xt7pk06x115k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x115k/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1979 newsletters  English The Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentucky  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Kentucky Inter-Prison Press Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, October 1979 text volumes: illustrations 37 cm. Call Number: 17-C817I 8: The Kentucky Inter-Prison Press, October 1979 1979 1979 2022 true xt7pk06x115k section xt7pk06x115k the KENTUCKY.



creewee VALLEY








By Kenny Hayes, KSR

Tremors nervousness psy- mind that has been Vdeterior- the pillars 0f 50¢“?in bUt ’35 the

cho'logical dependence loss O'f _ ated by I' drugs; a I mind old saying goes—you can takea
jUdgement physical impair- consttucted and programmed hm‘SC ‘0 water. bl" YUU cant

tosteal. connive and eventually “ka him drink."Vln ShOl‘I. we
I kill. He loses all his n1oVr_alsV,Vhis C3” anW ever poSitive and
respect and his ,self-individuaerV-_-* negative philosophy on the
"ism ' The drug user is a person . ; effects of drugs. The choice to
that has 1111 dreams hopes 0r , use them is ours and only ours.
ideas. material thing are onlyV‘V‘, WC thank the hosts of;
tools 111 purchase moreid Lou1sv1lle V Tonight —Angie_
I' " ‘ I ' ;and}Tom Vanhorn

ment and death; they are all
associated With drugs and the
.» people that use them. On
“iseptember 19 1979 Angie
IHumphrey and Tom VathoVrn of
telev151on series .
werethe-f I“,







. per onal experiences and hard-
,- ship. it _was rewardmg for thelV
Lone: purpose that somewhere
Someone may be- helped




S.P.A.D.E.C|ub sponsors drug seminar "1 Pu

VVEachmember talked about their



glue ,,
”The drug problem is every-1
Whére. It *is the school
)churches and our nhomes What



problem? By the S. P A D. E


with Angie and Tom. someone.
Vomewhere may see something
I ear something that will. help
ban 1: their outlook on drusg
mav‘ be a teacher gu1dance
. __V CV6." parent"

I "MV ITFVIHumphrey


l1IeI drug users or I
yxpr1soners not Vonly




("e do to help Overcome this I
*VCVqubu sponsoring this program first step to becoming a human
,being again. He has to accept
his drug problem and under-
, stand its real danger Only then .

'IVlIAwareness programs- 1 isdrugs Is ‘hell here on earth "1 ‘ , A.

e‘rlme Of Punishment

There are all types of drug

II-pampltlets 1V_11 our reaChi On the


:éhand' IWe ean get drugs
rom doctors lawyers teach-.

crs.‘ and. other professionalV
'men.T11tl1e_n1_itV is only a profit
but to us his an uncurable

We can condemn the addict
We can send him to a hospital

we can incarcerate him for a

ce1tain number 11f years but

'Iate ,we helping him? He must

want to help himself. This is his

can he beCome a constructive
tool in helping someone else.
“Louisville Tonight" may be

' viewed by millions. or it may
U . onlybe seen by a few. Angie

‘and Tom can only do so much.
You'or l can'only suggest our

ideas. We should be grateful

that there are people like Angie

Humphrey and Tom Va'nhorn f

ul111carCab11ut our welfare We

scanshare 11111 experiences with ,



RecentlyII I“ had‘ the. Opporr

tunity Vto read a book that in

“itself is not a new book; but
I found it to be very

informative. Karl Menninger,
MD .a prominent Chicago

" (psychiatrist. wrote a book.

(“The Crime of Punishment”)
Viking Press" 1968. which
examines the entire scope of
the penal system, from arrest
all the way to the recidivism
that follows in most cases. It
provides very supportive read-
ing for those (interested in

'IaVn'Valysis' of crime andthe failure _
of the penal system from a.
' psychiatrist's point Iof view.

