xt7pk06x0t0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0t0t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1971 1971 1971-11-29 2020 true xt7pk06x0t0t section xt7pk06x0t0t .. Bright refuses I
I e to 1 ° ' ' ‘ ' '
Former l'K Student [t (ol \uiter. RCPLllllledli '1: , ‘ I
Government President Steve cillltllil‘llk' tor the late Rep. ill”. ‘I .5 ,
Bright rctused Sunday in “at”. L“Yll-'Tk‘\\1““~il \Nl . A' I .
_ apologi/e to Sixth “Millet rimmed l;e \\ll\ harassed h". , .-
' Congressional candidate Ra} Bright during .1 l'i'ck'l‘ll‘l. .it the - _g ' '
Nutter tor remarks Bright made Springs \liitel \ov ll and again , '1 3
at recent political meeting». Millie \Juttc: on spelling at .i -..,k
' ' - . “l- have no intention ill Young Kcltlll‘llctins meeting "
an Independent newspaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky apologizing" mm “my“ “I xx»; _5; ‘ ‘
Monday, Nov. 29‘ 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Vol. LXI” \v” tilt consider Nutter to be both ,1 In .I spun h that the day litter . .
W fascist and ii scXIRl." the Nov. :3 rxicctlng Nutter told :
his audience. “Bright attempted I II:
C O 9 to create a dcrnonstratmn at the W ,
ammumt colle es uture d d . .. , _
epen S (ll\.l\‘li‘f lven by his "NV“ .}
standards he got nothing he s I
. O “wanted " V ‘_ '
on ate 0 UK biennial bud et
g \i;tter said Bright “tailed lz- .~
make his point” when H: t ‘ (
By LYNN MARTIN additional resources. we can c\p;mil KERNEL: What major chances “ch mado controntid SPIH‘ \gnoii. mil:
Assistant Managing Editor programs. in the new pmllc‘} statement? b 1|“, (twat)? \Iiuhihyj H” ’18”:th l
The future 0f the UK Community Programs may be cut WALL: It provides for more autonomy on :1?“ x in?“ rt?! 31:“;- ., . '
College System depends on the If worst comes to worst and we don't get the part of the community college system. L: 1:1” ,HKU‘, 311.2“. ,,‘ {If ”‘1”, . l.» ' "-3
' acceptance 0f the University Of the amount of money we have had in the This is what President Singletury has been \‘uiiirk «smirfélylrth H“ " 7i .. h. '
Kentucky’s biennial budget request. past, we will have to'start looking at what concerned with, He wanted the colleges to I _ wk,“ , (1}. '_d k, ll", \1 ' : '. . . . ‘1, = i, .
Vice president of the Community sort of ' , . ) . . ‘ . l’l'V" ) , , .w }) 3 . Pullilt are L\llnx\l in we Allk’nfl .j" g,- ,
_ programs Will lthL to be eliminated. d t morn JUIODOIUE 1L 1k lrograni by them - ,
College System Stanley Wall said the Hopefully we will get the sort of funds we development and more responsibility in 'ln r.“ ‘onse Bri ht “1d ’
present budget request {0}” the system need to continue. carrying out their own decisions. Essentially \‘utter's stIatement wasg"a valid 2:: “ .
does "0‘ represent the “ml or funds We anticipate a five percent increase in it is lUSt clearing the air in what the indication of th‘ mug.” .31 [l]. .. -
needed to move the community couege student enrollment This in some cone es jg relationship is between the Lexington . " . 4 ' k ' L .L A .i I L i I» L
S stem in the way it should go. - - '- - g t . mdh‘ claiming Nutter used the ' , ' , ~ 5
yDuring a recent interview with Wall, 801hg t0 requ1re additional fECUItY- campus and the colleges. 9 incident for “personal political _ ,- f
questions concerning the budget and the KERNEL: Additional funds for faculty UK a feeder system. , gain. , . '.' I.
new policy statement were discussed. salary increases are included in the budget , KERNEL: Several presrdents Of regional linght sald he “'9‘" to the ‘ ig‘.
