xt7pnv99980d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv99980d/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1943-06 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), vol. XI, no. 4, June 1943 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), vol. XI, no. 4, June 1943 1943 1943-06 2022 true xt7pnv99980d section xt7pnv99980d  


School big“


. L. lbnovan
y_?f Kentud
n. Kentucky





V Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction

2 —

Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.






Vol. XI June, 1943 No. 4






se ..l the
du ad speci-
ficat .s of education
throué . ,ientucky Revised

Section let .. ..Ck'_y Revised Statutes, provides that the

Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prepare or cause to be
prepared and approved by the State Board of Education regulations
concerning the sanitary and protective construction of public school
buildings. Section 162.070, Kentucky Revised Statutes, requires that
contracts for erecting school buildings and additions thereto shall be
let to responsible bidders on the basis of competitive bids and in ac-

cordance with the plans and specifications prepared under rules and
regulations of the State Board of Education.

In compliance with the statutes above mentioned this bulletin has
been prepared. It brings together important information which should
be observed by all boards of education throughout the Commonwealth
in constructing and repairing school buildings in order that the

health of the children may be protected and that there shall be
secured for them more adequate learning conditions.

Superintendent Public Instruction





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Influence of Church Architecture .......................................................... 204
Early Attempts at State Assistance ...................................................... 205
Henderson’s Manual .......................... 205
Recent Publications ....................... 207

SCHOOLHOUSES ........... .. ....... 208

Purpose 209
The Architect .. ..... 209
Submission of Plans ............. 210
The School‘ Site ...... 211
Plan in General ............................... 212
Administrative Offices 213 '
Elementary School Rooms ........................................................................ 213
High School Rooms 214
Special Rooms 214
Corridors, Entrances and Exits 216
Scuttle 216
Stairways ..... 216
Sanitary Conveniences _. .. ..... 217
Window Shades and Interior Decoration ............................................ 218
Heating and Ventilating 218
Electric Installation 219
Fire Alarms 219
School District Voted Bonds ...... 220
School Revenue Bonds 222
Private Holding Companies 222








I. Introduction. ; S11

-, Public education is a state function, so fixed by the tenth amend-
‘ ment to the Federal Constitution, as one of the unnamed powers
reserved by the states. Each state, in turn, places certain responsibil—
‘,.i ities on the authorities of local units or districts of the state varying


in size and population. In Kentucky there are 261 such districts at
present. The duties and responsibilities placed upon the local authori-
',l. ties in these districts are many and varied. Among others there are

sites and school buildings. No one of these problems may be singled

out as being the most important but each must be considered in the t

l; \ light of the others. The solution of any one of, these problems is de- l

‘ i pendent upon thorough research and investigation, not only in the
particular field but also in all related fields.

This bulletin is concerned with but one of the problems set out :
above, namely, that of providing adequate school grounds and school ‘
buildings. It will be the purpose of this bulletin to trace briefly the

_ l, development of school building architecture in the State of Kentucky f
; and to present a set of standards or minimum requirements in accord-
ance with Section 156.160 of Kentucky Revised Statutes, to govern
, 3 , schoolhouse construction in the State of Kentucky. The latter part of (

problems of finance, personnel management; and of furnishing proper ,

f the bulletin will be given over to a discussion of the work of the l ',

t l\ , Division of School Buildings and Grounds of the State Department of l ‘
,. Education. f
II. The Evolution of School Building Architecture in Kentucky 1


Influence of church architecture. The origin of school building
. architecture in Kentucky is found in church edifices. This is quite
i l natural since the early schools of the state were often held in the com— ’
‘i munity church. As the community grew and the enrollment of the
school increased more attention and thought were given to the plan- '
ning of the school in order that the physical health of the children
i ‘ might be preserved and, as a result, separate log houses fashioned \
largely after the church, were built. However there are today a few ,
instances in the state where schools are still being conducted in church
. buildings, Evidences of the influence of church architecture may also
‘i ,l be seen in many of our modern schools. The belfry and the platform
l l in the teachers’ end of the classroom, both of which are found in many
l ‘ of our schools, are such.



