xt7prr1pgv5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pgv5x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1938 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 08, 1938 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 08, 1938 1938 1938 2012 true xt7prr1pgv5x section xt7prr1pgv5x ·  l;  
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lcement · L
till sev- -   ....;.._____ ...__. . ,
E; xii; I Ammo \'lll LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH, I938 Number 2  
_,. .T—--—-——  I
yOl1I‘S. F- _ _ ;
g PIECE . e , • •  
i¤t€I`€Sl§ ~ ’ S h I I h   I t D t • !'
y time 1  GI”I’l|€ IVG Y S OSGD S 9 IC |I'€C OI', l
  ‘ d C h' P '° l
r um-
contact Ab Kirwan Gets U. K. ea oac lng osltlon l
· _   I
§1£€1;§S i ,é..¢.T-  With the appointment of Bernie  
Of pmg_ I · _ “ H “ H Shively, ’36, acting head of the {
· ·u , physical education department, as 1
[W1 be · GUUION Classes Endlng In 3 And 8 director of all University athleties,  
3. . d_ ‘ who immediately selected Ab Kir- z _
.§v§‘%h.  cheduled For Return To Compus ln June wan. cc, football coach at du com g
· th _ , . _. . . . ~ - - th Manual High School, Louisville, as l
ul? `llir I is V`? ‘§i.`i€ °£J§"’.tLl‘?“§.iE€l$§ iéélki-Ri §Z?§.2?€lrr§2“S§W“i$Z£`1‘£urc? cccc Varsity rcccccil coach, all l
is that mesh foreythe classes ending in ing named Lafferty hall has been Umversityelumm and fmenqs arc E
a t - Tam 9,. . , ·_ ’ · · ` · viewing with an air of optimism l .
~ 0 FE ,— and ··g wlll gather on the Uni completed, 1S now in use and will , . . . .
lat part 1 · lc - th J · - lo dedicated sometime during the Keemckys new deal H} athletlcs m 1
_ 1-slty campus Ol G UDB IB 9 l · _ I
llch h¤$ - tfvjties June reunion The engineering Whlch eleven Umverslty of Kee l
<>fu¤cm» I lggtay$e;ri· some 600 alumni made quadrangle and the Student Uniog   Alumni held resmnsible pes?  
1 ormer g   ‘ ‘ lmost com lete an ‘ . .
. , way back to the campus and building are a p- l _ _
mee ‘ rlltered at the Alumni Office for construction of the new biological The new sci up tn athletics fel {
gl? H3,] · iioeasslon, The number return- building is well under way.   ahgglosttgg dilell tee %;;;u(2;`; L
‘ ut te ’  ;for the reunion of "3" and "8" Alumni as hitherto, will have the - , “· E
ld_ start l  — th t . . . Committee which was drawn up [
E · expected to greatly exceed 21 privilege of attending baccalaureate from Suggestions received at the six  
.. nlm Veal . . .. . and eemnteneemeet exerelses as alumni meetings held throughout l ,
icc hub cf reumen eettvltli Yen Wcll as BHJOY cn Informal get`t°` the state where alumni were asked  
.Cei ·¤ — ill the new Student UHl0ll lll · gether at the annual alumni tea f th- · th U · · .
ff gn? - ,,,.h,.,-8 the Alumni orncc will be given by nl-. and Mrs. Mcvcy at ,'§f,1€ti§1§it§§§§§n?“ ° “"°”‘ty ,
year U,- J entered in its new office, let instr; the Maxwell pla,ce_ The Selection Of ML Shivcly:  
. lhr€ef1`2SmSélag;   luncg Reunion class lists have b€€I1 former All-American football play-   ,
—‘   ul 9 8 .` ‘ compiled and mailed to all mem- er from the University or nlinois, g —
SHIP ‘  its Wm .be. held m the Studi}? bers of the respective classes. was unanimous. He came to the Q -
lim src} . “°‘;l btludmf b;‘;%u(§er1;$`“g’fch 1; Many new addresses have been ob- University in 1927 as assistant root- ;
or CON; lm aumn _ ’ . . . tained since these lists have b€€ll ball coach under Harry Gammage l ’
¤— 1* °“m*‘X cf the "’““‘°“ a°t"'mes‘ compiled but many members are and in 1934 was made head or the l
t - A Returning alumni will want to _ . · - I
lcgrillliiigel .o11 over the campus and note the (Continued on Page Two) 5;Y$§;~%v€3;;;;¤§§ghD§§glgl;1€¤t of ,
· r _- . __  _ _ · r
y O av _  With Mr. Shlvely lles the full re- ,
ll a1idf¤l‘ ‘ , • P •d t M V sponsibility of all University ath- _ · _
j- ¥’"S°“'  IOFIZG Plaque Honorlng resl en C ey letic affairs. He will arrange all ;
’€"S· "`h°· ’ schedules and has the power to hire · ‘
ug to law. ‘  , • • • `
the coitor I I The Un|y€r$|t L|b['ar coaches for all sports, the coaches ·
. III Be Placed n Y . . .