Dr. Menninger believes the '
'penal system fails because itI

doesn't acknowledge the under-
lying motives; the social



By Terry VMcCurry, KSP

pressures that are often
responsible for crime. He asks
whetherthe “crime problem” is
the criminals or society itself;

and charges the Justice System

With being totally vindictive,
not rehabilitative , in the
slighteSt degree, and that it is

concerned only with indulging '

the, punitive attitude of the
public. Using various cases, he
paintsa protrait 'of the offender
in an» attempt to have a bigger

I . voice in what is happening all

around him Menninger re-

Vminds us" that crime is

everyone's temptation, and
speaks of the large number of
“respectable citizens “who
commit crimes. but are never
caught or imprisoned. Only the
ones caught are condemned.





Angle Humphrey talks to Tom Campbell, deputy warden in charge
’ of treatment Also present were Mr. Korphage, club adviser and Lt.
' _VSims, co-adviser. [Photos by Kenny Hayes]

Menninger delves beneath th

respectable veneer of the
Justice System to reveal the

contradictions below.
Menninger, like Plato, believes
justice primarily means power:
”theIlnterest of the Stronger."
In an example, he attacks the

bail practice as being highlyI

discriminatory and senseless.
This cost, and ability to meet
the cost, have no relation to the
protection of society whatsoev-
ever.. He points out that if a
persOn can afford to make bail
they walk into court free. But if

not. they walk imprisonedfind

enter'the courtgoom escorted

by a guard. “-a fact not lost on

jurors.“ One could take it one

(Continued on page 2i














 'v~-'vvv'vvv_,4 .


V 7’ other parts of the" syste“

'S‘LL LC L'lS’;C1.'1".'.‘..

P. 2 .~.-.Tha INTER-PRISON PRESS - October I979
. \

‘The Crime of Punishment’

(Continued from page 1)

step further and say justice
primarily means power; the
interest of the richer.

To Menninger, one of the

largest problems is the gap

between psychiatrists and
lawyers. In the courts, right
(and wrong, yes and no are
clearly defined. Whereas the
psychiatrist cannot isolate
specific causes and conditions
from one another, each is
relative and a contributing
factor to the whole.

When a layer asks a
psychiatrist if the defendant is
insane, and, therefore, not
legally responsible for his
'actions, he is thinking in terms
of yes and no, but ‘the
psychiatrist cannot always
answer that way; it’s usually
more along the lines of “maybe”
or “to a certain extent”—and
courts don’t function on
'maybes. Menninger is distress-
ed that so little credence is
given to a psychiatrist ’5 view in
court, and feels that the general
disbelief extends to the public
as well.

Menninger sees the gaps
between different officials as

Contributing to the failure of '

the system; ‘Those involved
somewhere in our system,
.1 dealt "'- ' ‘



judge, for example, doesn’t
know how a Warden runs a
prison, and a Warden doesn’t 'or
isn’t aware of how the judge
rules his court. Menninger sees
the system as a total failure and
supports the view of prisons as
“Factories of Crime.” Seventy
percent of the thousands doing
time are doing ‘so for the
second, third or fourth time,
and a much larger percentage
-of offenders are those who are
never caught convicted or
treated in any way.

I.) 51"1141

the koatoetty

, .
L1. .
r_ .


CV ’ e



""L'f‘ 1C7



rr 'JV‘

Dr. Menninger advocates an
active examination and re-eval-
uation of the system and the
morals behind it, observing
“the more fiercely, the more
certain we are to have more
victims.” He feels that treat-
ment, not punishment, is the
answer. If and when that
happens, the word rehabilita-
tion might be taken off the shelf
where it now rests with words
like equality, peace and justice
for all.

is held
at ' KSR

On'November 5, 1979, a
simulated election of the

Governor’s race was held at_

Registration was held in the

“til November 3, and only.

ethose inmates who reg_stered‘;

were qualified to vote.


