xt7prr1pk650 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pk650/data/mets.xml West Virginia United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C. (Robert Chapin), 1907- 1935 p. 4601-4688: chart; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:35/W 42 v books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. West Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare - Law and legislation - West Virginia Charity laws and legislation - West Virginia Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of West Virginia. text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of West Virginia. 1935 1935 2019 true xt7prr1pk650 section xt7prr1pk650 I ,, . . ._».... “hams..." ,..~..:n..,.;._.;c._. . ,~.'_'i,,;n‘_n-,,__‘..i,...i.;s.;-...: :1; ¥»T:;i.3é';;._";;-.- 4w.
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hi Preface
a, -—'—-—'
g) This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in
. g: ‘( abstract form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of
§‘ -* the States. V
g The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review
iii .
g of the provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several
1 ~
%( jurisdictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with ‘
$3 L reference thereto. A chart showing the organizational relationships
E of the administrative agencies is included. I ~
3 f, The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff
. i ‘ and in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of '
g I material incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The coopera-
% tion of those who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any .
g .
g " errors of omission or commission noted, or in suggesting improvement 3
i i in form or content, is invited and will be greatly appreciated.
% Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering E
L»; -.
g i the reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the
Q E several States may find the digests of practical value. ,
fi¥ ‘
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1% Public Welfare Provisions Page
E General Poor Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4601
§ Care of Dependent Children in Their Own Homes . . . . . . . . . . . 4603
E Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutional) . . . . . . . . . 4605
$3; OldAgeAssistance ........................460'7
g Soldiers‘ and Sailors' Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4609
E Administrative Provisions
i State Board of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4610
§§ Children's Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4615 ,
Colored Children's Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4617
E Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Men and Women . . . . . . . . 4618
E Hopemont, Pinecrest, and Denmar Sanitariums . . . . . . . . . 4620
g Berkeley Springs Sanitarimn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4622
1: Welch, McKendree, and Fairmont Emergency Hospitals . . . . . . 4624 J
{i Weston, Spencer, Huntington and Lakin State Hospitals . . . . 4626
@? Training School for Mental Defectives . . . . . . . . . . . . 4632
3 Industrial School for Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4634
. 1‘ Industrial School for Colored Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4636
ii Industrial Home for Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4638
f; Industrial Home for Colored Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4641 ‘
i State Penitentiary . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4644
f State Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4649 (t
i Negro Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4652 ”
7? Schools for the Deaf and Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4654 3
: School for the Colored Deaf and Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . 4657 .
E; Department of Public Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4660
3: County Welfare Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4666
i Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4668 i
CountyCourt...........................4670 ‘
ii JuvenileCouI‘t 4675
E County Detention Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4681
? County Mental Hygiene 00mmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4683 .
5: State Department of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4688 T
'5 Chart Showing Public Welfare Agencies
C i 5
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vmsr VIRGINIA 4501-
L (a) Description of class '
A person unable to maintain himself. l/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Relief granted on application by or on behalf of
the person, or by or on behalf of the family of any person under
I the order of the overseer of the district. The county court
may change or rescind overseer‘s orders, and may direct any per— -
' son or family to be provided for though the overseer has refused
to do so. l/ ‘
(c) Measure of responsibility
Provided for at place of general reception or sup—
ported elsewhere, if county does not have an infirnary. If
county has an infirmary, relief granted outside the infimmary
only in cases of emergency, and only as long as such emergency
exists, unless court's opinion is that interests of family and
' . person Will be better subserved by tendering, such assistance
elsewhere; at county court‘s discretion provisions may be made
for education of children at the place of reception for the
poor 2/; medical or surgical attention; hospitalization §/;
decent interment. 3/ g
(d) Qualifications imposed
Continuous rvsidence of one year in the county; has
not immigrated into the State within three years, unless at §
the time of so migrating he was able to maintain himself. §/ ‘
Children, father, brothers, sisters, mother (in order named)
residing in State liable for supgort. é/ Non—residents must
be provided for until removed. 2/
1. West Virginia Code Ann. (1932), Sec. 599 ‘
2. Ibid, Sec. 597 T
5. lbid, Sec. 600 '
~ 4. lbid, Sec. 60l
— . 5. Ibid, Sec. 598
6. Ibid, Sec. 607 t
7. Ibid, Sec. 599

