xt7prr1pk853 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pk853/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1979 1979 1979-04-26 2020 true xt7prr1pk853 section xt7prr1pk853 4 I ' . 5
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Ta mg t e orig stretc In 0 a ome 3 re c .
A trio of competitiors are in various stages of hurdling the barriers at Tuesday‘s intramural track meet at the Sblvely Sports Center.
Ker e] «imam-44
Volume LXXI No. l50 II
' exln ton Kentuek .
Thursday. April 2‘ "’7" an independent student newspaper ‘ ' y
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57 - 4&2 ;‘ h'i; - ...:}. “0'“ 5"" "P0"s |0l class taught by a graduate student the experience to choose an effective t -
’ '---i'-:-i::='-2:9:§":E=:=v:s§ss::.;::\:tt-N‘iseit53:23:...» ,\ '.-t=;f;f;:=-.Vij‘5.2;,._;=':4\ a 7:; figs-I as _ . . . n 4
.. M55 5‘ it sees- . . TA- Betty Jean 00°C“ ”C WM “1° topic for composmon upset the '
\w\§c§f\§§§\: ‘ . . t: ' as Organization has drafted a letter of one of the students in the class. Tourjee said he doesn‘t understand ‘4'-
*4: 115% ‘33; ' N . \ _ protest ‘0 present to Dr- Joseph A- protested the use of Black Spring. Bryant‘s statements. “Dr. Bryant said
' - 44 -<-:" ~ : "axes-4::- ::x'»-'*::-i>.so.:' - this; “the” ~ - 4. V . ‘ - - - . . . . . . . ,
fieryuswm “at? 4 Bryant. chairman of .th English 0055 said the book and a quote from we have no responsibilities. But givmg ‘.'.
e5 \ * department. The letter IS In reSponse to another Miller novel Gooch wrote on a final grade is a responsibility.
- ,;-_- .4 ';,;-:~::.-:'_.;~;:-:-:,_.< ( . _ s _ . . , 4 . .
s5 4. Bryant 5 banning the use of a number his son 5 final theme were an affront to “What Dr. Bryant says not true.
Ne“ of literary works in freshman English his son‘s "morality and religous I'm not saying that we(TAs) are great
\\ , classes taught by a number of the grad convictions.“ teachers or that there are great .
, ~ , students. 4 . Bryant, though. said he banned the teachers. but we haven‘t gotten '2' _
'\_‘.-.'2. -- . . The organizations letter asks books not because of any religous or massive complaints to suggest what .'
4\ -. ,4 ., Bryant to apologize for several moral objections, but because they Dr. Bryant says is true.“ .
comments be made aboutthe graduate hadn‘t been approved for use by the The TAs' immediate superviscr. the ' ‘
. «55: students‘ Judgement and teaching proper authorities. In fact. he said, as director of freshman English, Dr. Ken 1
.\\:§.§‘;3"32- - - - . . . . . ,
$me abilities. the class 15 defined by the Untvcrsrty Davis, expressed his confidence In ,
55?? Copies of the letter Will also go to Senate. students cannot be legally them yesterday. '
% the deans of undergraduate and required to read any literature. since “I t . l d them as _
:55» graduate education and the Uanel’Slty English l0l is a composition course. Cir 3‘25 rggard t t
% vice president for academic affairs. Bryant has banned other works on extremerI e tcaie ,, 3: c5dnple):cis‘
5 1h€ members of the organization these grounds. including Bram rzsgodns}: cbepcop e‘f ct :ald' I I '
5 . deCIded to write the letter in a meeting Stocker's Dracula, three plays by the a e 1 at ““590 as u Y 0'13 35
Howard K. Smith 3! TOM MORAN/Kernel 5“" , . 4 year it can be demonstrated ‘
yesterday afternoon and worked at French playwrightMoliere and works .. '. . ll d ualitativel that the _ -
I composmg ll last night. by the Roman satiric poet Juvenal. ETIP'T“ )itanbeilter when the come -
O m m en atato r S m Ith d raws The EGSO president. Michael Bryant said only tenured faculty 5 "I cf‘tsh “To: urs (which isytau ht TI: '
Tourjee. said yesterday the group members, not the TA‘s. havethe right 0"] 0b 'fA ),,CO e B 33
I bClICVCS Bryant‘s comments and to pickinstructionalmaterial for usein on y y s ' ‘3;
IO dccrsions “undermine the students‘ classes Since Bryant was out of town 3;; r
y plc u re 0 I I u ure confidence in the teachers (and) the He said, “I could do it. but it's not yesterday. the E050 members are It
ability oftheTAto functionin class. lt the TAs‘ responsibility to justify unsure when they will present their §
By TERESA \(ll'.\(i were. the fuel shortage; the cost of'raw "We have got to adopt a thriftier wa;han innsugetncithIiIstudentI d the anything. They haveTfi‘o ”3:! .Of letter to him-'llTllt‘cy are also “Tu" t: -
- gran “me, materials. cntironmcntal cleanup and lifestyle and I think we will come to em toy I :1 wa Br a t‘:parol:ib‘ti it «$510: m this rrItIaterr. ea are 0mg about what wt!” 11”“ as a-mezth 1 '
upgrading defense; the increasing enjoy it more than the wasteful if ”rm firsey of st yiflweigr Willliaom onTth at weIte t em “:1 0.8 - 50:1]:- mfl: r: gamma!” 5 e f} ‘ .
