xt7prr1ph74x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1ph74x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-10-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 13, 1944 1944 1944-10-13 2013 true xt7prr1ph74x section xt7prr1ph74x The

Guignol Begins Plans
For New Production


sntucky Kernel

Dr. H.L. Donovan Addresses "Junior Miss'
First Convocation Tuesday First Guignol
AllIIUi it
To Be Dismissed

Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, president of the University, will address
the students and suit! of the
at the opening convocation
of the year Tuesday at 10 a.m. In
Memorial hall. Speaking on the


first Guignol play of the
season, "Junior Miss," will
go into rehearsal next week, according to Wallace Briggs, director.
Tryouts for the play's 18 cast members will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.
Sunday at the theatre.
"Junior Miss," stage play by Jerome Chodorov and Joseph Fields,
based on the book by Sally Benson,
is a recent Broadway success, having had a year and a half run in
New York.
Scatterbrained Comedy
It deals with Harry and Grace
Graves, the parents of
Judy and
Lois Graves.
Judy, the typical scatterbrained
junior miss, falls into all the usual
scrapes of the adolescent.
causes her father to lose his job.
very nearly brings about a divorce
in the family generally makes herself a nuisance.
However, she
manages to reconcile
everyone and everything.
To Open November 27
"Junior Miss" is scheduled to
open the week of November 27, and
the box office will open the week
before the production date.
Mr. Briggs, director of Guignol
productions this year, will be remembered by veteran playgoers as
Flogdell, the butler in "Accent on
Youth," and the father, John Field,
in "Dark Eyes," as well as many
other plays during the past years,
for he has been active in the theatre since 1935.

topic, "On Our Way," Dr. Donovan
will initiate
series of three
speeches which includes programs
by Ely Culbertson. contract bridge
expert, and Daniel Poling, editor
of the Christian Herald.
All third hour classes, which run

ndrr the regular li:0fl

Tryouts Sunday;
Rehearsals Slated
For Next Week






t 1:M

schedule will be dismissed for the
occasion, it has been announced by
the office of the dean.
Crted To Attend
Students are urged to attend
convocations this year because the
University has made a special effort to plan programs interesting
to college students on problems with
which they will be confronted in
the post-wA feature of the first convocation
will be the introduction of the
deans of the colleges and other administrative officers seated on the
Memorial hall platform. A longstanding University custom is the
seating of all deans upon the platform at formal occasions.
Chamberlain Presides
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean of
the University, will preside, and
Miss Rosalie Oakes. campus YWCA
secretary, will pronounce the invocation and the benediction.

Dr. Herman Lee Donovan

Seniors File
For Degrees

$3,000 Salary Limit

Causes Controversies







'Cats Are Jiuxed By Injuries;
Will Meet Georgia's Bulldogs
In Second Conference Game

Endorses Pay

Veterans Requested
To Fill Out Forms
During the registration last
week a special form was distributed, calling for certain information concerning veterans
of World War II. Any veteran
who for any reason failed to
fill out one of these forms is
requested to call at the Registrar's office and furnish the desired information at his earliest


Executive Group
Gives Judge Stoll
Confidence Vote
he best means of lifting

Kirwan Promises

Tough' Battle


salary limit on University
members, included in the constitutional salary limit on public
officials in Kentucky, was discussed
by the executive committee of the
University Alumni association on
Tuesday, October 10.
The committee indorsed the pres
ent administration of the University which is accepting supplements
for salaries of certain staff mem
bers from the Keeneland association, nonprofit operator of the
drive, Keeneland Race Track.





SGA Backs
Campus Drive

W k&



Campaign Lasts
Throughout Week

The campus War Chest
sponsored by the Student Government association, will begin Monday, October 16 arid will continue
throughout the week. With the goal
for the drive set at $1,000. each student will be expected to contribute.
Wartime Services
The National War Fund is a federation of the leading
appeals, with the exception of the
Red Cross, to provide essential wartime services to our armed forces,
merchant marine and prisoners of
war, and to supply essential wartime relief to our Allies and to refugees from occupied countries. It is


This indorsement was contained
in a sweeping vote of confidence in
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president;
the board of trustees, and the executive committee of the board, the
chairman of which is Judge Richard


vr; j


Cl Stoll, Lexington.






