xt7pnv996m9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv996m9n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-03-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 22, 1929 1929 1929-03-22 2012 true xt7pnv996m9n section xt7pnv996m9n THE KENTUCKY KERNEL









Alumni Dance
Lexington Alumni to Give
First Dance of Year
on April 1
Lexington Alumni Club
will give its first dance of the
year on Monday night, April 1,
In the Men's gym. This will be
the day on which the students
will return from the Easter vacation and many nre expected
to attend.
The hours of the dance will
be from 9 to 12.



Stroller Spring Play Will Be
Presented in New Har
lan Theater

Ticket Representatives Are
Announced; Orchestra
to Accompany Cast
Strollers, student dramatic
ganization of the University, will
on a tour next Thursday with
their spring production, "Square
Crooks,1' by James P. Judge. The
play will be presented In Benham,
Instead of Mlddlesboro, as the
bookings In Mlddlesboro could not
be made.
The opening of the play will be In
the New Harlan theater at Harlan,
March 28. Strollers will play at the
Gaines theater, Pinevllle, March 29,
and at the high school in Benham,
March 30. J. Melbourne Taylor, a
former student at the University, Is
sponsoring the production In Benham. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin
will chaperone the tour which leaves
from the Union station at 9:20 a.
m., Thursday.
or"The Jolly Boys," a
chestra of University students, will
accompany Strollers on the tour and
will play for dances in the various
towns in which "Square Crooks" will
be presented.
The Lexington performances will
be held here April 4, 5, and 6, at
the Guignol theater. The regular
ticket sale begins April 3, but in
the meantime there will be a sale
among the fraternities. Representatives of all sororities, fraternities
and halls will help handle the ticket
sale, and prizes will be given to
sellers and each fraternity is urged
to go 100 per cent.
of "Square
Dress" rehearsals
Crooks" will be held Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at the Woodland
auditorium. The scenery has peen
constructed and all plans nave been
Much interest has been manifested in the production, and, due to the
small capacity of the Guignol, persons who wish to see "Square
Crooks" are urged to get their tickets early. The following are representatives who will handle the
ticket sale for the Stroller play in
the localities listed:
Alpha Delta Theta
Wells; Alpha Gamma Delta Margaret Cundlff; Alpha Xi Delta-Lo- uise
Wendt; Beta Sigma Omi-cro- n
Marguerite Cerf; Chi Omega
Mary Grace Heavenridge; Delta
Delta Delta Garnett Shouse; Delta
Zeta Marie Howard; Kappa Delta
Kathleen Fitch; Kappa Kappa
Mary Keyes; Zeta Tau
Alpha Bernice Byland; Boyd Hall
Virginia Sharp; Patterson Hall
Mllly Nelson.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fred Farley; Triangle Bill Young; Pi Kappa Alpha Bob Gibson; Sigma Nu
Bob Moorman; Sigma Beta Xi
Toy Sandefur; Phi Sigma Kappa
Jouett McDowell; Phi Kappa Tau
John Murphy; Phi Delta Theta
Jack Robey; Kappa Sigma
Laughlin; Kappa Alpha
Thompson; Delta Tau Delta Harold SchimmeH Delta Chi
Conn; Alpha Tau Omega
Calloway; Alpha Sigma Phi Bill
Helser; Alpha Gamma Rho Hughes
Evans; Alpha Gamma Epsilon
James Finley.




Webb and Funkhouser to Be gin Extensive Investigation
Into Life of Ancient Ken
tucky Man Next Summer.
Dr. Funkhouser and Professor
Webb have started an extensive sur
vey into the life of the ancient man
of Kentucky having located a site
for the work in Christian county,
miles northwest
four and one-ha- lf
Trenton, on a farm owned by
Mrs n n Williams
The terrain consists of a gradual
mile west
slope extending one-ha- lf
to Montgomery creek. On this slope
to be a village site,
there seems
mound, quarry, and a burial field,
all of which are little disturbed.
The mound was opened by slicing
and each shovelful thoroughly inspected. They found post molds
and vertical cavities three to nine
inches in diameter. The base of the
mound was covered with ashes. Seventeen graves were located, some
with perfect skeletons, but In general the bones represent individuals
below medium size.
The two scientists will start work
athe end of this semester, and will
beln the field all summer.
A manuscript has been written
b pr0fessor Webb and Dr. Funk
houser describing the site, graves,
skeletons and what has been found
in them. It will be published in
"The Archaeloglst." They are also
preparing an article on Stone Grave

