xt7pk06x0z6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0z6j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1939 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.9 n.1, October-November, 1939 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.9 n.1, October-November, 1939 1939 1939 2020 true xt7pk06x0z6j section xt7pk06x0z6j  

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Volume [X Damian-November, 1939



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H. 0. Russell,
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A fully accredited VOCA-
for young people of Ken-
tucky who desire an equal
educational opportunity.
A qualified faculty‘ . . . .
College preparatory cour-

Accredited by the South-
ern Association of Col-
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Schools and tlie State De
partment of Education, as
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State regulations and
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plied Electricity, Plumba
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tiurn, Janitorial Sex-vine,
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Building Trades, Home
Economics, Music.
Boarding Deperuuent with
reasonable rates.

A wdl regulated program
for the all-around develop-
ment of the student.




Whitney M. Young, Director



 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association


Vol. X October»November, 1.939 No. 1



Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor.
S. L. Barker, Owensboro, President of K. N. E. A.
Lyle Hawkins, Louisville Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
Victor K. Perry, Louisville E. Poston, Paducah
Published Bimonthly during the school year: October. December,
February and April

Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subsuiption
tn the Journal

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation. 2200 Copies. 1939 K. N. E. A. Membership 1469



Officers or the K. N. E. A. for 1939—40
Editorial Comment
Greetings from the President
Minutes of the 1939 General Session. of the K. N E.
Departmental Sessions of the 1939 Convention .
Report of the K. N. E. A. Research Committee ..
Report of the Resolutions Committee
Secretary-Treasurer’s Financial Report
The Auditing Committee Report ..
Proposed Amendments for the K. N. E. A. Constitution .
The Legislative Committee Report ....... . . . . . . . ........
Address of Attorney Charles Houston (Outline)
Address of Attorney Elsie Austin
N. Y. A. and Negro Youth by H. C. Russell .
The 1939 K. N. E. A. Honor Roll .. .
K. N. E. A. Membership by Counties .
K. N. E. A. Kullings .. ...........
Speiluig Bee Contest ............. .56



 K. N. E. A. Officers for 1939-40


S. L. Barker, President
Pearl M. Patton, First
I. Bryant Cooper, Second Vice- President .
Atwood S. Wilson Secretarsgfieasurer
L. v. Ranels, Assistant Secretary _

Elizabeth G. Clark, Historian s...





S. L. Barker, President _________
Lyle Hawkins (Term expires 1940) _
Victor K. Perry (Tet-m empires 1940) .
Whitney M. Young- (Term expires 1941) .
E. Poston (Term expires 1941) _

. Lincoln Ridge
..... Padncah


.L T. Williams, High School and College Department -,__rrenkiort
Lucy Harthsiuith, Elementary Education Department -Lexington
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Department Hopkinsville
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department.-. _ .Louisville
Whitney M. Young- Vocational Education Deparmnent.Lincoln Ridge
Nora l-l Ward Principals’ Conference he . Newport
Blanche G. Elliott, Primary Teacnets’ Department _ Greenville
Edwyna Ofi‘utt, Youth Council _________ (K. s. . Frankfort
Ouida Wilson Art Teacher-5’ Conference -Louisville
Rufus stout, Social Science Teachers’ Conference _an'sville
H. B. Crouch, Science Teachers’ Conference _._ Frankfort








Robert S. Lawery, English Teachers’ Conference _ _Louisville
Virginia. Lacy, Librarians’ and Teachers’ Conference .Lmlisville
Lorenzo Jones, Athletic Directors’ Conference Henderson


Marguerite Parks, Guidance Workers’ Conferen

Hazel B. Williams, Fareign Language Teachers‘ Conference



Lyle Hawkins, Adult Education Department




1_ A. V. Weston, Paducah
2. Austin Edwards, Earlingto
3. G. E. Houston, Franklin __
4. Amos R Lesley, Hodgensville _ Fourth District Associatisn
5. Etta Taylor, Harrods Creek. _ Fifth District Asso on
6. Whitney M. Young Lincoln Ridge. Bluegrass Distnct Association
" H. R. Merl-y, Covington. ______ Northern District Association