that tile _ _ _ for which are considered as faculty
kuowleege llvlth the l'€8.llZB.lZlOI`l that P1`€Sl· The p1`OJ€Ct having been arp' members and will ygcoivg pay ac- e ‘ 
tilgetllrti . il Frank L. Mcvcy has rendered Pluvcd by the Alumni Executive cor-ding to faculty schedules. ~
sliowufill _ my ygm-S Of valuable Service to Colhmlttee, DI`. G: Davis BIICKDET, T0 Mr_ Kirwan will go the honor l
§u“‘;Ct?§’,§ %University of Kentucky. it lljl0V€· Er Gsufgil Ygayggseégwgifgz 1;;:1;; of being the nrst Univegsity grad-  ~e
_ ··l; ` em is under way by which a bas- 033}% cn _ uate ever to return an serve as ‘
ggestzrxtc l  ici plaque is to bo placed in thc ilvpoluteu @5 e cummlttee *0 ¤°¤‘ head football coach. While at the
editor and ;1rel·sity library in recognition of tact alumnt University he played end and half- ,
· ‘< service. The amount to be raised is $2,000 back and was captain of his team , _ 
ul- Us gf - icommittee met with Dr. McVey and the whole hearted support of in 1925. On Thanksgiving day of
ggfggr Edl; —  lreceived his approval of the all alumni is needed to carry the his senior year in a game with _
gton, Ky.; l lject, after which, a contract was movement through to a successful Tennessee he threw three touch- “
RW- LEX' ` EIl€d with Mr. Christian Petersen, finish. Many alumni have already down passes to Len Tracy, ’26, now . c
, md- llptor, who is now working on subscribed to the fund. Others sports writer for the Louisville
"L£§i;];m,,` ‘  iplaque. The plaque is to be in- wishing to do so are asked to iill Times. Kentucky won 23 to 20. ,
`licers are ‘ 111cd on the ground floor of the in the coupon on page three and Regarding the policy of the new A
Mic L°€““· Flry in the entrance facing the mail it to Robert K. Salyers, Alum- administration, Mr. Shively said
lem S°°r°` Ffh side. It will be six feet high ni Secretary, University of Ken· that Coach Rupp‘s record speaks  
I.lI'€l'. .
iers mort- lfour feet wide. tucky. Lexington, Kentucky. (Continued on Page Three) · 
1,0 Of total or   1
, or other Y  
, alt . I ° 5
it h. g   al', N· \» ,-\rtlillr_lU}be"t AKG, taalttlllll O.2_J. l or lfLS€lf E
  V· l quarterly on the campus of the Univer- l5yg;; :`tll€l`¤, Zv·$‘,::  _VLtme‘S_t‘>llel Lexlllgto  V retain
 I .' g sity. at Lexington. Subscription to non- All-S_ qjlllyellce Smilll (lgtlith Alenan- lxy.; James \\ltilt\l’ll A1(Ti1(i€2lCllll, Le,  wh M]
L . g members, $1.00. to members of the Asso- der), Baynewootl lvllrm, Romeo, Might; llltflltlll Vl\)· .__$>{ell_Alle¤ étkllls, Oh  ‘ '
[ § i t ciation, 50 cents. Membership in the As- lgllwlll L, Berry, no address; Willis Stale rl lihléllslfbi Vk'j·\glt1l>l1>._f.>l: Ile ‘s€b8-H W
 7; ( l l sociation includes subscription to the T;lylor Downing, Highland Park, Mich.; K wife} _Bl·\< QV Viéllll-{{:11, %\)-,VM1ll`[   rl; and
‘s ~ J Alumnus. Jerome Parker Durham, Liberty Hlgh Allen f;»(lI(i(‘]§, _·»·> ·»Ul_bI.. \\asllln  ld hav
  ; L__#;________;_ SCh,,(,l_ l.l..,Sp0,.l_ Ky; Jllmes llellmlmll ion, 1>. C.: John baniuel browil, llll  l. dl
  l Entered as Second Class Matter at the Kelley, l·]l·lani.:er, Ky.: .l·]tlielbert Lee dfessi Cllilhlll UL tjailtso 110§V.lam  and
.» . l  Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 22. I,l[lllgSfU\`(1, \\'esson_ )ll§S_; Guy .Mo§§ lildtsiV(.ll.lV%.nloot~;l{ I_a§l"_; %Y1h¥‘*“`§t P octhly.
