xt7pnv997b60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv997b60/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1954 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 29, No. 3, Winter 1954 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 29, No. 3, Winter 1954 1954 1954 2014 true xt7pnv997b60 section xt7pnv997b60 Th Quarterly Bulletin
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»>&)/ VOLUME 29 WINTER 1954 NUMBER 3
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Starting out to feed chickens and gather eggs
Photograph taken by Mary La Motte
Cuvcr pliotogrupli tukwu by Nunvy Dunmiuiiii
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky. P ‘
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year Q
_%1.UME 29 WINTER, 1954 NUMBER 3
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., ,
under Act of March 3, 18'T9."
Copyright, 1954, Frontier Nursing Service. Inc. {

  I coNTENTs
t —
` { Amictt ' Aurnox mos
` Y An Elizabethan Prayer 2
4 Baby Boy Woods Betty R. Scott 3
` Beyond the Mountains 42
{ City Committee Chairmen 39
\ Field Notes 56
Flat Creek Barnyard (Drawing) Joyce Stephens 34
How to Be a Wet Nurse Nancy Boyle 36
Old Courier News 11
  Old Staff News 23
I Our Dry Summer Vivienne Blake 9
{ Pictures of a Young Patient Nancy Danimann
Inside Back Cover
` The Adventures of a Dean (Illus.) Eire Chetwynd 6
Q Winter Birds at Wendover Jane Fnrnas 5
i A February Forest Fire 22
  A Letter We Deeply Appreciate Julia Lieo 21
i Flat Creek Committee (Photograph) 22
T Just Jokes 21
  Lent Rev. Allen W. Clark 54
i Money George MacDonald 19
{ Our Mailbag 53
A 2 Outside a Horse Lewis Carroll 10
  Sayings of the Children Contributed 54
It » Three Books for Children—9 to 90 Book Reruieio 20
i Q White Elephant 55
t 4 Wendy and Hilary Ragle (Photograph) 41
{ Q
E l I

Sixteenth Century Fr
Most mercitul and loving Father, we beseech Thee most  
humbly, even with all our hearts, to pour out upon our enemies ji y
with bountitul hands whatsoever things Thou l
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With the assistance of Vivienne, Elsie (the barn lady), a  ,

   Faoiwrimn NURSING smzvicn 7
  step ladder and a mounting block, I eventually got on his back.
l I must not mind if Vivienne went ahead coming back. Fanny
i was always in a hurry to get home, and Rex was so slow. ‘
  Maybe, but not to-day.
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  Having relaxed my aching limbs into an armchair, I fmd
 Q; there is water to carry before we can have a cup of tea or wash.
 5 I am led to the well, Vivienne’s newest and proudest possession.
 3 "Oh, yes, we reached water at 64 feet, but Aggie and I
 ’ thought it better to go down to 81. You just lower that con-
 T tainer on the chain, until you feel it heavy, and then pull it up.
 ‘ The electric pump hasn’t come yet.’f
 = I lower.
 ; I pull up.
 ] I lower.
 Q I pull up.
 _ 1 PULL UP.
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Saturday morning I fancy a nice sedentary, indoor job. Can  
I do anything towards the Christmas party? .
"Well you could write the names and ages of the children  
on the paper bags. Here is the family file. Nice big block 1etters." fi
I print.  
I print.  
Later I step outside to get a breath of air, and find there is [M
just a load of wood to be chopped up for kindling. J
I chop.  
In the evening, thinking all chores had been done, I venture  
out in the direction I had been taken on the first evening. ,
"If you are going down there, you might just let Fanny out -
to get a drink, and when she comes back, shut her up, and let ’
the cow out." ·—
All goes according to plan until Goldie, the cow, notices il
that the door of the chicken house is open, and fancies a bit of
hay from the nesting boxes. The ensuing problem would have ;
been easier to handle, if Goldie and the chicken house had not .,
been quite such a close fit. -
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  Faowriaa mmsme smwxcm 9
  I’m taking the next boat back to England.
P.S. In case anybody reading the above has got an erroneous
{ impression, in the centre files at Flat Creek should be found my
ii "bread-and-butter" letter, showing how much I enjoyed my
  week-end, with three long nights in bed, early morning tea,
  lovely country, pleasant company, not forgetting Blondie and
ii Anzio, Old Uncle Tom Uobbley and all.
  I On the middle pages of this Bulletin is a draw-
 ’‘· ing by Joyce Stephens of the barn of the
 Q (Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial)
Y by
 · Nurse-Midwife in charge of the Flat Creek Nursing Center
 __ (Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial)
 ;, I was fortunate to be the nurse to take over Flat Creek
· C, Nursing Center when Stevie left the first week in June. Before
 r she left, Stevie warned me that during the summer one had to
  be careful regarding the amount of water one could use. I began
  to cut down a little by having only 2" of water in my bath. We
 '_ used to do this in England during the Blitz, so I did not mind
. this at all, and Loretta, my maid, went sparingly with the water
  in the kitchen. But sad to say this was not enough, as our spring
Y was dry before the end of June.
 i We had to have all the water cut off from the house, in-
* ` cluding the hot water tank. The creek was our main supply of
 .   water, and we hauled it daily. Shiloh Bowling was loyal to us all
 .,,. summer and packed water from the creek to our bath, so we
i could bail out gradually what we needed. Of course we could
  not expect him to come every Saturday or Sunday, so Loretta
.  and I often found ourselves packing water early Monday morn-
V ing for the weekly wash. But without Shiloh I do not know how
. we should have managed as it is down hill to the creek and up

