xt7prr1phr0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1phr0v/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1939 journals 1_12 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.12. text Kentucky fruit notes v.1 n.12. 1939 1939 2014 true xt7prr1phr0v section xt7prr1phr0v 3 Vol. 1 October- and November, lflfii) No.12
; W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
ig N0te.——The next copy of this bulletin will come out in late December, or
8 early January.
3 EDITOR’S NOTE tory experiment has justified an
Z The following article appeared *l¥!"‘{’l‘l I’l'f“'ll‘?€ fe_lle"'edHb)' gem
ll in the \Voman`s llome Coinpanion "l`*lll"ll* et l'ell*e“`l"e$- llllls the
¤ last full and is I.ehI.hlle(l here hy balanced ration of today is the
,8 their pel.mlSSh,h_ It ehhsed hlwe bread and butter ol yesterday, the
favorable comment among fruit l"’l`l'l‘l¥e llllll lllllli llle llleet and
ll? growers and the general public of l"’llll""* fe lellté lleeeelilted te'
ar the l`nited States th_an any such Uf'lll"l`· l`·""l_l elle el lllese tl`edl'
ne discussion in several years. llelllll ¥"elll’lll$¥$ of feed I`ePI`e‘ 2
ll Thanks to the National Apple In- Malta the trial and error develop- .
3,. stitute for their influence in help- ll"‘lll et ‘l"*ll`lll’le _lll`l‘lelleeS· I l
_t_ ing to bring such information x"“`_ l`e"f'lll *lll°lle* lll llle fwd
D- before the growers and the public. {’ll‘l lillllllllll lielllee et llle Flpple i
Ee The membership of the National lll "lll`_‘ll"l eelle “;llll· llle llelee Gt ‘
gd Apple lhslhhle eohslsls of the authority the ll2ll)liS ot a thrifty _
a_ leading hhhle em“.eI.S of the past that made apple Jelly and · Y
F9 l`nited States and it is indorsed by (ll`l"'l_ **P1‘l'* to eill`l`Y llle uses of
lg the American Pomological Society lllle ll`llll,llll`ellgll llle llillltelb The ‘
Ol and State Ilorticultural Societies. lllllllly ll°`l¥lll"_’l` “lll·e leek ll glee? ef ‘
:k 'l`l1rough its efforts over two mil- ·t·lll>‘ to _llll` Slell was eelllllllllllllg  
lion reprints of this article have lll"l"` ll`l*elY illllll Elle llllly llalve
Ji been distributed to the .\merican llllԤll`ll]l"_lllll" lllllllllele lleeegellx I l
» ·_ A pp e je y. tie te rut _ nt § ‘ ·
  llQ{leLhelie\.e that Um. Kehlhehe. like many other. but not all, fruits   1.. l
as apple growers can obtain ideas imtl be1·r1es· contains pectin. I\ovv- l ig
ux Hem this ,u.lh.le that ehh he used adays everyone realizes that pectni   ._
8; hl hrehmllhe leehl Sales of lheh. 1-S the substance that makes a trtnt    
ng apples, This type of publicity, we Jlllee Jell _ l ‘ g
ed l-eel `vill he ,1 lung wh}, le“.,u,(l I l,ess commlonly llcnown is the   l ·
  I.(`st()l.iug. •~()hl I{il]g. h\l)p]c" to ll·ll]Nll'ltlllt‘(l oh lll(}CillIl itlllllté llliGS%   -  
le the table in thousands of homes llllzll lllllie ‘ il le li ll"l ”lllll°° 0   V
lie where it has been crowded out by lllllll_ lll _llle_ ll‘l"¥l_lll‘ll °lllll°lllS>   1
nd other foods which have been more lll`l'llll‘ llllll lle llllllllli lll llllle lll)  
highly ,lll\.el.llsell_ a large amount ot water. torms a    
  l Also rehll the hrliele in lhls lllttse ltlltlttlstelllllllttitlls esstlltlltllvlll--  
{ry issue dealing with the proper use ll”llll‘l ‘lll_llll·l ll_l_l llllli illlllll 0    
for the various apple varieties. llle llllll'l`ll` lll_"llllll‘lll° lllllllgg QQ-} 3
as liong-established customs ot serv- l. Q {
Us AN APPLE A DAY ing t`rnit with meat have also been  
al- BY IRA A— MANVU·LE· M- ll justitietl and explained by recent i·i‘f;·;?