Seventh Annual Institute Will
Open May 1; President
McVey to Speak


Four Members of the University Faculty Will Deliver
Twenty Lectures
The seventh annual institute for
registrars of universities and colleges will meet April 1 to 6 at the
University. Each of the following
will deliver a series of five lectures:
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the University; Floyd W. Reeves,
professor of education at the Uni
versity; Ezra L. Glllis, registrar or
the University, and C. C. Ross, professor of education at the University. The courses this year will be
conducted in the regular classroom
manner, and they will be open to all
interested in this type of
. who are

am for the flve days fol.

principles of College and Unl-o- f
Frank L.
versity Administration
u. ,.. w....w..j.
1 1 :00
1. University Organization
a. m., Tuesday.
2. The Making of the Budget
11:00 a. m., Wednesday.
3. University and College Public
ity 11:00 a. m., Thursday.
4. Administrative
7:30 p. m., Thursday.
5. The Alumni
11:00 a. m., Fri
II. Problems of College OrganiFloyd
zation and Administration
W. Reeves, professor of education at
the University.


(Continued on Page Eight)

James Kendall to Lecture on
"The Abuse of Water;"
Dinner Will Be Given in
Visitor's Honor.

Students Will Go
To Church Sunday


MARCH 22, 1929

University of Chicago, will address
the regular monthly convocation in
the Men's gymnasium Monday
morning at 9 o'clock. He also will
deliver an address at 7:30 o'clock
Monday night and another at 7
o'clock Tuesday night In Patterson
hall for the students of the University.
Dr. Gllkcy at present has charge
of the Rockefeller chapel at the
University of Chicago. Previously
he has served as university preacher at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Chicago, Toronto, Wellesley,
Stanford, and Purdue.
Dr. Gllkcy Is being brought here
by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
He will be a guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Frank L. McVey while in Lexington.
The public is invited to the convocation Monday morning.


Dr. Floyd W. Reeves, Head of
State Bureau of School
Service, Discusses "Problems of College Teaching."
The Development of Student In
terest, "Initiative and Responsibility
and Provision for Individual Differences," was the subject of the fifth
lecture on "Problems of College
Teaching," given by Dr. Floyd
Reeves, professor of education and
head of the bureau of school service, at 6:30 in the lecture room of
McVey hall last night.
The last lecture scheduled to be
given on the night of March 28 will
be postponed, due to the spring vacation, until Thursday, April 4, at
which time Dr. Reeves will speak
on "Diagnosis, Remedial Instruction
and Educational Guidance."
In his talk last night Dr. Reeves
divided his discussion into five main
topics. According to Dr. Reeves,
Within the last few years consid
erable dissatisfaction has developed
with the type of work carried on in
American liberal arts colleges. The
criticism includes the admission of
large numbers of students
average or mddiocre ability,
lack of any real test of intellectual achievement after students have been admitted, and an
unsatisfactory curriculum. As a result of thes conditions the college
has, in the judgment of many educators, become an institution for the
average student and has tended to
develop indifference and laziness on
the part of many of those members
of the student body who are blessed
with superior ability. Dr. Reeves
cited the honors course at Swarth-mor- e
College as an example of an
excellent program, saying that one
of the most promising changes
which has taken place in American
colleges and universities Is the in
troduction of the honors course.





