xt7pnv998z1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv998z1h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2010 text GLSO News, April 2010 2010 2010-04 2019 true xt7pnv998z1h section xt7pnv998z1h fig The Apnr 20 1o
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 3
Imperial Court April Fun St. Mychal The Martyr Parish
April brings some great events from Springtime! What a great time of
the Imperial Court. We kick off the the year and what a blessed and much
month with the Easter Bonnet Parade needed season of new growth and green
and Show at Mia's on Sunday April 4th. grass. We have all lived through a
Come out wearing your favorite Easter rather trying winter and are all much in
head adornment and enjoy a great need of warm weather and sunshine.
show. I am sure we will have prizes for This Sunday, April 4th, is the
' the best dressed and most creative. western celebration of Easter highlight-
The Imperial Court of Kentucky ing the resurrection of Jesus the Christ
will be hosting, along with the Imperial . from the dead. At St. Mychal the Mar—
Court of Cincinnati, the Miss Bone tyr church we celebrate this Sunday at
Lick Pageant on April 9th at Crossings. 10:30 am with the lighting of the Easter
This event is a fun and campy pageant Candle, the proclamation of the Word
that you will not want to miss. of God, the Holy Eucharist AND a bap—
On April 23rd we have the Second tism! Join us at 1033 Industry Road.
Annual Drag Queen Olympics being On Sunday we will welcome a
held at Pulse Nightlife. If you missed young man into the Christian commu—
this event last year, do not miss it again. nity by pouring water over him and
You will laugh until you are crying as baptizing him in the name of the Holy
the girls compete in different sporty Trinity. This is a very important day
drag categories. Come out and support for him and for our community and for
these great events. all of us as we recognize and celebrate
Also this month we will be hosting new life. All of you are most welcome
the Annual Miss Derby Pride pageant. to join us this Sunday or any Sunday
on April 28th at Pulse Nightlife. The for the Lord's Supper.
winner and first runner up will com— Our community is small but
plete our candidates for the Entertainer strong. We are Orthodox-Catholics
of the Year Pageant being held in May. and we celebrate the Lord's Supper
Watch for more details on this event. every Sunday. Our

See more about the court on page 8 cont. on pg. 2

also YARD SALE Sponsor of the Month

Save the dates: April 16 8C 17, from St' MYChal The Martyr

8am—3pm at 3559 Lansdowne Dr,

Lexington 40517. Rain dates mm www.stmycha|themartyr.org
April 23 8c 24. We are now collecting if? 359 338—1 195 if?
items to sell. More info: 859-253-3233.

Rev Kenneth Waibel

 communion is open so everyone is welcome
GAY and to attend and receive. Our ritual may seem
. . a bit strange at first but anyone who has
LBSblan Sennces experienced the Episcopal, Methodist, Pres-
. . byterian, Orthodox or Roman Catholic ser—
organlzahon vices will feel quite at home. For those who
have not, know that you are welcome and
we will help you understand and participate
Incorporated as _ . as far as you like. We are located on the
The Gay SerVIces Organizatlon lower floor store front at 1033 Industry
Road, Lexington, KY.
P '0' Box 1172 LeX'! KY 40588 If you have questions or would just
like to chat email me at kypadre@aol.com
www.GLSO.org or give me a call. All are welcome!
6‘ ”8 U S Census
Volume 32 No.4 . .
You should have received a census form
News Editors and Staff in the mail in March. If you have any ques-
tions about filling out the census, or need a
Jackie Cobern, Editor new form, a census worker will be at the
Mary Crone, Judy Sutter Pride Center Mondays and Tuesdays be-
Ginger Moore-Minder, tween 10 and 3. The dates are April 5, 6,
Dennis Wheatley Sarah Phillips, 12, 13, and 19. CALL first as these hours
David Spencer may change.
It is important that you fill out this
_ _ . _ document. All information is kept private;
Admmls_trat've ASSIStant statistics are created to inform government
BI” Chandler agencies about how many people live in
. 859'253'3233 each community.
' The information the census collects
helps to determine how more than $400
GLSO BOARD billion dollars of federal funding each year
. _ is spent on infrastructure and services in—
Denms Whealfley’ Fresndent cluding hospitals, job training centers, pub-
Thomas Polllns Vice Pres' lic schools, senior services, highways and
_ Jane M'nder’ _Secretary other—public works projects. It also deter—
Ginger Moore'Mmder’ Treas' mines the number of representatives each
Ma_ry Crone, GS_A state has in the U.S. Congress, and is crucial
Jackie (Fobern, Editor for emergency Preparednew
DaVICl Sperm?" Every ten years there are some changes
Jess'ca SUCIk in the census. In the past, if a person
marked that they were married to a same
Ne t meeting AP“ 11 sex partner, their answer was actually
X I , a o _
1pm at the GLSO pride Cent... 33%;: T535133? ginger“? Pa“
389 Waller Ave., Suite 100 h e .d .ge ' 15 “‘e’ ”we"
Lexington, KY 40504 we c oose to i entity .ourse ves, our answers
Will be counted as written. For more infor—
mation, see the census article on page 13.
Page 2

