xt7pnv99904b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv99904b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2001 Vol.72 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2001 Vol.72 No.3 2001 2001 2019 true xt7pnv99904b section xt7pnv99904b F (UK) LEX 405 ,
LEXMTO’Y. KY 40506—0039
1 i .
Volume 72, Number 3 - March 2001 es S


H tf 1d J 1' H 11 f F ' d t

Former Kentucky Press Association ”m‘*‘h’_“—“—m— Clooney also served recently as a host and
President and owner of Hatfield Newspapers, i ' ° - ~_‘ . writer-researcher for the American Movie
Inc., Guy Hatfield, is among this year’s [Hqtfield sztlnguLShéd . Classics cable-television channel. He began his
inductees into the Kentucky Journalism Hall himself as Kentucky 3 { * broadcasting career on Maysville radio station
of Fame. youngest publisher in “g: it WFTM while in high school. He eventually

The journalists will be honored during | - -. becameaweekend news anchor and production
induction ceremonies at noon Thursday, April 1973' HLS newspapers ’ .35, director at WKYT.TV in Lexington and pro-
12, at a luncheon at the Hilary J. Boone have won over 500 i 1 gram director for WLAP-AM in Lexington. A

Faculty Center at the University of Kentucky i awards from KPA, % , newsman and broadcaster for nearly 50 years,

in Lexington. KP % «s Clooney has accumulated more than 300
The hall of fame, sponsored by the UK i W A andjijié__ WJ awards. He is the brother of singer Rosemary

Journalism Alumni Association, inducts jour- His newspapers have won 542 awards over the Clooney and the father 0f film and television

nalists who are natives 0f Kentucky 01' have years from the KPA, the West Kentucky Press actor George Clooney.- .

spent substantial periods of their careers in Association and the National Newspaper ‘ °The late Vll‘gUlla Harris Combs, a Lee

Kentucky. Association for excellence in writing, editing County .native 39d 1°“.gt1me columnist for the
Hatfield, publisher Of the Citizen Voice & and photography. The Citizen Voice & Times Mountaln Eagle 111 whlteSburg-

, Times in Irvine, the Clay City Times and the has been named best Kentucky weekly in its Combs,.who dled ,1“ 2000 at age 99’ started
' Flemingsburg Gazette, distinguished himself class 16 times since 1975. He has been recog- her career in journalism after nearly 30 years
as Kentucky’s youngest publisher in 1973. He nized by the Boy Scouts of America for his vol- as a second-grade and hlgh'SChOOI English
was also the youngest president of the unteer service. teacher in the Whitesburg SChOOlS’ where She

Kentucky Weekly Newspaper Association and Other inductees are: launched the hlgh fChOO} newspaper. Shf had

is the only person to hold that office three 'Maysville native Nick Clooney,now syndi- a weekly column, Family. and Friends, that

times. cated radio show host and a three-column-a- focused on small 00’1”“?th happenings and
During his year as KPA president in 1998, week writer for the Kentucky Post and offered her home remedies, political commen-

Hatfield visited every newspaper in the state. Cincinnati P05t~ See JOURNALISM, page 3

In an attempt to address one of newsroom employees or allow Attendees this year will be dormitory, three meals a day, all

the most important issues facing newspapers to hire a person from given the option of either staying materials and handouts for the

our industry, the lack of newsroom the community who has potential, on campus or commuting daily to training and computer use. The
employees, KPA has scheduled the but no journalism background. the sessions. Last year, it was a commuter fee includes a continen—

2001 Journalism Boot Camp. This year’s boot camp has been requirement that those attending tal breakfast and lunch each day,
The training, dubbed a “boot scheduled for July 16 through stay on campus. Another change is materials and handouts and com-

camp” because of the intensive August 3 at Georgetown College the cost. This year’s boot camp fee puter use.

training over a relatively short and some major changes have been is $995 for those staying on campus Both fees are substantially less

period, is designed to provide addi- made to the format over last year’s and $595 for commuters. The $995 than last year’s boot camp regis-

tional training for inexperienced proposed camp. fee includes lodging in a college SQeCAMP, page 12

M . .

C f 1 h ‘ ’ ‘ ' ’ f d ' ' '
01116 66 I C pOWCI', maglc O a semmar . . . *
The 2001 Spring Ad Seminar toolstohelp advertisers succeed.” how to prove the advertising is - '

will be held in Owensboro April 19- The program will include tips making money for the advertiser. .

