xt7prr1pgs70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7prr1pgs70/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1953-02-mar20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-02-mar20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-02-mar20-ec. 1953 1953-02-mar20-ec. 2011 true xt7prr1pgs70 section xt7prr1pgs70 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, March 20, 1953.

       The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the Presi-
dent' s Office at 10:30 a. m., Friday, March 20, 1953. The following members
were present: Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; J. C. Everett, H. D. Palmore,
Harper Gatton and Robert P. Hobson. President H. L. Donovan and Secretary
Frank D. Peterson were also present.

      A. Approval of Minutes.

      On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Executive
Committee of February 20, 1953, were read and approved.

      B. Men' s Dormitory Plans Reviewed.

      President Donovan stated that Mr. John F. Wilson and Mr. S. G. Hagan
were present to submit the revised plan for the Men, s Dormitory.

      Mr. Wilson submitted the plans to members of the Executive Committee
and stated that the specifications were not completed and that the plans would
have to be submitted to the State Board of Health and State Fire Marshal for ap-
proval. Members of the Committee reviewed the plans submitted.

      Mr. John F. Wilson submitted the following letter to President Donovan
which he requested read to the members of the Committee:

      19 53

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky        Re: Residence Hall for Men - Rose St.
      Lexington, Kentucky

      Dear Dr. Donovan.

      As you made a reference in one of your recent letters to the point of
      perhaps discussing any possible adjustment in our contract at comple-
      tion of the work, we are now practically complete with exception to

          1.) a minor coordination on the plans,

          2.) completion of the specifications,

3. ) approval by State Agencies.



       We, in good faith, have worked long and diligently in performance
       of this task assigned to us; and while our contract has a limitation
       of 4, 000 hours, we will, upon completion, have expended some
       5,440 hours, or an excess of 1,440 hours.

       This adjustment, if you can see your way clear to do so, will
       amount to an increase in our contract at $ 3. 75 per hour in the
       amount of $ 5,400. 00.

       It must be remembered that you are paying us barely in excess
       of $ 4. 00 per hour, whereas we are paying a scale from $ 3. 00 to
       $ 5. 00 per hour, plus overhead at 1007o.

       The justification for this discussion with you is due to the fact that
       all of our over-run was due to two things -

          First, our subs - our structural designer, for instance -
          required a little more than double the amount of time he
          originally estimated to us. In this respect it is to be noted:
          in the interest of the Owner our structural engineer has de-
          signed for you a completely new and revolutionary system of
          structural work which eliminates all floor beams throughout
          all areas at all levels and has avoided the use of any capitols
          on the columns, which will save you some $ 65, 000. 00 to
          $ 85, 000. 00 in structural work alone.

          Second,it was our original intention, as you may recall, to re-
          design such portions of the work as may become necessary
          in order to supplement the present working drawings; but we
          soon discovered that it would be to the best interest of the
          Owner to redesign the entire project, i. e. , every sheet and
          every detail of the work.

       While we are not demanding that you make this adjustment in our con-
       tract, we believe that it would be both equitable and in the spirit of
       fairness; furthermore, you no doubt would lose nothing in the long run
       in consideration of the intense amount of interest which we will con-
       tinue in the prosecution of the work under any circumstance.

       Sincerely yours,

       (Signed) John F. Wilson

       The Chairman of the Executive Committee advised Mr. Wilson that it
was his thought that the work had not been properly expedited and he did not feel
that Mr. Wilson was in any position to request review of the contract at this
time, and the most important thing he could do was to complete the plans and
specifications and submit them to the University business office for review.
The plans, when accepted, will be submitted to the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, Chicago 4, Illinois.

Some discussion followed, and upon motion duly made, seconded and



carried, the communication from Mr. Wilson was ordered received and filed,
and the plans were accepted, subject to approval by the Comptroller and the
review by Housing and Home Finance Office, Chicago, Illinois.

       Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hagan were excused from the meeting.

