xt7pk06x0z3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0z3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 2008 2008 2008-03-06 2020 true xt7pk06x0z3s section xt7pk06x0z3s SCIEN'IUIDGY: Faithbusters to feature
- Scientology, debunk myths and cri’o'cism PAGE 3




Private loans for stu

at!“ taste;


Students stressed about paying for
college will probably have more to
worry about next year if they rely on
private loans.

Some private lenders for student
loans have begun to either offer fewer
loans or drop out of the btisiness com-
pletely. said Meredith Robinson of the
Kentucky Higher liducation Assistance
Authority and the Student Loan People.

"Some lenders have already pulled
out because they have looked in their
crystal ball and have seen they can‘t af—
ford it." said Robinson. a marketing

support manager.

KHEAA and the Student Loan Peo-
ple are state-run sister agencies that
guarantee loans for students from pri-
vate lenders such as banks. The agency
has already seen 10 of its 200 lenders
drop front the program since August.
Robinson said.

“l know l0 seems like a small num—
ber. but this looks like just the begin-
ning." Robinson said.

Beginning in late 2006. the housing
bubble burst when demand for homes
dropped. The poor housing market
meant lenders had less money to give
out as loans. making them much more
selective about giving loans to students.


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dents may be more difficult to obtain

Because of the poor market. a
lender could notify UK that it will not
be providing student loans for the next
school year as late as the day before
school starts. Robinson said. The stu-
dent would then have to find another
lender to cover costs.

UK Student Financial Aid Director
Lynda George recommended applying
for federally funded loans like Pell
Grants or Stafford Loans before going
to private companies to get money for
college. Federal loans have lower inter-
est rates than private loans. George
said. and every student can at least get
an unsubsidized loan. where the student
has to pay interest.

MARCH 6, 2008


Federal loans are more stable than
private loans and should not be affected
by economic woes. said Larry Warder.
acting chief operating officer of Federal
Student Aid.

“We understand that there is a great
deal of uncertainty in the current eco—
nomic environment." Warder said.
Thus far. we have not encountered any
situation in which an eligible school did
not have access to federal student

George estimated that about 95 per-
cent of students apply for federal loans
before they apply for private loans.
That means that the decrease in avail-
able private loans should not add strain

to the federal system.

However. state agencies across the
country have been reporting they have
had problems finding private lenders
for student loan debt. Michigan. Missis—
sippi and Montana have either shut
down or slimmed down their programs
because of lack of available lenders.

"It‘s been a rollercoaster ride so
far." Robinson said.

Another disadvantage of federal
loans is that they have prc-set limits.
whereas private loans do not. The limits
and the continuing rising cost of educa-
tion made UK student Margaret Bard

See Loans on page 5


Senior Guard Joe Crawford shoots a jumper over South Carolina forwards Sam Muldrow, left, Mike Holmes, center,



game in Columbia, 8 C Crawford scored a career-high 35 points in UK's 7t -63 win

Joe steals the show in South Carolina

Crawford scores a career-high 35 3
on Gamecocks' Senior Night



and guard Zam Fredrick tilting the second hiil of last nitrht s

In the worst of situations.

twaldron@kykernel corn

South Carolina student section
donned T‘shins honoring Carolina‘s
lone senior. Dwayne Day. during
his final home game last night. The
shirts said it was "Dw-ayne‘s Day."

But it was not. It was Joe
C rawford‘s.

The senior guard scored a ca—
reer—high 35 points to lead the Cats
to a 7l-63 defeat of South (‘aroli»
na last night at the (‘olonial (enter
in Columbia. SC.

Crawford was Ill‘of—l‘) from
the field. including 4»of»7 from be-
hind the are.

“I took sortie shots and missed
a couple (early). biit I saw that my
shot was going to be there the

Professors look to techno

By Annie Urso


Chalkboards and textbooks
used to rule the classroom. but
some professors are applying
new approaches to teaching.

New technological tools and
scenarios are motivating stu-
dents to take a more interactive
role in class. said Kathi Kern. a
history professor.

Professors are utilizing more
technology -— like programs to
create digital documentaries and
podcasts. as well as the Second
Life virtual world — to allow

whole game." Crawford said. "So l
just stayed aggressive."

He was so aggressive that at
one point. Crawford fired up a shot
from almost half court that just
missed going in.

“l was really disappointed he
missed that 42-foot shot." head
coach Billy Gillispie said.

"I actually got fouled on that
one." Crawford said with a laugh.

The senior guard has taken his
game to a new level on the road
this season.

Last night marked his sixth 20-
point game outside of Rupp Arena
on the year. and he‘s averaging l9
points in road and neutral games
this season.

“I know it‘s going to be a
tougher game. some of the young

See Basketball on page 6

tight-knit Cats are at their best

COLUMBlA. S.C. — Michael
Porter was hurting. but he didn't want to
tell his coach. (it
his teammates. He
felt like if he did.
he would be letting
them down.

So he play ed.
Eleven minutes to
be exact.

It wasn't until
after the game that
he told Billy
Gillispie that he
thought he knocked
his shoulder oitt of

“I said. ”Mike. why didn't you tell







me'?‘ " Gillispie said. “And he said. ‘We


were in foul trouble. I need to be in
there for my team.‘ "

Porter didn't quit. Porter didn‘t back
down. Potter didn't give up.

But he isn‘t alone. He's just a prod-
uct of the entire UK men‘s basketball

This team hasn't qUit all season. Not
w hcn they were 6—7 overall. Not when
they were l-Z in the Southeastern ('orr
fcrcnce Not when they lost freshman
forward Patrick Patterson for the season.

And now. with last night‘s "Hui
win over South Carolina. the Cats hay c
put thcmsclyes in pc ition to earn a mir-
acle trip to thc’NCAA Toumament.

"It's a great story because they
won't accept. no matter w hat happens.

See Smith on page 6

SG downs
more flexible
voting rules

for Sens.

Bi ragtime
