xt7pnv996k8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv996k8h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1923-12-dec19. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-12-dec19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1923-12-dec19. 1923 1923-12-dec19. 2011 true xt7pnv996k8h section xt7pnv996k8h 

     MSnrutes of the Regular Quarterly lee ting of the' Board of
T'-jstatG f.--r Wednesday, December 19, 1923.

     The regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of
!;T'o Vniversity of Kentucky met in the PresidentTs office at the
University on Wednesday, December 19, 1923.   'he following
tiembars were present: Judge Rainey T. Wells, Senator H. M. FProman,
'Ir. Howoard P. Ingels, M41r. J. I. Lyle, Mr. Frank 11cKee, Air, WI  
%aredy, Judgae R. C.. Stoll, r. 1W. C. Hanna, Mr. Lewis M. Lebus,
iKr.- J. R. Rqash_  11r. Clell Coleman, Commissioner of Agriculture,
elect, at the invitation of the President, was present at the
meeting.   Prank L. MoCVey, President of the University, and
'"16llington Patrick, Secretary of the 'Board, were also present.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees for Oc-
tober 2 were read and approved.

     1. Rgt~p  ! the Ah ugn               The report of the Businesa
Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.   The
report was as follows:

                                      Lexington, Kentucky
                                           December 19, 1923
          President Frank I. IBo5Zey
               University of Kentucky

          Dear Presid6nt MeVoy:

               I am submitting st tement of income and
          oxpenditures for the month of Novrember.  It
          now appears that'it Tvill not be necessary to
          borrow more than $150,000 for current ex-
        . penlee.  Of that amount notes for $115 ,000
        have been executted and placed to the credit of
        the Treasurer of the University.   I am asking
        Judge Stoll to sign n note for t35,000 todey.
        JuaGe Stoll suggests that it may be well for the
        FBoaad to approve the amount of above loan.

              In event any lai'ge amount hlis to be paid
         on account of baskret ball building, I am not at
         a1l sure we sha:l.l have sufficient funds to meet
         our current expense a, and such an amount v s mav
         have to be paid on the basket bnll building, so
         it may be well for the Board today to make some
         provision for such an emergencyq

                                      Very truly yours,

                                           D. H. Peake
                                                Busi~ness 'Ag,.,,rt



Statement of Income and Expenditures
      Month of November, 1923

Pre vriouslY


To Date

General Fund Income
F-e-dral'. Appropriation
  Gneral Education Board
  Special Agricultural
  Stpte Tax
  Interest on Endownent
  Interest on Liberty Bonds
  Student Fees
  Student Fees- Veterans
  Studfent Fees- Summier
  Student Fees- Universitv
    High School
  Student Fees- University
 Miscellaneous Receipts









125 .177.78

* 1,509.36
 15 .725.31








  Instruction              124,412.10
  Administration Expense   .47,979.32
  Additions and Betterments 3 396.72
      Total                175788.14

50 754.15

Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

Pstterson Hall Income
Miscellaneous Receipts
Room Rent- Summer School

10,99 7.70
 2, 375 * 50
 1t3.375 .17-

Expense                    7,976,88
Additions Pnd Betterments    160.00
      Total                  8,136.88
 Fxcess of Income over
   Expenditures             ,5,238.29


3,823. 75

   2 7. 50


General Fund Income        138,552.95   19,549.06
Genernl Pnd Expsnd.iturps    183,92502  54 730.19

2k6 .542.29

(85 639.20)

 17, 198.92


 5 ,086.00

158,102 .01

(50.610.36 (35,028.84)



Excess of General Fund
  Expenditures orpr

excess of Receipts over
  Expenditures for Generp
  Ledger Account-

:ccess of 7xpenditures
* ove: Redoiptii for:.:the &
* Fis~n) 2'7ir to dLte-
  GIener, 1 F'und

(45,372.07) (35,181.13)

75.831.54   (9 .010.70)

30 459.47  (44.191 . 83)


66 820.84


Excess of Expenditures over Receipts
  for the fiscal year to date- General Fund
Cpsh in Bank July 1, 1923- General Fund
Cash in Bank Norember 30, 1923- General Fund

(13,732.36 )
(119 .025.74 )
I(132.758._10 )