The new policy statement is a request. What effect will it have on institutions have. sand that the Community reception at the Springs Motel “
clarification of the community colleges recruiting new faculty? College System 15 ”St a feeder system 0t 'merely to he“ .‘Khat the :i
' and their relationship with UK’s main WALL: Our faculty salaries are about UK‘ IS thls charge true? candidate .had to say. he 5319 c
. campus. $800 less than average salaries of institutions WALII‘: The Chirge ‘5 errotr;10us.fAll Of the 46132202143“; 212:8 ng $2218]: I
- - - - . re ona umversr ies or 0 er our car ' ~ ' C ' » ‘ " '
KERNEL: Do you feel that your budget Slmllanh $126 to our community colleges. inititutions may visit the commuynity presence and introduced him to .i
for the 1972-74 penod is adequate? We thmk we have a good faculty, bUt we colle es Their recruitment team , t t d Nutter ' - - ' ‘
WALL: We were involved with the know that we cannot keep them unless we . g ' . . sare rea C - ‘ . , , - - , . , ..
- reward them on the same basis of colic es 1“. exactly the same fashion as the UK .Bright also Mud Wadeanvrted 5'3
preparation of the budget request. As all d' K t k g Visitation Team. mm to come to the Nov. 23 _.- 3
units 0f the University have had to do, we sufioun "If enkuc-ty. f f' d The University has not taken the position meeting 311d “Red him 10
have had to cut the request to the bare bone. mwm; lrtna e h) easy hm us to l” that the community colleges should be question the candidate there. l' ' . . ‘
We felt this was only demonstrating gua fyuacu y w in we} 3V6 vacancres. feeder schools to the Lexington campus. Bright said the questions he '
professional integrity in doing so, being ope u y ‘38 ;an ave Uh s to at least When you examine the data provided by the asked “were far less hostile than ' .g .j
aware of the financial situation that exists in move towar t 6 average 0f the benchmark various institutions in Kentucky to the those usually asked on ‘Meet the _ 3:3; .
the state. institutions. Council on Public Higher Education the Press’ or a similar news 'K- ‘ I
- KERNEL: When will Glas ow and . . . ’ n k h
It does not represent the kind of funds we C . g data Will not substantiate thlS charge, program. ‘ ; ' .
really should have to move the community arrollgon enter the community college I think the only conclusion that could be Bright claimed Nutter had “an : l h‘ ‘
colleges the way they should be moved. system. drawn is if the University has been obvious lack of knowledgeabout = -,
However, in view of all considerations, we No funds yet attempting to do this then they have failed basic concerns of sixth district ', ' .'
think it is a fair 50“ 0f budget. WALL3 The legislature. tWO years agO. in their efforts. Because the University is citizens," saying Nutter did not V‘" ;. "
KERNEL: Do you think the community authorized those two colleges but they have getting as high a percentage of students from know what a broad—form deed 1', .. ,
colleges will be able to SUIViVe for the next not funded them. counties without community colleges as W215 when asked about Strll‘ f . 1- '
two years on the money requested? Our first concern is having funds to those with colleges, mining. .. "
WALL: What happens in the colleges strengthen the existing programs and keep . __ M, , g g , ,_ - ~.
depends on the resources we have. If we get them on the move. , . if»? , “ ' ‘ W . - '
Volunteers gr ven credit - , .
Or one year .5 service _ _
‘ -_-:;_.,-.- __ ”do: we _- .-.o,r~,v,.;3 »:.. - -
UK has been selected :is one at 30 ANNIE ‘3‘? dWCtOY 0‘ tht‘ program «it , ' - ' y f? __ 6 f‘ , ‘ = ' ',