S· Again and again in the progress experiments. (`arefully cheeked  
'llll of the science of nutrition, labora- and controlled investigations shows  
LEXINGTON, KEN*rUc1r1€ Med Such _f<><>2lS ~¤¤ against are teeth, is n·ppc1npt·s ,,__
‘ t :€dapp1°.m 91 dit to mamtdlg an and crispness, atl'ord th_e necessary ,,,
A acl IQEPCUO}1 tn te Stomach will exercise in chewing that so many
El reactmn IS mfpmilaut becauseft of our foods, soft and bland in (Am
promotes the digestion of ])1`OtC111. ,,,K,,,,.,, ,-.,,1 4,,, ,.,0,,, to
Again, it induces conditions favor- , . ’ ,· ·` · . tht
bl I b _ · . . _ lhe shin receives from the apple
a e to tie a soiption ot non and _ . ._ _   ,_   ,,_-,_ A
- _ · _ . an mduett but ital ancht. , snr
of calcium, two minerals especially . . _ . _ · . _ .,,,
. , from the tact that good digestion 1s ·
- Naluable to the health, , . _. . . _ ,-0,
_ . V reilectcd in clear slvms and indiges-
A A In hot llcatlleli hulls are pm`- tion in blotchv or ioor com- nt?
_ . V ticularly valuable, Fruits, berries ,,(_\,,,,,S ,,,0 ,,,0,, \_,,,},C% 0, ,,,,_ ,~,,,
  Vegetable, fm high in k » ;r   the   tti. t of an pa
A · A Wateld OHQF better regulation Of llll>El‘%)T1'A‘lll(l`ll and as ones sliu
i i . ‘ body heat in the hottest time of the . I , `I ' _ ’ ( · ' ·` ’·`
i , · · - is atlccted bv too acid perspiration. mt
A fem" Fruit Juices are HOW very ·1 second service is thus rendered ae
, j generally used in illness and are “ k, f   W _,,,` _,,,`, _,,,.,,,, ,,,1 xi
considered almost indispensable in .*,9,1 uhm? *7, ,Q “ U L °,l,.·l ‘° . lm
` · . . . ‘ • 7 * " \ ‘ `
fevers. The foods rich in vitamins ,1*2, 5 {lm A "1.;mT COIIU 1;,1;, if I
_ and pectin are excellent sources of O , l·?,,,a},_u,‘l,l’ 1,, 12 N90, _   l`_`
’ · .· the substances that combat poisons um ub dm ‘l ) 0 M ‘l . M dun
i · ,,, the body between these two states is neces-
, y The ppymp, pp pppie 8 day fw'- 1,,% 1‘·¤,**<¤¤=*@*· “‘.¤,¤¤<‘—‘ ty xr
t t keeps the doctor away, with its {MF “l,.€°,°“ °lFlm“,.l°“,.pl°"H ·
~ ' . • » . , ’ · a ¤ ¢ · * • (Y ‘ '
, * ‘ ancient 1mpl1cat1on of therapy, ,,) *1;,11 ‘l,C $,**11, °,=°l l;l],’ m,l
·   · · · · · Y ; ·> »
_ , i‘ goes back scores and probably hun- lf °_ l,°_l . lim a_ S (fl; l ]ll_ l`( ,  
. , drgds Of y€,,,.S_ The Old D,,VO,,_ nnnera s lip o oui sysein is ne,,ts-
, _ Q. $,,,,.6 form, paiy in on ci to Ilitlhllttllll our ,.1 ,va- 0,
t . e reserves am o proven; on i
- .. At r “" . o
2 I `p 6 Syd ap 61 more gwam to much acid throughout the cont 1,,
» i . . ilicateetl irocesses cf metal olA.·m.
r , , Makes the Doctor bee ll1S I Hi I · ) ( l i` lll
, , ,» bread ° lhc apple, like many other ly,
* E ». fruits, contributes to both needs. it
·   echoes an ancient custom of salut- lt softens, we might say, the dc- h,
  AA t'

’· mands that protein foods make on example the Delicious, no matter
S the stomach acid; and it supplies how fine, is a poor cooking apple.