 . v-fj; ' “
5f> . "DD
ii: .7":-
Research u... Pride Prom 2010
Alicia Fedewa, a UK faculty mem— _ _
bet in School Psychology. Is conduct- The (ELSO Gay Straight Alliance
ing research on children being raised by for Youth is hard at work planning the
one or more LGBT parent. She is fo— fourth annual Pride Prom scheduled
cusing on teens ages 14 through 18. for May 28' The theme this year 15
She will be interviewing them at the Time Travel. 1'1ng1 “11°01 groupsas
Pride Center at various times conven— well as. other particrpantsare desrgning
ient to the participants. tables in the style of specrfic time peri—
Parents can talk to Alicia before ods. So far we have tables representing
giving their consent; a consent form the 805, the 505. the 20s, the Victorian
will be provided. Teens will fill out a era, and the futme'
questionnaire that will take about an It would be fun to have some of the
hour. The teens will be given a gift food we oHer at the prom be from spe-
card to Best Buy as a thank you for cific times also. Surely there are some
participating. There will be information creative €00.13 out there that .WO‘hd hke
provided concerning follow up counsel- to 011:“ the“ Skills“ Something easy to
ing if any of the participants would like eat With fingers would be best.
to talk to a counselor. We Will also need some adult chap-
Alicia can be reached at email cranes and there will be a get together
Alicia.fedewa@uky.edu or 850-257— for all those interested in early May.
9338. Please pass this information on Contact mary at 859 266-5904 or email
to people that might be interested in marycrone@.inSightbb.com about food
participating. This is important re— or chap eroning. , . . . .
search that could lead to a better under— Prom cancelled m M15555", P 1_P age 8
standing of the experiences of young . __
people growing up in our families. Lexmgton SummerFest Auditions
Summerfest will be holding audi-
tions for RENT, The Musiwl the
1“ weekend of April 9th at the Schmidt
J - "”115: 1‘3": 3;“ ”'9 Vocal Arts Center, 412 Rose Street, Lex-
#1:. Inpport thatyou iron-5:13;. ington, KY 40508. General auditions
in“: . will be held by appointment on Friday,
”:7 " April 9th and Saturday, April 10th.
ply/r Eggfiggmggmbs Callbacks will be on Sunday, April
A 11th. Audition appointment times are
CcIVTcxI: 859-489-l150 RVMFX as follows:
Off :859-422-2000 . .
Enricii tercsacombs@rcmax.nct MK Friday, April 9th
Web: w:v:.:r:sacombsrealtor.com 5: Creative Realty 5 pm - 7 pm 7 pm - 9 pm
cont. on pg. 4
Page 3

 RENT Auditions continued from pg 3 Bible Shldy Gmup
Saturday, April 10th The gay affirming Charismatic
10 am ' 12 noon 12 noon _ 2 pm Christian bible study is meeting every
2 pm _ 4 pm 4 pm _ 6 pm Sunday at the Pride Center at 10:30am.