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Spec ial Scholarships
  Civilian Rehabil.itation
      "otal Income
  Student Notes Paid
      Total Receipts

xp end iturre s
  Student Notes

  Excess of 21eceipts over
    Yxr endi tures


 ,1. 905,.00
 3. 896.97

   687 *95
 1.486 .00
 2 ,173. 95

-1 723.02

Excess of Receipts over Expenditures
  for the Fiscal Year to date- Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- Trust Fund
Cash in Bank November 30, 1923- Trust Fund

E'zperiment Station Income
  Htatch- Pqfteral Appro-
  Milk and Butter -Cash
    Ree eiits
 Beef Cattle Sales
 Dairy Cattle Sales
 Sheep Sales
 Swine Sal-es
 Poultry Sales
 P'arr Produce Sales
 Horticultural Sales
 Send Test


  64a2. 97


  702. 11

1 245.75r



2 ,432 .08
2 ,167.00
4 .599.08

1 ,203.70
2 .216.00
3 .419.70


1 .246.72

7 ,500.00





                           4 .
Fertilizer- Fees           7,888.75
Public  Serrice- State
  Appro.                  6,000.00
Public Service -Misc.         21.47
Feeding Stuffs - Fees     15,591.60
Adams- Federal Appro.     '7,500.00
Serum - Sales              2,290.70
Serum- Virus Sales            69.90
Serum- Supply Sales          19.53
Serum- Miscellaneous          4.00
State Appropriation      23,558.16
Creqmery- Liscense pees   1,341.00
Creamery- Testers' Licenses 520.00
Creamery- Glassware Tested    79.55
       To tal            79,986.47

Adfitions and Betterments

 Excess of Expenditures
   over Income

5. 71'.28

  .928. 55
22 ,937.50


(10 ,876.23)

Excess of Expenditures over Income for
  the Fiscal 'Year to date- Experiment
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- Experiment Sta.
Cash in Bank November 30, 1923- Experiment Sta.;

Zxtension Division
Federal Smith-Lever
State Smith-Lever
Federal Supplementary
(County and Other

1 v603.95

-  0.00

45 243.79
34 367.56

1 ..65 3 95
150.627 .69


Excess of Income over
    Expendi tures

107.608.48  28.566.89

a42,969.21   (28 516.89)


14.45 2.32

Excess of Income over Expenditures for the
  Fiscal year to date- Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- Exstension Division
Cssh in Bank November 30, 1923- Extension Div.

7,88,8. 75


  388. 54

  6 .44

6, 0 0 00
1,438 .50
   142 .99
87, 778.55

25 .239 33




; 'urrent

  General Fund Income
  Trust PTuid Income
  SXeriment Stntion
  Extension Division

  Gener.l Pund Expend i-.
  Trust Fund Expenditur3s
  Experiment Station Ex-
  Extension Divi ision Ex-
    pendi tures

138, 552.95


150 .577.69
371 ,109 .08

183,925 .02


 107 .608.48
 367 ,938.73


   7, 792.08 .

 2;7 831.25


 22, 937.50

 28.566 89


  87 .778.55

150 .627.69
398 .940 .33



136.1 75e37
474,689 .06

x'cess of Expenditures
  over Income

3,170.35  (78,919.08)

Excess of Receipts over
  Fxpend.itures for Genera1
  Ledger Accounts         77,736.54

Student Notes

(8 ,748.70)

(1.486.00)    (730.00)

Excess of Expenditures over Receipts
  for the Piscal Year to d; te-
  Combined Pund           79,420.89


(75 ,748.73)




Excess of LExpenditures over Receipts
  for the Fiscal year to dpte-
  Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on H~nnd July 1, 1923
Cash in Bnnk and on Hpnd November 30, 1923 -
  Combined Fund

(8 976.89)
(61 427 .60) '
( 70,404.49


T 13ate



     2. Report of the President.   The President read to the
Board of Trustees his quarterly report which had been passed
on at a previous meeting of the Board and which had been order-
ed printed.   The report is to be printed about January 1,
circulated to the members of the Board, and distributed to the
Legislature.   A copy of that report has been filed with these
minute s.

     3. Memorial Building and Stadium,   A motion ws made ,by
Mr. Grady, seconded by Mr. Wells that a committee consisting of
Judge Stoll, Mr. Gordon, and mr. Lebus be appointed to investi-
gate and report on the advisability, legal and otherwise, of
using the Memorial Building funds in connection with the stadium.
In case this is not found to be advisable for legal or other
reasons, then the committee is to make recommendation as to the
best met-hod of utilizing these funds.  The motion carried.