°i in a form that can readily be util- l’e1·l1_aps the consumer has found
0 ized minerals and vitamins in gen- that l)elicious is excellent for eat-
,1 erous amount. ing and because it makes inferior
u Al)I)1€SXall(l fyuit in general; SZIUCC, decides lillali he is Hol] fond
have a value beside their ability to of ul’l*le sauce. Many buy ePPleS
{_ supply calories. Along with their by ePPeeI`euee Het realizmg that
~c content of minerals and vitamins they he·Ve it variety Dame OY that
y they oii`cr the body what we may tueu`_ Value dcpeuds eu the use
tl term a detoxication agent. Every- that is made of them. Edueetieu
i- one is familiar nowadays with the et tue Puuue to tue uSeS_ef dif-
$» word toxic as applied to a physical tefeiit V31'1§£1€S of apples ls a blg
e condition, 'l`he marvelous mechan- task mvolvmg many Ftgeumes but
’“ ism of the human body is equipped the grqwcrs must mmata this
l` to meet and defeat many poisons mstruc/UOD'
tt or toxic substances which enter it Vvhen evrlcs are Sold t° (201* l
or which result from natural eumigs bthc uses Of cactl vmiwty
lc physiologic processes. Vitamin C, thm} _ C Ptimted out Sometlmes
is we know plavs an important part   gud gwing the name of the
v . ’. · . . varict y and its use may be attached
Q_ in reducing or removing a toxic to the Package if Sold through ,
il condition. 'l`he reverse also seems d0,,l€1.S_ No doubt, other methods
to be true; accumulated toxinsom will Suggest th€mS€h,€S_ While
lc illc l)O(l}' lvlltl to (`lC‘$tl`Oy Vltanllns Organized adyeliising probably is
10 A Elll(l U Illltl tllllS lIlC1‘C2LS€ tilt} [hg most effective, means Of gduga-
is amount of these vitamins needed tion, growers should not overlook V
S. for protection. Hence it is doubly smaller possibilities 11ntil an adver-
U- necessary to include in our diet tising program can be established. .
IC l`OOtlS C2l1llll)lC of Sllpplylllg tll€S€ Eacll yapiety, tgo, has al Season
hl \`iti¤¤iU$- when its quality is best. Few
in Fruits such as apples are really apples are at their best whenhar-
n. more than food; they are true vested because a ripening process ;
tl. agents of health endowed with takes place after being picked and .
of prophylactic and p 1·otective stored. Before proper maturity J
is powers. the flesh is hard, starchy and ha1·d , e
“ —Reprinted from ’Woman’s Home to digest- After passtng maturity.   A
re Companion for November, 1938. the HHVOY WHJJGS and finally be- {
is- comes insipid. " J
  INCREASE APPLE ¤¤NSUMP- ..;§.*;¥‘;i$§5*i.£.‘;i*“E;“1.if§.§."‘L;§.‘   s
"{ TION BY PROPER VARIETY room causes them to ripen quickly   2
Ul USE and to soon lose their quality.   `
`*’ An increase in the consumption COM Stetege is it gteet aid in keeP· i · >
tl` of apples is a matter of concern to 1uQ§_ aPPle$ for USG 0V€1` it 10¤§ s
l"’ every grower. One of the draw- Pe1`ied·   g
u` backs to heavier consumption is The following table gives the E _;
that the consumer often is disap- uses and season of best quality for Q Y o
"t` pointed in his purchase because the main varieties grown in Ken- Q, Qi
l”- the variety is not suited to the use tucky. It is compiled from local i .— 
le he wishes to make of it. For experience and available literature.  

