xt7prr1pgs95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pgs95/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1920-13-dec21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-13-dec21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-13-dec21. 1920 1920-13-dec21. 2011 true xt7prr1pgs95 section xt7prr1pgs95 



     Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of thre Board of Trustees,
University of Xentucky, for Tuesday, Deceraber 21, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
quarterly session in the President's office at the Universit3y at the hour
of 12:00 o'clock, noon, Tuesday, December 2.1, 1920.  The following members
were present: Superintendent George Calvin, Commissioner ;;. C. fHanna, Mr.
T. L. Hornsby, Senator H. ir. Froma-%n, captain 3. R. Rash, Mtr. Richard C.
Stoll, Mr. Rainey T. tWells, Mr. Frank hicI1ee, Mr. W. E. Grady, Mr. J. I.
.Lyle.and Mr. P. P. Johnston, Jr.  President Frank L. MoVey and Wallington
Patrick, Secretary of the Board -ere also present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board for Noavember 21, 1920, were
approved as published.   The minutes of the Executive Committee since the
last meeting of She Board wvere approved as published.

     (1) Report of the Business Agent.  The report of the Business Agent
TaS read and ordered filed.

     (2) Report of the President.  President MoVey then submitted to the
Board his quarterly report which weas as follows:

     Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:

     "(a) Attendance. as it is customary to measure an institution
by its student attendance, I am presenting at the opening of this
re:- art the figures for' the first semester.     The enrollment for the
semaenster is given as 1O27.     Of this number there are inithe
    Graduate School .19
    College of Arts and Sciences.          534                - ll+I
    Agriculture.252 to                               2R2
    Engineering .....................    ................ 327      t2
    Law ......74 ....... 74
    Special and short courses.     .     ....................68-
                    Total ......         ....1,2'74              IA C

T).e freshman class is the largest in the history of the institu.
-on and the total enrollment is 20% more than last year at this
t ..ae.  In view of this increase it is desirable to look forvnerd
for t en years to see what the University must face in student at-
tendanoe.   In 1910 the total enrollment of the Univ~rsity in-
cluding all classes of students eras 721 of whom 155 were in the
academy. The total enrollment of the University last year was
1,624.   This year it will approximate 1,800.   Taking the totals
of 1910 and those of 1920 it appears that the enrollment has in-
creased  0O0% in ten years.  If the test of actual residence is
applied the increase has been fully 2o00%.  Meantime high school
graduates have grown from 800 to Z,500 annually.   The conclusion
is inevitable that the University will be called upon to take

a tI,




care of not less than 3,200 atutdenta in 3.930.  Despite the fact
that students wrere turned away the present aiae is crowd-
ing the facilities and placing heavy burdens upon instructors
to meet the demand for instruction.   Additional numbers Si~-
out increased teaching staff and more room must affect detri-
mentally the work of the University.   It appears then if these
figures can be relied upon Fh-at the University must look forward
to doubling of plant and facilities in the next ten years.

     11(b) What this Means.  In order to visualize the University's
needs I have drawn up a list of buildings and equipment that is
required.  It must be taken for granted that such a group of
buildings could not be constructed in a short space of time, but
it is essential that a start should be made at an early date.
The list of equipment suggested p.rtly by Mr. rady-is's follovs:

Central heating and lighting plant ...........
Two! new dormitories for women ...............
Gymnasium for women.
Three new dormitories for men (making total
     of four) ................................
New Arts and Science building (replacing
     Neville Sall and old chemistry building
     and giving old science hall to College
     of LawO)        .......
Steam and Hydraulics Laboratory (do not have
     any now) ................................
New blacksmith shop and foundry (old one
     practically wurn out and oompletbely but
     of date and too small).        ..........
Gymnasium and concrete stadium (have no
     stadium now and old gymnasium utterly in-
     adequate and worn out).
Remodel old gymnasium for other use ..........
Armory (do not have any now) .................
Buy all Negro property adjacent to campus ....
Commons building .............................
Complete Riastlc Mall.
Complete Agricultural building ..............
Domestic Science building .....................
Social Sciences building ....................
Biological Sciences building.
Physics building .............................
Enlarge Library .
A.grioultural engineering building and
     equipment ...............................
Remodel old buildings.
Museum .......................................