     4. Needs of the College of Engineering.   A commun-ication
from Dean Anderson was read by President MlcVey setting forth
the needs of the College of Engineering and calling attention
to the necessity of certain funds for the College in the near
future.   In the discussion it was pointed out that part of the
program set forth by Dean Anderson will be taken care of in the
general legislative request of the Board.   No further action
was taken regarding the matter.

     5. Alumni Election.   In accordance with the regulations
of the Board of Trustees and the statutes, the ballots for an
Alumni member of the Board of Trustees were opened and counted.
The following persons from the Alumni Association were present
and were witnesses to the proceedings of the election and also
permitted to inspect the ballots: Professor Pi. E. Freeman,
Professor T. T. Jones, AMiss Teresa Buchigrariti  and Miss Cella
Taylor.   The following was the official count of the ballots
cast for the various nominees:
     James Prank Battaile.................. 415
     Herbert Dade Graham.........           .    388
     William Claude Wilson ...................... 333
     Louis Edward Hillenmeyer.- ,.e.............  299
     Virgil Yandell Moore., o .................... 257
     Reuben Miller Holland ..    . . ............ 230

     A1 motion was made, seconded, and adopte&, directing the
Secretary, in accordance with the regulations, to certify the
first three names on the list to the Governor, but that in view
of the fact that there might be one or more persons on the list
ineligible at the time the appointment is made, the Secretary
was directed to furnish to the Governor for his information, the
names of the other three persons, together with a statement of



the votes received, so that he may, if he desires, select other
names on the list to replace those who might be ineligible.    The
Secretary was also directed to furnish the Governor a copy of the
regulations of the Board and to call his attention to the law
governing such elections.

     6. Candidates for Degrees.   The following commurnication
frcm the Secretary of the Senate recommending candidates for de-
grees was presented.   On motion duly seconded the degrees recom-
mended were ordered to be conferred.

                                 University of Kentucky
                                           December 18, 1923

          President Frank  . MecVey
              University of Kentucky

          Mly dear President McVey:

               I am attaching the recommendation of the
          University Senate to the Board of Trustees of
          candidates for degrees.

                                       Very truly yours

                                           Ezra I Gillis
                                   Secretary of the Senate

          To the Board of Trustees
               University of Kentucky


               The following students are recommended by
          the University Senate for the degrees indicated

                         Bachelor of Arts

          Otho Berry Anderson             McClellan Galbraith
          Maria lMtilda IBrock            David Alwin Hopkins
          Roscoe Oross                    Margaret i2lizabeth Tigon
          ffi e lDenney                  Claude 'Bishop MlCerty
          Pred Alan Ehgle                 Graham Barnes McCormick
          Clyde Pilbeck                   Otis Luther Mullikin
                           Fred Alves Orth
                           Sara Nancy Smock
                           Belle Walker


                       Bachelor of Science

                       Stanton Lindsey Dorsey

               :tachelor of Sclanc  in  riculture

                        William Franklin Coslow
                        Luther ?ranklin Mforgan
                        William Orlando Suiter
                        Joseph Chesley Towery
                        Ralph Owen Wilson

             Bachelor of Science in Home Economics

                      Katherine Elizabeth Peaminiton

                          Bachelor of Laws

                        James Sidney Caudel
                        Roy Mitchell Moreland
                        James Blaine Nickell
                        William. Henry Smith
                        Harry B-.dward Hoffman
                          MTaster of .A..tS

                          Clarence D  Redding

                       Mechanical Engine er

                       John M4ilton Poster

                         Civil hngineer

                       Earl Parker Robinson


                                         Ezra L. Gillis
                                      Secretary df the Senate

      7. Biolonical Station on the Robinson Mountain Property.
The f ollowing communicction from Dr. W. D. Funkhouser was read,
and on motion duly seconded, the establishment of the biological
station requested was authorized.



                        University of Kentucky
                                  December 14, 1923
President F. L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor MoVey:

     I beg to submit the following memoranda re-
garding the proposed Biological Station for the
University of Kentucky:

     1. The University of Kentucky has no
field station for biological work, as have most
leading institutions in this country (e. g., the
Indiana University Biological Station at WNi~ona
Lake, the Lake Laboratory of Ohio State Univer-
sity, the Mountain Laboratory of the Univer-
sity of Colorado, the Desert Laboratory of Car-
negie Institute, the Marine Biological Labora-
tory at Woods Hole, etc.) and the Department of
Zoology is handicapped in this respect.