 . "7‘ i,
4602- West Virginia - Abstract of
. Public Welfare Provisions
‘ I I! Q
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county. Obligation mandatory. §/ 3
If) 2...: '
General Property tax. 2/
' (g) Administrative agencies
- County Court. 19/ I
(h) Supervisory controls ‘
I ' None provided for.
‘ o ‘ l
V _______________________________________—_’_____________________
8. West Virginia Code Ann. (1932), See. 599
9. Ibid, Sec. 761
10. Ibid, Sec. 599 . ‘

f (a) Description of Class
A woman whose husband is dead or permanently inca—
pacitated for work by reason of mental or physical infirmity, or
a woman who has been abandoned, and who in either case is the
mother of one or more children under the age of fourteen years _
or is the mother of one or more children under the age'of six—
teen years who are not eligible for a working permit. l/ Also
‘ if a child is ill,relief may be extended until such child reach-
‘ es the age of sixteen. 3/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
a Investigation of application by member of county
; court under court's direction. 5/
3 (c) Measure of responsibility 9
' An allowance such as in the court's judgment will
i provide the mother and children with necessities of life, and
. . enable her to keep her children at home, not to exceed $45 per
month. 4/
(d) Qualifications imposed
Mother must be United States citizen, resident of E
, state for at least two years next preceding application date, 3
7 and bona fide resident of county in which application is made
for a period of one year preceding application date; income from
any source not to exceed $45 per month; mother nust be a proper
person physically, mentally and morally, to bring up children; i
allowance necessary to enable mother to remain at home (may be '
absent for work during such time as the court permits); children
‘ must be attending school, provided they are of the proper age and
physically able to do so; no adult person to be in the home who
‘ is not a member of the family; allowance necessary to save children i
from neglect; it is for the welfare of the children to remain
at home with the mother. 5/
{ 1. West Virginia Code Ann. (l952), Sec. 619 V
‘ 2. Ibid, Sec. 626 ‘ ‘
5. Ibid, Sec. 620
4. Ibid, Sec. 624 y
5. Ibid, Sec° 625 f
0' .

 4604. West Virginia - Abstract of
' Public Welfare Provisions
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county. 6/ Obligation mandatory. ‘
(f) Taxes )
General property tax. 2/
(g) Administrative agencies
V ' County Court.§/
, (h) Supervisory Controls
None provided for.
1 l a
- 6. West Virginia Code Ann. (1952), See. 624
7. Ibid, (1934 Supp.), Sec. 761
8. West Virginia Code Ann. (1932), Sec. 618 -
Q a

) (a) Description of class
Any boy under the age of :ixteen years or any girl
under the age of eighteen years who is dependent upon public
charity or who is destitute, homeless or abandoned l/; or any 1
boy not over sixteen years of age, or any girl not ovar eighteen
years of age, who has not proper parental care or guardianship;
or who habitually begs or receives alms; or Whose home by reason
of neglect, cruelty, or disrepute on the part of parents, guard—
ians or other persons in whose care it may he, is an improper ,
place for a child to live; or whose environment is such as to
warrant the state in the interest of the child in assuming its '
guardianship. 2/
(b) Procedure for determining cligitilitv
} Any reputable person, or West Virginia Department *
; of Public Welfare may file a petition with the Juvenile Court. 2/
l _
i (c) Measure of ressonsibilitv .
\. g . ., , L y . t. ;
Commitment to suitable state institution for care I
of dependent or neglected children, or to some training or in—
dustrial school or children's home—finding society. é/ Commit—
ment to Department of Public Welfare. 3/ 2
(d) Qualifications imposed
____.____________‘_____ .
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility ‘
State. 3/ Obligation optional. g/
County Court must pay state treasury $50 annually for *
each child from the county committed to Degertment of Public Wel—
fare, and maintained at the exronse if the department or of the
State children's homes. If financially able, parent, guardian or
estate to reimburse county axount paid to State. 5/ ’
W ‘v
l. West Virginia Code Ann. (ICES), Sec. @785 '
‘ _ 2. Ilid, Sec. 4776 '
Q' 0 5.1bi3, Sec. 42-23
é. Ibid, Sec. 4230 ‘
5. Ibid, Soc. 4843 .
i ‘ ‘ ' I """ ' V ’ 'I ' ' : y
l ,