You must be available for the en— You can email Karen at ktay—
ti re two hours. To schedule an audi- lor@fewpb.net, for more information.
tion appomtment, v151t the directors You are invited to a showing ofThe
website, MM’ and Passion on Good Friday April 2 at
click the "audition" button at the 7:00 at the home of Kai'en and I:is a.
top. You will receive a confirmation For ’ directions contact ktay—
email. or .P hone call regarding your lor@fewpb.net We will have snacks,
audition time. , but bring your own drink.

Please be prepared to 8mg 16 bars Easter Sunday, after Bible study
of either a ballad or up-tempp song (around noon), we will be going to
and hug your own sheet music. We Golden Corral for dinner. Come on out
are looking for rock vocalists who pos— and eat with us even if you can't make
sess a strong stage presence. We are the study.
specifically looking for a multi-racial Our mission statement: We are
cast, but-we are not looking to replicate called to reach those who have been
the trading” ““mgs 0f the Bmd’ wounded by the church with the love
way pro u, on. _ , and grace of Jesus Christ, to proclaim

Y?“ WI“ also be asked-to particr- liberty to those who have been held cap-
pate m a movement audition. Please tive to the false idea that we can not be
dress accordingly. This. production of gay and Christian, and to proclaim
RENT W1“ likely contain more move— God's love to all. We pledge our love
ment/dance than the original Broad- and commitment to Jesus Christ and to
way incarnation. one another, that we might be the bea—

Bluegrass Women’s Network con. 0f light to eYeryone. m the gieater

Lenngton area, With spectfic focus in the

The Bluegrass Women's Network GLBT community.
is a social group for women who iden—
tify as lesbian. Membership is free and .
there are no obligations. We use LGBT B81110 Show
a private/hidden Yahoo group website Announcing Kentucky’s only
to announce events. We also have a LGBT radio Show, OUTIoud. The
phone “5" show airs on Wednesdays from 8am to

Members plan a variety 0f activi— 9am on WRFL, 88.1 fm. You can also
ties _5“Ch as potluck dinners, plays, stream the show online at www.wrfl.fm.
“10““: P311185: card gums and what— It will be based on a talk show
ever else we manage to dream “P! You model but they are not yet able to take
choose to attend those events of inter- calls on air. Listeners can phone in
{st to you- Our goal is_ to enrich our comments off air at 859—257—9735.
lives Wlth great.fri.endships. Congratulations to Vincent Purcell, Bo

Interested in mining? Go to http:/I Burnett, and Watson for getting this
groups.yahoo.com/group/thebluegrass underway. www.0utsourceoutloud.org
womensnetwork/ and aPPlY ‘0 for more information.
join. Facilitators are Debby Hemstock
and Lynn Matlock.

Page 4

 St. [Wych al the Martyr Church
1033 Industry Road, Lexington, KY
Sunday Service -— 10:30 AM
St. Mychal the Martyr Parish is the only Christian Church in the Cen-
tral Kentucky area that openly supports GLBT issues including Gay
Marriage. The parish is totally inclusive, accepting all persons and pre—
senting their needs and gifts to God and to the world.
Founded in September of 2003, under the patronage of Pr. Mychal
Judge, martyred in the 9/1 1 terrorist attack on New York, St. Mychal
Parish is part of the Orthodox—Catholic Church of America — an Ameri—
can Orthodox Church founded in 1841. Our parish philosophy:
“Welcoming all People Equally” regardless of personal history, gender,
orientation or marital status. Our sacraments are open to all persons
and we gladly ordain women and men to priesthood for the sake of the
Come and join us for worship!
Page 5