8. C. J. Francis, Salt Lick _ Eastern Kentucky District Association

9. Robert E Thompson, Barbonrville _

First District. Association
econd District Association
.Third District Association









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Manufacturers and Distributors of:



Kentucky State Supervisor






E Editorial Comment


Our cover page this month shows some N.Y.A. girls at work
assisting in the keeping of health records in the Central Colored
High School of Lou‘mville, Kentucky. Elsewhere in this issue of
the Journal appears an article, “The N. Y. A. and Negro Youth.”
by H. C. Russell, State N.Y.A. Supervisor of Negro Activities in
Kentucky. This issue of the K.N.E.A. Journal is to give eu-
couragement to the splendid work being done by Prat H. C.
Russell, an eat-president of the K.N.E.A. and one of its staunch



Membership in the Kentucky Negro Education Association is
on a fiscal year basis, and extends from April 1 to March 31. The
K.N.E.A. Journal is sent free to all members of the Associa-
tion, and is sent immediately upon payment of the K.N.E.A.
dues, or declaration of. intent to do so. It is therefore important
that all superintendents send 'to the K.N.E.A. office the lists
of names of their teachers as soon after the first of. July as pos-
sible in order that the free Journal service may be given for the
entire school year. At present the membership fee is one dollar
per teacher.


Among the other things on lthe K.N,E.A. agenda for the
legislative program is the completion of the enactment of retire-
ment legislation.

As has been said several times through this and other publi-
cations, the retirement law' as it stands on the statute book is in»

The State Department of Education has complied with the
law in setting up necessary organization for its administration
Now comes the duty and responsibility of every teacher in Ken-
tucky to assist in bringing about amendments which will admit
those of our profasion who were excluded from the provisions
of the act by unwarranted amendment, and to otherwise make the
law actuarially workable and sound To this task the K‘N.E.A:
bends its energies and solicits the cooperation of every member

of.- the profession. I


In the June number of the National Educational Outlook Among
Negroes there appeared a report on the education of the Negro in
Kentucky by Mr. L. N. Taylor, Supervisor of Negro Education in
Kentucky. Mr. Taylor‘s report calls attention to the fact that Ken-
tucky leads most of the southern states in providing equal educa-
tional opportunities for Negro youth. He, however, calls atten~
tion to two important needs: (1) better buildings for Negro
school children in Kentucky and (2) an equalization 0! salaries
on the basis of training, merit and experience, and especially in
the independent districts of Kentucky. The Board of Directors
of Lhe KlNiE.Ai last spring recommended these as major activ-
ities in a five-point program which was adopted. Ofl'lel' items in
this program included (1) the recommendation of a Negro as oo-
ordinato‘.~ of the Smith-Hughes vocational work In Kentucky and

‘ (2) the establishment of a vocational junior college in Kentucky
for the training of Negro youth and (3) the recommendation of a.
Negro NJLAi assistant in Kentucky. The last feature of this
five-point program has been realized. We must continue to work
on other phases of the program. To that end the Directors and
members at the K.N.E.A. are dedicated for the year 1939-40. The
report at Mr. Taylor} as printed follows:

“There have been no spectacular developments in the program
of education for Negroes in Kentucky There has been continu‘
ous progress, but retarded by repeated disappointments.

Our problem of teachers’ salary diflerential is on the way to
solution. The majority of our districts now have no differential
on the basis of race. Those that have it,’ camouflage it, and are
under pressure to correct it The state average now is essentially
the same for colored machers as for white teachers.

Our colored schools now have as many teachers in proportion
to the numberlof pupils as our white schools have. The average
paid for the insfmcfion of colored: children in Kentucky is as much
as the (per pupil average paid for the instruction of white chil—

All districts have the same length of term for their colored

childmn as for their white children.
The teachebtraining requirements are the same for colored as
for white teachers, and as large a per cent of them are college


The proportion o1 colored children in high school is ninety
per cent of the proportion of white children in high school. The de-
ficiency is mainly in the upper grades of high school. The color-
ed children drop out of high school in greater percentages than do
the White children.