 4606. West Virginia — Abstract of
iuolic Welfare Provisions
‘~ a
(f) Taxes
Counties may levy one mill on $1 property valua—
tion for detention hone if detention home is authorized by elec—
:irate. §/
(5) Administrative agencies
Commitments made by Juvenile Court to Department of
. Public Welfare. 3/ County Welfare Board advises, assists and
ocsyeratcs with State Department of Public Welfare. 2/
' , (h) Supervisory controls
None nrovidefl for.
, E
. i . A i , P__. s ,A. El
C. W«»L Virginia uoac Ann. \lucz), bec. est? ‘
, ‘_ ,i b
”. lb: , SnC. e270 §
O l
i 1
‘ I
. ;T"'

(a) Description of class
Any person who has attained the age of 65 years and
who is in need and whose physical condition or disabilities seem
to render permanent his inability to provide properly for himself. 1/
(b) Procedure to determine eliribilrgi
Application for pension to county court subject to
approval by county court, appeal to circvit court. 2/
(c) Measure of responsibility
Hot to exceed $1 per day. 2/
Medical, surgical care and nursing. é/
; (d) Qualifications imposed
E Citizen of the United State? For at least fifteen years
before making application for pension, resided in the State and coun-
. ‘ - ty continuously for at least ten years iiriediately preceding appli-
‘. cation date, not interrupted by periods of absence totaling three
years, nor absence while in State or United States service if a -
‘ domicile is not acquired outside of State or county.
: Not at time of application an inmate of any home for
aged of a custodial, correctional or curative character, except in
i case of temporary medical or surgical care;
i Has not within one year preceding application been
? an habitual tramp or beggar;
5 Has no property, income or other means of support .
( (household goods and personal property not exceeding $500, exempt);
? Not in receipt of pension from United States, any
{ state, or foreign government;
i Has no child or other person responsible under the
E law of the State for his support, and able to support him. E/
3 1. West Virginia Code Ann., (1932), Sec. 626 (l)
:3. Ibid, sec. 626 (6)
i 5. Ibid, Sec. 626 (3)
. g- 6‘ 4. Ibid, Sec. 626 (5)
§ " 5. Ibid, Sec. 020 (4)

 4608. West Virginia — Abstract of
?ublic Welfare Provisions
' L c
(e) Inciiencc of Pirancial ro3ponsitility
County; obligation optiinul, mandatory in any coun—
ty where pension system adopted by popular vote. E/
(5) Taxes
Special county property tax of $.05 on $1.00 covered
into old age pension fund. 2/
(g) Administrative agencies
' . County Court 9/, assisted by county pension agent
in counties with a population of 35,000 or more. 2/
- (h) Supervisory controls
‘ None provided.
C. West Virginia Code Ann. (l332), Sec. 626 (2)
'7. Ibid, Sec. use (is)
n. West Virginia Code Ann. (1932), See. 026 (2) .
3. I'Lfid, SL‘C. 626 (ll) . ‘
. Bun l

