xt7prr1ph73b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1ph73b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-10-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1944 1944 1944-10-20 2013 true xt7prr1ph73b section xt7prr1ph73b cesi uopy Avanaoie


The ECentucicy Kernel

drive for twca










20, 1944


Kirwan's Revised Wildcats Education Campus Drive YWCA Drive Closes Today
Retains Value, To Continue
Meet Shifty VMI Keydets Donovan Says Next Week Ending Week's Campaign
For Active Members In '45
In Rugged Contest Tomorrow Professors
Will Use Gifts
To Up


'Cat Fans To See
New Single Wing
For First Time



Not Yet Reached,
Embry Announces

Personal Contacts,
Information Desks,

Education Is one form of social
The total contributions to the
security which will not lose value in
the postwar world. Dr. H. L. Dono- campus War Chest fund had not
van, president of the University, told been estimated at Kernel presS.ime
students and staff members at a yesterday, but the student goal of
The annual YWCA membership
Kentucky fans well see a team alconvocation in Memorial hall Tues- $750 had not been reached. Bill
drive which began Octoebr 16 and
Embry, president or the Student
day morning.
most entirely new when the Wildends today Is progressing according
Government association which is
"On Our Way
to schedule. Miss Rosalie Oakes.
cats tackle the Keydets of Virginia
announced that
sponsoring the drive,
YWCA secretary, announced yesterUsing the theme "On Our Way,"
Military Academy tomorrow at 2 on
it would be necessary to exend the
day. A report on the actual number
the president outlined plans of the drive until the first of next week.
sponA football sweater swing
Stoll Field. Using the single-win- g
of coeds who have joined was not
University to provide new and wider
Embry said that individuals who
offense, radically different the T sored by the Union house commitavailable at press time, but the
opportunities for students and cititee and a. SuKy pep rally tonight
conmembership is expected to exceed
he employed in the season's first are the first events scheduled for
zens of the state. Coupled with a had been slow in making their
conthree games, and using five
that of former years.
listing of progressive steps taken in tributions to the fund would be
this week-en- d.
men to replace injuries
The YWCA advisory Tiourd bethe last few years, these plans were tacted personally or by phone, and
sweater swing will be held
Post-Gam- e
In the first string. Coach Kirwan from 6 until 7:30 in the Bluegrass
came members on Thursday. Octopart of an address in which Dr. that "the $750 goal would be reachpromises a good fight against Coach room of
ber 12, but the actual solicitation did
expressed determination to ed."
the Union building, and a
Kinkead and Bradley halls will Donovan
Problems of the drive were disAllison Hubert's boys.
not begin until Monday. Miss Oakes
continue using outside gifts to suppep rally will follow immediately sponsor
an Informal dance from 9 plement University salaries beyond cussed in the Monday, October
VMI's offense Is a deceptive one, in the amphitheater behind Memeeting of SGA and several memto 12 Saturday night in the Blue-gra- the $5,000 constitutional limit.
using the Z formation with a man morial hall.
Twa Booths
bers of the War Chest committee
Report To Students
In motion, and the Keydets have
room of the Union building,
The University band wil be presWomen have been working all
made reports.
Declaring that his address was
several great passers, among them ent for the rally and will march featuring at intermission their
week in the residence halls "and
report to the staff and students
Financial Report
Elmer Kozorra,
with the student body through
sorority houses to explain the pur
dancing chorus.
A report from the finance comrather than an answer to recent
freshman back. In the line down-tow- n
Lexington. In case of
pose and function ol tne organiA jitterbug contest will immediatecriticism of the University, Dr. mittee was given by Brewster Phelps,
June Hubbard, membership chairman of the YWCA, is showny, zation and to encourage coeds to
the VMI men average 186 pounds, bad weather the rally will be held
chairman, and the budget was disly follow the Intermission floor show, Donovan said:
blue feather of membership on Jane Hammer-slepinning the traditional