colleges to initiate a federally—funded. UK ii“ DT- JOhh Stephenson. dean oi . ~ ' - - ”fig” g . it” ‘.
. volunteer program known as University undergraduate §tUd1€S- Stephenson . '- j , r tags... ‘ ‘ ' . - _ _ j"
Year in Action (UY A). commented on the interest already shown a; p a '3 : . ., 2, .
ln coordination with VISTA and by students, saying over 300 , have «2,, ‘ ‘ ’ j
ACTION, UY A volunteers from inquired about the 60 openings available. w?“ , , I; a; . M .g ‘r' _.
S designated colleges Will participate in the “It’s the greatest thing which has if’gl is? *2 X g x ' , '4 .‘ 'V "1
Program. Wthh Will begin its actual work happened to the UHlVCTSlty," he said. «fem gf§§§i ‘ M :2; 0 l / :‘y ; ‘ . ‘.
this January. _ noting wide-spread interest shows 5” ”9%?3‘3“ g; ‘er ‘3"? “so, Xx” . t . ' " 1 '1
Selected UK StUdehtS Will do held work enthusiasm for “non—traditional methods 8‘ ‘33??? it“? .. 3 fig: .. , - . 'f l t
in anti-poverty settings for one year and of learning and ways of reaching ,a, 4" it???" _ x .35 2 = 5 .‘
will be given college credit for their two degree-goals." g :5". --’ W «a Kg“ - ,_ ‘ "‘ ‘ 5:1 ‘ . -
semesters of volunteer service. ft ‘ I N l y .' ” .' ' ff" 7,“
Those students getting the ‘nod‘ for the NO one chosen , : ' ' . . .;f;g‘°",g ,. '1 ,“g "d __ ‘ l . '
‘ program will be under the supervision of Volunteers have not yet been chosen -j' j 5 s: ‘ " ’ ' .
UK’s UYA committee. The “field but only those students possessing “skills it 3:. ' - J “ ‘- .1 ' "
workers" will also receive a small salary and com mitment,” (lt‘i‘ill‘tllllg to " .- " ' 33$ , | -
for their services which will be Stephenson, will be accepted.Stephenson ' L: I ,2" Q35, 9: I
appropriated to UYA by the federal also said the selection would hr m ulc up _» - , ’ . 3: *k '
government. of mostly professional and graduate "’ ' '3' 4 .t ;‘i ”it: ég " ' 7
Began last year Stllilt'llls. ' ’ if! 5!": é: :éf.‘ ,. .. _ y g
The new federal program began liN 'lhc goals of the program, said . ”1;. )1? ’3 g‘ji‘?‘ g“ . ‘ '
year following President'8 Richard Stephenson, are to show some lllCilSlll‘LlltlL‘ "' l . :3? . l” ggg '_
Nixon’s pledge to give the nation’s YOUth impact on poverty areas and \llUW usual I ’ " ix}; S‘ g: :1" j. . '\ .
more opportunity for volunteer schice accomplishments. j" ‘ ’1, ‘ §~ f r- wits?» -.
Out of 168 schoolsh spbmitttiflg He also said if the prescribed goals are If .« ! ,f . s ': a“) I f
proposals, UK was one 0 t e cw 0 e reached this year the program “Will or 4" « . i. . , , g
. awardedaplanmng grant. ~ undoubtedly continue. This will bring “ii 4 ‘3‘ l . ' . '
final plans must be Smeltted to ex ansion and be a real service to . ' ‘ ‘
Washington by mid—December, at which oilert stricken areas of the U S ., DAN TAYLOR. right, talks with William Kunstlcr who '3 defending Taylor in x' ‘
time, UK’s choice of work areas and p y ' ' disbarment proceedings initiated by the Kentucky Bar Association. Taylor was " ._
student volunteers will be reviewed. Applications for the program are being recently handed the longest contempt of court sentence of any American .4 ~
If UK". final plan is satisfactory, the taken in the Student Center. Times and lawyer—four and a half years. Taylor will be on campus Wed. Dec. 1, in the UK . ' i .
participating students will be trained for places for appointments will be posted on Law School Courtroom at noon. Admission is free. Sponsored by Societus Pro \ . '
specific volunteer tasks. the bulletin board on the first floor.- ‘ whim and Student 3” Wilfion- (Photo by “Wild (3- Di"! "1-) ' - , .

