xt7pvm42s276 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pvm42s276/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1950 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 21, 1950 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 21, 1950 1950 1950 2012 true xt7pvm42s276 section xt7pvm42s276 { 2
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~ U.K.’s New Fine Arts Building
` 5 To Be Dedicated February 22
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 {U XXI F b 1950 N b T
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  * il
 A *- Th H E d Th 'r "L"F L lt
_ By (1178 01719 Gl OT Oyil y A qu.
The K1
. . . . · qi 0
. _ Late ln November of this year ]ames S. Shropshire was named chairman ,,0f,f§,@"U,,,l
i , _ _ _ quarterly on
of the 1949-50 Loyalty Fund drive. Although the campaign for funds was ln- gogéiiglaii. b
` . . €l'll
augurated at a later date than usual, ]im took up the reins in his usual eflicient *·°** ***°‘“d“
A manner and the executive committee is convinced that if anyone can get the job O§noroVilLos
· ICE El 9)
V done, it will be ]im. However, he needs the financial and moral support of me “°* °* N
1 · every goor alumnus, and to make this year’s campaign a real success he is hoping Hm G· Kil
‘ G. Lee l\IcCla
~ to hear from each of you to the extent that vou are able to contribute. Marguerite il
  - { Joall Adzllns
l  TY
; l Let’s all get in and “chip in," so that this very {ine project of the Alumni EX;
. . . . . . J. sz h 1
l r AssOC1at10n may b€COm€ 9. perpetuating program. YOu1‘ COI1t1'1but1OHS are 1llCOll'l€ Sl.,e£lC;llLl1g
i Robert H.
; tax deductible and no more worthy pro]ect has ever been presented to you. Hggllellglcgi
l ll .
‘ Sayre Ave.
J `Bernie A. S
· partnie lt, I
;  Dl}.0GeVr;rge V
* ll G1`ll'l
l lilrs. John
~ g May *'ll l
., iéyle illiiitgnl
. ‘ umer L. B l
— · ` ville aterri
· James S, 5
. nltrl _· ‘
V _ Dougie;  
  J. Owen Jones .............. 18 Hillcrest Ave., Montvale, N.J. Mrs. Frank Webb ................ 801 Poplar St., Ravenna, Ky. swam, W_ \
l Wayne H. Keller .............. 6188 McPherson, St. Louis, M0. Wm. H. McAdams .......... 31 Claremont St., Newton, Mass. (Wig; $2%]
‘ Alpharetta Archer ............................ poioisvillo, Ky. ~'¤h¤ G· St¤¤ --··-· L€>>¤i Kr- lliiieisgilwi.
_ Louisvill .
g lvlrr. noi Levy .......... lm Richmond Drive, Louisville, Ky. GW »°·· H¤g¤¢*¤t ·-··-·-···--·· Bermw R¤¤¤- L¤>¤¤¤t<>¤· Ky-  H.T¤. iii.
»   _ _ _ V Fusieesp
i o Kearney Campbell ........ 304 North Maple SL, Some,-Set, Ky_ E· J- Elmer ····--·- 189 Clinton St., Woodbridge, New Jersey T_VgéVCu,1E,_V
{   D. D. Slade .... Ky. Hatcheries, 333 W. 4th St., Lexington, Ky. Guy A_ Hug
l V_ W. L. Albert ........ 1354 South Johnstone, Bartlesville, Okla. lgomd Of
 ‘ g=. J. B. Hutson ...........................................,...... John R_ Bu]
.   David Alper ...............,... 615 Grand St., Brooklyn, N.Y. qgmcmati ,1
» $5., Tobacco Associates, Inc., 1424 K St., N.W., Washington, D. C argue,-ite A
  Mrs. John N. Browning ...... Edgemont Road, Maysville, Ky. _ 4 Mxillgtoli
·   J. S. Shrcpsh1re .................. Route No, 4, Lexington, K1'- Cliff Baykm-_
V     John R. Bullock .... 603 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati, 0, Helen GV King,   Sayre Aveu Lexmgm ·r€pr€$€\1lEiti
 V M- M· H1-lshes --···~-·-··-·· 2855 Ob$°"’B*°"Y· C“`*°‘““a*‘· O- H, Loo Moore .,..., 7065 Flaccus Rd., Ben Avon, Pittsburgh P5- ·  ichgiyd Ba;
} J, Phillip Glenn   .................... . ....-.··- K1-IUQBWB. KY- E_ A_ Vossmeyer ________ p_O_ Box 1157, west Palm Beach, Flil- JSS; Cggwi
H. D. Palmore ................................. Frankfort, Ky. S_ D_ Broadbent, Jr _____,_____________________________ Cobb, 1{y_ inggglet N
* J. c. -· .