     2. Such a field station requires a con-
siderable tract of undeveloped country, prefers.
ably rugged, timbered, uninhabited, with primeval
natural conditions in the native fauna and flora.

     3. The tract designated as "Nbo. 6,' in the
lands given to the University by the E. 0. Robin-
son Mountain Fund is exceptionally well suited
to such a project.   It is located near Quicksand,
Kentucky, is well timbered and watered, with
attractive topographical features and unusual
biblogic resources.   It contains the largest
number of species of insects, snakes, birds and
native mammals of any section of Kentucky with
which we are familiar.

     4. 'This tract is isolated from the other
properties, is not suitable for any kind of agri-
cultural development nor extensive reforestation,
and is not favorably located for educational
projects of any other type.

     5. The Department of Zoology of the Univer-
sity therefore begs to request that it be allowed
the use of this parcel of land for the maintenance
of a biological station to be lnown as the 'TZoologisal



       field Laboratory of the University of Kentucky" in
       that the following projects may be undertaken:

            (a) The establishment of a bird sanctuary and
       game preserve.
            (b) The erection of two or three rough buildings
       suitable for field laboratories and camps.   (INote:
       The material for such construction is available in
       the properties now owned by the University at Quick-
       sand and which are to be torn down.)
            (c) The opportunity for research work in Orni-
       thology, Entomology, Herpetology and cology by ad-
       vanced. students in tlhe field at all seasons of the

       yea(d) The offering of part of our Summer School
       program (particularly the bird, insect, and ecological
       work) at the station during the summer.

            The department is prepared to make suggestions
       and recommendations regarding the camp site, transpor-
       tation, conduct of Summer School classes, and adminis-
       tration, if the proposed plan is approved.

                                      Respectfully submitted

                                          W.   P unkhouser
                                   Head, Department of Zoology

     8. Chang  un C  oint        ta.   A-ha fo1loiring recom-
mendation :Ermi 'the- VXiv ~rsitty S , te  a  epd..and atp . ard

          1. Begin final examinations on lay 30 as per the
     schedule in the catalog.   Hold examinations until Sat-
     urday noon, ITay 31.
          2. Saturday afternoon, May 31, Class Day.
          3. Saturday evening, May 31, Alumni Banquet.
          4. Sunday, June 1, Baccalaureate Sermon.
          5. Monday, June 2, Commencement Exercises.
          6- Resume examinations Tuesday, June 3, and continue
     through Saturday, June 7.
          7. Boys and Girls Club Week to begin June .9 and
     close June 14.
          8. Summer Session to open June 16 and continue nine
     9, Leave of Absence for Professor 1kHanry   h   ,    A com-
munication was read from Professor McHenry Rhoads requesting
leave of absence for a period of four years without pay.    On
motion, duly seconded, the leave of absence requested was granted.

On recommendation of President M~cVey the

1. Anpointments.



following appointments were approved:

     Appointment of J. Lee MacGregor as instructor in the Depart-
ment of History and Political Science as substitute for Assistant
Professor J. C. Jones from J nuary I to end of-second semester
(l923-1924), at a salary of :900.00 for this period.

     Appointment of I-. E. ligon as Professor of Secondary Educa-
tion to succeed Professor McHenry 'Rhoads from January 1 to and
of second semester in June, 1923, and to become Principal of the
Universitir High School beginning with the school year 1924-1925,
at a salary of 9?4,000 a year.

     Appointment of Fred W. Fitschen as inspector in the Peed
'Department of the 74xperimsnt Station at a salary of $1,500 a
7rear rhich is to be increased to $1,800 a year after a period of
six rmonths' service if his services prove satisfactory.

     Promotion of 1Miss Ethel Hopphan to position oL Serologist
at an increase of salary from $'1,620 to $1,800 a year, effective
January 1, 1924.

     Continuation of employment of W. G. Trice as county agent,
AliQn County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of l91 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of T. T. Britton as county agent,
Leslie County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of 2133 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. B. Gardner as county agent,
Calloway County, from January 1 to .December 31, 1924, at a
salary of t200 aE month.

     Appointment of W. C. Wilson as acting Secretary of the
Alumni Association on one-half time at a salary of k120 a month.

     Conti nuation of employment of I. C. Graddy as county agent,
'odd County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
$250 a month.

     Continuation of employment of H. P. Link as county agent,
Can bell County, fron January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of S?216 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employmrnt of Miss Mary Ella Ruay as home
icmonrtration agent, Simppon County, from November 1 to December
t''., 1923, at a salary of 0125 a month.

