xt7pnv997b9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv997b9r/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1975 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 3, Winter 1975 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 3, Winter 1975 1975 1975 2014 true xt7pnv997b9r section xt7pnv997b9r I I I
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Photograph by Rufus Fugatc

 US ISSN 0016-2116 l
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The Frontier Nursing Service extends its az
grateful thanks to the photographers who have ‘i
given us a permanent record of the dedication ofthe  
Mary Breckinridge Hospital—Mr. Perle Asher and I
Mr. Rufus Fugate of Hyden, Miss Gabrielle Beasley _
who came from New York for the occasion, and Miss Q
Phyllis Long, an FNS nurse-midwife. 3,
` l
Published at the end oi each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ` l
Lexington, Ky. ~
Subscription Price $2.00 a Year ·
Edit0r’s Oflice. \Vcnd0ver, Kentucky 41775 `
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507 ~ ,
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 "
Copyright 1975, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. '

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, The guests gather for the dedication of the Mary Breckinridge Hospital
on January 5, 1975.
Perle Asher

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Helen E. Browne presents the contents of the cornerstone
to Mrs. A. E. Cornett and Miss Betty Lester. .
Gabrielle Beasley \
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Joan Fenton presents the photograph of Helen E. Browne, the gift to the Mary L
Breckinrioge Hospital from the FNS staff, to Miss Browne as the Hon. Tim Lee Carter
and other guests look on.
Gabrielle Beasley

{ The honor of dedicating the Mary Breckinridge Hospital
II, went, rightly, to our National Chairman for the past fifteen years,
I Mrs. Jefferson Patterson. Mrs. Patterson spoke briefly of the early
•I days of the Service, when she was a courier, of the progress that
sf has been made in the area since the Twenties, and of some of the
accomplishments of the Frontier Nursing Service. In conclusion,
Mrs. Patterson said:
. "I wish to give thanks to those who have made it possible: our
mountain neighbors, our staff, and donors from all over the country who
gave generously ....
"Four years ago, on Mary Breckinridge Day, I had the pleasure of
breaking ground here, in the presence of a large and distinguished
company. Now, as the culmination of years of effort and struggle, with
the support of thousands of donors, I have the honor and privilege of
dedicating the Mary Breckinridge Hospital and Frontier Nursing
Clinical Training Center to the service of the people, in loving memory
‘ of Mary Breckinridge."
'   ~ , I   -. I The National Chairman of
i V ` F ,, @5 I·i ig; Frontier Nursing Service, Mrs.
`   I   ·'__I€_¤_v Jefferson Patterson, accepts
V Jl   the keys to the Mary
_, ,L l   {xi .‘'‘ {   Breckinridge Hospital from
" ·<'.·· _-,_ . Mr. Philip P. Isaacs. In the
` » I   background is Mr. W. Roy
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After Mrs. Patterson’s speech, Mr. Philip P. Isaacs, who had
been the FNS representative on the Mary Breckinridge Hospital P
project during its construction, presented her with the keys to the
building, saying:
"Ha1fa century ago Mrs. Breckinridge wanted to, and did, provide I':
improved health services to the babies, the mothers and families of
Leslie County with the technical knowledge and facilities available at
that time.
"Today we are taking one more step in the development of that
dream, a dream come true that has been made possible by many
dedicated, willing and helpful hands. It is true that there have been
problems and delays. lt has been a long labour, but now that the
moment has come to open the doors to this new hospital, there is a great
feeling of accomplishment and well deserved pride in the hearts of all
people who have contributed so much.
"lt is indeed an honour, Mrs. Patterson, to give you the keys that
will open the doors to carry on with what Mrs. Breckinridge wanted to do
for the warm-hearted and friendly people of Leslie County and ~
surrounding areas. This is the key that will open the front door as well as ·
all the other doors in the Mary Breckinridge Hospital.”
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Mrs. Fl. B. Campbell, an FNS Trustee, talks with l\/lr. and Mrs. Homer Biggerstaff of
Berea, Kentucky, at the guest book. Mrs. Biggerstaffs father, the late Judge L. D.
Lewis of Hyden, was on the building committee forthe l-lyden Hospital and welcomed
guests to the dedication in 1928.
Gabrielle Beasley

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Mrs. Edward N. Farmer, Mrs. Perle Asher and Mrs. Eddie J. Moore, members of the
» Hospital Auxiliary, at the reception desk.
, Then the front doors were opened and during the next three
hours guests had the opportunity of inspecting every nook and
cranny of the new building. Members of the Hospital Auxiliary
T presided at the guest book, helped Mrs. Mae Campbell and the
dietary department staff serve refreshments, and joined the staff
 ” as guides for the guests. For all of us who had worked, or been
. patients, in Hyden Hospital in recent years, the general reaction
was "I just can’t believe it!"