R. O. McGary ................ P.O. Box 1755, Charlotte 1, N,C. E. V. Murphree ................,..... 15 W. 51st St., New Y<>l‘k ili1;1g,2SlQ M
i , Mrs. John O. Miller ........ 3540 J Street, Sacramento, Calif. Edwin R. Denney. ............................. Mt. Vernon. KY Pgrlogidb
 i 7  glxlnl l~l. l
* ‘ E-. Le ‘
 V *· CI V
 Fair Count;
*V len Countx
 32;*5 goun
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 gl kC0ul?gT
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V I`lSl1E·lll Cm
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,_    .T H E K
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ri enden Count_—L ' D_ · »
The Kentucky Alumnus ¤.ii..i..,.i.....i C.,.F...,.£i;*;S.., °*,;,¤;¤5·,¤g3;ig¤ i ,
urkesvillc '
#"_ , H. Da ' . C t —ivi The Co
Official Organ of the Alumni Association ixigiignaijuiglalpky gl;;§;;lbg_‘;rn€s· Owensboro ver i
of the University of Kentucky V published Estill County_Stephep Rice, Irvine Ti I U . V   , _ . i
qum.iei.iy Oii me cainpus of the University, at Fioyd COimiy_Cheimei. Frazier Prcstonsb r IL 11l\ Sl sity S HCW FIIIC Arts I
iiexiiigiOii_ Subscriptions t0_ 110¤·m€mb€1‘$- Fulton Countv—Jennings Kearlgv F ii u g I `I l' '
 $2,00. Membership iType Ai in the Associa- Garrard County—Miss I Iona   ll lm MU ( lllgl PY1d€ of {IIC CEIIHPUS,
iiiii includes subscription to the Alumnus, Laiieesiei. ‘ ml gcmeryi ,·ii i . .
_ Graves Comm Sam D N 1 M ill Je dedicated in weeklong
  p- ’— · as y, H ld . .
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post   %%l·s1'g&§;`l£/llarshaiglHi{¤F§_¥i¤,aI5l.e;chfield Ctlrcmonles d u Il 1 n g Founders
Oiiice at Lexington, Ky., May 22, 1929, under ‘ _ . ’— any sc . awesville , i , _ I
me not or March z, 1879. W H@§$O“2$“'“>’—R<>b€Pt M¤Namara, Eliza- ;l°€l*· Ecllnlml 1924- F€b“rf*YY I
 `·;*  Edit— gmiae C,,,i,iiy_Ted Creech Twiia -2, 186.), the date upon which
een . ................. , ,..... or ar ounty—R. W. P t *, H · i' .. · ·
G, Lec McClain ...,..»...,. Managing Editor H€¤d€1`S¤¤ C0¤nty—Th)feC0U¤1t)’—Barnard MgK€€hanY Bai-bOiir_ l)l·llC(l dl lllt Ulll\'€I`s1[y_
St., Lexington _ _· _ _
Rigieit H. Higenmeyer, I-'Vicg tpm3ideiii_ lijiilliiilCéJg1;liIii;jS£;i1iigie;;l€@ Qageri Iiodilenville l‘2t(`lIlg Rose Strcct, [IIC l0\\’ split
i enmcyer urserles, exing on , ‘ -i` · HSOH, on on . . _
iieieii G_ Kiiie_ Exeeiiiive Seei.eiery_522 lice County—D. C. Anderson, Beattyviiie \\'ll1LC·llll1€St0H€ entrance is mod-
Sp,. A _, L ,~ i otchcr County—J. L. Hays, Whitesbu g _ · · · .
