xt7prr1pk497 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pk497/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1988-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1988 text GLSO News, October 1988 1988 1988-10 2019 true xt7prr1pk497 section xt7prr1pk497 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
by Craig Clere

This year's presidential election will be In putting forth his answer to NGLTF's
held on November 8. As a voter, each of us survey, Bush has evaded the basic attitude
can directly impact whether Vice-President upon which he bases his reaction to gay and
George Bush or Massachusetts Governor lesbian rights. He revealed his underlying
Michael Dukakis becomes our next president. thoughts in 1980, while running against
With the growing number of AIDS infections President Reagan for the Republican
and deaths, the increasing visibility of the nomination. At that time Bush told the Los
gay and lesbian community, and the dramatic Angeles Times, I'l don't think American society
rise of anti-gay violence, the choice of should be asked to accept that homosexuality
president becomes a tremendously significant is a standard which should be held up for

' event in each of our lives. acceptance. I just don't believe that, and I'm

In Kentucky individuals must be not going to push for it."
registered by October 11 in order to vote on Prior to the New Orleans convention
Election Day. Registration is available in Bush endorsed protection against AIDS-related
Fayette County at the Voter Registration discrimination, but declined to have such 3
Office of the County Clerk, 162 East Main provision included in the Republican Party
Street, Room 131 from 8:30 am to 14:00 pm, platform. Bush also discussed the
Monday through Friday. To verify anti-discrimination policy in terms of its effect
registration or for more information, call the on children, whom he called "innocent
Voter Registration Office at 255-7563 or victims," implying he believes AIDS is a just
253-3021. punishment for other people.

This month GLSO News focuses on the Senator Quayle has voted with anti-gay
gay issues records of the Republican team, Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina every
Vice-President Bush and Senator Dan Quayle. time gay-related issues were presented to the

Responding to this year's survey of Senate. Quayle has voted to: restrict AIDS
presidential candidates by the NGLTF, Bush prevention activities by groups "who promote
stated his opposition to gay rights legislation. or encourage homosexual sexual activity“;
Despite recent governmental activity directly oppose providing federal money for indigent
attacking gays and lesbians, Bush stated: "No people for the $10,000 annual cost of AZT;
one group should have special privileges exempt religious-affiliated schools from the
granted by government." Most notable of Washington, D.C. gay-rights ordinance;
these actions are the 1986 Hardwick decision confirm the nomination of Robert Bork to the
3y the Supreme Court. This decision pointed U.S. Supreme Court.
specifically to homosexual acts while upholding Quayle, of course, has the distinction
state sodomy laws. More recently, the Senate (problem?) of having an identifiable record in
oassed legislation intending to legalize the Senate, unlike Bush. During the Reagan
discrimination against homosexuals by District years, both Republicans have supported the
)f Columbia religious organizations which president's lack of leadership on AIDS. It
~eceive federal funds. Additionally, during seems anyone satisfied with the Reagan record
:he past several years, nearly every piece of on gay-rights issues will probably be satisfied
iederal AIDS education legislation has been with the Bush-Quayle team.

;ubjected to revisions preventing use of funds Next month GLSO News will present
’or activities which might be construed to opinions on gay and lesbian civil rights and
:ondone homosexual sex. AIDS held by the Democratic ticket of Gov.
Michael Dukakis and Senator Lloyd Bentson.