Guignol Scores
With Gioconda

As Latest Hit

Placement Bureau
Issues Last
For Applications


Speaker Next Week IS CHOSEN QUEEN
Dr. Charles W. Gllkcy, of the OF JUNIOR PROM

Dr. James Kendall, professor of
Physical Chemistry of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, will
Y.M. and Y.W. Organizations speak to the American Chemical
Society at the University April 2,
Are Sponsoring Event;
at 4 p. m., in the Organic Chemistry
Seats Reserved
room of Kastle hall. His subject
Sunday, March 24, has been des- will be "The Abuse of Water."
ignated by the University as "Go
Dr. Kendall nas been on a tour
to Church Sunday," on which date fo the last several months. He
every student of the University is started from New York City, lecturasked to attend the church of his ing at Princeton, N. J.; Baltimore,
or her choice. Special young peoMd.; Georgia Tech, and various
ple's programs have been arranged other universities in the east and
by the various churches, and reser- south. Dr. Kendall will be in Nashvations for students will be made ville, Tenn., March 29. He will probby the different churches.
ably arrive in Lexington by April 1.
The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. A dinner will be given in his honor
C. A. organizations are sponsoring befoe he leaves here for Cincinnati.
the event and have distributed post- He will complete his tour at Charers and placards to the student body leston, W. Va.
which contain lists of the churches
Professor Kendall is a native of
and sermon subjects for that day.
Surrey, England. He came to the
Fraternities have been asked to United States in 1913 and now
consider the Idea of attending the makes his home in New York City.
different churchs in a body and will He received his B. S., M. A., and
have seats reserved for them if they D. S. degrees from Edinburgh Uni
decide to do so.
versity. He also attended the Nobel j
By Thomas L. Riley
Institute, the Stockholm Technical
WRITES Institute and the University of , "Gioconda," which opened at the
Petrograd. From 1913 until 1926 he Guignol theater Monday for a run
taught chemistry at Columbia Uni- Prof. C. R. Melcher, dean of men versity and In 1926 he became ad- of one week, is, by far, the most amPATENT GRANTED TO STATE at the University, has recently re- ministrative head of the department I bitious attempt to product dramaceived a letter from Gunther Kell, of chemistry and the dean of the ' tic art that we have seen In any
amateur group. It is an artistic
Marshall N. States, associate pro- former instructor in German at the graduate
school of Washington
fessor of physics in the College of University, in which he stated that Square College, a part of New York triumph in every sense of the word,
its direction, its acting, and its
granthe was writing a book, "Max Kret-ze- r; University.
Arts and Sciences, has been
staging all contributing an integral
a Study in German Neutraled a patent on a device of his own
Dr. Kendall has also been acting part in the success of the producinvention, designed to simplify veri- ism," and that it will soon be off
fication of Kirchoff's laws. The the press. Mr. Kell, who taught professor at both Stanford Univer tion.
is at sity and the University of CaliforFrank C. Fowler has the role of
Central Scientific Company, of Chi- - here during the year 1922-2Luclo Settala, a sculptor, to whom
cago, now has possession of the present instructor at Hunter College nia. He served as a lieutenant-commandIn the United States Reserve his wife, Sylvia, played by Jeannette
in New York state.
Flying Corps. He Is a membeer of Kimberlaln, Is devoted. A woman
Sicma Xi. Aloha Chi Siemn. Phi out of Lucio's past arises to hold
'Lambda Upsilon, London chemistry his favor and Sylvia sacrifices her
society, and many other fraternities own happiness and charm so that
in England.
he might be contented In his life's
work. Mr. Fowler is perfection Itself in his interpretation.
It Is In- deed a pleasure to see u perform- ance of that calibre rendered. Miss
surmounted by a plume, is a figure
By Jess M. Laughlin
Kimberlaln does the outstanding
feminine piece of work in the play
Redd, Lexington's to arrest the attention of anyone,
as the wife. We have never seen
grand old veteran of the Civil War, Of course in his interviews with
- the "soldiers' of the University
finer characterization than is ofis about due to reappear on the UniThe University Placement Bureau fered In this role and in the last
"army," the Colonel is habitually ac- versity campus this spring.
prospecact when we see her living a life
Traditlon has led the more unln- - coutered with his Imposing cavalry has issued its last call for
tive teachers to enroll. According of remorse we feel the tragedy in
formed of us to think that he might sabre and an old trusty
which he brandishes aloft with to M. E. Llgon, director of the bu- her skillful portrayal.
have been anything from a drummer
As Cosinia, a friend of Lucio's,
What- - Brent gusto.
boy to Lee's
reau, approximately 160 University
Melvin Nollau does an ellective bit
ever his status may have been, Lex- - A horseman par excellence, a lover
students have already filled out the of acting. Georgetta Walker, as
ington and its environs will always of horseflesh, one of the old school, necessary
forms and will be In line Gioconda, the other woman, is only
who could probably tell "Bourbon"
know him as the "Colonel."
for a position in the fall.
seen in one act but that brief apAt the last Confederate reunion trom "McKenna," a gentleman who
A bulletin, in which the names and pearance shows that she is a valuColonel Redd was forced to return cherishes his Ideals and memories
qualifications of all students en- able asset to the play. Margaret
charger, In a way that commands the
home without his faithful
rolled with the bureau will appear, Lewis has the role of Slrinetta, a
By popular subscription ration of everyone, a most
Stu- child of the sea, and her interprecitizens paid for the thor- - rous persons in every way, and as will go to press on April
creature Is
a Kentucky Colonel as ever dents who have not enrolled with tation of this myth-lik- e
oughbred's fare home, and thus the-trudesire to do excellent proof of her ability. Louisa
breathed the air of the Blue Grass, the bureau and who
two old friends were reunited.
hence let us gaze upon this iniml-J- d so, may secure the necessary forms Dudley, as Beata, the child of Luclo
on the second and Sylvia, lends an attractive as
al Ind a sunSv table old gentleman who brings In Mr. Llgon's oilice
mothers and floor of the Education building.
well as appealing touch to the play.
ba to us memrles
U needed
nntnnli fathers, now dead, of stories of the
All forms properly filled and re"Gioconda" is one of those plays
is for the
plete the
was turned by March 29 will be in- that makes you feel, as well as see,
"r"1mentlna cmvalry that
to charge gallantly up the entrance
cluded In the official bulletin which the drama being enacted. It is a
drive, and rein in his rearing mount
will be sent to superintendents and living tribute to the success of the
in front of the flagpole with his inboards of education throughout the Guignol theater in its effort to give
imitable rebel yell.
the public dramatic art in beautiful
The Colonel, always dressed in a
This service is free to all Univer- form. "Gioconda" is beautiful and
gray frock coat and long riding
Due to the Easter holidays which
sity students who desire to take ad- sheuld be seen by all lovers of
pants encased in puttees, a red offl- - begin Thursday morning, there will
vantage of it.
cere' sash and a rebel slouch hat be no Kernel next week.