(a) DescriEtion of class
Soldier, sailor or marine who served in military
or naval service of the United States during the rebellion, the
war with Spain or the Philippines, or in the war with Germany
or Austria Hungary, or any ex—Confederate soldier. l/
(b) Procedure for detemnining eligibility
No specified provision. . -
(c) Measure of resgonsibility .
Decent and respectable burial, the expense not to
exceed $75. Interment not to be made in cemetery or plot used
exclusively for burial of deceased paupers. l/ .
(d) Qualifications imgosed
‘ Insufficient means left to defray funeral expenses.l/
(8) Incidence of financial resnonsibility . .
County. l/ Obligation mandatory.
(f) Taxes .
General Property tax. 3/ .
(g) Administrative agencies .
County Court designates proper person or authority,
other than that designated for the care of paupers, or the custody
of criminals. g/
(h) Sugervisory controls
None provided.
________________.._______...________________________________________ .
1. West Virginia Code Ann. (l932), Sec. 616
2° Ibid, (1954 Supp.), Sec. 761 f
3. Ibid, (1934 Supp.), Seco 6l6 3
’ 0* '

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. l.
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9 I

-‘ 0

" (Statutory Body)

1. General Powers and Duties
(a) The State Board of Control manages, directs, controls,

and governs the Children's Home, Colored Children's Home, Home for Aged
and Infirm Colored Men and WOmen, Eopemont Sanitariuml Pinecrest Sani—

. tarium, Denmar Sanitarium, Berkeley Springs Sanitarium, Welch Emergency
Hospital, McKendree Emergency Hospital, Fainnont Emergency Hospital,

‘ Huntington State Hospital, Spencer State Hospital, Weston State Hospital,
Lakin State Hospital, Training Sch>el, Industrial School for Boys, In—

? dustrial School for Colored Boys, Industrial Home for Girls, Industrial ’
-l Home for Colored Girls, Fenitentiary, and such other State institutions .
': other than educational, as now are or may hereafter be created by law. 1/

(b) The Board has charge and control of the financial and
business affairs of the West Virginia University and of all its colleges,
schools, departments and divisions, of Marshall College, Fairmont State g
Normal School, West Liberty State Normal School, Glenville State Normal
School, Shepherd College State Nomnal School, Concord State Normal School,
, West Virginia State College, Bluefield Colored Institute, New River State
9 . School, Potomac State School, Schools for the Deaf and Blind, School for
the Colored Deaf and Blind, and of any other State educational institution .
which now is or may hereafter be created by law; and has such other con—
trol and management of said institutions as is specifically provided. E]
(c) The State Board of Control or one or more of its members ‘
must visit each of the institutions under its control and management in 3
whole or in part as often as may be necessary and may hold a regular
meeting of the Board at any such institution. During any such visitation
the Board or any member thereof must thoroughly inspect all the depart— ‘
ments thereof and investigate the condition and management of same. E] i
(d) The State Board of Control has authority to cause the
transfer of any patient or inmate from any State institution except the
penitentiary to any other State institution which is better fitted for ,
the care or treatment of such patient or inmate or for other good cause
or reason. 3/
1. West Virginia Code Anna (19-312), Sec. 2580 E
2. Ibid, Sec. 2591
5. Ibid, Sec. 2591
4. Ibid, Sec. 2595
i J