Early attempts at state assistance. A careful study of the annual
reports of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction reveals that
Superintendent R. T. Dillard, in his report for the year 1845, made
first mention of the condition of the school buildings of the state.
Superintendent Dillard decried the general type of architecture em-
ployed and urged that school children be surrounded with conditions
conductive to good health. However, no suggested plans accompanied
his report for this year, which reads in part as follows:1

“The act of last session, requires me to present ‘a plan of School
Houses, and their internal arrangement.’

“From actual observation, there are very few School Houses in
the state, fit for purposes of instruction. One general fault prevails
in all parts—and that is, they are too small, built without taste, and
almost without form, of the most indifferent materials, and very often
on the most ineligible sites—very generally on the public roads, where
the children are permitted to gaze through the little prison windows,
on any one who passes by. Even in wealthy neighborhoods, where
the children at home walk on carpets, and sit on ottomans, the School
Houses are often miserable shanties, not calculated to inspire one gen-
erous thought. Comfort ought to be consulted in the school room,
as well as in the family mansion. Hence, the School House should be
so constructed as to be warm in winter, and cool in summer. The
present plan of School Houses is the very adverse of this—are cold
in winter, and hot in summer. School Houses should be built with
an eye to health, as well as convenience and comfort.” * * *

The next superintendent to touch on the need for better school
buildings in the state was R. Richardson in his report for the year
ending December 31, 1859. In his report for that year Superintendent
Richardson expresses regret at the lack of detailed information at the
State Department of Education concerning the character and con-
dition of the schools of the state. A portion of his report dealing with
schoolhouses follows :2

“A want of proper returns touching the number and condition of
the district school-houses in this state, is one of the greatest defects
in the existing system; and, as far as practicable, this department will
exert its influence, hereafter, to supply it. Full and complete reports
of their various school edifices, classified as to quality and structure,
are made annually in several states where the cause of popular educa-
tion is not more prosperous than in ours. Information on this subject
isvof obvious necessity and importance. It is, of itself, an index point-
ing to the degeneracy or prosperity of the whole system.”

Henderson’s manual. Superintendent H. A. M. Henderson in his
annual report dated October 15, 1872, gave the first detailed state-
ment of the condition of the school buildings in the state. In his
interesting report for thatyear Superintendent Henderson denounced


lReport of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1845, p. 589.
2Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1859, p. 26.





the type of school. building and furniture employed in many of the
school districts at that time and suggested that a hygienic and com-
fortable building could be erected at no greater expense. Superintend-
ent Henderson supplemented his report with a discussion of correct
models for schoolhouses and offered several floor plans and renderings
of the smaller buildings. In 1873 he published a manual of school—
house construction which, as far as can be determined, was the first
publication of its kind put out by the State Department of Education
of Kentucky. Most certainly it constituted a great step forward and
served as a wonderful help to local. boards of education in the planning
of their school buildings.

Excerpts from Superintendent Henderson’s report"2 for 1872

“In my travels through the state the past summer, I have seen
many schoolhouses with not a single window glass in them. Those
who understand the hygienic value of sun-light, in connection with
proper ventilation, will perceive how disastrously the health of the
children confined therein is affected. Many of the school-houses that
I have seen have no seats, except backless ones, are made of slabs or
puncheons, and these so high that the smallest children could not
touch the floor with their feet. Think of the cruelty of confining
tender urchins upon these hard seats, without pedal or spinal support,
for six hours in the day! Nothing but a terror of the ferule or the
birch could keep a little child quiet in such a condition; and to sup-
pose that he studies is just as absurd as to postulate that you could
mature a perfect school bill while empaled upon the inquisitorial
rack. Every one has noticed, who has visited country schools, the
many subterfuges resorted to by children to change places, by going
to get a drink of water, by asking permission to stand by the fire-
place, or to go out. This restlessness is caused by positive pain—

all the more severe to children because of the sensitiveness of their

“Unchinked log houses, in which, upon a cold day, the ink cannot

be kept from freezing, are hardly the places to keep a boy’s blood
warm in his veins. * * *

