xt7pnv996n0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv996n0x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1924-12-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1924 1924 1924-12-05 2012 true xt7pnv996n0x section xt7pnv996n0x Best Copy Available


The Kentucky Kernel









Strollers Give Frederick
Johnson Farce in



w- -




iu meeting at berea

rir 1 1


Sixteenth Annual Production Since the
Year 1910
"Fifty-Fifty- ,"
a three act farce of
Love, Luck, and Laughter, by Frederick G. Johnson, has been chosen by

the Strollers for their spring production. Although it is a comedy,
with bits of brilliant wit, "Fifty-F- f ty"
has more of a sober vein running
through it than "Seventeen," last
year's production.
The play has a cast of ten people,
and the new Stroller material, combined with that already tested in the
past years will furnish ample dramatic talent for a superior and select
which bids
cast for "Fifty-Fiftyfair to excel all previous Stroller
The play, will be the sixteenth production of the dramatic club, the first
having been given in 1910 when the
Strollers presented "Richlieu;
"Brown of Harvard" was given in
1911: "The Virginian" in 1912; '"The
Lost Paradise" in- 1913; "The College
itt:j . ?r, 1014- "P.Visirlev's Aunt
in 1915; "Father and the Boys'' in
1916; "The .Lion ana me iuuuoe m
1917; "Mice and Men" in 1918; "Un- der Cover" in l'Jiy; me Orichton
in inOA. IITkn
in 1921; "The Thirteenth Chair in
1922; "Lady wenaemeres run
1923; and "Sventeen" in 1924.
That, in short, is the history
it., fi u.o Pnf fViprft is a far
greater history, beneath the titles of
the finished productions
above a much deeper, more profound
history, with a touch of human appeal
if we take a look into the archives
of the Stroller dramatic club of the
to the orcram
zation by that
member, who had every interest of
the club at heart, Leo Sandman, we
find an accurate account tu mo
of a dramatic club on the

--- --

(Continued on Page Eight)

Plan to Have Students
Acquainted With

A series of special Jectures

are to

bo given this year for the benefit of
students of the college of Engineer-

ing. The first lecture was given November 19 by Dean F. Paul Anderson and these lectures will continue
through to April 15.
Students who do not nlwnys como
in contact with many of tho professors of tho campus will have an opportunity to become acquainted with
them. Theso lectires will be given
every Wednesday at the fourth hour.
Professor D. V. Terrell gavo ino second lecture of tho series December 3.
Heretofore, many of tho
lecturers had come to tho
of Engineering, a large percentage of them speaking to the senior
class in engineering. It is thought
that this new' plan will prove to be
quite successful in brjnging about a
better understanding between tho professors and tho students. Tho schedule which has been arranged is as
December 17 Prof. C. J. Norwood
Junuary 14 Prof. C. S. Crouso
February 4 Prof. E. A. Bureau
February 18 Prof. T. J. Barr.
March 4 Prof. W. E. Freeman
March 18 Prof. C. II. Anderson
April 1 Prof. J. R. Johnson
April 15 Prof. L. E. Nollau

Elizabeth Galloway is Chosen as
Local President
The nnnual conference of tho Kentucky W. S. G. A. societies was held
November 29 at Berea. The schools
represented were K. C. W., Science
Hill, University of Kentucky, Georgetown, Logan, Russellville, Asbury,
Louisville Normal and Berea College.
Tho morning session was devoted to
a business meeting and round table
discussions. A buffet luncheon was
served by the Home Economics department of the College in their new
dining room. The afternoon session
was devoted to talks. Miss Elizabeth
Galloway, of tho university, made 'a
talk on "Individual Responsibility,"
and President Hutchins, of Berea College, spoke on "What a President
At 4
Expects of College Women."
o'clock tea was served at the home
of Prpsident Hutchins.
The officers elected for next year
are: Elizabeth Galloway, president of
Miss Snider, of
the conference.
Georgetown is secretary, and Ruth
Woods, of Berea, is treasurer.

