xt7pnv999609 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv999609/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 2008 2008 2008-11-13 2020 true xt7pnv999609 section xt7pnv999609 THE LAST REQUEST

MTV'S 'TRL’ to play final video





I Defense Itey to
success for
UK Hoops

I 86 allocates
funding to
student groups






Students see rise in cost of

(Iold weather raises risks
for off-campus house fi res

By Jennifer Graham

Off-campus students might want to use more
caution when keeping their homes warm for the

Students using space heaters to try and save
heating costs may be ptitting themselves at risk.

"We don‘t allow space heaters in dorms be‘
cause they are a great fire risk." L'K Fire Marshal
Greg Williamson said. “If you are using a heating
source like space heaters or kerosene heat and
leave them unattended. you run a bigger risk of

Christina Zwischenberger. an undeclared
sophomore. lives in Newton Crossing. and said
she uses space heaters in her apartment to keep

Harris Wall}!
news@kykernel com

it is costing less and less to
fill up your gas tank. but home-
heating costs could be dropping

Kentucky will lower the price
of gas by (1.7 percent in De~
cember. but as of now. costs are
still higher than this time last

"Prices are still about 25
percent higher than they were

Columbia's communications

Columbia Natural Gas of

last winter." said Lisa Smith.

Summer gas prices lead to
higher bills in winter months

This is because Columbia
buys gas in the summer at low—
er costs and then stores it until
winter when prices go up. The
cost for this winter reflects the
higher price of natural gas durs
ing the summer _of this year.
Smith said.

Kenneth Troske. the direc—
tor of the Center for Btisiness
and Economics Research at the
(iatton College of Business and
liconomics. said natural gas
prices will e\entually come
down because energy prices
tend to move together. but it
takes a while to get through the


keeping warm

PHOTO av no» em: STAFF
Gas meters, located on the outSIde of houses, are used by homes that
use fuel gas for heating

This winter. homes heated
by natural gas should experi-

but prices will go down in the

See Heating on page 8 manager.



dietsflflsfiidts stems‘ufs s‘s's s; 1. ,2. . a


w___l_._v_._s'_.g_\(;i 1‘s IRISH lftfn & GRILL



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the Bar

Story and photos by Allie Garza
"Mu Magenta ikykefniel t.l)l'l

The lights are dim and the music is ricllow Neon signs advei»
tise popular beverages. and dusty bicycles hang from the ceiling.
As the door opens. bringing in both sunlight and a customer. the
bartender and eight people sitting at the green l‘orniica bar greet
the patron. “Hello" and “llow're you doin‘fl‘" are exchanged. As
the customer sits down. bartender Brett Wilson asks if she would
like the usual. a Bud Light

“Of course." she responds.

See Lynagh's on page 6

MMLWM amt/marsh? 1522.?! ‘52". 25%; fluid. ’vflvW. «99%;?1-565’isfi.» .5ch It i. its». 1748. It 32%: «32697. 4%: 5'. 4:14,? 44 -

. «mfimxlfie‘KQWflififi ELK-Na 32$: ""..-'.K'2‘2‘_’:1»‘..>;- ~‘

After lilcctit )ll

By Danielle Pritchett
newsakykernel corn

session. he said.

“We have to see how much
money will be available for new
initiatives." Chandler said.

Chandler hopes to see several
goals accomplished. especially
those conceming education.

“One I thing I want to
continue to do is make sure
higher education is becom-
ing more affordable rather
than less affordable."
Chandler said.

Quality education for

Re-elected US. Rep. Ben
Chandler. D—Ky. is ready to serve
during what he calls a challenging
time for the. United States.

"We have debt to deal with. an
economic problem and two
wars we are fighting.“
Chandler said.

