xt7prr1pgt0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pgt0f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1894-02-jun6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1894-02-jun6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1894-02-jun6. 1894 1894-02-jun6. 2011 true xt7prr1pgt0f section xt7prr1pgt0f 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5, 1894-page 117-118

COMMITTEE on - Ex. Com. Vacancies & etc.

     On motion the chairman appointed Messrs. Riddle,
Johnston, and James to make nominations for the Executive
Committee, filling of vacancies, Business Agent, and


     On motion ordered that Messrs. Buell, Peak, and Wilson,
be appointed to examine the accounts of the Business Agent
and Treasurer.

     The Board then adjourned to meet June 6th, at 10
A. M.

     Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met in
the Presidents room at 10 A. M. June 6th.

Present,            Messrs. Johnston
                             Dr. Sp-rLr,
                             R. A. Spurr
                             Patterson &

     On motion of Dr. Spurr, Dr. Clardy was made chairman
protempore, Gen'1l. Buell being late.

     The minutes of the previous dayts proceedings were
read and approved.


MI1NUTES OF TEIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 5,1894 -page 118-119

    On motion the following Report of committee consisting
of Messrs. Riddle, R. A. Spurr, and Johnston was adopted:

PHYSICS, Chair of, established.

     t Your Committee respectfully report that they have
considered the question of establishing a separate chair for
the Department of Physics and concur in the recommendation
of the President and Prof. Nelson, that the same be
established, and that Prof. W. L. Pence be appointed
Prof. of Physics.t"

BUSINESS, Order of.

     On motion of Mr. Gooding the Board adopted the

     Order of Business of the Board of Trustees Viz:

 1    Calling the roll.
 2    Reading minutes of the Executive Committee and the Fanulty.
 3     Reading President's Report.
 4    Reference of President's and accompanying Reports
      to appropriate Committees.
5    Appropriations for the ensuing year
             (a) Salaries of Professors
             (b)    It     " other employees
             (c) Expenditures for general administration
             (d) Appropriations for Departments.
6     Appointment of Committee to nominate
             (a) Executive Committee,
             (b) Business Agent,
             (c) Treasurer
             (d)  Secretary
             (e) To fill vacancies -on the Board
             (f) To examine and report upon the Treasurerts
                  Report and Report of the Business Agent.
7    Reports of Committees in the order of their appointment.
8     Propositions and grievances
9    Unfinished business,
10   The ordinary forms of Parlimentary procedure shall
      be observed in the transaction of business."


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 5, 1894 -page 119-120

     On motion the following Report of committee consisting
Messrs. Riddle, Johnston, and James was adopted:

     " The Committee appointed to recommend suitable persons
to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees and nominate
the Executive Committee, respectfully recommend the
following persons.


     Hon. J. R. Hindman of Adair Co. to fill the vacancy
in the Eleventh District to succeed Judge W. B. Kinkead, and
Hon. Thomas H. Hines of Franklin Co. in the Seventh District
to succeed W. L. Davis of Bourbon.


     And recommend the following Executive Committee:
Dr. R. J. Spurr of Fayette Co. J. T. Gathright of Jefferson,
Judge Robert Riddle of Estill, R. A. Spurr of Fayette and,
D. H. James of Fayette, and further recommend that Dr. R.
J. Spurr be appointed Chairman of the Executive Committee.

BUSINESS AGENT,& Treasurer, Blected.

     We further recommend that Prof . J. G. White be appointed
Business Agent and that Maj. R. S. Bullock be appointed

     On motion the following Report of Committee consisting
of Messrs. J. T. Gathright, Phil. Bird, and A. P.
Gooding was adopted:


                             To  Lexington, Ky. June 6, 1894
   To the Board of Trustees
   Your committee to whom was referred the duty of
inquiring into and reporting the facts concerning the
connection existing between the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky and the Lexington Business College boeg
to report that it met with the principal officers bf these


MINUTES OF THE BOLRD OF TRUSTEES, June 5,1894 -page 120-121

two institutions and after careful inquiry find the
following to be the facts referred to.

     Soon after the separation of the A. & M. College from
the Kentucky University and its establishment as a separate
College an effort was made to make Book-keeping in all its
branches, one of the Departments of the A. & M. College and
to this end a competent Professor was employed. But after
several year's trial it was found that not enough students
wanted to take this course to justify its continuance as a
separate branch. it was then taught in connection with other
branches by one of the Professors who owing to the limited
number of students and limited accomodation in the buildings
and resources of the college could give but one hour a day
to this branch of education. About this time a gentleman
who proposed opening a Business College in Lexington made
to the Executive Cormnittee of this Board a proposition which
was accepted on January the 11, 1889, and the order of the
Committee entered in accord therewith, and which was after-
wards approved by the Board of Trustees.