 ‘ ‘_’—THE KENTI'CKY KERNEI.. \ltmdm. Nov 29. “VII __—________________________________—.———————————-——
I ' ‘ o I ) o I
WALLACE 5 Book Store FIGHT CANCER 100 percent our ( ( ssV/ul
Is Now Reservmg WITH A o '
Textbooks CHECKUP no CHECK tu y In S new pl W0 3' {S
, , . For The Spring Term A
' By DEBE COMES however. Students must 512,!“ 1* “1C SOPhOWOVW» Wl}: hhjs 11150 W
Kernel Staff Writer . ,. .. . . . ., , . takin taken them tWice. sai s e was grad
. DEPARTMENT or THEATRE ARTS PRESENTS . , . . “"4“.““1'” “M m. g extremely Sick the rim day she abo
Morning-alter pills. taken tor the pills under experimental ‘V ‘_
T T T 7 - , , . . . . took them. After the third cont
.V . THE NIGH H REAU PE [N j I the PTLVLIIIIOH 0! pregnancy. conditions. d' 7 ‘ said “it didn‘t "v‘ . 7V
. 7 V P _ have been proven to be 100 Pills given Lexmglvn COHSNV 4). 51L . s L L“ l” (V
: , b» J” m“ ”me "nd “we” E Leo percent effective if begun within 0 t~ 5 0 iii i l l igra m S Ul - bother ”19- , 1‘le
* ~ D‘mcmd bl JOHN O Sh‘mghrw”” 72 hours after intercourse, a diethylstilbestrol (D155). TM ”“1" “Fond “I“?! took them I“
- , GUIGNOL THEATRE study conducted at the program requires 10 pills taken I was a littled bVltnsick the Vfirst :jlnth
' University of Michigan found. twice daily for fch (1103*. day. . SllVL $711 . eVrest otVVthe cci
. . '_ December 1, 2, 3, 4 8:30 p.m. Dr. Lucile Kughcm 01‘ the Three UK coeds. a sophomore. time it didn t even phase me. Stut
% 4. . - December 5 7:30 p.m. University of Michigan Health junior and SCIllOT WllO prefer V10 So ‘1” ”.ng hatige ’1‘” been 1mg pro
,~ ' ~ - - t .- ‘ . tile serious 81 e c cc 5 reporte SUcl
-. :‘ - . , - SerVice reported that 01 1,000 rcmdln unidentitied. sud V . . . .
_ Reservations. 258'2680 "0°" to 4'30 daily women who began the pills pills induced nausea and alter use 01 dietliylstilbestrol kno'
- V 'V Pint/mm] by urlunui nu nt lt‘lIIl American I’luyll'rlulits- TIli'tIII't’ within 3 days 900 did not use vomiting. . when taken d5 morning-after the;
- ‘ ' . any other protection. No “I slept in the bathroom the pills. V intei
4 pregnancies or serious side first day l was so sick. the But when DES .wathakcn by dCPi
. j ' effects resulted in the lest group. junior said. “But i didn‘t really women alter their eighth and the
. '- '. Before taking the pills. some care. because l felt iortunate to tenth weeks of pregnancy, their de
'1 " ' " , gynecologists. including Dr. get them." V ottspring Vdc\Veloped vaglnal 59W.
" ' JUNIOR MEN S HONORARY Phillip Sariei 01' Yale University. “i took them again about me cancer while in tiVieVii teens:
‘ '~ .- ' r c c o in in c n d c d physical months later.“ she continued. The . l‘ U551blllll’V Qt llllb TI
-: ' . - - - . Applications now being taken through December 2 exaiiiinanons 1,. make Sim. and l was really NUTilI‘lSt‘d that happening to the ottspriiig ol .l serv:
' - - I - , . -. -' " - ., ... thew didn't make me sick at all." PC ”0“ who has taken d .
. . I, F. _ or We; _ ,7 , a 2 . patients did llOt hint cysts. , . .. . V 7 . .. , . . . . ep.
, . . ADADEMHL CCU ”...,x- {\r‘ bPVA 89’ T r ubnorlnul bleeding“ Or pk‘lVlC Thv SL‘lllUr $qu Ihc IifS‘l l\\U lllOrlllllg—dlltl pl”) dre ldll. Sydld Stud