i Variety Eating Baking Pies Salad Sauco Season Sta
Yellow an
Transparent Fair Fair Good Fair Excellent July-Aug. pc,
. Maiden Blush or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ml
Polly Eades Fair l·an· ll air l· air Excellent Aug.—Sept. _
Paducah Fair Excellent Good Fair Good Aug.—Nov_ ll‘l
. Wealthy Fair 1·`air Good Fair Good Aug.—Nov_
V A Grimes Golden Excellent Fair Good Good Excellent St-pt.—Dec.
· · Jonathan 9.9 Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Sept.—Jan.
Red Delicious Excellent Fair Fair Excellent Good Oct.—l\Iu.rch gl.,
·_ Golden Deli- _ _ _ Sh,
cious Excellent Good Good luxcellent Ilair Oct.—Marcl1 ·
l Stayman llcl
· Winesap Good Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Nov.~Feb. nn
` ~ ~ York Imperial Fair Fai1· Good Fair Good Nov.—l\larcli mt
p Rome Beauty Fair Excellent Good Fair Good l)ec.—April qu
Winesap Good Good Good Good Good Jan.—June ‘
· ` Ben Davis WU
l (Gano) Poor Excellent Good Poor Fair Jan.—June lllli
_ TIMELY HINTS TO FRUIT AND Remember that over 95% of the llll
BERRY GROWERS Blakemore plantings in Kentucky
T _ Strawbeny Growers and other states have yellowslin lll`·
. . V them and that there are only a tcw llll
llluncinxe PR1sr-uc.x*r1oxs: Ar- strains ot? so called Yellows free l‘ll
range for mulching straw for your plants. t)ne of the best of these is lll
berries; figure on 1% to 2 tons per the Mcllinber Blakemore developed wl
acre. Haul it to the iield early, in Tennessee. Another is thc llll
break the bales so it will soak up l'nited States llepartment of Agri- rc
· the early fall rains germinating culture Blakemore developed and l§>
l V any grain left in the st1·aw. Be distributed for trial by the United dl
. g ready to apply mulch when tem- States Department of Agriculture. ll`l
  - perature goes below 20° or 18° to Both of these strains are on the
i prevent injury to crowns. Records market at little lllO1'C than regular lll
. ‘ show this can be expected in west- plant prices. Yellows infected lll
. I  ~ ern Kentucky by late November or plants would be expensive to lll
    early December and in central receive as a gilt, much less to pay Ull
. ¢· Kentucky earlier, depending on for. A Blakemore planting in {Il`
V ' ’ the season. Marshall (`ounty had its 1939 yield lll
l ” Daoirrn Rizsismxona In plan- cut from 20 to 25 percent because fc
· g   ning your next spring plantings of a heavy infestation of yellows. llll
V V ;» Q,. look around and compare the way This grower also set a new patch lf
l {Z  the leading varieties in your sec- using l1is omi plants, "because he lll
p` ;l tion came through the recent late had them," and now has many llS
;,— it summer drought. Also notice what skips and yellow plants in tl1e new Ol?
Q i_ ~ eiect a good cover crop, turned planting asa 1'€Sllll. lll
V   ··»* under ahead of this spring’s plant- Through cooperation of the Ex- lll
. . I, ing, had on the way the planting periment and Extension Scrviee Sl
; ·   came through the season. cooperative tests of three strains of l‘ll
V   ij Ymnows FREE BLAKEMoRE: If yellows Free Blakemore have been ll`
t 3 ` you are interested in the Blakemore set up with growers in the follow- Sl
    I ~ variety, inspect, if possible, the ing counties; Muhlenberg, Crittcn- lll
i Q »· patch your- new plants are dug den, Butler-, Caldwell, Lyon. l`l
, j. -~ from to see if there is any Yellows Livingston, lllctjlracken, G raves.