Chandler won re-‘elec-
tion to the US. House of
Representatives with 64.8
percent of the vote over the
Republican candidate. Jon
Larson. Chandler has rep-
resented the 6th district.
which includes UK. since

Chandler will wait for the re-
lease of the president‘s agenda be-
fore deciding on his own course of
action in the upcoming legislative

the United States to remain
' competitive in the global
economy. he said.
Another issue on edu-
cation that Chandler has
championed is public school reno-
vation. Chandler has sponsored leg-
islation supporting the renovation
of public schools in the two most



4 6

more people is essential for .

Bartender Brett Wilson listens as a patron at lynari‘i s: tells him a story abriut his day on Tuesday afternoon “Qt/Min has been working at tw‘iagli's on and off
Since 1991 and knows a fiialflfliv of the people who come into Lynaghs throughout the week.


ence higher costs than last year. See Gas on page 8



guns Cicerchi

«f as 21s.“: 255‘?



1,4,3 :3“


UK is preparing for possible
budget cuts after a projected
shortfall of nearly $300 million
in the state budget was an»
nounced by Gov. Steve Beshear
on Oct. 30.

UK President Lee Todd said
in an e-mail that he does not
think that UK can afford any
more cuts.

“The short answer is no. but
unfortunately I don‘t get to decide
that." Todd said in the email.

The governor's office does
itot know what kind of cuts will
need to he made or to where.
spokesperson for the governor
Jay Blanton said.

"It‘s too soon to tell." Blan-
ton said “We have called on the
ConsenstIs Forecasting Group to
tell us if we are accurate on the

The governor‘s office is hop-
ing to hear back from the group in
the next few weeks. Blanton said.
He thinks there Will definitely be
a response by early December.

Currently. UK is preparing
for cuts by delaying purchases.
reducing travel and other expens—
es. Todd said.


Music performance JUHIOl Maggie Thompson, left, geography itiiiior Scot. Allin,
left. and electric engineering senior Katelyn Gurley sit at tynagh's after classes

last Friday afternoon

with Ben Chandler

recent Congressional sessions. He
plans to continue to push the issue.

Chandler also has concems
about the economy.

An economic stimulus plan
aimed at improving the country‘s
infrastructure is one of the first
things Chandler expects to see.

He said the plan will probably
provide' for the constntction of
roads. bridges and schools. as well
as the creation of jobs that cannot
be exported to other countries.
These jobs will strengthen the econ»
omy. Chandler said.

The use of funds included in the
recent $800 billion economic
bailout plan is another concem for
Chandler. who voted against the

As a member of the House
Committee on Appropriations.
Chandler said while he would not
be on the frontlines of the oversight

“We lia\e put restrictions on
the hiring of new staff and are
now requiring greater iustifica-

See Budget on page 8

Fight Night
' backfor
round two

By Jennifer Hilinslti

WW5 kykernelcom


mantras «estate/gshaunts-er:r» . .

2 s M6311;

process. he was still concerned
about the use of the money.

“I certainly don‘t want to see it
Used to beef up executive salaries."
Chandler said.

Chandler is hopeful that more
legislation will be passed now that
the Democrat majority in the House
of Representatives is greater than

In the November elections. De-
mocrats won 255 House seats. Re—
publicans won I74 seats and six
seats are still undecided. Before.
Democrats had 233 House seats to
the Republican's 202.

“I‘m very happy to have an op-
portunity to serve this district dur—
ing such an historic time in Amen"-
can history.“ Chandler said.

L’K‘s Greek community will
put on their boxing gloves and
hit the ring to fight for a good
cause. Sigma Chi and Alpha
Delta Pi are joining forces to host
the second annual Fight Night on
Thursday and Fn'day.

The amateur boxing competi-
tion is between fraternity men at
UK. Participants will go head to
head in three one—minute rounds.

President of Sigma Chi Fra—
ternity Ryan Smith said he hopes
to make the event even more suc-
cessful this year.

