xt7pnv997c8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv997c8q/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1900 journals kaes_bulletins_088 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.88. text Bulletin n.88. 1900 1900 2014 true xt7pnv997c8q section xt7pnv997c8q Q   *KENTUCKY   A
 I! Agricultural Experiment Station  i_
  of the O ,
I —  I
" AUGUi;:;'1900·  

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    A2r1cul‘turalExper1ment tation. ..
S A;.
4; ‘ .
J BOARD or c0N·rR0n..
HART BOSWELL, Clmirmamn, Lexington. Ky. A
Tl-IOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky. _
A ‘ J. B. MARCUM, Jackson. Ky. V
_ J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College. ‘
, M. A. SCOVIC LL, Directqr, Secretary. _
_   STATION orrnczns.
I   " l M. A. SOOVELL, Director. .
l ig. r A. M. PETER. ] _
  H. E- CURTIS, {Chemists.
_   4 H. GARMAN. Enfmnologist and Botmiist. _
Q 1 C. W. MATHEWS, I`IOI'tlCllltl1l'lSt.
? l J. N. HARPER. ,X§J,`l‘lCllltJl.1l`lSt. `
g y, Q W. H.S(f}HERFF1US, 1
: __,_./% ’ L O BEATTY }»Asst. Clieniists.
. , C R. M. ALLEN, Clerk. .
J`, J. 1). TU RNER. Sec1·et;u·y to l)i1·ect01·.  
_   ' Address of the Station-LEXINGTON, KY, »
z `· `il {
  2; " A
  The Bulletin:-i 0f the Station will he nmilell free to any citizen .
- of Kentucky who scmls his name and zixldress to the Station for
‘_ JE-lull} I)lll'l)()S€.
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  * ? i
 l ‘i
 l . _
 i 1 130 Bulletitrz. N0. 88.
  if It is evident from the preceding table that while most of
  l. the fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet
  a thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped  
  that farmers will generally take advantage of Section 8 of the  ii
’ fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in i `
T  quantity, that they take a sample in accordance with Section
S and send it to the Station for free analysis.
The essentials in taking a sample are: 1. Take it at the
time of purchase, and if possible, in the presence of agent or 1
seller. 2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and
V from one additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these  
€ samples carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed sam- 5
A   ple, put it into a fruit_ jar, seal, box _and express to M. A. Seo- A
, .   vell, Director, Lexington, Ky. 3. Take the sample in the `
i’   presence of at least one witness, and have the witness sign the  ‘
ZE; . required certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis t_o be A
  _ sent bymail and should be in accordance with the law as  ;
y `i given in Section S. V
    If the sample is taken in accordance with the above direc- _
°_   tions it may be sent by express and the charges will be paid  _
j Jr °; by the Station. ‘
l   g A good form of certificate is the following, and blank certifi-
4 . 5 cates will be sent free to any farmer requesting the same. ~
  if  C.
  T ~ ‘ .............................. 190 ,
  i M. A. S<]0\‘EL1., Director, Lexington, Ky.: , 
· This is to certify that I am not a dealer in, or agent for the ‘
. sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer, a sample of which
I have sent by express to you for free analysis was purchased
f` by me ........................... l9O for my own use and
not for sale.
A l further certify that the sample was taken at the time of
purchase from at least 10 per cent. of the sacks or other pack-
ages comprising the whole lot purchased, and that itwas taken
as provided in Section S of the fertilizer law, in the following

 ‘ i 1
i 2
i f z
i P
Commercial Fe1·tiZizers. 13i T
described manner, to wit :   .............................
  .................................................... ,. . . gp
 _ .....................,.................................
; lvpon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish
_ you with a. tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name
and address of the firm or agent of whom the fertilizer was
, purchased, and the amount purchased. f
  (Signature) ...... , .................