 389 W H A S |00 Hours IOam to 3pm M, Tue, Thur, & Fri.
3 9' V9” 16- Phone 859-253-3233
Young Adult Group
First and Third Sundays at 5 pm ”JMKMM
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. TransKentucky is a support, social,
T ler: trum etbnddork mail.com and “mm“ gm“? sewing Le’dngm"
y p @g and Kentucky. The group provides a
safe place for transgender individuals
DIICUIIION GROUP and people who feel they do not fit into
Every Wednesday at 7pm the standard gender norms to express
Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 their true selveS-
All A", Welcome While the group is not therapeutic
. in nature, we can provide information,
Lex. Lyons Levr & Leather Club advise and share resources from our
Mon da March 8th at 7 m at unique experiences. Family and friends
'IYhe Pride Center P are invited and encouraged to attend
all ’ meetings to gain understanding and be
389 W er Ave., Ste. 100' supportive of their loved ones.
I . h TransKentucky meets the first Satur—
nSlg t Group day each month at 7:30pm, doors open
Insight is a social group for gay and at 7pm. Meetings are free. You may
bi men. We usually meet on the first dress however you feel comfortable. For
and third Fridays of the month at the information contact TransKen-
Pride Center at 7pm. This month we tucky@gmail.com 01' ““859'963‘6606'
are skipping the second meeting which
is our Game Night.
On April 2, we will have our usual PFLAG
potluck and movie night. If you can't There is a group working to estab-
bring a dish, just bring yourself. The lish a local PFLAG (Parents, Friends 8C
more, the merrier. Two meetings will Family of Lesbians and Gays) chapter.
resume in May. Anyone who is inter— They will be meeting on the first and
ested in organizing a game night open third Sundays at the Pride Center, 389
to the whole GLBT community, please Waller Ave. Email Sandy Linville at
email Josh at beautiful— kylinvillesS@insightbb.com if you are
souls78@aol.com interested.
Once they are organized, this group
will be a great resource for people who
GLSO News Oil-Lille need information and support as well as
. . a way to give support to LGBT friends
To receive the e—newsletter send an email and f amil members
addressed to: newsteam@glso.org. Put y '
“on-line newsletter” In the subject line.
Page 6

 Pawley’s Island South Carolina
.~ . . 1 No more than 250
1 will be sold
1. a -, .,.,, g5 “€131“??? Available at the
emulate?!» new
. ‘ . ' ; . , 7 , ~ Pride Center
top floor porch, . .1 -, WM ' ‘
overlookin the Atlantic Ocean 77;" f4”? ’. - ,
g ALLA...—
' 4 ‘ 7‘ ”In
“The house and scenery were perfect \" ,1 3 1 . l ,' "
and projected harmony and calm to ‘ _ L g
each of us. It was the perfect vaca- / ‘éw _‘ _ . 1 l:
tion. Thank you GLSO for this special l ‘11.],1’11'44‘1‘ 1121., ’- .
gift.” Betty (last year’s winner) g' “ llllll {17.31.1311 ‘1".‘2' '
GLSO is raffling the second floor apartment of a beautiful home in a great
location. The house sits between the ocean and a salt water estuary/bird
sanctuary; there are views of the water from all but one room in the house.
The second floor apartment is best suited for four couples, or 8 adults who
share rooms. There are extra beds if 3 people want to share a room (Limit of
12 people). There are four bedrooms, a living and dinning area, game/reading
room, and a kitchenette. A clock in the “creek” behind the house for fishing.
Check in 4:30 Sat., Oct 2. Check out 10 pm Sat., Oct. 9.
Walk out the front door and jump in the ocean. The water is great in October!
. ' - , . . , KW” .. .
I. p {-51, (aging/“l ,, fix: , 1
”input“. Ll ‘ .1 p ‘ ,. ', -:. “fl-“‘h '..,M‘ . :'- .". ‘:
15...”.‘3? W, ” '1 'l 7&3. 1" {>59 "t V ’
Wt. 1.15311 1.1 .2 . ‘ r . :1. 2:91? , ,s .111- .7 ' - ' as
‘1‘»v11xclr1 .. -i g Q! P‘ -. ' r..I.. l ,, g a” , . y, r __ . V..." .
'31.;1;i'i‘1'l!.i.f’:‘ii€w 1,11 1. “Jeff, - "’ i: Fifi ’1‘“ "j “.2" 1’ "““"‘
111n11lws1 MM 1.1 1!
‘ 715:1 i-r’ .. J" 't "i 2 Ma: " i :2 3 ' :. . .
:E-l 4.“ .‘H'lg f;_‘»- 1.", , . :‘ ',;.' ‘1
Page 7