“Generally the most uncouth place in the neghborhood—some
treeless spot which can raise nothing to eat—is selected as the site
of the school-house. Who has not seen it on a rocky eminence, or
hillock of red clay—without a tree to afford a hospitable shade to
house or playground, without a thrifty—looking shrub near by—with
its bald, bleak, cold or hot, hard, hateful, repellant look, and felt what
cruel mockery he sung, who ‘wished he were a boy again?’ * * *

“I maintain that a tasteful, healthful, and comfortable school-
house can be erected at as little expense as are those ungainly,
life-destroying, education~defeating caricatures that so thickly dot
and deform the state, and tend to defeat the great cause of Popular


Despite Superintendent Henderson’s. efforts for better school-
house planning and construction through the publication and distri-
bution of his manual, he again expressed dissatisfaction with the

3Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1872. p. 25.


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status of the school buildings of the state in his final report made on
June 30, 1879, after eight years of faithful service. He closed this
final report with a strong plea for better schoolhouses, stating, “The
state can compel the building of comfortable schoolhouses, furnished
with seats and desks built upon physiological principles.“
Henderson’s Manual of Kentucky School Architecture continued
in use as a guide to local boards of education for years after the close
of his administration. It would be impossible to begin to estimate the
great influence which this manual had 011 school architecture. As late
as 1887 Superintendent Joseph Desha Pickett referred, to this manual

as follows :5

“The law provides that—
‘When a schoolhouse is to be built the Trustees of the district may
apply to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for specifica-
tions and plans of model school-houses, and the Superintendent
may furnish the same, and the school-house may be built upon
one or the other of the plans furnished—as nearly as the circum-
stances of the district will allow.’——Art. VII, sec. 8. v

“For this purpose, there are on hand at this office several hundred

copies of Henderson’s Manual of Kentucky School Architecture, 136

pages, 8 vo., with numerous plates and plans, and Wlth specifications.”
Recent publications. No further mention is made of school-
houses in the biennial reports of the Superintendents of Public In-
struction until that of Superintendent J. G. Crabbe, for the biennium
ending June 3, 1909. In his report of that date Superintendent

Crabbe lists, among the publications of the Department, a bulletin on

school buildings and grounds. His comments upon this bulletin

follows :6

“There is a great demand among the school officers to furnish
plans for school buildings especially for country school houses. With
great care I have prepared this bulletin containingmodern plans for
one-room school house, a two-room house and a four—room building;
instructions for heating, ventilating, lighting and equipping school

. buildings and for improving and beautifying the buildings and
grounds; suggestions to teachers and boards of education; and a
number of illustrations that will be valuable and helpful. These pages
are not fanciful and theoretical, but entirely practical. Next to the
Scriptures I want you to read this bulletin constantly. We must have
better school houses and we must improve our surroundings. As you

read these pages and reflect, W111 you not begin a local campaign
along this line? Do something this year.”

During Superintendent V. O. Gilbert’s administration (1915-19)
a bulletin on “School Architecture Kentucky” was prepared by J.
Virgil Chapman and Mrs. _V. 0. Gilbert and published by the Depart-
ment of Education. This bulletin of 238 pages contains many illus-
trations and floor plans of school buildings recommended at that time.

‘Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1879, p. 151.
5Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1887, p. 208.
“Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1919, p. 3.





After the passage of Section 4388, Kentucky Statutes, Acts of
1924, requiring school boards to submit plans and specifications of
buildings to the State Department of Education for approval, this
work was usually delegated to the Division of Rural School Super-
vision. In the biennium ending June 30, 1925, (Superintendent
McHenry Rhodes) reference is made as follows to the marked improve-
ment in the type of school buildings in Kentucky.7

“We are glad to report marked improvement in the type of build-
ings. An unusually large number of excellent plans of buildings have
been approved by this department the past year. The proper con—
struction of school buildings, large and small, is now regarded by
authorities as of vital importance. Matters of lighting, heating, seating,
ventilation, sanitation and recreation are so closely related to the
health and future usefulness of the child as to demand expert advice.
The progressive states and cities find that it prevents unnecessary
waste in money, material and misdirected effort—not to mention
the conservation of eyes, health, happiness, efficiency and human life.”