D Please send me a free introductory AVAILABLE AT UK ”BRARY
IssungfoGLSO News and Information GLSO has donated a Washington Blade
on ' subscription to the Periodicals Department of
, . . the University of Kentucky Library. Because
[:I LfdéLkseotoiESfuogg ahvofignfieflszrt?” the Blade is the gay and lesbian newspaper of
of the GLSO Newsgand discountsy the nation‘s capital, its. reports on
at GLSO functions My Membership governmental actwnty concerning gay/lesbian
fee of $10/year is .enclosed rights and AIDS Issues are a valuable resource
' for the country's gay community. Also
I don‘t wish to become a Member but included in the paper are regular sections on
[:1 please send me the GLSO News each Washington'stultural life, sports, interviews
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. wuth public figures, and more. . . .
The most current Issue IS available in
Name: the newspaper reading area of the M. l. King
——-———————‘—— Library, in section seven of the national
papers. Older issues can be obtained by
Address: requesting them at the public service desk.
——————— The library's subscription began with the
September 2, 1988 issue; issues will be kept
- - . by the library for one year.
City' St' le'——————'_’ GLSO also arranged for a member to
Mail to: Newsletter, P.0. Box 11'471 donate issues Of The Advocate to the
Lexington, KY “0575 Periodicals Department of the King Library.
Beginning with the first issue of July, 1988,
' both current and older issues will be kept on
_ the shelves under a call number which will be
assigned shortly.
GLSO News is published monthly by the —
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. SUWERSCAPE
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services by
Organization), Box 111471, Lexington, KY ll0575 Vita Brevis
Steve Savage, Editor
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar The couch on my screened-in porch
Debbie 5 Teresa, Asst Editors for Esmeralda cradles me between its time-worn arms, my
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist body covered only by the blackness of the hot
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, summer night.
NGLTF, Dave, AVOL, NlAlD, NYT, Keith,
Barry, Craig, Judy, Eddie, Karen; Typists: The chirping of crickets is intermittently
Steve, Dave, Craig; Equipment: Dave, Karen; hushed by intoxicating breezes, bringing gifts
Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Brian, Craig, of perfume from my sleeping garden.
Gerry; Mailing: Dave; Courier: Barry;
Folding 8 Stuffing: Dave, Gerry, Cheryl, I thank God for my consciousness.
Brian, Steve, Craig.
l sense the presence of another and
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are stare into the darkness for some clue of
those of the authors and do not necessarily familiarity.
represent those of the Board of Directors.
Submissions are welcome. All submissions His warm, gentle hand reaches out and
aecome the property of GLSO and must include grasps mine.
the full name and address of the author.
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The The image of his face and body is now
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any vivid in my mind: he has taken me away
submissions (including advertising) to meet many nights before.
Jublishing requirements.
Once again, the wind carries us above
The placement of advertising in GLSO News the garden and beyond the trees to a place of
joes not denote a person's sexual orientation unspeakable beauty, beyond all Earthly limits
war a business's customer preference. of description.
2 CLSO October

The Rainbow League is going A People With AIDS Coalition is being
wonderfully. Participation has doubled from organized for residents of Kentucky and
last year. Forty-eight bowlers [sixteen teams) southern Indiana. The Kentucky-Indiana
converge every Tuesday evening at 9 pm at People With AIDS Coalition (KIPWAC) is
Joyland Lanes. This means that on these fashioned after the New York City-based PWA
nights half the crowd is gay or lesbian. lt's Coalition. KIPWAC will be an advocacy
great fun. organization for PWA's, provide a regional
Quite probably this is the fastest network for information exchange, and offer
growing gay/lesbian bowling league in the additional friendship and support. Membership
continent. If you're interested in subbing for is open to those who are H|V+ or have a more
someone or just coming out for the evening, serious level of illness. The financial support
join the Rainbow Bowlers! It's an exciting of friends who are not infected is welcome.
year for them! Call AVOL at (606) 25’4-AVOL for additional
Karen, the host of GLSO Cards 8 Cards 8 Games will be held every 2nd and filth
Games, took a well-deserved vacation in Saturday. Previously Cards 8 Games has been
September. The next meeting of Cards 8 held on Friday evening. Call Karen, at the
Games will be held the second Saturday in number listed in the GLSO News Directory, for
’ October at 7:30. Beginning on this date time and directions.
I You've been looking forward to it and Campers will "rough it" [no facilities).
_ now it's here! Eddie will host the eighth Bring your own supplies. warm clothes, and
' annual GLSO campout at his secluded farm in food for dinner and breakfast. Eddie will
I rural Scott County beginning after it pm on provide a comfortable ground to sleep on, a
Saturday, October 8. This annual event campfire, and a clear sky. Call Eddie at his
attracts people from both central Kentucky and Lexington home for more details, 259-0878, or
Louisville, so meet new friends and old just 20 just follow the map. If it rains the campout
miles north of Lexington. will be held the weekend of October 15.
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GLSO October 3