$400,000. 00





  100, 000.00
  100,.000 .00
  1.50,000. 00




    Enlarge Mlining Laboratory ................... $ 50,000.00
    Complete left wing of Mechanical Hall
       (Senior and Juhior drafting rooms now
       needed) .........  ...     .      ..         20,000.00
    Shop tor Suiperintendent of Buildings and
       G :ounr...                                   20 000 00
    Farm buil^ ings and equipment         .        200,000.00
    Roads.. waiks, cainus, fenoe, sewers, tele-
        phone-oonduits, lawn mowers, etc.           100,000.00
     Purchase of books to make library a real
        research libray .                            100,000.00
    Hospital and Infirrmary .100,o00.00
          Total ...... 5,190,000.00
          Future use ......................... 1 000 000.00

     (C) Adenuiat.e SuOpOrt,.  Thruout the country there is a gen-
eral recognition of the need for larger support of the state ed-
uoational institutions.   A recent inquiry by the National Asso-
ciation of State Universities shows that many institutions have
been operated with deficits during the past two years, and all
of them. are asking for material increases in their support. . The
per capita cost of University education to this State inclusive
of payments for buildings is approximately 2.0 cents or 1/2 what
it is in Kansas, Illinois and Oh-"a.  On an assessed valuation of
$100 the amount spent for all University purposes including Ox-
periment Station, Extension and buildings for the -ear 1921 is
a cents.  Rowever, it should be remembered that of $630,000 so
appropriated; $?60,000 is for special purposes that cannot be
used for teaching and general maintenance.   One of the marked
developments of the past two years has been the growth of Uni-
Versity activity outside the campus.   New calls for service are
being made that require a greater expenditure of tine on the part
of the Staff and more money to meet the deml.ands.  These calls
ought to be met and so far as S1taff and funds permit they are
met, but the University can look for increasing requests for
service.   In fact great opportunities are open to the University
as never before, but at present the University is a giant bound
and tied for want of larger support.

    "( a) The New  il'ii5 ?rorram.   At this meeting of the Board
bids are to be open.,l. f-Fne the first of four men's dormitories.
The plans are unusually complete and well worked out.   Some com-
plaint has been made by ooni;,raotoors oi Louisville and Cincinnati
regarding the time allowed for the bids.   In the opinion of Mr.
Whipple, nothing would be lost by extending the time and much
might be gained in view of the daily decline of building material
prloes.   I A delay of a month in letting bids, so he thinks, would
have no effect upon tl-1e time required for construction.



   *(e) The Financial Situation.   Frankly, I am disturbed over
the financial situation.   The returns for 1Tovexber -were about
$3,000. less than a year ago anrd it appears from the report of the
auditor that the collections for December will amount to $175,000
as against $207,00) last December.   Judging from the history of
several years the December payments institute the larger payment
of the year.  It appears that the receipts of the year may run
from $30,000 to )4`O4000 below the estimates.  The def icit in all
accounts on June 40, 1920 vwas$117,000 and the University has
borrowed from the banks $175,000 in anticipation of the December
and January pa',-mcnts.  The University defioit is one of long
standing going back over a period of some years.   It, hovrever,
has been difficult to make up the amount from current income.
The University in-oifte has been reduced further by about $10,000
thru the remission of fees to ex-service men.   The legislative
act also called for the housing of such students whichl would ret
quire not less than $100 per man or about $30,000 annually for
three years.   * s doubt exists relative to the application of this
act the Executive Committee suggested to a committee of ex-service
men that they take the matter to the courts to determine the re-
sponsibility of the University.   As a consequence of this act
for which the Legislature made no appropriation, the University
stands to incur an unfounded for expenditure in three years1 time
approximately $120,000.   High costs of materials such as coal,
equipment and labor add to the burden of the University budget.
The only outcome that I can see is a larger support both in in-
come and capital account.