Colonel Dick Redd Will Soon
Reappear on University Campus



Dr. Charles Gilkey
To Be Convocation



New Class Honor Announced
After Halloling Held
March 15



Plans Arc Rapidly

Spring Vacation
Will Hogin March 28;
Ruling Still to
He Enforced



The registrar's office announces
that spring vacation will begin
at 8 o'clock Thursday morning,
March 28, and close at 8 o'clock
on Tuesday, April 2. All students
must attend the Inst class before
the holidays and the first class
after to avoid the one - tenth
stnndlng penalty.


Completion; Two Orchestras Will Play

Miss Kathleen Fitch, of Lexington, was chosen Junior prom queen
by a vote of the Junior class taken

last Friday, nccording to an announcement made late yesterday by
the Prom committee. The coronation of the queen will be the special feature of the Junior Prom
dance which will be held in the
Men's gymnasium on April 5. The
tlera to be used In the ceremony
Is being designed and made by Balfour and Company, of Louisville.
Miss Fitch is a Junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, president
of the Kappa Delta sorority, and a
member of Theta Sigma Phi, and
the staff of The Kernel. The petition for her nomination was signed
by members of the Kappa Delta sorority.
The election of a Junior Prom
Queen Is an Innovation at the University, although It has been the
custom for several years In Northern and Eastern colleges. The offi
cers of the class hope the practice
will become a permanent custom on
the University campus.
Miss Fitch was chosen by a large
majority of the votes cast, leading
by 93 per cent in the College of En
gineering. Very few votes were cast

