xt7prr1pgw7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pgw7n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2005 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 76, no. 1, Spring 2005 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 76, no. 1, Spring 2005 2005 2005 2012 true xt7prr1pgw7n section xt7prr1pgw7n . · . A I` ` N H     Y     \\\ » ,
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  .       , Spfiilg 2005 • Volume 76 • Number I
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    lilaig.; *     ”‘" ;  r; 0 Your Building Is Back!
 . 2: ‘,;g;_`-:_‘“·‘Ti ~ ii       _   Those who treasure history and have an eye
  T _4_o :_        ` on the future will find much to like as Main
i ` ``l`"“”l‘‘'         Building begins its new life on campus after
{   “—¤    Q  the 2001 fire.
I cn the cover:   WT i l l     Dgmolran
l The University of Kentucky  
lVlain Building officially · { r-  
l r<=¤¤¤¤é¤ ¤¤ 0¤i- 25- 2004- M yry: P  - 13 Dori Thompson: Docmring
l Photo:Tim Collins _   _ Q.    Daytmfs Homeless
l ’° M   ~ _, **`l_   w Dr. Dori Thompson ’93 AS. ’98 MED found
[   ··;-   E ¥l *    1  ~ her niche not—"in some practice in middle-
  r A ,_yt       i class suburbia"— but at Dayton’s Samaritan
    T .   -e,y Homeless Clinic where she is a full—time
__y,,l "—   · ·· T   }    - e   family physician for those who have fallen
{  Q. l $3 il-       3-   A _   C T on hard times.
,--·‘   ;‘’i         ?§2~     By 0¤¤i¤ Fi¤¤¤l s= Q-.,..¤.   mk I 7* if ·` `   ;¢;_j ·   · ‘ `*’ i;-  
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/firming/run:. .-1/:1. _ __ _ _ _ _ _
V., ,,,,..,,,,_,,. Demand for dorm space is one of the first signs of a growth spurt at a un1vers1ty.UK will be opening  
*`/~~ Mir Y three new dorms in fall 2005 located near the Complex and near Jewell Hall. And that reminds me of (
Lrewrwlnit · · · .
  " when I was a freshman here in the late Sixties. I
g§gU2[i'$Iggg*5$T¤FF I lived in Jewell Hall on Euclid Avenue. It`s a grand old dorm, named for the wife of UK’s third ,
anu-2E9·ntur.1 president, Frank L. McVey. Three of us lived in a 10’ x 12’ room! About the only thing we had in com-
""*""·"f""""""`-"*" mon at first was that we were all from out—of-state. After the first day of registering for classes, paying
  fees and buying books. we realized that we had a new friend. Each of us met Mike IH one of the long,
i   _ W long lines that snaked around the Memorial Coliseum floor or at the bookstore. Today, Mike IS retired
lifiiiijkm III/`Mmk from the U.S. Air Force and lives in Maryland. (His daughter is a UK alum, too.) My roommate Jeanne
’ ’: "*"""""" 9* "" met her husband at UK a few years later and they returned to Georgia. My other roommate Stephanie
w.·rwx1.\n /4/»n~A· left UK before raduatin to marr a oun doctor she had met and last I knew she was livin 1n Kan-
/tm/rt l't·rn· 91 g g y
‘ ` sas.
t.’;}l",`Q;m’·"*' The eponvms chosen for the new dorms are classic examples of what a university that dreams big
i' K ' . . . . .
yy _ V _ and takes on all challengers to that vision celebrates rn the success of its students and alumni.