       C. Report of the Comptroller.

       The Comptroller made financial report for the period July 1, 1952, through
February 28, 1953.  The report consisted of balance sheet and statement of real-
ized and unrealized income and departmental transactions.  The Comptroller re-
ported that there was nothing unusual about the report, that funds were being
received on schedule, and expenditures were being held within appropriations.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller' s report
was authorized received and filed.

       D. Plans and Specifications for Swimming Pool at Bingham 4-H Club Camp

       President Donovan stated that he had received from Dean Welch notifica-
tion that Mr. Barry Bingham, President of The Courier-Journal and The Louis-
ville Times, had, under date of January 6, 1953, offered to give to the University
the sum of $ 23, 942. 00 to be used for constructing a swimming pool at the Robert
W. Bingham 4-H Memorial Camp in Washington County. He submitted a memo-
randum of specifications and plans showing elevations for a swimming pool, and
stated that the memorandum was for a swimming pool 25' x 60' , whereas it would
be necessary to construct a larger pool, size 30' x 75'.

       President Donovan recommended that plans and specifications be prepared,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President and Comptroller
were authorized to have plans and specifications prepared as soon as possible,
and report to the Board for further action.

       E. Transfer of Parking Fine Funds.

       President Donovan stated that the Comptroller had reported receipts
of $ 3, 776. 00 in the Parking Fines Account. He stated that it had been the cus-
tom to transfer these funds, upon authority of the Executive Committee, to the
Student Loan Fund. He explained that this is a method of controlling parking
on the campus and is not an effort to make money from student parking.  He
recommended that the money in the account be transferred to the Student Loan
Fund where it might be used to benefit worthy and needy students desiring to
borrow funds from the University for the purpose of furthering their education.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of $ 3, 776. 00
was authorized transferred to the Student Loan Fund, and the Comptroller was
directed to make the necessary accounting adjustment.



       F. Kentucky State Federation of Labor School.

       President Donovan stated that the Kentucky Federation of Labor repre-
sentatives had contacted the University some two years ago with the view of holding
a Kentucky State Federation of Labor school at the University.

       The State Federation of Labor representatives, at that time, desired to
lease housing and classroom facilities and pick their own teachers.  This was
not acceptable to the University.  During the current year negotiations have
been renewed, and a plan has been worked out to hold a summer school during
1953. He submitted the following letter from Dean C. C. Carpenter, of the Col-
lege of Commerce:

                                                  March 17, 1953

       President H. L. Donovan
       University of Kentucky

       Dear President Donovan:

       You may wish to report to the Board of Trustees some negotiations
       between the University and the Kentucky State Federation of Labor
       concerning a labor school to be held on the University campus in the
       summer of 1953.

       At a meeting between representatives of the University and the of-
       ficials of the State Federation of Labor it was agreed that a short
       course would be offered July 1Z to 24, 1953, under similar arrange-
       ments to those used with other business and professional groups.
       Students will be housed in the University dormitories and classes
       will be held in a University building, probably in the Euclid Avenue
       Classroom Building.  Meals will be furnished by the Student Union
       Commons and a fee will be collected from the Secretary of the State
       Federation of Labor covering costs of food and housing.

       The subjects to be taught in the School remain to be determined by
       agreement between the University and the Education Department of
       the State Federation.  Some University staff members will act as
       instructors and other specialists will be furnished by the State
       Federation of Labor.  Topics to be studied include labor history,
       public speaking, labor law, collective bargaining, parliamentary law,
       political science and mimeograph techniques.  No University credit
       will be offered for this short course and no additional expenditures
       of funds will be required.  The project will be regarded as a part of
       our programs for adult and professional education involving a large
       group of citizens not now being directly served by the University.

       Sinc erely,

       (Signed) Cecil C. Carpenter, Dean
       College of Commerce



       President Donovan stated that this school would be carried on in the
same manner as other short courses offered by the University from time to

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received
and the action taken approved.