We are gathering data
for a reference guide The National Institute of Allergy and
to Infectious Diseases is beginning clinical trials
Retirement (50+) Living of a genetically engineered AIDS vaccine. The
for Lesbians and Gay Men vaccine is made with smallpox virus, but the
virus is changed by genetic engineering to
"WE DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE resemble HIV. Six university medical centers
lN N,y,c. 0R SAN FRANCISCO" will participate in the study, including
To be published by Naiad Press Marshall University in Huntington, WV.
Nine [9) volunteers will be needed to
No matter your age, if you are retired participate in Huntington. Volunteers must be
we are interested in how you live, healthy men or women who are not infected
where you live, with HIV, and who are not engaged in
and why you live where you do behavior that would place them at high risk of
contracting HIV. Because the vaccine does
FOR QUESTIONNAIREiSl T0 COMPLETE, not contain live or killed HIV, there is no
PLEASE WRITE TO: possibility of contracting AIDS from the
c/o MS. ARLENE K. KOCHMAN This may be the chance you've been
AND MR. TOM c. ROBINSON waiting for to make a personal contribution in
313 EAST 30TH STREET the battle against AIDS. If you would like to
BOX 5E volunteer for the study contact Dr. Robert
NEW YORK, NY 10015 Belshe, Marshall University, Huntington, WV,
" 7 ' at 300-696-7231.
The Circle K Corporation of Phoenix has the policy for review.
canceled a plan to limit health care coverage Circle K has now canceled its plan to
for employees with AIDS or substance abuse. limit coverage for "lifestyle-related" illness.
In January, the national chain of convenience Kathleen Barnes, director of the Arizona AIDS
stores told its 26,000 employees it would not Project, said "I'm just delighted. The biggest
pay health care costs for illnesses such as danger was always that other companies were
AIDS or alcoholism which were caused by going to follow their lead. Now this is going
employee "lifestyle." The company's policy to help keep everyone else in check." Other
didn't receive widespread attention until firms had reportedly considered similar
August when it brought complaints and angry restrictions because of 20 - 30% increases each
demonstrations. The company then suspended year in employee medical insurance plan costs.
gay. He's just acting on his "animal
ASK AUNT MARY instincts." I can't imagine what he's learned
in your bedroom but I suspect he's trying to
get your attention. Now that you have a
— lover he has to share you and is probably
Dear Aunt Mary: My 5-year old dog has slept jealous. Devote more time to the dog.
in the bedroom since he was a puppy. Now Remember how important he was to you before
whenever friends come over the dog tries to your friend moved in? And certainly
have sex with their leg. He never did this discipline him if he misbehaves with company.
until my lover moved in 6 months ago so | Your biggest challenge is to demonstrate your
think he's learned something in our bedroom. affection for the dog without making your .
It's terribly embarrassing. Is the dog gay? lover jealous. Good luck! Aunt Mary
What can I do? Embarrassed
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
Dear Embarrassed: Oh dear, maybe that's your letter to: Aunt Mary, c/o CLSO, P. 0.
why a dog is man's best friend! Many animals Box 11071, Lexington, Kentucky, 140575. If
attempt same-sex encounters, and I've you would like a personal reply, please include
certainly seen dogs like yours who are a stamped, self addressed envelope. All :
attracted to people, but I doubt your dog is names are strictly confidential. i
ll GLSO October