‘ , l’ 1929, under the act of March 3, 1879. Patterson, Pineville, lxy.; Lewls_ L. ( -lu-ll·{ll, _* <·}‘l"' ~‘ ULB · i sl N3   Th ath
"  ‘ ' E  - Pottinger 20 E Jackson Blvd. (illlC£L— Wil`!. 1\Y·· {Zeng xd`?] (’““;m’€‘U, Le.  € B‘
..  M ‘ . . ,,. .’ 7 Z. qu. ·· *1 · ` ¤ , l'_‘.; (.1 " '. (`L 'll, S;l·  —` ; O
N Q . l  ROBERT K. SALYERS ....... Editor ?i;I,,\·lElgl{.le   {\.;ll‘£E%"‘    lE;;; tiiglil Belljaiiiiii Cilfigia  hmghlve
=i l · Oms LEE I-1ARR1s . Managing Editor Versailles, ky.; Airs. (r`fi\l'8llC€ .1701111- l.yn<;h. _lgg¤_: Nlllllilgllcl l_l¤e¤;h.’Eillll Jos  .  
  Q . a OFFICERS OF THF gillel (diiivfielii leJ.'?"¥l...§iZ;"l.l. ‘llllll.ill., llllllle i·:ill,· ·,·. l.V \\1l ,,,i l ,-i·. V lt,. Hill'  »»l~€¤¤¤11
  .   ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Gob Kxtlllll) Yl’-04, li·lllllllel·,V lv.   lGe2l{l;ml·illi¤ll··V¤;l<·h.C11 >VLVV§gL Nhgv  iéleed
- _ I ‘ . . 2·· \\"1l`;   ll   , ’V*.; .oln ¤·`_ '_· · _   °,,,) It  l Bl`
  ‘ i M3.1`Cl1S R,EdW11‘1€ ................ P1‘BS1dE111G g{;;l{;u\\'i]l¥ll1~l;g]`(*lllj;;`la;(}[£l§ lii; lllllllll 1i\'t·Illll, :51ll'i\tl>ff, l¤llSSl2L1 \\llllaln Her  dl a _
.   Q l . Lillie L0g3.1'1 ................ V1C€·P1`ESid€1’1f3 Owen Wilson,. Winchester: Ky. ;m Mrs.     Wi   
‘ lt i R be l; K S1 S ll John Williamson. Davton, O.: A e la'. il `* ‘ · "· ·_ ·· _ ¤=
.  E V 0 I · ayers ·········—·-·· (acre ary , , ll   .. A~ w , Evelyn Call l<`l*eynlall, ·l2¢l N. Lllll  · l-
"  ·l* V 2 James S. Shropshire ........ Treasurer H‘"}"“‘"?d; .*0 . {“°§}ll"’t`m59r   l‘Ee`:l StUll(;`• llexfllmllll. KY.; willilllll A. intl ‘ ie f}€S_
`   ` it - L K Frankel - -- - Chairman of     Er' 0 es n —l.lllliel·llle, Ky.: Mrs snrilh Glmllll, 1  Y¤l'e*· f"
  *§ ` ` '‘``'''‘`'''''' i ‘ ‘* ’ ~ ‘ " _ I lnllle St, Louisville, Ky.: Hollis l*re  D0\Vl'lll
i     EX€CUt1V€ Committee yll.glul.l p.ll{el·m5\il·..; I l-mg) l.ll)g ton Guy, Svottsville, Ky.: llilsil D. Ha. Ecklnrlc
ii- Q Y..T..+.; . t, ‘ ’”‘ , `,,   J .. ’ Y · > '·.; ·li ` Ml z ` `.
  ‘ it von vm March was No 2 i·IZt`!i$f[’id¤· 1<>d=l;t`li~l=¤ lrl·l·t=·ll it D>‘e· ee‘·***"*"*· FY-; O“‘e me L’ii${i}.l"l?Sl§ii,..i;°‘l‘¥§it‘¥}llQtl"él "SE?  We the
,», _ . r_ V qql V _A . *· e. . Li ·< 4, ,* n ., VV
 lll ll still marked LOST 011 0¤1` records, kitggj llql‘;mPQf;3§m;`}`$l;,,,l2Q$$g`€lg$TQ ford, (7011H.Z lclllily lzlellelle .l·»l·l-ls. Q,  l tl Pa
lll! fl meamng that mail addressed to cillieli Clark Fill-ls.lll'lvllllilltlllll bl—iR·e. full, ldaual Zoulac <`. lg htlstilfdii Tim  i SCi€l'
all l J - - .   .· ’. ,—   V . 2; C lat anooga, "ellli.; \\'t*ll ye er. . .