hill back to the house, making the returning journey, plus two  
buckets full of water, seem twice as far. My back would really if
ache but Loretta took it very well. Fortunately I had a shallow E
well which supplied just enough water for the stock—two horses yi-
and one cow. Only one week did it fail me, and until then, I did l _
not realize just how many buckets full of water a cow drank *  
July, August, then September came. I felt sure rain would N
soon come to relieve this situation. But only small showers came, ,  
not doing any good at all. By October I was getting really de- ¢jl
pressed—bathing in a saucepan full of water each night, and  
visiting the little house down by the barn. By this time our :_;
creek was getting dry too, and what water we had left, the poor ._
ducks swam in. il
Hobert from Wendover was an angel in disguise. He brought I
us a tank of water one day when my spirits were at their lowest. -
This (when empty) went in the back of my jeep, and I could fill it '
at the Red Bird Nursing Center or at Wendover if I was out that 3
way. Everyone co-operated with us so well. Wendover always
sent drinking water with whomever was coming this way; visi- ·~
tors were sent with picnic lunches and paper plates, to save
water for cooking and washing up; those who stayed overnight I
used as little water as possible and would carry a bucket or two
of water for us. _
During these months investigations were being made re- ‘l
garding just where to drill a well. Eventually, in November, it
was drilled. No one was more thankful than I.  
Finally it rained and rained. Oh, what wonderful rain! And  
on November 30th we had our water connected back to the house. ~
The Professor, "Were you ever outside a horse, my little °  
man ?" j_
"Always!" Bruno said with great decision. "Never was ·— 
inside one." · I
-—SyZvie and Bruno by Lewis Carroll T

