xt7pnv998z23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv998z23/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1987 text GLSO News, June 1987 1987 1987-06 2019 true xt7pnv998z23 section xt7pnv998z23 LEXIHCTCN GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATXON P.O. BOX 11‘71 LEXINGTON, KY ‘0575 _
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If you would like to advertise in the
GLSO Newsletter, please send your camera-
ready copy to: GLSO, P.O. Box 11471, @Lsfi
Lexington, KY 40575. The deadline for all
submissions is the 15th of each month for
publication in the following month’s issue. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
Anything received after the deadline will not
be guaranteed to be published in the next p1 . t the GLSO mailing list
issue. _ ease pu me on '
Ads may be sent camera-ready or rough. inClUdtng a free SUbsgfiiptiog to th? monthly
Rough copies are subject to additional gfiigloxzwleCter (dellVered 1“ an unmarkEd
charges as shown in the rates below. GLSO I would. like to become a member 'Of GLSO.
will not be responsible for typesetting ——Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students)
errors in the ad incured during printing; annual membership dues.
advertisers are responsible for proofing the __Please let me know how I can be more involved
ads they submit for publication. in_GP50 by calling me at: ————————(ph°ne) or
The Editor and the GLSO Board of ”Flclng to me 3“
Directors reserve the right to censor ads and TE;;;——————————————————**—
other submissions which are deemed to be in
poor taste and to edit due to space f;§g;;;fi’————————_'TXS?T§T
restrictions and/or grammatical errors.
Erotica, fantasy, sexually—explicit (City) (State)(ZIP Code)
materials, or material deemed to be in
conflict with the purpose or policies of ail to: GLSO. P.0. Box 11471, Lex. KY 40575
the Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
Organization will not be accepted for
pUblicati‘m- .IllIIIIIII|||l|||||||l||||||||IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII
RATES The GLSO Newsletter is published monthly
by the Lexington Gay Services Organization,
Eighth Page $8.00 Quarter Page $15.00 Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
(2" x 3.5") (2 1/8" x 7" or Organization) P.O. Box 11471, Lexington KY
4 1/4" x 3 1/2") 40575. The GLSO is a registered non—profit
Half page $25.00 Full page $40_oo organization the purpose of which is to
(4 1/4" x 7" or (8 1/2" x 7") provide educational, recreational,_ social,
8 1/2" x 3 1/2") and referral services directly involving or
relating to gay/lesbian people.
Classified $2_00 (up to 4 lines, . Views or opinions expressed in the
$ .75 each additional line) articles, stories, letters, or advertisements
are those of the authors and do not
Typesetting $15.00 necessarily represent those of the GLSO Board
Screens $10.00 of Directors nor the Newsletter staff.
Publication of the name or photograph of any
DISCOUNTS person, organization or other entity in
10% off for 3 issues articles or advertising in the Newsletter is
25% off for 6 issues in_ no ‘ way indicative of the sexual
40% off for 12 issues orientation of such person, organization or
50% Off for non-profit organizations entltgubmissions for the Newsletter are
Discounted ad space will be contracted welcome. All SmeiSSion become the property
at the a vertiser s expense an su ject to ' l '.' , . ,
the above deadline. Half of the cost of the giganéjiflozg$e 2:: :§§?:::1°:: mEE: 1:3::::e
d13°9”"t‘?d 8‘1 Shall be due pm” t° although no by—line will be published without
publication and half Shall be due upon the express written permission of the author.
completion 0f the t?rm Of the discount. Non-original material must indicate that the
Failure to comply "1?h the terms ?f the original author has given permission for use
contract may result in future denial Of of the material. Anonymous submissions
contracts. . cannot be accepted. The editorial staff
Placement of an ad in the GLSO Newsletter reserves the right to alter submissions
QQ§§ N9: denote a person's sexual orientation (including ads) to meet publishing
or a buSiness’s customer preference. requirements.