Teleyision commentator Howard K ancrzige age of the American lifestyle we hate lived in the past." Faulkner‘s Li ht inoAu ustand Henr d 55:35?" tIonIsI,Ias #CA as “a?” p05: {fut}? a? :. stw' 8° Tinta ,4 ' ‘
Smith painted it gloomy ptctuurc of population; the need to help Smith said. Miller‘s Blaclf S rin gin an En fish Iescrtp loft l: he d s atsh .00 SIY'IC' ryan re uses 0 respon ° _’ -‘ -
the country's lml‘ltt‘dltttt' futuri: ltl\[ dctcloping countries. the loss of two When asked to comment onthe new p g' g immature o eac an as no avrng l e etter. -' j ‘
. night. traditionally cheap sources of labor. Supreme Court ruling concerning a ‘
, “Most of our prttblcm\ today are women and blacks. and the expense of reporter‘s state of mind while working 0 a 3 .
- deriyed front the fact that we are in a producin v food. on a story. Smith res ondcd. “Mar -'
rapid transition from a pct’lt)d ot “Suhtrict all these things from that of my colleagues thrink the ruling PRESIDENT CARTER OFFERED ASSURANCES I i
I . . - - - ' - - . - . that the United States will be able to quickly respond to any :
I‘ tremendousabundaticc and expansion ptcyious standard of livingwcenIioyed \‘iolates the First Amendment the Soviet cheating in a nuclear weapons limitation may, -. _
f to a period of contraction. painful and (you will) see that we will have to freedom of speech and the freedom of “Thetreaty must __ and will be _. verified fromthe day it 3 _I
:1- contraction." the :\B(‘ newsman said pa) much more to get much less." the press but I don‘t. I don‘t really state is signed.“ Carter said in a speech to the American 4 ’
QI ' 4 4 . . , ' e ‘ , _ S 4 ' ‘ ' 4 " . - - 4 ‘ 4'
, is ((tIuring a lecture at the Student ( Lilltl m\|[h paid, h- . I , think it is wrong. . . A CAMPBELL COUNTY CIRCUITJUDGE yesterday Newspaper quirshm AssociationI I k I n' II . . .
i;- irand Ballroom nitritans .iyc mcrookcd these Questions about a reporter 5 approved a ”75 million out-of-court settlement betweeen . HeIsaid he is concerned Wllll the 055 0 two 9 fl III
. if The period between the Marshall factors and are continutng to spend opinions about a subject. are often members of a class action seeking damages from the I977 listening posts. but added that with photographic sayIillites ‘. . .