and the backfield is noted for speed in the ballroom.
Join the "Y." Booths were placed
"If I can keep the professors and cussed. A committee compos'fi of
and trickery. Coach Hubert has a
one of the many girls who has Joined the YWCA during the drive. to the Campus bookstore and in the
Elizabeth Taylor is chairman of with a f 10 first prize and a second
squad of 43 men, including John the decorations committee for the prize of $5 to be given to the best administrative officers that are here Marvin Churney, chairman.
Anne Biggerstaff, publicity chairman, and Virginia Baskett, president, Union building yesterday and to'
now by securing more private gifts, I Ann Ginocchio, and John Hopkins
Burton, Harold Butterworth, Al- dance and Hugh Collett will be in
day to accommodate those who do
look on. Today is the last day of the membership drive.
will not retreat." He explained that was appointed to investigate the sum
fred Hutton and Jack Maier, all of charge of the recorded music. The
not live in either residence hails or
Admission is $1 for couples or men only action from the Court of Ap- needed this year by the Kentuckian
whom played in 1943.
chaperones will be Mrs. John Hagen,
sorority houses.
who come stag, and women who are peals can cancel this policy and that and to determine the amount SGA
Mrs. L. B. Hancock, Mrs. F. B. Bogie,
Single Wing Stays
On becoming a merAer each coed
unescorted may be admitted upon he had obtained godd legal advice will appropriate annually for the
was given a membership card and a
Injuries are still haunting the and Mrs. Harry Lee.
presentation of a hostess card. as to the principle from the Board year book.
! small blue feather, to show that she
The Union house committee, in a
Wildcat camp, and assuring the
Formal Installation
meeting on Tuesday, October 17, Guests other than students at the of Trustees, the University Law colthen belonged to the "YWCA.
becontinuance of the single-win- g
University will be admlted.
lege, and the attorney general of the
The question concerning a formal
cause Kirwan feels he does not have elected Polly Thompson as the new
Join Committees
installation for SGA members was
Arnold Schneider, will appear as state.
Plans were
men who play good T ball. But the recording secretary.
Committees will begin functioning
brought up and Emily Hunt was apLess Than 15,000
swings soloist with the male ballet, and
shift to the single wing uncovered made for three more sweater
as soon as the drive is completed
Sel-lAt present several of the faculty pointed to talk with President Hertalent in Ken Campbell. The Ne- to be held during the fall quarter Manuel Antonio Vila and Romon
Women were given the opportunity
from Puerto Rico will do the members are drawing less than man L. Donovan about the special
on November 10, November 24, and
wark, Ohio fullback who had never
to signify which committee they deMiss Margaret Zoa Smith, an ap- December 1. Chairman Gwen Pace Rumba. At the piano will be Jimmy $5,000 and this Is being paid from convocation for the installation.
passed before, showed great
sired to Join when they signed their
Charlene Burris, chairman of the j pointee to the faculty of Vanderbilt
scheduled the next meeting of the Newton and John Violette will ap- different sources, said Dr. Donon-tossing
skill by completing 13
membership cards. At the YWCA-YMCSome University employees SGA forum committee, will "make University. Nashville. Tennessee,
5 p.m. on Monday, pear doing his original rhythm tap. van.
of 22 heaves against the Georgia committee for
Three resignations In the compretreat which was held Octohave been paid more than $5,000 in a report in the next meeting of the spoke at the University on Monday
Members of the chorus will be O.
Bulldogs last week. Sam Klein, October 30.
troller's office were accepted recently ber
plans for the coming year
J. Genella, Quenton Scholtz, Conrad the past, but two years ago the association on Monday, October 31, and Tuesday. Octoberone and n. 400 by Frank D. Peterson, director of were discussed.
boy who came out against
of the
The University is
Richardson, Billy Doan, Harvey Al- Court of Appeals held that University concerning the merging of the SGA
Georgia, will start at end replacing
Although the regular drive ends
colleges, universities, and Junior col- that department.