 . ,, ' I
46llo West Virginia - Abstract of
' Administrative lrovisions —
State Board of Control C E ‘
I II. General Powers ani Duties (Cont'd) ,
(e) The title to all property constituting or belonging to
the several institutions is vested in the Board of Control. The Board
is custodian of all deeds and other muniments of title to all property
owned by the State, and must cause such as are susceptible of recorda— '
to be recorded in the proper offices. 5/
(f) The State Board of Control is empowered to accept any
gift or devise of any property or thing vhich lawfully may be given.
If such gift or devise is given to any particular institution, as
' listed above, whatever profit arises from its use or investment must be
paid into the State Treasury for the use and benefit of such institution,
, and the Board is invested with the title to the property which is or may
v ' be the subject of such gift or devise. é/
' (g) The Board has authority to employ competent architects
, ‘ for the preparation of plans and specifications for all new buildings to
‘ , be built by the State, or for the repairing or remodeling of existing
tuildings, or the construction of additions thereto; to employ competent
I persons to superintend the work of constructing new buildings or of suca
repairs, remodeling or additions; and to call for bids and award con-
tracts for sucn work. The Board has authority to erect any new building,
or to make repairs or additions to, or changes in any building“ already Q I ‘
constructed, without letting the same to contract, or by employing
thereon the labor of the inmates of any institution of the State, when-
ever in the judgment of the Board the best interests of the State will
be subserved thereby. 2/
(h) All moneys and funds belonging to the State which come
‘ into the possession or under the control of the superintendent, head
officer, or other officer of any of the institutions under the control
‘ and management of the State Board of Control in whole or in part, or the
fiscal or financial affairs of which are subject to the control and
manefi mint of the Board of Control must be paid to the treasurer of said
I I Board monthly on or before the lOth day of the tenth succeeiing the i
. month in which such money. or funds were received under such rules and i
‘ regulations as the Board may prescribe. The State Board of Control must i
cause such moneys and funds to be paid into the State Treasury immedi— y
ately in the manner as provided by law. 3/ i
_M~'—~—__~——_—_—_‘_n— ‘
5. Heat Virflinia Cole Ann. (l932), Sec. 2585 E
5. Trix, sec. 3:37:55. ,7‘
7. Ibid, sec. 258C g
9. IbiIE, iec. 2590 E
, E

I West Virginia — Abstract of 4612.
Administrative Provisions —
‘ State Board of Control
I g,
1. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
(i) The State Board of Control must keep a proper and
complete set of books and accounts with each institution which shall
clearly show every expenditure authorized and made thereat. It must
in conjunction with and subject to the approval of the chief in—
' specter of public offices prescribe the form of vouchers, records
and methods of keeping accounts at and by each of the institutions
under its control and management. The Board or any member thereof
has the power to investigate the conditions and to examine and check '
the records of any of said institutions at any time. 2/
(j) The State Board of Control prescribes the records to
be kept for statistical and other purposes in the several institutions
and must require a copy of such record to be transmitted to it for the
preceding month and must keep in its office in a bound book a copy of
every report that it may require from the chief officers of any insti-
tution. The Board has the authority to assemble the chief officers of
5 the institution or any of them at its office for the purpose of dis-
, cussing any question which may be common to their welfare. 19/
(k) A hospital, other than a state hospital, doing charity ‘
work, files with the Board of Control every three months, itemized
bills for all charity cases treated during the preceding three months.
‘P I n The bills must be made out on the forms and at the rates fixed by the
, . Board of Control. Sixty days are allowed for filing the bills after
i 1 which time the board of control audits them and pays all proper claims. ‘ ‘
If, however, the aggregate of all claims filed exceeds one-fourth the
amount appropriated for the year then the Board may apportion the said
' one—fourth appropriated so that each claim will receive its pro—rate j
share. Provided, however, that no claim for treatment of a charity :
case shall be considered unless the Board has received notice from the a
: hospital at the time of receiving the charity patient, said notice to
’ be on forms prescribed by and to contain such infonnation as may be
; required under rules and regulations of the Board. The Board is an-
1 thorized to limit the number of patients that may be received as charity 1
" cases by any one hospital. 11/
Q (1) No private hospital for the care and treatment of the
3 insane or mental defectives for compensation may be established unless ,
i a pennit therefor has first been obtained from the Board of Control. ‘
f The Board of Control may make such terms and regulations in regard to
f the conduct of such hospitals as it may think proper and necessary. The
'1 ' Board of Control, or any member thereof, or any person authorized by the
5 Board to do so, has full authority to investigate and inspect such pri— .
3 vate hospital; and the Board of Control may revoke the permit of any
g such hospital for good cause, after reasonable notice to the superintend- ‘
; out or other person in charge thereof. 12/
? 9. West Virginia Code Ann. (1952), Sec. 2594 .‘
f A 10. Ibid, Sec. 2595 '
9 i . 11. West Virginia Acts (1955), Chap. 9, Title II, Sec. 14 1
g 12. West Virginia Code Ann. (1952), Sec. 2682

