xt7pnv99929c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv99929c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1982 1982 1982-02-19 2020 true xt7pnv99929c section xt7pnv99929c Mm
Friday , «we:
Livia. for the weekend ‘ ‘ " V I
Look for partial clearing and o lmlo ’ , '.|' Weather Fun.
warmer temps by this afternoon. highs in Assistant Sport Ed‘t R bbto Km"!
:h°.u:?°r 523:0 orooncAlASOA. Clair": cold takes 0 different5 opphfdch :n the quality '-
°':;9 w" °‘”’ '" ' 19: . in ”f" 'f‘ of mo Iob basketball Coach Joe a. Hall
:33 WOmel’ tomorrow, '9 5 In 0 0w \ \ and the CD'S 0'9 domg "HS YOOY. 5“ p090 A .
‘ f a.
mvmjmfir A“ '"dlDOfldcnl student newspaper smte I9H _‘ ' I .
Sliwa emphasizes need f0 'n 0' t
————-——— worst ' tohitNew York Cit si is-r.a>o-e~‘~ii'-;z“ . . . ‘ “WW .. . a...“ I. I V
“NANCY E'DAVIS the roman of gangs and y 12;: ‘3" f. " .; {g ’ ‘l . s? ' . I
AssistantManagingEditor Mafia "beam ... - ,A sir, sef :a' e . :.--
' _ . . \. m » i' ‘ " ',-
——-—— Sliwa mimicked several people in ' .5 . .' .. 3AA: - ' (A,
his speech. including New York ~ s; , A; . - i
Guardian Angels foimder Ciirtis Mayor Ed Koch, “Mr. Personality ,_ ~~ ,... : ii: ,
Sliwa mesmerized a crowd of approx- himself, "me“ are viglanm’ para- \ I j. ".5. 5‘ A-
imately 600 people at Memorial Hall militaries, the scourge of the earth. \ ' , '- 3'
185‘ mantraheapoke aboutAcrimeand The only time these youngsters do . . :A. N: eA 1A}. .-
elemeptofhlaorsanlntioo. good things is when the TV cameras “ , ,9 I ‘ _'.."‘3A‘§i"fjfi{ . ’ , .
Using colorful examples and talk- arerunning.’ " "a ', -g,;§; ' ,3 ’ 1 T ' P -’ -
ing in a mid Brmklyn accent, m Alta- ”he sum” WA “the W}; . ‘ A t ‘ AA:‘,A.. :
39°“ 0‘ the need for Apatmls §“¢h as Guardian Angels were being treated a. -A " ‘, I g ‘ , x
theGuardlanAngels, its founding and like the doughboys come back from 4..., a, _. . , 7. '9 - . .A .a
- growthnta problemaandtheneedfor thefirst world war,"Sliwa said. “Ap- \ » f :b ~ A ..
“reorganization. plause, taps on the back, people stop- , ' k 4 & a '. ..
Sliwa blasted those who do “0‘ get ping their cars, beeping their horm ——- _. > 3" 1 A' . ‘3 .
involved when a crime is committed: the only thing that was missing was AAI , .~ “ ‘ .," ,
“We've developed a hard akin. to ac- the confetti coming out of the sky and x 9 f « ‘ f '
cept the fact that people are being thebrassband.” r . ‘
murdered, raped, robbed. savaged Despiteall thepublic support,Sliwa , . j- ~.
over within our very midst and com- said others, “the mayor, the police / 4" . g
insupwithtlleelfcmemechanisma chief,thepoliceunions,thecoponthe ' ‘
for not getting involved, for not beat became more angry than ever ‘ a _ 1 A: .I .
physically intervemns, for not before. For two years, Guardian : g
becommswrwnbrother’skeeper.j' Angels were being verbally and ' . . j .
He founded the Guardian Angels in physically harrassed, arrested for A 4;: _ Ag I . ..
February, 1979. “In the WOI'Sl such disturbing charges as unlawful M""'~‘i ' . g .' ,*
cessle of amgwagyghere in Ththnis assembly, disturbing the peace, 'umounm we..." j. >
coun ronx." '- 'order " u /,~,, ,, , . . _ .'-
teentamng men rode the subways also” gemfifl: were hauled into “z; IATAAtllAfi'Aulupf (If; ImrdAAka. to accept rho jam that pvoplf' arr bring murdvrml. rapt-d. rnbbml. surngrd " ,
W New York, which Sliwa call- court, Sliwa said the judge laughed. I our mu M ' ' ' cur"; SLIWA “ ‘ .
ed “that carousel which in many in- “Let these young men and woman so ___________ _—A .. , .
stances is like 3 moving 100." to Pro- because they're the best this society . . .. . , _ . _ W ‘—“_‘“ 'A \_
tect the riders from muggers and hastooffen" Sim“ said. You want forAthe turkey 531d; _Sl_lwa warned 388ml the 111- tiontoMelvin and for taking his body century. It took [5 five days, in '7, ' ' .
rapists. Sliwa said the Md for safety With the most gravy, stuffing, gtblets senSltmty 0f thosewho Will "0! get in- to a hospital across town instead of weather 40 to 50 degrees below zero, II" 3
This group of _“modern-day patrols is not limited to the cities. “Tags“ pou"m: . . ”we" and °‘ 921mm“ — because one 10 blocks away. lzsofisstartedomy 18 made it." j g
kanukazes” yew “in drips and “Crime knows no boundaries," he bec "331°" "me an.” '5 they arecorrupt. Once in Washington, Sliwa and the '-
drabs” from a membership of 13 to said. The Guardian Angels patrol the . Aausleewe Aepeople, allow ‘t to e’" . He was critical of the manner the Angels met with Jlstice Department ; f ' ~ .