ES Fnommn mmsmc smwicm 11
lp Edited by `
  From Mrs. Gilbert A. Harrison (Nancy Blaine),
`_   New York, New Y0rk—November 20, 1953
  We now have a six-month-old boy, a beagle, and a new
if house in Washington where we will move in February. Of all
YY the above mentioned things, the beagle is the most time-con-
  suming as she is not a city type.
Q My husband is now the publisher of the New Republic
gi magazine.
From Julie Ann Hatheway (Lee), Smith College,
' Northampton, Massachusetts—December 6, 1953
33 When I went home for Thanksgiving vacation, I found the
_ Bulletin waiting for me—with all oumstories and letters. So
i exciting to be published!
, Senior year is going along line. The years at college seem
T to get better and better, and I know I’ll miss it next year. I’m
vaguely preparing for next year by taking a practice teaching
. course, for which I spend four hours a week teaching the third
° grade at the Smith College Day School. I like it a lot, but the S
_ thought of having a class all my own is sort of scary.
, A funny thing happened the other day at the Day School.
I We (the teacher and other practice teachers) were preparing
Z a unit on pioneer life. It occured to me that the children might
  like to see my slides of Kentucky homes and people. Mrs. Ewing
  (teacher) asked me where I had been in Kentucky, and when I
1 3 said Leslie County, she was most surprised. She taught school
Ii in Wooten about twenty years ago!—in a creek school. Such a
K . coincidence. She asked me if I’d met Mrs. Breckinridge or if I
`   knew anything about the Frontier Nursing Service, and, of
  course, was even more surprised when I told her that that was
 . where I had been—and who I had been with.
l  I have seen Joanna Noble a couple of times in New Haven
 . this fall—and see Dusty Pruyn quite often here at Smith.

From Lucy Conant, St. Austell, Cornwall, England —
—December 7, 1953 .
My plans I made a year ago all finally worked out—and it ‘.,
really has been a wonderful year. Last June a friend of mine  
and I came to Europe-—we spent the summer traveling and had ‘ p>,
a wonderful time. Since September I have been working as a  
district nurse in England—spent a month in Plymouth, and will  __
be in Cornwall the rest of the time. It really is a wonderful ex-  T
perience, and I enjoy the work and living in England very much. T
Everyone has been very nice to me and the patients certainly ;{
are surprised to have a Yankee nurse visit them. `. 
From Mrs. Richard Harrison Ragle (Barbara Barnes-  `
"Ba1·nsey"), Norway—December 7, 1953 R
We are having a wonderful year in Norway while Dick is  .`
studying on a Fulbright scholarship at the Norsk Polarinstitut.  _?
It’s a marvelous country and such fine people.  `
The girls, Wendy 3, and Hilary 1% are getting very rugged  ¥
in this healthy life—good courier training! We’re off for a couple _
of weeks in Sweden and Denmark now. [See picture on another j
From Alison Bray, Leeds, England—December 18, 1953  {
Our African trip was simply wonderful. We went out by air i
and did a good many of our longer journeys in Africa by plane, ’
but came home by sea from Cape Town.  I
We stayed for a fortnight with Mary’s (Lady Ogilvie) son  
and daughter-in-law in Northern Rhodesia, a lovely remote part Y
of the world. After that we went via Southern Rhodesia and the I i
Victoria Falls (more magnificent than one could possibly imag-  
ine) on to South Africa. There we visited the unversities all over ‘
the Union, which was most interesting particularly just now Q
when there is so much discussion about the mixing of Europeans
and non-Euporeans in the universities. We spent nearly a week in *
the Kruger National Park seeing the wild animals. It was quite Q
fascinating and we were lucky to see a great many different ii

;°_ FRONTIER. Nunsmo smnvrcm 13
. animals, including a herd of buffalo, cheetah, many kinds of ante-
, lope, lions and of course elephants. I think the giraffes were our
. q favourites.
{ We did an 1,100-mile bus trip, (which took Hve days) from
` ja Durham to Cape Town through the most lovely country, and
  from Cape Town we went up one day to see the wild flowers
 ._ which only bloom in the spring for two weeks. It was a magnih-
 i cent sight—a whole valley just carpeted with flowers of the most
I brilliant colours. .
 ` In Cape Town both of us were interviewed by the press and
 ; of course the FNS came up. There was a bit in the paper about
Q-  me, with the result that two people got in touch with me. One
  was a Mrs. Close who used to live in Washington and was an
., FNS subscriber. She left in 1949, I think, and is now living in
L t Cape Town. She brought one of the "Waiting" annual reminder
;· cards which she had kept. We had just a little chat and it was
 { so nice to meet her. Then I had a telephone call from Bridget
 ; Ristori who is also living in Cape Town, and we had a long talk.
Isn’t it a small world!
4 We got back to England just in time for our Musical Festival
  which takes place every 3 years. I sang in two of the concerts
_ and enjoyed the week very much.
 1 Now I am working again at the University. It’s a tempor-
 l ary job working on the arrangements for their Jubilee celebra-
1 tions next year. It’s quite fun and will be very hectic later on—
( rather like my medical congress only on a much larger scale.
_`  From Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons Warner (Betsy Parsons),
`   Boston, Massaehusetts—December 18, 1953
{ This is the season for remembering the past—and don’t
( think I’ve forgotten Wendover in the mud and snow, and the
faces that were there all too many years ago. So here’s my love,
[ and all the usual good wishes sent with some nostalgic thoughts.
Q We plod along here—the children nearly grown up now and
K as different as white from black, except in looks. They are nice.