len, Dlllard Hlllman. John Violette, employees are included under a rul- forum and the Koffee Klub.
McCune who moves to the tackle
J. C. Paris, assistant comptroller, today, any woman may become a
ing that no state officer may releges throughout the country being
Jlmmie Newton, Harrison Smith,
visited during the fall by the college resigned effective October 31. to join member at any time by going to the
George Watson, David Holliday, ceive more than $5,000 a year from
Five Still Otft
counseling staff, in order to inform Hlfner and Fortune, Certified Public YWCA office, Room 123. Union
Lawrence McKenzie, Joe Armstrong state funds.
Francis (Duke) Saunders will
building. Miss Oakes explained.
college women of wartime and post Accountants firm.
Dr. Donovan quoted a statement
and Bob Arnold. (They will have
probably start at backfield. The
Miss Elizabeth V. Dennis, secreof Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean of
war opportunities in nursing.
The following women have spoken
1th the University's practiced twice.)
In connection
tary to Peterson, left the office at the various residences:
will be made
lest of the line-u- p
New Opportunities
the University, who has made a surannal educational conference, the
Costumes for the dancers and vey
injury-ridde- n
war, October 20, to be married to Wilson
squad. Cerfrom the
Openings now and after the
Jewell hall: Charleen Burris. Elsie
of the salaries in different uniKentucky Association of Colleges Schneider's gown are "by courtesy
tain not to start in this game are
Dotson and Betty Tevis; Boyd hail:
since the war began
in the field of nursing education Graves of St. Louis. Missouri
and Secondary Schools will meet on of the cast-o- ff
department of Kentucky that
The resignation of Miss Pattie
James Howe. Bill Chambers, Roger
salaries have increased to
Ruth Anthony and Jean Crab; Pan
and administration, in public health
campus October 26, 27, and 28. Guignol
according to Dr. W. S.
will become effective Octo- hall: Marge Palmore. Huguette Bal- Yost. Hugh Shannon, and Doc the
nursing, psychiatric nursing, and In
according to Paul P. Boyd, dead of Ward, head resident of Bradley and a more favorable ranking with those
Ferrell. Wilbur Schu, suffering a
of other schools.
other specialties offer opportunities ber 27. Miss McCormick has accept- - UMI,
MUUJ 0li5lll. Oiklilia rtU.
recurrence of an old knee injury the University arts and sciences Kinkead halls.
Salary; Limit
for young women with advanced ea a position wiin me veteran aa- - EUen OBannon; Lydia Brown: Anne
college. The purpose of the meeting
inministration in
Only two states have constitu
Bigegrstaff; McDowsU: Alice Free- which handicapped him even is to discuss postwar education probpreparation, she believes. Coeds
Two new members of the comp- - man; Shelby and Hamilton houses:
against basketball foes last season,
tional limits on salaries, Arkansas
In furthering its purpose of terested in being Cadet Nurses are
will be replaced at tackle by Henry
and Kentucky. In an educational "strengthening individual religious urged to remain in college until they troler's office are Miss Edna Ed Joan Scott; Alpha Gamma Delta:
of 30
wards and Miss Camilla Weathers.
Paul if Paul recovers In time from colleges organization consists schools
Mary Louise Mitts; Alpha Delta Pi
ranking of the states. Kentucky is groups, coordinating their activities, are prepared to do nursing.
and 300 secondary
a foot injury.
Speaks To Four Groups
47 and Arkansas
48, added the and promoting cooperation in inter-fait- h
Ann Howell; Chi Omega: Bobble
Colleges and most of the high schools
Omer; Delta Delta Delta. Virginia
Miss Smith spoke to four groups
the University
present at the meeting.
will be
President Donovan said he believed Inter-Fait- h
Council has planned an of women on the campus: classes in
Baskett: Kappa Delta: June HubPresident of the association is W.
A battalion retreat-parad- e
will be every educational institution should open house Sunday, November 5 for political science, home economics, a
bard; Kappa Kappa Gamma:
H. Vaughn, president of Morehead
Georgianne Moss; Zeta Tau Alpha:
on the parade ground of the take stock of past achievements each all Lexington churches and their group of sorority presidents, and a
State Teachers College, and the held
fall retreat Casey Goman. Two
campus at 4 pjn. Friday, year and that he wished to report ministers.