Pkdormitories from October 31'

responsible for.
. organizing the election were:

Pierre Elliott, Charles Riley,

Leonard Papproth, Charles
Kerr, Monte Smiley, Sammy
Hayes, Frankie Moorman,
Larry Lenston and Frederick
Baker. ‘

John Y. Brown won the
election with a final tabulation
of 304 votes. Louie B. Nunn
received 66 votes and the Equal

I; l'

1 '1




Public Education Services Manager

Amendment was.

The KENTUCKY INTER-P318011 PRESS, a monthly publication of

' “’yLUTlr uaurc? ~
A. Dear Jap‘i“ C J are my
' initials. I don’t use my full name
'_becaUSe there". are some people ' '
that Iwould rather not know"
where or. Who lam at the. '
j present time. Surely you’ve had

Hello, everyone! The Dear C.
J. column is going great. Thank
you, everyone that has partici-

* pated in "it.

Don’t stop now! Surely there
are still a lot of you guys that
have unanswered questions.
Let’s go. »We have plenty of
time and space. Till then, here
are a few questions and
answers that we have, OK?

Q. Dear C. J.: How would we .

go about writing some of you
Tadies at KCIW?

A. Dear Gerald: I am sorry to
say but the only way you can
write to a young lady here at
KCIW, is to know one already
that would pass the names to a'
few of her friends, or to know a
guy there that is already
Writing over here. It’s against
institutional policy to publish
names and numbers. This isn’t

‘ a hook-up column—it’s" strictly

for problems or concerns of
people in prisons. Sorry!

Q. Dear C.J.: Is there a-catch
to this W.I.C.K. thing?

A. Dear 'Jap: No, there’s no
catch. It’s just something to get

. our column is going strong. You

are right on it when you said it
is KCIW spelled backwards.
Smart guy.

Q Dear C. J.: What does C. J.

individual. But then, we have to
turn to Webster for under-
standing what the word
rehabilitate means.

Q. Dear C.j.: How many men"
and women can seek employ-
ment after being incarcerated?

A. Dear Brahman:
inmates after leaving prison
find good jobs and some don’t. I
do not know about other
prisons, but here at KCIW, you
have to have a job before you
can leave. SO there are still
people on the outside world
that will give you a-chance. But,
it still depends on the individual
as a whole.

Q. Dear C.J.: Do men and
women have psychiatric prob-

A. Dear Brahman: Yes, they
do. But I can assure you most of
them had these problems
before entering prison. Not
everyone has this problem, nor

does everyone leave with one.

Many ‘

contest is


Nevertheless, it’s like any other
disease. Only so many have it.

Q. Dear C. J.: Are there trades

A. I can’t speak for other
prisons, but here at KCIW
there are trades available. If
there are trades aVailable at
the prison where you’re at, my
advice to you is get into one. It
will pay off in the long run.

Our winner of the W.I.C.K.
Lynda (Cocoa)
Bowman. W.I.C.K. is K.C.I.W.

spelled backwards. Congratu- '

lations, Cocoa!

Well, our dear C.J. readers,
it’s time for the column to come
to an end for now. I hope I have
helped the ones that have sent
in questions. Anyone wishing to
express their opinion is also

Yours truly,
C. J.


stand for whlch you use as ‘ " 7

the same ekperience.
Q. Dear C.J.: Do men and

'women rehabilitate from pri-~

son? _

A. Dear Brahman: Some men'
and women rehabilitate from
prison and some don’t. It
depends entirely on the

r1 11 G



J .1

:3 there-m Bureau of Corrections, Frankfort Kentne'hy, 40601, Is ,
.“- . produced Ivy and for reoldento of the 11 correctional Institutions of ' ' j

1 "ii-MTV. 1",‘.'.

F It

‘ the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The views eapreaoed In this ' E
'pnhlleatlonarenotneeeooaflbrthooootthexentochy Bureau of . ‘ c-
Correction. [apt-Int permtoolon la hereby granted, provided the L
proper credit to given. All correspondence and 15m ”Iwould ' .
ho-lroctod a the Public Education ServiceI '

. Corrootloho, W Kentucky,m ‘ ‘
.. .nuopdduFmflorhKeatoay,m1. .