- (P. O. Address) ...... . ........... . ..... `
  Signature of Witnesses :
. ............ . ....................... s
g Should, however, any farmer des1re to take a sample and x
· . . . . . —¤~
V not have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in lull
‘ like the form above given, or take the sample in presence of A;
seller and witness and so mark it that he can identify it suh· dz;
sequcntly in a certificate, and send it at once to the Expe1·i— _
ment Station with the request that the station furnish form of
certificate, such certihcate to be filled out upon receipt cover-
ing the sample and properly signed hy sender and witnesses ,
and sent by return mail to the Station.
S1=:¢·*r1ox Picovmixu roa Fam: ANA-x1,Ys1s.—'l`1ie section of
the l·`ertilizer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free
analysis is as follows:  

  ‘ T.
 ] L l
 l i
i A
 i Q 132 Butllctia N0. NH. ‘
 { ’ Sicc. H. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the sale
g ' of any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer ,
  S in this State for his own use and not for sale, ma.y take a .
l sample of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made ,
i by the said Experiment Station free of charge. Such samples  ,
I for free analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in presence
-   of the person, company or agent selling the fertilizer, from at
least ten (10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages com-
prising the whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly ‘
mixed and at least one pound of the material after mixing
must be put into a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in
such a way as to surely identify the sample and show by
. whom it was sent, without giving the name of the fertilizer -
b or the person from whom it was purchased, and must be for- `
  warded to the Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi- ·
, i ment Station, Lexington, Ky. The purchaser shall also send
, · I with the sample a certificate signed by himself and witness,
  3 or by two witnesses, stating that the sender has purchased the _
  y fertilizer for his own use and not for sale, and that the sample .
  was taken in the manner prescribed in this Section. Pro-
V { ‘ vided, however, that if the person, company or agent shall »
Q . refuse to witness the taking of the sample, then the sample
;   may be taken at the time of the purchase in the manner ,
1 { already described in the presence of two witnesses who shall  “
L /.·   certify to the manner of taking the sample. The purchaser
.- ·"f?j§ ., shall preserve the official label from one of the bags or other
S "   packages sampled to be sent to the Director after having re-
" "   ceived the report of analysis of the sample, and at the same ‘
Q time he shall furnish to the Director the name and address of
._   the firm of whom the fertilizer was purchased and the amount
Q` .j~ purchased; and any person having sent a sample for free “
    analysis, under the provisions of this Section, who shall, after ‘
‘, t having received the report of analysis of the same. refuse to
' ,1 furnish the required information, shall thereafter forfeit the _
y ` privilege of free analysis of fertilizers under this Section. But
. if any sample shall have been submitted for free analysis
without all the requirements of this Section having been com-
;_ plied with, the Director shall inquire into the case and may
accept the sample for free analysis if he believes that it is a
fair sample of the fertilizer as it was delivered to the pur-
` cbaser.

 l »I· . 9
e   l 1
, i T V l
T ` Cmnimcrciul l#‘m~ti/izelw. 1:;.3  
Vulrzws Used. .
 k In calculating the relative value per ton, the same values K.,
  have been used as were used in our last bulletins, namely: j
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in mixed fer- _
` tilizers .... . ............................... 7F per lb. '
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in plain acid V
, and unacidulated phosphates ......... . ...... 5}; per lb. ·
, lnsoluble phosphoricacid in mixed fertilizers .... 2%,d per lb.
Insoluble phosphoric acid in plain acid phos-
phates ..................................... Nothing.
i Phosphoric acid in fine bone ...... . ............ 4? per lb.
Phosphoric acid in medium bone ............... BF per lb.
, Fine bone is all that passes through a sieve with meshes one- `
twenty-filth inch square. Medium bone passes through a
sieve with meshes one-sixth inch square, but does not include
_ line bone. .
‘ Nitrogen in all fertilizers ............ . ......... WZ}? per lb.
l’otash in all fertilizers, from sulphate ,......... TV per lb.
Potash in all fertilizers, from muriate. .......... 6F' per lh.