    !J. Rpsignations, On the recommendation of President MfcVey
the fcllowing resignations were approved:


12 e

     Resignation of Mliss Norma Harrison, secretary in the Depart-
mcnt of Home Pconomics, effective December 1, 1923.

     Resignation of C. U. Jett, field agent in Farm Management,
effective January 1, 1924.

     Resignation of L. P. Benjamin, serologist in the Department
of Public Service Laboratories, effective December 8, 1923.

     12, Increase in Salary.   On the recommendation of President
MTcVey the following increase in salary was approved:

     increase in salary of Sir. James H. Iartin, assistant chemist
in the Department of Public Service Laboratories, from $2,100 to
42,400, effective January 1, 1924.

     13. Committee for the Purchase of Land for the Experiment
Station.   On motion,duly seconded, a committee, consisting of
odr lebus, IMr. McKee and Senator Froman, was appointed to con-
sider the purchase of certain lands for the Experimait Station.

     14-. Hospital Exmenses of Miss Nan Hornsby.  A bill for
t199.30 for the hospital expenses of Miss Nan Hornsby, incurred
by reason of an accident on Stoll Field, was presented and order-
ed paid.

     15. Repair of Band Instruments.   A bill for 1$39135 for the
repair of band instruments was presented and ordered paid.

     16. Changes at Patterson Hall.   A request for the installa-
tion of a bath room in the infirmary at Patterson Hall and for
the construction of temporary quarters for house man in the base-
ncnt was presented and authorized.

     17. Eauipment for Infirmary at Men's Dormitory.   A request
for the purchase of certain equipment for the Infirmary at the
I,-_n's Dormitory, amounting to approximately $85.00, was presented
and authorized.

     18. Record of the Experirnent Station in the Show Circuit fo'
tb; Past Season.   A communication from Dean Cooper was read,
giving the record of the Experiment Station on the show circuit
dur ng the past season, and ordered incorporated in the minutes.
It was as follows:


1 3.

                                 University of Kentucky
                                      Lexingt on
                                          December 12, 1923

     President F. 1. I,,cVey
          University of Kentucky

     Dear President Mclley:

          I believe that the results obtained by the x-
     poariment Station in the recent show circuit will be
     of interest to you and to the members of the Board
     of Trustees.

          Sixty-two ribbons and a silver trophy were won
     on our sheen, eight ribbons with swine, and twenty-
     eight ribbons with cattle, making a total of ninety-
     eight ribbons and in addition t1,066 in prize money.
     Livestock was shown at the Blue Grass Fair, the Ken-
     tucky State Fair and at the International Livestock
     Show.   It is of interest to note that thirty-two of
     the ribbons were won at the International.

                                      Very truly yours

                                           Thomas Cooper
                                      Dean and Director

     19. Installation. of Telephone Exchan-e.  President IMcVey
made a statement before the Board regarding the installation of
a telephone exchange at the University.   'he matter was dis-
cussed and the Prisident was authorized to use his discretion
regarding the matter.

     20. Lo.)ation of Stadium.  The following communication from
i'ffr. Lyle was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.  On
motion duly seconded and unanimously adopted, the location of the
stadium was fixed in accordance with the request of Mr. Lyle,
Chairman of the Stadium Building Committee.

                                 University of Kentucky
                                          December 19, 1923
     zr.: Frank. L. L ickey
     Judge Richard C. Stoll
     Senator H. M. Proman

          Special Committee, Basketball Building and Stadium


          I ai instructed by the Stadium Comnittee of the



    Alumni Association e ask your approval on t-he location
    of the stadium in the southwest corner of Stoll Field,
    at the intersection of AWinslow and Rose Streets, with
    its main axis running psrallel to Winslow Street.
    The structure will be located so that it comes on a
    line with the present basketball building and will be
    about the same distance from Rose Street.

          I would thanIr you if your committee would formal-
     ly approve of this location and inform me in writing
     of this fRct.