On July 1, 1930, the Division of School Buildings and Grounds

of the State Department of Education was created for the purpose

of assisting local boards of education with their school building prob-

III. Statutes Relating to the Construction of Schoolhouses

162.060 [4384-23] Plans for School Buildings to be Approved.—
The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be furnished a copy
of all plans and specifications for new public school buildings con—
templated by boards of education and for all additions to or altera-
tions of old buildings. He shall examine or cause to be examined all
such, plans and specifications and shall approve or disapprove them in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of
Education. No board of education may award a contract for the
erection of a new building or contract for an addition to or alteration
of an old building until the plan has been approved by the Super-
intendent of Public Instruction.

Sanitary and protective construction of school buildings to be regulated by Super—
intendent of Public Instruction, KRS 156.160.

156.160 [4384-24] Sanitary Conditions—The Superintendent of
Public Instruction shall prepare or cause to be prepared and submit
for approval and adoption by the State Board of Education:

(5) Regulations for the sanitary and protective construction
of public school buildings, toilets, physical equipment of school
grounds, school buildings and classrooms;

(6) Regulations governing medical inspection, physical educa-


7Report of the Superintendent of Publicrlnstruction, 1925, p. 30.



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tion and recreation, and other rules and regulations deemed neces-
sary or advisable for the protection of the physical welfare and
safety of the public school children;

162.070 [439948] Contracts for Buildings, Improvements and
Materials to be Let on Competitive Bidding—The contracts for the
erection of new school buildings and additions and repairs to old
buildings, except repairs not exceeding $150, shall be made by the
board of education to the lowest and best responsible bidder comply—
ing with the terms of the letting, after such advertisement for com-
petitive bids as the board determines, but the board may reject any
or all bids. All necessary specifications and drawings shall be pre—
pared for all such work. The board shall advertise for bids on all
supplies and equipment that it desires to purchase, except where the
amount of the purchase does not exceed $250, and shall accept the

bid of thelowest and best bidder, but the board may reject any or

all bids.

Prevailing wages to be paid on public works, KRS 337.510.

IV. Minimum Requirements for Schoolhouse Construction '

Purpose. These minimum requirements for schoolhouse construc
tion have been prepared in accordance with Section 156.160, Ken-
tucky Statutes, in order to furnish school officials, architects, engi-
neers and contractors with such information and directions as will
facilitate the preparation and approval of plans and specifications
for the construction of school buildings in the State of Kentucky.
Careful observance of the standards set up herein will not only elimi-
nate unnecessary delay in the approval of plans but will also insure
safer and more serviceable and sanitary school buildings for the
children of the Commonwealth.

The architect. One of the most important problems to be met
by a board of education contemplating a school building program is
the selection of an achitect. Too often the architect is selected because
of local political influence or because of some relationship with the
board of education. In many other instances the architect is selected
because of a pretty picture of the proposed school building which he
has presented or due to the fact that he has underbid his competitors.
None of these factors should be considered of prime importance in the
selection of an architect by a board of education. Certainly in con—
sidering relative merits the question of cut—rate fees should not enter ;
for example, a difference of a few dollars in fees may represent a dif-
ference in ability which will result in many times that amount in





waste in the cost of the building, to say nothing of the effect on the
quality and design.

The proper way to select an architect is very much the same way
in which a lawyer or doctor is chosen, upon the basis of training, repu-
tation and past performance and not upon the basis of competition.
Every school building providing facilities for five or more teachers
should be designed by a registered architect. Plans and specifications
prepared by other than registered architects will not be approved by
the Superintendent of Public Instruction, except in special cases.