1 Plan and the second \' l \on more money. causing inflation.ISmtth necessary to prove a planttff‘s case in Beverly Hills Supper Club fire and Union. Light Heat.and aIndIoIther surveillance systems. we are IcoInfiderItIt tU tIIrei: . . .
admtnstratton was probably the best emphasized, Presently the federal libel surts. he said. Power (‘0‘. and Market Insurance Co. significant violations could take place wit out t e m I
‘ ff period in the history of the cntli/cd gotcrnmciit‘s deficit is between $38 Doing a bit of political forecasting. “It is in the best interests of the class to accept such SW“ detecting "- '
'3 world. Smith told a crowd of about billion and $40 hillltm. Smith said President Jimmy Carter settlement as Offered and Such settlements I?" falr- ’ . .
f [50. In the past. Smith has been in fayor will represent the Democrats and John reasonable an.“ N“ “"d" the QTCPmStaNCCS Prcvall'nz hm‘ waf'd , . -
g Hc explaining that the first half or of federal deficits to stimulate the (‘onnally will be the Republican and "0‘“ “"1 Judge 10h." D'Sl‘m' . . _ “I .
. , " this century contained twoworld wars economy. but he belicycs the present frontrunner in the l980 presidential IfheIsettlfmentisInt: an'mEm‘FaI': D':5":'.ff'rlels':"l: ISRAEL AND EGYPT FORMALIZED their peace
' and a depression during which there dcfit‘It is too large. He also pointed out race. Only if Carter was involved in a 32:5": creii:yl-::n:u:h Leicfigmrfsm‘; ”25333:“ gram'h" treaty yesterday deep in the Sinai Desert while in southern , ~ -
‘ was widespread poycrty ctcn in the that the country ‘s pmatc debt is over disaster would Ted Kennedy consider defendants in the matter .. ‘ ' Lebanon. lsraelijets and otherartillery pounded PIalestInIan .
I world‘s most prosperous nation SI trillion. running. he said. He considered 5 ' “mp“ the film!“ l'lb‘r‘,"°" Organization “'4 'll .
. lhe third quarter—ccntury saw no "lhts period of contraction need not (‘onnally a stronger candidate that tion "_‘ U'“ Kbashtba. Ol’f‘s'd‘hm Arr'cagrszxflmzfi: ' . ' -
depression and no great war. but ll has continue." Smith \tlld "We Ronald Reagan because of Reagan‘s "8 “15:0.“ fizndfiisfird :ciielretate "c an“ t
. . fostered the best-educated generation Mmericansl can go on to a new period adtanccd age. ra ' ”E. e I Irpe. b yd Y irt Arafat‘s PLO 4
' t A -~ 4, : t - - f' --h- - - " ' .. ‘ - : - - - A NICERIAN EXCHANGE STUDENT who took a In Irut- met Jets we as . 4 .
0 mutcans. who liycd itt almost 0 tXpdnHDnl wt .iuthtMlLWillis (arter has not been the strong . '_ . , headquarters four times and drew heavy anti-aircraft lire. . .
' .I unlimited prosperity. Smith claimed. the main factor." president I hoped he would be."Smith psychologist hog”: was [Shot-"d hue: on 1:53:33: There was panic in the streets as the jets shook the capital. . k
’ . f During this time the American people If the country will recogni/e the said.“Heis aninadcquatcleader. lacks h'ghwa: y's‘frgay’ Pot" 3:; Jmfic'ri‘aéwsfln living but they did not fire. . 4 ' 4
3 were able to ask morc of their problem presently funny: it. steps can the personality and force of will a psxhpoifigflsSolngeta‘: 3;, theli’ictims may have been'the ‘ 4i .
. t economy and to get mm from ll. lit t taken to \Oht it. Smith said. He president needs. . . We and child of Dr Richard E. Townsend. a mmma. weathOl’ -. 4 .
. '. , , ) sat: h h proposed sIcI'ycrIal ways to cncouIraIgc a (. Smith sat: hc ddocsnItII IthtnttI pyschologlst who was abducted from his office. forced to . .'
‘ . mit . (Witter. cxprcxscd concern new [term o expansion me u Int! ongrcss "0 "“3" 5 a a ance wiitbdraw'w money fromabank and held atgunpointduring . . Ir. ’.‘ '. '1
t. e _ 4 __ . - ‘ _ M". In . "
I. 3 about the final quarter of the century [wing merthe gmcrnmcnl “"hi‘a lmt‘ l‘UdSCl '5 mcant t0 balance the a three-and-a-half hour standoff with police. GENERALLY “0‘7”“ Toocy'.¥::3;$‘mm are - 4 ‘ 4 -
. ' ' I. “Over the past few years ycycral tooth comb" and getting “the dead American economy and sometimes a the 22-year-old student may have been using a pistol occasional ligbtrain fallingthIOIlIlel Tithe: into the 10mm: ‘24-‘44. .