       G. Contract with T. V. A. Approved.

       President Donovan explained that the University had entered into a con-
tract with the Tennessee Valley Authority, under our master contract, for a
study to be made concerning recent labor-management relations in the Paducah,
Kentucky, area.  They read the following letter from Dean C. C. Carpenter,
which explained the problem in more detail:

                                               March 17, 1953

      President H. L. Donovan
      University of Kentucky

      Dear President Donovan:

      You may wish to report to the Board of Trustees an agreement of
      March 1, 1953, which we have entered with the T. V. A. under our
      master contract with that organization to perform research in
      recent labor-management relations in the Paducah, Kentucky, area.

      This study will be conducted under the supervision of Professor
      James W. Martin, Director of the Bureau of Business Research,
      and will include the following elements:

          a. A history of collective bargaining relationships in
             the area.
          b. Current collective bargaining agreements.
          c. Negotiating procedure techniques and characteristics.
          d. Contract administration and grievance procedures.
          e. Scope and orientation of bargaining relationships.
          f. Community interest and activities in labor relations.
          g. Relations of communities to state and federal organiza-
             tions bearing upon labor relations.

      The University agrees to allow the T. V. A. to review any reports
      or documents developed from this study-and will receive from the
      T. V. A. $ 12, 500 as a contribution to the costs of performing the
      research.  The University will make no new cash outlays for this
      project, but will expend the funds received from the T. V. A. to
      employ expert research assistants for a period of about four months.
      Some time will be contributed by Professor Martin in supervising
      and by other employees of the Bureau of Business Research for
      this project. Any balance remaining from the $ 12, 500 contribution
      must be returned to the T. V. A.



       I have recommended this arrangement for performing research be-
       cause it will give our staff valuable experience in a new field of
       investigation and because of the unique importance of the Paducah
       area a?.d its widely publicized labor disturbances. The study will
       be performed with full agreements and cooperation from the labor
       organizations business enterprises and the Paducah Chamber of
       Commerce.    The work will be finished before September 15, 1953,
       and a decision as to the use to be made of the final research docu-
       ment will be reached after it has been reviewed by representatives
       of labor, management and other interested agencies.

       Sinc erely,

       (Signed) Cecil C. Carpenter, Dean
       College of Commerce.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report on the Tennessee
Valley Authority Contract entered into under the master contract was received,
and the action of the President approved.

       H. Agreement withKentuckySeed Improvement Association.

       President Donovan explained that Dean Welch and the Chairman of the Ken-
tucky Seed Improvement Association had worked out a verbal agreement where-
by the work of the Executive Secretary of the Kentucky Seed Improvement Associ-
ation might be done by the Field Agent in Agronomy in the Kentucky Agricultural
Extension Service.  He stated that Mr. B. W. Fortenbery would be shifted to
the Kentucky Agricultural Extension Service staff as a full-time employee and
be assigned to duties that he has had heretofore as executive secretary of the
Kentucky Seed Improvement Association, plus educational activities as an Exten-
sion Agronomist to the extent that time is available from his services to the
Seed Improvement Association. Mr. Fortenbery will continue to have an office
in the Kentucky Seed Improvement Association building, and he will be instructed
to give first priority to services to this organization. He will still look to the
Board of Directors of the Kentucky Seed Improvement Association with reference
to supervision and direction of his seed improvement activities, which will
have to be consistent with the general policy of activities of the Kentucky Exten-
sion Service Workers.

       The Kentucky Seed Improvement Association is to make a grant of funds
to the Agricultural Extension Service to the extent of $ 6, 000. 00 a year, and,
in turn, the Extension organization will provide the services of Mr. Fortenbery
as Execiutive Secretary to the Kentucky Seed Improvement Association.  The
expenses associated with any travel connected with the activities of the Kentucky
Seed Improvement program will be borne by the Kentucky Seed Improvement
As sociation.

       The Kentucky Agricultural Extension Service will pay any travel ex-
penses connected with the Extension program.  On the basis of this arrangement,
the Kentucky Seed Improvement Association will transfer to the Agricultural



Extension Service the sum of $ 2, 000. 00 for the period March 1 to June 30.
Beginning July 1, they will allocate the full amount of $ 6, 000. 00 on a per an-
num basis.

       It was further stated that the by-laws of the Kentucky Seed Improvement
Association would be revised to permit Mr. Fortenber-- -o continue to perform
the duties of the Manager and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Seed Improvement
Association, in addition to his duties as Extension Agronomist for the Kentucky
Agricultural Extension Service.