“Last year was a huge suc-
cess raising over 510.0“) for
charity." he said. "This year
we‘re hoping to double that
amount in order to benefit the




 £5fl£1,,ihlll§gd¥- November l3, :uua






















4 W)




To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 10 IS the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging
Aries (March 21-April 19) —-
Today IS a 7 ,2, You get what
you deserve Period

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is an 8 Don t get lulled
into a state of complacency
You’re lucky up to the very last
minute. Then, something goes
awry Don't let down your guard
until you're sure the matters

Gemini (May 21—June 21) —
Today is 85 -—~ The weight of
the world may be heavy, even
overwhelmrng Don't worry too
much about it, (List slow down
and make a new plan Don't
race off and do something that
doesn't need to be done
Cancer (June 22-July 22) ———
Today is an 8 a Stay out of

somebody else's argument and
avoid injury They‘re not listen-
ing to you anyway You might ‘
he ahle to help by provrdtng
delicious treats Do it as: rnvtsr-
hly as possrhle

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today .8 a 7 ,, There plenty to
keep you busy, and some of its
even fun Just keep iouking
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is a 7 You're very
lucky now but that duesn t
mean it's going to he easy Your
good fortune could spark teat
ottisyr some other disruption
Keep your tat: ts: strait, ht and
don t m ikt: t titrigcnu s clat'ns
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is .i 7 You need to
make sure your savings stay
intact That's the big challenge
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —-
Today :s a 6 , Take time to 1at
what worked and what didn't,
while you're recuperating from
your recent burst of energy No
need to let on that you're also
taking a well-earned rest

Jpri.’ cont



Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 Don't spend
any time taikrng action ls
tetiutttad You can make a lot it‘
money if you focus on the task
Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 You should he
feeling pretty good Spread the
love around Make sure at least
one person knows how much
you appreciate everything he or
she has done lot you
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) -
Today rs a 5 Dont try to so‘
any new ideas now, {Wu thou“ s
stuck to what they‘re dtrtn-i
Wait for conditions to change
which wrlt happen soon It
alwavsdries Meanwhile tunc-
tip your presentation
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —
Todayis an 8 Hold hack on
an assocrate's call to hurry up
and do things This requrres’
more study, too You have to
make sure that the money's
there to pay for this Get help, If
necessary Meanwhile stall

H ‘ Wu ‘Q rt or i .‘ll lld .rtiPs


Today’ 5
Sponsored By:


816 Euclid Ave.

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your datly dose of ElliellalDHJEDLDQD culturumdfun

ln \uyust. “ht-n thc
norld Ltsl hcaid lion) 1 il/tl'
bcth Idxsards slic \‘nl‘t pub-
|icl_\ supporting hci hits
band. ,Iohn. .il'tcr thc c\ scn
illUl coiilcsscd to an .ilttiit
“(Ill tormcr campaign
\idcogiaphcr Ricllc lluntcr
tHc also dcnicd bctng dad
to lluntct's thcnei-monthv
old daughtcr. l‘i'anccs.)
liist tomui'd ticttil} thi‘cc
months to Oct 37. \\hcn
liii/iibcth. 5‘). niadc ti rai'c
tippctuancc in Washington.
l).(' . to spcak about hcalth
ctu‘c. ,-\bscnt lroni thc
cwnt’ llcr husband id 31
scars and hcr \tcdthng

\Vgts hci' ringlcss tmgci
mcant to scnd
about tlic sttitc ot hcr mar-
riagc'.‘ 'l‘lircc dios ttl'tcr thc
cvcnt. thc Nco York Post
rcportcd that ,ltihll. 55. hitd
nioicd out ol thcir llltl ticrc
(‘hztpcl Hill. North (‘Ltroliv
no. CslztIL‘ :\ sourcc tclls l's
thc icltttionship remains in
ttittcrs its lili/ttbcth uorks
through hci‘ humiliation. but
thc pal is not tmarc ot a
scptirtttion. "Shc‘s hctutbro
kc.n " st\s thc lricnd "but
I h/ tbcth It is hci 'ood dtos
and hct bud Shc
knoos one mistakc doesn‘t
\Hpt‘ otit all oi thc low. but
othcr monicnts. shc could
stituiglc him. .lohii ntttdc thc
inistiikc. so I‘,ll/£ll\‘lll is thc
pcrsoit who has to lorgiic.
It‘s up to hcr whcthcr tlic
marriage oil) sur't‘iic."

