xt7pk06x106m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x106m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1944-04-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1944 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1944 1944 1944-04-10 2020 true xt7pk06x106m section xt7pk06x106m  






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(C) Courses 1n vnzl tical ~3ew1qtry shall be number:d 20—23,
1 :7: O~12° , 220-«22‘3.
(a) Vourge‘ 1n organic chemist“y Shall be nwmbcrcd 30‘399
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(g) Courses in industrial chemistry shzfl 1 08 no mberei 6C 59


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Thing Quart§3_ Qtr. Clock f
Chemistry 120 5 10





r. . J 3,,9.” game'w-Yuuruugv 9.4,“.4: 1..--..


35C] C Chemistry llOb (Ada C
Q ‘lll ; vanced Inorganic C
C = C » Chem.) 3 3 g
E VEE” Chenistry (Elective) 255 ?

Ci' : Electives (Physics C
C “ or Mathematics) 4 ? _*_
§:? l 14~17 20 plus







1 “ ‘The Biological Science requirement is to be elected by the student from

: selecteé courses in Anatomy and Physiology, Botany, Bacteriology or Zoology.
as chosen by the Department of Chemistry,

; “A student who is planning on graduate work must select 10 hours of this
requirement in Frencho

l"""Chemistry 188arb (Undergraduate Seminar)o Each senior is required to

present a minimum of six reports to the student~faculty group before
credit of one quarter hour will be given











. isti‘h‘ruaafisfl‘ ‘Iifiéh‘ézi‘snfitvwi tank! :3 - 3321; g:

the University Faculty - April 10, 1944

Changes in Courses

The rearrangement of courses and the planning of the curriCulum involved
the following groups:





Courses in which no changes are involved.

Courses to be dropped.

Courses in which only a change of number is involved.
Courses in which changes of number and of quarter hours
are involved.

Courses in which changes of number, of quarter hours,
and of clock hours are involved.

Courses in which minor changes in description or title,
as well as changes of number, time, etc., are involved.

Courses in which no changes are involved:

Chemistry laclb
Chemistry 2a~2b

Courses to be dropped: Quarter Hrs.
Chemistry 104(Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry) ..... 5
Chemistry 109~Quantitative Analysis .............. 5
Chemistry ll4mAdvenced Quantitative Analysis ..... 5

Chemistry 5 a Qualitative Analysis (for prevmedical
Students) a... 5
Chemistry 103b= Qualitative Organic Analysis ...... 3
Chemistry 96 Quantitative Analysis for prevmedical
Students ..... 6
Chemistry 150” Advanced Inorganic Chemistry ....... 5

Courses in which only a Change of number is involved:

Changed to
Chemistry 4~ Qualitative Analysis .0............... 20
Chemistry 7~ Organic Chemistry ......,............. 37

Chemistry 889 Quanitative Analysis ................ 21a
Chemistry 8b~ Quantitative Analysis 21b
Chemistry 80* Quantitative Analysis ............... 210
Chemistry 20a~be0e Organic Chemistry ..f........... BOa-b-c
Chemistry 21% Organic Chemistry for Preamedical Stu-
dents ..... 31

Chemistry 49a=b~Chemistry for Nurses .............. 3-a-b
Chemistry llOe Intermediate Physical Chemistry e... 141
Chemistry 119ae Industrial Chemistry ..........¢... 160
Chemistry 127asbeCE Organic Chemistry ............. 130a~b~c
Chemistry 205aabe Physical Chemistry .............. 240erb
Chemistry 2076 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chem"

istry . 210
Chemistry 210a~f= Graduate Seminar ... ....... ...... 288arf

























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Minutes of the University Faculty w April 10, 1944