present 1!,
3.3:I;.'-/ GAY PRIDE WEEK 1987 ,}
£5... ,. June 7—14 35$”
/& SUNDAY, JUNE 7 %\
9 PM at the Sheraton Inn located at the .;,';.-
junction of Rchmond Road and 1—75 _
5-}; 133;. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 ff: .:_5:-' .33.}. 23-1;-
11.31- BUFFET DINNER AND MOVIES at ;:;' :;:: '-.;-':_.'_-. .;-':_-'_
3"; ':.-'_-‘.‘ .1}. RAZZMATAZZ, located at the corner of ‘-'_-."-'."
'" 1:3,- ‘5'.- Pimlico and Man—O—War, 6 pm. Due to ‘5’". '-'."-',' '_-:-.'
:"-‘:.' fl ' ' limited seating available, please RSVP ' .‘ k '_'_.';';.'.-'
2': 'lh ~ by call Razzmatazz at 271—1377 ' ‘_'_.'
‘ :SI, \-'-' -' '
up to fight the June, 1986 Supreme
Court Sodomy Decision), at 7:30 pm, and
' ' .. IMPERIAL COURT SHOW, at 10 pm, both
yfifitgsb. events take place at JUICE’S SHOWROOM
\\ FRIDAY, JUNE 12 '23-..5-‘121
\ COFFEEHOUSE AND DANCE, at 8 pm, at ,.';'3132-.,;3;'._;‘;:-'_:3'/
353535.153. the LEXINGTON UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST .23:;'.-_'-:' 1:]-
3:2" '555: CHURCH, 3564 Clays Mill Road. .1121’1'.“‘~1f;51'-_2_1
‘53? SATURDAY, JUNE 13— .4"" \i
ALL—DAY PARTY AND PICNIC, location _,...,\
and starting time to be announced .535:
.. . ‘UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, 3564 Clays Mill "'
Road. SERVICE begins at 10:45 am, _.':-‘
‘ PICNIC follows at approximately 12 noon 1'3
.-;.-_-_'-‘:‘.-'.-. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: ,.f:§:3;.§5§;: _ .
:_~;:~' Craig/Steve. . . . . . . . . .266-8887 -A;.;.:;.-_..
5; Kris/Shirley. . . . . . . . .273-7870 :;:§:‘:§:§:;.::;:
:-:-:-' '55. :5.- ‘g; Mark/Twyla. . . . . . . . . . .266—1779 :-:-':-".'::3: {is},
31L :5 Jerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272-7381 $55.? '51-}:
I} Keith................273—8056 'fi .j-j.
dgjy Dave.................271—4320 \‘ 'jf

There's going to be a really hot concert
in Lexington in June! On the 26th, "Sweet
The following is a continuation of an excerpt Honey in the RPCkS" will be. playing at the
from O_ur Ri ht to Love, 2 Lesbian Resource Opera House. Tickets are available on campus
Book, which was produced in cooperation with through the .Womens Studies Department, or
women of the National Gay Task Force. The through Sqec1al Médm' The cost 15 $8 or $10’
book was published in 1978 and is now out of for balcony 01' mam floor seaftlng- There are
print. no reserved seats, so come in early to get a
good seat!
...The difference in "blind spot" between by Matilde Pineda
two women living together and two men doing You say
the same is quite interesting. In the case of I love you
two men, everyone seems capable of imagining now
what they can do together, even if it is the and those words
"love that dare not speak its name." With enter me
women, all aspects of the relationship are deeper
granted as acceptable except any sexual than your hands
dynamic, which is either unimaginable or un-
thinkable. Women are almost expected to be FUR FACE
intimate emotionally with each other. It is a by Yvette y, Edmond
well-recognized fact that communication is dif-
ferent between two women, a woman and a Jelly bellied, fur face cat.
man, and between two men. A rather amusing Witness of house secrets, nubian spy.
illustration was provided by the early attempts As honest as a free fall backwards.
to form all-male CR groups using the model of
the CR groups that have been so helpful to My summer fly warrior, sock smacker.
many women. In one case the men were told Empress of a rent free land,
that they COUld talk about. anything except where I come when most needing.
busmess, sports, cars, politics, and religion. ,
There was silence for ten minutes! Women are
far more used to discussing feelings with each
other than men are. As a result, it is RAZZMATAZZ
scarcely surprising that society has recognized NEW MENU! NEW SCHEDULE!
that two women are very capable of giving
each other emotional support. After all, Lunch 3, Dinner, Mon-Sat, 11 am-9 pm
women have been defined almost exclusively as Sunday Brunch, 10 am-2 pm
emotional. To carry the point a bit further, Breakfast, 10 pm'2230 am, Fri 8, Sat
since men are given less credit for being able Nites Only
to give each other such support, it is hardly Dinner Specials served 5pm-9pm
surprising that straight people's minds wander MON CLOSED
to other topics when two men live together. -
The difference is easily demonstrated: In TUESBgaugttiikgééf Steak :33:
most communities two. women can walk down the WED Lasagna. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ‘ $4_35
street holding hands and few people will Spaghetti.......... $3.70
notice. If two men do it, they may be ar- THU Chicken & Dumplings $3.70
rested for mcmng a not! Liver & Onions. . . .. $3.50
(Continued in next month's GLSO FRI ££§§£§b§:;1?cfim Egg
Shrimp or Teriyaki Chicken
SUN Brunch............. $3.99