U. K. Professor Will Study
at Harvard ;Ragland Will
His Absence.

First Battalion to

A general committee has been
elected to appoint the various com
mittees to work on the May Day
program. Most of the committees
have already started work and the
only thing to be done is the election
of the queen, which is to take place
the last week in April.
The general committee is composed of James Hester, chairman,
John Dundon and Claire Dees.
These three men appointed the following committees float for queen:
men, Frank Davidson, chairman,
Robert Gibson, James Chapman and
James Gates; women, Margaret
Wilson, Martha Minlhan, Lucille
Short, and Mildred Little; dance:
William Glanz, chairman, George
Whitfield and James Thompson;
election: Job Turner, chairman,
James Finley, James
Bob Thompson and Beverly Wad-dil- l;
parade decision: Fred Conn,
chairman, William Young, Frances
Baskett, John Gess, Carol Byron
and James May; awards, school and
program committee; Waller Jones,
chairman, Wendell Warnock, Roy
Kavanaugh and Arthur Munyon.

Olympics Will He Rivaled
by Intramural Clash





May Day Program


Entry Lists Close at. Noon
Today; Cup Will He

Prof. W. Lewis Roberts, of the
College of Law, has been awarded
a research fellowship at the Harvard law school for the year 1929-3and has been granted a leave of
absence by the University. George
Ragland, Jr., has been selected to
take over in part Mr. Roberts' work
during the year.
Professor Roberts will work for
the degree of Doctor of the Science
of Jurisprudence. He was graduated
from Dartmouth College and has a
law degree from the University of
Chicago law school.
Mr. Ragland majored in English
and was graduated from the University with an A. B. degree in
In 1928 he received the Bach
elor of Law degree, having the highest standing of any member of the
class, and graduating with high
honors. Because of this he was
awarded a fellowship at Columbia
(Continued on Page Eight)
University. He accepted, however,
the fellowship at the University of
Michigan law school and during the
past year has been pursuing his
work for the degree of Doctor of
the science of Jurisprudence at that
school, doing his principal work in
the procedural field of law. He has
also given attention to procedure
before administrative tribunals. His
Team to Meet Big Ten Com- work is highly
recommended by
petition in Four Contests; Dean Henry M. Bates of the MichiFirst Debate in Lexington gan law school and by Professor
Sunderland, probably the greatest
Is on April 5.
American authority on legal proceThe University debating team will dure.
engage in a series of debates with
Northwestern University on April 3,
4, 5, and 6, in Lexington and nearby
towns, according to W. R. Sutheron
land, of the English department.
The subject it: "Should Some SubJury Sys- Series of Reviews Planned by
stitute For the Present
tem Be Found?"
Military Department;
The University team will defend
Field Day May 29
the negative side in three meets,
and the affirmative in two. The first
The University R. O. T. C. regi
three meets will be held outside of
Lexington. The fourth will be held ment will begin a series of reviews
at 8 o'clock Friday evening, April 5, on Monday, March 25, at 4 o'clock,
in McVey hall. The speeches will in front of the Administration
be taken down by court reporters, building. These reviews will be in
transcribed, corrected, annotated, preparation for their annual field
and included in the debate hand- day.
The first battalion will hold their
book for the use of high school contests next year. Dr. Bays, of Centre reviews on the following dates:
College, will attend and write a April, 8, 29 and May 20. The second
critical analysis, also to be included battalion will be reviewed on March
25, April 15, May 6 and 2. The regiin the bulletin.
Kentucky will be represented by mental review will be held on April
James S. Porter, William R. Pearce 3, April 22, and May 13.
It is necessary that the company,
and Richard Weaver. The North
western team is composed of George battalion and regimental sponsors
be present at the practice in order
Katz, a sophomore in the College of
Law, with five years' intercollegiate to learn to march properly.
The annual field, or commencedebate experience; Samuel J. Sher- man, a sophomore in the Colelge of ment day, for the purpose of awardLaw, and the winner of numerous ing commissions to the graduates, is
oratorical contests, and John Doze-bur- g, to be held on May 29. In case a
a senior in the College of Lib- - regimental or battalion review is
eral Arts, who spoke here last year. not to be held on a date given, noOther members of the University tice to that effect will be posted on
team who will speak in the various the bulletin board of the armory not
debates are Sidney T. Schell, Hugh later than 1 o'clock of that day.
Jackson, Clifford Amyx, and James
S. Porter. The last debate in the
series will be held at Falmouth, Ky
Saturday morning, April 6.
A decision to continue classes at
The debates with Northwestern Berea College, but to segregate more
are to be held one day after the carefully scarlet fever sufferers, was
team returns from a trip in the
Tuesday at a meeting of
south which Includes seven debates reachedCollege officials.
with Sewanee, the University of the Berea
South, and Western Kentucky State
Normal School. Debates have also
been scheduled with Centre and