McVey Urges Coopera-

tion of Students and
the Faculty
Measure is Relief For
Congestion of Vehicles
After consideration for many weeks
the university council has taken action in an attempt to regulate traffic on the campus for the safety of
students going from one building to
another. The action was a result of
the increased number of motor vehicles upon the campus and the consequent increase in danger to both
faculty and students.
Students who drive cars from
neighboring towns and distant parts
of the city will be given a permit to
drive to school, provided they comply
The license
with the regulations.
numbers and the names of the persons who drive the machines will be
recorded and the driver will be held
responsible for any violation of the
traffic rules.
A traffic officer will be placed upon

the campus and will direct the students in finding a place to park their
cars and in enforcing the observance
of the speed limit of less than fifteen
miles an hour. If an accident occurs and the speed limit is not exceeded, tho accident will not be excused on that ground. The ruling
states that lights must bo on all cars
driving on tho campus after dark and
will not be allowed at any
Students will not be allowed
to ride on the running board of cars.
If any of the rules are violated,
tho automobile traffic committee has
tho privilege of withdrawing parking
permits on tho campus.
Doctor McVey urges tho cooperation of both students and faculty
members in observing theso regulations in order that the campus may
bo made a safe place for all. The
university will assumo no responsibility for any damage done to cars
or their contents while parked on the
When copies of the rules are issued, the student body will bo given
ample time to fniuiliarizo themselves
with them and to comply with tho



Wallace, 18 years of age,
a student of the university last year,
is reported to bo in a serious condition at Murray, as a result of injuries received in a football game
last Saturday. Ho is suffering from
paralysis of organs in tho abdominal

KY., DECEMBER 6, 1924






150 Delegates From 14

Turkey Day

Gans And "Famed Forty" Stage Celebration of
Z7 to b Victory m Knoxville on

Colleges in At-


By Gene Moore

ONCE MORE Kentucky's famed band invaded the valley of the
Tennessee River. Again the narrow confines of Gay
street resounded to the
strains of "My Old Kentucky Home," as forty-odkhaki-clayouths blared forth the
praises of eleven
gridders who had swamped the Volunteers of Tennessee under an avalanche of markers on Shield
Watkins Field in the annual Turkey Day scrap between Tennessee and the lads from the Dark and Bloody Hunting Grounds.





Address the Convention
and fifty delegates
from fourteen colleges of the state
will attend the annual state student
conference of the Y. M. C. A. at the
University of Kentucky, which begins
this afternoon and will continue
through Saturday and Sunday. The
subject of the conference will be
"Christian Standards and Life's Great
Issues," and all addresses and discussions will be based on this topic.
Business sessions will be held in
the university "Y" rooms every morning and afternoon beginning Friday
afternoon' George Kavanaugh, the
president of the university association, will make a welcome address to
the delegates at the meeting Friday
afternoon. At this meeting the delegates will elect a chairman of the
Evening services will be
held as follows: Friday night at the
Maxwell Prbseyterian Church, Saturday night at The Calvary Baptist
Church, and Sunday night at the
First Methodist Church. All students
of the unversity are invited to attend these evening services.
The place of holding the conference rotates among the six major
colleges of the state and is held at
the university but once every six
years. Last year the meeting was
College and J.
held at Georgetown
C. Brown, member of the class of '24
of the university, was chairman of
the conference.
An imposing array of
speakers have been secured to address the sessions. Among these are
Hon. T. B. McGregor, former Attorney General of Kentucky, who will
speak on "Law Enforcement, a Fundamental Need;" Dr. Henry Meier,
of Centre college, whose subject has
been announced as "Christ and Life's
Great Issues;" Mrs. Stoiber, a representative of A. Nash & Co., the
"Golden Rule Firm," of Cincinnati,
who will speak on "The Golden Rule
in Business;" Prof. George W. Carver, (colored) of Tuskeegee Institute,
W. A. Stauffer, representative of the
Student Volunteer Movement of New
York, E. E. Rail, president of North
western College of Chicago, J. W.
Bercthold. of Atlanta, Ga., Southern
Student Secretary of Y. M. C. A., and
Howard A. Kester, student at Lynchburg, who will represent the student
(Continued on Page Eight)
One hundred