. , GLSO is in the process of or nizin a
Dear Readers: 'l‘his month I received regular coffeehouse and dance that g:ill ocgcur
several letters, all asking bastcally the same on one Friday evening each month. The first
question: How do I meet someone interested will be on June 12th at 8 pm to coincide with
in more than a one night stand? I'm tired of Gay Pride Week. We will then switch to the
spending my time in adult bookstores and bars 3rd Friday of each month, starting with July.
where I meet people who are only interested in We are interested in offering both gay men
sex, or else I don't meet anyone at all. I and lesbians an opportunity to socialize,
know there must be a better way, bl” I dance, and experience a variety of gay enter-
haven't figured 1‘ out yet. What do you tainment. We need volunteers for all phases
suggest? . of planning, including music, public relations,
Well, .I suggest several courses 0f action, refreshments, serving, and entertainment for
all Of meh I have meatloned many times the coffeehouse. If you are or know someone
before but are worth gomg over one more who enjoys performing _ dance, readings, live
time. First of all, each of you wrote to me music, lip sync, comedy, MC's, etc. _ please
care. 0f GLSO: an organization dsdi°§ted to contact GLSO or attend our next organiza-
servmg the Day and lesbian commumty 1n Lex- tional meeting on May 20th at 8 pm. For more
ington and Central Kentucky: Each and every information call Laura at 231-7985 or Janette at
month they sponsor meetings, discusswn 254-2483.
groups, support groups, potluck dinners and
other events. During summer months there
are also frequent volleyball-in-the-park picnics VOLLEYBALL RETURNS!
and during the winter months there is a bowl-
ing league. Plus, .in just a WHIP-19. 0f weeks Summer volleyball has resumed at
this year‘s Gay _P1'1de Week activ1t1es bsgm- Jacobsen Park on alternate Friday's, so pack
All Of these meetings and events 3?"? de51gned your picnic basket and head out to Shelter #5
to be low keyed and non-threatening to new- on June 5th and 19th. Bring food or beverage
comers and regulars alike. What better atmos- to share because the fun starts at 6:30 pm.
phere to meet new people and really be able to Fun, food, and exercise make a great combo.
talk to them and get to know them? So, to Remember though, we don't play in the rain.
those of you who have been writing, I ask, See you in the Park on the 5th.
where have you been, alone and lonely, while
we have been so busy trying to put on things
of interest at which you will feel comfortable? interested in helping disseminate information
Another really good way to meet people is about AIDS to the communit
to VOLUNTEER. Volunteers are always needed Finally do you like pibtogra h litera-
and. it is a sure way to meet people who share ture creative writing yoga pairfiigg, etc
an interest with you. Now I'm sure you can etc..,..? There are ,classes’ at nearly, every
see this coming, but co-inc1dentally, GLSO University of College in the state for adults
needs volunteers for several Of Its programs, who would like to pursue their interests Wh
including the newsletter, phoneline, speakers not get involved and meet people who. Shari
bureau and many others. Have ya 11 been you interests? This is an opportunity to make
reading your newsletters. . . new friends, gay and straight who can help
For those of you of a religious nature, you meet even more e0 le ’
you really should take the time to meet the So the next fliegmfi have a discoura _
people involved With Dignity (gay and lesbian ing night at one of the bars remember Eur
Catholics and their friends) and Interweave Aunt Mar sa s "I told 0 ’ H, ’ Y
(gay and lesbian Unitarians - and even an y y ’ y u 30'
Episcopalian - and their friends). I. don't . .
this so as s. W: to 33:3 33:33:: 3, “Mary
you can find information on both of these P O Box 11471, Lexington KY 4057’5 ° Fora
. . 0 - , .
STOUPS m thls. very newsletterl. . , personal reply, please include a stamped self-
ACT-Lexmgton, also 11$th m this addressed envelope. All names are strictly
newsletter, would love to hear fromvany of you confidential.