faculty group.
small groups of
secretary is Dean Paul P. Boyd, of University
was held October 14 and 15 at Camp girls
Advance sales for the 1945
to the students the University's ac
October 27.
who live in private residences
Miss Smith is a member of the
All students are Invited to meet
the University.
on the Kentucky river.
Company A of the Army Specializ complishments of Uie past three their own pastors and other college counseling staff sponsored Eighteen cabinet members from the win be visited by Barbara Allen and
Kentuckian will end Monday,
On Thursday evening, October 26,
years. He outlined them as fol- churches' representatives at the jointly by the National Nursing
Anne Bronston.
October 23. Salesmen are rehGX ed Training and Companies A and
the executive committee will
University YW-Yattended.
open house which will be held from Council for War Service and the
its first meeting at the Lafayette B of the ROTC, 1548th Service Unit, lows:A geography department
quested to turn in remaining
Plans for the jear were discussed.
U. S. Public Health Service, which
has 3 to 5 next Sunday in the Union.
hotel. A luncheon meeting will be will participate in the parade and
The first week in Lent was tentasales books, receipts, and money
been established.
Two other moves begun by the administers the U. S. Cadet Nurse tively
held at the Lafayette, Friday, Octo retreat.
scheduled for the observance
2. The summer school has been Council are the establishment in Corps.
for deposits by 4:30 pjn. on that
The reviewing party will be made
ber 27, to complete business and to
of a Religion in Life week, by the
TSgt. Jack Stidham. former
contracts The Kernel of a church column
day. Anyone failing to do so wil
prepare for the business meeting up of President H. L. Donovan, Dean regular term.
cooperate interfaith councils. Also University student, has been miss
are now available to any professor containing news of every group and
L. M. Chamberlain, Col. G. W. Chip-mabe penalized five sales toward a
discussed was a Men and Women's ing In action over Germany since
commandant of the ROTC-AS- T wishing to teach through the sum- its activities.
The program will be centered
beauty queen entrant.
Relations program which will also September 27. according to the War
A direct affiliate of the YMCA
Unit at the University, and the mer.
around 18 round tables discussing
be sponsored by other campus or- Department. His parents, Mr. and
3. An accelerated program in the and YWCA, the Council includes
various phases of the program of former commandant. Col. B.
and tentative plans Mrs. C. B. Stidham are residents of
form of the quarter system was put two representatives,
one member-at-larpostwar
Lt. Colonel Brewer.
Members of
into effect.
the women's concerning the World Student Ser- Lexington.
and an advisor from those
will be under
The retreat-parad- e
Robert Owens of the National Se
4. A more democratic method of groups and from each of the foldrill team on the campus .have elect vice Fund for the winter quarter
lective Service system will help con the supervision of Captain Robert
was lowing organizations: Baptist, Pres- ed the following officers for the were made.
L. Stivers. Lt. Col. II W. Eggers, determining University policy
duct the talks. Several
During the year the following
Christian, Hebrew and 1944-4- 5 school year: Marian Yates,
speakers will attend the sessions, Captain E. T. Noble, and Lt. I. E.
5. The new coal research laboraMethodist. Other religious groups captain; Nancy Ellen .Taylor, lieu- - points, which were suggested at the
and among these are Dr. Fred KeDy, Trachtenberg will rate the align- tory has been completed
tenant; Maureen Taylor, first ser National Intercollegiate Christian
and will be may ask to be admitted.
of the U. S. Office of Education, Dr. ments when the battalion passes in
active group, geant, and Esther Nevit and Betty council in July, will be emphasized:
Stephen M-- Corey, of the Univer review. Lt. J. E. Duggan will make opened soon.
6. Many buildings on the campus the Inter-Fait- h
The of- understanding of the Christian
Council attempts Haynes. buck sergeants.
sity of Chicago, and Dr. Francis the presentation of the awards (good
have been repaired and redecorated. to study and understand the cul- ficers were elected from among last faith: work for social order for each
Sweater Swing . . .