Debating Contest Will
Have More Than 100


Tho department of University Extension has received more than one
hundred applications for participation
in the state high school debating and
oratorical contest to bo held here in
The subject for the debating contest will bo "Resolved: That tho
United States Should Enter the
League of Nations." A debate hand
book has been prepared by Professor
W. R. Sutherland.
It contains tho
rules of tho contest and has been
mailed to tho high schools in Ken-


Definito plans have not been made
as to district division, but will probably bo tho samo as that used last
year. Committees, judges and chairmen will be named later. Professor
Charles E. Skinner, of tho Lexington
Senior High School, has been named
chairman of this district.


blue-cla- d

Well Known Speakers

Never did Sousa and his musicians
acquit themselves as did Ed Gans
and his cohorts on that triumphant
march from the field of battle to the
Farragut Hotel, where Murphy's
charges were dressing after staging
one of the greatest
Widcat history.
Atlanta thrilled to the shrill piccolo of Ed Anglin and the booming
of Bill Poyntz's bass drum last fall.
Tech heard the
of "My Old Kentucky Home" and saw
Dell Ramsey and his 'Cats forge up
on even terms and knot the contest
3 to 3. Knoxville two years ago, witnessed the spectacle of fifty
youths, led by the strutting
Ed, marching triumphant from the
field even after the Volunteers had
defeated Kentucky 14-But none of
these can compare to the

"Jimmy" McFarland
Captain of the '25 Wildcats





Summary Shows Season
Neither Failure Nor

Kentucky Scores Four
Wins; Suffers Four
Last Thursday marked the close of
another football season for the Wildcats.
To say the 1924 season was successful would be untrue and to say
that it was a failure would not do
the Blue and White justice. The veterans of Coach Murphy played some
good and some bad games and the
good games took us most of their
time, namely the Centre, V. M. I.,
Washington & Lee and Tennessee
contests. Of this quartet, the Wildcats were victors once. They held
Centre to a 7 to 0 score, were beaten
by V. M. I., 10 to 3, were defeated
by the W. & L. Generals 10 to 7
in a thrilling game, and defeated
Tennessee 27 to 6. Sewanee fell before the onslaught of the 'Cats, 7 to
0, as did Georgetown and tho University of Louisville early in the
New Coaching System
Kentucky fans saw a new coach at
the head of varsity football when
the 1924 season opened Fred J.
Murphy, former star backfield man
of Yale and hope that Kentucky
would have an aggregation was entertained by Wildcat supporters.
However, an old coach had gone the
year before with his system and a
new coach had appeared with a different system a system thnt was
far different from the one which had
been in effect tho year before and a
system which requires more than a
year to master.
(Continued on Pago Fivo
The following telegram was
Tuesday morning:
"Charleston, W. Va.
"Coach Fred J. Murphy,
"University of Kentucky.
"Alumni meeting hero tonight
urges that you stir up enthusiasm
there and have as many followers
us possible come with team. We
are expecting a crowd on special
train to arrive here Friday. Send
us songs, yells and advertisements.
Have Lexington papers publish,
and read in chapel.
"Kentucky Alumni."






and the "famed forty" staged in celebration of the 27-- 6 victory that Kentucky obtained at the expense of Roe
Campbell and Co. on Turkey Day.
Then, a couple of hours later, while
the 'Cats were dining at the expense
of a score of exuberant "Hoots" in
the Farragut dining room, Abe gathered his boys together on the mezzanine and pulled the athletes through
their second conquest of the day, this
time over King Turkey and his army
of followers. It was a concert in the
truest sense of the word, the romantic
strains of "La Paloma" intermingling
with the martial notes of the "Star
Spangled Banner," and "The March
of the Mighty" with a delving into
the mellow and
"Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
an hour's program which impressed
those who listened so much that there
should have been no ending.
The University of Kentucky has,
without doubt, a band far above the
average collegiate group. It has won
a name for itself repeatedly where-eve- r
it has gone. As an advertising