Transportation for colored children to school is only hall as
generally provided as for white children This condition is being

but slowly corrected.
The pupil per capita school building and equipment invest-

 ment (or colored pupils is very far behind that for white pupils,
but more pl‘ogness is being made this year to correct that than
had been made in any one before.

Supervision of colored schools is neglected. We have more
colored supervisors in proportion to the number of teachers, but
in most of our 144 independent districts their superintendents de-
vote ninetenths of their time in school to their white schools.
Half of our colored :people are in these independent districts.

Better library service is provided for our white schools than
for our colored schools. At that, in a majority of our counties the
per pupil outlay of public funds for library service for white rur-
al elementary pupils is less than a nickel a year.

Our school authorities in the state office and in most of our
counties and titles want to give educational opportunities to the
colored pupils equal to that given to the White pupils, but they
do not generally succeed in doing it. The theory of segregation
without disu’iminatioh won’t work. '

The program of education for Negroes in Kentucky is limited
by the combination of two factors that school administration can-
not sidestep or overcome. I refer to segregation (State law) and
sparse Negro school population (seven ‘per cent of the state to-
tal, and still reducing in farm areas). The second factor makes the
first an economically expensive luxury for our white taxpayers
and weakens the school program for our colored pupils,

This statement compares our program of education for Ne-
groes with that for whits. Comparisons suggest differences. These
differences in public service are embarrassing and inconsistent
with the ideals of American democracy, but. they are inevitable
for the present. The time will come later when we may target
group differences and address ourselves to the problems of general


Privileges of Active Membership
in the K. N. E. A.

1. The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Association.

2. The privilege of participating in the departmental sessions.

3. The privilege of speaking and holding office in the Kentucky New»
Education Association.

4. use privilege of voting and participatin in the business affairs of
the Association. 3'

5. The privilege of receiving all literature of the Association includ-
ing the official publication, The K. N. E. A. Journal.

No Kentucky Teacher Should Fail to Enroll
Send One Dollar

To A. 8. WILSON. Secretary-Murat
1925 W. "Idiom Street, Louisville, Ky.

 Greetings From the President


To the Members at the K. N. E. A. Ind Others Interested
in Muslim


The president of the K. N. E. A. attended the session of Am-
erican Teachers‘ Association in July at Atlantic .City. The sessions
were held in the auditoriums of thnee city schools. Compared to
our own smte meeting, the attendance was small, the enrollees be-
ing largely from West Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Co-
lumbia. A scattering representation mom the deep South and even
fewer faces from the border and Northern states were noticed. En—
riching a. very good program was the New Jersey hospitality which
reminded one of Old Kentucky.

The Association has beeii for some time and is even now heavily
in debt. If there is a reason for fostering this organization, and I
believe there is, it should be better supported. A year ago the Asso-
ciation adopted a budget policy, which included contributing to the
N . A, A. Cl P. and assisting in the financing of an educational
journal in Washington. At the session in Atlantic City this policy
was reversed and the Association was divorced from the N. A. A.
C. P. The decline in support indicated to some that the organiza~
tion Was suffering from some disease. Physicians from all pars of
the country served on a committee to make a diagnosis. The fol-
lowing were stated as etiology of the malady:

“The Associa on has moved too far from in Democratic moor-

“It has covered too much territory in its objectives."

“it has lost its appeal to the boys-in the trenches.”

Professor Davis was reelected president but a new executive
secretary was elected.

In the Kentucky delegation we noticed Professor VVhiteside of
Lincoln High School, Faducah; Mrs, Lucy Earth Smith. regional vice
president for Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee; and Mrs.
Ora Glass, president of Kentucky Parent Teachers Association.