 The Cancelled Prom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans—
. ender eo le and their families. See
& The Humanmts vanglfthtfmanistsorg.

The Itawamba County School Dis— There is a Humanist Group that
trict in Mississippi made headlines in meets regularly at the- UU Church,
March by canceling the school prom for {15564 Clays Mill Rd' Their next meeting
the Itawamba County Agricultural 1s Wed. April 14, at 7pm 1n the Richard
High. A lesbian student, Constance Allen House, to the side of the church.
McMillen, wanted to bring her girl— There will be a discussion on "The Evo—
friendasher date. lution of Human Spirituality." What

The school board’s first decision do Y?“ mean when/if you use the term
was to bar McMillen from the prom. "spirituality"? For info contact Did‘
The American Civil Liberties Union Renfro at frickdan@windstream.net
(ACLU) of Mississippi became involved
and demanded the school reverse its '
policy. The school board responded by The Imperlal court Of Kv
cancelling the prom. Constance and the The Imperial Court of Kentucky
ACLU have probably been blamed for joined paws with the Scott County Hu—
the cancellation of their prom. mane Society for the First Annual Wags

The American Humanist Associa— and Drags held at Bellini's. Over 150
tion (AHA) has offered to plan and people attended the event which raised
fund a prom for all the students in this $5,000. For many of the attendees it
school. "It's shameful that closed— was the first drag show they had ever
minded members of the school board seen and by the end of the evening they
are prepared to deprive an entire class couldn't wait to hear about our upcom—
of students their prom over their out- ing events.
dated religious mores." said Roy Speck— When Emperor Wes and Regent
hardt, Executive Director of the AHA. Empress Nicole stepped up last June
"People can hold to any belief or no they wanted to reach out into the com-
belief in this nation, but the school munity and let everyone know more
board misuses their position when they about the Imperial Court of Kentucky.
try to impose their beliefs on the stu— The Wags and Drags event is one exam-
dent population in Itawamba." ple of how successful they have been.

"Humanists can also bring re— The Court has joined forces with the
sources to the table that will defend community and has raised $70,000
students from a repressive school since June of last year.
board," added Speckhardt. AHA mem— The College of Monarchs is busy
bers Todd and Diana Steifel made a planning Coronation 29 which will be
$20,000 grant available to the AHA for held on June 6, 2010 at the Hilton Ho—
the purpose of holding a prom in Ita— tel downtown. Make your plans now to
wamba County. attend the weekend of events and show

Humanists have a history of speak— our out of town guests what a wonderful
ing up for the rights of all. The AHA community we have here in Lexington.
was among the first to support civil We will be hosting the 45th Anniversary
rights, equal pay for equal work, and Gala of the International Court System,
the right of same-sex couples to marry. which means a lot of out of town guests
Recently the AHA launched the LGBT here to support our local bars and res—
Humanist Council to advance equality taurants.