Ht‘l‘ tiL‘k‘l‘ilOll
says thc contidtuit

it mcsszigc


oti hcr

Ring free

John Edwards admitted
he cheated, his wife is


'I'He Dis... without a wedding band

conccrns about lctning.‘ lici’ bc \Hlll hci " 'lhc soui'cc
thrcc childrcii ('iitc. It». tclls l's thc) ha\c bccn in
humid. Ill. and Jack. 8 tom h sincc Jul), “hen pho
“llllUlll zi mothcr. She is [111' [its ot his \lsll \\llll hcr and
dcigomg trctitincnt tor sttigc l'rtmccs contii‘iiicd thc i‘clti»
l\' brcast canccr. “inch is tionship thtorc thc child
considcrcd lllL‘Ul'uhiL‘. “Shc “as born. niarrtcd lzdxsiuds
docsn‘t kntm \ihcii thc can; campaign .udc :\ndi'c\\
ccr isill ttikc hcr." stos thc Young dcclaicd hc was thc
ptil. “Shc wants to giic thc dud. though the birth \‘t'l'llllr
kids it stable parcntal unit." t‘titc ntuncs no lathci‘. .lohn
lhc contidimt adds lili/a- otl'cictl to do a I)N:\ tcst.
bcth might httic i‘cmmcd lluntcr rctuscd.) .-\dds thc
hci 8)! gold octltliiig ring; Huntcr pal: “'l‘hcrc \\ci'c
bcciiusc "hcr tiiigcrs could too pcoplc making thcsc
bc soollcn l'roni thc dccisions. l‘hc) \scrc thc
chcmo." tlndccd. sc\cr;i| \srong dccisioiis. btii slic
times last )ctir. shc “as pic- \siisn't marking: thcm tilonc."
turcd Without ll.) Increasing
hci burdcn: Hci mothcr.
l;li/..tbcth Antuiia. 85. lizts
licconic grachly I”. (”or to
.thcr. \'mccnt. dicd ot‘ hcttrt
lailtirc in \lttrch ) l‘or [ili/tt-
1t th sins lhc iiisich ltun
ll)’ is hit most prcciotis

So provmrzv his north its
:t dad is John‘s way to get
back into his \xitc‘s heart.
"lz‘ti/tibcth lt)\Cs \ahcn ,Iohn
spcnds lttthci—son timc \Nllil
lack.” sttys thc confidant.
\x ho adds that John recently
took Jack on :1 Boy Scout
camping wcckcnd. tThcir
son Wadc. lb. dictl in it car
crash in l‘)1)6.)'l‘hc insidcr
tclls l's: “John anWs hc
scrcwcd up and wants to rc—
build his family."

'l‘hc l‘ormcr mistrcss Is
still hurting. says ‘d sotircc
close to thc single mom. 44.
“He assured, her that hc
lchd hcr and that hc was
going.' to lcto‘c [iii/iibcth to

Gucci girl

Rihtinnti. 2t). \\ ill tippctir
iii tids l'or (iticci‘s Tattoo
Heart Collection. hcncl'iting
l'NK‘H-fl slttl‘littg in Dc»

Really big losers

'l‘hc Biggcst lost-r trtun»
cr \nthon} Bttdtilttnicnti.
3i. and his llVC-llt cirl~
IthIld. Jcssicti Mimi]. 2*).
wcrc aircstcd on charges ot’
sccond-dcgrcc assault. pos~
scssion ol’ it dangerous
\wapon and cndtingcring
the wclliii‘c of ‘d child ilIIL‘I‘
tillcgcdl) bctiting hcr r»-
)ctuiold son \\llll ought»
lilting bchs tit thcir homc in
Mci‘rick. Nco York. Oct



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NOVEMBER 10-13 2003





nal countdown: 2 :
RL’ laid to rest
after 10 years

ELWliitm Water:
wwaters kykernelcom

NOVEMBER 13, 2008



It appears low television ratings have killed the video star.