 . .7 ,, - V ,V
461?. West Virginia — Abstract of
Administrative Provisions -
State‘Boar; of Control ,\ ‘
2. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
The State Board of Control consists of three members
apL3;:ted by the Governor by and uith the advice and consent of the
Senate, not more than two of whom may at any one time belong to the _
same political party. The nanbers serve six—year terms at a salary of
i5 000 :er anrum an? actual exoenses and are eligible for re—apnoint—
A , i t - , s -_
meat. 13/
The members must give their full time to the dis—
. charge of the duties of their office. The President and Treasurer are
elected from the membership of the Board. 13/
‘ Lach member must pay a bond of $10,000, except the
Treasurer, whose boni is $50,000. In the absence or disability of the
- Ereaident or Treasurer their duties may be performed by another member
' of" 511:? Board. 14/
3. Reports
The Foari must make a report to the State Auditor
frwu like to time as may be necessary, stating the name of each person 1
enp1oyei at all non—educational institutions under its control, along I 7
4 . , fifi. . . . . . , . , \
with 11113 o::ic1a1 :’l€:7lé‘nat101’; ':r.d rate of compensation per month, and , ‘
out of what fun 3 or appropriations same is payable. 15/ \
The Board must report biennially to the Governor,
' shoxinx tL’ conjition of all institutions under its control. 16/
Aeport hunt incorporate suggestions respecting legislation for the
‘ ' teneiit o” the several institutions under its care, and must make esti—
mate: of the aipropriationa which in its opinion, are necessary. 16/
' 4. Executive
‘ The Board mu:t appoint a competent Secretary, which
‘ offi~e an; be Cwfibined with that of Treasurer. 16/
E. Jtaf?
The Poard nust appoint such clerical and other assist— (

‘ onto Ti nut Le necessary to the proper conluct of its business. The 3
szlurie” 7? co ynnzation; or employees are fixed by the Board. No ‘
nwlgni;a or oumycfisutfon may be increased to exceed the amount appro- ‘
print,» 1 (3' Ln legislature. 10/ T

i its 1 37:11:: Am. 1193a), Bee. 2579; (71935 Supp.), Sec. 551 (4) ;§
1;. w» L'it‘ritii: :«19 £111.. (1-13:3, Sec.;1."7>'-‘0 g
(an, so: ‘ l
16. :.:u, Swan. :T7i, 2596 ‘