20 and feature Mitch Henderson of on redefining your role with the Henderson will demonstrate how to N

MarketPro International, Inc. client, the two key characteristics build ads that get response. ’ ’ 1 ‘
On Thursday, April 19, advertisers are really looking for, On Thursday, Henderson’s ses-

Henderson will lead the session the “secrets in the science of mar- sion is from 1:30-4:30 p.m., and on

“Power of Conviction,” and provide keting behavior,” how to use the Friday it’s scheduled for 9-11:45

ad reps with sophisticated market- 5W3 and the Big G to power inter- am. (Central Time)

ing skills to help them create more view the advertiser, and the basics The seminar will conclude with

effective advertising and close more of great layout, from type to balance the KPA Advertising Contest

sales. According to Henderson, to artwork. Awards Luncheon at noon.

“Reps will gain confidence and then On Friday, it’s “The Magic of

a fiery conviction that they have the Break Even,” where reps will learn Soc SEMINAR, p... 12

 Page 2 - The‘ Kentucky Press, March 2001

KC“ llCK CO 16 a C . th

A m am ' something they can’t get off the primarily to Garrard and Lincoln He is a Springfield native and
Old II Cd pUthher internet.” counties, and has been a copy edi- has interned at two LCNI newspa-

_ ' tor for the last two years. pers — The Springfield Sun and The
a OmerSet u as l .

Stevens promOted to Kentucky Standard in Bardstown.
News Journal . . . BrOWIl named sales, In 1981, Mattingly graduated
Stuart Arnold began his role as Clty Cdltor at DanVIIIC k _ from Western. Kentucky University
the publisher of the Somerset- Vicki Stevens was promoted to mar Ctlng manager at 21mg staréedthis 3:11:18]. $1131;me
Pulaski News Journal in February. the city editor at The Advocate- G] D 1 T n epen en ".1 S an ' a ingy
. . . . . angW 31 y ImeS also worked in Hollywood, Fla.;
Al‘hOld, WhO IS 42, IS a 1980 Messenger in Danv111e at the begin- 0 b _ Th V' . . P] t .
graduate of Western Kentucky ning 0fthis year. Dealton Brown has been wens pro, 9 ltgmlan', ’0 m
University. A 22-year veteran of the news— named Sales and Marketing man- Norfolk, The Courier—Journal for
Before starting at the News paper, she will be responsible for ager for the Glasgow Daily Times. SOLE/en years, RTlh‘? hNewds th&
Journal, he was the marketing the assigning and editing of local He replaces Clyde Harlow, who left Ch'servesrs 1,? :1 mg an e
director for the daily Advocate- Stories and Coordinating the the paper after 41y€ars Of SBI’YICQ “figot un' ltlinels). f t t t
Messenger in Danville, where he Advocate’s day-to-day news cover- to work on the regional advertismg OS rece'n y e ore S 31‘ ing a
started his newspaper career in age in Boyle, Casey, Garrard, and Internet efforts at the newspa- LCNI’ Mattingly worked on the
1985 as director special projects. Lincoln and Mercer counties. She pers 1“ Russellville and Leitchfield. copy desk Of the New York Times.
“People keep saying they want will also lay out pages. Brown brings more than 20 _
more local news, and that’s what Stevens has a degree in years over experience to Glasgow. Floyd COunty TlmeS
this newspaper can give them,” English and journalism from H‘s newspaper career began ”1 ff h
Arnold said. “I’m a huge proponent Campbellsville University. She was 1978 at the Chicago Tribune as eh announces Sta C angCS
of community newspapers. That’s a reporter for 20 years, assigned ass1stant manager for a branch 011" One newsroom staff member
culation office. Since that time he . .
. . has left, one is being promoted and
____.__..._ —————-—— has held a number of pOSltIOD and -

6 en uc y fess comes the Glasgow from the Etigyfigsge hired at The Floyd
TheKenmckyPress(ISSN—0023—0324)ispub- District 13 NOW” (emTrenscr‘Pt’ Where he Kathy J, Prater, who was
“Shed ”10““th the'Keeka)’ ”$5 Glen“ GFaYr MahCheSter Enterprise 58”}qu a: circulathon direlctor. hired as a reporter for the Times in
Associatiim/Kentucky Press Service, Inc. 18 u ies Wi me u e oversee-

~ Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 14 ing the newspaper’s circulation and Sleptember, hasf heen promoaed to
KY. 40601.5ubscription priceis$8peryear. David Thornberry,Commonwealth-Journal distribution. t e pOSttIOh 0 eatures e itor.
Postmaster: Send change of address to The Prater replaces senior editor Pam
. Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, DistrictIS-A . Shingler, who resigned at the end
Frankfort, KY.406()1, (502) 223.8821. Don White, Anderson News Mattingly to head LCNI of January to take a position with
Officers and Dimmm District 15-8 editorial department téhe Eastern I\I/fehltluckthenter fog
’ Kentucky Press Association John Nelson, Danville AdvocateMessenger , , Cience, a em a les ah
_ Alan Mattingly was named edi— Technology.
President State at Large torial director of Landmark Prater will oversee the Times’
Marty BaCkUSv AF’PalaChian NeWS‘EXPTeSS Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times Community Newspapers in Lifestyles and Leisure sections and
President Elect Mike Scogin, Georgetown News-Graphic ebrfihz‘ 1 '11 - t LCNI hilt“ b: redsgonSiblet ft”. humafi
- DaveEldridgeJessaminek 1 a ing y w1 .aSSis . _ in eres an eature s ones, as we
lack McNeel Morehea d News newspapers in recruiting, training, as school and business news.
~ PastPresident y, critiquing, advice and counsel on
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Associates Division editorial matters. See PEOPLE, page 10
V’ P 'd t Armando Arrasti
ICE r851 en K ti
David Greer, The Kentucky Standard, entucky Department of Educa on
Bardstown Advertising Division D 6 3th S
Treasurer Elaine Morgan, Owensboro
. . . Messenger~lnquirer
Sharon Tmnkm’wmmesm Sun ‘ _ . ‘ _ Richard C. Trimble tions in New York and Chicago.
News “What Dmsxon . . . Although he missed the north-
Distn‘ctl _ Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader Rlchard C, Tumble, 74, a Jour- eastern United States he grew up
Ahee Rouse, Murray Ledgersz'l‘imes . _ . ' . nalist who traveled the world while in Forest Hills N Y Trimble came
* C‘tahat‘mD‘V‘s‘e“ working for prestigious news orga- t 1 th ’ t. "K t k d
”3de ’ Knss Johnson,Lexmgton Herald‘t‘eader nizations then decided he w nt (1 o 9V8 sou eas ern en uc y an
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springsl’mgrcss t b ’ 11 t a 9 his job as a small town newspaper
New Media Division 0 .ecome e sma own newspaper editor, said his daughter, Valerie
District 3 Tim Hurst,Benton Tribune—Courier editor, dled .Feh. 14’ at .the Trimble, an associate producer at
Ed Riney,0wensboro Messenger Inquirer , _ Knox (.30' Hospital m Barbourvflle. Kentucky Educational Television
lgucrfihsm Education Trimble retired as editor of The in Lexington
District4 n, Y?“ Barbourville Mountain Advocate. When he first moved to
wepom FranklinFavorite Umversrtyof Kentucky He was editor 0f the paper from Barbourville she said “it was cer-
W5 GeneralCounsels ‘ 1975 t? the mid-19903 Although tainly a cultiire shock). I think the
Davidcmtmxmmckyggtmdfld' IonFleischaker andKimGreene he officially retired from the town probably regarded him with
Bardstown DirwmorekShohl Mountain Advocate ”1 1993, he as much initial hesitation as he
Dis 6 Kentucky Press Association contilnued to serve as editor for a regarded the town.”
' hid . COUP 9 more years. Trimble actually wore many
9mm idham K Press aff . . _
yAbemamy,O Eta Deariii‘dcittmompieonr‘tiiiiiufive Director _ A graduate 0f the UniverSIty 0f hats at the Mountain Advocate. He
District? BonnieHoward,Cmtroller Missouri journalism SChOOl, not only was editor, he was the
may Warnick, Canaan County News Lisa Carnahan, Member Services Director Trimble moved to'Kentucky after a police and city government
LarryBrooks, Advertising Director variety of journalism jobs. He was reporter and feature writer for
Districts-9 RebaIeMsRaseardi/MarkefingCoordinatm news chief for Radio Free Europe many years.
KenMetz,BathComty News O"h°°k IeffStutesmanJNAN Account Executive in New York City for about 20 He just lived and breathed this
Dawd Spencer, New Media Director . .
District 1041 Jacinta Fold News Bureau Director years, Before that, he had worked thought this was just the greatest
Jerryl’amingtomAshlandDaiiylndependmt SueCammack, Administrative ASSistant for Time-Life in Spain and as a thing in the world,” his daughter
Buffy Sam, Bookkeeping Assistant free-lance writer in Australia. He said. “He loved doing feature sto-
Districtlz Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant wrote for various papers in the ries He was extremely good as a
StephmBawlinglackson Times Holly Sfigem.TearsheetC00rdinator United States, including organiza- See DEATHS, page 11