"TRl." is scheduled to play its final video on Sunday at the MTV stu-
dios in New York City.

The high-energy. live. music video countdown show on MTV provided
a daily forum for performers to promote their material, feud with other
anists and embarrass themselves on national television while thousands of
adoring fans tuned in. The show is in its 10th season.

MTV executives announced the show's death on Sept. 15. “TRL” had
been flagged for cancellation after suffering from a long battle with low tel-
evision ratings. which was initially diagnosed at the end of the boy—band era
in 2002.

“We want to close this era of ‘TRL' in a big celebratory way. and 10 is
a great number." said show executive producer Dave Simlnick. “And 10 is
the number that ‘TRL‘ counted down every single day for 10 years. and we
hit this l0th (anniversary) and we thought. ‘You know what? This feels like
the right time and let‘s celebrate it and let‘s reward it. And let‘s let it have a
little bit of a rest for a tiiinute.~ "

According to Nielsen Media Research. during its emergence in the late
l990s. "TRl." drew in a daily audience of more than 850.000 viewers. but
over the decade the show saw a steady decrease of viewers, and by early
2007, "TRL" had an average audience of approximately 370.000 viewers; a
total decline of over 50 percent.

However. the show was undoubtedly a significant influence on the mu—
sic industry during its decade on the air. and it served as a comerstone in the
careers of several bands and artists including the Backstreet Boys. *NSync.
Britney Spears. Limp Bizkit. Eminem. Beyonce’ and Fall Out Boy.

"TRL‘i‘s programming iriterweaved various musical genres and tran-
sccnded musical generations, The show‘s live. insstudio fonnat allowed for
entertainers to personally interact With their fans. And the show regularly
had hoards of teenyboppers crowd the sidewalk outside of the studio in
Times Square. holding seltldesigned posters with aspirations to get a glance
of their favorite Hollywood celebrities.

During the bubblegum pop resurgence of the ‘90s. “TRL” was used as
one of the main names to fuel the rivalry between the blue-eyed soul
groups the Backstreet Boys and *NSync. Both groups would regularly
make appearances on the show.

Brian Littrell. a LCXlllg’lttn llillHC and member of the Backstreet Boys.
spoke with MTV News about the reaction that his group would receive
from fans during appearances "TRL."

"You used to be able to see out the windows. and then after that. they
blacked out the windows and they wouldn‘t let us go near the windows."
Littrell said. "We tBackstrect Boys) literally shut down Times Square. I re-
member it being calmer. then it became era/y.“

In its run on MTV. “TRL” was nominated for two Daytime Emmy Awards.
several Teen Choice Awards and won a TV (iuide Award for “Favorite Music
Show" in 2000. By 1008. "TRl." had over 3.000 episodes. and had gone
througlga myriad oi hosts finding the show‘s original VJ (‘arson Daly. Dave

See TRL (“page 4

No. I ‘TRI.’ Moment

e Mariah Carey Striptease —- "Mariah Car ' is stripping on TRL right now.“ - Carson Daly
started off so innocent. and ended so badly. During mid summer of 200]. Mariah Carey. in the middle
major sires. est that included the now infamous floi Glitter." made an unannounced visit to the
“TRL” studio to surprise host Carson I) IV with a gift and to give out popsicles to an unsuspecting
audience. Wearing a purple. oversi/ d. airbrushed t-shirt that said "Loverboy." Carey wall/.ed
onto the "TRL" stage and proceeded to strip down to a mere skimpy shorts and tank top. all
While Daly repeated to a stunned America: “What are you doing?" Carey then gave the T-shirt
to Daly.
Carey continued to rumble about iioiisciisc for several minutes. and at one point. Daly stared
o the camera and said. “Mariah Carey has lost her mind." The whole event can be summed tip
a now infamous line that was delivered by (‘arey herself. “All I know is I just want one day
. f when I can go swimming and look at rainbows and. like. eat ice cream. And maybe. like.
‘lcani how to rid - a bicycle."
few days later. Carey checked herself into a mental facility.