 l· A 3 them heebeee returned unclaimed- et I·‘§‘}'s; “",·· "·*?"2l‘i,"’**it. Pl. ,{ S, i.lllleelllll.·, ileiillelllll. is,.   ·“‘*hO“ej
·  li ; Q The two lists follows: ¥i$;llE;;mF§li;$e` ;(ll2“T?l§2::Ql kgk-Q. `uEl 1Al\ll`(*t.t2\ Lalnlh. llllllté 0, Lexingto  V- Tm
 .i Q HAIL llrvrullxlall UNCLAIME1) T';lS(>, Tex.: l`zollel·t Frlllllllill Hayes, EY-¤ _Nj"`L‘g*l g·"*`*{*ll‘**_ llQl‘)Q;e_"‘l_lV;  {ment
21 " - i Mail addressed to the following has 227 E. Second St., Lexington, Ky.? ;[h€°“iI ( j‘ fmxf { )¥]_' jh, 'Z  $€l'V€
  . _ _ . , .. , , . . . .· »   -. . ellleit llaxxlellie. i.l\l(‘ll5l9l, hy _V-._ V
V ·_ been tetulned unclaimed. Addresses M·*‘*h·tH mule! Hedllnl l··>M·lle· I\}·- Tl W l. . l·lll,m,l,l all ly lllgll S  jlellt S
  . shown are llle llllesl lm Ulu- glee If Albert Monroe Heird, (`llllll)f)€‘iiS\`Iti€‘, g"“[ es et ,fl_ * ,* ·‘ j. . . ‘¥V;  
’: ; you know the present address of. any KY-? ·TOhll A¥ldt`e“' HO“'ili`d, Ji`-,   StMQ;2¥¢ll{:li.`\S Jl i.:l,§:l),1:§`   Way  
V2 Z of these alumni please help us bring (?1‘e§;Tst>\l\`g, K§·¥ Mtltttld Buttle? Hunt' Q,$;1$UQ,ll \\leyelll\·A `lli]`:   Nllltll S  mes un`
- our tiles up to date hy writing and gl`:- er. Gliillgfell. (Bi   · Flf . `ll,   lp `ll,l   .LQ'§fill1a1llS
4 l ing us .·u ·l ` f · ;t' _ James Albert 111111111], “vliil2ll`ll$i)lll'§Q, ·_t‘<‘““»   .; AU _·Vj "·V_   ’V_.     ‘V
t . .. ` °‘ '“ ‘l`l,ElE’“ i. St. 1 athews, KY-3 ~ ell Toll . ·," - . ‘ “ " ' A A 17: it U]
V . QV Tenn. M0; i gohnsillll Sigge VV(;illle¥\ed Still;    .A\ uevclv QH GWCHVGM R mdford
.*' 2. .2 ,21.2 uimui .e . v. lo > 18   ‘·.jV~ *.`_)   ·_ ,1.  ,
  1.; “_Ml§_ Fllilnc? nl—lal-l-isonrldllis P(M%l·y   Lexillitoil,Vl{y. 1V lixllllyéhieft lilll-   T.¤llll;e“Vl;.lVl l lafllttlli  26581  
, nl ~. us m _ 'Vgl ;ll;ls5€_ < ;_; 1 (0 , .`ill`]`|l fm, xy.; ,21 OS l. tl ‘ xll`— ‘,, _ , ‘* V__V " VV_V‘ "` , .` ‘ ..  L‘l_.. _
?, i il liellsllll Sadler SZ`I.[l(]\' Hook IK., -97igl lielllltll. zsili Rose si., ]Q€X1ll§.ZI1lll, ky.; Wall ,'l".le* V""~""· ded" i”"ti, _llll.,l0l,
V. , l l . . .’ 7 ,· ’ ,·',‘ 1,*; ·· -, . --. ,   l . ~.· ·_ Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., 1&flllel Al ill'.-.V el
, , . .l ludley M. fflll11!l`l\:‘l, \\ln<·hestel, ky., “¤Hl·ml -\U1 ed T\llkl>·ltll•l~· FMR ·»*·¥. . V [ -,,-ll. I-\.. lu.mm _\e,..Vl§ m
if fi Smith lliley Thomas, 308 LaSalle St., Danville, Ky.: Bbllil Elizabeth Latta ?f“"’E"’I¥;VV_{f,""V*‘{,§`;V_il¥..llll§§,“ K,-.(?‘l'?$$? lli1L2.‘“‘,,‘Z&‘“l¥.`i.‘Sl.lll¥$ lt.lY."*l..L%..!}}Tl$,   it ¤··» #1** ‘°‘·   lm`i°?~i— lli·,l=*·;§,; ,25. E
I` `. ‘ 1 he-rt_ Adolph Kohnhorst, F'ogle-Witt- Nv.: Beit White )fllll(12lV, 5T—lR Blai~l<- (Q \\lwt‘llti:" {\7‘}l‘P\l“'l,·I\)ll`l..ll‘\él Ilvlli  v ·
l_ V g itlllllllge gill., nl·et·l¤·s Steel (.*0.. ]3il`lY|ll`IE· r,,llliel·ille. ·K)'.Z1‘7l`ll(‘StNI*iS4tl1 St\`·\\’2ll`t, Ddfted deceased Slltce Ei :lltl·ibu·
l;§lill,VAllV§; J2lL'§l:; Jolm ¥·`lf*. Nllii _\\¢·lHl‘ St., N. W., Wash- 1-larrv Edward 'I`homa:<. Winsro, Kv.: uary 5’ 1938‘ J *28  til Omct
ll , lllgtilll, 1). (`.: John William Lindsay, `llovotlly Lee 'I`l‘ihhIe. D2\ll\'iif0, Ky; James Dllllli SUYY, r" ,é8   Et€d.