'_. mind-re

When she died she was only thirty- Aone,

'2 but from my heart she did ajob well done.

’ Because my mind just took a trip down Memory Lane,

and Minnie, I couldn 1‘ help but think of your name.

I’ve heard and lookedatryo’u fromevery-angle,

and I know» you’ll be 'a’ perfect angel._

I know your children are very sad,

but they ’11 get over it, because their mother' is one of the -

best singers the world has ever had.

Stevie Wonder also "took it hard,
but he knows you ’ll climb that stairway to ‘

heaven straight to the Lord.

Last night he dedicated to you a song from his heart
because from the way he expressed himself

he hated for you all "to part.

~And so do I,

because when I heard you sing last night,

I actually wanted to cry.

Before I went to sleep I looked at

a picture of your photograph,
but I definitely didn’ t laugh.

I actually shed a tear,

because a lot ofpeoplewill be missing you around here.'.5

Before I go I have to tell'your husband

Marc and Maya, too,

that the whole world is still loving you.








,gi. W“. '1'.» 1‘ ‘ gf‘









,Thepros and cons of

rehabilitation clubs

P r0 By Kenny Hayes

The Society for Personality
Adjustment and Development
through Education, otherwise
known as the Spade Club, has
two outstanding drug pro-

Recently, I had the privilege
to sit in on a meeting with the
Spade Club along with their
outside guests. These guests
were from V“The Louisville
Tonight '/ Show”—Angie
Humphrey and Tom Vanhorn.
The purpose of this gathering
was to produce a showfor an
' upcoming date in October. I

At the same time, it will
provide the publicwith some
inside information that not all
inmates of correctional institu-
tions sit idly by and waste time.



, and

There are‘the programs that
are constructed to help the
drug users. The Spade Club has
two such programs.

The first—Dare Us—is limit-
ed to the club members and
residents of Kentucky State
Reformatory. These members
are: Chris Brooks, Dennis
Elliott, Ron Gardener, Danny
Melson, Danny Dennision and
Eddie Nelson.

They also have a program
that reaches outside, the
institution. This drug program
has already helped a whole
county become aware of drugs
their problems; This

program‘ is called Drug

‘ Awareness.


The members of this pro-
gram write articles to the
“Martin Countion.” This news-
paper is located in Inez,
Kentucky. The members of this
program are: Ron Gordon,

C. Brooks, Freddie Klien, and

, president Robert Gordon.

Once we learn about the
unpleasant side effects caused
by drugs, we can work to
eduCate and rebuild' our
self-hope. The Spade'Club is
only a start. A very good drug
program is hard to'fmd.

With the camera focused onhim‘, Robert Gordon speaks to his fellow-club members

1C0“ By s...“ Snead, xsn

. ’ ' AA, Action, Jaycees, Living

. 1 Skills, Seven Steps and Spade
Clubare all clubs used by
residents at Kentucky State
‘ Reformatory to aid in the
_ “rehabilitation“ of said- resi-
‘ dents. ’I guess each club plays
’its part, but most residents are
aware the clubs do nothing for
the resident, rather, the
', reSident does it all for himself.
The situation could be aptly

7 2' summed up in the time-worn,‘
- adage, fonu‘can lead a horSe to '

' water, but you'v'can’t make him
'Jdrink.” With this truism in

mind I sometimes wonder why ._

‘ gt‘heparole board is so insistent

_, that each reSident' attend one ..
‘j club or another. It is almost as
if these clubs existed nowhere ; ~

I "but On the yard at Kentucky

‘ ' .State Reformatory., '-



'Many_, times I have heared

residents who have met the'

parole board say one of the
following: “They told me to get
in AA," “They told me to get in
a drug group,” “They toldme to
get’ in - school.” It is my
contention that all of these

' groups exist on the streets and,

any resident who could benefit

, from these organiations 'could
do so to a much greater extend
on the streets.