Fashion, music combine

Live karaoke on campus

By Megan Hurt

mll‘l’ll—Tfikyfilkgl net 4,: uni

With popular \idco :_'«llllk’\
like “(iurtar Hero" and "Rotk
Band.“ anyone can put lilc‘lli
selves in the position ot .i rock
star while they pretend to play
some of rock music‘s greatest

llK students can take that
rock star fantasy to it DC“ In cl
Thursday at the Student '\t'll\illt‘\
Board‘s l.i\e Band Kaiaokc,
which starts at 7 pm in the (kit's

Live Baird Karaoke. lets \ill-

Great View of the

dcuts bcroviic the lead singer toi
soiiic t‘l the most popular rock
\t‘llfly like regular karaoke.

“This is soiiiclhiiig different
than normal karaoke said .\'l;il|o
iy ,loliiimn. \Wll director of cum
luis lite “ This kind ot event vvitl
attract .ill dittei'ciit types ot pco
ple '

The oanil kiioiys the music to
o\ cr 300 of the greatest rock
songs. .iloiig \\ itli some other gcnr
res. Johnson said. The band meme
bcrs will also pro\ ide bark up \o
cals to crcatc a real rock concert

The audience will also be able

to particiimtc by voting on their
la\oritc karaoke singer. Johnson
said ballots will be provided to
keep track of the audience ta

The student wmner \Hll win
their own karaoke machine. John
son stud

[his I\ the “Hi time the l.i\‘c
Hand Karaoke event will be host-
cd at [K Johnson said SAB
wanted to provide karaoke events
to cycry student. not not the ll
and met ci‘o\\ d,

"Karaoke is usually popular.
but there is not really a place to

See Karaoke 00 page 4


to make a perfect fit




Here I am sitting at the computer. listening to R. Ste-
\ ic Moore , thanks to the incredible musical knowledge
ot my roommate , and cannot for all my fashion wrts
think of something to write about I am uninspired.
Maybe it's the drab weather or the fact that my house still
doesn‘t haye heat ~. although space heaters are extreme
blessings. but I iust haven't been dreaming of stiletto
heels and opaque black tights under a crisp white one-
shouldered cocktail dress as I so often did in the past.

Then. like a one—two punch a la James Brown and
Beirut. it hits me? lf l've leamed nothing else being both
as .i merchandising mayor and a DJ at WRIT. it is the

Sec Lanham on page i

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Fl'll rim or: st: “"73”“

lz!“\l\\\ i' l.‘ "‘yl\‘l"a lt‘."

i is M ii M A‘ l’.- w .i it )yyi i 1’ R i s ii A“; t ”rhinitis;


 PAGE 4 | T IltllSley Novetnl‘L ’l t3


LotitiiiiiL d t out page;

lloliiics. la la \asqucl. Quddus
l’liilippe .iiiLl lltlai’ic litiitoli 'l'lie
L'un'ent ltosls Lue Damien [obey and
Lyndsey Rodriques.

Over the yeais. "'l'Rl."
changed the tormat used to tally
the votes that deteiiiiined the or-
der ot the countdown. l'lie show
no longer uses phone \otes. now.
in addition to lnteinet
downloads. radio play and Bill-
board llot ltltl chart position are
used to determine the No l \ ideo
of the day.

The shovv also started a retire-
ment home for videos that had bceii
on the sltovv l'ot‘ Lt long period of
time. lnitially. videos vvere allowed
()5 days on tlte countdown before
being retired by the show. Novv
videos are retired after 35 days.
Usually. v ideos rue retired by show
producers. but occasionally. as with
the case of "The Bum Bum Song
(Lonely Swedish)" by Toni (ireen.
the video is retired by the artist.