       President Donovan stated that he and Dean Welch joined in this recommenda-

       Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, ratified and approved the working arrangement
as outlined.

       I. Master of Science in Library Science Authorized.

       President Donovan reported recommendation of the Graduate Faculty,
concurred in by the University Faculty, for authority to grant the professional
degree of Master of Science in Library Science. He recommended that the re-
quest be granted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the degree
of Master of Science in Library Science was authorized.

       J. Regulations Governing Broadcasting Amended.

       President Donovan stated that the Regulations Governing Broadcasting
from the Campus or Other Jurisdiction of the University of Kentucky were approved
several years ago. Experience has shown that certain regulations were not clear-
ly statec that one important item concerning recordings made on the campus by
an outside agency was not specifically covered. He stated that the third
paragraph, designated "3"', has been rewritten to include a statement concern-
ing the maximum proportion of a given program that may consist of campus re-
cordings made by an outside agency. He stated further that 50%is sufficiently
large to encourage radio stations to send the proper equipment and staff to our
campus to record newsworthy events; and is sufficiently small to protect the best
interests of the University. The other changes are attempts to state the regu-
lations more clearly and to avoid certain minor loopholes that are in the present

The revised regulations were read.



        Regulations Governing Broadcasting from the Campus or
             Other Jurisdiction of the University of Kentucky

                         I. General Regulations

       1. No radio station (Am, FM, or Television), network, or other
broadcasting agency is permitted to originate or to carry a live or transcribed
broadcast, to originate a telegraphic report for broadcasting purposes, from
the campus or other jurisdiction of the University, except as the station or other
agency secures a permit from the University' s Radio Director.

       Z. In cases where the contemplated broadcast involves another University
department, the Radio Director shall obtain the approval of the department
head before issuing the permit.  Departments and divisions of the University
are to refuse facilities and cooperation unless a proper permit is shown.

       3. No broadcast of a university activity, with the exception of an athletic
event, may be sponsored.  However, permits may be issued radio stations to
make tape or wire recordings on the University of Kentucky campus for insertion
in regularly scheduled news or agricultural broadcasts that are sponsored.  The
recorded programs must not exceed 50 per cent of the total program content
excluding commercial announcements. Applications for such permits will be
made in accordance with these regulations and with the understanding that the
sponsor must be approved by the University, that the University department in-
volved must endorse the broadcast, and that the inserted program shall not
immediately precede or immediately follow a commercial. No charge will be
made for this type of permit.

       4. No charge will be made for permits for radio programs to be broad-
cast on a purely sustaining basis.

       5. All broadcasts, but more particularly those involving sponsorship,
shall be governed by such additional regulations as may be made by the Radio
Director as a condition of issuing the permits.

       6. The University of Kentucky, through its Radio Director, retains
the right to approve or disapprove all applications and all phases of presentation
on sponsored or sustaining programs originating within its jurisdiction.  This
rule applies when the broadcast represents the activity of a non-university
group, and such a broadcast is subject to the same rules that apply to other
radio originations within the university, s jurisdiction.

       7. Applications for television broadcasts will be considered in the light
of the current situation.  The University at this time commits itself in no way
with respect to charges for any television broadcast, irrespective of whether
the broadcast is sustaining or sponsored.

       8. All requvests for permits and related correspondence should be ad-
dressed to the Director of Radio, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.



       II Regulations Governing Broadcasts of Athletic Contests

       1. Charges for sponsored broadcasts of athletic events will be made as

POWER IN WATTS             FOOTBALL            BASKETBALL            BASEBALL

          250               $ 25                 $10                  $10
        1, 000                 50                  20                   20
        5,000                  75                  30                   30
        50,000                 200                  80                   80

        Stations of powers other than those listed will fall into the next highest

       University of Kentucky baseball games played in Lexington, but off the
immediate campus, will be considered as under the jurisdiction of the University.

       In the case of basketball tournaments the charge per day, or for any part
of a day, shall be the same as the charge for a single basketball game.