. (_V0llllf)'. A\LE(*Ylt. §lll`|lllTl“l'$\'l"€': W. Va.: William (}riodl‘i<·ll Watkins, 4521 W. Max- VVilli.a.m A. Thompson, Jt`··   lh Elm
(llalles _l·,. Mot Ul'Il1l(Yk. 2.l.l General well SL. Leximzton, Ky.: ("i2\l`L’T`l('(* H, Elizabeth V Tingle, ’28 ‘l `
tl··¢<·¤‘s_ l¢lVv‘·<\_1{={¤·t   rt; and that by 1939 thc club g » ·
, usxm  d diamond to la `
my quid have a goo l p' y _ _ W ,   V _ _. _. x é .
LU; ‘j{Qm‘§  and would be funcmmmg 1·.mlo>;d {md Q; as my wnuxbuuou LO thc McVcy _ V
;k*la`§"=*1‘$\ Q outhly. Plaque 1‘lll](l. s [
[$,53 Ye  The athletic set-up as authorized :
11, s§1y€l·  ;me Board of Trustees includes: Name .............................................   `
xlqOffIll2.  _ shively as director and line \  
&Rj>{°C`f;   mh Of varsity football; Mr. Ki? _ _' :
J··:' ’Fi1?l;l  m` head football and backheld ;\(l(\l(j§5 ................. . ..................... . · . · · . · ` `
éahcl   Mh; Adolph Rupp, head varsity ·· = g
si `2 ·I}.`  _' . ‘_ . 1 J `
y.: my ·5*~€tba“ mach- Frank M°S"’l€Y» (Aly __,.,........................ bun; .......,....... • V
sp, x_ ·~ 5,11ead baseball and boxmg, and y .
gse JM  grball end coach; Joe Rupert, ’35, _ * 4
_"§2{._Y[§§·  ead track, and end and back Dum ,,,.,....................... Lluss ............... Z
Kyi _ gghman football; Gene Myers, ’3'7, { l
’   };‘{“  Ae, freshman football; Paul MC- ,,_,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,... 
‘}:Gl{m{‘Q   ·ay€y_ freshman basketball; Dr. H. Y--—··--»—~;--—~——— *»~- ~-—~— -7—-————~—-4-——  
Rims Pre  DqWr%lng’ YO8' taurus; DI" Scott , qq gy u n ue-y .-\;.;new Hrnl|¤>\\‘e1l,* P. O. Box 311, > l
‘*‘ll}%)i]5{?  €CkI¤Y}dg€ 3Yid DIY C- M- Kn9»Pp·   3   8 Marion, Ky.; Healy gustin )I€3d0\V§,
and film}  ming; S. A. "Daddy" Boles, ac- ;¤»?1_ m%a1;{¤_.i.x-ekgggylcalgri,d111;_;HFe1L;
H~1··¤» M¤  ¤¤t¤¤t» i¤ charge ¤f ticket $31** <¤¤¤¤¤¤€¤ mm Page TWO) iRJL‘$S»,1.{»l'}“EJJ» &;.¤;im &.iu1%"§‘E»£’&’
  wk Mann tmmen ind MrS‘ CHANGES OF ADDRESS Hnure 4, <;e¤·r;~£ez<»wn, Ky.;A1¤~s, C1m¤—1es ·`
** , » · ` -. -, Y. . M · .~ 7 C. 3· · Elizabeth Clav Turner)
H ghm _» _ace COCOI1&L1gh€I`, $@016 &§`Y· _ qhm mt of new ¢ld(l1F:§b€$ has bqeu }__ I;"“{‘_ ( _ v_ · , _ _ y
, "Kyi?   The 8.dViSOI`y COUIICII whxch WIII 1·¤L·m·(]?dt on nur tiles s!;1c{> 1l1e]1·e11q1¤»1; 12.im{;£_hAk};;;t€?l..`lTi€R]l1?g>§;mgx}b,w§naSr} ;
’ zz \\"ll' .. ~ · -1;   is s were crmmxem eu}: mzuem · _ _ _ _ _; · _ · _ _ »_ I _
  Sl   Ae the D€D31©1’T1€¤t of At»h]€UC$» ;u;`3umm1.y     1,8,,,,leS acme mem- byu), 1\;.. 3l1:>._ H8}Tl'1l_G3l_€} (Hdlhe `
.l»»1·1;§s, G  W a part of the College Of Arts hership in Alumni .-\:be1‘t_Buu,—:h, mq Lexxngwn _ I
‘L€xmgm‘  V, TBITBH. IO. HCBCI of U18 D€" hell", CHL Avg.,_`5e\v Mark Qxtyz Mrs. \!. B. Jungs,  
    "““‘*’“ °f Cm E“g“‘€"““g’ Wm L] B ·. (JEZ}12, sm m,,».w· $112él31l£E*§L.?im-i"I‘§$¥§“5+’§*@022§i;i’ * I
·» · · ;,· . . . · **:1* ·as1 al 3 1‘ ' ·- , , . · ;· *· ·* . · . .