T Vets

Jinxed by hall a dozen major injuries, and playing away from their
native Stoll field, the Kentucky
Wildcats meet their toughest game
yet when they tackle Wally Butts'
University of Georgia Bulldogs tonight at Athens.
Coach Ab Kirwan says the Bulldogs will use their offense, and because Kentucky has been practicing
that same style all season, the 'Cats
will be prepared to play defensively
against it. But. Kirwan adds, thinking undoubtedly of the '42 Rose
Bowl and '41 Sugar Bowl aggregations from Georgia, "they will be
tough, hard and driving."
Georf i Vets
The Southern boys are vets too,
because Georgia played football last
year when most other Southeastern
Conference schools dropped the grid
first meeting
with the Bulldogs was back in 1939
when the 'Cats won. In 1940. the
teams tied; and in 1942. the WildDog3
cats gave the Bowl-boutheir closest shave.

who expect to com'Judge Stoll, as well as the Dono
plete their requirements for graduvan administration, is under at'
ation at the close of the fall, wintack by two former students for
ter, spring or summer quarter, are
raising staff salaries above the con- requested to make application for
stitutional limit of $5,000 a year by
degrees on Monday or Tuesday, Ocsupplements from the Keeneland
tober 16 and 17. This also applies
to graduate students who expect to
Make Charge
.V.' ,
complete their requirements
but not gov
graduate degrees. All applications
antf operates in farmer, and Henry A. Harper, elecshould be filed in room 16 of the
full accord with the President's trical contractor in Lexington, have
The injured list for Kentucky is
Administration building.
charged through their attorney, J.
War Relief Control board.
far from encouraging, though cenAs the commencement, lists are
W. Jones, that Judge Stoll Is given
ter Floyd Shorts is ready to play.
made from these cards, it is very
"whip hand" over
Hobie Thonas. Doc Ferrell, Bill
Some of the services made possi too much of a
important to file an application at
ble by last year's contributions to the University because of the fact
this time.
Amone the injured Wildcats are Taylor (Doc Ferrell. guard who Chambers, and Hugh Shannon are
of the board of dihe is
Candidates for the bachelor's deWar Chest agencies rectorsa member Keeneland associa- dislocated his elbow Saturday, and tackle Hugh Shannon who has limped all Injured seriously enough to keep
of the
since the Tennessee game with an injured knee. Both hope to go back them out for the next few games.
were: care and rehabilitation of
gree will be charged a graduation
donor and into the game within three or four weeks.
Kirwan has made drastic shifts in
families and children, character tion. His dual position of
appointments to the fee of $900. This will cover the
to account for
the Wildcat line-u-p
building and deliquency prevention, receiver of the Keeneland gift
editorial staff of The Kentucky rental of cap and gown, diploma
position of domination, his
the loss of key men and the new
child welfare, and treatment and him in a
Kernel are: Mary Jane Dorsey, fee, the Kentuckian and senior
scheme will be obvious after the
prevention of diseases.
AAS Junior from Horse Cave, as- dues. Candidates for advanced deAttorney General Eldon S. Dum-mi- t,
first few plays tonight. Practices
In a call meeting of the SGA
sistant managing editor; Betty grees will be charged a fee of $15.00,
however, has ruled that the
this week have been kept secret as
Monday, plans for the drive on the
Tevis, A&S junior from Richmond, which will cover the above with the
the Cats have learned new plays
University campus were made, and constitutional limit of staff salaries
sports editor; and Mary Lillian exception of the Kentuckian and
University can be supplefor the Georgia offense.
the following members of the com- at the
Davis, A&S junior from Shelbyville, in addition the cost of the hood to
mented from private gifts for that
Starting line-u- p
for Kentucky
be presented the candidate. Grad
society editor.
Ellery Lewis Hall, 49, assistant mittee which will direct the drive specific purpose.
mores will be included in the '45 will be the same as in the Michigan
were appointed: Bill Embry, head of
Doris Singleton. A&S senior from uation fees are payable not later professor of history at the UniverExpresses Regret