The term "Potash, from Muriate" does not indicate neces- L “ `
sarily that the manufacturers used muriate of potash in fur-
i nishing the potash ; they may have used sulphate of potash, or  
i other salts of potash, but in all fertilizers where the term  
"Potash from Muriate" is used there is enough chlorine present  
 _ to combine with the potash, either from salt in the tankage ‘
used. or the potash salts used, as muriate, kainit, carnallite,  
etc. As the objection to the use of muriate of potash arises °·
from the chlorine present in this salt, it likewise follows that .
_ chlorine in a. fertilizer is objectionable, whether put in with the
l potash or otherwise. The using of sulphate of potash where '
there   chlorine present in other ingredients of the fertilizer
will not obviate the injurious elfect of the chlorine, and there-
. fore we take this method of showing chlorine present by desig-
nating the potash as `ifrom muriate." •

 l r
 — {
i i' A
  j 134 Jizdletiw N0. 88.
  1 In the table of analyses, following the name of each brand .
  will be found the analysis of the sample furnished by the man- ·
{ ufacture: at the time the fertilizer was entered for sale and I 
l which was accompanied by an affidavit giving the guaranteed
'f‘  analysis. This is the analysis that is marked "manufacturer"
in the column headed "From Whom Obtained." If any other
_ analyses of the same brand have been made, they will be
found following this analysis. These samples have been col-
lected by deputy inspectors or sent in by farmers. The manu- A
· facturer’s guarantee is printed last in italic figures. E
.  The Figures in the table which are set in bold face type are
  those results which, in the judgment of the Director, were too
J ,   low to be acceptable. Where samples of bone have been `
‘   marked with (’i‘) it indicates that the bone contains soluble
  . phosphoric acid. This soluble phosphoric acid is an indication
  _ of either the addition of acid phosphate to the bone, (in which .
; { case it would not be a pure raw bone), or else that the bone
1   containing this soluble phosphoric acid was not strictly a pure
°_   or high grade bone, but contained trashy materials, which car- L
j A/.·   ried with them the soluble phosphoric acid.
I   y The names of the manufacturers are arranged in alphabetical
. . ._ order, and all the analyses of the same brand have been
il}, grouped together. A
`— ·T
L Z?
`·  —.. - - · _  ·‘ ·· *¤ ‘ .· . ··~.1-·1.,¢&s;;.-as ·

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  i x
i l'
2 `; 136 Bulletin N0. 88.
; '_ 'P,inLn or A>:A1.Ysns.
E gi NAME AND Al)l)kl·]Hf< Ul" BIANUb`.\(7'l‘[YICl·lR  
· __; ANU NAME M, BRANIL From Whom llbtained. ’
:_ gz
,;_  g
The Abbott & Martin Rendering '
_ C0-, Columbus. 0.
(337l steundzird Pliospliate. ..,.. .. Mzuiufz1ctu1·e1·.. . . . . . , . .... `
($498 Wm. E. Hancock, Caine Valley `
' li37$% ldeal Grain Grower ........... \l:mufa1ciu1·er . . . ,.., l
1 i§4$$` ·I0l1ll L. Floyd, Nancy , .....
  64991 l\\'1ll. E. liaincock, Uz1neVulley
; * l
    6379E Peerless Bone with k’0te1Sl1 .... `)[&U]llfil.Ctlll'€l' ...............
·   I
=i V .. A, l .
  ¤§bOl Tobacco and Potato Special. Mn.nufzrctm·er .... . ........
  - Gvvvl Win. LQ. Hauicock.(Yn11e\-’z1lley .
. ij l -
;   MSIE Reudefs Bone Meal. ......... slmmfacturer ............... .
· __,.(f  l A. D. Adair & McCarty Bros., At-
‘ I   g Ianta, Ga See Furnnzin l"ill'l]l lmp. Cow
‘ i Q The _Arm0ur Fertilizer Works, T
  I _) Chicago, Ill ....... . .  