Join us for brunch on Saturday, October
15 at Noon at Fleur-de-Lys. The idea of a
community meal has sparked much interest.
‘ d. I All are welcome. Join us!
‘ I I'll \7 —""—
I DICNIW/LEXINCTON Last night my phone rang at 1:15 am
i P’O‘ 3011934 . Lexington, KY 40593 and the panicked voice of a friend said, "I'm
I 269-3417 in big trouble, I've been arrested!" This
_. from a stable professional person who had
. - ~ never been in any kind of trouble before, and
; FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT who would have been at the bottom of my list
. of friends and acquaintances I would have
' It's been a great 2 years. That's right. ever guessed would be calling me to get him
I I've been president for 2 years. I solemnly out of jail.
‘ swore a year ago my term had 11 months and Today my friend has had to deal with
3 30 days to go. Oddly enough, I'm not sure rushed attempts to obtain legal representation
t I‘m ready to keep my word. I am willing to for an initial hearing this afternoon. what to
consider an unprecedented 3rd term, but I'd tell his supervisor and co-workers who had
like your feedback. Have I done an adequate been contacted by the police department, and
job? Where could I improve? What is best for the humiliation of having been run through
Dignity/Lexington? I want your input. our impersonal legal system and treated like 3
Elections will occur October 27 at the criminal.
Rap Session at my house. If you're interested All of this because he was approached
D in any position, call. I'd love to hear from by an attractive man on the UK campus who
you. The elections will be short and sweet. seemed interested in him and who encouraged
g I would like the rest of the Rap Session to him to talk about what he would like to do.
t focus on the topic: Where do we go from Beware! If someone approaches you and seems
e here? This can be both on a person level or determined to get you to verbalize exactly
as an organization. I look forward to hearing what kind of sexual act you would like to
a from you and enjoying your company. participate in with him when you get back to
r I hope to see you at Dignity soon. your place, the chances are you are about to
h Peace, be arrested. This form of outrageous
Keith entrapment is practiced regularly by both the
‘ UK and Lexington Police Departments in any
I area that seems cruisey.
al REGIONAL CONFERENCE NEVIS My friend still has no idea what the
d outcome will be, and is naturally terrified of
0 We're getting ready for our turn at what the results might be at work and with
‘a hosting the Regional Meeting here in his family. Don‘t allow yourself to be lured
Lexington, December 2-11. Dignity/Louisville into a similar situation. It isn't something
y has offered to help with some flowers and that can only happen to someone else!
1; food. Housing and food preparation help will —
y be needed. NEW PHONE FOR AVOL
, A highlight of the weekend will be the
”2 return of Kris and Shirley, former members of The AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
lr ‘ the Lexington chapter, to conduct a workshop. (AVOL) have a new telephone number.
V, People who are willing to exchange a little Effective October 1, the AVOL number is 606 -
effort for free workshop participation will be 25'4-AVOL (2514-2865). The change was made
(I . highly valued and greatly appreciated. so the phoneline number would be easy to
l. Whether it be preparing a dish, serving food, remember, and the timing was planned so the
” hosting a guest, helping with Liturgy, set-up correct listing would appear in the 1989-1990
le or whatever - let us know. phone book. For information on AIDS, or for
H ; Clear your calendars! Take part in a access to local health care and support
! rewarding, worthwhile event! services, call 25u-AVOL.
GLSO October 5