On May 7th the Lexingon Herald Leader
At present, 17 per cent Of all people reported the response of each gubernatorial
being tested for the HIV virus are turning UP candidate to the question, "Should the state
positive. This figure holds true not only in keep a list of all people who are carriers of the
large cities with the highest number of AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus if it
cases, but also right here at home in remains confidential?" They answered:
Lexington, KY. Yep, Aunty Em. Right in our Beshear: Yes
own back yard. That means that one out of Brown: Undecided
every six people in Lexington who have taken Carroll: Yes
the HIV test have been exposed to the virus. Stumbo: Yes
It also means that chances are very high that Wilkinson: Undecided
anyone who has had sex with six or more gay Harper: Yes
men or intravenous drug users since the late Johnson: Yes
1970's has been exposed to the AIDS virus. As we prepared this issue for press we
Pretty scary, isn't it? But anyone who didn't know the outcome of the May primary,
consistently has Safe Sex, or is careful not to but the results are now in. Who won, and how
use other's hypodermic needles, stands a does his answer to this question compare to
much, much better chance of not being your personal opinion?
exposed to the virus. Think about it - for We all know AIDS is a question of life and
your life's sake. Please be careful! We gay death. You should expect it to become an
people are, truthfully, about all we've got. We increasingly important political issue because of
need each other now more than ever. the magnitude of the problem, and because of
the fear it generates.
department store!) condom. The Gold Circle
Ever wonder what the "experts" say condom has a width of 1.9" and a length of
about condoms? Well, according to Clark 7.5" with rippled sides and a reservoir end.
Taylor and Jim Garner, these are the best, It's color is clear and is thin with no smell or
along with their "vital statistics." taste. This condom was distributed at The
In "Lubed" category, the Sheik condom Bar by ACT-Lexington during Valentine's Day
was recommended. The Sheik condom has a Weekend.
width of 2.13" and length of 8" with a Whichever condom you choose, remember
reservoir end. It's color is opaque and it's what the United States Surgeon General says
known for being strong, stretchy, and (much to the dismay of many in the Reagan
inexpenSive. cabinet), "next to abstinence the best
Among Non-lubed condoms, Taylor and protection against AIDS is the use of a
Wilson recommend the Gold Circle (not the condom." Happy shopping!
M ta 7441414
for a new
March on Washington forlesbian and Gay Rights
"Deprlving individuals of the right to choose for themselves how to conduct their intimate relation-
ships poses a far greater threat to the values most deeply rooted in our nation's history than tolerance
of nonconformlty could ever do.” —U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun.
disseminz from the Court': 1986 ruling that upholds sodomy laws
October 11,1987

, .