    '(f) New Dev. oment.    The most noticeable feature in this
year's development is in the establishment of the department of
Public Health and Hygiene.   This department i'as made possible by
the appropriation of $11,900 by the Interdepartmental Social Hy-
giene Board to the University.   Against this the University is
to maintain departments and work costing a similar sum.   The new
department now consists of four members; three physicians and a
nurse.   i daily dispensary is maintained, courses are given in
hygiene and examinations are made of all students.    In addition
the department is projecting courses thru the Extension Depart-
ment and cooperating with the Department of Publio Instruction
in carrying out the provisions of the Physical Education Law passed
by the Legislature oj 1920.   The department of Pygiene and Publie
Health finds itself handicapped by the lack of hospital facilities
to take care of students who are ill.   As it is now, the University
sends students to the hospital, who often leave without payment of
their bills.   A system of health insurance with a possible charge
of $3.00 per year for each student would take care of student ill-
ness much more satisfactorily than at presents



    :1(g) Cavalry Unit for Military  epartment.  Since 1863 the
Federal Government has maintained a. military off icer at the Uni-
veisity for the purpose of giving instruction in military tactics.
Since the passage of the Act establishing the R. 0. T. C. the
number of officers has been increased to three and four sergeants.
Besides this group of instructors the Government furnishes arms
and uniforms.  It is willing to establish a cavalry unit here if
the State will furnish stables for the horses costing about
$30,000.  Very little has been done by the University for this
important department and much more could be done if the Univer-
sity's facilities wiere more adequate.  Just recently theGovern-
ment has sent the University $5,000 worth of band instruments.

    "(h) Smith-Hughes Work.   In the Smith-Hughes work the Uni-
versity has been charged with the preparation of teachers for
agriculture, home economics and trades.   This wrork has been go-
ing on in cooperation with the federal and state boards.  The
supervisor of the State Board has raised the question regarding
his authority to inspect, supervise and direct the work of teach-
er-training.  Ss the University is an arm of the State governed
by a body known es the Board of Trustees created by the Legisla-
ture, it cannot permit an outside authority to determine what and
how it shall conduct any of its departments.   It seems to me
that this position is fundamental.   The State Board of Vocational
Education distributes the money entrusted to its care, part of
whioh is used to pay for work created by the federal act and car-
ried on by an agreement made between-the federal government and
the University.   I have set forth the situation in order that the
view point under which I have been acting may be clear to the Board.

    "(i) Agricultural Work.   The agricultural wvork of the Uni-
versity has been proceeding most satisfactor'1-y.  More harrmcray
and better work exists in that division of the University than at
any other time in its history.   The courses have been increased
and the types and kinds of animals on the Experiment Station farm
have been maturely added to.   The Extension work is in better
shape than it has been for a number of years.   Some difficulty
exists with the State Federation of Farm Bureaus due to the con-
tention thct the:Stote Federation is entitled to use members of
the E-tension Staff in e:tending its orgnnization.  This con-
tention has no foundation in lavz and caln have no basis in Yjniver-
sity policy.  The 21xtension Division will cooperate with farmerst
organizations in enterprises for which public funds limited to
eertain uses by legislativc act, may be used.   Wihat that coopera-
tion shall be must be determined by the University based on wise
public policy.   Cooperation with many of the individual County
Farm Bureaus on approved projects of.work has developed to a most
satisfactory degree.   I am bringing to the attention of the Board



a letter addressed to Governor Morrow and by him tra nsmitted to the
University.  This letter calls for certain information based I presume
on the idea that the Extension Division is to make reports to that or-
ganization.  While many changes have taken place in the county agent
staff and the Extension Division, these changes are no greater than
those that have occurred in other states, m d in fact less than many,.
and is to be accounted fcr by the general conditions existing in the

    "(j) Enginering Work.   The appropriation for the purchase of en-
gineering eniiipment has been expended to the extent of $512,000.  The
committee having this matter in charge has done its work well and
the shops arc now being put into shape.  Professor Anderson's recent
visit to-New York City has resulted in the offer of Mir. Wendt, Presi-
dent of the Buffalo Forge Company, to equip a forge shop wilth the very
latest machines and tools.  I have received no official communicatiOn
regarding Mr. WJendt's offer and am unable to communicate the conditions
to the Board.  Without question the addition of such a shop will materi-
ally better the engineering equipment.

     ' (k) Memorial Building.  For nearly two years the Memorial Build-
ing plan has been under way.  About -'0,000 in cash is noii in the hands
of the committee and about 20,000 in subscriptions.   The bond issue
provided by the City of-;Lexington is in the courts at present and an opin-
iOn may be handed down in the next three months.  When requested for a
statement of the County's part in the sum for the Memorial Building the
county judge and tha county attorney staited that it would be necessary to
wait for the action of the Court of Appeals before it could be determined
what the County would do.

