfmuig? ggggélionfirinliikggs iiigld, hgnn., were married October Eighteen states and the   ignspg
i 1 _ . at lnclnnatl, Ohio, Rev. Alo - of Colu b · · ~·»¤-=·<`
[ i college Y. W. C. A. members which sius Huber, officiating y the 46   gtim ui~,pr€S€nt€dhlllIi"‘il are less
  l Opizilig a§;£;:§?,g€sOll(;€1(;il,€SS was thTh€ ,bl`l°l‘?t was graduated from for the two?-da; ggngssiiiili iiii%·‘§?T§§lY€gHll
‘ . e univ ' ¤ · , _ _ _?_  
  , gives at the saturday morning she is ,."”§ehi$§,."E§ ,?li‘,§’i$,,°i)§’,°,