It Is'Gay. Prlde Month across the country, Because of Pride Week, there will be only
communities like ours W111 be celebrating the two Dignity meetings this month. The liturgy
18th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots of will be June 2 at 7,30 pm at Don's. For
June 27, 1969- information and directions call 299-4458. The

I am amazed at the progress lesbian and rap session and potluck will be June 30th at
gay people have made. Twenty years ago 7:00 pm at Kris 8: Shirley‘s. The topic for
nearly everyone Was in the closet. Today the discussion will be: Friends. Call Kris &
some 0f us are out to everyone, 91' at work, Shirley at 273-7870 for more information.
01‘ to friends, 01' to family ‘ b1“ at least today Please bring a dish and come ready to talk!
we are out to ourselves and each other. In the region this month is the Region

We see the POSSibflitY Of a good life as a V/Spring Summer Meeting in Grand Rapids,
lesbian 01‘ gay person as a real POSSibflitY- Michigan. The dates are June lQ-let.
It's possible to have the Opportunity to be Anyone interested in attending, please contact
out, well-adjusted, valued, appreciated, in Dignity.
love, treated as a human being, and free. We
see the possibility to be who we are and to
take pride in that and have others not only
accept but support, learn, grow, and value
who we are and who we can be. We see the I I
possibility to enjoy the efforts of those before
us and to make things better for those who I
will follow.

We see the possibilities. D,

But we must work to make things P'O- 50‘?£14Tj/LL¢EESEJ?<¥ 40593
happen. We must no longer apologize to
others for who we are, but we must be able to 273-3055
help those who don't understand! If you're
thinking that I'm saying we must be strong for
straight people, you're right. It‘s a dirty WERSHIP
job, but someone has to do it! We must be ' _ , ' _
the enablers - those who enable straight and We re stlll 1,“ our Membership DI‘IVG- 0111'
closeted lesbian and gay people to educate goal ls'twenty-five. Can you be the person
themselves and others about our affectional who W111 get us there? For only $25-00
orientations. ($20.00 for students, $415.00 for couples) you

We must work to help ourselves as well. to can be a member 01? Dignlty! J01“ today!
We must set examples that all people would be Dlgnlty/ Lexington
proud to follow. To do this we must take PO BOX 1984
pride in who we are as a group and Lexmgton, KY 40593
individually .

There are any number of ways to do GLSO SUNDAY POTLUCKS CHANGE TIME
this. Whether it be working in one of this
town's organizations, or financially supporting Razzmatazz, which hosts GLSO's monthly
civil rights' causes, or perhaps most potlucks on the first Sunday of each month,
effectively, saying, "I'm gay and I'm glad it's will be open to the public for brunch from 10
a part of me," or "I'm a lesbian and I'm proud am - 2 pm each Sunday, beginning the first
that's the way I was meant to be." Whether Sunday of June. Consequently, the GLSO
that be to someone you know or even yourself, potlucks will start at 3 pm.’ These have
when you say that, you're helping all of us. always been a lot of fun each month, and are

Thanks to those brave people at Stonewall a great chance to have a really excellent,
for this possibility. I hope your Pride Month inexpensive meal without the hassle of having
is a good one. Hope to see you at Dignity to cook everything yourself. The events are
soon! In Dignity, also a good opportunity to get out of the

Keith house and spend the afternoon with friends,
as well as meet other "Members of the Clan",
"Friends of Dorothy", and others "of the
Proper Persuasion".