It has been suggested by ex-President Fouse and some other
members of the committee appointed by the Governor for the study
of inequalities of opportunity for‘ Negro youths that the Negro
members have a meeting before being called by President McVey
of the University of Kentucky so as to be able to present a uni-
fied front. The President thinks well of this idea. The time is ripe


 and the opportunity great for the exercize of some real educational
statesmanship that will be far reaching. The writer has great confl-
dcnce in the Kentucky educators of both races that compose this

A resolution was passed at the last session appropriating five
hundred dollars ($500) to fight salary differentials. In m’rying out
this order the following committee was appointed to represent the
K. N. E. A.: L. W. Gée, Hopkinsville; R. B. Atwood. Frankfort;
Misses Sadie M. Yancey, Lexington, and Helen D. Noel, Madison-
‘vllle; F. A. Taylor, Louisville; and H. E. Goodloe, Danville. Other
committees will be announced later.

President of K. N. E. A.


My Ambition

Let me live a life full of love indeed,
And [ull of service too.

Let mi: ever he found in the land of need,
Just doing what I find to do.

At work and at play, let me laugh and smile,
Spreading joy wherever I go.

Let me gain the respect of every little child
And be kind to both friend and foe.

Let me appreciate the beautles of earth
That life may be worthwhile

hat me tell it with joy and with pride and mlrth
In a most charming and inspiring style.

Let me look for the best in all mankind,
As I travel both far and mean

Let me give of the best that ever is mint,
That all my portion may share.

Let me till the niche that was‘carved for me
And my task in life complete.

Let the world the better for my living be
When I rest in eternal sleep.

Then let my life the youth inspire
Who follow alter me,
My memory unto every one
A benediction be.
Central Colored High School,
Louisville, Kentucky.

 Minutes of the 1939 General Session of the
K. N. E. A. Sixty-Third Annual Con-
vention, Louisville, Ky., April 12-15


Wednesday, April 12. M)”
8:15 P. M.

The Kentucky Negro Educa-
tion Association held its sixty-
third annual session in Louis-
ville on April 12—15, 1939. This
session was opened with H. E.
Goodloe, first vice-president,
presiding and past presidents
seated on the rostrum. After ap-
propriate music by the Central
High School Glee Club under file
direction of Miss Nannie G.
Board and invocation by the
Reverend William Wade Ryan,
pastor of Ferguson Memorial
PrESbytel‘ian Church, Louisville,
a brief welcome was made by
Mr. Lyman T. Johnson, president
of the Louisville Association at
sulfiect, “Culture and Agricul-
Miss Nettie Lee Hughes, prin-
cipal of the Rosenwald High
School, Lebanon, gave the re-

The first main address of the
evening was that of Prof. Fouse,
president of the K. N. E. A.
President Fouse spoke on the
subject, “Culture and Agricul-
ture,“ and in his remarks he
pointed out the progress of the
K. N. E. A. under his adminis-
tration. He stressed in partic-
ular the part which the K. N.
E. A. had played in urging a
program of higher education for
Negro youth in Kentucky as a

result of the Gaines’ decision in

The second main address of
the evening was given by Miss
Elsie Austin, former Assistant
State Attorney General of the
State of Ohio. Miss Austin was
introduced by Miss F. Louise
Matthews, of Louisville, Ken-
tucky. Miss Austin spoke on the
subject. "Education as Self-
Development.” Miss Austin em-
phasized the necessity of good
character along with whatever
education our youth might re-
ceive. A statement which sum-
marizes her address is as fol-
lows: “fl'here can be no greater
asset than character, for upon
character depend the fine devel-
opments of men and civiliza-
tion.” This session closed after
announcements by the secre-

Thursday, April 13, 1939
9:00 A. M.

The Second General Session of
the K. N. E. A. at Quinn Chapel
opened with W. H. Fouse pre-
siding on the above date After
general singing led by Mr. Carl
J. Barbour, Reverend C. L.
Finch, pastor at Chestnut Street
C. M. E. Church, rendered the
invocation. A brief memorial
service was then conducted by
Prof. Amos Lasley, chairman
of the Necrology Committee.
Prof. Carl M. Burnside of Lan-


 caster, another member of the
committee, read the names of
those who had passed away our“
ing the last scholastic year.
Among the persons mentioned
were Miss Nannie Harley at
Lexington, Prof. J. L. Bean. of
Versailles. Prof. A. B. Bowman,
of Bardstown, Miss Earline
Goode and Mr. W. H. Hunter
of Louisville. other assisting
members of the committee were
Mrs. V. B. Alexander of Louis-
ville, and Prof. H. L. Osborne
of Paris.