       In the case of stations on a state or regional network, or in the case of
FM satellites of AM stations, a charge of ($ 10) ten dollars for each such addi-
tional station will be made. In the event that any of the stations so fed shall
exceed in power the powerof the originating station, the fees paid for the originat-
ing station shall be the amount that the most powerful station on the network
would pay if it were the originating station.  The stations originating the feeds
to such network stations or FM satellites will make all applications for permits
and will pay all fees for the stations they feed.

       Information on broadcasts of a national scope will be furnished upon
application to the Director of Radio.

       2. Checks for the payment of the above fees shall be made to the order
of the University of Kentucky Athletics Association, and mailed with the appli-
cations to the Director of Radio, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

       3. Out-of-state schools playing the University of Kentucky in Lexington
will be guaranteed one radio outlet for use of the radio station or network desig-
nated by the respective visiting schools.  No charge will be made for this
outlet when the visiting school provides a comparable outlet at its home con-
tests with the University of Kentucky.  Unless such a free outlet is provided,
the schedule of fees in Section 1 of this part shall apply.  In the event that
the University of Kentucky does not meet a school on its home grounds, the
single free outlet will still be guaranteed providing the opponent school will
provide a comparable outlet on the same basis when a succeeding game is
scheduled at its home location. In all cases the usual broadcasting permit must
be secured from the University of Kentucky, s Director of Radio and the Uni-
versity of Kentucky broadcasting regulations will be in effect.

       4. Schools wishing to designate radio stations under this rule must
make such designations at least two weeks prior to their games.  In the absence
of such designations the University of Kentucky Radio Director will notify



the proper authority at these schools and if no designations are then made and
no objections raised, the University of Kentucky will exercise its discretion
in allocating permits to stations in the states in whlch the schools are located.

        5. Through its athletic contracts, the University of Kentucky will re-
quire that it be given complete jurisdiction over all broadcasting by or to Ken-
tucky stations that originates at the scene of out-of-state athletic events,
such jurisdiction to include AM, FM, and Television broadcasting, as well
as wire telegraphic or telephonic accounts of the game. At least one such out-
let shall be furnished the University of Kentucky free of charge.

       6. The University of Kentucky will designate the stations to make use of
the outlets provided by the out-of-state schools. Such stations will be selected
on the basis of coverage, listenership, and any other factors deemed relevant
by the University of Kentucky.

       When only a single outlet at an out-of-state school is available to Kentucky
stations, the station designated to use this outlet will be required to feed its
account, without commercials, to all other Kentucky stations requesting it, at
a cost to such stations of no more than the actual additional line charges incurred.
Designated stations will be required to carry the entire event as a simultaneous
live broadcast.

       Stations designated to broadcast out-of-state games will be required to
abide by all applicable University of Kentucky broadcasting rules, as well as
those of the host institution, and will be required to pay to the host institution
whatever fees it may exact in cases where outlets in excess of the one furnished
free are involved,

       7. All Kentucky stations designated by the University of Kentucky to
be outlets at out-of-Kentucky games will be required to secure the usual permits
from the Radio Director of the University of Kentucky, and in the event that such
stations feed one or more additional stations the originating stations will be
responsible for securing the permits of the stations they feed.

       In cases where Kentucky stations receive fees from out-of-state stations,
the originating out-of-state stations will be required to secure the permit.

       The University of Kentucky will charge no broadcasting fees for the
permits issued under the above two paragraphs, but Kentucky stations accepting
such permits will be required to pay whatever fees the out-of-state schools
may elect to charge.

       President Donovan stated that Dean White, of the College of Arts and
Sciencess, the staff of the Department of Radio Arts, and Dr. Leo M. Chamber-
lain, Vice President, concurred in recommendation of the new Regulations, and
he recommended approval.
       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the. regulation govern-
ing broadcasting from the campus or other jurisdiction of the University of Ken-
tucky were approved as quoted above, effective immediately.