Kentuckian. This should stimulate game with substitutions for Guard
Louisville, is replacing Carolyn Hill, than the fourth day preceding the sity, died October 8 at the Good the committee; Merl Baker, publiciThe alumni committee, in its vote
Ferrell and Backs Thomas and
Carroll ton, who was graduated in commencement.
The advance sales of the 1945 the deposits of newcomers.
hospital after an ex- ty; Betty Lee Fleishman, speakers;
Snapshots of scenic campus spots, Chambers.
Mary Bell Calvert, telephone; Mar- of confidence, expressed regret that Kentuckian will begin today and
August, as managing editor. Miltended illness.
Cheering Group
vin Churney, special gift; Charlene so many able staff members of the continue through October 23. ac- student activities, and eampus perdred Long. A&S junior from
Professor Hall, who had been as
A cheering group of Kentucky
Burris, In charge of women stu- University have gone to more lucraGeorgetown, is replacing Mrs. Roy
cording to Marjorie Palmore. busi- sonalities are solicited by the staff
sociated with the University since dents;
Norman Chrisman, in charge tive employment elsewhere. It comHunt, the former Bettye McClana-haness manager of the yearbook. Beau-- y of the Kentuckian. The names of students met the departing team at
1926, previously taught at Orangeof men students, and Betty Ann mended the loyalty of other memas news editor.
on the campus will be the theme he pictured individuals or scenes their train Wednesday night and
burg school for two years and in
bers who have remained on the of this year's edition, with pictures and the owners must be printed wished them success in the season's
Ginocchio, executive secretary.
the Robertson county public schools
Last year the World Student Serv campus, despite "flattering induce- - of the buildings and scenic spots of plainly on the back of each picture. fourth game. Sports writers in the
for three years.
DONT FAIL TO PURCHASE South shake their heads speculaice Fund was incorporated with the ments" to leave for bette'"
will begui its annual
the campus featured.
He attended the public schools of War Fund drive; this year, with the Joos
YOUR KENTUCKIANS FROM tively wheti they' consider KenIncreased Deposits
membership drive Monday, October
Robertson county and was grad- permission of the United States, the
The resolution reads':
tucky's chances at defeating the
The minimum deposit on this SALESMEN OF THE ORGANIZA16 and will continue to enlist new
Mt. Olivet high
"The Executive committee of the
through the following In 1924from received his A.B. school. W.S.S.F. has withdrawn and will Alumni association of the Univer- year's Kentuckian will be two dol- TION WHICH YOU PREFER OR Georgia team but spirit is high in
degree conduct a campaign separately later
the 'Cat camp, and win or lose,
lars. This increase is due to the TO WHICH YOU BELONG.
Residents of the Sigma Nu and week.
sity of Kentucky wishes to give large number
from the University and in 1926 was on in the year.
another reception will await the
of deposits that went
YW members will speak to the granted
McDowell houses elected officers
public expression of its confidence
his M.A. degree. He later
returning team Sunday night.
unredeemed in '44. The ensuing savgroups in house meetings
for the year In house meetings Mon- resident
studied at the University of Chiand its belief in the present admin- ings in a minimum of extra copies
day night. Patterson hall and the on Monday night if possible and in cago and the University of Wisuniistration of the affairs of the
will result in a bigger and better
Lydia Brown house have not an- sorority chapter meetings during the consin.
versity under the direction of the
Kentuckian. If a deposit is made.
week to explain the purpose and
as yet.
nounced their officers
Board of Trustees, its Executive
Professor Hall was a member of
the price of the yearbook will be
Leaders of the Sigma Nu house function of the organization.
committee and the president of the
Alpha Theta, the Southern
A Mexican Art exhibit is now on
four dollars, otherwise it will be
re Betty Dowell, Louisville, presiuniversity.
The nine vacancies in the S G A.
four-fiftdisplay in the Art gallery, on the
This Christian association has as Historical society, the Mississippi
dent; Peake Sheehan, Bardstown,