¥   or (Yellow plants) in the planting. and Marshall. These are also lll

 t mm.
bei11g tested at the Experiment ltepairs made during the open
Stations at Lexington, Princeton weather of early fall may prevent
and Quicksand. Growers in these costly delays in the late winter and
1·espective counties can get the early spring spraying.
names of the cooperating growers Umncn Nuasimy STOCK: The
from their county agents. grower who figures his nursery
Fruit Growers stock needs early and places an
1,_ _ ,, __ _ __ ,__ _ cHl'ly_01‘dc1‘ will usually get the
l·..\(,ll ll(l·.l·. Boiutas. l each vulwucs he 0,.d€,.S_ Vqhen thm
` g"°“'°"“r “`h° l‘}*“’ mt d‘”“’ §°> stock arives in late fall and early
should treat their peach trcesgtor “.im(,I. and is properly planted it
l’€““h tmc b°*`C"“· ile I ·D·B· has a line chance to grow and do
method, long the standard etreat- WCH-
“ ment, should have been appl1cd 1n ADVANTAGES OF FALL
all paris ot hclttllcliy cxccpt tllc PLANTING
western part by early October. C. S. WALTMAN
There the treatment is usually The dry weather of the past
effective throughout the whole several weeks has developed a
Q month of October. degree of maturity in nursery stock 2
y Those not treating with l’.l).l5. which puts it in a condition that
it are advised that the newer treat- will be nearly ideal for transplant-
y ment consisting of lithylene l)i- ing this fall and the best time for
0 choride limulson can be used later this work is from mid November ;
  in the fall during cooler weather until early December. Late fall,
_1 when l’.l).B. is no longer effective or early winter, is one of tl1e best
e due to the coolness. Readers are times to set fruit trees in any sec-
. referred to the April and August tion of the country where the win-
] issues of IflJ.\`TI`C1fY FRUIT ters usually are not severe. ‘
_1 NOTES for discussions of this new 'l`hc1·c are several facts regarding
;_ treatment. the growth of plants that are of  
C l·`1r;1.n)lot‘s1a lxaigav is expected interest and that have a definite
p to be sc1·ious this winter because of bea ring upon the results obtained ·
;1 the many mice known to be present after trees are set. I
O in orchards. A standard pre- The root system is the absorbing Z V
y caution is to remove weeds and system and practically all water Q _
il grass from around the i1`lllll{ of which enters the plant is taken in i
tl apple trees for a distance of three through the roots. The absorption Q I
Q feet. Examine the sod and the soil of water. by the roots, takes place l i;
;_ about the tree for mouse runways. chiefly through special structures   .
It If fresh droppings are found in known as root hairs. These tiny   r .
C these runways it means they are in hair-like growths are very numer- g
y use. Poisoning can best be carried ous but are found almost wholly on g 4
  out by using both poison grain and the younger roots and are located Zi _ J
poisoned fruit baits according to a short distance back of the grow- g_-I  
;. directions furnished by the l`nited ing tip of the new root. The   j
t- States Biological Survey. These absorption power of roots depends   i
{ can be had. also baits can be bought upon the e`xtt~at of their area that pj   Q
it from Mr. G. t`. tlderkirk, linited comes in contact with the soil par- 2 __ j
·- State Biological Survey, Experi- tieles. so it naturally follows that l"   _;
t- ment Station Annex. \\’est Lafay- the greater amount of new root [TY-‘ j
,_ em; Imlitnm, growth. the more root h_airs there  
e_ Rl·]l’.\IR ·r1m Srtuv Rio, should will be formed and, consequently,     J
.4) be the slogan of every l`ruit man. the greater becomes the chance for   j
5 =j5g.  