     ( "  1) Publication of Monographs.  A year ago the Board of Trustees
voted to create a monographic series for the publication of research
material that might be deemed worthy of printings   Two such publications
have been issued, one the Kentucky Tax Situation by Mr. Simeon E. Le-
land and the other a study of the Farmerst Union Organization by Commo-
dore Fisher.  Both books are worthy of place in the series.   There
arc other evidences of faculty interest in research, such as the for-
mation of a Research Club composed of the men who have done research
work of a notable character since they have left the Graduate School.
The Club norw consists of tv:enty-four members and it vill be its purpose
to Qncourade research in the University.   Many other problems arise in
a University vihich have to do with instruction, discipline, morals and
organization.  For the Purpose of bringing these questions more to the
fore, the University Forum was recently organized to furnish opportunity
for discussion of University matters.



          "In this brief review I have endeavored to bring to your attention
     some of the things that come before us in the University.   It is a big
     organization with far reaching influence that needs our sympathy and
     wisdom.   In closing I cannot but affirm again my appreciation of the
     high character of this Board and the kindly aid and sympathy they have
     extended to me in t'he conduct of the University'.

     ' 2 Bids on Construction of Dormitory.  Mr. Stoll reported te.- the
Board  a"a, a number of bids for the con struction of the new dormitory had
been received.  He also stated thut several business firms had reported that
they bed been unable to secure access tb plans and spedifications on the
building and that they were therefore unable to submit bids.   It was also
stated to the Boatd that the architects, Coolidge and Shattuck, had placed
only siz act -of plans and specifications with the University, and that the
University authorities were therefore unable to comply with recuests of
builders to -place plans and specifications exclusively for their u'se.  In
view of these statements the following motion was made, seconded, and unani-
mously adopted: That all bids be returned unopened to bidders and that a
sufficient number of plans and specifications be furnished for use to enable
ccp.ics to be mrade available to all reputable bidders wvho mh,.hL' wish to sub-
mit bids.   It was also moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that bids
be readvertired to be returned and opened at a mreetint of the Board to be
held on Tuesday, February 1, 1921.

     ()Cndiaates fee Degrees.     The following communication was read from
Ezra L. Giliis, Secretary of the University Senate, with reference. to candi-
dates for degrees.

                                        Deo-,pmber 20, 1920

    The Board of Trustees

         University of Zentucky


         The Senate of the University of Eentucky certifies to yosl that the
    following persons have completed the coursEs of study required for the
    degrees indicated' and. recommends that the same be granted.  College of
    Arts'and Scicnces, :with the degree of Bachclor of Arts: SRuth Phyllis
    fsa4, OsUsar Veirs Petty, Irone Robertson.   Bachelor of Science:  Joseph
    Zeevil Wallingford.   College of Arijculture, With the degree of Bachev
    lor of Science in Agriculture:   William Davis Salmon.  Bachelor of
    Science in home Economics:   Ruth Elizabcth Grcgory,    College of Law.,
    with the degree of Bachclor of Laows;  Ct-o.Velou C     tia, Charles
    Poindexter Z-fabry, aend D. Carl Ross.

                                       Respeactfully submitted

                                             Ezra L. Gillis

Secretary of the Senate



On motion, duly seconded, and unanimously adopted, it was authorized that
the degrees recommended be conferred.

     (5) Installation of Fire Escapes.   The following communication Was
read from M4r. S. ;.l. Steltenkamp, Chief Deputy Auditor for the State Fire
Dep., tmenet of Preventioh and Rates:

                             State of Kentucky
                Department of Fire Prevention and Rates
                             Auditor's Office

                                        November 29, 1920

     President Frank L. MoVey
          University of Kentucky
               Lexington, Eentucky

     Dear Sir:

          On November 23 Mr. 2. R. Brandes made an inspection of the
     University of Kentucky and found that the following orders issued
     by this Department May 17, 1920, had not 'seen complied with:
     (1) Install fire escape on Science Building; (2) Install fire es-
     cape on Neville Hall; (3) Install fire escape on Education Build-
     ing; (4) Correct defective wiring in M1,echanical Hall.  Please see
     that these orders are complied with as soon as possible.

                                         Very truly yours

                                           J. Al. Steltenkamp
                                             Chief Deputy Auditor

     President McVey then read the following oommunicstion which he had ad-
dressed to MIr. Steltenkamp in reply:

                                         December 2, 1920

     M.r . J . It., v telt enkamp
          Department of Yire Prevention and Rates
                Frankfort, Kentucky

     my dear Mr. Steltenkaamp:

          I am acknoworledging receipt 62 your letter regarding the in-
      stallation of fire escapes and correction of defective wiring in
      Mechanioal Hall.