"TRL" was born as "'l'otal Rea
quest Live" on Sept. l—l. IWS in
Nevv York City. and it originated
from the top five countdown ”'l'otal
Request." which was pre‘laped and
hosted by Daly. 'l'he shovv's first
guest was shock rocker Marilyn

s "'l'Rl," tnatured and grevv
in popularity. a coutttless number
ot' memorable moments took



place during taping. including the
infamous Mariah ('arey incident.
daily updates on the Lifteriiiath
3004 Bush (lore election. an
tiouncenients ot blittk-lh’l's pet
maiietit hiatus and the thigh
deaths ot Aaliyah. Lisa "Left laye'
l.opes and Heath ledger

But thiougli it all. “'l'Rl." \\Lls
otie ot the levy places on television
\vhei'e videos lroni various ditlL-i
ent aitists trom ditterent genres all
merged onto the same countdown

"In retrospect. the name said it
all: the total youth entertainment
experience. shaped foi the tiisi
time at the request of its audience.
all going down live every day tn
Times Square in homes across
LAUNCHER." said Brian (Braden.
president of entertainment. M'l'V
and VH1. in a news release.

"'l'Rl." is survived by four ex
ecutive producers. Dave Sirulnick.
'l‘oy DiBari. 'l‘iiii Healy and Dave
(leorge‘. president of entertain
ment. MTV and VHI. Brian
(iraden: original VJ Carson l).ily.
35; and two current Vls Damien
l5ahey. 28. and Lyndsey Ro—
drigues. lb,

The fitial show. “'l‘otal liinale
live. " will be held Sunday at s
p. m on MTV. aitd will be hosted
by Daly and lahey Ihe shovv vvill
tiiLlude performances by St) ( ent.
Backstreet Boys. Beyonce. aitd
Fall Out Boy. aitd appearances by
Christina Aguilera. former blink
183 drummer Travis Barker. lor-
nier Limp Bizkit frontman Fred
Durst. and Korn frontman
Jonathan Davis.



Continued from page 3


tparticipate) tiiiless you're over
ll " slit: said.

liarlier in the semester. SAB
hosted "(ireasel Karaoke." Which
was devoted to songs from the
musical "Grease." Since the
karaoke event w as so successful.
SAB's (‘ampus Life wanted to

host a siittilar event. Johnson said.

"Live Band Karaoke" will last
until around 3:30 pm. when the
audience t'avorite will be an»
nounced. Johnson said refresh»
ments also will be provided dur-
ing the event.

Anyone who has dreamt of
being a lead singer t'or a rock
band stop by the ('at's Den Thurs-
day between 7pm. and 8:30pm.
during Live Band Karaoke to feel
like a rock star.


ontap to

Laugh Your Ass Off Night

g y 'l‘ lllt' llLiitie littsets t List 8‘.)

The Rainiunkies, Alana Fugate,
James Norman
Tl .il‘i it ill »\1 s Bat lit'kets cost $4

FRIDAY, Nov. l4

Mates of State, Brother Beade,
The Joycombs

it ii iii The Danie litfkhts rust Sill in
advance '”

a". .it the door
Idaho Alaska, Whistle Peak, The

Seedy Seeds
l0 p [it Ms Bat ltckets cost $5

Wax Fang, Come On Caboose

9 p iii, Siiiittigate House Newport, Ky
ll|.l\t‘l.\ cost Sit Ill Littvanie $10 at the

Sexual Disaster Quartet
8 p Ill The Danie Tickets cost $5

Mates of State, Brother Reade,
The Fervor

it put Headliners Music Hall,

For the week of
t’3 Nov. 19

louiswlle Ticket cost St?