 @11; 1
l the pla11t to obtain the amount of Unlike tl1c tops of trees, the lll
water that it needs. roots have no period dllflllg which i1‘0v
The pra/Ctical bguying Of the gI`O\\ltll. Ci111l10h 0CC1l1`,· l]HlCSS soil nrc
r point I have just ulcutiougdv upon ill1(l tC1ll}k)C].`ll.lQll1`0 CO]1(llt1011S HI'0   llllll
, the t]_·anSp]g,utiug Of fyujt trees and Sllllll il: l1I1tllI`C {IS to I1Cl,llllll:Y   lt. illllc
Other plants, is i]_up01·taut,_ {Pho iFl`CCZl11g l€IllpCI`Zl.tl]I'CS \Vll'.lll].1 tllC ll ll
· transplanting of 111ost deciduous $011 will of €0ui`$€ SW1) wot g¥`9“’ll11 lllls
- » fruit trees is usually accompanied but 11¤d<>1¤l>t<>diy, Willi 1’i`¤¢U_€¤ll>' ll"`l`
by the IOSS Of a cousidel-able pal-t   P1lI1ItS, I`()Ol} gl`§)\Vtl1- C()I1l»II1lICS lllrly
'* of the large and of tl1e iibrous 1`OOtS lQ1' Qmlc 0 l0¤§ time 111 _'®l1¤ Pill l
` _ » and   the destruction of prac- i1lt01'll1_0 topsl1ave lJOC011101111lCl1\'C, lllill
e` tically all or the root l1_&l1‘S. when b<=¤¤11S¤ the $911 cools <>i?S1¤1~j1y. 111*
Z · this occurs, new fibrous roots and I This €XPl¤m$ Wllih 1;* liliiuiitw  
V ngw roof, hail-S must be produced t lilll 2l.1'€ 110lZ too C0 , lil. l1‘ill1S- NH
. 1 before active absorption can begin. lllimtcd ’¤i‘
` I D 7 T , ' • . _
_’ time nursery trees are dug, results lim clllbllll llllll cally V lllllclllllclh l ;lll
in an unbalanced condition between l Ill llillipflflllc Ol lllc lllll lb llSlllll‘ l _l‘
_ the top and roots. The top, there- gloillll   l b°llllll$}ll·a;°dll.llll tlllllll llllll
` f h   ,   t " 41 011111011-11'CCS lil
JLl$t1$1QZ1l? or eirdldlghle-hal; td Jill- Q2; ger; bgcillsct go t—~;;!1l**1{  
d t th 11 t t · ‘ s *s m a1r y we · es a 1S10( , 1·:111
I1F;£0I;viu0CutG Sl£$u€;hiO2`,aS&i, ell; water eau be absorbed 111 tl1e spring woi
quirement of the plant and give a iis. rapid y las the new shoots and :1111
much better chance for roots to °‘ll°$ use ll' Oll lllll Olllcll lllllllli l`°°ll
form. spring set trees must wait u11t1l est:
_ . . 110W roots are formed before they are
Growers are llkely lll Place ll can take up moisture If soil con
- rather high premium on a large diti · ' l
_ . . O1`11‘01¢ f ·ll f ·* t
1 gg, ·;g;ggS1gj,;i;>,<;gUS;;;g¤;1;;; gg, fo1·1naltio1ilzil1lll,ll1f §‘Z1‘§LZ§1?a-?é ESE- Sl
~ ’ ¤ ditio11s are favorable so that vege-
» surely absorb enough water to tame U - -° '
_ . . . - . 1 growth of the top 1S st11n- .,
ll§Zlll$§l’Emll1°¤$’Tllélaflltlllleill g§;§;°l;,,.F,l:§i,. %§°§§§§g, 300;.%   lll
» Alamy €X¤=¤Sir¤f¤¤1S>’St¢m¤¤¤ as tree 11311 be lost Illll1·e(iie1lilll· ~**·
illolmg tmc probably is all asset but happens during the s vrinlir thtit 'l`l*
’ ll ls ¤¤1.b¤¤¤¤S<> these ll°OlS> which conditio11s beelbme fill’O1`2l.lll)lC for lllll
I! I     t()p g1‘()\Vtl]_ bgfgrg, 0;* Siynulfn- llllll
` , ' .ly with favorable ""1‘0\Vl11" S ll
t1on of water ggggiion ’ `° ° tl
_ ‘ _ s for roots. ll
_ · Dur1ng the fall and winter The points th_at I have already llill
_ h ,4 months, the above ground port1ons mentioned indicate why it is very lll
- . __}, of Ia plant are almost wholly in- difficult to transplant trees after
1 - gctivliz Except 11} the case of some tl1e1r buds have once started i11 lll
_ Q T ew inds of fruit plants, there 1S the spring. It 1S simply a ease of l l`
p y no active growth taking place, even the growing top deinanding water lll'
u 1 . 1n _late summer and early fall. wl1icl1 cannot be supplied in suf- lx
2 g P This cessat1on of growth is nature ’s Hcient quantity by the roots lll]
p 1 . ’_ way of preparing the plants for because tl1ey are practically with- lll
, 1 1* winter and IS commonly spoken of out absorbing organs. This condi- lll
z   as lthe hardening, or dormant, t1on 1S 11ot €11COl111lQ01`0d when trees lll
. Period. £l1‘0 set in the fall.