I guess what I am asking is,
“why won't the parole board
tell us the truth?” If the reason

* one is denied parole \is because
he cannot betrusted, then I feel
the parole board should tell

, him so. It seems to me that any
gain which might be obtained
from not telling the resident

the true ‘Xreason. for , his .


deferment would be negated by
the anger of the resident when
he realizes he has been treated

‘ like a child. Here it is in a


If the. parole board wants a
“front” of certificates to justify
their judgement of a resident’s
“rehabilitaiton,” then I, for one,

wish they would say so and ,

remove all doubts about what
should be done to make parole.

’ But if true “rehabilitation” is

what is sought, then I feel

individual effort is the only

solution. Then the resident
could explain what his problem

was and what he had done to .

solve it, and if joining a group
was part of the solution, it
would then be truly helpful
because it was not forced. '


Carpenter, D. -
Dennison, Tim Spinlock, D.
,_ Elliott, Phillip Seay, E. Nelson

The INTER-PRISON PRESS » October l979 ~ Page 3

r ’ A message

to our readers

We are currently attempting to update our mailing
list for the Inter-Prison Press.

If you would like to remain on our list, please fill out
the form below and mail it to the following address by ‘

January 1.
The Inter-Prison Press
5th Floor
State Office Building
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
[1 .
I. ‘ \








By Dale Allen. Hall, KSR v .

' From within it is dark,
Where men fear to go.
Where birds fail to sing,
And the wind fails to blow.

What is this place,
Whatlevil may it hold.
Where men may yet walk,
If they be so told. -

Do you know where I mean?
Can you even guess?

But yet I must tell you,

For I could do no less.

In this place there is fire,

Where men scream and yell. ' -*
For there is nothing but PAIN,

In this place called HELL . . .


Kentucky State Penitentiary 772
Kentucky State Reformatory 2019


Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women 116





Blackburn Correctional Complex ’ ' , 217
Bell County Forestry Camp 68
Harlan County Forestry Camp 41
Western Kentucky Farm Center 122

'Daniel Boone Career Development Center .36



Roed'erer Farm Center 143
Frankfort Career Development Center 7 as
' TOTAL' ~ 1639



1‘ in


'1 L: lC‘LTt’.‘ 2‘.


." ’IlL'Il 'flfll






' Page 4- The INTER-PRISON mess » October. 1979


, .


ment with Nickie Risingers’
Strait Shooters, . GilhouSe’s
Spirit ll softball team upset the
league winners. by a score of

A: hard. game from the-

beginning to the end, these two
teams battled for seven full

At [theiend of the Softball
5 season, a tournament Was held

to see which team was the first I

place team. Gilhouse’s team. a
fourth place finisher in the
regular season, won three hard
and exciting games to become
the tournament winners.

The members of the teamr.

werezzflerbert (Snake) Helton,

Carl Wayne, Frank Reed, Paul ‘
Smith, Johnnie Tingle, George :
Hardesty, Ralph Jennings...


ln'the'fmal game of the
'Intramural Softball Tourna-

I'By‘Kcnny Hayes!

Charlie Payton, Scott. RobertS,‘
Billy Goble, Freddie Klein, ROy

Bishop, Gene Salisbury, Gilbert
Duv all and Bruce GilhOuse
(coach). .

in the club‘ sOftball‘to'urna-

ment,-the Jaycees were. the '
winners; In their light 'blue'

t-shirts, they shoWed plenty of

talent, exciting plays, and close
games. The jaycees were a, '
contender from the very start.

of the season-

The Jaycee players were:

J a'mes Cain, Paul ,Brittentime.

Bobby .Wright, {Wayne Gill,

George Trevell, George Jones,‘
Terry Lancaster. David BroWn‘

Chris Brady, Nickie Risinger,
George Bey, Garry HarrisOn

and Charles Cook. , ~ f. '

This was one, of the best.

.Jayc'ee teams" that has, been »
*‘aroundKSR. '1






[The KSR Tigers pose after one of their hard-fought ganies [top left-l 7 I. 7 i
' ll softball team after their victor over- -



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