 Jig.;  A Selvc fm the, l€Itnmnd$r Of th; ])e)§;5·:;nen1_ immhnuulx, Ky.; K`]1ll`€*l`IC€ }·`1‘zmkl]r{, Qxy. :‘.{z1n1e§_L. Buyqeenei, Hmfl- Q
w' High ( went school yéaf, Pro . FYBD Albert GH]]{,“·“y, L](]€l)gm]€yEq@, )l¢_>_; 1E:1!1.'1x).`.I)lz1}§ Luzggg B¥\.{1e{ (g1}s. _ g
, Hillie. Ky Array', of the College of Law, WhO Hermap Cree} Hemcu, 100 \\. l{o11;‘<¤}2 Iulllyitl }§l(\{l9·\  -1. 1.; (g].1]?§c»B _’x6eé, A l
KY-? Fai  wes until Jung 1939· Prof J D_ $1.. <`hu·n:.:¤», lll.: Lugy Jwsepln !·11g::m>, ({111:11.1. .`e·».. 1 mm _. gu _ Ox · _ ·
;_ Ninth ~. ·_ _ _ ‘ * ‘ ‘ , BOX gg_ L(,uiS\·i|1Q_ l\y_; Mrs. 1 mrll-s 'l_.\:A.. baumnuh, Tenn. Anna Paulme !
M-. Mui  i“¥a'“S~ ?6n d“€°“” °f the U“" ¤ =- ¤>¤~···S···¤ .l1\'fN;* Aw,. Columbus,   -
vris Milvhe  ` Qi serve the remainder 0f th€ A1m—¤m11J;u·i§i 340\[)hucli>E11Ul;’1z§ci>bk¤;§-   _ bawnuvJ::;·§ts<»1{ICl€_•i=G1;1§;v,Egiiiaelxgglg g
’·· `  . 'rr _ `·_;.‘.‘..1>1‘ MAIN ,`»`-   -§§¥¤ _~ _ ` Y --=
L·1$\¥·‘;${;   mgul year, MQQCOIM P&tt€Y$(-?¤»   QE (;Y§mh f\\-H: (xweuir \\`·»4·d;p<·1n`t.·Le§111;:r<’·n, ky.: ¥YH}'1`¤Q¤d _ _  
}§\m(·r Alb  Lxmgton, 3 JUUIOIU whose telm lymm, Ky; Il‘})i€·B€ll]&\llll]\ I;z11‘le,_4.»2 Bkqrlf__l1·<>x.(_){<¤§_])lz{111g;;ct}11Q1g lgyu g
hmm. AS   js in Jung, 1940; and Marcus xmuss·»¤ sn. r·¤¤·¤» HM ·]=¤2¤·¤S hm} '·*'?‘F*}.{l‘“·   ~¥‘l**’,*‘§‘.,“"‘°§}‘.¥}‘· - ¥
KY-: Fmt  idwine ’19 Wim;1·;4;·st5;· Ky, \\`21tS¤>u. 1431* Hudwm St., (hxcugn, 11I.. ··\\\>ll|l§l eg · .1._;` . rxseln align. J?] - t'
m,.,m1_ Ind  v_ * · . ‘ . t. ’ |;uss(·11 }—L Gm~m·;;¤x, ::464 Beec11}v<»<»<1 fiQ1._J1.. _L». F0 K dex-officio member of the coun- <;w.¤·gl» Q\';;s%1i11;:[<£1 Hugx s¤~§_·»·»1i\ 3j[?ml   1512:11 l;l,HnLWHU&.i i;x]¤t}¤_m:;n.Ar}];¤;»¤g
~ 1 .    1; .·.,.’·W ··l" N`- ·   ~‘· ¢-· _-~· .
Ehnil  SI lm muum Its.; C (`]2ll1€ll('t* \\hmmm Hume. Stearns. ky.: ; ·
nville. 'I`·&¤m  *"l"—"_' mm-,m (*.,1.1) .x¤—mi$ze;ul, 205 Clnurvh DW"] M*“Z""€ ‘]"‘“?S· “"“"’:]"h“ ‘m‘“"S* i ·
V,. I  ,·_ , J _. ,1 _ _ . ~, .0.. Alxhuxry I’1ke. Lexnngzznu. Ixylz Jmm H. ,
xy-   I • • bt., AuslL\1lIe,_ l,e11u..`.}.m1»:>4 ]·l(1{1.a,;.11{ Julmsun (MVR I J_ Thddx 101 W“_ i
Maud A `     HNL hb". Arlmgumj L,UmmIm>.` ( ` `·. ini kinson SL. I"l`2lllkf\>l`t. Ky.: Dorothy Ruth `
;y1¤¤'l§i§:|¤  Harlan NIMH, U¤=*>*€‘m“‘*‘ *`*‘€-~ *3**%, 5..1uNm (Mm, (ileun Crunk)   Maple ¥ ¤
"`·· -n .9 ~V ' \·]H?* 'l,mm;:_ (`Fmige fix'.     Q Crest (`L. Louisville. Ky.; Durntlxy , ‘
, NM —\_  Or I GS 'lh|rd§t__L1;1|1k[l¤\I.k},. lm; H. llwm Q_ U I I _ 1.,0,, \hm_,'_m€_1,\. ASQ —
*1 Kmlem-    G -;< inte (`ullvqe Stuti<~¤l, ks mm Mk_m_ _h.__ S__mH.SQt_ ky; John R V 4
Kim:. H0 E- Em Obtain Certain issues Of the Paul Al. .-\u¤h·;»s, .153}-DQ }C.]Lt1·{>z1:l\\‘;;i·, li;2?x·¥sT‘;l`h·A;;(;·§·‘1;f lAg§;Wi~>$§1*e}gv  , .