_ _ 6
2*;;- lg

There are certain kinds of fruit Bedford, Kentucky, put up by ’
trees, particularly cherries, which Mi-_ and Mi·S_ Joa Bray and Song,
are somewhat difficult to trans- won {jr-Sh The Karcher and Harp-
plant, even under the most favor- ring Fruit Farm of Jcgcrsoutowut
able conditions. Xvlth these fruits, wou Sccoud with thcir attractivc
it has been found that fall setting hooth_ The booth of MrS_ Lcota
has resulted in a better stand of I(crn ot thc Hiiicrcst Orchards,
trees than when they were planted Sturgis Kentucky Wou third.
in the $I”`i”¥· This booth was arranged by Mr.
'l‘lliS I`C(I()lllIHCI1(`ll1tl()I], f()I°   and :MiI·S_   Y_ Nunn and featured
planting, applies to fruit trees but thc "Stah·way to h{ga`[th" and
HUT to illc Slllilll fruit plants, such ])i•OI)CI· use Of apple Varieties as an
**5 SII'*I"'l‘(`*'*'lI`$» I`*ISl)bC¥`I`i€S and educational feature. The booth of
blackberries. These are shallow Mi-_ ]g_ ,]_ Fcgcuhush, Buachcl,
rooted and should be set in the Kcuiuchy, Jciiierson County, Won
spring. fourth. The other two booths
New is an ideal time to nre1>u1‘c which showed were the Miller
your land for fall planting. inruit Farm which featured road_
()l'tltPl`S $0llt to }'()lll` Illl1`SCI`y1l'lZlll Side niapkgt packages, and the Ken- V
\\`illllll lllC IlCXi. i·(‘\\` \\`CCl{S Clin be Nicky Cardinal Farnis, Henderson,
tilted froin the choiccst plants Kcuturhy, which fcatur-cd cam-
wlnch he has to otler. The trees iuci-ciai uachagcs cf fruit, chiefly
Wm l‘°_ set Ht {I IIIPC “`h°II OITIET the bushel basket and standard V
work is not especially crowding ai,i,]choX_
and then. when spring weather In the 2o_tmy_2o_piat€ ciassy
comes, your trees will bcualready which is the largest entry by a
established and ready to start into Singh, oi,O“.€i,, and is Composed of
growth. tive \'Hl‘lCtlCS or more, the entry of I
Mrs. Leota Kern of the Hillcrest
I STATE FAIRIIQEUIT EXHIBIT oi·t·hai-as, Sturgis. woe tirgtésec- V
ond went to Joe Bray an ons,
T The recent State Fair fruit ex- I?i<‘l'0llQ`lll\(‘SSH inappli-
1 _ again this year. This called the cation was the whole sto1·y. If
i attention of the public to the you had trouble i11 heat (Burl con-
V l 'various types of injury IlIl(l showed trol. l (lll.(*l` the l`ollowing H)lC&\Sll1‘- THE
._ some of the mai11 steps i11 tl1ei1· cons ing Sll('l{.H’—l.()l` peach trees S T
trol measures. years old and up it will require Ti
— Professor C. S. \\T2`ililllHl1, of the l.l'(>lll (S to El gallons dorinant spray ‘
A ,_ Horticulture Departinent, liniver- per t1·ee to cover ill(‘lll sufficiently (X1 u
sity of Kentucky, was aqain the to control l’c:n·h l.eal' (`url. llow Pp
. . . . . ·- _ . will
Judge in the Horticulture Depart.- 1llilll)' gallons per tree did you ti
Q ment of the Fair, 2lll(l (‘(l]lllll(‘Ili(‘(l use`} 0 lc]
on thig genera] high glass of {hg H;111 dose Scale lnls 11(1l l)(‘(`*ll as _A
1 fruit exhibited this year, serious tl1is season as i11 lflllti, yet hl?].