 The Kentucky Press, March 2001 - Page 3
J rn 1 ° -
011 a 13m Papers finally de11vered. .. 17 months later,
comm m... mu Hawan votm g affects local race coverage?
taries and doses of proper fi
English grammar usage. Her col- ex rst.” Apparently so, if you read
umn continued for more than 40 on second ":5“ Clay remembers some delivery House Concurrent Resolution 21.
years, even after she moved to Thought 3 f???- problems in the fall of 1999. “For HCR 21 urges the news media
Lexington late in her life. A gradu- i Mi": about three weeks, we had bundles to not report any election results
ate of Kentucky Wesleyan College, —_ of newspapers missing. The post- until polls in all parts of the United
where she played basketball, By David T- 2% master would call to tell us some States have closed.
Combs was inducted into the Thompson 5.5% ' copies were missing so we'd fix up As a resolution, this doesn't
Kentucky High School Athletic ‘ ‘ another bundle and he'd get them have the force of law. If it did, I
Hall of Fame in 1997. She September 16, 1999. That was to the post office.” imagine a great First Amendment
authored two books and was active 17 months ago. Some 68 weeks. No one knows, or at least will attorney like Jon Fleischaker or
in local clubs and church organiza- Would you believe that's how long tell Clay, why it took 17 months to Kim Greene would be chomping at
tions, winning recognition for out- it took for one bundle of the find a bundle of newspapers. He the bit to take this on in the courts.
standing service by Letcher Edmonton Herald News to make it can only imagine where they'd It's primarily geared toward
County and Kentucky Wesleyan, to its subscribers? been. “Somebody at the post office national TV networks, and if the
among others. And no, this isn't an April probably found them in the bottom General Assembly was really seri-
Winchester native William R, Fool's story. It really did happen. of a sack and sent them on to the ous, it should have made the reso-
Grant, the first person to receive a Even a pack of slimy night- right post office.” lution language applicable only in
master’s degree in mass communi- crawlers could carry a bundle of So what happened with the Presidential elections.
cations at the University of newspapers 12 miles in 17 months. September 16, 1999, Herald News But no, the legislature went
Kentucky, Grant currently is direc- They'd only have to average one copies that were discovered in early whole hog. It wants the news
tor of science, natural history and mile every 39 days to match the February? media to withhold all election
features for WNET, New York USPS delivery time. “The post office went on and results until every poll in the US.
City’s public television station and Clay Scott, publisher of the delivered them,” said Clay. "They has closed.
a major source of Public Herald News, received a call figured we had already paid for Hawaii is in the US, the last
Broadcasting System programs. recently from an Edmonson County them so they might as well deliver time I checked.
He has won major national awards, post office. The postmaster won- them.” First, the legislature should
including five National Council for dered if Clay had put out the previ- And I'm sure the subscribers have realized Congress has already
the Advancement of Education ous week's newspaper with the appreciated knowing all the news had national TV networks testify
Writing awards, two Peabody wrong date on it. in Edmonton County....17 months on the last election. So Congress is
awards and six Emmys. A 1965 “No, we dated last week's paper late. looking at the situation and state
graduate of UK, he was editor-in— correctly. Why?” he asked. * * * * * legislatures should stay out.
chief of the Kentucky Kernel. He The postmaster said she had But those 17 months pale in Why should a voting booth in
spent his early career as a writer just received a bundle of Herald comparison to news out of Yuma, Hawaii have any effect on any
for The Courier-Journal, San News dated September 16, 1999. Ariz. Seems around the second mayor's race in Kentucky? Or
Francisco Chronicle, Detroit Free “What's the lead story?” Clay week of February, the post office county judge executive's race, or
Press and The Lexington Leader. asked, thinking maybe this was a found 300 letters that were never school board, or even a State