Music was next rendered by
the Girls‘ Glee Club of Central
High School under the direction
of Miss Nannie G. Board. The
secretary-treasurer, Atwood S.
Wilson, then made his annual
financial report. This report was
mimeogrnphed and distributed
to all members present. Copies
were also sent to principals
throughout the state for their in
formation. The report as given
appears elsewhere in this bulle
tin. Commenting on his report,
the secretary pointed out that
the increased number of depart»
ments in the K. N. E. 'A. and
the type of programs which the
organization is sponsoring could
no longer be adequately met by
$1.00 membership fee. He urged
that the K. N. E. A. raise its
membership fee to $1.50, similar
to that of the K. E. A. Follow—
ing the searetary-treasurer's re—
port, Mr. P. L. Guthrie. chair»
man of the Auditing Committee,
reported that the auditors had
found the books of the secre-
tary-treasurer correct in every
detail. The report of the Audit-
ing Committee appears ‘else
where in this Journal.

The first main address of the
morning session was that of Dr.

J. Kenneth Little, professor of
Education, University of Wis-
consin. Dr. Little spoke on the
subject, “Unfinished Business."
He was introduced by Prof. H.
R. Merry, principal of the Lin-
coln-Grant High School, Caving-

The next main address of the
morning was given by Dr. John
W. Brooker, director of the di-
vision ‘of school grounds and
buildings, State Department of
Education, Frankfort. Dr. Brook-
er was introduced by Prof. w.
E. Newsome of Cynthlana, and
made an address on the‘subject,
"Fundamentals of Education.”

Following these two addresses,
Miss Shelly T. Northcutt. Na-
tional Jeanes Supervisor from
Washington, D. C., was intro-
duced and made a few remarks
to the general association. This
was followed by music by the
Boys’ Glee Club of Central High
School under the direction of
Mr. Carl J. Barbour.

The final feature of the morn-
ing session was the report of the
Nominating Committee of which
W. E. Newsome is chairman.
other members of the committee
were the various presidents of
district organizations in Ken.
tucky. The Nominating Commit-
tee reported that all officers
were candidates for re-election
except the president and vice-
presidents of the K. N. E. A.
For president of the K. N. E. A,
they submitted the name of
Prof. S. L. Barker 0f Dwensboro.
For vioe~president they submit-
ted the name of Mrs. Pearl M.
Patton of Madisonville. For 'vice-
president of the K. N. E. A. they
submitted the names of J. Bryant
Cooper of Louisville. and W. R.
Cummings of Pikeville. For di-


 rectors they submitted the
names of R. L. Dower-y of Co-
lumbia, E. Poston of Paducah,
and Whitney M. Young of Lin‘
coln Ridge. The Nominating
Committee reported that seven
a1 amendments had been submit;
ted in them for the K. N. .E. A
to vote upon at the Friday elec—
h‘on. There was considerable dis-
cussion concerning these amend-
ments. It was pointed out that
only one amendment had been
submitted under the provisions of
the constitution which says
amendments should be submit-
ted 60 days before the annual
session. The amendments 01 P.
Moore of. Hopkinsville, had
been submitted on February 18
which ms past the time limit.
Prof. Bowery submitted his
amendments at an early date,
but altered one of them after
the time limit. After much dis-
cussion a motion was .passed
that no amendments be voted on
at the 1939 convention of the K.
N. E. A. Those desiring amend-
ments were requested to moon
sider them for the 1940 session
and submit them according to
the provisions of the constitu—


Thursday, April 13, 1939
8:15 P. M.