factor alone it has been the university's greatest drawing card.
Thousands have cheered it as it
paraded into Stoll Stadium to help
the 'Cats in an
fight. Countless others have heard it play "My
Old Kentucky Home" as no other
band can play it, and will remember
Kentucky by her band alone. When
defeat has threatened to cross the
threshold of the 'Cat lair and the
Blue and White spirits were sadly
depressed, fans were leaving the stadium, dejected and forlorn, this same
band, led by Abe, Ed, and Marcia,
has stepped forth as if victory instead of defeat had been the lot of
the Felines. Many Kentucky hearts
were brightened at the example set
by the band, and forgot the score, and
thought only of the fighting spirit
of the 'Cats.
Let's all get together and give three
rousing cheers for The Band, then
get behind it in everything that it
We won't tack any million-dollepithet on it, for that would
be lowering its standard.
It's just
a bunch of
with the music of the Blue Grass, of
the mountains and the streams in
their systems, out to show the country
who they are and what they can do;
led by one of the struttingest drum
majors that ever lifted the baton, and
and in charge of Sergeant Abe Kennedy, who needs no introduction.
Tennessee's band deserves a word
of commendation for its part in last
overwhelmingly, it followed Kentucky's band to the Farragut, paused
and paid tribute to Kentucky by playing "My Old Kentucky Home," then
turned defiantly into their own pep
song, as if Volunteer instead of 'Cat
was eating turkey that night. That
kind of a spirit is mighty hard to
beat. Kentucky merely had a little
more of it.
up-hi- ll


Kentucky Finishes Fourth in
Thanksgiving Chase
The Wildcat harriers took fourth
meet held
place in the cross-countr- y
under the auspices of the Y. M. H. A.
of Louisville on Thanksgiving Day.
Tho University of Indiana won first
place, followed by Butler College, the
University of Louisville, University
of Kentucky, Y. M. C. A. and Y. M.
H. A.
Doolittle, of Butler College, and a
member of the American Olympic
team, finished first. He broke the
record held by Ray Hall of the university, by 31 seconds. Wallace, of
He was
Indaiana, finished second.
also a member of the Olympic team.
The order in which tho Kentucky
men finished was: Davidson, Dowden,
Dean, Woodard and Boswell.
men ran against some of tho best
long distance runners in the country
and made a good showing under the

The team was not as successful
us the team of last year, as only one
man on the team has had any previous experience in
work, while last year every man was
a seasoned veteran beforo coming out.
cross-countr- y


Wins Championship in
Grade Wether Exhibition
The University of Kentucky was
awarded a championship for grade
wethers exhibited at the International
Live Stock Show


Chicago on Mon-

day, according to a telegram received
by Dean Thomas P. Cooper from Prof.
E. S. Good, who attended the exhibit.
This is tho third year that tho
Kentucky Experiment Station has.
won championships at tho international sheep exhibit. In he past two
years it has won two championships
and threo reserve championships.
Harold Barber has selected the stock
for the exhibition for the past two
Prizes awarded in the other classes
have not ns yet been announced and
it is hoped that tho university will
take prizes in the other branches of
The live stock judging team of tho
college of Agriculture, which attended the show last week, took
in a field of more tha
colleges, with a total of '
The first threo team
their rank we

Tho meeting of tho White Mathematics Club, announced for December 4, lias been postponed until
at 3:30
Thursday, December
o'clock, Room 310 Civil and Physics points,


� n



pwmy w

Alumni page

Alumni Secretary

Somerset, Dec. 5. (First Friday
Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr.
Norfleet's office.
Philadelphia, Dec. 6. (First Satat
urday Regular) luncheon
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
Lexington, Dec. 13. (Second Satnt
urday Regular) luncheon
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.


railroad for two years and eight
months. Returning home he was assigned to duty with the Kentucky
State lfiuhwav Dcnartment. in which
capacity he served for two years. On
nccount of scarcity of work, he was
laid off with a number of others last
ho secured
place with the contractors who put
through the
tunnel nt the
Dix River Dam.

dinner ot Dixieland

Harry S. Cannon is now head of
the Department of Modern Languages
nt the University of Montant, Bozo
man, Mont.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John S. Horinc arc
rejoicing over the nrrival of John
Sherman Horine, Jr., born November
Mr. Horinc is Assistant Professor in Drawing nt the university. He
mnrried Miss Nannie Rhodes Wallace


We nre advised by James W. Cary
that his address is' now 106 South
Orange avenue, Exeter, Calif.


day Regular) luncheon, 1:15
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
Chicago, Dec. 17. (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon at Field's
Detroit, Dec. 26. (Last Friday-Reg- ular)
Dec. 13.