Brown, of the American Council on conduct medals and blue stars for
individual regardless of race; sup7. The
through the ture, backgrounds and problems in year's members.
. . . from 6 to 7:30 tonight in the Education.
Discussions are: pub scholastic excellence) to the AST Engineers University School
and the every denominational group, and to
Marian Yates has announced That port of a national program of full
Blue Grass room of the Union licity; permanent values from Army and ASTR students concerned.
By Shirley
Army Specialized Training Program explain its findings to the new Tuesday, October 24 I the last day employment; work toward the esbuilding.
and Navy programs; problems of
has trained 5,209 men for the armed student.
that a coed may join
and tablishment of a world organizaQuestion: Besides the man shortPep rally . . .
control and finance; adult educa
The last Council meeting was held urges all who are interested and tion of nations; helping students to age, what constructive rritM-i&ran
at 7:30 tonight in the Amph- uon; library services; graduate
Future Problem
at the Maxwell Street Presbyterian have not yet reported, to report to realize that political action is an yoa give to the I'niversity this Quaritheater if weather permits; if not, study; recruitment for the teaching
essential part of effective Christian ter?
As for the future. Dr. Donovan church, and the next is planned the armory at 5 p.m. on tliat day.
in the Blue Grass room of the profesion and education of school
living; place religion at the censaid the biggest problem will be to Nov. 5 at Temple Adath Israel
Le Arenslein. A AS. freshman.
Union building. It will be followed staffs: organization, administration,
These We
ter of higher education.
Margaret Julia Wharton, business provide for the education of the re- when the Hebrew members will be
need more pep at the football
by a parade.
and supervision; admissions, classi- manager
emphasized and car- games.
points will be
of the Kernel, announces turning war veterans. He said this hosts at a luncheon for Council
fications, credit for Army and Navy
ried out in the weekly meetings of
pafollowing members of
problem will require
William Dean Rose. Az.. freshman;
at 2 p.m. Saturday. UK vs. courses; vocational guidance; ac- the staff for this year. the adver tience, much tolerance,"infinitegreat members. first time, the Inter-Fait- h
the YW and the YM.
Sue Fenl
For the
More cooperation from the men who
ademic counselling; counselling for more,
Tuesday, October 24 is the latVMI.
page in the
Activities of the committees will are here.
Bettie Tuttle, Mary Hillen understanding by the faculty and Council will have a
men; counselling for women;
est date to sign up for
begin after the current membermeyer, Peggy Ellis and Jean John administration to give these young Kentuckian. Phyllis Freed is presDance . . .
John Hopkins, AAS. sophomore.
changes and administration
University women's drill team, it
ship drive.
son, all of Lexington; Lib Crapster, men the guidance and help they will ident; Charleen Burris, treasurer;
. . . from 9 to 12 Saturday night problems;
We need many more interesting conpopulation to be served Winchester;
was announced today by Marian
Aiuie Howell,
in Blue Grass room of the Union by
Dottie Lou Moore, need."
the schools; planning educational Frankfort,
Yates, captain.
Some of the future improvements Scott, secretary; and Rob McNeill,
and Shirley Ketti, Cum
Virginia Rosen, AA5. senior: A
programs and school services.
(Continued on Page Four)
change back to the semester system.
Phi Vpsiloo O micron . . .
Bob Whitley, Commerre. junior.
. . . luncheon meeting at noon SatA change in the administration's
urday, October 21 in the Home Eco
Mrs. Frances Jewell McVey, wife
policy toward fraternity activities
nomics building.
of Dr. Frank L. McVey, president
Datch Lanch club . . .
emeritus of the University, who in Tommy Gish. AAS,
fit hnwu.
. . . will meet at noon today in the
a major operation at
mistaken theory that the proFootball room. The program will be
By Maud Keller
Ann Arbor. Mich., on October 11, The
Captain Glenn Miller, of the Army dance to, according to these stu- is much improved according to re- fessors have in assuming that each
and whisper, "Oh, yes, how I'd love
a community sing, and all students Gene Whicker, Arts and Sciences
from Lexington,