5 Q30; Bone Meal ....... . . .... . .... §[$“lUllf•lUtlll'(jl' .,... . ....... .
  il hdl: Forbes & Bro., l·lopkinsville _
P   6303 Acieluluted Bone Meal . . . . l\12Lllllf1lCtlll'€l' ................ ‘
T (WO? Raw lionc Z\le:1l ..... . ...... )l2lll\lf2lCtlll'Gl‘ . . ...........
,. ham U. 1). (Thick. lleziver Damn .....
{ **305, llrziin Grower. ..... . ....... \l:in11fncti1l·ci· .. . ............
, @0**3 Ammoni21t<·:u·co (il'()\\’Cl‘.. _,.__.,., , )[;\llllill(Ltlll'(}l' ................
`~ N  . .- _    · - -¤?  . ·-.L.. `:.·. .;.·,;Q:} ’

 , .‘ I 
_ Oommercial Fertilizers. 137 I
'1`,xm.E mv ANALYSES. _
_. A   _;_;QI’<31Ix1»I1NT1?17E_1$I§111e1c1>. ,;
“ |’l10—p1m1·1u AER. _—`   WIUA D I 150:111ht,-_— E 2 n E
- al · ‘?=Z   E; E
 g  zéié
s “   2 I ‘
· ;_L_-tl·—__-__-_T ·T,—-— _—I—_— 1-- i`  
I ‘ I I 1 I I .
‘ 9.8311.77 11.60' I   I $9.83 6377
I 9.45 1.69 11.14I I I I 9 15 6198 I
I 9.00 10.00I I   9.00
I   I I
I   I 9.97 2.26 12.231.17I1.42 ` 1.76 21.6` 6`178
· I 7.66 I3.53 11.191.111·1.21 1.16 17.3— 6183
' I I 8.216 I3.9I7_ 12.33 1.11411.26 1.011 18.57 .1499
I I I 8.00 I I 9.000.8;21.001.00 15.77
I I 9.8* [2.06I 11.861.631}.76 2.05 19.8:16379 _
I   8.00 I .9.000.410.50.2.50 10.14 *
I ` 9.25 1.'71I10.991.?1· 1.581.06 3.90 25.106390
I I 6.00 I2.81I 9.7011.991.2·3.86 19.16 6500
I I 8.00 I 9.000.821.004.00 19.37
I 18.O1I5.33   I I 25%.391262.74 25.55 6381
I I I I 17.78
I I I 1 I I I
-   I { I I '
I I I I I I .
. I I I 1 I I "
I I · 1
I ` I I I .
18.76I5.60I I   I 24.36|3.981.8i1 32.51 63102 I';.
21.254.05 I I I 25.30 1.8521.46 29.4 6817 Ir-
I I   I   24.00:}.473.00* 241.05 _  
I   I 17.98 14.00 21.983.0 3.70I 37.8563031 5:,
I I IZ1.00I 18.001.05;}.00 24.08 I
15.4219.86I   A . 25.28 3.84 4.66I 31 .7·· 61194  
20.89I4.90I I ~ 25.79 31 . 65 4.43 212.-1216818 `
I ~ .2.!.00J.71.i.50 :0.10
I I I I ‘
I I I I 9.08 3.831 12.91I2.2J12.'710.86 1.9-1 26.196305
I Ir1.00I.x.00I $.00 I 10.0/1I1.05 .1.00 2.00 ;!0.J$I
1 I I  
I I I 8.92 2.76 11.68%.404.13 2.31 29.01I•15106
I I I I 8.39 3.97 12.:16I2.s12 51.54 2.51 27.5 I6819
- I.;.00I,.’.00I 6.00   S.00`.:..773.00 2.00 :0.851
I   9.7*1 2.021 11.81I2.02I2.45 5.00 28.7 6:107
Il;.(}{)I..).()I)I 8.00 I 10.00Il.0.·3I.!.00 5.00 2.;.98 I

  j E}
{ ¤
{ { , { ·
 { J. . {
l ` .
{ » 138 Bulletm N0. 83. ·
{ _. _ TAm,i;_oF i>txg,isE;W’H4wi mi 7 A i .