The United States Naval Academy recently
forced a midshipman to resign after revealing The Rainbow Bowling League wrapped up
to a fellow cadet that he is gay. The last its season on May 5th, and celebrated with its
time a student was subjected to such treatment annual awards banquet the following Tuesday at
because he was gay was in 1984. China Cafe. April and Dottie topped the
LYNCHBURG, VA awards Itiflt for women,fwith Stev; andMChuck
, . . earnin e op prizes or men. pare e won
L' Jerry Falwell S Moral Ma]or1ty/ first glace in the team competition with the
iberty Foundation has stepped up its crusade Alle Cats hot on their tail
against homosexuality, and is continuing to y Originally organized. with the help of
1 ' ' 1
fifxieg'iixtnthgfiilils: 5115:? WEE)“ r33; 3: eggs: GLSO, Rainbow League is definitely a winner on
homosexuality Libertp Front tie the list of social activities sponsored by your
fundamentall. 1.-——x. ——-’. . , organization. This past season the league was
y re 1gious . organization 5 represented at gay tournaments in both
:figfpaperfiAIBasn éhe firstnmstarlllmentfoft an Louisville and Columbus, with some of our
articlgeay condemninoverP‘llzginedan Paientleiioldr': bowlers bringing home prize money from the
ro essive views g h lit Th Louisville event. A Lexington team is spending
p gr .. . on omosexua .y'. e Memorial Day weekend in New Orleans at the
paper also cmtiCized condom advertising; and annual tournament of the International Gay
printed six gay/AIDS related news briefs, and Bowlers Or nization If that sounds like a bi
an "Action Alert" urging readers to insist that deal it is'gaCan ou.ima 'ne the fun at a threg
their federal legislators support anti-gay, day ’party. with tlSirousandEl of s from around
AIDS-related legislation. the world? gay
They'll succeed in these bigoted attempt, '
too, unless everyone of us makes some effort - - -
to .help the fight against them, whether it's by so doihemlfiig‘éiafliiiés‘ifli iiinieinafihe 5333;.
writing or calling legislators, volunteering time on out to see what (who) you've been missing.
:rgdw'work, or givmg monetary donations ' Skill or coordination are not required - we just
' have fun! Watch for details in upcoming issues
DENVER: CO _ _ of the Newsletter.
The Colorado legislature passed a bill
requiring doctors and laboratories to report W
names of all people who test HIV positive and Qtyff‘flj. A.\:{".,;.~.;__ -
granted sweeping powers to quarantine ’N’ , 'f'mr',3\‘;?'§i
people with AIDS. The new law also directs ('3. 61%»; If") :2; ‘>;§\jf:§ 5:7;
officials to notify parents of any minor who X .1 k: \ *1:sz ..-.};~ifi%§xlgfiéfgéj;/§3:’
tests positive; allows state health officials to “SEPET'FSELCglkfej‘;it“ L: ’N' viii/i
access and inspect any relevant medical \Vfi)‘Q ”igm/L “1;?
records while inspecting sources of HIV ,‘sZ‘M, {E’z'e'e‘m' «"2,
infection, without requiring subpoenas to FfQ£Zny1£ a #57133
obtain the records; and does not require if .35.; :9 52'? .fi‘ "re-Lt“ '
individuals to be notified that their records 5;: / ”13“” ‘-\‘\-\.x”\fi‘\_
are being examined. - 4:” L173 :‘1 7 i \Y 2% :‘WI‘
"A lot of people here did not think that N ”7;;3’34‘Wi —- ' «1543‘ .
anything like this could happen," said Tom ”WW II N“ '
Witte, a gay activist in Colorado. "It could again," Wmm""“W’m'”””"““”"”'""““”"Wbeekmset'm
have been prevented if people had taken it as —
seriously as the bill's proponents took it.
Like everywhere else, most of Colorado's gays CLASSIFI-, AND PERSONAL!
and lesbians thought they'll be able to hide at Gay, discreet, male, white, 23 years old,
home forever. 31” they ' and the rest 0f us 6', 145 lbs., seeks loyal, honest relationship.
' Will learn the hard way that's lUSt self- Money, earthly trivial things unimportant -
deception at its worst. Ask six million dead love me for myself - I for you - no games. I
Jews and 500,00 dead homosexuals if you don't want to love 0111}! one person. Reply to
believe me." J.P., P.O. Box 99, Frankfort, KY 40602