General Committee
Chosen to Prepare


By Laurence Shropshire
Away back in those days when

mythology held sway among tho
learned Greeks, Achilles was the
popular hero, the man of the hour.
His valiant heart, his flcctness of
foot were the medium by which he
placed his name on the Hps of
everyone. Even the respected philosophers paid tribute to this superman.
But Achilles In all his glory could
not surpass the mighty speed chim-plo- n
of the University, whoever he
may be. This first event will be
may be. This gentleman will earn
his spurs in the annual intra-mur- al
spring track meet which will take
place on Stoll field tomorrow afternoon. This first event will be called
at 1 o'clock sharp.
There Is no doubt but that the
meet tomorrow will be the best in
lntra-mur- al
history. The eligibil
ity bans have been lifted and every
one, including members of the varsity and freshman cinder squads at
present, can compete. This was
done in an attempt to get varsity
material In training earlier and
from the number of men working
dally, this effort was most successful.
The entry list, which is a most
important item in an affair like
this, will be closed at noon today,
so all desiring to compete are hereby
warned to have their names on the
dotted line before that time. Most
of the fraternities have already got
ten their group entries in the hands
of the officials.
The spring relays last year were
won by the Sigma Chi fraternity
by a narrow margin. Pi Kappa Alpha swung into second place with
several other organizations close
represenbehind. The
tatives have been in strenuous
training for the past three weeks
and .promise to make the competition equally sharp this year. A numrecords are
ber of
sure to be smashed before the day
is over.
Not to be outdone by the varsity
coaches, M. E. Potter, intra-mur- al
director, has arranged a genuine,
track meet. Fourteen
events comprise the program for the
day and cover every field known to
track enthusiasts. Field events, runs,
ranging from the mile down to the
hundred yard dash, and a frater
nity relay will be decided. Ribbons
will be awarded to the first four
men in each race in addition to
points toward the participation
A silver loving cup is the reward
for the winning team in the relay.
A larger trophy will be given to the
victorious fraternity team and the
high point man of the meet will be
recognized for his success and prowess by another cup. Coach Shively
and Bart Peak will head the list
of officials and will probably be
aided by the other members of the
coaching staff who will act as field
judges, timers, starters, and what


The date chosen for the annual
women's banquet has been fixed for
April 11, by Lucille Short, president
W. A. C. The banquet Is sponsored
by the Women's Administrative
Council, and the previous ones have
been very successful.
The place for the banquet has not
been determined, but plans are rapidly nearing completion.

New Building Is Not for Deans
Monkeys, Kernel Writer Finds

By Sara Elvove
For some time, the University students, chancing to see the building
being erected behind Mechanical
hall, have been wondering what this
new addition to the campus is destined to contain. From the appearance it now has, it resembles a
greenhouse. But perhaps as some
one facltiously suggested, it is the
new home of Dean Anderson's monkeys. Here are the real facts about

The College of Engineering has
been endowed, by Percy H. Johnson,
president of the Chemical National
Bank, of New York, with a research
laboratory, for the purpose of carrying on the effect of sunlight on
plants and animals. This is to be
made in connection with the atmospheric comfort zone already established here by Dean Anderson.
During the years 1921 to 1924,
there was developed by the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, what Is known as
the "atmospheric comfort zone for
human beings" that is, an idealism
In atmospheric air conditions that
will produce the greatest comfort
to human beings, and therefore, the