November 20, 1923.
East Maxwell street.

They live



Mail for John E. C. Johnson should
bo addressed to Box 584, Portland,


Miss Roberta Newman, for several
years principal of Arlington School,
lives at 145 East Second street, LexSeveral weeks ago the following
ington. Miss Newman has shown
was received from Miss Margaret
much interest in the Alumni AssociIngels, head of the Research Laboraation and the university.
tory, American Society Heating and
Ventilating Engineers, U. S. Bureau
of Mines, Experiment Station, Pitts
J. Pelham Johnston has moved his burgh, Pa.:
offices into the now Guaranty Bank
Howdy do,
Building. He is n partner with Mayor
Here's my dues
Hognn Yancy and does quite a bit
Not when due,
of legal business for the university.
But when overdue
Because I do
So many dues
My Alumni dues
According to recent postal advice,
Are long past due
Claude R. Smith is in the Bureau
And that will never do.
of Chemistry, U. S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D. C.



Albert S. Karsner, son of Magistrate George D. Karsner, left Saturday night for Willow Springs, Mo.,
where he has a position with the State
Highway Department of Missouri
and will assist in the road construction in that state.
Shortly after Mr. Karsner's graduation he went to Brazil where he was
resident engineer on one of the divisions of the Madrid and Mamoree














Thomas Hart Robinson

'15 is now located


Pemberton Smith '15 is now located

Claude Baker Taylor '15 is now located




Jacqueline T. Hall '15 is now located at
Melvin Hays Judd '15 is now located


Archie Xavier Pfeffer '15 is now located at


Arthur Eugene Wegert '15 is now located

Charles Stephenson Rainey '15 is now located nt
Gustavus Adolphus Rice '15 is now located at


Ralph Emerson Bitner '16 is now located
Norberto Devara '16 is now located

Some pay their dues when due,
Some when over-du- e

Sue Hunt Frost '16 is now located

Logan Nourse Green '16 is now located


Mrs. Bessie. Fogle JucJd '16 is now located


How due you DUE?

Benjamin Harrison Mitchell '16 is now located
William Crowder Mitchell

'1G is now

Two Dollars pay dues for a year and secure all publications
mailed from this office including the Kernel. This Alumni
Year began on Alumni Day, May 31, 1924.
Make checks payable to W. C. WILSON, TREAS. and mail
to Alumni Office.


Page Neagle '10 is now located

Orville Robert Willett '16 is now located
John Henry Williams

'1G is now


(Fill blank below)

Carrie Frances Blair '17 is now located

Yes No

the fight for better roads and institutions.
We tire of hearing what other states have done; then why should wo Frank Moore Crum '17 is now located
continue to slumber? One real good has come from the recent campaign
and that is the people understand Kentucky's needs as they never have Benjamin Franklin Foster '17 is now located
oeiore. lwery voter must Know the part that it is his duty to play in the
game of government and do it. How much longer will the alumni of the Jessee Forrest Gregory '17 is now located
university ot Kentucky permit their Alma Mater to suffer for the lack of
iuruis to run the institution as it should be? The university, through its Ronald Hutchinson '17 is now located
public service laboratories and various departments, touches almost ovorv
home m the state. Think what seed, fertilizer, food, milk, and water tests U
" '"
done by the experiment station mean to our citizens. It is not possible to James WlIllam 1Sorns 17 18 now located -estimate in dollars and cents the value of the university to the people of
this commonwealth. Do you tell the men who represent your district in Burton F Willams '17 is now located,
the legislature at Frankfort these things ? They should know them and you '
are the one to tell them; for many of them have not had the advantages of George Clifton Bradley '18 is now located
a college education that you have and they do not know the value of the
university to the state as you do.
Henry J. Kolbe '18 is now located
It is only a few months until representatives and many of the senators
will be up for election, and while men are candidates is the time to get Minnie Evelyn NeVillo '18 is now located
them committed to our program of advancement. Make it
umt uiuy uiiow mo iwuiucmi neeus oi tne university and twill support .Constantino Nicholoff '18 is now located
it wiiuii muy go to rranKiort.