SUNDAY, Nov lb
TRUSTcompany, The Exies, The
Dead Hours

8 p in, The Dante Tickets cost $12

The Black Crowes w/Buffalo

7 30 p m , Rvman Auditorium, Nashville,
Tenn. Tickets cost $20—29 50

Much is Give, Groove Manifesto
8 pm, The Danie Tickets cost $3



Ctiiitiii i» all tiliti page 3

fact that music and fashion are lll‘
evtricably linked. ’l‘liink ot' the so»
called hipsters. the liip~hop lovers
and all those country tans and styles
they favor. 'l'liough obviously this is
in generalities. a lot of times music
inspires both personality and style
sense. 'l'lllls. vv ith this thought at the
forefront ot tiiy mind. I present to
you the winter styles and the music
that iiitist have inspired them and
hopefully you. tool

Obviously. an ongoing trend in
the fashion world is the androgy—
nous look \vith Lthl'-L‘lllL‘ ladies
running amok in long fitted blazers
and sleek black pants. 'l'i'ust me.
it's quite a hard look to rock oit a
daily basis. especially when you've
got S aiii. classes and all you real,
ly have time to think about in the
morning is whether or not you
should even make the etfoit to go
to class. But. it is easy to throw on
a pair ot ieans instead of svveat~
pants and heck. shrug into that ctttc
navy bla/er with a \Htl'lll scai't and
you're ready to go.

Inspired by: Nico. ”
'l'roubles iii Dreams" , the epitome
of art androgynous babe ivvith a



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Wrap Your

surprisingly baritone voicel
Another trend that hit the run-
ways is the use of architecturally
sculptured pieces. iii jackets. skins
and dresses. Meaning that the big
shapeless hoodie you love wearing
should maybe just be worn for
aroundvthe-house hang times. Go
out and invest _. meaning don't btiy
cheap. these classic pieces last life—
times a in a structured peacoat that
flares from the waist giving a lean.
girly silhouette. {\llkl if you really
can't ditch the sweatshirt. wear it
under the peacoat for extra warmth.
Inspired by: Aphex Twin.
"Nannou" — structured electronic
sound with a sweet touch
If you've not seen (iucci‘s fall
ads. please indulge the craving and
check it out if you have any seni-
blance of affection towards hip—
piedoni. 'l'he prints are eaith-toned
and the shapes are loose. layered
and etfoitlessly cool. and l want an
outtit such as that immediately if
not sooner. Along with Gucci. many
other designers have jumped on the
hippie bandwagon and have revived
one of my favorite decades For this
look. wear browns and oranges and
bronzed eye makeup with a studded
bag and you're ready to take on
The Man.
Inspired by:

The Zombies.

(W. 20

SIS ti

I don‘t know if you all have
sighted those incredible new leg-
gings circulating all about both
celebrity and nonnal people cir-
cles. but if you have. how hot.
right‘.’ lf you haven‘t. please for
the sake ot' the eventual boredom
your legs Will experience with the
plethora of jeans you outfit them
in. look into the black leather-es—
que PVC leggings that are out.
They are the glam rock trend per—
sonified and so tough—chick-cool
that as I'm typing this I'm won-
den'ng how I can save up to afford
a pair Wear as legg ings with a big
sweater or dress or wear them as
pants if you’ve got the confidence.
and I applaud il' you do. with
some son ot' brightly colored top
t'or a night out.

Also. if you liked any of the
songs mentioned before. here are a
few others you may be interested
in and inspired by:

Ariel Pink. "Hardcore Pops are

Lykke Li. “Little Bit"

The Mamas and the Papas.
"Dedicated to the One I Love"

Os Mutantes. “Panis et

MGMT. "Kids"

Maggie [Jul/1U"! is a merchan-
dising. apparel and textiles junior.
Email mlunham@7'ky'kernel1'0m


Nov. 21


Hull. 22

live 9
2 :00pm

“”J'VM used hats:

”in! rm:





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November 1 Z
Page 5



Bobby Reagan
Asst. Sports Editor

Phone 257 lEll 5
nieaganwkykeinel corn


,P‘Z .;1,I.|v~m

WW " .’


UK adds three recruits
for 2009 season

By Bobby Reagan

breagan@kykarnel coin

The [K men‘s basketball teain will
have at least three fresh faces next seasort.
The Cats received National Letters of litterit
on W