L ·  ` ’ntucki3n Kentguck A 1 5 7l`<>\ed<>. (*.2 NFS. J. N. '}`· {PU VF H “_ ‘ ` , ’ ‘ rl_·'_ _* A   =,"_ `__ .;
, ~ , y Umllu , _ _ ` __ _A . Q mt (}\\9ll }](‘(nll), (.u11¤—1 (l!1[)<[lLl· .
TETIEE V »Hm·n·¤t » 41 <=¤**<**-* bt-· ·~‘·     —> w Y- I Al ll
—~   ·d C¤mmB¤°€m€““ P“’g”mS· 5° ii·;#;;·~*§·2§;;l,_}"*q~= ,?g§¥;;;g,_}§··*;g;i .‘°§;;r; S¤{};.»¢%§§`é%3e;.mgg¤ Aa-;.,‘§§¥§ius;,’§§. , ;
»»‘_ . , > * . _.. ·   ._ _ U __ _ ·q.» ,_ .
M `I0 have on hand a complete tile Russell DPS (`(_mMS,h (iilnmu H,Qtm})' Lili   J1., <».>4.» Amex
.e; Mh m¤t¤¤·i¤1» Such ¤ me 15 ¤¤ Fi;;;;;· 'l;=;?_;*g_;\};gi;· gp·*“;,1g:;};;;;;,§{;‘* {QQ; _m»(-.1s Lm,·euQ Nm]-. m..¤¤m, V ;
.011  i2 Mable S¤¤1‘<=¤ Of i¤f¤1‘m¤*i¤¤ *0 51;;(g3·g;ggm<{Li;¤¤q__{§i;g,g{,·g_ §5_Yi“~:g· kin E‘fL2-‘{}»‘L-*1*5.f"};£1ZE1§;§&}1$-."§‘f'i’T2 ;
b;€€;lH;_€—   ?A1l1mhi Office and g1`€B,[’,.1y helps izilis lr_($:ik` gljgx 'iml;£_Sh`m_€ bu" Eutlm   Fr;1%§·ej)I‘¥g1u1%   4 I
me the zi keeping the 1`€<>01`dS UD t0 dam '*$‘“¤*‘— _‘;*‘·¥_·']?]{}‘_§"‘Q""{{. S2§]]Q}[ffQQ}L uy.; Lily 1·u¤~»—m¤ mrs. .mmm mmiem.   g
I.] d Jan_   :utl`ibLlCiOHS of any I1umb€1'S of will ag;*°R}}3;hil‘_,}:1];‘6'U " ' Midway. Ky. : ·(1);l`ll$ i\l1hl'€i)' Prmlg: 223} -
18  ;; Ae above publications to me mum- ·* ·   " mm ‘_ §§§f‘*;E§§;)l;‘ ·111   j3§—‘—g;>‘—g§}3;;3g;2g * ;§;>‘1 1
Jr #2g_   Ofice will be Sip-C€1`€lY 3PPI`€' ,}*"¥f"}`t ;§‘;""{‘;· _‘1fI1l_<“‘w3\,i}l*‘g};;:§;!{ <’=(··»¤·gL» tmzlmui. J1-., 1510 \\`s>:e1*iso11." »- _   Y
rsekcr ,33 ·    _Sa1ym·s, Ammm Assoc1at10n, ¥·¤‘·>w¤L· —?·’_‘_*}<*·‘@*.·__I_ji;Q‘*[:‘;~l_d€n; Tl!-4 1211011:11}:111 1:u.. hmmm. N. C.: i
L , · YUVE1'Sity 0f Kentucky, Lexington, lIf;!:¥Tlt %éK_l_!`l¥  ]<{];A:l N`·Y_?`Ed\.u;é IW¤>1‘¤>Ih)' éyeuw Seller; (IIE;.   KI. ,=
PIEUEUCRY. C|;1i1·;= iiwn·£;0, Liv¢·r111·»1·`0, Ky.: C`z{1‘- (Con lnugd Cn age our .