Below is published an editorial from the Boone County Recorder, of
Burlington, Ky. This paper is owned and edited by Mr. Robert E. Berkshire class of 1915, college of Law, University of Kentucky. He is Circuit
Court Clerk and Master Commissioner of Boone County. He is an active
alumnus and returns annually for one of the football contests, making his
visit to the V. M. I. game this year. His editorial shows a
spirit that all Kcntuckians should have.
We may disagree among ourselves but let no outsider profit by our
The day is' near when our state will move forward if wo will
only heed such advice ns follows:
"In the first place the opinion of the Cincinnati motorists is very much
at variance with that of a majority of the motorists of Covington, who seem
to think, judging from the way they voted, that the defeat of the bonds was
a benefit instead of u 'blow' to them.
"As to the movement on foot with our fellow Kcntuckians at Harlan to
divert their trade to other centers, we will say that we have something of
the same nature to contend with in Boone county, as the prevailing sentiment with our farmers, since the election, is to trade in Cincinnati hereafter
instead of Covington.
"We will say in this connection that we wish to discourage this attitude which a majority of our farmers are assuming. We suggest to them
that a number of Covington's leading business men supported the bonds,
and we do not think it udvisable to fall out with our neighboring city as a
whole, on account of what we consider the
and unwarranted
action of that portion of her citizenship which opposed the measure.
"As to Hurlan's action toward Lexington and Louisville, the same
principle prevails, in our opinion, and we would further suggest to the
city of Hurlan that the city of Lexington itself returned a majority for


Others never do.
How due you due, ALUMNUS,

Charles Frank Kumli '16 is now located


Mr. Arthur D. Allen, president of the Kentucky Good Roads Association
and the Greater Kentucky Committee thereof, called a meeting in the Board
ot lraoe Building, Louisville, Kentucky, Saturday which was attended by
ruprcseniuuves oi an interests concerned in the $75,000,000 Bond Issue.
In making this call, Mr. Allen said, "There seems to be a wide-sprea- d
feeling that the impetus given to the interest in roads, education and the
institutions snouid not be lost through discouragement over the outcome
of the bond election. This feeling has been expressed not only by those who
lavorca me uonas out by tliose who were opposed!"
At present we are unable to give the results of this meetinir. hut wn
believe that it will accept the opportunities offered and so weld the various
factions now existing in the state that all will present a united front in




Jcancttc Torrencc Bell '15 is now located nt
Elizabeth Fearn Eldridgc '15 is now located at

Clarepce Barbour Shoemaker '15 is now located



Residence Address




Business Address

or Employment
name of wife, date of marriage, names and ages of

Carrier Engineering

'18 is now located

Ruby Karl Diamond '19 is now located
William Whitfield


(Give Maiden



750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Newark, N. J.

Elliott '19 is now located

Ola Logan Figg '19 is now located

Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


Elizabeth McGowan

'19 is now located


Mose Smith '19 is now located

Carl Albert Timmer '19 is now located




Triplett '19 is now located



J. I. Lyle,

Fisher '20 is now located


T. Lyle,


J. E. Boling,


H. Worsham,


Herbert Proctor Haley '20 is now located

L. L. Lewis,



Ruth Phyllis Hoag '20 is now located

M. S. Smith,


J. H. Bailey,



Hugh McCord '20 is now located .......