Beriiiéé A.V<§hiV;>§¤}E_Ij;¤éaSur€r*AthiEtic D€_ 1p.ii;oliiCCoiiiity»ERobe1ii Baughman, Stanford CllllS[1(j and mlI)1‘€SSl\'€.
it tv U , i f K l _rn ounty— ranvi e Clark, R 11 `ll
Dgaéelggge Wi`i?ep?200yN_ Upper St', Lexine_ Lyon County——J. Phillip Glenn, Kilijilixigl 8
ten iieim expires igsiii Nlegiresclicjcigl Coiinty—Ben LeRoy, 1502 Broad-
Mrs. John N. Browning, Edgemont R ad,   8 um ,
iieysviiie iierm expires 1950i 0 xegneary County—C. W. Hume, Stearns      
Kyle Whitehead, Harlan, (term expires 1950l Meigs? g°ul;l·y‘§hai1_;l€g G§*lt?§· Sacramento
Homer L. Baker, 2242 Rutherford A ., L · - ”` °““ Y- ug » _ pa ing. Lebanon »· . .
Jviiie iieim expires igsii Ve mus Meiad.e)llC;ui1t3r—Mrs. Marjorie Watts, Bran- 1/llll l]l(.’ (l}lIUCl'S1lI] of K€HtlICky
ames S.   _   ` R t 4, L . '3 ` - · _ · ‘ '
iigmi expigégpfggi-F Ou 8 Exlnglml l\'lCl`€€l` COU|ll}'—Cl.11`tlS Park. Harrodsburg lCl}l[Ull·$` U [Ng POIUCT IN HIC b(ISk(;`t-
Doiigiiis Parrish, Paris, iiepm expires 1951) Monroe County—Justus L. Ellis, Tompkins- I _ _
....,xy. srrrl0i1iyiiv.eia.ir¤¤,paris Ky. n€i·r.i BX. iiigiiigiibeig Comm, George T Ta i e MU ”""l‘l was Sl'°"’” this Pm
.r » . — . Y or, -
1, Mass. G.pL§l2 MlhClain, Bardstown, Ky. (term ex—   Cité i B _ S i eu week UJIICII ll`lC lVll(lC(ltS Cllptllféd
pires 1952) ll oun y—— eamis ainue s, Bard-
on, Ky. Mis. Ben H. Collings, 2200 Newburg Road Nefslgu t K P i K. . d im B fhg Sugar Bowl crown at New Il"
cuisville (term expires 1952) I l eas ern Y- eu mnmr · 8 all? .
on, KY- H. D. Palmore. Frankfort Ky. (Board of AVE" Ashland [guns' COaCh RUPP and lm young
Trustees! l Ohio County—Whayne Priest, Hartford ‘
i Jersey T, H, Cuiigi-i F kf i K ._ B _ . _ Owen County—Charles Arnold, O * t C`(lU€ ·S`l'(ll`S ll(Zl"ltI'dlll l`l(lU€ the wdT77l-
tees) ran Or ` y ( Orud Of Tl-us P.ke County—James W. Wine, Pikgxillllelm b . J
on, Ky.   Asniigueieiy Berrow Reed, Lexington pigaski Ceiiiiiy__iehii Piaihep Hex 106, ast COIlgl`(lflll(IflOIl.S` of Kentucky
oar o Tru t I omerse _
.»·-···· JOSH R. iiiullockl (lll)? Dixig Teimimii Biden RC;/gkiiastle County—Rudolph Burdett, Renfro l)llSlx€l'lJ(1ll f(lllS.