. _.-‘- .' 3 factors hate arisen limiting t‘\pill‘t\lt)n wood out." tncrcasmg clftcrcncy. deficit is good.“lt (‘ongress wants a lownsend reported stolen luesday. A woman housemaid also possthle as ItheI 1;?‘PIICIrkuima”sheroreleadinginto 5 J L‘5 "
4- i and turning into contraction." he \dld encouraging innotation and cutting balanced budget it will take courage." was also reported mISStHB _flt‘d 90"“ were Chedmfi 50' a afterntIton- ':w;r?::: with a high temperature of 60. V ' I, , '
', ' ' ~ ; Factors he find will affect down on gmcrnntcntitl waste of he said. "(Butt it does not hate to be a WWW l'"" to ll“ abduction. ' p." y sun y i, 5 “ '. ‘
4'5"; 4'."4‘. ' . Americans' Present hunt: standards IMP-WWW moon constitutional amendment " 5"" '- ‘
59:11:21 ’ .. V ' '~ .. .‘
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Tropic of Bryant
T H h t t. d th I O S a d da hte 8' "63d? ’
OWMUC pl’O 90 ion 0 e S n l1 U I’ . .
* 9 U “
In view of the flurry of opinion administration , let alone Rev. Kentucky Wesleyan and Asbury altogether trying to parent them. niinusonapaperfromhisTAstoered first classes if the chairman of the
which has surfaced in the wake of Eli Bryant ~ have any business telling I8- College up to your standards. boys? I Perhaps. too. overzealous parents "‘tOthat TALS office Tuesday wavinga depuLtth-“t has 9"” the world he‘s a ;i
Simpson‘s excellent review of the to 22-year-old college students what warrant you'll never have to read the should be helped to see that their sons‘ KN"?! ChPP'nLB- Tht‘ student bum?
English Department's current smash they mayand may not read? Does any word “cunt“ there. and daughters‘ maturity and demanded that hts grade be changed Finally. | address a question to the
th “Tropic of Bryant." and administrator have any business -*~———~—-—-—- discretion will increase proportionate- 0" Lthe Pa“? 09 the department Rev. Bryant himself: How would you
consideringthe wide range offronts on telling individual instructors within a char/as main ly to the amount of free wm they Lam chairmans printed assertion that all prefer to be “answerable to the sons .L;
which the drama may be approached. university faculty what — within allowed. What sort of responSible TA 5L are incapable 0t “Styling and and daughters of (your) fellow ‘Lg .
we offer today a kind of “Critics‘ reasonable guidelines - they may _ adult canayoung man beexpectedL to grading composmon.L _ Kentuckians?“ As one mindful of the . f
Guide.“ require their students to read? A second — and related m issue left become if he is still not above calling SquelyL Rev. Bryém,” "9'50 bimded importance of their being allowed to -5L‘ ~
It is our hope that this guide will It seems reasonable to assume that open is that of parental supervision daddy from C°lt€8€t0 complain about by his righteous indignation that he develop discretion and maturity. or as .9
help every potential commentator to any man or woman who makes a versus the students‘ discretion. If bad marks. and if his father IS Still not ““"0‘ see the damage he has done h's one who would presume to do their '9
effectively sort out the several issues conscious decision to attend a Eugene 0055 doesn‘t feel his son is above phoning offending teachers 3M department Land "5 programs w'ih thinking for them? Are you of the
which have been raised by Simpson's university must expect to be exposed mature enough to handle his own admonishing them? ,suchasweeping condemnation. lfsaid opinion. as has been suggested. that .