 1 , M.“”mililwmwwmmummww a...
West Virginia - Abstract of 4514,
Administrative Provisions —
State Board of Control
. 5. Staff - (Cont'd.)
The Governor must, by and with the advice and consent _
of the senate, appoint a warden for the penitentiary and a superintend—
ent for each of the institutions under the management and control of
the Board. The person appointed as superintendent of those institutions
' which are maintained solely for members of the Negro race must be a
member of such race. 12/
) The superintendent of each institution and the warden ‘
of the penitentiary have the power to appoint all assistants and em-
ployees required for the management of the institution in his charge; but
the number of such assistants and employees, and their compensation must
first be fixed by the State Board of Control. The warden of the peniten—
tiary and the superintendent of any institution may, at his pleasure, '
. discharge any person therein employed. It is the duty of the Board of
Control to investigate any complaint made against the chief executive
‘ officer of any institution, and also against any other officer or em—
ployee thereof, if the same has not been investigated; The Board has the
power to recommend to the governor the removal of any such chief execu—
tive officer, or other officer or anployee, setting forth in such recom— ‘
mendation the reasons for the same. 12/
{ The Board shall fix the salaries (other than those
\ ' . specified by law) of the officers of the institutions. The chief officer ‘
’ is furnished living quarters, household furniture, board, fuel, and light
' for himself and his family. Living quarters, household furniture, toard, '
fuel and light are furnished to such other officers as is made necessary '
by the character of their service and the anrd of Control designates :
those who shall receive the foregoing in addition to their salary. 13/
The State Board of Control has authority to cause the
head officer or any other officer of any institution under its control
or management in whole or in part, or any of its own employees, to give
bond, in such penalty as the board may deem proper. 12/ l
6. Financial frovisions
Appropriations are made from the general fund of the i
State. ‘
) Amount of Appropriation: The sum of $130,466 is
I appropriated for the period July l, 1955 to June 30, 1957.
. u__'__”w____m~_*‘_____‘-____________________________._____________________
“ 17. West Virginia Code Ann. (1932) Sec. 2598
g 18. Ibid, Sec. 2588 a
:5 19° lbid, Sec. 2589 E

 46l5. West Virginia — Abstract of
Administrative Provisions «
State Board of Control
9 ’1
6. Financial Provisions (Cont'd) ‘
Limitation of Funds: 20/ .
Personal Services ...................... $ 65,572
Current Expenses ....................... 15,594 2
Equipment .............................. l,300
Reimbursements to Hospitals (other
than state) for charity cases,
personal services, current expenses,
- and capital outlay ..................... 50,000
Total ................ i 130,466 ‘
The following provisions, powers and duties are
specifically applicable to the institutions indicated.
1. Supzrintendent of Children_'_s Home \ "
l. General Powers and Duties
(a) Superintendent:
The powers and duties of the Superintendent are not
specified by statute.
(b) State Boarfi of Control:
. (l) The State Board of Control must admit to the care
. and custody of the home white children surrendered or committed to the
home in any manner authorized by law, and such children must be kept,
maintained and educated CthC until they can be placed by legal author-
ity in homes elsewhere. 21/
' h“. 1
(2) The State Board of Control makes such rules and J
repulations relative to the instruction, discipline, employment, and dis- _
position of the children in the home, not contrary to law, as it may deem ;
proper. 22/ i
‘"‘ ' " """"" '"“ “ ' ' ' “ ' ' ""““"" i
20. Rest Vir-‘inia Acts, (19:12.5), Chap. 9, Title II, Sec. 1 g
;.i. gaiest Virginia Code Ann. (1932), Sec. 2627 ~‘ ‘5 {
:;:;. Ibis, Sec. sage i

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 451“» West Virginia » Abstract of
Administrative Provisions —
State Board of Control ,
1' l
‘ , l
2. Superintendent of Colored Children's Home
(Statutory Body)
1. General Powers and Duties V
(a) Superintendent:
Powers and duties of Superintendent not specified
’ by statute.
, (b) State Board of Cwntrol:
(1) The State Board of Control must admit to the care
and custody of the West Virginia Colored Children's Home, orphan colored
children under 16 years of :ge, other colored children of like age who
7 may be surrendered to said hone ty their parents, or surviving parent if
one be dead, in case such parent or parents are invalids, and such other
v colored children as may be surrendered or committed to the home in any
, other manner authorized by law» Such children must be kept, maintained
and educated in said home intil they can be placed by legal authority in
suitable homes elsewhere. 35/
9 1
(2) The State Board of Control makes such rules and '
regulations relative to the instruction, discipline, employment, and disw
position of the children in the home, not contrary to law, as said Board
‘ may deem proper. 26/
' 2. Financial Provisions
The West Vi: luia Colored Childrenis Home is financed
by appropriations from the State general fund. 27/
* , Amount of Appropriation;
‘ The sum o? $50,640°55 is appropriated to the Ho