limi;}i,iQi,i,iii’;Ji("` Dale E. Baldwin is a former UK cheerleader and 1990 graduate of UK. He is
_,_W/_m_ ,1,,,,,, W, also a quadriplegic as a result of a cheerleading accident in November 1986. A na-
'¤1t·/·~~£/.~t·»'» wrrvri 6: ,   tive of Leitchfield, Baldwin is now co-owner of MPM Financial Group in Lexing-
.t»»or.;..m;n;i·;,(.vo;.· E   ton. and he and his wife live in Simpsonville. Despite the changes for safety’s sake
“ 1***** "*Y"’¤"’e‘ ‘4‘**   i   if made after Baldw1n`s acc1dent,I still hold my breath when I watch how cheerlead- g ,
s'IjI/`I·' -¢}~— ers throw their bodies around in striving to go higher and som- 2  
{€QQZj[‘iff.,?7,€[j,,.,. ~,,_, `   ersault more times in the air. I admire the example of success  
/.iritIt1Zrrlnlffulrl l   Dale   isi  
I';·qi (Milam _ _ _ _ _  V
xihtr t ( nr;. John T. Smith. who received his doctor of philosophy de-   g  
jj,;*I;j;L’,,j’g·;;,§M grae in education from UK in 1961, is also an honoree in the ; I S s 
/i¤{·li!ii¤··Iiiiti/»i·~= _ _ . VK iilunim ?IiSO(;1aUOn~H2wg D§tln§Il‘i?1»£]§d}-lélliamnzi He was .‘ . i  
[tt;g;tl·»;:A1;'r;t;¤ti/tI ¢»-!.r.r Dam   Ba|dWm A grit Lliite O €XlI'1g[Ol1 S O .L1I'l tif lg C OOA BU HH -·  
,,.,m,.·. tt·».,,,, I I alumnus of Kentucky State Un1vers1ty.H1s career included · ` I I ’·..·`» · r` 
serving as the first chief administrator of a Kentucky community college (Jefferson  li  
tatm .v.,.; Community College) and the first Al`rican American to serve as a vice president in a A li  I I
  UK FlClmi¤iSiTZlIiOl1. He WHS vice president for minority affairs.The title changed to John T S ith
<1#{x_t‘/<**`I¤‘;*¤‘ ¢{*·· ’ ··~~‘~·~ vice chancellor tn 1982 and he served in that position until he retired in 1984. Smith '
rtf VII t * . V HH! . . . .
  iitilnti. [iii-i»iai...t died in July 1994. What a kind, smart, genuine person he was!
”“""","‘l ""` ,. Margaret Invels was born Oct. 25, 1892, in Paris, K . She earned a bachelor’s de ree in mechanical
II~1/lIt\!»tI11H,Qlm*VH}itr» - D . h · _ A
= we t ~=¤···~~»· »·/° engineering from UK in 1916. She returned to UK after serving in several
Ix't·rr!11tt`vt .1/trnwz · l · · . h  
1. tttt t..m.,, .t·.·..y.i tia~a- W, ,.... , r,.. , .-7-. private companies, and in 1920 became t e 1rst
fTQf,`fl,,}.f}'f',f j}.fTQQEfjQfff'}Cf.` ;!¤»%‘ i ` J   woman in the United States to earn a graduate degree )
.»r=~~»~ rl~ ~~·· ~ ··i·~ wrt/» '   in mechanical engineering. Her early research at UK
1* tw 'r ··¤/r s · "· ’   . . . . . .
i./iii .»riii,ii-t` Mi inirtnmt. W . 4 and her other posts, including a public relations posi-
}},`,;;‘,"j;[l';(’_;"""“‘ ’ ""*""'“`   , , { ;,· g tion for the Carrier Co. until her retirement rn 1953,
_ lmw U, K, Ik V H ·    ` E contributed to pioneering efforts in air conditioning. I
.mnw—~~ mn ("’”¢ .‘ ( ”"""  {5-*   didn t know Ingels personally, but she s a lady of suc-
lt .».,. l ii.a..,i ii.»ii;i.’ii,.,w "“'—“"··"“ "U/‘{"{“'·‘ . i     _ cess that always made me feel proud to be a UK
/Ir»11»4· Itzxfmtjron lxl [,L'[I(’I`S 10//10 E([If(}}°   I alum]]a
;n~Tn¢t n//*1 [yi yr/r.tn.· ._ . _ I I _' _ _. )__   r " _ _
~<··-*<‘·~‘~~·· l f""" "-‘ ““'I"·‘ 5/"""’8 ‘   .-.= “ That s one ofthe things we try to do in the Ken-
,n"*Il_’Q]l1>} ,'·' , - ' ' · '   . . . .
ilii,,,i1\.,t—.,J,,..,i.,,t·t ,1,1,, ’l"" “["’·‘ "’“[ "(""{""·* Margaret Ingels rue/‘2·??*$>?$€e£€{’.¤f:>»$°?&*;§J?;M.·@<%iQZ¤2·é¥};§»5`T·*;..·;.·rLC. 1j—»·i5;=Zf`L  ,4·Q;»v"f* . »· ·· T  .:—:;,§>t:·· 1.  w t  Ii 4 ·"` §”°W‘" I.,
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 A _ 5 ’ _  .  Faculty Appreciation
    The University of Kentucky Alumni Association has long appreciated the value of the UK
__m A   faculty. This year marks the 44th time that the association has presented its Great Teacher
t"-~     I Award.This award is the university’s oldest, continuous recognition of faculty excellence in
the classroom and it brings together alumni and students in the nomination and selection
process of the honorees. I can’t think of a better combination than that!