oneof2.200, with chapmmascmes, suburbs because of the “mile-long lSl. said. Everyone blames 'I‘heAmurder of Frank Melvm, a investigation was being conducted officials. “We were promised a com- *1 . '
“In only five of those 33 cities do we shopping malls” that are safe inside everyone else and we re making ex- Guardian Angel who was gunned and said, “We walked 60 miles, 128 of plete federal investigation on the . .
have a working relatiomhip like we but not outside. cm- down by a Newark police officer in us, and when we got to the state at- criminal allegations by the FBI and r Z _
have in New York DOW." Sliwa said. “The miles and miles of Wm Sliwa said the tt'tud December, was discussed by Sliwa tomey general, we said, ‘we would by thecivil rights division of the viola-
“mm“, Los Angeles, New Orleans lots and they virtually become the streets is “take or b: tilioke 0n til: aftera member of theaudlence asked likeaspecialprosecuter appointed.’ " tions of Guardian Angels throughout ._‘ d, A
and Houston.” muggers’ delights because. _ .literal- we have liter ll en - - - A3" hlm_3b°lllll- After the state attorney general the country by hostile police bfficers -.‘~ .'.~
Support from law enforcement and lyacriminal. . .can lay inwaitinthe will exist— a ,y $959!“? that crime ASliwa recounted the eyents of that refused Sliwa’s request, the same 128 and mayors and police chiefs. " ’, ' ,
city officials was difficult tocorne by, parking lot and it’s like waiting for “The fearifve egltumhazsed it. mghtAand blamed the police for not Guardian Angels walked from Tren- “But do you think we're going to Q I .
Sliwa said. “By God, this was tile the turkey bird on WWAH become tar thanrine‘ AtsaAcAEAuAlAilly allowing the other Guardian Angelsto ton, New Jersey's state capital. to trust all our eggs in one basket with A,
Hm With m may be M srea mm“ ' he ammm md’wmmw reapira- Washington “in the coldest chill ofthe theFeds?" i, A. .
R I k' ' r: ‘1
u as on par Ing fines, to wmg have students confused
__By BARBARA P—RICE" SI ALLE—E numbers of cars they have seen tow- for AR-3 stickers. Both of these lots are think twice before parking illegally," during the day. This semester a CATS towed last night. Her car, al with
Senior 3““ Write- ed,NewellA saidthenumberofcars be- designated only ‘0': people Wh° qu he said. shuttle bus started runnirg between about 15 others were removtdgfrom C, .
ingtowedlAsdownfroAm last year. at Seaton and residents of Haggln, Controls are lifted fromtheAandB 6:30 and 11:30 pm. to serve students the loading zones in front of the ..
—-—--———-—-—-— AHe attributes tlus to students respectively. lots at 4:30 pm. Controls are lifted who have lobe 0n caum during the Center fortheArts b four towtrucks ‘ ' '
ther ' bet 'th - y . ' .
Many students have mm el are emPlYlAnfiA ter WI the . mallards atthegates tothepark- from between 4:30 and 7:30 pm. on evening. shortly after9p.m. ,- -
l fiom about pal-fins and towing pro- rules, _°" they ar en t m the 3:935 that "‘8 lots arnveoncampus ”7330 am. Administration Drive. Some students, however, say it is “1 work here late at the theate- ; '
- are beinsstronsly patrolled. Illegally parkedcars start to set toW- Newell said students may park in difficult to find a legal parking place eve m rand rd rk a to, ".- .- ',
cedures on campis, said Ed Newell, N 1 . . ry gh pa gh 10 _.
' ' "a ““19“” ”"31““th “me“- any legal parking space after 4:30 even at night. The shuttle bus doesn't blocks awa or far 'I‘imb ' 1-, ~
actingparlnngdirector. tl troled . . . . . . y as as ucktuif ,
Thestudents have good reason to We“ y p“ “e the 1°“. be“? ”ewe" “dc?“ Parke." “legally l" P-m. “mil ”0 am. regardless of help them if they plan to be on cam- Ihad to (so I wouldn‘t get towed), but -..A
have these misconceptions as there the Seaton Center, which is these areas Will be quickly towed. whether they have stickers. pus after 11p.m. somebody better walk me to my car ' ; ,r .
are no writtal rules concerning the designated for B Sflekel'fii and the They are towed SOltOf asexampltls. Campis blocs help to tramport Sharon Barone, theater graduate because 1 don‘t like totake chances," y_ 'j. '.
ticket a" towing procedures. The only W" Hall lot, which ‘5 designated Once 3 P950“ has been towed, they students to different areas of campus student, was angry after her car was Barone said. 7’»; .4 '
written information - a handbook A i ,.