From Kitty Biddle, Long Island, New York lj
—December 23, 1953  
Yes, Greece was perfectly wonderful and I am absolutely lx
crazy about it in every way. The work was fascinating-—-I was  
assistant to the architect, and did measured drawings of the  
things we dug up and the site—and it was equally rewarding to  `
live in a very small peasant village in conditions that most  
American tourists turn their noses up at and thereby miss every- ‘· 
` thing that is worth-while in Europe. Although the archaeolo-  i
. gists (there were two plus the architect) spoke English more or  __
less well, they preferred to speak Greek and had to speak it to  ‘
everyone but me. I therefore picked up quite a lot of Greek and  ·
am most proud of it. Fantastic language! They give articles to  
proper names and decline everything——iiercely grammatical.  °
I found the Greek people exceedingly warm-hearted and  ii
genuinely friendly, so much so that it is overwhelming at iirst.  
This seems to be an inherent part of their character and not just  
a veneer of manners. Chivalry is also far from dead in Greece.  
These people seem to know what life is about and enjoy it as ;
much as possible. There is no concern for psychology there,  A
which I found a blessed relief—everywhere you see strong, open-  i
faced individuals, intensely proud and self-respecting and not _ 
afraid to do what they feel like. .`
I also went to Istanbul for 2 weeks and spent 1 week teach-  {
ing English to Turkish girls at the American college, for a sick  1
teacher. One week was about enough! A good college, though.  
The Bosphorus is wildly beautiful—you take a little steamer up  ‘
it, and everything is picturesque and full of lovely colors.  
Mosques are beautiful and I loved to hear the men singing from  
the minarets, which they seemed to do every hour. They would  ‘
sing as loud as they could, long drawn out wailing tunes from g` 
the depths of their souls, almost sobbing, and entirely heedless W l
of anybody else. It really makes you feel that you are not in a 5
western-thinking nation. Thank goodness for a change! They `
have this same rapt unconcern for everybody else when they are ;  
inside the mosques, praying or chanting or singing. I used to  
pop into mosques all the time to rest when I got tired out tramp- 1
ing the streets. Sometimes I was lucky enough to hit a service. j
When we nnished at Mycenae, about October 1, I traveled Q 

~ m=¤o1~:·1·1ER NURSING smiwrcm 15
· around Greece and to Crete, Istanbul, and then eventually to
‘ Italy early in November. Found some friends there and did a lot
{ of very rapid harassed sight-seeing, chieiiy in Rome and Flor-
Qi ence, and then came home. Liked Italy a great deal but it is
 I definitely a western nation (the Greeks aren’t; they are just
Y  Greek) and the Greeks were my first love.
  Altogether a marvelous five months and I am now chafing
 i to go back.
 it From Mrs. Tyson Gilpin (Cath Mellick), Boyce, Virginia.
 » —Christmas, 1953
  I so very nearly spent a Christmas with you that I often
  feel I actually did. I, at least, had a great deal of the joy of
 gp helping to prepare an FNS Christmas and have never forgotten
  it. I know you will be having just the same kind of a December
 g 25th.
  Tyson has retired as he wants to spend more time on his
 {9 breeding farm and Publishing Company which are here at home.
 ` He’s home much more which is wonderful for us.
 _ From Mrs. J. W. Mikesell (Marian Lee), Tucson, Arizona
 p —Christmas, 1953
  I thoroughly enjoyed your book. It made very pleasant,
 i interesting and understandable reading.
A My husband is from Washington, Pennsylvania, and we have
 I four children: Helen Joy, age 6; Linda Ann, 4%; John W., 3%
  years, and Henry Bourne, about 16 months. We have about 8%
l _ acres of ranch about seven miles northwest of Tucson, on which
5 we have white Chinese geese, Rouen ducks, a couple of beef
steers for our deep freeze, several kinds of rabbits, pigeons,
  guineas (fowl), and some horses. Have often wondered if you
  have any quarter horses. We have had them for racing, but you
(Q no doubt know they are trained for cutting cattle and lots of
other cattle work. A very intelligent, sensible horse, "low"
 l? strung.