I can tell you from firsthand experience that this is a cherished honor. Having received
the award myself in 1982, it is made even more special by the fact that the association never
forgets those who received the award after the honorarium clears the bank and the plaque
is engraved. Previous recipients are invited every year to the event that recognizes the new
As president now, this event is an even more joyful experience as I relish the success rep-
resented by the honored faculty, to hear what our students have to say about the education
and mentoring that is taking place in their classrooms at UK, and to hear the professors
themselves talk about the quality of their students and the quality of their professorial ex-
perience at UK.
This year’s event was bigger and better than ever with the dinner at Spindletop Hall. Let
me applaud UK alumni for this dedication to the teaching mission of the university, and for
the other support you lend to student recruitment, scholarships and the Big Blue spirit
President Lee T. Todd Jr.
The 2005 Great Teacher Award recipients arc:
* Suketu P. Bhavsar, Ans and Sciences
* Ellen Furlough, Arts and Sciences
* Eugene R. Gaetke, Law
* Richard Labunski, Communications and lnfonnation Studies
* Thomas A. McConnell, Dentistiy
* Bruce A. Swctnam, Design

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Large Gift The Road More Traveled  
f¤|‘ Equ||”|E The Kentucky Transportation Center at UK is collabo- A
_ Research rating with the Lexington-based Asphalt Institute on a r
·- $500,000 joint research project that studies the relation-
a-,,.•¤•¤¤•· -·-" `\ A gin Of approximately $6.2 ship between good pavement construction practices
"" \ ·· · dnl r ellyrrr lrlr rnrrn
, . I I million for equine research all l S OU? CIW um I I Y O asl) 3 Paw en S- C
r I l | r A r g att}-16 Maxwell H_ Gluck study has benefits for local, state and federal transpor-
\ Equine Research Center be_ tation agencies nationwide.
3** cnrnes One nr the largest ents "This project is important because so much of our
" a r ever rnncle lc the COll€g€¤Of nation’s economy and standard of living relies on the
l { J l I il Agrlcnlrnrejne grrr is ell_ quality and conditions of our highways S move people
· · · d goods. I am pleased to see continue support or
_; glble for matchlnc funds all _ _ _ _ r
fi - D this 1m ortant work," said Wend Baldwin, UK s execu-
l . from the state s Research _ _ P _d r h Y
Cnnllenge Trust Funds tive vice presi ent or researc .
The gift represents the re- -
gran estate ofthe ne Janet Business at Coldstream
H; Keller- fcrmcrly cl Valley Coldstream Research Campus gained another tenant as
_   _ _ _ Vlew Folllb Dellvllle Keller Lexington—based Immpheron Inc. expands and creates
llllo fl l'f€‘l°“l% fllllllfllloll Wllll hclh Tllolollglloleo and I5 new jobs when it relocates its existing laboratory on
Amellellll Sllooleoleo hcrsce Nicholasville Road to the Kentucky Technology Center.
I The biotech startup, co-founded by Heniz Kohler in mi-
It S a   World crobiologyr and immunology, is currently working with  l
Eight students are taking advantage of a unique under- the Calladlall €0lllP_81lY lllN€X¤§ Bl0l€Qhll¢;i¥·;&.&;  .A ~     .V·= er?    ‘.>§r¥‘  V·  ;  ·  A , ‘ 1**    P s he J .   tr- /1 at . l · · 2; at  
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i UK 8 Fayette Schools Partner Harassment
  UK and the Fayette County Public Schools announced a new partnership to prevention Training
l raise student achievement. _
, "Thanks to the University of Kentucky, more of our kids will have access UK`S WW 01*11}*9 Sexual haYa$Sm€m
to learning enhancers like music, foreign language and health care services," PYGYGHUOU Uammg Ploglém ls
said Stu Silberman, Fayette County Public Schools superintendent. avallablc to Small compamcs lime Of
UK President Lee T. Todd Jr., at a news conference at The Academy at chaY:‘¥f·_‘LPY€V€“t*ng Sexual Ha"?S$‘
Lexington, said that UK was excited to be playing a key role in this impor- mem _1S a PY9d“Cl Of New Media
tant partnership. "Inside the walls of schools such as The Academy lies the L€¤r¤me,W1¤<=h Serves buSm€SS—
future of this community, this state and this country. We will raise student €duC?UO“ Wd S9V€m“}€m €n}P_lOY‘
achievement in Fayette County one child, one life at a time." Us Wlth O“lm€» lmeracuvc trammg
The first phase of the program will focus on two schools, The Academy at COuY$€S· _ _ _
Lexington and Booker T. Washington Elementary School. AS 3_PubhC Scwlceg UK alunim
_ _ _ worldwide employed in or owning
G|*|ff|th TQPS |n Awards . businesses with up to 50 employees
Dr. Charles H. Griffith, associate professor, JMS ig - g  _i_ A   ;`g$i;§i]é;l$2?ig]i;{E)\;;;i€; im)
UK College of Medicine, Division of General     & to 200 ma use the mol free 0f* p
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, is one of  i f     P   ‘  * . Chai. 6 foglem 10 66 irainm -I-he
four medical school faculty members from   ’ " "\      ¤' bmvi€i._baS€i§)cO>;ii.S€ can bguscd
across the nation to receive the 2004 Alpha   ( ·      24 hours 3 dai, On any desktop Oi.