"The members of this committee
For every deposit, the sorority or second floor in the Biological Sci- have been filled, according to Prespurpose the following: to help Historical society, American Asso
Approximately 200 members of express deep regret in the loss from
and Nelda Napier, its
ident Bill Embry.
students find their best and truest ciation of University Professors, the the Independent party met from 7 time to time of many of the out- housing unit which sells the books ence building. The exhibition inDetroit, Mich., secretary.
The new representatives are:. Arts
Disabled Veterans of America, and until 9 p.m. Wednesday in
color plates, costhe Blue-gra- standing members of its faculty, may enter one candidate in the cludes twenty-fiv- e
are selves, to contribute to the sensitiz- House officers
Beauty contest. The tumes, and scarfs, and will be open and Sciences, Elizabeth Crabster.
ine of students about social racial. the Masonic lodge. He belonged to
room of the Union building who have been induced to enter Kentuckian
Rosemary Lewis. Louisville, presi
Jeanne Bureau. Fred Hill" and John
the Foster CTiarl Methodist church for the first informal
contest will be held in Memorial for about a month.
dent; Virginia Stevens. Cynthiana, economic and national groups; to in Robertson county.
other fields because of the consti- hall at a date to be announced later.
The Art library owns a folio of Robbins; Education. Martha Gayle;
of this quarter.
provide mature, religiously motivat
and social chairman;
tutional limit of $5,000 placed upon The Beauty Queen
Survivors include
and her court original colored silk screen prints, Agriculture. Betty Ann Brauer and
At the meeting, which was pripublic officials in
and Virginia Haag. Jefferson town, ed leadership for the tampus and in Beulah Sparks Hall; his wife. Mrs.
two daughters, marily social, party members who salaries of
presented at a winter dance on which the exhibit is based. The William E. Grand: Graduate School.
will be
society after college; and to help
on Page Four)
Virginia RenU and WUHam Bucka,
silk screen prints are by Carlos
Mrs. Julius E. Hall, Austin, Texas; are prominent in student affairs
soon after the contest.
students to find lasting values.
a famous artist of Mexico. ler.
Organization Representatives
In becoming a member of the and Miss Doris Hall, University were introduced to the freshmen
Native Mexican costumes make up
YWCA, each girl will be given a student.
present, and games were played
Each organization is requested to
membership card with the purpose
which carried out the Columbus
send a representative to the Ken- the
The exhibit also includes native
of the organization and will be given
tuckian office today in order to re- costumes
Pre-Mewhich are exquisite and
the opportunity of affiliating with
ceive sales books. Salesmen will be
The first regular business session
colorful. The elaborate dresses are
one of the various committees listed
of the organization is scheduled for
society paid a commission of 10 cents on examples
of fine embroidery, and
on the card. Each woman who Joins
And then there was the fresh6:45 p.m. Wednesday, October 25, in will meet at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oceach book sold. Any organization
show much fine handwork.
man reporter who told her
will be given a blue feather to sigthe "Y" lounge. Two new represen- tober 17, in Room 313 of the Biolog failing to comply will be penalized scarfs which are on display are also
roommate that she "had been
nify that she has become a member.
five sales. If possible, all lists of
tatives to the Executive committee, ical Science building.
Taa Sigma . .
handmade. They may be used for
working on The Kernel." The
The membership fee which is used
one from the Graduate school, and
Professor R. S. Allen will address beauty candidates should be in the a dress, robe, or general utility.
. . . will hold tryouts from 4 to 6 to support the program locally and
roommate, also a frosh, replied,
the other from the College of Edu the students on the subject of Kentuckian office by 4:30 p.m. on These costumes were brought from
p.m. Monday at the Women's gym. nationally is $1 a year. In order not
"Hm-nice. I think officers
cation, will be elected. They will "Medical Schools During the War." Wednesday.