The Third General Session of
the K. N. Ti. A. was opened by
President W H. Fouse and
presidents of various district as:
sodations seated on the rostrum.
This session was opened by
numbers rendered by the Lin—
coln Institute Choral Society
under the direction of Mrs.
Alyne Marfin. The invocation
was given by Reverend George
A. Fisher, rector of the Church

of Our Merciful Savior, Louis

At this point, Mr. J. Mansir
Tidings, business manager of
Lincoln Memorial Institute, an-
nounced the findings of the
committee on. the Lincoln Insti-
tute Key Award. Thiscommittee
consisted of Mr. ’l‘iditngs, Mr.
L. N Taylor of Lhe State De-
partment of Education, and At-
wood S, Wilson, secretary of
the K.NlE.A. Mrl Tidings re-
ported that a number of records
had been received and reviewed.
He pointed out that many had
achieved but that Representative
Charles W. Anderson, Jr., of
Louisville, Kentucky, did more
to promote the general welfare
of the education of Negro youth
in Kentucky during the year
April 1, 1389, to April 1, 1939.
Representative Andeison spon-
sored legislation which insured
higher education for all youths
regardless of race and also spon-
sored legislation which allowed
teachers in service five years the
privilege of marrying without
losing their contracts. Honorable
mention was given to President
Rufus B. Atwood of Kentucky
Smte College who has made
much progress at his institution,
Kentucky State College. having
been given an “A” rating by the
Southern Association of Col-
leges and Secondary Schools dur-
ing the year 1938—39.

The main address of the eve«
ning was given by Honorable
Charles H. Houston, attorney for
the N. A. A. C. P. Attorney
Houston spoke on the subject,
‘Tubfilc Schools and Equal
Rights." He was fittingly intro-
duoed b y Representative
Charles W. Anderson, Jr.. of the
Kentucky General Assembly at


 Frankfort. An extract from his
address which summarizes the
theme of his discourse is as fol-
laws: “One of the greatest ob-
ject lessons for the Negro of to-
morrow is the display of back-
bone in their teachers of to-

The next feature of the eve-
ning was a solo by Mrs. Cora
Desha Barnett of Louisville.
After this solo the secretary-
treasurer made announcements
ueluding one relative to the
membership of the K. N. E. A
The secretary-mum: reported
that more than 1,400 persons
had enrolled in the K. N. E. A.
and predicted that the 1939 en-
rollment would be the largESt in
the K. N. E. A. history.

Friday, April 14, 1939
2:15 P. M

The Fourth General Session
of the K. N. E. A. was held at
Quinn Chapel at the above time
with President W. H. Fouse
presiding. Prior to the ad-
dresses, the Kentucky State
School for the Blind under the
dirECtion of Mr. Otis Eades
rendered ;a hand concert con-
sisting of eight numbers. The
numbers rendered received
hearty applause which did honor
to the excellent training given
these students under the direc-
tion of Mr. Eades. Music was
then rendered by the glee club
of Jackson Junior High School
under the direction 01 Mr. Wiley
B. Daniel, Jr. The invocation
was rendered by Dr. M. B. Lan-
ier, president of Simmons Uni-
varsity, Louisville Kentucky.
The first main address of this
program was made by Prof. M.
H. Griffin, president of West
Kentucky State Vocational

Grififin outlined the work or the
institution and pointed out the
emphasis which was being plac-
ed on trade education in that
school. He pointed out that the
enrollment had far exceeded the
expectation of the administrators
and that much progress has been
made during the first year of
the operation of the school.
President Griffin predicted that
the school ‘cauld do better dur»
ing the year 1940 and that it
appeared mat the school was
to fill a vital need in the educa-
tion of Negro youth in Ken—

The next main address of the
program was rendered by Dr.
James Atkins, Specialist in the
Adult Education, Washington,
D. C Dr. Atkins W in-
troduced by Mr. Lyle Hawkins,
Supervisor of WPA teachers in
Jefferson County. Dr. Atkins
spoke on the topic of “Meeting
America’s Number One Educa—
tional Problem.” Dr. Atkins pre-
dicted that the education of
adults was a vital need in the
United States and that so much
success had been made by the
WPA schools. He predicted that
they would become a permanent
division of education in the
United States.