% · { {
g { Q { { ~
* 2 { 1
. E ‘NAMIi AND .·\llDl{l£SS Ul·` MANUF,\L"l`L'REl({ Ervin “_I (H t _ 1
l { 4 {J ‘ .
I :5; { AND NAME OF BRAND.   IOHI ) Hull
E { { 1
.;; · ;; { i
72 { {
..{ .._.. ...._....__.--_i ......._._. ... .._
{The Arpiour Fertilizer Works,{ .
  Ch1cago, Ill. A { B
($308 Bone, Blood mul Potash. .. {Nlanufacturer   .......... .
682Q{ Forbes & Bro., Hopkinsville
{iN4N{ {H. G. Hutchcrzlit, Paris ......
. { { °
... { —. {
g l>.»09i star Phosphate ........... . ..Memufacture1· ....... . .......
i . { {iZ3lO{ White Bu rley&. Black '[`olmcco{Blzmufacturer ................ ‘
’, j 6821{ {G. A. Wright, J olly ..........
  A li4T0{ Pliosplmte and Potusli. ..... `AIElTlll[{l(Jl.Zlll`C1' ...... . .........
{ 3 4 {Peter Backer & Sou, Troy, Ind.  
{   li503{ Grower No. l ............ . . . . }.[illlllfilCtl!l'€I' ................ .
Q r   { `
L _,_xf{ { (i50~i{ Grower No. 2 ......... . ..... B[kLllllf&Ctl1l'Cl' ...... . ........
`   _ {i61(){ {A. L. Oelze, Cloverport .....
`{ 6505{ Grower No. T., ...i........... )[2Ll]lll&lCtlll'Ol' ..... . .........
Q   <3506{ Grower No. N ....,........ . . . . Mziiiufaicturer ............... .
$ 1
{ {  
* " ` fS5UT{ Grower No. El. ....... . ......... `)[2lllUl3.(2tlll'l;‘l' ............. . .
. .   {
{_ lS?>70{ Grower No. 3.. .... . ......... Mauiufaicturer ................
{Geo. S. Bartlett, successor to Thei
. , . . . . {
{ { { Cm ti Desiccatmg C0., Cm., O.=
{$827 Indian Bl‘21Il1l()l1lOV?lll€}` Pl].*{'NI%Illllf&1(‘tlll'(‘l` ...............
6S3U{ J. W. Joralan, 'l`olesl»o1·o  
{Beu h & Sons C0., Norfolk, Va. {
- . E .
li~li2~ Bauiglfs Amiuail Bone mid`
Q Potzisli Compouml ........ .. . —51Ul1llfZ`tCT—l1l‘01` ...... A . . ....
Glillli Mason &Brz1l’1 1 17.40
1 7.82 2.76 10.5S12.(1812.5312.661 22.80 6504
7.14 2.88 10.0212.4713.0013.0S 23.79 6610
.;.00.2.001 0.00 10.00 1;2.001.2..;.>'1.;.001 .21.00 _
8.69 3.211 111.9n1:1.5o14.251z.9s 24.67 6505
1 1 1.17.00 ./.00 .,*.0.11.}.00 1 .2-I./0 1 R
1 1 1 1 .»?·
. 9.77 3.251 1 1502 3.7814.591 123.00 6506 *1
` 1 15.00 0.001.;.0.51 1 10..-30 _ 1
12.65 13.701 1 26.35 3.1713.851 1 29.44 6507  
1 .20. 00 1.1..20 .;.001 :2.3..6..* ‘ 1
1 .
8.10 2.71 10.8111.9412.3615.23 25.77 6570  
4.00,.2.00 6.00 10.00 1.2.11111.2..;.215.1111 .2.1..10
1 1 -
1 1   1 1 1 1:827
7.72 2.21 9.9311.9112.32?1.6{]1 20.53 6830
” 8.00 11.00 1l.,2.00» 1 1 ..*11.98
8.40 1.82110.22 1.892.2912.53 122.33 6472
1 8.55 1.71110.26 1.792.1712.35 21.92 6619
1 8.00   11.00 11.0.6 2001,2.001 1 .20..1*.* 1

 i .-
E ·• T
L_ E 140 ` Bulletin N0. 88.