mcmai i" d· i t — a ey _ , _
·n, D- C Marguerite l\lTLl;li$igl?1i$i,p;;5 lgésivilgxxeii SL Russell County—Othel1a Gaskins, Russell AIGINUGTS O]: llllS y€(lI‘.$‘ lean} 177,
iq ihlxiilgligu me ‘“€mb“· h°“°"*"""’ l siSlii;m% t L B si. ii, ii zvinninv the tournament have r0
Lon. §'· ar er, Y kt i I dg i `i ie y oun y- ogan rown, e yvi e ' ’ U-
fepresentatii»g_0IiOii;)i;;·l;ili,yi n lm! (49 class Simpson County—Woodrow Coots, Franklin J I b I P
zxington Spencer County—Harold Love, Taylorsville cn lllat lllCy UTC flllllj Cdp(lbl€ Of
APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Taylor County—Harry R. Smith, Campbells— _ _ _. » ` ,
rgn, Pa, . piiipgceniiiireiiikeiiieviue T0iiii1eC0ulit)___L0g;ili webb Guthrie picsciving Ults basketball trad;-
ich, Fla. Judge Ed\;_mresion H. Williams, 29 s. LaSalle NU '~€( tml US "°€P“l(mO’l for P"O‘
  CUulll·3;—EHl‘l HL1d(ll€Sl.0l`l. Cillulhbla NC\xl Ypi.k_“riiiiiim E_ Biitici-_ iii Ciiiirsidci (lllCIIlg Cll(lI7l.])lOllS ZS Sill! llliUlO[(ltC.
County J
 aiimi pouligiigri Pedigo Scottsville Tuckalioe _ _
 rmi Cepni);_B sith Kelley, WlCklllfQ Washington. D. C.—Lcwis F. Colbcrt, 1778 ((,()]][|[][l(j(I on Page 4)
 eii COum\__R Hsll Preston,. Glasgow Lanier Pl.. N.W. '
 rgckiiiiidee C' H· Barker. Plllévllle Dotroit—Thomas \V:ilt·rrs. 19359 San Juan Dr. —  I ·
 idwcp com to·unty—Ed Bowne. Cloverport CleveIancl—Robcrt McDowell. 3203 W. 71st St. Atlanta—Hugh Adcock, 539 Hurt Bldg. l l
hiisiieii COu:ig‘;`l3g;VTI~’Igziinilixvell, Princeton Phi1adelphia—\Villiam A. Lurtcy, 312 Jericho New Orlcans——Bernard Freedman. 7728 Bcl-
—` $6 ei , iopkinsville Road, Abington. Pa. fast St.
U M N U S 3
. i I

   His team took the Sugar Bowl trouble in the next three years. raises. Since the Court of A,,,,t,,tr ,
I crown bi de eatinv Bradlez , a team Aside rom its athletic achievement, ruled that the state salarx lin ‘ ·  
r ./ b J 0 J uttlntl
  3 which- the coach himself had rated the university has grown from a not apply to university instructor.;
as the llatlonrs b€St. The act that )1'G-LU(l]` (j)l1'O”)]lC)lt O   to t]],Q]’(;‘ has been h·tc·,·eaS·in ,.0  I ` llollual
_ _ } g P anu tr tu
  Bradlei mi ht turn out to be onli more than 8,000 students. The a- rom the aculti or betta S " `lm _
Z ~ J g ll J llll liIlC$[ lllll
 s _ the second best would hardly de- cilities and trained personnel of the This pressure was doubled by 11,C ,, `t .1]
· - , . . . . . · o i
4 r _ tract from Coach Rupps reputa- school have been used increasingly eenslltlltlvnal amendment ra1_,;,,, :_u1_v 9,
~ tion as a basketball genius. during the past year for service to the $5,000 state salary limi[_ my  
_ It could have been surmised at the state, and the university is plat]- the university is faced with lmygw , ll sui;
‘ . . . . . ` `» . ` . ¤ ` 01  