~ reviews. so that his or her rage. to new and even alien ideas. It seems college life. why didn‘t he keep the BU! the most pressing issue TAU": incorrinetent. Why are they when yougrabthem bythe bookstheir 1
disbelief. disappointment. chagrin. perfectly reasonable to suggest to litttle fellow home? We becomeableto involved. in terms 0f its long-term teachinchlasses. ls Bryantsassertion hearts and minds will follow? gt
dismay ordelight maybemore directly Mark 0055 that if he and his daddy manage our own lives —rand.as such. effects on the university and the a-boutL 9‘“ TASan ““9”“: a fathers
addressed. and more clearlyand fairly want to himto attend a universitythat become adults ~77 only as we are English department. is Rev. Bryant's assertion that h'5 sons {It‘d daughters L;
' considered. teaches within a “Christian“ allowed to make independent summarydismissalofhisdepartment's are incapable ,Of Lyudging for . . . $5
The most obvious issue to be framework. they should send him to decisions for our own good. teaching assistants as “ircompetcnt.” themselves what ‘5 suitable reading? . (Lharles LM'm '5 ‘ Journalism a
addressed here is censorship. Does oneofthemanyfinechurch-supported Perhaps the University should treat AS could be CXPCCth. a freshman Also. what success can an aspiring junior. "'5 column appears on f.”
anyone in the faculty or colleges that specialize therein. Are its students as adults ~ and cease english student WhO had recievcda D‘ young teacher hope 9° have “’"h 9‘“ Thursday. *3
Mfiw*s__m it
' .‘
L611 er 8 t0 the EdltOI' ‘
— W—mw ;-
the authors in question was done on to organize their classes to provide . inekperienced people. then more Dr. Joseph Bryant: ,
LOCR up frOShmen the ham 09 the assumption that ho maximum benefit to their students. Mlsquota, please “t“O'L' faculty members LShOUld be lreally want tothank you fortrying ‘3
literature could be required In Finally. I think your actions will teaching their on English classes. to look out for my emotionalstability ‘ .
‘9 occurs ‘0 mt that-50")?“ the composition Classes Does this mean raise substantial questions in many Monday‘s article about the texts This alternative is distasteful to the but since you are notaprofessional in
recent problems of this Universuy that youexpectallcomposmonclasses minds as totheseriousnessand quality banned by the English department faculty because they probably think this field. don‘t you think that the ’i
might be resolved if freshmen were to be taught using noLteths whatsoever of education at UK. infuriated me. Operating on the that they are too good to betied down “watchdogging” ought to be done by ‘L‘
required to live at home and take as models? Surely thisLis not the case. assumption that Eli Simpson‘s quotes to people who haven‘tL “read their the Psychology department? .~.
corresponderLiLceLcourses. This could. Or does it mean that Since no specrftc Joanna Drlcwieniecki-Abugattas and other information are accurate. I ABCs“ yet. Therefore.L it seems fair Please don‘t ban Immanuel Kant. | .
? chmer ehm'tta‘e 1A5 35 well 35 teXtS have been ‘approved. "0 Agricultural Economics stafl’ find the attitude taken—by the senior that TALS 59'0““ be 3m" the same realtlethat my poor sophomoric mind -
pEi'sentiiseriii‘ight 12:39“? coanLeeréed student can be maLde 9° read what an ' faculty towards TAs and the freshman protection 09 their academic freedom is far too weak to understand Kant w . r
. res men 0C C 1" instructor assigns. ' ' ' ' afforded senior faculty. since they are much less make recommendations to i~ '
their rooms and handle allinteraction lfthisisthecase.thenthe University Oflend|ng thSICS English program reprehenSIble. L doingtheactualteachingofthepeople such a fine scholar as yourself; L.
With the Lniversuy personally. Thus of Kentuck is no more than a , “00 have read MOI'Crcand-JLUVCM l b h 'h . L. . ,
we would not have to worry about rammar school and academic Once againlam appalled (although and nowhwereinthe works ofeitherof "0 0'“ ‘5‘ wants to 0t er th - however. I signed up for a course in
underaged freshmen wandering into freedom here is no‘more thana farce “0t SUPPttSCd) by the blatant political these two admittedly great artists have But. as I reflect on this. with the Kant tortiltl 9979 and lneedthe credit.