Page 8

 Come out & ioin
I ,~ _ _ ‘ . if! m w’
for all of our fabulous April events”!
Friday, April 9"1 Crossings Lexington
Friday, April 23ml Pulse Nightlife
Miss Derby Pride
Wednesday. April 28“I Pulse Nightlife
is...“ I
iJhe'nefit the charities of The Imperial Cou '
i: Page 9

 Signs Of the Time You’ll shine with confidence and inten—
sity. However, my dear crustacean,
By Kay Passa flings could become more serious and
. complicated than anticipated. Watch
Am (March 21'AP‘1120)‘ your boundaries and temper some of
Though slow to start, this month prom— your flirtatiousness.
ises to be a good month, professionally. LE_O Only 23_ August 21):
Your work will receive the attention it April brings a lot of ups and downs for
deserves from your superiors and much you, Leo. In the first half of the month, ;
that has gone “hHOticfd shall "(BW be your energy level is low and could in— I
recognized. Your socral hfe WI“ be vite colds or infections. By mid—month, .
lively this month and you may find the people in your life buoy you up, to [
yourself sampling a lot of flowers. some extent, and you bounce back to
However, you should settle down near enjoy the second half of April. Quiet
the end of the month and frequent one times with close friends will mellow
bloom more than others in your Spring your social activities. Work will pro-
garden. gress smoothly and you may incur
w (April 21-May 21): monetary gains after the 21“. Share
Th“ month calls for 'some rest, relaxa— your thoughts with others but watch
“Sm, and introspection. Qmet times that you don’t drift from feeling confi-
Wlth a close filehd 01' partner Will be dent to projectingan air of superiority.
the staple of your social diet this April. VIRGO (August 22-September 23):
Enjoy the quietude....Things start PiCk' Love! Its blooms entrance you! If al—
‘hg “P near month’s end. Money or ready in a relationship, security and a
gifts may come your way. Travel, expo- renewed sense of oneness will bring
sure to other cultures, and a expansion contentedness and joy to your partner-
of your social network will inspire you, ship. If single, you may well bump into
broaden your mind, and stimulate your Mr.lMs. Right, so keep alert! After the
idealistic nature. 15‘”, you may incur a monetary gain
MINI— (May 22-111” 21)= but USE CAUTION! Consider all out-
This-“fill be a good month for you, comes before investing money. Not all
Gemini. Work Wlll go smoothly and opportunities are as perfect as they ini—
you’ll find support from supervisors. A tially appear.
close friend or partner Will keep you LIBRA (September 24—October 23):
content and very sated. You may want Librans will find April to be a month of
to take him/her on a small getaway if‘ “normalcy”. Your energy levels will be
the latter half 0f the month. April low early in the month. Work will be
should be a very happy time for you. satisfying. April will bring a return to
However, it. is advised that you keep “normalcy”. Your energy levels will be
your impulsiveness on ashort leash. low early in the month. You may feel
Mame 22-July 22): you have something of import to say I
April should prove to be an excellent but weigh your words carefully; things 1
month, professionally. Your opinions said may be misinterpreted or miscon— i
and suggestions will be called to center strued, bringing you down. Things will
stage and you’ll find the ability to com— return to a more familiar pace after
municate ideas coherently and explic- the215t. Romance may find you at
_itly comes naturally. This will be no— month’s end.
ticed by the proper people at work. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 —Nov. 22):
Socially, you’ll find happiness, as well.
Page 10

 April should be great for you, Scorpio. warding. You will find your job de—
You will excel in communications and mands easily navigable and this will
relationships. Work will be very re— impress your superiors. Resolutions to
warding. You will learn much and de— conundrums will magically manifest
velop new skills. Beware of ego and self themselves. You excel at problem—
centric thinking, however. Your words solving and constructive mediating.
will be heard. Personal relationships Imagination and creativity will come
will flourish, possibly surrounding your effortlessly; Romance will be your com—

; work environment. The latter half of panion as the month winds down. En-

] the month will find you enjoying joy!

; friends and partners. It would be an PISCES (February 20—March 20):

[ opportune time to learn, study, and The good life will dominate your days
grow. Consider taking a course or two in April, dear Pisces! Money matters are
in an educational setting in your com— prominent and some financial security
munity. You are open to new ideas and could be found with the help of a
perspectives. friend. Love and relationships will be
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 — Dec. 22): met with confidence but tread lightly;
Enjoy yourself, Sagittarius! April barrels don’t move too fast or you could jeop-
in, bringing you confidence and excite— ardize future happiness with a romantic
ment. Investments could prove to be interest. Play it cool.
lucrative. Be careful not to overspend!