greatest longevity.
Since the sun is the source of
nil our energies, it is proposed in
the laboratory now under construction, to study the direct effect on
plants and animals of ultra-violrays. In this laboratory the prob-- i
lem of developing new mediums for
allowing the passage of ultra-violrays, is contemplated.
Rooms will be provided with a
great variation in degrees of temperature and humidity which will be
controlled automatically throughout
the 24 hours of the day. The value
of artificial sunlight will also be
studied. There will be housed within
the laboratory a great variety of
plants, growing In various degrees
of temperature. Not only will plants
, and
animals be under observation,
but human beings as well.
The building will be ready for use
in about six weeks, according to an
announcement, but the use of the
laboratory itself will go on indefinitely. If it Is possible to solve
some of the problems affecting the
health and longevity of humans,
civilization will be under lasting obligations to Dean Anderson, his assistants, and those people who will
carry out this research work.






Subscribe For



And Help the Association

A. L. JENKINS, '04



Known Engineering
Authority and Professor at
Cincinnati University Succumbs After Long Illness.




L. KIRK, '24



Alexander Lewis Jenkins, who
was graduated from the College of
Engineering of the University of
Kentucky with the class of 1904,
died at his home in Cincinnati,
Friday, March 8, after a prolonged
illness. Mr. Jenkins had been a professor at ithe University of Cincinnati for more than 20 years, and at
the time of his death was head of
the mechanical engineering department of the University of Cincinnati.
was known
Professor Jenkins
throughout America and Europe
for his research on machine tools
and the designing of heavy machinery. His publication on the analysis of combined stresses and
their application to the practical
design of machine tools, hydraulic
presses, punching
and shearing
machinery are widely quoted in
textbooks and engineering literature.
Dr. Herman Schneider,
dean of the College of Engineering
and now acting president of the
University of Cincinnati said: "The
death of Professor Jenkins is a
great loss to the University be
cause of his fine personality and his
wide knowledge of theory and practice in the field of mechanical en
gineering. He is known internationally as an expert in the finer and
more intricate phases of machine
"Professor Jenkins was a man
who had a most extensive grasp of
all departments of mechanical engineering. His advice frequently was
sought by engineering experts. His
standing In the profession was indicated by the fact that he was
president of the Engineers' Club of
Cincinnati and in recent years has
been a member of an important
committee of the A. S. M. E."
He was buried in Springfield, Ky.,
the place where he was born.


Wayland Rhoades, '15
W. C. Wilson, '13
Dr. George H. Wilson,

Mrs. E. T. Troctor, '16
Dr. E. C. Elliott, 02
Walter Hlllenmeyer, 04



Quarter-Centenni- al

Our Class of 1904 is called to assemble on Commencement Week in June, at the University, in Lexington.
I respectfully urge all members to put aside their
tasks and attend this, our twenty.-fift- h
The specific date will be announced later. Let us us make
this the greatest reunion in the history of the class.

Class President

They Tell Me



Railway Company. He Is located in
Altoona, Pa., where his address is
212 Twelfth avenue. Julietta Stau


Wallace Altee Gastineau, LL. B.,
Cecil Clement Garvin, B. C. E., is is owner and manager of the
an engineer with the Hercules PowPharmacy of Middlesboro,
der Company of Wilmington, Del. Ky. His address is 115 Ironwood
He lives in Holly Oak, Del.
Rhoda Virginia Glass, A. B., is
James Henry Hall, B. M. E., is
teaching in the Lexington Senior secretary and treasurer
of the
high school. Her address is 114 Uni- Whitesburg Coal Company. He has
versity avenue, Lexington, Ky.
in Lexington and his resi
dence address is 225 South HanLizzie Belle Hardesty, B. S., is over avenue.
Veterans' Pension Bureau
with the
in Washington, D. C, where her
Thomas H. Hayes, B. M. E., is a
address is Government Building, A.
sales engineer with the Westing-hou- se
and B.
Electric and Manufacturing
David William Harp, B. C. E., is Company. He is located in Indianapolis where he has offices on the
a farmer and lives near Lexington
in Fayette county, Ky. His address seventh floor of the Traction buildis Russell Cave Pike, Lexington, Ky. ing.

Jessie Fithian Hibler, B.