From Mrs. William Henderson (Kathleen Wilson),  
Ames, Iowa-—Christmas, 1953  
I have thought of you so much since the wonderful visit we  
had with Inty. We had three whole days together and the whole  
family fell in love with her. Perhaps she told you that I am  
working on the staff [city hospital] now—twenty hours a week Q,
—love it. Marjorie is afraid she’ll never learn to ride a horse  
and won’t be able to be a courier—but maybe she can drive a  
jeep! David is headed for Medical School so far—hope he can  
make it. We are all well and happy and just love living in Iowa. A
From Mrs. Gibson Fuller Dailey (Barbara Wl1ite) , Millstone, 9 j
New Jersey—January 6, 1954  
The youngest of the crew, the twins, are now in Nursery _
School so we have run the gamut. Nancy is in kindergarten,  
Nick a sophomore in high school, and Genevieve, our eighteen- f
year-old from Switzerland is home with me, learning English,
helping the French students with their home work and being a ;
great assistance to me in the large task of raising a brood of .
personalities. I
From Elizabeth Bigelow, South Lincoln, Massachusetts  
—-January 8, 1954 _
I am headed for Bennington but will not enter there until .
March. In the meantime I am going to do volunteer therapy  
work at the Children’s Hopsital; and I have just signed up for i
a sculpting class here in Lincoln at the Decordova Art Museum. ,
I love to work with clay. It will be fun to do it again. A
From Selby Brown, Rochester, New York—January 18, 1954 _ ,
I am working afternoons in a young surgeon’s office as a  
nurse-secretary. Until December 16th I was working in the "
emergency ward at the Genesee Hospital six or seven days a  
week as a nurse’s aide and I just loved it. It was very exciting ,
and very interesting—never a dull moment.  
Mary Jo Clark came up this fall for a day and Polly Pearse,
Jo and I had lunch at Mrs. Karl Wilson’s. After lunch we went _g

li FRoN·1·mR NURSING smavxcm 17
ti up to LeRoy where Jo showed her slides—which were wonderful
§' —to the LeRoy Historical Society. It was really great to see
  Jo again.
  —F'ebruary 5, 1954
  Bobbie Slocum is in Rochester again after an absence of six
i I years and is taking art at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
  She looks as young as ever and seems to be very well.
’ In the mornings I am teaching nursery school at St. Pau1’s
Church, which is lots of fun and not half as hectic as teaching
_ the first grade. At the present time my job consists mostly of
_. removing 20 pairs of boots, mittens, snow suits, and scarfs at
Z 9:00 and putting them all back on again at eleven. Anything
  can happen in between and usually does.
i I From Mrs. Herbert T. Holbrook (Betty—Wy1m Rugee),
V Mount Kisco, New York—February 13, 1954
,- For twenty years I have wanted to come back to Wendover
_ and I finally made it! I am so very glad I did-—I thought maybe
. everything would be changed but it wasn’t. We loved every
2 minute of it. I will not forget that nice fire burning in our room
g and our beds all turned down and the fine talks we had together.
{ Our trip was a great