     Under this proposition the branches relating to business
taught by the gentleman making the proposition were to be
recognized as a Department of the State College, but the
College was not to be responsible for the maintenance of
this Department, beyond the payment of a limited sum, which
entitled the students of the State College to free tuition
in this Department in Book-keeping, Commercial law, banking
& etc. Further provision was made that any student of the
State College could take any or all the technical branches
taught in this Department at two thirds of the regular
charges, and also that the students of this Department
should have the right to take any of the branches taught
in the College upon the payment of two thirds the regular
tuition charges. It was further provided that the students
of this Department should be amicable to the regulations and
discipline of the College. The whole arrangement to be
terminated upon three monthts notice given by either
party to the agreement.



    When the Dresent Lexington Business College was
organized its charter gave it authority to buy out and pay
for, by an issue of its stock, the interest of the gentle-
man who owned and had operated this Department, together
with its effects and good will. The A. & M. College owned
no interest in this Department beyond having the contract
existing with it carried out. Nor did anyone connected
with the State A. & M. College have any interest therein,
the entire Department belonging to one man who sold and
transferred his entire interest to the Lexington Business
College, and along with his other assets was the agreement
with the Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College for the
teaching of its students in Book-keeping & etc. free of
charge to the students and under such terms as made the
teaching of these branches much less expensive to the
A. & M. College than if they had been taught in the
College itself, especially in view of the want of room
in the A. & M. College buildings, which want still

     The connection of the President of the College with
the management of the Lexington Business College having
been made the subject of special criticism, your committee,
made inquiry into this as a part of their duty and find
that with much reluctance the President took two shares
of the Business College stock, this qualified him to act
as director of that College by which he would be enabled
to know its full workings and whether the students
from the A, & M. College were receiving what the
contract contemplated. It was eminently proper for some
representative of the A. & M. College to be connected in
this way with the Business College and we find no fault
therewith but on the contrary approve same.



    Your committee respectfully ask that in view of the
many misleading publications in the newspapers of the
State concerning this matter, that this Report be incorpo-
rated in the next Report to the General Assembly.

     For the detailed statement and terms of the agreement,
which it is not necessary to report in full here, youp-are
referred to pages 70 and 71 of the book issued in 1890 by
             Geo. B. Kinkead, entitled " Legislation
Federal and State in relation to the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky and regulations
governing same."

ACCOUNTS OF BUSINESS AGENT and Treasurer, examined.

     General Buell presented the Report of the committees
examination of the accounts of the Business Agent and
Treasurer as follows:

     " We have examined this account of Treasurer in
comparison with the account of the Business Agent of the
A. & M. College for the year from June 1, 1893, to June
1, 1894. We find them to agree with each other and to
be accurate. The checks constituting the vouchers to
the account are left in the hands of the Treasurer to be
preserved in the Bank vaults."

On motion the Report was adopted.



     On motion the following Report of Committee consisting
of Messrs. Buell, Patterson, and Bird was adopted:

     t The committee appointed to propose suitable
expression of the character and service, of the late Prof.
Helveti, submit the following resolutions for the consider-
ation of the Board.

     Whereas, F. M. Helveti, Professor of Modern Languages
in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
departed this life April 25th, 1894.

PROF. HELVETI, Resolutions of respect to.

     Resolved that the Board of Trustees in recognition
of his long and valuable service bear willing testimony to
his ability, his scholarship, his capacity to instruct, his
diligence and his devotion to his work, and record herewith
their sense of the loss which the institution has sustained
by his death."

     On motion of Dr. Spurr ordered that the Board adjourn
at 12 oclock to visit in a body, the Mechanical Hall.

COMMITTEE On division of Federal and State funds.

     On motion of Judge Johnston ordered that a committee,
(upon which the chairman appointed Judge Johnston, Col.
Gathright and Maj. Bird) be appointed to investigate and
report as to whether or not the State and Federal funds
are each charged their fair legal proportion of the
expenses of administration, and if not to recommend to this
Board such an apportionment.




     On motion of President Patterson, Prof. Shackleford
was reelected to fill the office of Vice President,, for
the next two years.

COMMITTEE ON RULES for Board & Ex. Comr.

     Col. Gathright offered the following resolution which
was adopted: viz.

     Resolved that a committee of three be appointed by the
chairman for the purpose of preparing and reporting suitable
regulations and rules for the government of the meetings of
the Board and the guidance of the Executive Committee and
that said Committee report at the meeting of the Board in
December next.


     Messrs. Gathright, James and Buell were appointed.
An invitation, to the Board of Trustees., was received, from
the Principal of the Lexington Business College, to visit
the College. The invitation was accepted and the thanks
of the Board voted to Prof. Calhoun.

     On motion the following communication was referred to
the committee on salaries.

PROF. SCOVELL, Salary of.