University of Louisville gradu- crueljoke. delivered. Representative or State Senate
ate Monica Kaufman, who has “The Pumpkinfest,” said the The letters were all dated in race.
served as news anchor for three postmaster. April, 1992. That's just a couple of I don't see any news media tak-
evening newscasts for WSB-TV in Clay knew then it wasn't a months shy of nine years in getting ing this resolution seriously. And I
Atlanta since 1975_ She began her hoax. some first class mail delivered. hope none do.
news career in Louisville, working “Back then, our newspapers to Wonder how long it would have Gee, this would mean no more
as a reporter for The Louisville a couple of Edmonson County post taken that same pack of slimy David Hawpe and Larry "Red Dog" _
Times, in public relations at offices had to travel an hour to nightcrawlers to deliver those let- Webster fighting it out on KET's
Brown-Forman Distilleries and Bowling Green and then get ters? own election night coverage.
WHASJl‘V as a reporter and news shipped back to Edmonson * * * * * I think I'll ask KPA‘s Board for
anchor. Over the years, she has County,” Clay said. “One of the So does the Kentucky General permission to go to Honolulu on the
' won 23 local and Southern post offices in the county is about Assembly really think a voting next election night. I want to see
Regional Emmy awards. She 12 miles away but the papers had booth being open in Hawaii has an how many Hawaiians are aware
received the Woman of to go all the way to Bowling Green efl'ect on your local mayor's race? who ran for mayor of Georgetown.
Achievement Award from the
Metro litan Atlanta YWCA, and '
m “$.3th Ame...“ and CNHI announces plans to sell Russell Springs paper
second woman to head Atlanta’s
Metropolitan United Way. Community Newspaper cult. However, we feel that new Spencer, Spirit Lake and Storm
Among the events planned for Holdings, Inc. (CNHI), has owners who can focus more directly Lake, IA; Russell Springs, KY;
April 12 is the annual Joe Creason announced plans to sell some its on the needs of these newspapers, Broken Bow, NE; Asheboro,
Lecture, named for The Courier- newspapers, including The Times their employees, and customers will Fuquay~Varina, and King, NC;
Journal columnist who died in Journal in Russell Springs. better serve these local communi- Antlers, Bristow, Eufaula, Guthrie,
1974. This year’s speaker will be According to a release from the ties. We hope that we will be able to Guymon, Henryetta, Holdenville,
Bonnie Angelo, a Time magazine company, CNHI, a privately owned use the proceeds from thislsale to Okmulgee, Stillwell, and Waurika,
reporter for 25 years who held operator of daily and non-daily acquire other larger newspapers OK, Millington, TN; Big Spring,
major assignments in Washington, newspapers and specialty publica- which fit better with our overall Bonham, Borger, Del Rio, Gun
DC, New York and London. tions throughout the United States, strategy and other holdings.” Barrel City, Kilgore, and
Tickets to the induction lun- will sell certain smaller newspapers After completion of this sale, Sweetwater, TX, and Ravenswood
cheon are $25, Tickets to a 6 pm. and other ancillary publications CNHI, which owns more daily and Ripley, WV. .
reception and 7 pm. dinner prior that, because of size and/or location, newspapers than any other US com- Dirks, Van Essen & Murray of
to the Creason Lecture by Angelo do not fit the long term strategic pany, will continue to operate 100 Santa Fe, NM, will represent the
are $50, Contact Julie Berry at the objectives of the company. daily newspapers with over company in the transactions.
UK School of Journalism and In announcing the planned sale, 1,000,000 daily circulation as well Interested parties should contact
Telecommunications at (859)257- CNHI President and CEO Mike as some 150 other non-daily and Dirks, Van Essen & Murray, 119
1730 to place orders, or write to Reed stated, “Because our company specialty publications in 19 states. East Marcy Street, Suite 100, Santa
her at Room 107, Grehan is an overall acquirer of newspapers The operations to be sold are Fe, NM 87501. Telephone: 505-820-
Building, University of Kentucky, and not a seller, the decision to part located in and around Forsyth and 2700 Fax: 505-820-2900. E-mail:
Lexington, Ky., 40506-0042. with these properties was very diffi- Madison, Georgia; Cherokee, Info@dirksvanessen.com.