the campus bookstore that has However I sus a that there is power-plays that 80 0" at this leverseentheworksofMarkTwainas poor atttitude Dr. Bryant exhibits in ALBCLDLEFGHUKLMNOPQ .2-
magazines with actual pictures of nothing. in Ufiivermy Senate institution. Mt. EUSCHC 0055 (father a prerequisite. In fact. (for the benefit Monday‘s article I don‘t think he R 59' ti V W X Y Z- IS that about L
naked PCOPIC- 0’ accidentally signing regulations which preventsinstructors 0f MarkLLGoss. 9“!"er _ff°5hma" of the ignorant. unqualified TAs) should be teaching anybody who “Bht
up for an art course where a real from assigning texts they consider student) former state OttIClal L- ~ - Moliere antedated Twain by some l00 didn‘t graduate from Yale. He is one R' h d W D' 1‘
person models unclothed. or reading appropriate in whatever courses the former UK trustee ' ' ‘ prominent years and JUVCMI by some 9700 years. more argument for requiringteaching "L 3" - izney . . . .
literature, teach and that your ban was made uy) attorney . . .“felt his son‘s English l0l Dr Bryant is quoted as saying that certification of phL 0.5 before they are Philosophy and Political Science :
. . . . . . . . L . . 'unior .
Or perhaps we Should pass a law placateangryparentsand;orstudents. Lei-fedl‘llglfi/chil :56: élifsptfigsnca‘;ta.2d the UHIVCI‘SII)’ hired him and OthI' lanoreld ‘0 CITCLa Classrogm 2:131:13; J T
makin it ille al to teach an one to - ‘ . ' n f o f °V°~ can ony ope. r. rya ‘ I ’.
read, lgt workegd in the South.y I very strongly protest your action. he called me man m charge 0f English Saiiztliiizeafeo artici3 h‘iilfjfsetcrs The 3'0“ were misquotcd. in WhiCh case 1 Dear Mr' 6088
Mr. Bryant seems to think most To remove books from a curriculum '0' and mid him so. and then. insinuation here is that the TAs were “W903i” Dear Mt- (30551 ~
m freshmen have not mastered their becauseasiumt or parent finds the" “No.0! __ FLASH NEWS T the not hired to teach that the classes are "“"i‘ you hate ”“9th hm“ ‘0 I
alphabet anyway. He has managed to content objectionable on the has“ 0f man m charge says "0‘ no more not theirs Well it seems that if the Frank Solomon - d“?
insult freshmen: teaching assistants ms. personal beliefs. “0'39“."16 vLery Faulkner. and no more Miller.and no TAs are d'oin siich a poor ‘ob and if Education graduate student
and all those who he expects to :;andClplCS of threeharLiLd open discusSion moreLHLemingway. the studentsagre really beingilighted in ABC Michael Brooks
convincethat he banned certain Pieces univ':rassit:ni: fiascésarSIaZYKSm‘cg “32¢? rd. Yheredoesa lawyer Freshmen English by being taught . ' ' Director of Undergraduate Studies in . L
of literature on a whim rather than . , . . '. get 0 CCI mgw at IS Inappropriate - T f llow n is an o n Iett t 509509033' i 9
under pressure hi“ambly disagree With some of the material with which to teach English about Miller and Juvenal by such he 0 i g pe er 0 . LL
“ ‘ . i eas resented to them at the ‘ ' 9 ‘ -‘
And if Mr. (3055 is looking for U . P . . . somposmon.MLr. Gosssaidthat Mark clarity and libelous statements. 1 he ((Jht'e’rflptlflft'u’al iirsue.r.i-tmt‘erns
. niversity. and that ISJUSI as it should had talked to him last semester about '
obsenity and moral corruption. be It is the '0b of the Univer'it to h' b' . . , Letters paper may also chose to condense or or events relevant lo the UK
- perhaps he should read the transcripts ac- uaint th J th th 5 I: f Is oLLyections to the material used in “he; c0ntributions.as we” as limit mmmumyh 0, ”ma,“ mmvmmx *
left by the man he activel L su orted . q em IL e vast wor 0 class. So why did he takeitagain this . . me number of submissio s b. Iht' operation it! I/ll\ new/WP" '
y PP . . n v
in I972. ideas.andthe variety ofperceptions of semester if he was so miserably p0 Icy frequent when ' !