       K. Dr. K. 0. Lange to Do Off-Campus Work.

       President Donovan stated that Dr. K. 0. Lange had been requested to
serve as a part-time consultant for the Civilian Personnel Office, Holloman
Air Development Center, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. It was
further explained that Doctor Lange would make trips from time to time as
requested by officials from Washington, DC., or the Holloman Air Develop-
ment Center.

       Dean D. V. Terrell, of the College of Engineering, approved the request
and stated that Doctor Lange? s trips from the campus will not interfere with his
regular duties. Professor E. B. Penrod, head of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, concurred in the request.

      Doctor Donovan stated that this was a very fine compliment to Doctor
Lange and recommended approval. On motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Committee concurred in the recommendation of the President.

      L. Gifts.

                             From: Mr. Barry Bingham, Louisville, Ky. --
                                    Swimming Pool at Bingham 4-H Club Camp.

      President Donovan read the following letter from Mr. Barry Bingham,
president of The Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times, Louisville, Ky.

                      THE COURIER-JOURNAL
                      THE LOUISVILLE TIMES

                          Louisville 2, Ky.

                                                January 6, 1953

      Mr. J. W. Whitehouse
      State Leader 4H Club Work
      Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and
             Home Economics
      University of Kentucky
      Lexington 29, Kentucky

      Dear Mr. Whitehouse:

      We held our monthly meeting today of The Courier-Journal and
      Louisville Times Foundation, and took the occasion to review the
      current financial position of the Foundation' s funds. As a result
      I want to advise you that we will undertake the cost of the swimming
      pool, at the Bingham Camp, as outlined in your memorandum of
      July 10, 1952. I believe we should adopt the reduced scope project



       with recommended substitutes and deletions, which would bring
       the cost to $ 23, 942. Naturally I would b e very glad if any savings
       could be made on this estimate without darnvging the usefulness
       of the project.

       We will undertake to provide approximately $ 10, 000 toward the cost
       of the pool this spring, and will cover the balance of the cost before
       the end of 1953 or at the beginning of 1954. I hope that this ar-
       rangement will make it possible for you to finance the project and
       get it started in time for completion before the summer camp season

       It is my feeling that we might announce this project at the Farm Awards
       Luncheon on February 7. Please let me know if this plan will be
       agreeable to you. I hope we can discuss further details later on.

       With kindest regards,

                                                  Yours sincerely,

                                           (s)    Barry Bingham
                                                  Barry Bingham

       The Committee discussed at length the generosity that made this gift
possible and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, recommended that the
gift of $ 23, 942. 00 be accepted. The members requested President Donovan to
thank Mr. Bingham for the gift.

                               From: Dr. Frank L. McVey--Silver Service.

       Mr. Frank L. McVey, Mrs. James Morris and Mrs. Harry B. Tilton
advise that Dr. Frank L. McVey left a silver service to the University. This
is the silver service which the faculty of the University gave to Dr. Frank L.
and Frances Jewell McVey as a wedding gift in 1925. Doctor McVey did not
specify what use might be made of the silver service.

       Doctor Donovan stated that he had discussed the problem and felt that
the tea service should be placed so as to be of most use to the various social
groups on the campus of the University, and suggested that it be placed in the
custody of Miss Mackie Rasdall, director of the Student Union Building.  He
stated further that the Student Union Building is the center of social affairs on
the campus, and the tea service would be used more frequently there than at any
other place on the campus. He suggested that the University Women' 8 Club, the
Faculty Club, and any other responsible group would be permitted to borrow the
tea service upon assurance that it would be returned in good order to the
Student Union Building as soon as the social affair is over.

       Doctor Donovan stated that this was a very fine and lovely thing that
Doctor McVey had done, and expressed the opinion that wherever the tea service
was used, it would call to memory the fine contribution made to the University
by Dr. Frank L. and Frances Jewell McVey. He recommended that the silver
service be accepted.


       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee authorized
acceptance of the silver service, and requested the President to express the
appreciation of the Committee and the University to the children of the late Dr.
Frank L. McVey, Mr. Frank L. McVey, Mrs. James Morris and Mrs. Harry
B. Tilton.

                              From: Mr. Carol Sax--Check for $ 500. 00.