Omega Alpha medlcel hem S¤<>1etv’S Rem     i > t' " npiap compras and meets all
i J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award.The . 4. i  i, i I i ii federal and State accessibility
l award was presented at the annual meeting of » _ l   Standards It takes about 60 minutes
i the Association of American Medical Colleges i r A , ii   i`·—. · to compléic
i and is given annually to two clinical and two   i 1* i ii `iii _, asexual Harassment Pmvcmioiin
basic science medical school faculty members Di. Ciiéiias i_ii Griffith " training can be accessed at hiipiii
m th€_mlU°n‘ _ _ www.newmedialearning.com/psh/
Griffith has received more UK teaching i ukcniucky/ind€xihtm_ Contact
awards and recognitions than any other faculty member in the history of the Arlene Gilmer Of New Media
UK CODE? ¤fMed1¤¤¤- Learning at 866-sei-4410 or
' e—mail Arlene.Gunter@
center Marks Annlversarv newmedialearning.com for more
The UK Center for Aluminum Technology recently celebrated five years of information about obtaining the on-
association with one of Kentucky’s leading industries. The center, a partner- line tool.
ship between the UK College of Engineering and the aluminum industry,
the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and the U.S. Depart-  
ment of Energy, was established in 1999, with headquarters on UK’s K
Coldstream Research Campus.
The multidisciplinary research center trains undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate students to provide leadership in aluminum technology;
develops programs in aluminum technology for non—degree students in
conjunction with community colleges and technical schools; and provides I
research on the fabrication and use of aluminum.
Aluminum processing is a leading industry in Kentucky. There are 142
plants or other aluminu1n—related facilities in the state; industry shipments i
of over $4 billion per year; the industry employs 17,500 people in Kentucky,
with average earnings of $44,876 per year; and Kentucky tax revenue from
the industry totals $47 million per year.
Compiled from UK Web sites, UK Public
Relations news reports, and Kentucky Alumni
magazine staii reporting.
KENTUCKY Atuivini 7

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Two Med Deans for Health Science:-s· 1
· 1= br 1-1 lth ’
Appointments ii A . u IC ea A
` Dr. J. Timothy Bricker has been   A   Lori Stewart Gonzalez, associate dean j
I named chair of the Department of   ·   T_.eeee for academic affairs and professor of  
Pediatrics. as well as the Children’s ‘ ‘ communication disorders, is the new    
Miracle Network Research Chair in t ` —. dean of the UK College of Health Sci-    ill?
Pediatrics. Bricker also oversees UK ’   ences.     `
Children`s Hospital. . A   .. She joined the faculty of UK in A
Bricker was vice chairman for   Yi 1991 as assistant professor of commu- »
strategy and development in the ° .   ¤\ nication disorders in the College of
department of pediatrics and profes- Health Sciences Department of Clini-
sor of pediatrics and critical care medicine at Baylor cal Sciences, was named associate pro-
College of Medicine in Houston,Texas. He is on numer- fessor in 1997, and appointed in 2000 the associate dean
ous top physician lists, including Good Housekeeping for academic affairs and served as associate professor in
fl/[(lg(lZffIICi$' "Best Heart Doctors in the Division of Communication Disorders. She was
America." named full professor in 2004.
Dr. C. William Balke is the new     Gonzalez succeeds Thomas C. Robinson who
UK College of Medicines senior   stepped down after 20 years of leadership to return as a
associate dean for clinical research. In ,A ‘~· _   faculty member in the colleges Clinical Leadership and
this newly created position. Balke `Q     Management Program.
leads clinical research efforts by i L_ Dr. Stephen W Wyatt, former in-
collaborating with deans and research   A terim associate dean for research at rx 1
deans in all six colleges of the UK   the UK College of Public Health — t ¤
Chandler Medical Center. Balke " and associate director for Cancer .   .
comes to UK from the University of _` Control, UK Markey Cancer Cen-   i
Maryland Medical System where he ter, has been named dean of the