. 111uch scattered fruit has shown HHS
_ THE DORMANT SPRAY scale inarlciugs when liarvested. Mid
~ . By W. W. AIAGILL 'l`hesc tell—tale red dots (ill lll(‘ fruit GOIN
° i ‘ Many of our leading COll1Il101‘Cl2ll lll°ll"ll° llml Will`? is imdllc tliw
fruit gI.Oii.€i.S of Keiitucki. will illl(l has spread. to tl1e lruit during GR€
again use the 1.Tmik Mixed Oil the S(‘2lS(¥ll. lil lll(ll'(‘ ot these red
Sprayn On their apple 0i_(_iuu_dS dots are showiiig lll) (lll your fr111t Hui
and the Same Hmtcriai Pius BOP this year. it ineans scale   nicreas- · ‘
deaux for tl1ei1· peach orchards. Him lll }"’"l` ‘]l"'l'*ml· N'“l°· llkf
FOI. economy and eiiicieucy I have leach heal ( 11rl, takes tliorough St
i 110 better suggestion to otter in the °"V"mu" if °°lmlll°l° mlllml is te ami
` g way of inaterial. For convenience. bl) lm°l‘ A gi ( (lll wwf. IS usually Of
1 » ; ` some of the prepared einulsions Sllwllg °ll°ll$'ll my °l"l'“*“`Y “€“l§` stra
i A have the advantage. I question control but lll severe cases a 3% of g
‘ , the advisability of the barrel <··l~r1;=1>’*’11r‘·l‘*~*+·‘&‘- . BO"
i 1 ` Sp1`a·}'€I' IHHH l1‘}'l11g t0 pr(3i);u-g {hg _*\ l_l"`(` Vil"‘lll€U` Q`l\'lllQ` (l(‘i2lll(‘(l \'1ll€
i.,   :¢Ta1lk 1\IiX€d Oiifa duo tO a Lick (lli'(‘(‘iltlllS l(ll' lllillilllg lllC rl`ill1l{— ID€I`(
. ° l of pressure and fro1n lack of aeita- Mlxldl l)"l`m‘ml Sl“`“·" may l“` l(‘Sl*
, I tion ` obtained l.l'(llll }'(llll' (`ounty Agent, of t`
_ _ Y _ _ or h_v writing the (`ollcge ol` i\<*ri- .
( . } FOI. the gwllel “hO has always culture, l`.exi11¤to11. Keiituckv. F ·A
__ ii in usel lime sulfur for the dorinant ‘ ‘ Clall
· .   ` spray and has been satisfied with THE FIRE HAZARD Vide
1- i the cost and results, I see no reason Y _ , _ i- _ _ __ i 1 i_ _ _ Sim
  is for recominendiiig the change to _Ai(Q“_> |·l_ _N·`Wl`l (.lIMl5lmH` (2)
j   I any new pmpamtionl A 01e 1.11 ii tn es in thi- i Stale has Sim
;     P i i rcachet. this ollice. il his bringis to (3)
1   . . each Leaf Curl Caused mole nnnd the tact that lruit plaiitinus H.
1   ii mJuI`y In K€Htu€kY the P?1Sl5SD1‘i11g are subject to severe losses l.l'(llIl O Gi
  ·   than for any $@35011 in HHGGH ]/ll'(‘ during dry season. 'I`he i11- pur
    Y€3·I`S· I PEYSOUZNY k¤0W of 3 crease ol` lIS(‘ ol` sod tllltl ninlehes iiup
    ‘ Hllmbcr of O1`(2ll2i1‘(lS \\’l1€l`€·liZ alone i11 lil'\lll plantings llll‘l'(‘&lN(‘S the im
    1 ;E§r€1‘;i§011S§l;le for losing tllG tire hazard, l·`ire lanes plow<··l al;
i il ,1 3 · p   G1" tlc peaches were 2ll'(>llll(l iorcliards and llll'()ll!ll
i     A niches in diameter. Many them al intervals will aid in keep- stm
;   growers who had made an attempt ing: down lire losses. BUI
1 8
--22 `l.