promoting the release of her latest album,
P "Torn," about which Rita Mae Brown says,
' "The lyrics snap, crackle and pop!" What
fl P funI
, , .
, Tickets will be $5 - $7, sliding scale,
" /r smerelda 5 81.10% I‘ and may be purchased either at Sqecial Media
1‘1: or at the door.
Hello, hello! Everyone is well and
happy we trust! Life continues along at a Ginny Vida, Editor of Our Right to
fast clip for Esmerelda. In fact, we've got Love: 3 Lesbian Resource Book, is inviting
some exciting news to report. Guess who's lesbian photographers to submit photos of
having a birthday? That's right, Esmerelda's lesbians for possible inclusion in the revised
Parlour (a.k.a. the Esmerelda Collective, edition of Our right to Love, to be published
a.k.a. Ezzie's lezzies) officially appeared in by E.P. Dutton.
print one year ago this month. And my, oh Photographs depicting affection,
my, how she's grown. friendship, outdoor scenes, indoor scenes,
Esmerelda has undergone a great deal of lesbians at play, lesbians at work
change in the lastyear. For example Laura, (professional, white collar, blue collar,
one of our founding mothers and original entrepreneurs), portraits, lesbians engaged in
editor of Esmerelda's Parlour, took off for sports or other activities, Black, White, Asian
Atlanta to be with her lover - we still miss American, Latina, and Native American
you Laura! Since then Debbie and Teresa, as lesbians, younger, older, middle-aged and
co-editors, have tried to continue to make older lesbians, abled and differently abled,
Esmerelda's Parlour an informative and are being sought. Lesbians who are national
interesting section of the GLSO News. Of or local movement leaders are also desirable
course, we could not have done it without all subjects for photos.
of you wonderful lesbians in our community. "I'm looking for photographs that
It is really you who made Esmerelda what she portray lesbians as women who are making
is today. And we continue to want and need positive contributions to society, enjoying life
your input. We have received some wonderful and interacting in a positive way with others,"
entries in our writing contest and hope more Ms. Vida said.
continue in, as well as anything else your Photos of prominent heterosexual (or
little imaginative minds can come up with. closeted lesbian/gay) supporters of lesbian/gay
Remember, Esmerelda needs you! rights are also being solicited for publication,
In our typical "let's not let a good Photographs of such persons, e.g., public
excuse for a party go by" attitude, the officials, entertainers, authors or other
October lesbian potluck, held on the second celebrities, will appear in a section of the
Sunday of the month, will also be a birthday book entitled, "Some Help from Our Friends."
celebration for Esmerelda.... For more Photographers will receive $35 for each
information call Esmerelda at 255-3851. You photo published in the revised edition, payable
are all invited. There-will be cake, candles upon publication. Photos must be
and lots of good gossip. Don't miss out! back-and-white, professional quality, and all
Debbie 8 Teresa persons pictured must sign a photo release
which the editor will provide. Photographers
HUNTER DAVIS CONCERT OCTOBER 8 will be credited in the book.
Our Right to Love is an anthology of
Hunter Davis must really like Lexington lesbian writing that includes more than 140
{Lexington really likes her!). Even though it essays, dozens of personal testimonies, more
was only been a little over a year since she than 100 photographs of lesbians plus some
ast performed here, we are lucky enough to lesbian rights supporters. The original
wave her back again. Esmerelda Productions edition was published in 1978 by Prentice Hall.
5 pleased to present Hunter Davis in concert Photos may be submitted to: Ginny
Saturday, October 8th at 8 pm at U.K.'s Vida, Editor, Our Right to Love, 115 Plaza St.,
MMOI‘III Hall. Hunter's current tour is #1-G, Brooklyn, NY 11217, (718) 789-0391.
6 GLSO October