At this point a committee was
appointed by President W. H.
Fouse which was to count the
votes during the election Fri-
day, April 14 from 8:00 A. M.
to 5:00 P. M. This committee
consisted of R. D. Roman. Shel-
byville, H. S. Osborne. 'Parls,
J. C. Caldwell, Nihholas‘viIIE.
Ieslie Pinkney, Lincoln Ridge,
E. W. Whitesides. of Paducah,
and G. H. Brown, Loukville.

The next feature of the meet—

 ing consisted of music numbers
rendered by boys’ glee club of
Madison Junior High School un-
der the direction of Mr. W. R.
King. Then followed the report
of the Legislative Committee by
KIhairman A. E. Meyzeek of Lou-
isville. Thereport of thiscom-
mittee appears elsewhere in this
Journal. Prof. Meyzeek empha.
sized the work of the committee
in sponsoring a. program for
higher education of the Negroin
the light of the recent supreme
court decision relative to the
attendance of Negroes at the
Universiy of Missouri.

The final feature of this ses—
sion was remarls by President
Fouse. President Fouse cam-
mended the work of Mr. Lyle
Hawkins and spoke of his ex-
cellent cooperation in the KN.
E.A., thanking him for bringing
Mr. Atkins to the convention

An announcement of the
Eighth Annual Musitale to be
held at Quinn Chapel, Friday,
April 14, 1939 was then made.
This musicale was under the di-
rection of Miss R. Lillian Car-
penter, chairman of the Music
Department of the K.N.E.A.
Outstanding on this program
were choruses from Louisville
Municipal College under the d.i~
rection of Mrs. Barbara Sim-
mons-Miller, a double senmt
representing Kentucky State
College under the direction of
Mrs. Clarice J. Michaeis. The
Apollo Quartet also appeared on
program. Other numbers on the
program consisted of a harp se-
lection by Miss Jean Unglaub,
a piano seleC'tion by Miss Tella
Marie Cole, an organ solo by
Mr, David Bishop, a. vocal se»
leetion by Mrs. Leila Wiggins-

Tate, piano selections by Mrs.
Alyne Martin and Mr. Wiley B.
Daniel, Jr., and vocal selections
by Miss Virginia Williams and
Mr. Charles Coleman.

Saturday, April 15, 1939
10:00 A. M.’

The Final General Session of
the K.N.E.A. was held in Cen-
tral High School Boys’ Gymna-
sium on Saturday, April 1.5, at
10:00 A. M. President Fouse
presided. An invocation was then
rendered by Prof. G. H. Ander-
son. President Fouse opened
the meefing by calling attention
to the fact that there should be
a greater cooperation between
the K.N.E.A. and the N.E.A.
How to obtain membership in
the NEA. was further discuss.
ed by Prof. G. W. Adams of
Winchester, Dean David A Lane,
Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, Prof. W.
H. Perry, Prof. G. H. Brown of
Louisville and Prof. L. W. Gee
of Hopkinsville. Following this
discussion a motion was made
by Dr. G.’ D. Wilson and sec-
onded by Prof. G. W. Adams
that the necessary information
be secured for seeking member-
ship in the N.E.A., the Research
Committee being authorized to
get such information and give
it to the members of the KN.
E.A. at the next meeting in
1940. Two plans were to be in-
vestigated: (1) the state organi-
zation plan and (2) the afiih'a—
tion unit plan.

At this point President Fouse
called for reports from the var—
ious departments. Reports were
then submitted by chairmen of
the following departments: (1)
Adult Edumtion (2) Vocation»
a1 Education (3) Youth Council


 (4) Science Teachers‘ (5) Eng»
lish and Foreign Language tea-
chers (6) Librarians’ (7) Ath-
leti'c Conference and (8) Guid-
ance Workers’ Conference. Pres
ident Fouse then dire