How would you like to hear Tom- to hear Artie Shaw play "Begin the Air Force was the choice of many. dents.
are invited.
ports received here yesterday. Doc- student has only one subject and
been elected secretary of the YMCA my Dorsey and his trombone play- Beguine." He the best, you know, But, of course they all agreed he was
For those who prefer south of the tors were well pleased with her ten hours in which to prepare it.
Alpha Lambda Delta . . .
Cugat. rapid recovery and Mrs. McVey is
Pat McClure, A AS, sophomore:
. . . will meet at 4 pjn. Wednesday, cabinet, replacing Selby Hurst, an ing (as only he can play it), "I'm at least that's what my Johnny and well occupied entertaining and border music, there is Xavler
He was thoroughly supported by expected to be able to return to The need of the Indepenityts to coRoom 204 of the Union building. Arts and Sciences senior from Lex- Getting Sentimental Over You," or I think, or "That's what my Suzy training our fighting men.
operate with the party.
ington, who has resigned.
those m ho like to wiggle their hips Lexington in about two weeks.
All of our
and I think."
Home Economics club
bobby-socke- d
Julie Landrnm. A AS. junior. The
to the conga or rumba.
Opinions vary widely as to which
Other officers elected were Nor- Harry James making that sweet
. . . will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday man Chrisman,
disunity on the campus.
Those super-dupcoeds cast their votes for T.
trumpet of his reach the high notes band is the favorite, but everyone
in the Home Economics building.
Billy Taylor. A AS, freshman.
Jack Banahan, treasurer; Edward of "Velvet Moon"? In other words, thinks lt would be thrilling to sup- Dorsey's protege, Frankie Sinatra. marked an X after the name of Cab
Something should be done about
Bary, spiritual life; Tywan Paton
port a leading dance band.
But if The Voice were obtained some Calloway. This group really go In
you scream and swoon if, here
. . . will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Tom Rupley, social service; would
the LONG line in the cafeteria.
Several coeds said that they would of our gals would probably swoon, for some of that red hot swing.
in the student room of the Agri- Jack Banahan and Owen Lewis, at old UK, we imported a big name be willing to escort one another or and campus wolves wouldn't like
Joanna Carpenter. AAS, freshProf. Victor R. Portmann, secretary-Yes. this is the opinion of the
of the Kentucky Press man: More late nights out m the
culture building. Dr. Howard Beers social; Norman Chrisman. fresh- band to play at one of our gala af- go alone to a dance if they could see such competition.
student body when confronted with manager
will lead a group discussion.
man advisor; Jolin Cashman, pub- fairs?
Bing Crosby was also asked for. the question, "Would you support a Association, is attending a meeting dorms.
Charlie Spivak and his boys or
William Buckler, AGral student;
licity; Roy Ballard, military serNewman club
This question, when put up to a Jimmy Lunsford and his musical especially crooning "White Christ- big name band if one was obtained in Chicago of the newspaper Manto play at a University dance? The agers' association and the advisory We need more cooperation in SGA
. . . will entertain with a hayride vice; Maurice Leach, interracial; part of our student body, was gang on the bandstand.
mas." Nice dreaming?
Spike Jones was the choice of the answer is "yes.". And these are the committee of the National Editorial activities, such as the War Cheat,
One upstart wanted to know if
and wiener roast at 2 p.m. Sunday Cornell Clarke, membership; D. O. answered with a very emphatic
t Bradley's farm. The party will Burke and Hugh Collett, deputa- "yes." The students' eyes would Dinah Shore, singing "Tess's Torch Breathitt and Harlan county set. bands students would like most to Association and Newspaper Adver- dances, pep at football games and
more letters to the editor of the
ave the Union building at 2 pjn. tion; Duane Van Horn and John light up and then with a far away &ng," couldn't be thrown in as an Spike and his City Slickers are a see and hear in the ballroom of the tising service of which he is a
look on their faces, they would sigh extra added attraction.
lot 0! fun to square dance or round Union buUdizig.
' larges will be 35 cents per person. Young, program.