E · zi 1
r E Nniimxn Anmmss or l\i.u‘ ·*=
»5»5""¤=2E Ei-Q§‘°§5§§ ” 
{-3 A I #-1 FJ I/J
10.05 1.80 11.85 I $10.05 6397 V
9.00 10.00 9.00
‘ 10.04 1.88 11.92 0.640.78 2.05 20.11 6398
» 7.26 1.84 9.10 0.49 0.59 2.51 15.81 6611
7.84 2.00 9.84 0.5210.632.22 16 46 6625
8.00 9.00 0.41 0.50 2.50 16.64
11.24 2.33 13.57 1.73,2.10 2.29 26.18 6399
_ 9.97 2.49 12.46 1.2411.51].33 21.15 6514
‘ 821 1.68 9.89 I].9B[1.171.96 18.[]4 6612 I
9.00 10 00 1.:331.50 2.00 90.21
9.85 1.79 11.64 3.44 4.181.68 3.78 34.04 I6400
I 8.02 1,28 9.30 2.473.00 3_43 25,32 l6515
I 8.00 9.00 2.473.00 4_00   25.92I I
. 10.31 2,28 12.59 1.161.41 1_71 22.02 IG401
° 8.59 3.90 12.49 0.84 1.02 0.84 17.93 6613
8.00 9.00 0.821.00 1.00 15.97
I 9.72 1.50 11.22 1.321.601.32 3.80 25.88 6402 .
7.59 2.1I 9.70 1.011.23 4.1·· 20.15 6516 "
8.98 2,75 11.73 0.81·1.982.4[] [1,71 20.66 6614
8.00 9.00 ,4,00 20,17 III
19.94 3,52 23.46 2.21 2.68 25.80 6403 "Q,
12.46 2.92 15.38 2.282.77 19.7016615 - 1
20.00 1 17. 78 I Ei
9.69 1.66 11.35 0.911.101.28 19.13 6456  
9.42 3.08 12.50 0.851.031.21 19.16 6634
10.00 0.82 1.00 1.00I I 18.07 . ·
1 1  
I 9.47 3.12 12.59 1.071.30 6.391 I262616457
' 8.81 2.49 11.30 1.05 1.276.691 1 25.29 66:15
912 2.52 11.67 1.031,251;,39 25.33 `6801
9.42 3.3:1 12.75 1.2511.525.1]2 25.2616816
10.00 l.0.211..25Ir;,00 .;*4.81 2 "

  = ’
 l '• . .
 G i 142 Bulletin N0. 88.
_. A T ABLE or AN.u,Ysns. V
i 1 g i
E Num Ama Anmuzss or Mnnurawriinnn
 ' E; ANI, NAME OF BRANIL From Whom Ohtainenf. A
Q 2
N   )
it ' +9 '
The Cleveland Dryer C0., Cleve-
land, 01110.
6458 XXX Phosphate ............ Manufacturer ................
6636 I-liner & Gardner, Vanceburg
i 6459 Horsehead Phosphate. ....... Manufacturer ......... . .... .:
i 6637 Toucray & Gray, Tolesborou
.   6460 Square Bone. ............. . . . Manufacturer ...... . . . . ....
’ Q 6638 J. C. DeHaven, Hardineburg.
  I 6461 Superior Bone ................ Manufacturer ................
g ii Continental Fertilizer C0., Nash-
L g ville, Tenn. ·
‘ g. 6239 Bear Beef, Blood and Bone .... Manufacturer . . . . . .........
Q ___,·;   `
‘ ” if ·; 6240 Bear High Grade Dis. Bone . Manufacturer ........... . ....
-. 6620 S. Terry & (lo., Grayson Sps.
  6241 Bear Special Tobacco Guano. Manufacturer ................
    662i J. W. Teatf, Hardinsburg .... ·
l   6242 Bear Spec.Wheat & Corn Gr0’r Manufacturer .......... . ....