     All of these matters have been placed before the Executive
Committee, and I shall call their attention to your letter when


     ther meet on the 15th of December.  May I say further, that the
     recommendations you have made require an expenditure of money not
     far from $10,000 and the University has no fund which it can use
     for that purpose?

                                        Very truly yours

                                          7rank L. McVey

     On motion, duly seconded, the matter was referred to a committee pre-
viously appointed on this matter, consisting of Sir. WIells and IMr. Grady.

     (6) Polio o tee University with Referc       o.  to          orAa-
izations.  President MoVey presented to the Board of Trustees a communica-
tion from Mr. e. 1l. oods, transmitted by Governor Edwin P. Morrow, to Mr.
Thompson R. Bryant, assistant director of extension, requesting certain de-
tailed information regarding the personnel, expenditures, and. work of the
Extension Division.   The President stated that boiing to the unusual nature
of the request, it was deened advisable to bring the matter to the attention
of the Board of Trustees.

     whereupon a notion was made, seconded, and unanimously adopted as fol-
lows: That the records of the Institution are public records, accessible
to any citizen of the Commonwea.lth; &nd that any authorized. agent of any
organization in the State may consult such records, at any convenient time,
provided that the information desired is not of a confidential nature.

     (7) Cavalry Unit for the Military Department.  The following oommuni-
cations with reference to the establishment of a cavalry unit for the Mili-
tary Department at the University were read and incorporated in the minutes;

                              WJar Department
                       The Adjutant General's Office

                                        October 28, 1920

     President Prank L. UcVev
          University of Kentvck-w
               Lexington, .entucky

     Dear Sir:

          As a result of the recent visit of Captain Pearson Mencher, Cavalry,
     to your Institution, relative to the establishment of a Cavalry Unit of
     the   0. T. C., it is learned that, with the necessary funds avail-
     able for construction of stables and housing facilities for the enlist-
     ed detachment, you would consider the establishment of such a unit ad-



         The War Department considers your Institution as favorably
    located and well suited for the establishment of an R. 0. T. C.
    Cavalry Unit and in order that you may have a definite statement
    to present to the State Legislature, this communication is being
    sent you.

         The obligations of the Afar Department are as follows:  To
    furnish animals, eauipment, attendants, and to maintain the animals
    at publio expense.   The obligations of -,he Institution are to con-
    struct suitable stables, furnish suitable housing facilities to
    the detachment necessary to care for animals and to operate the
    Cavalry Unit under the conditions outlined in S. R. 1lo. 44, i. O.
    T. C., War Department, 1919.

         The action required of the Institution in order that this unit
    may be authorized is as follows:  to submit application on the;.pre-
    scribed form, together with plans and data on the stables, housing
    facilities for the detachment, and drill grounds, to the War De-
    partment for approval.

                                       Very truly yours

                                             P. C. Harris
                                               The Adjutant General
                                                              Ad U.

                                        Lexington, Kentucky
                                             November 4, 1920

    Adjutant GeneralTs Office
         Far Department
              Washington, D. C.


          I am acknowledging receipt of your letter under date of Octo-
     ber 28 regarding the establishment of the Cavalry Unit at the Uni-
     versity ox Xontuoky.   I note the requirements which the War De-
     partmcnt expects the University to meet. The matter swill be pre-
     sented to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees for their

                                        Very truly yours

                                            Frank L. McVey

     Whereupon, on motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously adopted the
matter was referred to the Legislative Committee of the Board for consid-


1 1.

     (8) Communication from Mr. _. I.!Sherffius relative to d       granted
Mr. P. P. Van der Tatt and 'r. V. F. Olivier.   Communications were read
from Mr. W. H. Scherffius, of the Department of ?.griculture, Pretoria, South
Africap making certain criticisms regarding degrees granted Mr. P. _. Van
der Watt and Mr. V. F. Olivier at the close of the second semester of the
sohol year 1919-1920.    President MeVey read Communications from the Regisn
tra  and his own reply to Mr. Soherffius regarding the matter, explaining
bthat the men were not granted degrees in agriculture; but in the College of
Arts asnd Sciences and giving the grounds on which the degrees in question
were granted.   Whereupon a motion wis made, seconded, and unanimously
adopted approving the action of the President in the matter.