that Nowell refered to as “out of _.
one" - deals with the 1»va v U combat tfoo
tickets and parking places that are 5’ E 'S' A ps ,
available. ' ,.A ,
‘miei'eismcin'renthandbookat wontsee ECHO" ., ’,;
the moment. We are tryim to con- . - ‘.- _,,
struct a budget to make up and : In El salvadm, ..~. .'
distribute a new handbook covering . t
allquestions students may have about . A, ‘ Pl'BSIdEllt says j'fAAq.‘
parking,"Newell said. ‘3‘ . . A‘,A-‘ A:
Some parking officials claim cars ' . ' ——-—-—— :2 .1.
are being towed on the second / ~ 9 gwuga “£3252: .jA‘A
outstanding,orunpaid,ticket.instead , . - , g _ . .. . . ' .g — - SP“ 0°” W ~A ' g‘
of the usual third outstanding . x. ‘ _________ .I’i .'
ticket.David Brewster, assistant A w. _ W .. ..' "Am—AA»; .e-‘ew"; it? - we? Are... . .. .. w. , -_ A. ~ :5 ~At... .-,.--“~‘.'~'. . .
director of parking. said sweats ”swells-i ems “ e 3 ~.. " . ... " v . - ‘ » « wit: WASHINGTON - P'wdent .- .' .
lave a misconception about the 3:‘5‘9§$im¢ fatin'wflg” ' L "75?: xnmege ”'4’“ ' “ " v ‘ t . “I I -. 3% 7'": _ 33388" said yesterday that his ad- a”: ~‘. .'
“rule” of havilu three outstanding 4’42“ am ~, vi, 4; ,. 5-, ‘ «3.; ': 1-3“ v_ y , i , AA‘ . ..._: ..' l ministration has “no plans to send ., >. r.
ticketsbeforetheyare towed. ’ '8 N" . "” ‘ 3: ’ “5" «3” 1‘3! a» "3'3" .' .A’ , ‘ - e - ~ ‘\ " ' American combat tr00ps into action" V1, i
“This (W afta' having three ‘ “ ' h ' - / . , .-.” .. . 1“”; in El Salvador or anywhere else. He . -
outstandim tickets) is not a rule, it is ‘ .’ . ' ‘ , wouldn’t discuss U~S- options for in- " .
aoointeey- ’l‘heyoouldbetowedrlsht We . .. . ~. . _, . .. . a .. . . .. , ’ ' K . . creased military support of the . 7 2’
on thespot if they are parked illegal- . ._ *‘ “*‘e‘“‘fl§“f“‘“‘iw cf?" limbs... ~ ‘ _.. s.- .; \ ‘ as" . Salvadoran govemment. . ‘
ly,”hesnid. WW9; gem ' "sergeanzzrx"frag-’1'" rename“. .. . ~ 3,, i . if. 7ij TheCenAtral American nation of El ,
Amour misconcept' ion mm W . - was": , erg“ see new *‘" .. seems» ~ . :1, - .. ‘ Salve?“ 15 under 8‘98“ by leftist .
“wooymeotoleekeeatoemot ~ ..._..., ~ . ml': 3?...“ mam
theta-line. W ~~.~ " ' ‘ . . M. ,~t'.*"""‘“”,*:“ nu ry at a a ' , . . .
A UK Police Want amt. .; , A'AA . ta Asked what further steps he might . »
chersaidifthedriverslnwsupatthe j '. , gimmtoldanewsconference: . .-
timethecarisbeingputontherack, A 'A Ijustdontbelievethatymldiscuss . :3
uieearwiilbetalrenofftberacitthere . tlloeeopomsofwhatywmayormy
lfthetk'ivu'willgowiththeoffiearto 2 notdo." _ A . .
the station and pay the fee, which is 4 ‘ A T0 “935%: Alteasa: said. would -
onl hflfthemmtdtlltltlll tow- 'Imjrrwymgnmgw- M. ,. .~ - . reduce evera e. .v A '
‘1‘,qu m mm "“1 M m a” $.33. :35?” ' “ -"'- ' -~*‘E"A"§._i-';l;gt§ $15.23, " Aegfix m Asked whether there are any Cir-
drivu'bccktohlstrha'car. ' ,-~\ * cumstancesunderwhichhemightme - 5 ‘
Onesttldentmhowureeently tow- ,, , . A A .. , ., . —-\ :1 " U‘swmnaarbeurflssgy dr ”L
hand while , W.~~:;€xox ’i=..',-.-;_.w,,“ 1:: -..- ‘ . a» A ,_ . l opped a .
:3:de andupoffu'ed a”; ~533’fi5r 3i:.r.i‘""";:§5i£4 . ..»A~t.A: .. .A A ~ : ‘ " bom" 0" the Wle House I might get . ' ‘ .
lllttheomcertoldhushewouldhsve -~"...‘~£.2.--3;;-,2“:. "3; A .A' .- «A .A‘xaefv . .. . .3; - mad." . A
to '0 to the station to W. and a... _ 3; .m 2.; -'. - . .w. m .. . ‘1 4.. ‘V AAAAA 'A In discussing his controversial , ,
gstllccarftuntheimpoundmentlot Mme-e. . . "a“ » " .. - _ _ r" ,1. g-¢e‘*m}ra Map-Mal. Raunleltopanthe ,
WWO) Stadium. she " ‘“ " "" ' ‘ possibility of compromise, saying .
hadtomfulllrleeforbalngtowed. . » . ‘ “ ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ ' ‘ ' d , ta; Miloppormtawmeupwithm “
W said than are two types of .. "' C" ‘ ' “Wig: '“fil‘mmmk "188°"
W. prk mmny M J (_ "A. -I . some m.ws' n ntit."
mmfimamMmp-t: .. A ' . - ‘ ’ Bu‘h‘m‘m "“"Wm .
“thou-who u. back away on natialal defame"
mm m "VAN.“ Kern-lStufl
legally vim muffin; it became witlwt-endimthewmmaato .
thymuuflwlnodofthoparkii‘ , bothalllessndpotenualadvauna
mm- 'M M M" m u I Thirteen-yoor-old Michael Stanley waited for a loxTron bus yesterday at the corner of Euclid Avenue ”d h “M II: “at ’3‘” “tin
anyW.”lIlIld. P n cm and Fontoino Drive. Ho rides the bus home from school in the afternoons. Ho attends Christ the King 'Wt thing we h". M ‘
' m find: many We claim School. 412Cochron Rd. mtorlngpmductivity.
l Muhhumhm mwlhlwmw
. I r———————-. . “owner‘s...“