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, March 2001
Ky. papers Photo page must have dominant shot
. . . . —+— ers in context by explaining what
Wln llteracy’ D 3519“. Is “AS past; deSIgnelrs, "'5 :1)“; the story or event pictured is all
- ‘« ‘ responsi i ity to se ect an e it about.
NIE d Everythl‘ng as??? the photos so that we can OUse individual caption under
W h if; createa hoto a ethat is eaCh PhOtO- A grouPed caption
awar S ByWF. “ti-Q?" d bl p d p g bl ” makes readers have to travel back
Hennmger rea a e an memora e. d f h f h . h
Kentucky papers fared well t) ~" _ an 0ft rom t e gaptlon to t e
m the Southern Newspaper Any photo page is immediately page. Allowing room for 3 COPY photos, each time trying to find the
Publisher's Assoc1ation annual - ~ ~ ' prt m the caption where they re
, faulted unless it leads off With the blOCk, a headline and some cap— , d t t' d'
literacy conference. The (all-caps, bold, underlined) domi— tions, that means those photos will suppose 0 con inue rea. ing.
LeXington Herald—Leader won nant photo. If there's no dominant run no larger than 2 columns wide 0Use only one credit If there
two .firSt place awards, The photo, what you eventually have is b y 2 inches deep. A lot Ot'PhOtOS — was. only one photographer on the
Courier-Journal won a first place not a photo page but a page with a none worth looking at. ass1gnment. The credit may be
honor and The Winchester Sun lot ofphotos on it. When we run so many photos, larger than standard credits and
was a first place Wlhher- . Too many photo pages are just often our reason for dcing so is that placed in an area 0f the page that
Winning first place in the an agglomeration ofpictures. None we don't want to upset: (a) the p110- will give it more emphasis.
BF)“ L'teracy prmect category, has any more impact than the oth- tographcr, who thinks every one Of 'It'S OK to use a headline tYPe’
CU‘CUIBthh 7o,000:150,000, was ers_ None is more attractive. None them is important and helps to tell face that's different from your stan-
the Herald-Leader S newsroom 5 is more effective. In short, all of the the story, or (b) the people who are dard headline style.
PUthhlhg 0f two, chapter stories, photos are relatively the same size, piCtUI‘ed in the phOtOS and EXPBCt OStay with your standard fonts
ahge‘fieannrky‘c'i‘ifiblgdiggkbgzgtli: have relatively the same impact, that if the PhOtO was taken it Will for the copy block and captions,
Erickson elic1t cii'elaitively tlietsanlie ges‘lpons: be Y‘gh- page designers it's our But you may want to set the copy
' _ ——an a arereaive u an > ‘ n w "'
Judges 3150 llhed the compo— boring. y responsibility to select and edit the 2101:}: fflfitltaslingé Egoti:ni)ftfl:::
395m thaltl Educaticzinal Outreach Oh, no: it's not because of their PhOtOS 50 that we can create a pthto g
tilon'fOTfl'lne :12: Ziaenetrsliirctllfildpead content: [Or their composition. photo page that IS readable and 0C1uster the photos, creating
. p . , Rather, its because of the display memorable. Our duty 15 to all Of bl f- d -
sending out over 2’000 writers they are given. More great photos our readers, not just those who am assem age 0 images an us1ng
Journals to students, running a are lost on photo pages because of may have been the subjects in the Slmllar spacmg between them.
12-week contest and givmg those weak display than for any other photos. And our responsibility to °Apply some negative space
that entered the contest a Super reason. the photographer is to help show- around the outSIde edges of the
Summer Stuff packet that Especially at smaller newspa- case her best work _ not neces- page, giving the page some room to
included'5 post ”his that had pers, the temptation is very strong sarily all Of her PhOtOS- breathe.
the families dOing literacy actiVi- to run every photo you're given of a So the most important key to 3 (Edward F. Henninger is an inde-
tleS Wlth the newspaper and then particular event. So if your photog- successful photo page is to choose pendent newspaper consultant and
returning the postcards through- rapher Offers you two dozen photos “the" photo and give “the” photo the director of OMNIA Consulting in
out the summer to Wlh more of the Christmas parade, you're good play. Rock Hill, SC. You can reach him at
E: if? 3‘1": 5:105:22; fux’tné‘; going to do your best to run those Here are some other tips: 803-327-3322, fax: 803-327-3323, e-