  the beginning of the season that ing a more vital role in Kentucky s to give pay raises or lose ri [1,; Or Pmlgrums
this year’s team would be handi— progress. its teachers. HC, ,,,,0 r
capped psychologically, because it Despite this ,),.00,.088 Obttctals 0,c TlllS Cteelltttllllltivtt of 11eeil.g11,,. 0,,,,,,0
 · . . · ’ _· A D ’ .·. ,   >_ I ‘
u,as succeeding last years all time the ,,,,,00,.8tty are deSr,0,.0t0ty 00,,_ Cletlies the univcisitys requestiiwr p,.i0,m1
great team at the University. How- Cerrwd Over the Sch00t»S (,.,0,00,0 the legislature increase its appro,). · ,,m1€sSO1—
. · 1- r - _ _ c>   . , _ Y _
t ecer, inheritance of a big name rrrtrwmt CrtStS_ 300,,,,,,0 0,,,.0tt_ ization to $12,479,600 for the 1101 1t;i1e;Phi
, . , . as _
7 reputation surely hasnt fazed this rrrmts which aCC0,,,,Pam0d the end two years. And in presenting gr, mc Cinci
l {/WTS team (L bri. ¢Lltl*0U§lt· US much 0t the ,00,. 0,0,,ght 0 ,,00d ,:0, ,,t0r0 budget requests, the irnicersiry 0,, and How
, cannot be satdl about Kenzuclzy mStr,,Ct0,.S_ In Order t0 ,,,00t rtsmg phasized that the most irripcnrmr i”;f‘“*'“
  llllgll Tlw ll;lll"lg lcemc tlc i costs of living, they required higher ‘l“’"· lll? mw which must be "ll .   l
t wnch the team tas mace in severe Sat,,,,,CS· The Grtyenhagcn Report proved, is the $5,500,000 gskedtt, Q All 1>Y<
  games, the see-saw games it has Uri 1947 ,.,.,0,,,;,,d 0,0 ,,.,,.t00,.Stt0 ,¤0,. the Division of Colleges-, in u—h1i11 · h‘“'€ "$_ _
 ,   ttllli/¢}i·ir·mg, i i
‘ . A . . , · - . . .· · 0¤0v‘ · . . ` · it- I 1 .
If`? afllllllll l’l"’f€$$Ul Ullffflllls ol [)l2l)'\\'l`1Llllg at “s¤ll be unveiled. Painted by YN/illiatm mm” $€’l`\`t11g as guides the touiiis will l
Dr fIl(’ ttm lalc; 1)Il1I1l) Rhys ;\(l2lI1lS, director of P. \tVe1sh of Lexington and Chica o bL.((m(Iu(ilC(I *01* 1>€¤<>leted l·1st l l
NX. O F ' · ‘ - 1 .. "
mst be dp tu kh riday night, a group of Kem i\0\e1nbcr, tl1e 11ew Fine Arts building l
. ·· · ' . . (" ’ ‘ ' · . _ · ~ l ) { V
0 (1SI1`¤€s i11 height it has mu. ·
. · - , * ll (l1lll€ll-
tests limi. . .· — · t· r\.· · — . » . - "
f I 411 ttm k_ Mun, head Of the Delmrmwm s tl1e finale of t11c 1·ounders \’\ eek Mons ol 281 x 248 feet and contains
’   ` ‘. )I`() ‘; 1 '- .‘ , , . . . . _· _ ,, `
llt lllllttfl ul Mu5it_ lm0§;1€;“— L“"€Y¤li) Mltllortttes have ml’l""\'“l<*l€lY l1¤0.000 square [cet of
$8 0 net, . . :1 co 1 ·. . —--~ .
  l Other cultural offerings are schedul- `[ Ouiqtvu P -mcrt Piogldm bl [hc Um WALL
nwflm mf Ed daily throughout the week Q [ Lllbté Rhtlharniomc Orchestra dg. ltr South Wing houses tht; l)cp;tt-t.
' _ ' l` C € · .7 · , · 1 · _ - _ .
1/ Callflllm ‘ for the {-hm Swgtg Production U) Wm _ l 1 ¤;»·Tt11~¤¤¤¤¤¤i. This pro- mfm nl AW including tht tm guucn.