 ' K‘é"mel'“°"
~ ‘ I [dllollultdmu
I ' Illl Motion Kan MOI». Morey We. Alon CM Klrby “options I. W kiln
- ‘ ' (duo: mChiet Day Editor “My I. Olvla )porls tailor Arts Editor Graphics iditor Photo (duo:
‘ . Jame lulu Norrie
' ersu35lon ‘""'"'"“ “"‘W‘ ’°’"""" "“"""" “W“ “”"°°“ '°“°“"
. Managing Edwin ( ,9, mm). Auxs'onlMonag-ng Editors Assistant Spoils Edllnl Assistant Art; Editor layout editor (hm Photograph"
'. ? I u I I
_  . I'Iazza’d us, Formal training needed for all police departments in state
'. .' When an individual goes out on the street citizen, whether protecting the righttoproper- ' ~ , 7/15‘””l/llH’"//””"[III/#W/
' . . . r I
' . -' ~ openly carrying gun, the reaction of passersby ty or making an arrest. And, because of this, OFFICER’ OFF/“erU/CKl/THERES‘ W A (”HUT 3 {z/ /
-.. fl .' * . , is usually to run for cover — unless, of course, police officers have extraordinary powers that A I’ZLO/WOLG 453401 TWWlUTHk MWT’ ; 2 . ,,
. , ' _ _ that individual is a member of a police agen- require an extrardinary responSlblllty. Learn- } '///"
.__ a ,_ ". cy. ing through trial and error is not desirable in m ”74”” 0660le M- gymfll AVMJE/ // W W /
. 1 . . It’s a natural response. Guns are lethal such instances. 9
g weapons, but in the hands of qualified law- The General Assembly should take note of -- PG 55 'J’ 3 AR m '1 UNH .
—' -‘ i enforcement officers, they are instruments of this situation during the present session and ‘WD A NW WOHWU / NEEDS 0/! H ' //
'-. , ‘. , ‘ ; protection, rather than destruction. take action —requiring that all police officers ON THE WAY TO TH mm SPE // / , / /