subscribers. two dozen photos on the photo °Use a COPY bIOCk t0 PUt read- mail: go2omnia@aol.com.)
And a first place award was ___——-——-——_————'———
given in the Community Service . 0 0
category, mom, 75,000- American Profile earns national magazme honor
150,000, for the creation of the
new. Herald-Leader high SChOO] Delivering the good news about tions for the magazine. Husni looks at a magazine’s rele-
senior SChOlaTShlP- The new America’s hometowns is a big hit Even though 0, The Oprah vancy to its intended market; gen-
requirements “OW 33k students with the magazine industry’s Magazine was launched on a big- erated publicity from its launch;
to NOT be m the .top 10 percent expert. time budget with a well-known and its diversification and special-
Of the" graduating 01383, hilt American Profile, 3 four-color celebrity and American Profile was ization. Husni reviewed 874 new
have average 01' above SAT/ACT weekly, national magazine with founded by an entrepreneur setting launches for 2000.
SCOTeS- ' . regional editorial content for com- out to fulfill his American dream, “Publishing Group of America’s
“We re 100km8 h?" a student munity newspaper readers, is the both magazines are based on “good new venture takes the position of
who got a 310W start "1 the“ high recipient of the 2000 “Launch of news.” 0, The Oprah Magazine is reaching out to small town resi-
SChOQl career 01' who had “natur- the Year” award, named by Dr. geared toward the improvement dents, which represents a smart
al disasters happen that ““392 Samir Husni, a.k.a. Mr. Magazine. and enhancement of one’s self, and concept." stated H08!“- “From P0“-
the" grades to not be the best, American Profile shares the American Profile showcases and tics to rediscovering family her-
said K1139 Johnson, Educational honor with a household name, 0, celebrates hometown America and itage, t0 the charm and beauty 0f
Outreach Coordinator {0" the The Oprah Magazine, the first its heroes. returning to small town communi-
Herald-header. _ occurrence of two magazines split- “I wouldn't be surprised to one ties and values, American Profile
Seniors write an essay and ting the honor in the award’s 16- day see Oprah hosting the people exemplifies a magazine that is
have a letter 0f reference from an year history. featured in American Profile,” directly relevant to a large and
adult who has witnessed the" “Both magazines somehow noted Husni. “Both share the same dynamic market that also .lUSt hap-
success. J°hh3°h created and embody the American Dream at its message." pens to be the largest segment 0f
faCilitates thm scholarship pro- best,” said Husni, a journalism pm- "To be recognized by the maga- the American population.”
gram. . ’ fessor at the University of zine industry expert is an extreme “American Profile has 8180
. The Conner-Journals award, Mississippi who has researched honor,” said Dan Hammond, pub- taken into consideration the trend
‘h the 150,000 and over Circula- magazines for more than two lisher and CEO of American toward specialization in the maga-
tion category, was for ”'5 decades. “0, The Oprah Magazine Profile, which is published by zine industry. Different editions for
Summer Reading Spectacular, surrounds itself with celebrity and Publishing Group of America in different geographical areas have
519513th to keep students read- Madison Avenue buzz, while Franklin, Tenn. “It’s a testament proven effective at drawing the
ing during the summer break. American Profile silently, but to two publications that have suc- regional interest 0f readers,” he
The 0"] mails calendars for truly, demonstrates the power of cessfully positioned themselves in added.
June, July and August to stu- big circulation without the lime- a competitive magazine industry American Profile, Wthh
dents who “3318“” and they keep lights.” and set a standard for publicizing launched in April 2000’ has five
track of then reading and mall American Profile is an ‘good news’.” regional editions and is distributed
the calendars back to the news- Associate Member of KPA and for- The “Launch of the Year” honor through community newspapers
paper at the end 0f the month mer KPA President Jerry Lyles is is based on several criteria. In With circulations that generally
- SOC-L'TERACY. page 7 vice president of publisher rela- addition to innovation and impact. See MAGAZINE, page6

 The Kentucky Press, March 2001 - Page 5
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