Finances may be more easily handled

with help from family or through real , ..

estate ventures. A close friend or part— i

ner may oHer advice—~Iisten to it! Crea- " ,

tivity is at a high point. Your mood and ‘ ., '

ego will benefit from this upsurge of

positive energy.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 23—]an 20):

Home and community are uppermost “Keep the Love you Find,
in your life this month as you wax nos- Get the Love you Want_ ”
talgic and sentimental. You work ear—

nestl to maintain eace and harmony . .

at hoiine. Meditatiori’ and open commu— Jessma Bqlhngér’ LCSW_
nication enrich your relationships with Imago Relatlonshlp Theraplst
those close to your heart. Either a real EMDR Trauma Work
estate venture or some form of business Couples, Family, Individual
transactions based in your home could ,

. provide unexpected relief to financial Imagoconnectlon.com

i worries. Relationships and their fimda— 859.552.6533

. mental elements (i.e., loyalty, mutual

l supl’ort’ °I"‘c°mmltment?) WI” be a: Monthly Workshops for Couples
amined and reassessed. AI?” the 20 ’ check web site or call for information
friends and partners bring Joy and con—

AQUARIUS (Ianuary 21-February 19):
Wow, Aquarians, April rocks for you!
Work and leisure will be equally re-
Page 11

 . , § ~. £99k,
éy/le/e/M f/d/rdéaskef .
This column shines the spotlight :ers, Lexmgfixg ' fl‘
on people in the community that de— Talirnessl erial ‘. " ‘ .v
serve recognition. Beauty is not always C :11 Ifthen- “a: "
skin deep and these “beautiful people” 0 o a V Q
. . . tucky. The cu— -.
either devote their time and energy to a tors will be .
worthy cause or just plain make our Thur-t d Kre— «bl: ,-, ”11.
lives better by entertaining us Either 32f Pass— ”fig/7M, ”A
way, it is time that they are recognized 22:13 ‘7 i ’ " V ‘ 4‘ "
for tigh- talgntisland 6:91;: bin n As of the print date, there are 19 .
ur pr Shh g 5 es 0 artists scheduled to perform including
someone that helps all of the rest of us Hurricane Summers Chelsea Pearl
m the performance arts to dress so Sasha Grant, Georgia Peach, as well as
fabulously. I am speaking about none ours tr ul Miss Helena Han dbasket
other than Patrick Howell. Patrick is y Y, '
. . . . . There will also be performers from out
originally from Clhhlhhhh but had been of state including Candi Stratton,
1h Lexmgton for hhh over two years Tracie Lords, Nina West, Scarlett Fever,
when he and his partner, Troy, deCided and Wen d Williams
that Lexington would be their new This :ho “l d really be a ood time
home. Among their. many interests, so don’ t miss it. There willgbe an ex-
they share aolove of animals which they hibit of some outfits made my Patrick
prove by being the proud parents 0f 5 as well as a display of photos at the Art
dogsPantil. 7kcats. that h b sewin League between April ZEN-June 20".
a 1c. says h egan . . g For more information on the show,
at age 23 ’hSt after the dhhth Of his .518— exhibit or tickets, contact Kurt Gohde
ter when he got her sewmg machine. at kgohde@transy.edu or Kremena To—
fince tfh:h 1;; has mfiepghtehgaiischz; dorova at ktodorova@transy.edu
nines o Sh names . g . Patrick’s favorite music to listen to
Trading Spaces) and Shh‘h hath, not to is dance music but more specifically
mention many drag performers all over likes to listen to “Army of Lovers” and
the 132:1. owns and o erates his own Sarah Brightman. His favorite author
b . :11 d “D i h b Patrick” is Dean Koontz; favorite color, blue;
usiness 'e es gns y. ° favorite movie, Orlando; favorite TV
Patrick admits that he warships at the h “Me di ,,. favorit actress
alter of Bob Mackie and also loves the 34:; Streep'hmaii d dreame vacation
designer Alexander McQueen. He would be going to Greece, and seeing
would love to design an “that for Lady the ancient ruins all over the world. ,
Saga. She 10:68 costumes rather than Playing Abba music the whole time
Just clothes which is exactly what w ul d make it e rfect (Hmmm
Patrick loves to create. 0133),) P '
i We fags/[verging tlgzi‘t :th 1:: tiff-2:. Patrick says that the biggest mis-
hhhgsvhill bay; sh case featurin Pat: conception about him is that he sews
.er’e h ow . ‘ g . exclusively for those that he already
“Ch 5 work In a show hhhhed Passmg; knows That couldn’t be more false He
Fashioning Drag”. This show is being I ' t t '
produced by the Art League and part- oves o ge Continued on next page
Page 12