. 0r arethey, in this state be trained in an accredited, of- , “3‘55 ABOUF‘ID m/VEIQ-u , /// /W////7M. /W ' [y
_ 5 5 . Suppose the individual walking down the ficial program. _,/;,/I/"/ / Y .

' 7 . t '. street in the blue uniform has had no more . ,SORR CA ”if
'. ~- ' ‘ . . . .- I
' , traimng concerning the proper use of ‘ WA gl/W OF MW WWW HEL? m

. . . firearms, or for that matter, police powers, mm “111) A» blTCH, AND-THEY NEED 171%
S . .. ~. " than the average citizen? It’s not a great leap from police to jails, par- 9W9 r. ' 11‘ THE at’RROM / E (Tl 15R -- -

‘ - ' Potentially, it’s the “Dukes of Hazzard” in ticularly if you have ever had direct dealings A‘D’ MDAI INK Axis... // ' M I
. '1 real life.The wrong people maybeon the right with either. MGSEK IS H VlNG , m , ./, m/
'- ‘, side of the law. Yesterday, Gov. John Y. Brown proposed A WW" ‘ .’ . ./ .

- ‘ ‘ That’s the situation in some parts of Ken- raising user fees for some state services, a \ . . , .. ,. “ ~ "' 773;;
V I "r . . . . _ , i \.\ .. \&\»3\\\ \\‘ 0“ \~ .. 1 h 0;. r ,r . -.- g

.1 , ' . - tucky. AlthOugh 90 percent of Kentucky’s move that might mean millions of dollars it! ‘\ \ w “ \ ‘Qlllllulhl EU I {Will WELL I. C N

. ; police officers have received formal law- revenue for the state’s depleted coffers. , WW/“Hulfiugt '- 6 ' ' WRlTE ‘(A A WC
.j, a enforcement training, that number accounts It’s probably a good .ldea that should be HAT CA” ‘3'“ e d . .

., . ' . for the personnel of only half the police depart- given a chance. But in his presentation of the I‘ , A . / / . \ "l 77% lF Y WW... i

,1 r , ,‘ mentsin the state. idea to reporters last night, Brown made a CV palm“? :5- ! . l J ,

. 2 .j . .' And that covers a lot of territory. A lot of blunder that will go down among the worst ». .‘n. .
__1 f. .' . ; small towns in Kentucky are guarded over by gaffs of his administration. . §v \\\\ \ , m HI3§?§‘.:‘:3;.~. V _.532"3:33;";:f:f;:f:f;:f:§;:f;§;:_._. /

' , police who are either functioning without any Among proposals that the state should raise “\ ’p. M] :13th . ..:;.f;:;::::-'~.-:::13:}:ff:§:f}:f;§f:f;" ,7

V, ._ .» real basis for the judgements they must make or require fees for drivers’ learmng permits :.f§?Eif33fIf:i:I-. . 25153535253:Erik“. r~ ‘.':35335':'::353353\ é
'. '3 «- ’ . . each day, or worse, they are only half-trained. and agricultural inspections, he suggested -'-:f;if:_1;:f:i-"’" ..;:3"_.;:?-’ ".. 1'9 . 1.35:3,”

'_- .- ,' , In this state, there is no formal requirement that jail inmates pay $10 a night during their . .f;§;§f;:;:3~z-q“5'...- 1 .3 a. _.,‘I-§;:_3:§;:f:, '_ ’4
'1‘], 5, that police be trained in any manner. But incarceration. . . "1:35; o. f;#'-‘--3-"-‘-'1-1;:3-'-"33.?"iii-$11“.""155:f-‘_f;.';;§;:f;§;i;_::;:;.‘."3;.‘f:f:.fif-f

. j v, police work is sensitive and dangerous — it His justification? “Over half of (the in- ‘- :5;:3:§;:-~ £“EV‘I3§3~. ,
-_ - ‘ . T means protecting the community from people mates) are in (jail) for alchohol-related of- % ,'53:.........-.-,.~...-.'.~.~,'.3.'3}:3..,..fz-:.;.-.a.1,5533},.~.~:.-.-:.-:-fififiififififii13353:.“ , ,

,7 who, in some cases, nobody else can or will tenses anyway. If they have enough money to 9‘9“” “WW- ¢ . .‘33'}:3-I-jP23323}:3Z'ii-i‘2-‘I-I-‘Ii-'3-j~"E'~'I-‘-'I-’3'E'Ii-ji'I-‘I-I-f'}iii-3"' _ W’t‘Mé’“ ‘
‘ ' i f)?" deal with. And in every case, the underlying buy a bottle of booze, they can pay $10 a night WW

.. motivation of a police officer must be to for their stay in jail.” W x ,

_' uphold the constitutional rights of each Come again?

‘ Un' 'ty d ' t 'ct 0 Id provide st de ts o'ce on council ’
_ ;, , Doyou know who your Urban Coun- unify this disenfranchised group of Considering that 7,000 to 8,000 Council may take cognizance of such character of neighborhoods. Civil disobedience and low voter-

; f - -‘ ty Council member is? If you're a UK citizens. students live in either University or factors as community or diversity of “Any concept of a University turnouts at the polls result from the
‘. : 3 student, finding out may be difficult Perhaps in 1973 it was “ra- Greek housing, it seems reasonable interest. . .and patternsof social and District will have to consider frustration of being politically

' ‘_ ' V- —even if you live on campus or in the tionalistic” to waterdown student in- and practical — maybe not if you’re economic interest.” homeowners in the area. Realistical- alienated.Citizens living in the cam-

- ' . j ‘ .- immediate vicinity. fluence and keep them in their place. an incumbent —- to redraw one William Lyons, political science 13', the concerns 0f students and PUS vicinity will continue to be
' , ‘, When the newly-merged govern- Let’s face it, some actions taken by district to include thesestudents with professor and chairman of the group homeowners are in conflict, mostly alienated from City hall. until those

. ., f ‘ ‘_ ment took office in January 1974, the students during the so—called anti-war the 10.000 residents living around the , , over property maintenance and noise taxpayers have direct representation.