Regulations pertaining to the submz'ssimz of plans for approval.
1. Before undertaking a school building program the local superin-
tendent or board of education should make a careful survey of the
present and future school needs of the district. Upon invitation the
State Department of Education will assist in this work in so far as its
limited force will permit. The findings of such survey should be used
as the basis for the planning of the building program and the follow—
ing information must be submitted to the Superintendent of Public In-

struction before or along with the presentation of the preliminary

a) A statement showin

g the amount of money legally available
for use.

b) A sketch of the school site showing the points of the compass, the

slze and shape, the location of trees and adjacent buildings, the
highway or highways, the slope of the sur”ace and the location of
the proposed school in its proper position on the site.

0) A statement showing the number of elementary school teachers,
the number of pupils per elementary school teacher, the number
of high school teachers, a schedule of the high school classes with
the approximate number of pupils per class, the elementary school
enrollment and the high school enrollment ten and five years ago,
the possibility of future growth and consolidation and any ad-
ditional information required by the State Department of Edu—

2. Preliminary drawings showing the floor plans and front

elevation should be submitted to the Superintendent of Public In-
struction for criticism and advice.

3. Complete working plans and specifications must be submitted
in duplicate, one set to be checked in accordance with the regulations
of the State Board of Education and returned to the board of educa—

tion7 the other set to be filed in the offices of the State Department of
Education. '

4. No changes, except minor changes not in conflict with these
regulations, shall be made in the plans and specifications after ap—
proval by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, unless such







changes are shown on new drawings and specifications, duly submit-
ted and approved.

5. Upon completion of the building, the board of education shall
report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction the following
facts: date of actual starting of construction, date of completion of
the building, the total cost of the building, the cost per cubic foot and
the cost per pupil based on enrollment.

6. In no instance may plans and specifications prepared and
approved for a building to be located in one district be used in an-
other distriet without the permission of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. ,

The school site. The selection and purchase of school sites is
another most important problem to be met by boards of education. In
the selection of a site for school purposes, due consideration should
be given the following factors: ,

1. The site should be readily accessible from the main highways.
The approach roads should be wide and usable throughout the year.
They should not be widely traveled or subject to dangerous traffic.

2. The site should be of adequate size and form to provide ample
playground facilities. The minimum size of school sites should be as

follows :

a) One—teacher elementary schools where growth is unlikely—1 acre.
b) One-teacher elementary schools where growth is probable—2 acres.
c) Elementary schools in rapidly growing communities—3 acres or

d) Twelve-grade schools and high schools—10 acres.

3. In general the. long axis of the school building should be run
north and south so that the majority of the classrooms may receive
east and west light. This fact should be kept in mindwhen the site
is selected.

4. Proper drainage at reasonable cost should be possible. A
gentle, even slope away from the building location is preferable.
Under no circumstances should a site be used that will receive surface
drainage from surrounding areas. The site should be level enough,
with reasonable preparation cost, for playgrounds and athletic fields.

5. The site should be free from disturbing noises, distracting
influences and hazardous surroundings. A main street or highway with
‘its constant noise and dangerous traffic is not a desirable frontage.
Every precaution should be taken in order that the health, morals,
safety and comfort of the pupils are not endangered.

6. A safe and sufficient water supply should be provided on
the site.











gin": “ '-

7. Sites should be selected with definite relation to satisfactory
disposal of sewage. '

8. Whenever possible gas and electric service should be furnished
at the site.

9. The site should be reasonably near the center of the sub-
district. However, exact centrality may be sacrificed in the interest
of any of the above factors.

Plan in general. The American Institute of Architects has
grouped buildings under five heads as follows:

Type A—A building constructed entirely of fire resistive materials, includ-
ing its roof, windows, doors, floors and finish.

Type B—A building of fire resistive construction in its walls, floors, stair—
ways and ceilings, but with finish, wood or composition floor sur-
face and wood roof construction over fire resistive ceiling.

Type C—A building with masonry walls, fire resistive corridors and stair—

ways, but with ordinary construction otherwise, i. e., combustible
floors, partitions, roof and finish.