 I “
ABOUT THE FESTIVAL... One theme of the Festival which I
Reflections from Judy observed again and again is the permission to
be who I am. I liked the feeling of not being
On August 10-111, I had the remarkable assessed for who I am, what I look like, or
opportunity to attend the Womyn's Music what I do in the world. Acclimatizing on an
Festival in Walhalla, Michigan. This was the emotional level to this sense of freedom took
first womyn's festival I had ever participated me a few days. In fact, I had just become
in; it was five days I will never forget, and accustomed to this when it was time to leave.
one which I feel every lesbian should The experience of finding myself in a totally
experience. safe environment, where I have permission to
I had no idea Michigan is such a be myself and the freedom to pursue whatever
beautiful state. My friends and I camped in a interests me, can be emotionally overwhelming
heavily forested area, much like something out (particularly for us plebesl). | continually
of the Adam and Eve story (except there were recognized the sharp contrast between living
no Adams), and I discovered for the first time in a world like this and my own "real world."
what fun it is to shower outside. I took a For the overwhelmed, areas were
solar shower with me, hung it from a big tree provided where we could go to share our
limb, and enjoyed showers surrounded by feelings with others and seek and receive the
trees and palm fronds. The one night we had understanding and nurturing we needed (and
rain, I took a shower .while the last drops fell deserved). I met some lovely, caring womyn
- after the lightning had passed, of course. in these circles and hope to do my workshift
The music was terrific - especially the next year in one of these areas. These areas
percussionist jam sessions in the Womyn of are where you really get to know what is
Color Tent. There was also jazz, new going on inside others, as well as yourself. '
wave/punk, ballads, political songs, and lots The flavor of the Festival and the mood
of dancing. Three separate stages were and spirit of the womyn there could be
provided, where artists performed from noon summed up in a particularly memorable
until after midnight. And I don't know experience. Prior to supper one afternoon,
whether it was incredibly clear or not, but I the last performance on the 12 pm - ll pm
have never seen so many stars in the sky - it stage was a percussionist's jam session. This
was like being at the planetarium except this concert was an indescribably energetic hour -
was for real. We even spotted shooting stars. awesome, even!- and everyone listening came
The crafts bazaar was fantastic, away humming. We were charged, you might
especially the jewelry. (My Mastercard got a say. After the performance, we started to
thorough workout). During one of my many line up for dinner. That evening the crews
forays into the crafts bazaar, I found myself were running late, so we found ourselves
standing next to JoAnn Loulan. l was standing in line under a very hot sun for
shopping for earrings, but instead soon I some time. Since we brought our own plates
Found myself watching JoAnn looking for and utensils, most of us had tin plates and
earrings. (Sometimes it's so hard not to cups. One womyn began tapping out a rhythm
stare!) She's outrageous in person, as well as on her plate, other womyn gradually began to
n her books. follow suit. Before long we were having our
For those of us who derive strength own improvisational jam session, complete with
irom spiritual pursuits, spirituality workshops changing rhythms, and crescendos and
)ccurred throughout the Festival. Although I decrescendos. Womyn passing nearby stopped
satisfied my spiritual needs by attending 12 to watch, listen and smile us on. I have
step program meetings (which went on nearly never had so much fun waiting in line.
20 hours a day), l benefited from these Many found it painful to leave. I
additional workshops, too. Throughout the consoled myself (somewhat) with the thought |
Jay I heard small groups of womyn resonating would not appreciate the Festival as much
with the Om, getting in tune with spirit, if without its obvious deviation (pun intended)
Iou will. And this was delightful music to from the real world. I am also attempting to
;hower with in the morning, surrounded by all transfer into that real world two gifts I
.he aforementioned palm fronds. received from this adventure: a stronger
An important aspect of the Festival is sense of self-value and a strengthened belief
.he workshift each person is asked to perform. in my right-to-be. And I find myself more
l'his is a great way to serve and a way to feel inclined to want to accord that same right to
:onnected to the Festival's energy. 7000 other womyn as well. Maybe that is what the
vomyn can create a lot of energy! Womyn's Festival is all about.
GLSO October 7