_   _ _ _ Oz 11SSC1C(ll€( fo · Y . ‘
’l"’ “"'“’ '>tl1¤l¤¤¤ued on Page 6)
tes Willzoul Gtr 1 e · E`
,i'· lgno Theater Director Wallace N. _ _
rtfwn lll ll"' Bllggs mid his associate clirectoi-, h[t·S_ _ .... ¤     1 .· °
c (ll'llSlll`lllll M10 Robiiisoii lm-C teictmti the (— .         A - ·
‘ ` ` ’ ’I€€I* .   ..,   ·*‘’ `’»‘. I   I ~‘‘`     ,» i
be (‘Oll.S'lllfl‘ ‘l**S€€'m€d by the Ciuignol ;     .   »
l’ Mm AI()lI(I'l\` ii i 1-ht ycbm 1. » ...—... . ...... V .. ..   i v  ·‘’°·»‘=- 1   ..·..   ...... _   ,_t_   V  
, · * . ‘ 2 1 1 2 · _— --=. _   -—··:  ··  ~ ··· ·    -». .       _... . _ .»··’ (
'l'l€l' llllllllfl Pilftol tht; {J   )· l 0, ds   ”   :·i·     .».·... Q.   ’
Q "U¤1 ~ i ‘ i  {   
of Ll1\\ZIl£ . . ‘ 16 llutie ol Mu- ,   .    
_ SIC lll O _· -·   —·— r -1 Eb ~··:_,    
I ll me l— ur Souclii ‘s»·   ‘=‘   I ' *£ii `  ·f  lt:
i ‘ · · ·   »»··   i f  xii -     =° ‘
1 (MINI (IUIICZIUOII (i(j[‘gu]()niCs ` . ` ·€*2,        I t    
· . [hg H. . , Ol —~·—  m 55; %   I W ·     .j 
in   All Witter will be held M 10  f ?:._     ·"* it t»j_·(;, QF      ,
··l. t · — . — 3   *;:2:. ·~::.;. -=—-K ‘     . s  ;s¤ =.i..      
. _ It l“l"““‘l‘*Y· l“I~
1 - and things around the Alumni Office is the sincere hope and expectation ol nw inmyin Win r nnnn "O;nnI1`1lU 111 l
4 1 - Q|]`Q Hiking UI`] fl llllc   l`€[`lC\V€(l. HC- [llc .\lllllll\l 1iXClCllll\'C (~:()ululit·1-SC lllill l_(.lllxul_`ul l_(n)“&1;ul(11·l1 (!CnLl"lllTU1111)11 »l~llC Ul
 . tivity--1t is the time ol year when all returning alumni march under ing nnn wnn `wln(_n`m(_nnn 0519111* nmncd ii
 i Kentucky alumni everywhere begin their class banners in the commence- nllnnlnwg nm" nc mllnc ‘nl_ 1·'ll° nm I lm
. . . _ _   rr ‘ . · lllllhll
1*1111mS :1110111 .l1111€ R€11111O11 111CC1;‘ 111(1111 1110U;h11O11` played in all studios or practice nllnlh wil }"i’11 1
l·`ourteen classes have scheduled reg- lll lllc (ll.l)lll.lmChl_ l,l,l-;lln· j
· · ular or spefiill l`€llillOll$ Y0? lh€ week 'l`he clramatics division, inclnillllll l"l“('11'1
l of june l-2 and big plans are under In   H Irnl I    Mw  gl   V_I'k =   »)I_ lllc lm"- .l.l().S€n[’ all Condlllmlcll Cul; 4 in the lu
"*'¥' 11* 1“111*° 1111* l“`°g1"1111 l’1€’1“1111   ·;,»f . Mel '1`l¤<¢=·t¤¤r ¤i<=s thc ccmer lllllil  - l··e¤1>¤‘<‘*
_ , ;,nrl nappy for returning alumni.   _ ..     ol the building. There is also a snnlln
, The class ol 1900 will hold its 50th         theater seating approximately 125 lm
1 jubilee celebration this year, and the   iii   1.     sons that is used primarily as a l;ib0n.