Type D—A building with masonry walls but otherwise ordinary or joint
construction and wood finish.

Type E—A building of frame construction with wood above foundation
with or Without slate or other semi-fireproof material on roof.

1. No school building of more than one story in height should be
constructed of Type D or E.

2. The department does not assunie responsibility for structural
design or for the strength of materials proposed to be used. It is recom-
mended, however, that each structural part of the building shall be of

sufficient strength to provide for the minimum live load per square
foot of floor area, as follows:


Assembly Halls ...................................... 100 1b.
Gymnasiums ..................... 100 1b.
Classrooms ............ 60 lb.
Corridors .................................................. 100 1b.
Stairs .......................................................... 100 1b.
Roofs .......................................................... 30 1b.

3. The boiler and fuel room shall be of sufficient size to permit
of future expansion and so planned to provide proper natural light
and ventilation. The floors and walls of such room shall be of incom—
bustible materials and the ceiling, if not of incombustible materials,
shall be finished with Portland cement at least three-fourths inch
thick applied to metal lath. A convenient means of access from the
outside shall be provided and any inside connection with the rest of
the building shall be protected by approved fire doors.

Ample pro-
vision shall be made for the removal of ashes.






<2. ~ ‘9‘ fir.v,_

I. .§


4. The use of any room for school purposes, other than for
the heating plant and storage with floor level below the finished
grade, is discouraged and in no instance shall the floor be more than
three feet below the finished grade, In the latter caSe satisfactory
provisions must be made for water-proofing and damp-proofing.

5. The most important part of the school building is that which
is used for purposes of instruction, consequently excessive floor space
in corridors, lobbies or other divisions of the building should be

Administrative Offices. In all school buildings of five teachers
in size or larger, provisions should be made for a principal ’s office.
Such office should be ample in size and located adjacent to the main
entrance to the biulding, where it will be readily accessible to the
public. In the larger school buildings a public reception room and a
secretary’s office should be provided. A storeroom, private toilet and
lavatory and fireproof vault of standard make should be provided
also where finance will permit.

Elementary school rooms. 1. Classroom.—The elementary class—
room unit should, in addition to the classroom, include provision for
heating and ventilation, electric wiring, blackboard, a bulletin board,
hanging of children’s and teacher’s clothing, a teacher’s locker, a
supply cabinet and a bookcase. It may also make provision for radio
connection and inter-phone systems, a clock, vacuum outlets and for
such other special features as the school organization may require.

2. Size—No classroom should be planned to accommodate more
than forty-five pupils. The width of the classroom may not exceed
twice its height. Its length shall be determined by the seating capac-
ity which the classroom is to provide, the nature of the Work to be
carried on in the room and the type of furniture and equipment to
be used. A minimum of fifteen square feet of floor area and 175
cubic feet of air space per pupil is recommended. The ceiling height
must be at least eleven feet.

3. Lighting—All classrooms should provide for the admission
of light from the left. Either east or west light is desirable. South
light gives excessive sunlight throughout the day which is difficult to
control properly. North light does not admit of sunlight for sani-
tary purposes. It is recommended that the total net glass area be not
less than one-sixth the total floor area of the claSSroom. The win-
dows should be placed as near the ceiling as safety of construction
Will permit and the window stools should be at least three feet above
the floor. In general the windows should be banked on one side of






the room beginning near the rear wall of the room and extending to
within about four feet of the front of the room. The mullions
between the windows should be not over twelve inches wide except
in special cases. The double hung type window or an approved mod-
ification thereof is recommended.

4. Doors—Classroom doors shall be at least three feet by six
feet, eight inches, made to swing out, placed preferably near the
teacher’s end of the room.

5. Blackboard—Each classroom shall be provided with ade-
quate blackboard. The height of the chalk trough above the floor
should be approximately, first and second grades, 24 to 26 inches;
third and fourth grades, 26 to 28 inches; fifth and sixth grades, 28 to
30 inches; seventh and eighth grades, 30 to 32 inches.

6. Provision for wraps—All ro