By Shirley Meister
Anyone with or without experience to conflict with the War Chest drive,
Mexico by Martha Rannells, Ida
are wonderful, but isn't the
Miss Palmore also announces
be nominated by the members from ' There will be nominations
Question: What are yoa going ti
is urged to attend.
Dean, and Huguette Balzola.
Colonel a little old for you?"
prospective members may pledge to
that college and voted upon by the election of the officers for the comthat Friday 13, 5 p.m.. is the
Cpperclass Y . . .
The public is invited to attend do about the cigarette shortage?
pay their fee at a later date.
A similar incident occurred
whole organization.
deadline for all seniors, juniors,
Any Indepen- ing year. During the meeting, the
p.m. Tuesday
Lillian Cooke, A AS, senior: Smoke
. . . will meet at 6:30
the Mexican Art exhibit and exaSpeakers
some time ago when a reporter
sorority and fraternity pledges,
key will be
dent is eligible to hold office.
in the Union building. All new
mine the traditional colorful cos- Bob's cigarettes and let him smoke
The following girls will speak to
phoned the military department
Pat Patterson, Arts and Sciences awarded to the outstanding freshand members of other organizaupperclassmen are invited to at- the various residences: Jewell hall:
tumes of the Mexican, and to see a pipe.
and said in a sweet, girlish
junior, who was appointed chairman man of last year.
tions desiring individual picJimmy Wood, A AS. sophomore:
the silk screen prints.
Charleen Burris, Elsie Dotson and
treble, "This is the Kernel . . ."
at the close of the summer quarter,
tures, to have them mede. The
lounge, which is
Keep on bumming them from the
Campus War Chest drive . . .
Betty Tevis; Boyd hall: Ruth An,
and was interrupted by "H
pictures will be taken in the
Burris, Home Eco- in Room 320 in the Biological Sciand Charlene
same people I've been bumming
. . . begins today and will end next thony
you can't fool me. I know a
and Jean Crab; Patt hall:
nomics senior, who was appointed ence building, will be formally
basement of Memorial hall.
them from.
Marge Palmore. Huguette Balzola,
secretary-treasurwoman's voice when I hear it."
at the same opened Tuesday night.
Lowerclass Pictures
JuaniU Phillips, A AS, junior:
Dance committee . . .
and Mary Stigall; Sigma Nu: Ellen
time, will continue in these offices
students are inIf the budget allows, group picBribe an Avon worker.
. . , will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday in O'Bannon; Lydia
Brown: Anne
during this school year.
vited to attend.
tures of the freshmen and sopho
services for Edward Fisk,
Ted Jaracz, Ed, Junior: Start
Room 205 of the Union building.
McDowell: Alice Freeman;
assistant, professor in the Art de- chewing tobacco.
Club . . .
Shelby and Hamilton houses: Joan
partment at the University, who
Ann Anderson, EiL. junior: Roll
. . . will hold a party at 7:30 p m.
Scott; Alpha Gamma Delta: Mary
died Sunday at his home, were held mv own
Saturday in the stock pavilion for Louis Mitts; Aloha Delta Pi: Ann
at 8 ajn. Tuesday at St. Paul's Cath
Charles Rupert, Com., freshman:
members and freshmen.
Howell; Alpha Xi Delta: Jeanne Bu
olic church.
Use snuff.
Dutch Lunch Club . . .
Omega: Bobbie Omer;
reau; Chi
By Maud KrlW
Professor Fisk had been ill for
Margaret Benson. A AS. senior:
. . . will meet at noon today in the
Delta Delta Delta : Virginia Baskett;
about three years, and at the time Become another Mammy Yokum.
National League, so in that way
Some coeds were pulling for the movie treat or a few more cokes.
football room. Union building. An Kappa Delta: June Hubbard; Kap
Who says that wishing doesn't
came forth of his death was on leave from the
Peggy Watkins, A AS. sophomore:
A true Kentuckian
informal discussion will be held.
pa Kappa Gamma: Georgianne help make things come true? Near- the Cardinals are closer to their Cards because theirteam. Do had
you with this answer. "The Cardinal is art department where he had been I just won't smoke.
placed bets on this
home towns.
ly all the students, when interMoss; Zeta Tau Alpha: Casey
Ethel Blanton. A AS. junior: We
There are some students from suppose these kids will benefit any the bird of Kentucky, so I wanted an instructor in painting. He had
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday
Two stroll groups of girls who viewed as to their preference in
have seen the Cardi- from this Cardinal victory?
the team that is named after these been connected with the University didn't get the pledges for nothing.
in the Union building.
will be vis- this year's World Series, responded, Missouri who
live in private residences
nals play more often than they
One little child was rooting for Dirds to win." And the team that is for about 17 years.
Lib Taylor, Ed., junior: There's
Chi Delta Phi . . .
ited by Barbara Allen and Anne "the St. Louis Cardinals." And the
A native of New York, he was always cornsilk.
have seen the St. Louis Browns the Cardinals, because her dad had named after the Kentucky bird
. . . will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in
Cardinals did win the Series, so play,
a son of the late E. F. and Sara
and sided with the Cards. a bet on the Brownies. By this won. so there will be no feudin".
Sarah Rodes, A AS, junior: I'm
the Union building.
wishing dues ma:ce ii so.
Fisk and a member of St. depending on someone in the Air
These promoters say that the fel- time, the father's bank account is
Just so the Browns will have some
Newman club . . .
When asked "why" they hoped lows who make up the Cardinal minus $5 that it used to have, and support, students say that they Paul's Catholic church.
Corps to send me some.
. . . will meet at 9.30 a.m. Sundfly
the Cards would win, the answers squad seem like keen guys, al- his baby is happy.
Survivors include his wife. Mrs.
Vivian Abraham, AAS, freshman:
wanted the Browns to win because
at St. Catherine's academy.
varied a great deal. Some were only though they have never had a
Lucy Young Fisk. a daughter,
Many had no better reason for they have always been the underTry Indian cigars.
and a son. Mlton Thomas
Marjorie Laughlin, AAS. freshMrs. Frances Jewell McVey. wife able to say that they just wanted chance to meet any of the baseball backing the Cards, than that their dog and least known team of base. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Monday. Ocbest friend or room mate was from ball. For years, this gang has al- Fisk. both of Lexington; two sisters man: I've got a little pipe.
of Dr. Frank L. McVey, president the Cardinals to win, while others players personally.
tober 16 in the Union building.
had a definite basis for their opinAnother "used to be" resident of St. Louis or some other Missouri ways run last in the American and a brother.
Donald Horton, Enj, freshman:
emeritus of the University, underBusiness Education club . . .
ion, some a bit far fetched, others the State of Missouri has the same town, and were siding with them. League, so students are rejoicing
The Rev. Leonard Nlenaber offi- Go to and fro from one place to
. . . will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in went a major operation at Ann Aropinion as her Missouri friends, Loyalty, we call it.
because the little Brownies from ciated at the services and the burial another looking in vain for a pack
bor, Michigan, Wednesday. October scientifically figured out.
Room 201 of White hall.
"My boy friend had a $10 bet on Missouri did show that they won't was in Calvary cemetary.
Kids from Covington. Cincinnati, when she says that the Cardinals
of cigarettes.
11. Her condition was described as
Pallbearers were E. G. Trimble,
Liz Cary. AAS, sophomore: Quit
in satisfactory in reports received here and surrounding vicinities wanted are swell guys. The only difference the Cardinals, so I wanted them to be content to remain in the cellar
. . . will meet at 7:30 Tuesday
Joseph C. Oraves. Dr. L. H. Mulli the filthy habit if it gets too drastic.
Room 313 of the Biological Sciences yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. McVey left the Red Birds to win because the is that this fan knew several of the win," was the answer of a young forever.
Cards are in the National League fellows that made up a part of the coed. Maybe she will prosper from
Which way did you bet in this gan, Dr. Claiborne O. Latimer, Dr. Walter Meade, AAS, freshman:
students are Lexington for Ann Arbor last
building. All pre-mHenry Carey aid Charles Ai."ier:or!. Grow my cte. tobacco.
this cheering and jet an extra World Series of 1S41?.
and the Cincinnati team Is In the tenti back In 1934.
All seniors