 L new clients because it challenges him to workers, and so much more. In short,
V create something new for someone that the census is critical and we hope you
he has just met. Stepping outside of the will all participate. But, how can we
box is important to Patrick and keeps ensure the LGBT community is repre-
him fresh as a designer. sented in this year’s census and those in

He says that he appreciates every- the future?
one that comes to him and entrusts him You should have recently received a
to create something for them and he census form in the mail. With ten easy

‘ looks forward to more opportunities questions, which the Census Bureau
and challenges in the years to come. claims can be completed within ten
Patrick most wants to be remembered minutes, you can make a difference. If

. for the work he has done and hopes not turned in by April, you may receive
that his costumes last the test of time a visit from a census employee who will
and are enjoyed for decades to come. ask you the questions in person.

As always, I ask that you finish the Either way, you can represent the
following sentences: The world would LGBT community in the census. Start—
be a better place if... “everyone would ing in 1990, the option of designating
count to 10 before they react to a situa- yourself as an unmarried partner was
tion.” Lastly, I strive to make the added to the questionnaire. This has
world better by “helping to make peo— provided valuable information for
ple look their best, which hopefully, LGBT advocacy groups in help further—
helps them to feel better about them— ing the causes important to the LGBT
selves.” Well, Patrick, I know I love community.
what you have made for me and I ap— One group helping to fiirther
preciate all of your hard work. Thanks LGBT representation was formed by
for all that you do. the National Gay and Lesbian Task

“0,. If there is someone in the com— Force. Queer the Census is working to

. ensure the LGBT community is partici—
munlty that you feel deserves to be , , , ,
honored in this column, send your re- paung 1n the census. You can identify

. yourself as an unmarried partner, or
quest to Adv1cefromHelena@aol.com
d let’ be m s ace friends. L k me you can choose to refer to you and your
an s y p 00 , , , ,

V uP at http://www.mYSPace.com/helenah 1g; :E'cfnt other as spouses (It s all up
‘ Accordin to Adrienne Critcher of
Count and Be Counted! PACE, a Louigiana—based LGBT organi—
' Craig Cammack, Chairman zatcilon, “Same—sir coufiles Wlho are ma;-
. . rie , or consr er t emse ves to e
Lex'ngton Fa'rness spouses, can identify one other adult as
; It’s that time of the year again a 'husband or wife.’ Other same-sex
Actually, it’s that time of the decade couples may instead decide ‘0 use the
: again! Yes, the census is back and this is term 'unmarried partner.' In general,
the chance for every citizen to be people who identify as unmarried part-
counted. The census is important, as it nets are in a close personal relationship
‘ determines the number of seats our state but are not married 01' do h°t think 0f
‘r occupies in the House of Representa- themselves as spouses. Census data are
, tives. Additionally, the census provides based on how individuals self identify.
. vital information for advocacy, re— This includes same—sex couples who live

searching markets, locating pools of somewhere their Continued on n ext p age
Page 13

 Lexington Fairness continue