                                 Yours very truly,

                                    J. I. Lyle
                              Chairman. Stadium Committee

     21. The Basketball Building.  Judge Stoll made a state-
ment to the Board, reviewing the situation regarding the
Basketball Building, stating that contracts had been drawn and
action takoe by the various committees.   The followin--'docu-
monts were presented and ordered entered in the record.
The resolution offered was duly seconded and unanimously

     WHIEREAS, heretofore the Executive Committee of the
University of Kentucky adopted a resolution relatire to the
construction of a building upon the Campus of the University
known as the Basketball Building, which it was thought at
that time would cost the sum of Sixty Thousand (060,000)
Dollars, including the foundation for said building; and

     -WHEREAS, it has been found that said building will cost
somethin.g like Ninety Thousand ($90,000) Dollars in all; and

     WHEREAS, in said resolution the University of Kentucky
agreed to aavance Twenty Thousand ($20,000) Dollars of its
own fends for the purpose of constructing said building for
the reason that said building will be useful' for a gymnasium
and for large Ratherinws of students and for commencement
exercises; and

     WMREAS, in said resolution the Athletic Council of the
University of Kentucky agreed to pay to the University the
net earnings arising from the playing of basketball games in
said building until the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000)
Dollars so advanced by it was repaid to the University; and

     WHEREAS, in oreer to provide funds for the completion of
said bild.ing, it is necessary for the University tm agree
that the Athletic coxncil of the University be not required
to pay to the University any such net earnings until after
the notes, which are executed under the contract hereinafter
referred to, have been fully naid; and



     HERE~AS, the Alumni Association of the University and the
Alumni Stadium Drive Committee of the University have requested
the Uriversity to execute jointly with the Alumni Association
and the Athletic Council the contract hereinafter referred to,

     NOW, *THER&ORB, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky:

     1. That the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the
Secretary of the University, under its corporate seal, be, and
they are hereby authorized to sign for and on behalf of the
UDniversity a contract, which said contract is in words and
figures as follows:

    TITS AGREEiENT, made and entered into this the 22 day
    of December, 1923, by and between THE BLANCHARD-CROCKER
    COi.M3ANY, a corporation, whose principAl office is in
    Lexington, Kentucky. (hereinafter sometimes called "Con-
    tractorl) party of the first part, the ALUMINI ASSOCIATION
    OF THE UNIVYRSITY OF MMNTUCKY,(hereinafter sometimes called
    the "Orner") party of the second part, the ATHLETIC COUNCIL
    OF THE UNIVERSITY O.? KENTUCKY, (hereinafter sometimes called
    "Athletic Council") party of the third part, and the
  UNIVERSITY OF IYNTICKY, party of the fourth part,

                       W I T N ES S F    H;

        The .Contractor, in consideration of the mutual agree-
   ments and covenants hereinafter contained, does hereby
   agree with the Owner as follows, to-wit:

        WORK AND MATERIALS: The Onntractor shall provide all
   materials, tools, appliances and equipment of every kind,
   class and description, and shall and will perform and ex-
   ecute all of the work required and necessary for the con-
   s truction of a Basketball Building on the grounds of the
   Uni{7ersity of Kentucky in Strict nccordance with the plans
   and specifications therefor, which said plans and. speci-
   iice.tions are hereto attvched and made part of this con-
   tract and are identified by the signatures of
   a.nd                           with the following ex-
   cept ions:
       1. There is axcluded from this contract all work let
  under a former dontract to stlid Contractor, which consists
  of anl concrete foundations, grading, filling and cement
  paving inside and outside of said building.

        2. All plumbing and heating.
  A11 other work, as provided for in said plans and specif i-
  cations, including brick tork and electric wiring, shall be
  ,,iotned b7 the Contractor under this agreement, except
  i*ic ccncrete coping will be substituted for stone coping.


ls; .

     It is understood that the Contract for the brick work
shall be let to Richard Shea at a price of Sixteen Thousand,
Six Hundred ($16,600) Dollars, and that the Contractor will
not be held responsible for the progress of or character of
the work done or materials furnished under said contract with
Richard Shea, but he is to pay the said Richard Shea. for doing
sa id brick sork in accordance with the estimates allowed by
the Owner when and as allowed to him.

     PAYifTTNS: As full consideration for the work done under
this contract, the Owner agrees to pay to the Contractor the
sum of Sixty-nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty-seven
($69,537) Dollars, which said sum shall include, of course,
the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Six Hundred (4,16,600) Dollars
due to said Richard Shea by reason of his contract for doing
the brick work, as hereinabove set out, and said payments
shall be mnde as follows:
     Jls the work progresses cash paymnnts, amounting to
Thirty-nine Thousand, J'Aiht Hundred (%39,800) Dollars, will be
Paid on Prehitect's estimate, as hereinafter provided.   The
balance of the contract price shall be paid upon afrchitect's
estimates, ns hereinafter provided for, in promissory notes,
w7ich said notes s