     (9) Appointments.  The following recommendations for appointments were
made by President lMeVey and upon motion, duly seconded, approved as recom-

     Appointment of Miss Helen Hirriman as field agent in clothing, Exten-
sion Division, at a salary of $,20oo a year, effective November 29, 1920.

     Appointment of Mr. F. J. Xeilholz as assistant editor in the section
of public information, Extension Division, at a salary of $1,800 a year,
effective December 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Miss Matgaret Whittemore as state leader of home demon-
stration agents, E:.tension Division, at a salary of $2,500 a year, effective
November 29, 1920.

     Appointment of Miss Linda Lancaster as clerk in the Department of Ento-
mology and Botany, Experiment Station, at a salary of $65 a month, effective
November 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Miss Daisy Jordon ts stenographer in the Stenographic
Bureau at a salary of $,75 a month, effective November z6, 1920.

     Appointment of Mliss Margaret Bailey as cataloger in the University
Library, at a salary of $90 a month, effective February 1, 1920.

     Appointment of Miss Mary 3ronston as clerk in the Department of Animal
Husbandry at a salary of $65 e month, effective December 13, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Joyce Syler as home demonstration
agent, McCreary County, Kentucky, for a period of twelve months, at a salary
of $125 a month, effective December 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Donald W. Martin, assistant county agent,
Jefferson iCounty, Kentucky, for a period of six months, at a salary of
$133 1/3 a month, effective December 1, 1920.

     Appointmcnt ol A. 0. Bate, county adent, MuC.. ry Cvunty, XCautucky, for
a period of 12 months, at Es sal,.ry of $175 a imonth, cifoctive Octuber 25, 1920.



     Continuation of employment of J. C. GentryJ county agent, Mercer County,
Kentucky) for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $191 2/i3 a month,
effective October 1, 1920

     Apjointmcnt of G. C. Routt, county agent, Carroll County, Kentucky,
a r-riod of 1 7/10 months, at a salary of $200 a month, effective November
9, .920.

     Appointment of Herman Carman as assistant county agent, Logan County,
Kentucky, for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $125 a month, ef-
fective November 15, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. G. C. Baker as county agent, Lawrence
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $}';5 a month, for a period of twelve months,
effective January 1, 1921.

     Continuation of employment of Robert Spence, county agent, Mqdison
County, Kentuoky, at a salary of $216 2/3 a month, for a period of nine
months, effective October 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of GordonB. Nance, county agent, Oldham
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $183 1/3 a month, for a period of eleven
and one-half months, effective December 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of ri. R. Whitlow as county agent, Logan
County, KEntucky, for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $191 2/3 a
month, effective January 1, 1021.

     Continuation of employment of Everette Randall as club agent, Powell
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $135 a month, for a period of six months,
effective July 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Laura Spence as home demonstration
agent, LIaurel County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period
of seven months, effective December 1, 1920.

     Transfer and continuation of employment of John R. Spencer as assistant
county agernt; Dz~viess County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, effec-
tive November 21, 1920, for a period of seven months and nine days.    Trans-
ferred from Hart County to Deviess County.

     Appointment of Miss Teressa Buchignani as secretary to the President
at a salary of $1,600 a year, effective January 1, 1921.    Miss Buchignani
is a graduate of the University of Kentucky With the degree of A. B.    She
was for sometime secretary to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

     hppoointment of Mrs., Maude Steolo as acting horo demonstration agovt, Liv-
 ngstor. County; Kcizitucky at a   raar4 of $835.-  moninh', for a" por oal of ono month
 ofefcctivo Dccmber6 l, 1920'

     Appointment of S. W. Anderson as assistant county agent, Marion County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $133 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, ef-
fective November 24,- 1920.



    Appointment of J. lW.e Farmer as county agent, Knox County, Kentucky, at
a salary of $105 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective November
5, 1920.

     (10) Resignations.  The following resignations were reported by Presi-
dent MoVey dnd formally approved by the Board:

     Resigniation of Miss Pauliae Klaren, secretary to the President, effective
DectJ;_,er 1, 1950.

     Resignation of Mr. Charles A. Mosgrove, field agent in junior club work,
effective December 20, 1920.   Mr. Mosgrove leaves to engage in farming.