                           " Lexington, Ky. June 5, 1894

     To the Board of Trustees.

Gentlemen: -

          At the last meeting of your Board, the sum of one
hundred and sixty dollars ($160) was added to my salary in
lieu of prequisites heretofore granted. For the five months
since January lst. last, the expenditures economically made
under this allowance, have amounted to within a few cents of
one hundred and eighteen dollars ($118) from this I believe
that it will take between $250 and $300 to make the



the purchases heretofore granted as prequisites.  I make
this statement under the impression, that a reduction of
salary was riot intedded, by the Board at its last

                               Very respectfully

                               M. A. Scotell,"


     President Patterson called attention to the fact that
the result of the workings of the Athletic Association and
the Greek letter societies is not satisfactory and not con-
ducive to the best interests of the institution, and offered
the following resolution: viz. That no Academy student
or Normal Student below the rank of Freshman shall be a
member or play as a substitute in any team that receives
instruction under a professional trainer, that gives a
challenge to or entertains a challenge from, any foreign
team, or plays elsewhere than on the College grounds.

     On motion Board adjourned to meet 2:30 P. M.

     Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met at
2:30 P. M. in the Presidents room.

Present               Messrs.Johnston
                             Dr. Spurr
                             R. A. Spurr
                             Clardy &

Dr. Dlardy, Chrm.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6,1894 -page 126-127

COMMITTEE On Athletic Association.

     On motion ordered. that the resolution offered in the
forenoon relative to the Athletic Association be referred
to a committee, whereupon the Chairman appointed the
following committee viz: Messrs. Johnston, Riddle and Dr.

GRADUATES, Degrees authorized.

     On motion ordered that authority be given to the
President to confer upon the following students the degrees
indicated respectively in connection with their names.

Edwin Chesterfield Aulick
Edward Brand
James Morrison Hays,
Mattison Boyd Jones,
Carlton Coleman Curtis,
Emma Rosetta Griffing,
Leonard Samuel Hughes,
Benjamin Christopher Keiser,
Nina Pearl Oots,
Lillie Kroesing,
Katherine Shelby,
Hattie Hocker Warner,
John Theodore Faig,
Ulysses Anderson Garred,
Nathan Alexander Newton,
Albert Clift Norman,
George Dickie Bradshaw,
Dora Sledd
William Clay Trigg
Leroy Land

B. A.
B. A.
B. A.
Be A.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. S.
B. M. E.
B. M. E.
B. M. E.
B. M. E.
B. Ped.
B. Ped.
C. E.
Vet. Sci.


     On motion ordered that authority be granted to the
President to confer upon Judge Pryor of Frankfort the degree
of 11 Doctor of Laws."


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6,1894 -page 127-128

TWO HORSES, Army Officer.

     On motion of Judge Johnston ordered that commutations
for two horses be allowed to the officer to be detailed from
the Army, and that the Executive committee be authorized
to fix the money equivalent of the commutations for two

HOUSE, Commandant s to be repaired.

     On motion of General Buell ordered that the sum of
$800.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated
and put at the discretion of the Executive Committee for
repairing and furnishing the Commandants house.

     On motion ordered that the following appropriations
upon the recommendations of Prof. Scovell be allowed:

EXPERIMENT STATION, Appropriations for.

     lat.  $15000, the Government appropriation for the
purposes as laid down in section 2nd. of the bill.

     2nd. The funds accruing from the Fertilizer Law in
accordance with section 6th of the same, estimated at between
$3000, and $4000.

     Out of these funds I ask $500, additional for Dairy
House and equipment which with the $1500 already asked,
makes $2000. $1000 for an Insectory. $2000 for a
Propagating house for Prof. Mathews.

     For Buildings for Experimental purposes $3000 from
insurance money on barn.

     On motion the following Report of the committee on
salaries was adopted.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6,1894 -page 128-129

SALARY OF DIRECTOR of Experiment Station.

     Resolved 1st. that the Director of the Experiment
Station shall be allowed a gross sum at the rate of
$2750.00 per annum, instead of $2660 as heretofore; and that
the Director be required to pay rent for the house which he
occupies, which shall include the use of an ordinary garden
space and of the orchard which adjoins the said house
at the rate of $300 per annum.

FARM PRODUCTS - how disposed of.

     2nd. All products of the college farm available for
sale shall be reported at suitable times by the Director
of the Experiment Station to the Business Agent for disposi-
tion and shall be delivered upon the agents order when
sold. The proceeds of the sale shall be deposited with
the Treasurer of the College and to be drawn upon
appropriately like other funds of the College.

     Judge Johnston, stated that the committee appointed to
investigate and report whether a fair legal apportionment
exists between the Federal and State funds, had not had
time to prepare a Report.

FEDERAL and State funds, Division of.

     On motion the matter was referred to the Executive
Committee to be reportedby said committee at the December
meeting of the Board.