IV. Courses in which changes of number and laboratory time are involved:
‘L A,
Chemistry lOla-b~ Physical Chemistry to l43arb 2 hrs. ea to ‘Vv
3 hrs. ea.
Chemistry lOébe Synthetic Organic Chemistry
to 136b 6 hrs. to 9 hrs.
Chemistry 131a» Physical Chemistry to 140a 2 hrs. to 3 hrs°
Chemistry lBlb» Physical Chemistry to l40b 4 hrs. to 6 hrs.
Chemistry 1310“ Physical Chemistry to l40c 2 hrs. to 3 hrs.
V. Courses inwhich changes of number and of credits are involved:
Chemistry 107b~ Selected Problems in Quantitative
Analysis to 129h 3 to 2 qtr. hrs.
Chemistry 111~ Intermediate Physical Chemistry
to 142 3 to 2 qtr. hrs.
Chemistry 130aab605 Physiological Chemistry
to 150a~b~c 5 to 4 qtr. hrs. _
each W
Vi. Courses in which a change of number, of quarter hours. and of clock

hours is involved: Changes in



No. Credits Lab. Hours
Chemistry 102m Electrochemistry to 183 5 to 3 10 to 9
Chemistry 103a” Qual. Org. Analysis 133 4 to 5 6 to 12
(Note: the change of laboratory hours does not mean an increase
1 since 103b is being dropped. The total number of lab.
. hours in Chem. lOBaelOBb.was 12 hrs.)
7 Chemistry 106ar Synthetic Org. Chem. 136a 4 to 2 8 to 6
X hemistry lO7ae Selected Problems in
K Quant. Analysis 129a 4 to 3 8 to 9 1
Chemistry ZOQaHb" Quant. Analysis 229arb 4 to 3 ea. 8 to 9 ea.
I hemistry 204aehucwda Organic Chem. 239aebnc~d 4 to 3 ea. 8 to 9 em
Chemistry 206anb~ Physical Chem. 249a~b 4 to 3 ea. 8 to 9 ea. ~


VII. Courses in which the changes involve changes in description or in title:
Chemistry.ll9ae Industrial Chemistry to Chem. 160 (3 qtr. hrs.) Change
description to read "A survey of the chemistry of manufacturing

Chemistry ll9be Industrial Chemistry to Chem. 161 (4 qtr. hours).
Change title to "Industrial Chemical Calculations". Eliminate
words ”A continuation of 119a" from the description. (The new
title is more illustrative of the present content of the-course).



Chemistry 1228 Chemical Literature to Chem. 181. Credits from 2 to 13 (
hours from 2 to 1. Delete from description "and special reports

on typical research publications as well as the prerequisites." ?
V )

Chemistry 2016 Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry to Chem. 219. Credits W
from 6 to 3; hours from 12 to 9; Delete "synthetic" from title.
Change description to read "Laboratory course on selected topics or
research in inorganic chemistry."

See Chem. lc8a~b a a new course).


The above recommendations relating to course and curricular changes in the

Department of Chemistry were approved.

 0' In H! u:
9 0 .

9 ea.


to 13

in the

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Minutes of the University Faculty ~ April 10, 1944

Dr. L. L. Quill presented a recommendation of the Department of
Chemistry that Chemistry AST 125, Quantitative Analysis, be assigned a
credit value of 5 quarter hours, and that it be adjudged a duplication of
or a substitution for Chemistry 21a, Quantitative Analysis. The Faculty
approved the recommendation. This action supplements the previous action
of the Fa acuity in which credit values were assigned to other AST courses,
and to the courses given through the Engineerse Specialist School. The
first action of the Faculty was taken previous to the first offering of

the course in Quantitative Analysis.

Minutes of the University Faculty May 8.


The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall,
Monday9 May 8, at 4 pom. President Donovan presided. Members absent
A. F. Biggea H. N. Sherwood, R. S. Allen, B. E. Brewer, H, B. Price, F. H.
Randall, Maurice Seay, L« H. Carter, Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P. Cooper, James
H. Graham, and Alvin E. Evans.

The minutes of April 10 were read and approved.

The following resolutions were presented to the Fa.cu1ty by a special
committee appointed by President DonOVan:


Since the Faculty of the University of Kentucky last met, the
instructional staff has lost one of its valued members. After an
illness of several months Wellington Patrick was called by death on
Thursday morning, May 4, at the age of 61 years,

For more than a quarter of a century Professor Patrick was a
member of the University staff. During this period he served the
institution in a number of capacities, and always faithfully and well.
For two years he served as secretary to the president of the Univerw
sity. From January 1919 to May 1924 and again from June 1925 to July
1933, he served as secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Univer~
sity. He was active in the organization of the Department of Univer~
sity Extension and served as its director for 15 years. Under his
direction the Extension Department of the University became recogu
nized as one of the most influential in the South. For the last
10 years he had been head of the Department of History of Education
in the College of Education.