 g ruoumzn NURSING smvics n
The immediate impression on entering the Mary  
Breckinridge Hospital is one of space and light and air and bright,
pleasing colors, and this was enhanced on January 5 by lovely
bouquets of flowers from kind friends. As you will see from the
photographs, the building is L-shaped. Radiating from the central rf
lobby on the first floor to the left is the Outpatient Clinic with its
examining, treatment and utility rooms. Also in this wing are
medical records, and business and administrative offices. To the
right of the lobby are Pharmacy and the Emergency suite. Along
the back of the long portion of the L are found the Emergency
Surgical Suite, Central Sterile Supply, X-Ray, Lab., Physical
Therapy and EKG rooms and the Mechanical area with its huge
and somewhat frightening machines. On the ground floor one I
finds the Dietary Department and cafeteria and central storage.
All of the inpatient facilities and the labor and delivery rooms _
and nurseries are located on the second floor. Also on this floor are  
the Library, a special inpatient treatment room and a small bed- ,
sitting room for the midwife on call at night. The nursery and Y
pediatric wards are especially attractive with cartoon drawings *
on the walls done by talented staff. The second floor has its own 2
waiting areas where ambulatory inpatients may sit with their  
guests or, perhaps, watch television, and a sun deck where I
patients may enjoy fresh air in good weather.  
The third floor contains the classrooms for the Frontier  
School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, faculty, nursing and  §
research offices, and a small dental department. Q
It is a beautiful hospital and those of you who have not done
so will just have to come and see it for yourselves! ’l
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our
deep appreciation for the work done on the Mary Breckinridge  
Hospital to the late Edward M. Burrows, the architect who
designed the building and to Wallace W. Taylor, who succeeded
l\/Ir. Burrows as the supervising architect, and to their firm, »
Watkins, Burrows and Associates (now Watkins and Associates,
Inc.) of Lexington, Kentucky; to the Ernest Simpson Construction
Company of Glasgow, Kentucky, and the subcontractors who
built it; and to Will Ross, Inc., of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who did
an excellent job of interior decorating.

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Mrs. Breckinriclges cousins, l\/lrs. Jefferson Patterson and the Hon. John B.
Breckinridge, and her niece, l\/Irs. John Marshall Prewitt, by Mrs, Breckinridges
picture in the hospital lobby.
Gabrielle Beasley
The plaque in the entrance to the lobby will read:
r Mary Breckinridge Hospital
And Health Center
Dedicated January 1975
V Successor To
I Hyden Hospital and Health Center
Dedicated June 1928
J Frontier Nursing Service
; Clinical Training Center

We think our friends will be interested in the wording of the  
other plaques which will be placed in the Mary Breckinridge y
Furnished By  I
The Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority  ·
In Memory Of
John A. Baker I
Gift or  .
The Barker Welfare Foundation I
In Memory Of ?
Mrs. Edward Blake Blair  .
In Memory Of  
Georgiana McKee Blair  V
In Loving Memory Of I
Virginia Branham
In Memory Of T
Charles David Goodrich Breckinridge  
From His Wife And Children i
In Loving Memory Of — 
Dorothy Buck j
In Memory Of I
Mrs. Edward Clark Carter .
Miss Ruth Draper ° ` »
Mrs. Henry James - 4
om or l
The Anne L. and George H. Clapp .
Educational and Charitable Trust  
In Memory Of
Florence Whiting Dalton  
Gift Of
The National Society  _
Daughters of Colonial Wars .
In Memory Of  
R. L. and Bess Lewis Dixon

M In Memory Of
Elizabeth Canby Bradford duPont
V In Memory Of
 ' Mrs. Ogden M. Edwards, Jr.
, By Her Daughter
 ` Martha Edwards Lazear
In Memory Of
§ Rex C. Farmer
j Furnished By
FNS New York Committee
l In Memory Of
‘ Catharine Mellick Gilpin
I In Memory Of
· Julia Barret Heyburn
n 1918-1923
I Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Heyburn
 N In Loving Memory Of
, Jean Hollins
’ In Memory Of
` Belle Barrett Hughitt
  V In Memory Of
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Lawrence Hunt
I Frances D. Hassinger
J * .
J In Memory Of
`3 Margaret Allen Ireland
A I Gift Of
‘   The Honorable Order
V Of Kentucky Colonels
 C In Loving Memory Of
Nora Morgan Lewis
E In Memory Of
 » Margaret McCulloch McClintic
j In Memory Of
Rhoda Lewis Maggard