DIRECTORY June 5-7, 1987. Lexington Interweave
Spring Retreat. Cynthiana, KY.
GLSO Gayline....................231—0335 June 7-14, 1987. Lexington Gay Pride
GLSO Board. . . . . . . . . . .call Dave, 269—7611 Week, Lexington, KY. See Events
GLSO Newsletter, Calendar and Ad for details.
General Information and June 19-21, 1987. Dignity/Region V
Advertising......call Steve, 266—8887 Meefing, Housecfi DeMgaug. Grand
Advertising....call Kenneth; 278—0048 Rapkm, ML
GLSO Speaker’s Bureau- - - - - - - - - - June 19-28, 1987. San Francisco International
' 0311 Barry: 258‘3935 Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.
GLSO Gay Parenting Support Group.... San Francmco, CA.
Gall Barry, 268-3935 June 21-27, 1987. Louisville Gay Pride Week,
GLSO Potluck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .‘ . . culminating in March for Gay Pride.
----Call Dena/Marv“ 271—1377 For info call Steve Savage at 266-8887.
GLSO v°lleyball' ' ' ' ' ‘Cal_l Blll’ 228—0048 June 26, 1987. Concert by Sweet Honey in the
_ , or henneth, Zia-0048 Rocks. Opera House, Lexington, KY.
GLSO Ralnbow Boullng League. ' ' ' 2'8'0048 June 27-28, 1987. Sisterfire, Washington, DC.
GLSO Cards & Games..call Karen, 259—3292 _ ,
GLSO Movie Night call Tom 252—1990 me 11 18’ 1987‘ GAYLA IX (Gay Men.s
Gay/Lesbian AA ' ‘ ' .call Craig, 266—8887 Retreat) sponsored by the Unitarlan
. ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ Universalist Association. Ferry Beach,
Lesbian Potluck................ ME.
F . . "Tcall Kris/Shirk” 2‘3‘7870 July 13-15, 1987. International Association of
emlnlst Alliance..............
....call Kris/Shirley, 273—7870 Gay Square Dance Clubs. Portland, OR.
Imperial Court of the Bluegrass July 17-19, 1987. Chicago Round—Up sponsored
Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . .call Mark, 266-1779 bY,GaY/L65blan AICOhOhCS Anonymous-
or Jerry, 272—7381 Chnmgo,IL.. . . _
Dignity/Lexington. . .call Keith, 273-8056 July 23‘26, 1987. Dignity Nat1onal Conventlon.
Dignity Liturgy.......call Don, 299—4458 Miami FL- ’ .
(Lexington’s chapter of the national August12-16,1987. 12H1thngan Womynk
Catholic gay support organization. See MUSE FesfivaL Waflmfla, ML
the Dignity page included in this Augu5£ 2:31.387-00111? RgunéifiUp of Gay -
newsletter.) 9513“ ~ evean a -
Interweave. . . .call Craig/Steve, 266—8887 August 28-31, 1987- 8th Annual West Coast
(A group within Lexington’s Unitarian Women's Music and Comedy Festival.
Universalist Church, primarily composed Yosemfie, CA.
of gays and lesbians, though by no means September 4-7, 1987. 2nd Annual Labor Day
limited to such.) Gay Men's Retreat sponsored by the
ACT/Lexington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281—5151 Unitarian Universalist Association.
or call Dave, 271—4320 Rowe, MAJ
(Lexington’s AIDS support and October 11, 1987. March on Washington for
educational organization.) Ga and Lesbian Ri hts. Washin on
Lexington-Fayette County Health Dd? g g1 ’
Dept. AIDS Information.......252—237l
(for AIDS counseling and testing,
Louisville Crisis Hotline,(502) 637—4342
Owensboro Gay Alliance. . . . (502) 685—5246 ANNUAL GLSO YARD SALE
Cincinnati Gay Swithcboard(513) 221-7800
National Gay Task Force Crisis Line Saturday and Sunday, June 6-7
and AIDS Crisis Line. . . (800) 221—7044 Call Dena and Marijo at 271-1377
for Info and Directions
' ‘ to Donate Anything and Everything
Lend afland... - to be so...