Dorsey, Tevis,
Davis Receive
Kernel Positions




On October 8

Officers Election
Held At McDowell,
Sigma Nu Houses

7-- 8.


Advance Kentuckian Sales
Scheduled To Begin Today

E. L. Hall Dies



Campus Beauty
Is Book's Theme

YWCA Drive
Is Next Week

Art Exhibit Offers

Colorful Costumes
And Native Prints

Hold Meeting

Student Council

Vacancies Filled








Allen To Speak
On Medical Schools
To Pryor

Freshman Blunder






Professor Dies


Suddenly At Home

4-- H

University Students Back Cardinals

4-- H


Go-ma- n.

Ro-bar- ds

Mrs. F.
At Ann Arbor




� ycoi uupy nvanauic






The Kernel Editorial Page

at th Port Office t Lrxliwtoa. KnUoak?,
ciahs answer under th Act of March 1,












.rirv .'(or

'H RF(





SI""'S h,l""r
Business Af n itagrr



.. in Unirorm


40 MtUKM AvL aaatiea . Vomt. H.
aa rnainaa
ctaM nn Ma


By Eiliie


lesidt-nlk of us sard (Bovd hall head
must we have circular
ihe disiidsamages cf ccx-dalxml
stairways? It's utterly ridic ulous. at the football game last wet k
wearing slaks. brought lo niuul
inconvenient and hazardous, yelled thai the referee was a Ogden Nash's poem:
We're thinking of the stairs in "Daimankee." it reminded us
Sure. le(k vour lower limbs
in points;
McVev the ones leading from of an int ideiit at a U. of Vir-thYours are the liiuls. ui sweetSame a lew stars ago.
hasement to the
ment. We tan readily under- - Thete was a long tit lav in the
You look disine as sou ad- the need action, and the txople in the
stantl and appreciate
vant e
of a circular stairway in the stands were growing impatient.
Have you seen yoirsclf ie- Suddenly, the announter's voice
Statue of Liberty, but at least
treating"-An- d
I'niver-ficen- i
in the statue you have a magni- - boomed out that "The
thai reminds us of our
of Virginia refuses to de fend
view awaiting you at the sity
"(Kle in the
own little
we ask. is ihe noiihem goal!"'
top. And what, may
at the top of the staircase in
Aril showers biing Mav
We began ti woimUt whether
or not there were any rules in
In the first plate, if vou're loo
Glad lo hear it! Very ine!
well padtletl in one spot or an- - football when the annouiMer
Summer storms tausr hell in
other, you've got lo go out said that Mithigan State was
sending in a minesweeper.
through the service door, walk
"Ye g'xls! my hair! What i
the building and use the were relieved when he (hanged
' "Mineweascr. Numlx r 7!."
main stcs to get to the upper
Autumn's Wiskv and it's
The crowd's theers annoyed
Now we take
xrtion of McVey,
our own measurements relig- - us during the game. Sometimes
Football, fun and frolic, loo.
"Pvt. Smith will show you how lo ptel them, Auxiliary
what the it-- :
iouslv, and we know that our we could hardlv hear
I:-,..- .
. v. ,. ,.. r. ...
i iiiii'-- i
hips aren t that wide! But it three slightly inebriated sailors, u inn in ni hit tnno
Cold and wet with sleel aiHl ;
Every- - who were in front of us, were
never fails to hap-ntime we trawl up those darn saying. They acted like the
only funnier.
steps (and it makes you feel Ril brothers
like a vo-vstring being wound During a lull in the game, one We like the story about ihe
up), we lake every precaution of them drew himself to his feet college student who wrle home
to plant mir feet firmly on the and demanded, "..ct's have a asking for money lo enroll in
By Donald I.ail
probably use something about now!
one! " three language courses: Latin.
evasive little pieces of steels cheer or a tout hdown
The latest from the law college
Was it a dream? It must be; for
III- - s
lll- - l.rca-th V" " .1
..I..r.. ,U ...I
our ci- - ...! .1
...en. I
"'" " gei
there we were at a UK dance with is the now word "sesquipedalian.was jrettuitf u (lM-afkoiar:iii(rh. on ihp tw ier prcf turned
us. he stood
ai Inai.
n in tfiir
beautiful women fotmino a Stag junction..
Pi.-tlxiiiiled :. dramatic fint?er don'l voti think?
hnmburs loint ask for a ami mir liiiK unlveil in hrlwi-rline. They said 11 can't happen sesquipedalian hot dog. We edu- T..:Unvs i, wolli.i mk. ... ail(t T:M1
are worse than
nere But, it am. lr tne students ol
It's amaing what a And then there's Ambne
39 could see it tnev wouldn't be- IOOP awar Bruins!
by the NCCrs very h;MIy 'f
rammar is furnished
lieve it. How bout an open letter Co G Ft xhomas, Ky.
the stairs and left only the ten- - few feathers tan do to a xtvii Bierce's match less definition enf
to the Union building because the
tral xle. Firemen do it. whv three, to le exact.
admiration: Our polite rec- n
Memoirs of a
nit ion of another's resenblai(e
? isn- - tnese cute-cuboys. If only rant we.-seHow do
are these little
1 could find the right one. West
Our disc ussion with Mrs. Har- - lo cMirselves.
you meet them? Maybe the four
mprnnns sneep.srpri dv tne .. uae .. Virorinin nin't had tllfiVlll is a
column won t work. Maybe those ule WOTse- - W "Dewey Button" is
me jn rati nau goes
the glue tarnlsnea-- yet
who are investigating
on. Just men, men, men; all shapes,
give a helping hand
works can
Mary Louis Mitts
sizes, and colors; some old, some
This years crop of cheer young. My goldfish are swimming
leaders made their dt'but at l,he in their little bowl the one I wash
sociological term for my
pep rallv
hair in