     Mr. Bird read Prof. Scovell's Report and the committees
Report thereon.

     On motion the report was accepted, After some dis-
cussion in which several members of the Board took part,
Mr. Bird moved that the salary of Mr. Jordan be referred
to a special Committee with Mr. Johnston as chairman.

     On motion of Mr. Gooding, the matter was laid
upon the table.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 6,1894 -page 129-130

OLD REPORTS to be recorded.

     On motion it was ordered that the Report of the
Committee on salaries, which was submitted by General Buell
Dec. 6, 1893, and be recorded in the permanent record

     The Reports referred to will be found to follow
immediately after the minutes of this meeting.

HINDMAN & HINES, notified.

     On motion of Mr. Gooding ordered that Hon. J. R.
Hindman, and Thomas H. Hines be notified by the Secretary
of their election as members of the Board of Trustees.

INSTRUCTORS not members of Athletic Association.

     On motion of Judge Johnston ordered that no Instructor
in any Department of this College shall be a member of any
Athletic association or secret society of which the
students are members.


     On motion ordered that the Executive Committee be
authorized in its discretion to prohibit students in the
Academy or Normal Department below the rank of Freshman
from membership in any team, or from acting as substitutes
therein, that receives instruction under a professional
trainer or that gives a challenge to or entertains a
challenge from any team outside of this institution, or
plays elsewhere than on the college grounds.

SYSTEM FOR paying out funds.

     On motion ordered that the following system, submitted
by committee composed of Messrs. Gathright, James and
Gooding, for the paying out of funds of the College
be adopted:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6,1894 -page 130-131

lst.  No money shall be paid out by the Treasurer
       except upon checks drawn by the Business Agent,
       and made payable to the order of the person
       entitled to receive same, which checks shall be
       countersigned by the President or in his absence
       by the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

2nd. Upon the issuing of each check the Business Agent
      shall take in Duplicate a voucher therefor, which
      voucher and check shall both state upon their faces
      the account to which same shall be charged, and
      when the amount appropriated to any account shall
      have been exhausted no further checks or vouchers
      shall be issued therefor.

3rd.  That the Business Agent shall open in his books
      an account with each of the individuals and De-
      partments for which appropriations have been made,
      and shall keep an accurate account therewith, so
      that at any time he may be able to determine the
      exact amount unexpended on each account.

4th.  It shall be the duty of the Business Agent at
      each meeting of the Executive Committee to report
      with the vouchers therefor the amount expended
      upon each account and the amount remaining to the
      credit of each, together with the total unexpended
      balance, and the total amount expended.

5th.  It shall be the duty of the Treasurer at each
      meeting of the Executive Committee to report the
      total amount expended during the month, amount
      received and balance on hand.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRTUSTEES ,June 6,1894 -page 132-133

    This Report shall be compared with that made by the
    Business Agent and the vouchers therefor, and if there
    be any differeiCe in the amounts reported expended,
    the facts relating to same shall be voted, and the
    difference adjusted.

6th. When the Business Agent makes his Report to the Executive
     Committee he shall retain for his own files one copy
     of each of the vouchers reported.

7th. The Business Agent may, with the approval of the
     President, purchase necessary supplies for immediate
     use and supplies for any Department, upon the requisi-
     tion of the head of that Department with the approval
     of the President, provided the money necessary to pay
     Cor such purchases is to the credit of that Department.

Sth. The Business Agent shall, as soon as the same becomes
     due, draw his drafts upon the Treasurer for the salaries
     of the President, Professors, Assistants, Teachers,
     and all employees of the College including the
     traveling expenses of the members of the Board. Pro-
     vided there is sufficient money on hand to meet same,
     which checks shall be countersigned as provided in
     section 1 and for which he shall take the vouchers
     required by section 2 and make reports thereof
     as required by section 4.


     On motion ordered that the College Regulations page 98
be so modified as to authorize the President of the College
to change the prescribed hours for drill and guard mounting,
so as to adjust those duties in the most convenient manner
to other duties of the College.



BOARD, Members of, qualified.

    The recently appointed members of the Board having been
duly-qualified by taking the oath of office, Resolved,
therefore, that all the business transacted by the Board
since it convened be and is hereby ratified and


     On motion the following resolution was adopted:

BILLS Outstanding, how paid.

     Resolved, that the Business Agent be and he is hereby
authorized to pay all outstanding bills made previous to
this date when approved by the President.

     On motion Board adjourned to June 7th, at 9 A. M.

     The Board of Trustees met 9 A. M. in the Presidents

Present              Messrs. Gathright,
                             Dr. Spurr,
                             R. A. Spurr,
                             Clardy, &

     Dr. Clardy Chairman.

     The minutes of the previous days proceedings were
read and approved.


Missing report(s)