. ’ neighborhoods surrounding UK were demonstrations were irrational. University. that designed the charter r saldas the from parties” Gabbard said. But Hopefully, they won’t have to wait
. ' =' ' l divided. or splintered, into three But this is a different decade and , populationof the county moved to the most homeowners — who don’t rent another decade.

; . districts. Ludicrous as it may seem. student concerns have changed. As In fact, the UCC charter prowdes 9‘0va the “Change" of older their property to students - have Brad Sturseo'l. former Student
p even the dormitories were separated. UK President Otis Singletary has the posSibility of redrawmg council neighborhoods (Within the old city Association president, is a graduate
" said, “The campus has returned to districts based on secondary prin- limits is) in a transition." Gabbard economic interests similartothoseof student in the Martin School ofPublic

~1r:,"_‘ civility," ciples. The document states: “The was also concerned with the students livinginthe samearea. Administration.

. " _‘ a 5 This is not to say students are total~

_ ' x 5'. 1 , ly apathetic, as some would have you B t b t W“ ds “I h 1 985
' . , “ . Brad believe. Remember the packed cour_ ea n 00 us 0 smre seen“ [on
it 3 t ‘ 5“"990" troom at the law school for the GTE
4f; 'f . ~ ' hearing in January 1981'? In OCtOhel‘ Dear Mr. Oppmdnn: When I called the White House to sorry, sir. But I feel that such a re- I’m really not sure why I thought
- '- Students lmns In North Campus last year. 33000 students attended the On behalf of the president (Ronald ask for 900 seconds of the President’s questisalmostimpossibie. Please try the President was writing me a per-

dorms were Placed 1" the thle Rally For Higher Education. . Reagan). . . lam very sorry indeed! time, I had the following conversa- to understand, we’re busy enough sonalreplytnmy interview requestof

" '1 "Q : dlSU'lCt, those on South Came W?” These events are indicative 0f must advise you that a time is not tion: with real newspapers. days past, but that idea was sometime
‘5 ‘_’: ' placed l" the fourth dIStnCt~ Dilutlng changing StUdent attitudes that foreseen when the President would be —— OPPMANN:I’m sorry ma’am . . . runningthroughmy mind. .
. ’2 T.’ UK's influence further. students. reflect a. concern for consumer- able to honor your request that you in- Staff did you imply that our newspaper is I opened the envelope and pulled

-._ - . , faculty and staff residing in apart- oriented interests. From militancy terview him by telephone for the Ken- notreal? outtwopiecmofstatimarysporfliga ’
. ~, ments and house fr°m_W°°d1?"d and, actmsm» ‘0 apathx and tucky Kernel. the University of Ken- . . ms WHITEHOUSE:(Hesitant) neatlytypedmsage.ltwasobvious-‘ -

._ , '. Avenue east were located in the fifth cymCism, we have come full Circle— tuchy’s independent newspaper_ o ln'on Uh . _ ' no, of course not. Ah, _ _ . 1 lythework ofanexcellait IBM mass-

, ' ' district. . . In about? decade—ton new cause we mean with papers like The New York production duplicator.

- j. With three conned members share .wnh many Citizens: “con- Gregory J. Newell ———-——-——- ”mung The Washington pm, . After being rejected by the white
," 7 i ‘ representing “‘um “'5 95y ‘0 pass sum‘mf’m‘" , . Special Assistant OPPMANN: Thank you very much. House for an interview, the President

3 : Iv . the mm“ on politically (ha-ICU]: pro- This isn’t anything ShOCkmg maven tothe President OPPMANN: In regard to your let- (endofconversation) want“! my manly—3mm can.
if.‘, j ,: blems, most notably traffic hazartb the casual observer. Political in- terof Jan. 28, I understand the Presi- tribution.
in the area. . . stitutions however. such as the UCC. I didn’t think I was asking for dent is too busy to grant a 15 minute i stashed the fancy form letter I “Dear Mr. Oppmann," this letter
.;I.i Anne Gabbard- "1'“??th term must, be able ‘0 "590"" to the much. Only 15 minutes of the Presi- interview dun'ns this year. But, I received fromtheWhite noise in my began, “I’ve timghtoryouottendur-
;' ; as fourth district council represen- realities of change that affect their dent‘s time between the first of would like torequestforan interview filing cabinet androceededwith my ins my first year in the White House
'1‘ ‘ tative, said “I think there isa Umver- constituents. AccesSIbility tothesein- January andthethirdofMay. anytime during the President's term life. I soon forgot about the entire became I realize how much my”
-_‘, sity District and it‘s thefourth.lhave stitutions will keepconstituent groups During the Christmas holiday, 1 ofoffice_ episode. donetohelpmeandwrcountry."
‘.,','."'r."‘,?;,‘ -( always responded to students and ”0“ the streets” and m the voting decided to send our chief executives THE WHITE HOUSE: (Immediate Maybe that’s why the Presithot
» . Kl always W1” You can say ”met?” b°°"‘s~ . . . letter asking him to talkover some of 1y) I’m sorry, sir. At this time. the Recently, my folks sent methemail turned me down for an interview. He
. ‘. '~ District butyou’re talking (exclisive- Moreover, the timing is favorable today’s issues withthe Kernel. [typed President’s schedule will not allow for I had received at my house. In this knowsmetoowell.