lTifLe that mankind has come up With. offended last semester? Letters to the Editor. opinions and 5
Bobby Copeland e instant some idea is banned. the ldon‘t know about you. Mr. Editor, commemories my be delivered Opinions:
' English junior learning 9'9““ CthCCttVCIY StOPs. and but this sounds pretty weird to me. Do The ”muff." KW", Lwelcomes personally to the Kernel newsroom. Should ht' 9" line-t 0’ Im- 60 "
.: indoctrination b¢8|h5- L you think I could get my mother the and ‘ncout'lfiL COntTIhUtILOnSL "0m ”4 Journalism Building. Some form t'hwUtW-t P" 9W- . l
I also found very offensive your artist to come down here and ask the the UILtcommunityforpublieationnn of ”Humane" is “Wired, (fire and explain a [MLM'IIIU’I ,'
- v". Academic freedom? contemptuous attitude toward physics department to eliminate the the editorial andLopimon pages. Submissions may also be mailed yo pertaining to loplt'aIL issues o/mremr 9. .l
‘ _ graduate students who teach your l0l chapter on the right hand rule and imm' Opinions and eomanen- Editorial Editor. “"9“” Km" I” ”W M wmmwm" 9" '
L . . , l ameriting in regard to the and |02 classes. The quality of the magnetism? I find that one very mm must be typed and thIPtf- 9“ Journalun "“9"" ”"9""9" . . ,‘
' censorship of works by Henry Miller students who teach these courses is offensive Do ' h' k ' spaced' and 'ndudc the "m” d “"9“" ["er “"9“" (m'm' ».
.' . . _ _- . .. - )0“ t "'t It WOUId signature. addressandphonenumber. «so; For contributions behi Should he 90 limit or less. 60
, William Faulkner and others In after all your responsibility. lftheyare work? We own twoh 'f h - - I , 9
, . 2 En lish '0' d '02 l l , d l . . . . L omes. too.i t at UK students should includetheir year mall“ on campus. our SM so“ r-hamt-rersper line.
. . . fg . . an casses. base my ithompetent an unabLe to intelligiLblLy makes a difference. and major.and University employees amount. . .4" mom] [or arllrles whose (i '
' '“ ormation °"L the admittedly c 0°”theteXtSthCYWtShtOtCNhrltIS Mark 0055. wherever you arc.lfeel should list their department and authors. lht’ rdumrleel. hat'fspfl‘ia/
confused report in the therne/ on the fault of the faculty of your sorry for you. position. Letters: ('rfllfnlla/S. erperirm'e. training or
Monday. April 23., This is an open department who assigned them their the Kernel reserves the right toedit Should he 3" ”m" t" ’m- 6” ulht‘r qtiaIt/i't-au'nm Iv addmr a
. letter to Dr. Joseph Bryant. tasks. If they are competent to teach Maureen She. all submissions for spelling. grammar t'harat'IW-i P" ”M’- parlrm/ar rah/rt I. ,
. , . 'L. As I understand it your banning of then they must beallowedthe freedom A a S ,uotog 4—_________—_———————-——-—— 1 l
555:. .. Ls. .
a": i " .xi. '9]: 9
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LLLiLLL jvhfiii-I- , L- L . LL . . . :..', «_L ML», -LI .\'." :L L a. L. L 4 a” . L _ . ' '9. ,. _MLL LLLt L “wily“. , AL 5"”. LL . , _ , . ‘. ‘ LL . L 4, . .
that» $3}. ‘5‘ fl 2'; * .g.‘ --""i-- a" '- ‘ 3 . . ‘ .- . . i 3.55”?“ I “face ~- ' ‘ * "

 I'Hl'. KEN“ ( K\ KI.RN|'.I.. Thursday. April 26. ”79—3 ‘
‘ Most Gls got back from Vietnam,
. 1 l . l' 1132': ‘
3 . . 3g, 3 ' . 3 ..,f3:--‘ .
; 3 but families want some answers about it 3 3.33.2... .
. ' 3,‘ , 15 L5 f2 .
5 : ' “13’2“
1 . 3,3133%? ti”
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" us 1.. ~ r-‘
3, .93.}..3‘3 3 “£24.? . 3
By DON McLEOD war. Hut on his rettirn lo the of death to be made in these ';.~."-‘~3 ...si‘f'f‘m“ ‘
f l Associated Press Writer United States. he was charged cases until he was personally . "
With deserlion. con