Esmerelda has been thrilled with the submissions she has received thus far in her writing
contest. Thank you all for sharing with us. It is a real pleasure to share with you now the
winning selection for this month. A note accompanying the anonymous submission said, "This
doesn't exactly fit your categories, but here it is anyway." Well, let Esmerelda take this
opportunity to encourage all of you to send in whatever you may have written, whether it fits the
categories or not. After all, the point of the contest is to give you an opportunity to spread
your wings. Please do not feel limited by somewhat arbitrary categories. And now...
We were a wrinkled pair when we first met,
on a snowy April day, 31 years ago. i
l was but 3 days old, you were 65.
Next door neighbors. "Just friends," is the only
acknowledgment the world would ever give us.
To you, I have always been "your girl," words that always warmed me.
I've tried to explain, "she is like my surrogate mother, grandmother, and
best friend all rolled into one."
The words always fell short of the experience of you.
The strongest image of my childhood memories is the gate into your yard.
The gate that unlocked the lessons of unconditional love, simplicity,
and the value of presence.
Lessons taught wordlessly as I rolled pie dough on your floor or
V piled leaves into the tiny wheelbarrow you gave me.
We have been gifts in each other's lives, pure and simple.
You never asked for more than I could give, never pulled or pushed
with a "stay longer," "come sooner," or "be more."
When I was old enough to drive I would take you shopping.
When you were situated in a dressing room, I would scour the racks
taking great pleasure in finding those styles I knew you liked.
You were well into your 80's then, and l was so proud to have you on my arm.
The past 10 years now you have been in "the Home."
I still saw you often until my life took me away from the city.
You were the hardest to leave, yet you let me go the most freely.
Now it's been two years since we said our goodbyes.
Since your "setback" each visit has been an unexpected pleasure.
Sometimes we speak of your death, trying to understand why you live yet.
when the desire to die is so strong.
I ask if worry of me holds you in any way, you assure me no.
Other times we sit quietly hand in hand or I rub lotion on dry old arms and
watch your skin as it slides up and down your bones and try to
sense where I stop and you begin.
Each time I leave, it feels 0.K. if it is the last time we kiss goodbye.
It has been two years since we said goodbye, and l have let you go.
But, you see, I have a little friend who piles leaves in the tiny
wheelbarrow you gave me so many years ago, and
I know
that part of you
_ H
i 0 Octo-er I

 3" ,m COFFEE HOUSE $551k
‘Q/(jy—‘é presents 8:30
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our Halloween Don/iceii 5%
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* V0569 low We 323+ Coéluma .
and iiil‘ ii/le Eéfi’l' CNN/WI -..., i / '
or Dawaw William. “"

The Laguna Beach city council has The Dubuque Human Relations
passed a resolution barring local violence Commission held a public hearing on 2
against gays and lesbians, after three men proposed amendment to the city's human rights
were severely injured in antigay attacks. ordinance that would protect lesbians and gay
On June 19, two men were robbed and men against discrimination.
beaten near several gay businesses. One man Stacey Neldaughter, a lesbian who has
lost an eye as a result of the attack. On July organized two gay rights marches in Dubuque,
10., three men beat a gay man with a pipe. urged the commission to support the bill. I'l
Several gay residents have since received think you have a duty and obligation tc
threatening phone call and gunshots have been separate the justice issue from your personal
fired at several gay establishments. values. People are being discriminates
against," she said.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA Fundamentalists and conservatives alsc
spoke out. One opponent of the legislation
After two years of surveys and said, "I do discriminate, we all discriminate.
committee hearings on how to include gays and You really need to think about the right tc
lesbians in United Way-funded programs, the discriminate on the basis of character."
United Way of the Bay Area (UWBA) is
preparing to adopt an affirmative action policy BOSTON, MA
that would require fund recipients to hire gay
and lesbian staffers. Organizations which Ray Cottwald, a staff member in the
receive money from UWBA include the Boy office of state attorney general James
Scouts and YMCA. UWBA is Northern Shannon, has formed a group of gay stafl
California's largest United Way agency. members from the offices of several other
Massachusetts elected officials. The monthly
LEXINGTON, KY meetings will discuss gay-related public policy
issues. Members of the new group work in
On August 22, a panel urged the 2,000 the offices of U.S. Senators Edward Kennedy
attendees at the Southern Legislative and John Kerry, Gov. D