F _ 6519 Good win & Waddle,Sonicrset
y` 6526 Bear Bone and Potash ........ `Manufacturer ................
{ . 6650 Bear Potash Mixture .....,... Manufacturer ................
The Currie Fertilizer C0., Louis- ~
ville, Ky.
6367 Currie’s Acid Phosphate. ..... Manufacturer ................
6368 Currie`s Alkaline Bone ....   Manufacturer ................

 . 1 1 1
· 1 L 1
Commercial Fertilizers. 143  
. Pouxnsm Tm: Huummn.
. Plmsplmric Acid. U Potash. 1 E Y ·
3 . _ . _ . 32 g se z
‘ §1§§e2§g2§§€.12§@“§
 · Q pm ·° 2 E ¤ E E :2 E 1 E 1 :,:16 ¤§ ·
5 .1 E 3 1; E ¤ ;_= ;= ,.·.:1E;._.;s=. _g M
 = ;‘§¤%e:§“¤;‘§;1g1sz§ .
..*1 .* ..- - » 1* *1 ,; 1 L
1 1 1   1 1 . I
14.91 1.13 1 16.04 1 ° $14.91 6458
· 14.26 2.42 16.68   14.26 6636
1.,4.00   » 1.}.00
  9.97 11.01 10.98 1 1 9.97 6459
1 10.72 1.66 12.38 1 · 10.72 6637
10.00 1 1 1 10.00
. 1
11.18 7.931 19.11 2.03?2.46 26.73 6460
8.66 110.451 19.11 21812.63 24.98 6638
0.00 20.00 2.0612.50 2,3.61 1
11.96 9.79 1*21.75 2.5413.08 24.33 6461
I 20.00 .!.47'11Y.()O ::0.05
1 1 ·
1 1 1 1 1 .
I `
  12.48 1.69 14.17 1.8412.23 2.78 28.65 6239
_ 0.0014.00 10.001 11.00 1.051,/.00 J.00 .23.08
· 14.09 1.01 15.10 1 1 14.09 6240
15.34 1.16 16.50   15.34 6620 .
$.00 0.00 14.00 15.00   1 14.00 ' `
. 12.40 1.75114.15 1.8712.27 2.63 28.47 6241 1,
` 10.29 1.52 11.81 1.9512.371.40 0.77 24.76 6621 ""
I 6.00 .;.00 10.00 1 1 /1.00 1.051:.00 .5.00 23.08  
1 11.86 10.74 1 12.60 1 2.39 20.32 16242 131*
1 1 11.271.27 12.54 1 1 1.95 19.15 6519
18.001.}.00 11.00 1   12.00 1 2.00 18.70 1 1
1 1 13.13 10.81 1 13.94   1.02 20.22 16526  
10.00 1/.00 1.2.00 1 1 13.00   1.00 13.70 ·
11.0911.23 1 12.32 1   2.29 19.36 16650
0.00 400 10.001 111.00;   1 .400 17..101
A 1 .   1 1 1 1 1
: 1 1 1
1 13.45 3.56 1 17.01 1   13.45 16367
1 1.}.50   1 16.00   1 /.}-*.70  
111.18 13.10 1 14.28    11,47 18.9616368 1
1 10.00 1 11.00 1   11_.·70` l0..‘>’0 1 l
*C0nt:1‘lns Soluble 1’l1m·1pm.>rlc Acid. M 7 77

  °. é 8
6 E' '
ii _ .
Q) . 144 Bulletm N0. 88.
. _. TABLE or ANALYsms. _
E » cig AND NAME OF BRAND. From Whom Obtained.  ”
‘ Ez
.   · 5
· ui
' ’ The Ciurie Fertilizer C0.
6369 Currie’s Corn and Wheat Spec Manufacturer ................
6484 1. K. Miller, Uampbellsvilleu ~ -
6509 C. S. Brent, Lexington. .. ..
6831 Leitehf’l