xt7pnv996k6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pnv996k6b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1898-03-jun2. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-03-jun2. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1898-03-jun2. 1898 1898-03-jun2. 2011 true xt7pnv996k6b section xt7pnv996k6b 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 1, 1898 - page 199-200

     Adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. June 2.

     The Board met in the President's room in the college
building at 9 A. WI. June 2, 1898.

      Present:                     Boswell,

      In the absence of Judge Holt, M'r. Todd was made
chairman pro bempore.

      The President reported that R. B. Hamilton had not
passed his final examination in history and that he had
failed to submit his thesis, that he had been recommended
by the faculty for his degree on the supposition that this
work would be accomplished before commencement.

      That R. L. Gordon, a candidate for the Masterts degree
was in much the same condition, though the case was not so

      Voted on motion of Mr. Boswell seconded by Mr. Kennedy
that the degrees be conferred on R. B. Hamilton and R. L.
Gordon, but that their diplomas be withheld until all the
work required of them be accomplished.

      The President submitted his report on Chapel
attendance which was received and filed.

      On motion of Mr. Peak ordered that the salaries of
Professors, Assistants and employes, remain for the ensuing
year as now fixed.



      The committee on Finance submitted the following
Bond executed by R. S. Bullock Treasurer.

                                   Lexington, Ky.
                                   June 1st, 1898

     We R. S. Bullock principal and S. Bassett and J. W.
Appleton his sureties all of Fayette County Kentucky do
hereby covenant to and with the Commonwealth of Kentucky that
the said R. S. Bullock Treasurer of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky shall faithfully perform all
the duties of said office and he will pay over all moneys
that shall come into his hands to his successor in office
or to such person or persons as may be lawfully entitled
to receive same., Witness our hands, date above written.

                (Signed)           R. S. Bullock
                                   S. Bassett
                                   J. W. Appleton

      On motion ordered that the Treasurer's Bond be
accepted and approved and recorded and thefi filed with the
Governor of the Commonwealth as required by law.

      Mr. Gooding moved that President Patterson, Mr. Frazee,
and Mr. Stoll, be made a committee to revise the rules and
regulations of the college.

      The President suggested that Gen. Buell be made a
member of the Committee, the suggestion was accepted,
amended motion was put and carried; and

      Gen. Buell, President Patterson, Mr. Frazee and Mr.
Stoll were requested to report their revision to the
Board at its December meeting.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 2, 1898 - page 202

      Mr. Kennedy called attention to the fact that he
as chairman of the committee on Expertiment Station had
intended Mr. Harper's compensation to be fixed at J75.00
per month.

      On motion he was authorized to make the change in his
report, which was then approved as corrected.

      Mr. Stoll was appointed chairman of the Board of
Trustees during commencement exercises to deliver the


      V. E. Muncy                  Wm. H. Holt
         Secretary                  Chm.

      On June 18, 1898, copies of the following were sent
to all members of the Board of Trustees: viz.

      In accordance with section 10 of *the charter of the
Agricultural and Mechanical College of 1tentucky which provides
for special meetings of the Board of Trustees upon a call
signed by three of the members thereof and issued by the
Secretary of the Board, I hereby notify the Trustees
of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
that a special or called meeting will be held on Tuesday
July 5th in the President's room in the College Building,
at 2 P. M. to consider a proposition from the Louisville
Medical College for alliance and cooperation with the A.
& M. College of Kentucky as the medical department thereof.

                 (Signed)     Wm. H. Holt, Chm.
                              J. T. Gathright,
                              Hart Boswell,

V. E. Muncy


Missing report(s)