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 ;_  ll   ClZIV€ Gm GTS O UlTll’II SSOCICllZlOfl j{g3;l1S{;jyl~‘g»j]]1lllcillgg', 1i1i _¤__ \o
  11 KBHIE], which gives 31]] the news Of 3. llmlll O C6 -— ia ES- & ·1€SS&S 0 lF}'lll£‘,`l{)'.Z l{ailu·rine G. .lll1iv`.s“]1.l6"w‘ "'
.  1   1, the Campus and contains an your classmates, mf01mat10n about   _ blk qliilllflllllx 1 blouse, yen "y_11,]£
    especially written column of news all athletic events, other University 111.·1111_1_]11.1*]1:]s` lA]]11111;xvgll 11gt»r_i·, rag];  R
 ii   about alumni and alumni activities. activities. and COODEIRUOD- m local liom l·illll~,* von Claiiip;l:`::%l§l]ll1»l\,1]`
 .,1 1 . . . . _ . . alumnl WO]·k_ l.’;ulu<·ah, Ky.; llorace Hunt 1,- ' lil', __
 { ,1 ,   1 As an active member you also} Receive thfé satisfaction tl] a 1;   N1ui1,i1,,i1pu,.]1 1.11.]:18101, 1111:  
  ‘ li Rgceive me Kentucky A1¤¤¤¤¤s comes from helping to advance ths .i·2.]'2£$(i`sltlclillliiiiiilllillliiin  h`1"ll`"H‘ M
_  L   published quarterly,. and other ma- best inter-est; of you1· University, A1_iu»1u·11_ Minor-, i]·,,y,,€ `1g1,1Q}_;1.§11l.l"’B*`°
 _; 1 . 1 terial containing interesting and Why not Send in the blank below ll ]·1l1]]1l1l1·l]; 1]]] 1] 1 ·· €· ·
  1 timely news. today and become an active mem- ,,,,, S, s Y1sl,]i111Q'1]l"1Q'Q}"."*1·.1§*"’*1H=¤¤n= 
t.· · , .. . . . __··__*·_——v- . ,.. *.1 ·
la; E Have the right to participate in ber of the Association. Dues are Jr., ..<·.. li. \\alnui st., .i·ri¤n-;i.»nI`  um
,~ · i · ·. · · . Granville Joaepii typ . ,11 s ., l. ml-?
, 1 , alumni affairs, vote for association only one dollai. 11.11 ,. . . A ~l··l¤ , -lu il. lic-
 1] 1 1.1]].in]1`L,11l]tilll1l11ll, $.1 Jllllles N. Llxvens
  l 3  •~.o~·¢-e 4..,.4-4-:·~r~l· ];·k]] .4· ] uthil lt ; YU., Klkltlllltlllll  yl
 i. V ; #-. I ·· H»·i ·l,. -..,t
A   l`   J1 l • • • · 11111 Sl],]]]§gyvlplirl,   lulrliiiliixiy]i)Ui.€¥'l 
-;· ;~ —— —~—-—» ~- . _ _ (ls. l l$l|`l‘lS*I lvzll   `V
  .i or Alumm Association Membership Blank A   »....   Ki.-T‘§‘·,,.,,,,,l,;,l1;;11]11]
  * E l UNIVERSITY or KI:N·1·UoKY, Lnxmoron l.lZ{"¥’*],.f{;,,.”·,Efl$’“{.{5{Q‘l “§g.,f·*,·, ·’>=·¤·.
  —¤ _ . . . _   ·    . ;.•iiigl_.
1;] ·l l To the Alumni Oflice: Enclosed is remittance to covci: 1   $$1;]] (fl"? -********1 Mice, 316
2 _ 11 r` ( , A*.'lll{.'{lUll, {y_; FU]-es
` ~ -` ( ) Alumni Dues for 1937-38 .......................... $1.00 l §"I°* @1** "l Old l‘l*l`i Inn, llarrmis
sg .1 _ _ t l»ul·i.:, hy.: Joseph Hamilton Sun tl
. _; l This amount makes you an active member entitled to l ll1"Q¤‘]§*l] 1{;’**S?l€1lll¤1l=l]l1Hosniial,  
  . . . . . .. .. tz; i. ar; .• L Ta: .` '
j 1; 1 all privileges, including the weekly alumni edition of The l l_n-mans. La.; snn·ntu·ea(  uslééiscg 
* .; ij t Kentuckv Kernel, during the regular school vear. Ql‘1‘jl1l1{__]?‘-·,]l‘ l‘1lEl{ Alumni mma out ...................................... $—— —— • lit.? ‘LY"‘¥f‘f}¤i,1§$" ;l· Y- ‘§§"· rm Ol 
A `E ` ,, . . . . . .   . *3 _ 2 ·` *· ·“lll*¤¤‘ igh School
    1 lhis is your contribution to the Association and the lgQ{l’l"’1§‘(]]11;]l) 1l1]1]]n11]_]]sts., 1v.]·ingl¤¤' ,
1 . . , . . .   4 · I iam.; *3 ·
_   University for extension and development of alumni activi- ·]>3l