j‘ ly)aboutstudents," . to change. 'I‘he primary factoryfor “11,831,881; letter asking forapiece any such interview. small bundle of correspondence,

y i Gabbard makes good pomts. the refintnctlns ls “nopnlatlon equality" of his time to rap about the decisions dierewasaplain,whiteenvelope with Andrew Oppmann is a senior not:
' a, _, fourth district probably Inclndfs over wlthln the 12 dlstnctS- The three he is making that affect the average OPPMANN: All I want is 15 two words etched in navy blue in the ‘writer for the Kernel. He is a

,u’w "- two-thirds of the studentsliwng on districts that are generally conceded couegegmdent, minutes betweennowand lws. upperleftcorner. freshman majoring in political

'l L; ’ campus and many rwdlns off am as being heawly emulated with OnJan. 28, thePresident,orratha THE WHITE HOUSE: I'm really uunriiildneagnn." acienccandjournalism.

. v I" pus. And to be acceptable to all con- students are “under populated" by one of his assistants, gent meg letter _ .

.5 '3 cemed, the proposal of one “Universi- about 3,000t05,000 residents each. telling me whgtlcoulddowlm myre-

" - ty District" must include more than According topreliminary U.S. Cen— quest. 3m“ com by W W

. ,1 . 9.! just students. sus figures from lmo, the appropriate Realizing that Mr. Reaganisa very ND “5 m GM
-, ,' _*_,z Many staff, faculty and residents of number of people per district should busy man, perhaps the busist in the mwmm W m WIN 1" m R?! ”,5 _

, . a the area. however. have soci0- beapproximatcly 17,000.1"hisnumber nation, i decided toaskhimagain for W, mm mm mm mm lsu'rm m m we
, ," j -, economic interests in common with has nothing to do with how many of a telephone interview witha different «rumor Y“. W? Ion no. . m, m, ”I A my
'.’,' students. Certainly decisions affec- those people vote or even are timestipulation. mm' / I \ \ \ | \

.' .i ting living conditions in this area, registered to vote. It should reflect According to my prediction of my I ‘4:} ’f 9?

'- f. ' , notoriom for roach-infested and over- total population “as is reasonably futureriubeanendjnguxunfil the , . , (a - - ' ,., 9“

'. . g priced slums called apartments. practicable." springoflms, Since Reaganwillbein \ r l ' . ' . ,

.‘ :_i ' .. ,‘ office until Jan. 19, less, i thought ' ‘ 5 t «'2' / / ’ ’

"7 ' g . . why not simply ask for 15 minutes of 8A\ ! g‘ 524 ‘ J I} I"! I .3 I}

.'.v, ‘- J _ “'5 ‘ {'15 \ histimebetweennowand INS? ‘ l ' ' l
.‘ ' 4‘” ‘ F i. l »7 Surely,nomanissoblny thathe , v .14
J '- “Ell , \,.,.~U,,(\, 1.31 :39; can’t give 15 minutes outofthenext * : I I n . .
_ 1' f“ / ‘ @l r .25? 1,476.m0minutes. . .right? . .__..- . . - .. ‘ _ - . . ...._ - - f
A!“ J. v =,' ‘3‘ “i ”We- :
~ . ~ Illllll WW .2 ' =~: t... ' :

,5 ’/ l / ' \ . " . ' ‘ l—ri'; B-"eu rape one educational facility in a To deploy this sort of activity in theput,beeridiscreditadwlthlow :

' 1- j .° ll __ . ,’ , ,_. I 5? . \“11 I universitysystanlnordertopro- Robimon Forut would datmy ratingslnlteeducatiomleecth ;

. .' , 2 n» “J , l’ r " J K.-. .I- _ vide money for anothe- cement yearsofresearchdmebyUrdver- step undermining another 3
j , ,' 3 2f 7‘ ‘. r—r — - “u thathasveryeimllargoals. slty entomologists, bioloflsts, devalopmaital compliant of ow

, ‘* 7‘ l ‘ l v . oux ldo not see the University as a forestry majors and other udvu'dtiuwouldmlyetvetore- ;
- ' rl’ ‘ i I 1 money-making machine. The ob- members whohsvemedtheforut «mummy “muffle -

, u , , . ‘ ' jecuve of an educational system in the past and who are may Mon. morn '.