Gift Of xy
Miss Katharine Matthies 3;
In Loving Memory Of
Oma Pace Mattingly
In Memory Of xi
Ellen Pierrepont Moffat i
In Memory Of `V
Margaret McLennan Morse
Gift Of i
The Jefferson Patterson Foundation _
in 1971
In Honor Of
Marvin Breckinridge Patterson
FNS National Chairman
In Memory Of
B. W. Perrin
In Memory Of
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Powell
Gift Of
I)r. and Mrs. John W. Price, Jr.
To The Glory Of God
And In Memory Of
Zilpha Roberts
And In Honor Of  
Jean Tolk
In Memory Of  
Diane Sault A
In Memory Of `
Lewis Cass Scheffey, M.D. I
In Memory Of  V
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schiefer _
In Memory Of
Norah Oliver Shoemaker V

 § ouA1vraR1.Y 1su1.1.m1N iv
Q In Memory Of
Wu, Col. Julia C. Stimson, ANC
{I In Memory Of
Anne Steele Wilson
· From Her Family
 ~ Susanne Preston and John L. Grandin
Frances Breckinridge Montague
· We often speak of the continuity of care that the Frontier
I Nursing Service, now nearly fifty years old, can offer to the
. families it was organized to serve. These designated gifts to the
I Mary Breckinridge Hospital—from, or in memory of, patients,
couriers, old staff, long-time donors—illustrate another kind of
continuity of caring. As an example, the kind family who
furnished the operating room in the Hyden Hospital and Health
Center so many years ago also gave the operating suite in the
Mary Breckinridge Hospital. Space does not allow us to explain
the special significance of each gift but we are nonetheless deeply
grateful.As water made a tremendous impression on those
attending the 1928 dedication, so also will water be associated
with the Mary Breckinridge Hospital in the memories of the
staff—the kind of water connected to a scrub brush and mop
bucket! Two weeks after the invitations to the dedication had been
mailed, an electrical accident occurred in the new building.
. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured and no great damage
, was done, but it did cause a delay in putting the finishing touches
{ to construction and meant that the building was not completely
i finished by January 5. It was another five weeks before we
actually moved patients. The staff and couriers joined the
 4 contractor’s people in applying spit and polish to the interior for
~ the dedication day and then had to do the same thing all over
 — again before we moved. The hospital staff, with volunteers from
» other areas of the Service, worked like galley slaves to make the
· move with as little dislocation as possible in patient services, and
I they succeeded admirably. The move of articles not essential to
patient care began on February 7, and continued all weekend, as
did the scrubbing. Twelve inpatients were_transferred to the new
Y hospital on the morning of Monday, February 10, and three new

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patients were admitted during the day. At 4:00 that afternoon the K
outpatient clinic on the hill was evacuated and began functioning in
in the Mary Breckinridge Hospital almost immediately, and all
departments have been going strong ever since. Of course, there E
are still problems—we can’t always find exactly what we want in l*
the place where we think it should be, some equipment is still not  
installed or working properly, we can’t always remember which {
door leads to what or which is the shortest route to take from one  
area to another. But these are minor difficulties which will be {
worked out in time. The "pith", to use one of Mrs. Breckinridge’s
favorite words, is that we have moved into the new hospital and
it’s still beautiful.
O Living God, Thou who art the great healer, Thou who dost
desire that mankind be whole and well in body, mind, spirit and
relationship, we thank Thee for the gift of healing that Thou has
shared with mankind, for the potency of our medicines, the skill of
our surgeons, the insight of our physicians, the probational and T
loving care of our nurses, the ability of our technicians, the
discernment of our counsellors—for all these gifts we thank Thee,
O Living God. For this building in which to share these gifts of 1,
God, we give Thee our thanks. May the power and blessing of Your H
spirit rest upon this place, upon all who serve here, and upon all
who will be cared for here. We ask these blessings and offer our ;,
thanks in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, and for His glory.
—The Rev. Leonard Hood
At the Dedication of ~
The Mary Breckinridge Hospital
on January 5, 1975

E By William R. Bates, III
` Development Director
ji As we approach our fiftieth anniversary, it seems a good time
l to reflect back a bit on our history and to evaluate our present and
, future. The opportunity to do just this came in late January when
{ forty-five members of the Board of Governors, staff and ad-
ministration met for three days in Richmond, Kentucky, to
discuss the present and future needs of FNS and to make
recommendations to the Board of Governors.
As the FNS has grown over the years, in service and
I personnel, it has become increasingly important to keep lines of
l communication open and to have a thorough understanding of
where our priorities lie. The planning conference developed a
consensus regarding immediate and long-term objectives.
Dr. Willis D. Weatherford, Jr., acted as moderator of the
conference which was sponsored by the Long Range Planning
Committee of the Board of Governors of which James B.
Holloway, Jr., M.D., is chairman. The forty-five participants were
assigned to six specific discussion groups. The discussion topics
were selected after replies to a questionnaire were tabulated and
the areas of future interest and concern became evident. The
topics were quite specific, but did overlap in content so that each
I group had the opportunity to deal with basic aspects of each
question. Discuss