SuKy Pep Rally Follows
Sweater Swing Tonight
Band Will March
With Parade

Reach All Women

Dance Ends
Big Weekend
Dorms Sponsor


all-ma- le

Margaret Zoa Smith Speaks
To Groups Of UK Women
Many Openings
In Nursing Field


Peterson Accepts
Resignations In

Comptroller's Office



14-1- 5,

Visits Campus

Council Plans
Open House
Are Made For
Church Programs


Military Department
Schedules Parade
For October 27

Kentuckian Sales

Plans Mapped
At Y Retreat

End October


Missing In Action




Women's Drill Team
Selects Officers;
Yates Heads Group








Wharton Announces
Advertising Staff

Tuesday Last Day


To Join



cur-ricul- ar

Whicker Elected
To YMCA Post,
Cabinet Announces


Mrs. F. L. McVey
Improving Rapidly

Students Will Support Big Name Band





4-- H




Portmann Attends
Press Meeting

� Best uopy Available

i- -


























Circulation Manager
wi llnkshv. .Assistant Managing Editor











artitlett and columnt are to be considered the
the vriteTH Ihemneltex, and do not necenxarily
ft 1: Hiii of The Kernel.

7 oar



are made anil where
iik" wot Id's )rti(-N.!i ins iliai l.ue every person in t lie Univer-m- !
a ie tl is iisstcl al length.







gatherings offer

lu se lii liiiiiiililv

in" out of the rut that nianv find themselves
siiti!i; into. They siimulate the niiml into
tliiitkini; with onsn uc t ive A iews. For fifty niin- mis louiine lilt is forgotten. I. lasses are siioven
into llie l.t Voiound temporarily and I lie Grill,
villi nothing more than noise and confusion as
a viiiiiiil.ini. tan he substituted by up to date
inlni m.itioii on current and past events.
II ilitse i))Hiiimiiiit-are lost during the
in. id mOi for a modern collegiate mode of
stiitltnis an easily find themselves lagging
T heir
n In hind in intelligent
Knowledge is infeiior. How rould il help being
aiiuhing Intt?
A nationally famed figure who has made his
name well Known both through his authority on
(Miiiiait lniilge ami his plan for world order
and pt imanenl jieare is Ely Culbertson, who
speak at the next convocation October 30.
Your i haute to prove an interest in a worthwhile opportunity will come then.






















By Don Lail

"Life's Most Embarrassing Moment"
One of the local glamor hounds
who frequents the grill strolled into
nf inintiitv Ihp othpr dav tO
see what was cooking in the way of
or perhaps a hold-ovfrom last year's session. Re plunked
his buffalo down on the counter and
although it could not be reached in
time to ,quote , him. we , understand
.. .
mar, saia nicKei naa men in v.:.
rvvket. So lon that the Indian was
riding the buffalo. (Excerpt from
Joe Miller.)
This hero to tne
better known as "animus feminia,"
espied a victim seated in the corner
dedicated to her tears, which flow- ed like wine when they took the
record away. Circling his quarry in
true sopnomore tasnion ne lanaea in
a chair next to her. thus blocking
her path to freedom. The only thing
left for her to do was u say. "im
Sadie BlurtwhLstle, who are you?"
she drPPed her eyes coldly, which
caused her eyelashes to fall off.








sipiature: singing the laundry list backwards
Jonathon to the tune of "Sweet Adeline," get- Ji'ti.nhun Wil- - ting autographs of 20 strange men,
excluding faculty, and this could go
J. W. Jones
on for pages, but I can t.
Arsenic and Old Lace?
that if you hear stu.
!!:.' inie about the dpnts
at West virgima v rushln
,ie was madly over
the campus shouting
viui wnke up to ..charge..
at the top of their voice
you musn't think them insane. They
merely saw a local movie this past
w:is tle r at at weeK-enby











'ri'.' :iHlly wan- anatomy

UUilmg . . .
en since.
rwl Mind
itjlir Omirron Pi
if TTniversity of
a qui. k answer


at Texas U.
awake nights
fi,r pledges to do.
:mu' Imve dozed olT
judging from






- " ni'i'

early mtirn-i-- d
the "Caf" to



in bed.

" of pleriH'--


in- -'

us: sweeping and
r mins, washing
iiKiriiiitt iiicmbers'
v.iiidows. polishing
I'Vt'S. Eying like
amis and pins,
n ine errands to
rs to
In lore members,



V V rl



' , r..:.



oversized black
'y :ii:!ifunci'd. "He's


Sweater Girl
Crowds of noisy I.U. students
iarrirrlprf thfl
of thl
: .,7,
"1944 Sweater Girl" candidates who
were introduced by Tom Connor,
master of ceremonies. Every door,
window, ana . laDie in me room was.
jammed, and eager spectators stood
. ,. .
nn rump .
rrvinir in see iriif iniriL
The voting for the "sweater girl"
will take place at the "Sweater
The dance is to be very informal,
No ties, no suits, no sports coats,
Everyone is to wear a sweater.
University News Stand .
"Smart Set" Freshmen.
Saturday Evening Post"
"The Herald" The whistle.
"Good Housekeeping" In the old
"Life" All around the campus.
"Judge" Our magnanimous presi
Review of Reviews" Just before
"World's Work"
What seniors
think they're doing.
"The Magnet" Pat Hall,
"The Spoilers" The faculty.
"The Unattainable" To pass in


Irniii a scavaneer
t ,i-i.. ,. ot.
.Mt.i'.u i u
r: 1.
I'M. ThepledBe






Marv LouiS MittS

'vv Imllrling will tne use or coins and writing.