  lmllc lllc *10lll ¤lllillV€Y$?lY)' Of its gl`¥ld·   `   `V  ,·g     Ou the hrst lloor, adjacent to Qlllg. V 
1 I .\mong those classes scheduled lor       slocketl record library and illclnlillllll  
    regular reunions is the class ol W25,   4       11“11`11111¥ 1111111`11`S- I . _  
l · which will come back for its 25th an-         'l`h<»ugh the htulchug has llcea at  
, niversary. ()ther classes which will   {  dia,  i   tupied lor several weelcs_ llniymll,  
  _ come back lor reunions under the Dix   ~   'lii   ‘4   E; I   suuhorilies purposely selected lfnln  
  Plan nnn l903· hllv -05, and hh lng;   ’‘·’  . ‘‘·‘     `    clers Day as the date lor its clc·clitatitlit
1 `22l, and `24 and l9#ll. `¢l2. *13, and ·1·l.   -°''i   y   _Vyt   l·`ounl`“'**l`hr¤i<¢¤l Ml <‘¤ll¤·r=¤l s:¤‘<>~~‘¤l¤·
A Q. at Maxwell Place, the home of Presi— "   _rv_   ——*-——··*
* dent and Mrs. H. l., Donovan; and the   ii    ii' ° ii   iiiii   ` Lienn COL Iamcs C' Bishop! hl
  . §`.l"ZI1Z'..].’{iL`.ElII§‘Ji`.tl’Q`i$..Il{Z.`..“{3TIELZI$ 1"`; 1·“11 iilit F11°1’“>*¥"`?11°1“‘“ 1°?`“‘°11" O1 ’—e%*r**l·= "11‘°1“°"Y'T1
l , v _ _ emeritus ol the University ot lcentuc- W\'I[h the U.S. Air Force in the Plitltlt- lllq ,,l,lml
ll 1S 11(1l1€11 111211 1111 1C1111111111g {1111111111 ky, eminent scholar, author, educator l>in€S, has been named new €X€Clltll‘€ l;inlnl,; l
1    1 111111 11C11111111 (11111 101 111C 1111111111C111`C` and administrator. will extend greet- 0HiC€1‘ of the 24th M21int€n21nC€ G1'0llll briefly sl-ll
¤   ment program liriclay evening, which ings LO alnmnl Ol [hc Unnersny at thc nf H€ndqnm_nn_Sv 24th An_D€n0t wing. mmcl
;1   111111 1111111111C 111C l11`°1111111111O11 111 G111(1` annual banquet to be held in the Blue- Sl1lll0l1€(l ill (iliU`k Alf YOYCC Bm- 1*1 liirst ls
.   1`11 .l111111€C 1`°1`11111i111°S 1(1 111°11111C1`S (11 grass room ol` the Student Union <'€l1lY21l Luton- illlUi|lll bel
 V   the class ol l900 and their admission -l~lnnrS(hn, highly lung lv in Connection       lll [hn Un
`  -% 1 into the .·\lumni .·\ssociation`s Hall with lhnw Reunion lynch LL COL Basil LCC Baku., ·g6» lomlll. umn, llnn
 ` i (11"11111`Y (111111· ly of Lexington, has been ill)l)Ullll€11 well mllc
  ilillc .·\ssot`i:ttiou, in COOl)C1`1l[lOll   deputy public information oHit7€1`0l 1t‘lzlssl·nl,m
Q with the lhiiversity, inaugurated the _]erry (llaiborne, Hopkinsville, Ky, the Military Air Transport S€l'l`ll1  with tllllal
l)l`(‘S(‘Hl1l[lf)Il ol C0l(lCIl _llll)ilC€ CCI`- senior and defensive quarterback on llCa(l(lu1\1‘tC1‘s. Andrews Air FOI`(`€ 11*111* llltflosely
 .   tiiicates to graduates ol 50 }'C2ll`S O1` the sneeesslul 1949 \Vildeat football   1 1* °ml01‘y ar
 1 1· better at the lflilfl commencement, team, was ehosen “ninst valuable Sen. George W, Trotter, ’~l9, l1asbe€1l”l" <<>rreIale(l
 1 and this event will be an annual cus- ior“ on the squad by a vote of his pointed editor-manager ol the (iillllll Heltls sucl
l tom. The recipients are presented to teammates, following the Orange Bowl bellsville. Ky.. News Journal. lluring which arc
T the l>l`CSi