1’ #1“ — “’ .fi FRI 12 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 — 11 pm;
* - ' JUNE Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp. Care
‘ 5 M T w T F 5 ~ Center, 201 Mechanic St.; Gay
7 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' _ Pride Week: Coffeehouse and
, 7 8 9 m 111213 ;T Dance, 8 pm, Unitarian
f 14 ,15 16 17 18 19 20 ' Univer§allst Chum?” .
,_, 21222324252627 , SAT 13 Gay Pride Week? Picnic Party,
282930 , time and location to be announced
es ,7- SUN 14 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp. Care
, s_—, _~‘w—~-w \ ' Center, 201 Mechanic St.; Gay
Pride Week: Interweave Church
Contact names and phone numbers for all Service and Potluck Picnic Lunch,
events listed in the calendar can be 10:45 am, Unitarian Universalist
found in the Directory on the previous Church; Lesbian Potluck, 2 pm,
page. call Ann at 252—4263 for info
MON 15 Gay Men’s AA, St. Joseph Office
MON 1 GLSO Meeting, Board Report 8 pm, Park., Rm. 120; Newsletter,

Forum at 8:30 pm, Topic: Gay deadline for submissions;

Vacations!, Comp. Care Center, Speakers Bureau Meeting, 7 pm

201 Mechanic St.; Gay Men’s AA, WED 17 Gayline 231—0335, 8 - 11 pm,

St. Joseph Office Park, Rm. 120 lesbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian
TUE 2 Dignity Liturgy, call Don, 299- AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Pk.,

4458 for information Rm. 120
WED 3 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm, THU 18 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm;

lesbian volunteer; Gay/Lesbian Newsletter Layout, 7:30 pm

AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph Office Pk., FRI 19 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm;

Rm. 120 GLSO Volleyball, 6:30 pm,

THU 4 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 — 11 pm Jacobsen Park; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8
FRI 5 GLSO Volleyball, 6:30 pm, pm. Comp. Care Center, 201

Jaocbsen Park; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 Mechanic St.

pm, Comp. Care Center, 201 SUN 21 Gay/Lesbian AA. 4 Pm, Comp. Care

Mechanic St.; Gayline, 231-0335, Center, 201 Mechanic St.;

8 - 11 pm Phoneline Training Session, 2 pm,
FRI-SUN 5-7 Interweave Spring Retreat Comp. Care Center, 201 Mechanic
SUN 7 Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp. Care St.

L Center, 201 Mechanic St.; Lesbian MON 22 G180 Board, 7 pm, for more info

Potluck, 2 pm, call Ann, 252- call Dave, 269—7611; Gay Men’s

4263; Gay Pride Week: Imperial AA, St. Joseph Office Park, Rm.

Court Show, featuring Miss Gay 120; Gay Parenting Group, 7 pm

America, 9 pm, Sheraton Inn TUE 23 Newsletter Folding and Stuffing
MON 8 Interweave, socializing at 7:30 WED 24 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 - 11 pm;

pm, program at 8 pm, Unitarian Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph

Universalist Church; Gay Men’s Office Park, Rm. 120

AA, St. Joseph Office Park, Rm. THU 25 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 — 11 pm

120 FRI 26 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 — 11 pm;

WED 10 Gayline, 231—0335, 8 — 11 pm; Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp. Care

Gay/Lesbian AA, 8 pm, St. Joseph center, 201 Mechanic St.; GLSO

Office Park, Rm. 120; Gay Pride Movie Night: Arsenic and Old Lace

Week: Dinner and Movies, and Casablanca, 7:30 pm

Razzmatazz Restaurant, 6 pm SUN 28 Gay/Lesbian AA. 4 pm, Comp. Care
THU 11 Gayline, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm; Gay Center, 201 Mechanic St.

Pride Week: Speaker Sue Hyde MON 29 GLSO Board Meeting, 7 pm

(7:30 pm) and Imperial Court Show TUE 30 Dignity Rap Session & Potluck, 7

(10 pm), both events at Juice’a Topic: Friends. At Kris &

Showroom Shirley’s, call 273-7870 for info