' 5’ l ‘ - _ g 7 . noummt should. instead. be to serve as an ming it. uinvenlty to mutton the valldty -

, “ll - _, I V ‘L‘\ “W"dlmmmlmmm instrumental tool in the pro- meoriglmlpm-pooeofmii- ofttdslropoealtostrlpnuneand ‘
, , . ‘ ‘_. ,- ,- the swakerilng interest in la"! geeseivereeearchandailightment saiFu-eetwutoserveuanaid toplayanactiverolelndetu-mln- _
I I . ~ @~‘ 5.“.- UKaRoflmonForatasarevenue ofourlociety. intnecducatlonalendeawrsdthe W the W ‘39 0‘ m .
. ,1 mmms W m Sliflllfbdllhmllfiu..” - item ft! Mum] m. It The W (1 strip mm. unimtyucouldm. ML “hum
”am My oontradictwy '0 ing are well mum in Kentucky. Urlortnmtoly, Kutucky has. In mm '
' ‘ t ‘ ~ 1 ‘

mm M
00.am5"lm— y 1 1mm TH:
guemmtfimy.$mflr “Wm Supp Rwanda” 3' ‘9"- All a “mug" Kim“
M. the "‘"sbew ”was 13' ren w” discov ”tween“ "' cheeks ""‘°v. to
Maui mm ‘3th ’5‘an M to in Cu] that an mm“ were A x I brucry ‘9
Bev d' Commiss' ”We: M-l‘31ecm- '0“. Gary Futon ' - wmant --_ e . 1902.
her "1’ Wn'gh '°" °“ Human Jones cStarviee L- Jones . i°° ”0* w “m mm _., '~ "6 ' 3
fem: ‘ Mouth?“ Reym ‘0 def w” Micah ’m cm of J as seven coun nearby Haas.” a e m
e a ope Ids refused "lid an . 0'1 tw ‘ “ Yam ‘3 0! M' “We I
F‘cficequwun at" because whim lacountsot mum °°°“"t8ot race ybYthe mm w h! “ch 3:” I] a ‘
m 0‘ not hirins tReynolds She w We. I m program aschem 'Meck . Clare 88 Issued -. th -
.the _ main . as mm e m def . Wet e Earl- sandI Count . ear'
WW. Womm beca tamed bydecep . 810 W rand ‘10,“, Mar in y W her 'n - .

Ids den: '°" 3aidin m use of .8 ““1- ' ‘mm a" mistam’ Conferen the day Al m" °f- w an '
Won sued “y diszn - "lease the!” W‘sofma “ betwee' ‘fw meek had said BI’S I en ‘
DWI-“blew d its Staff inmmauon nut N at- t sprectn mum to “VesuEauon has! a mws ell .
curredI When“, . Vamfi’ the '0" wife In the hi . y Robert putus. o ' , I
mintmmw mmey Reyno doc- tesA- MN” Yrung three mg“ “is Mg?“ 9|“

1390.21 Operata'- lds of hfleda ~ - Wayne ldren Press . ‘ ,

FR M ’lml' J°bv and she beered Fax-pet gm?“ s00’s mllrd B“ William! , orld _L mBonham agreed ,
WSW — At 352’“ mckdwmwtfifilamyfmgm WW Riki)?“ chance :3?“ mines offer T L
hummus“ tomey Ge Ea Ithevictim, "1811me tomesh DUBLIN often bee G'I‘ON _ — “M ' a young 'ob '. 'v
{W cm ’ yafom al Stev flier SbOdy tpurm y' 80 ' Ireland Ollie Young ‘ y Pare" . j ' ' '

stam mco erstate e chall Vesta—d, Wanound vemm -me 1mm coal mi peo lntome . £8 (11an .

WP fl'audinK “hectic“ with employee - . enged the Y, a cum . un. eight ent yam Irish V0 fro rt and ners on] Ple th mm B I t Want me

”med ”id the m hism the “'86: 3: “‘3‘ the nwms‘ 0* the 3m fiber expert M We?“ with a." the Secondted f" a new mm mm” wim ml” my 9:; salads?” °' 86 mum “5 either 123° 1 , - '

tAnna t ' ty tak 0f tw lmk ' team Ireland W1 Stat ttee bus and HP 86 a h

M 10m Indxcm, Brand- en at ,. Oyoqm8 thedef Y- - . . “8 the vi e 0f the w “New - ~8Home i ’a burger - re you -' e ‘. . ' '
””me Jones of 0;: wedneélgy fabric smrfifldom fm a flack; mwtz‘ddam to wggmon Dolls in the “Once in No 1d yamdayflhng mine 58‘ tycom' gamemm 101m? Most pigmg to . , .I
331w ' of food i“f y The e, wy . fibers cam ~ rm] r- uOur bi ' e was 0rt_ vYoung ple - I I

Iden' 0|'all er s - cl pmgn - . l _ .. peo go , _ .

”32‘“ "mm“ Jm ism” aged {munyctmga me' ' ms Office and a In? "*‘P‘Imepammc’ted a? :15 °' the three ”we?“ gawk ‘5 that d We“ Virgi - Ple. aSalast ;' .; ’ ’P 7

i W said [mm e1. a (miner Depart mote!- . ”mew v a ”_Year Thimmty in 8 my fa} “lion was ' under miners ha Mple Ustry and it‘ ma has on] .. g y I .‘ .

128 food st ion: was mmb‘mywme, - Cam'; anagrged wfi'hand ”Pifinggld black neighbo In'sr mat): D31], or 11:30:10“er