Joseph Stuart Misrach '20 is now located
John Caleb Morris '20 is now located



with the help of the following Kentuckians:

Linville Amburgy '20 is now located


Jones '14 is now located at

The student speakers' bureau has been in cxistancc nt the university Carl Emil Lauer '14 is now located at
for about two years, during which time the institution has been very ably
represented before many of the civic nnd luncheon clubs of the state by these Robert Allen Norris '14 is now located at
young men. Some of these men arc graduates of the university and arc
pursuing work in the college of Law; all are well trained in public speak- Julian Lnrabic Pinkerton '14 is now located at
ing and nre able to furnish an interesting nnd instructive program whenever given a chance. They arc glad to go to any part of Kentucky and if Gilbert Coleman Richardson '14 is now located at ..
you arc a member of a club that desires the services of a real speaker, get
in touch with this bureau. At present it is composed of C. M. C. Porter, Herschel Russell Shelton '14 is now located at
James S. Darnell, Henry C. Johnson, Hobart H. Grooms and Kenneth H.
Tuggle. Tryouts arc being held this week and others will be added to Harry Nctherland Woodson '14 is now located at
this list.
Esther Mae Bailey '15 is now located at



Best Copy

the bonds, contrary to the impression that seems to prevail in Harlan. Morris Vilcofsky '20 is now located
And this majority was largely due to the efforts of the Lexington Herald,
a paper of the opposite political faith to most mountain people, while the William Yourish '20 i now located
Lexington Leader, which is of the same political faith, opposed the bonds
very strenuously. Do the Harlan folks intend to cense their party affilia- Reginald Ernest DcAltry '21 is now located
Certainly not, but there would be just as much logic
tions on this nccount?
in the political cessation as there is in the termination of business relations.
Gustavo Berry Foster '21 is now located ....
"It is our judgment that the Recorder is in a position to make these
suggestions to our mountain neighbors, since it is the only newspaper in Jesse Otto Osborn '21 is now located
Boone county to support the bonds, and we point with pride to her vote on
the issue.
Emmett Otis Shultz '21 is now located
"Boone county stands out like a beacon light in the Sixth district, being
the only county in the district to cast a majority vote, nnd, what is more Mary Thcressn Ross '21 is now located
impressive, that majority was better than
This was the lnrgcst
proportionate vote cast in the state, outside of the mountain districts, nnd J. W. Snyder '23 is now located
though the vote of the state at large would seem to indicate that our judgment was unsound, nevertheless we arc still firm in our convictions, nnd nre Schiniegoro Kurozawa '13 is now located nt
convinced that when prejudices arc cast aside, thnt the electorate of Kentucky will then vindicate our judgment."
Showdy Elbert Puckett '13 is now located nt
George Atwcll Scott '13 is now located nt
The Colonels by inviting the Wildcats to bo their guests in Danville
game, showed a fine sporting spirit. Captain Luclln Morton Schnffcr '13 is now located nt ......
during the
Curtis Sanders, leader of the 'Cats, wns especially honored by being given
a scat on the bench with the Colonel team.
Watson Andres Sudduth '13 is now located nt
Centre College during the past five or six years has had one of the
best teams in the country nnd has shown as high a class of sportsmanship Virgil Alexander Bnbbagc '14 is now located at .....
ns has ever been seen. The supporters of the Wildcats should boost thej
Colonels in all of their
contests nnd wish for them every pos- John Lloyd Brown '14 is now located nt
sible success. Good tennis at Centre means much to the Athletic Council
of the University of Kentucky in a financial way. Close contests draw Arthur Louis Brucckncr '14 is now located
at "'i'H "WMIllllHlWlHIWWimtHllitH.
larger crowds and make satisfied spectators who have no particular interest
in cither team.
Harry Bcnjnmin Dobrowsky '14 is now located at
We congratulate the Colonels on the fine record they have mndc this
Robert L. Gregory '14 is now located at
year, nnd wish them success in the future.

Mrs. Claude B. Taylor (Elizabeth Bell Alexander) '16 is now located


Sufficient money for Gnal payment on the Dean Lafferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
'07, G04 Lincoln ave., Louisville, Ky.



ii pn





Waterfill, '20


R. L. Jones, '12

W. B. Thornton, '21

J. R. Duncan, '12

N. O. Belt,