. I " .' ”LADY-Rik,” QUKIFEAE‘ONJ diseases. At Yale a physical days l threw up evcrthlng." Dr. John McLean Moms. \ale ' emp
" . l ' NVOU‘FMENT IN CAMPUS APP/MRS examination is compulsory: “After that." she said. “I just LTniversity obstetrician who corr
. J l For Information Contact: Al UK‘s Albert B. Chandler fell kind of WOO/3' and weak. discovered ll}c pills, inte
. V . . . , . - .. Ti , . e ) .' t.

. V. . .V. BRUCE COMBEST 2574550 — JIM WILSON 253-2081 “L <1}le L “It” WWW] thes
' ‘ .V = -- examinations are not glven to intei

' ‘ . ' f' those desiring pills. But one UK 0 o :1 sp

V - . ‘ - Love IS 0 doctor said. “This may be our inte

' ' -- .- i“ La I asrta policy in the mum." 6155] If 5 situ

‘ I V. " - There is not a clear-cut pattern corr
.' _ , . ,. _’ ESTA ES 5U CASA — for prescribing the morning-after agri

. y . ,‘ ‘ ”THIS lS YOUR HOUSE” pl“ Other than to those who had Clfilllfled navel-using “It“ be accepled WW hos
" W ' a s . ‘ ' x a on o re-plid buts only. Ads moy be FOR SALE
. . . . .~ . For you unlucky lovers___ llljtrLOurSL at Brufildlttlmts—thti ¥hccf in person Mondly through WW nurs
‘ ' » . ' ' ' , _, 1 ll ' ‘ [l orma rtdny or by null, nyment lnclosed. . -
.‘ ' . ' . your own personal LOVE GOD. 1 th to 16 h . '\ 0 n to nu: KENTUCKY» KERNEL, Room 67 ”O‘DGEd‘gggf’thtttt99W“ Stfiert A]
. ' : ' Cydc' ln Lexmgton they have “1- -'°“""‘“"“ ”"3- eggditlbg. Call '252:9§39. op' ”$81319 depz
V~ _. .. . . For you lucky lovers —— LOVE BEADS been Obtained simply by making Rates are 31.50 m- 20 words: $3.75 __—————————— with
. . .‘ , . a phone call or refilling the for thre: conggcutlved innergolsngozf the 1964 CORVAIR, Eadio. heater, 4-speed som

~ V . . some n o wor s, on . per transmission. xcellent condition.
. i V , AND A VARIETY OF EXCITING GIFTS FOR EVERYONE original prescription. weekztoor 20dwords. :0 costs per word Reasonable price. 269-1115. 18N29 SBI'Vl

7 , . 7 over WOI' 5, per 11le on. —-———*——'——"_—
.V . « ' 10-5 Monday-Saturday 214 West Maxwell Appomtments are necessary at The dendltnc Is 11 n. m. the day HONDA 3;)5 drteazTS’ i35rg%acalg2‘iafi983 O]
, > . , - ‘ , 1 ¢ “ fl . t or come ee 3 - nsc ve. ,
. f - . .' the UK MLdl‘val (1‘2: :1"? 0113?“: ignfifin‘djf' £13322: off Limestone near Schu's Bar. 18N29 derh

7 7 . 37*?” ~.-:- w,.-,-,-v--,’--,-’-I.-r -,--,---_-r ',o’-'.o',-;o',’o'.;' --;-~,-:'.~:r -W 7 WWW "‘9?" . t l n —-———-—-——'———’ ‘

. . V , V : 7:?2"_ (3?? a, n p, 7,. poor 8,9001.) (0’ ,o' ,,.,.,. in” :zo‘ml: :r' 13:1: lien-tngor rentlnx PERFECT Xmas Gift. Heavy H.I.S. off“
. p y . .
. - , -' . . 1‘ it) TYPING _'__'_____.___ depz
. I ~. 3 ‘1) WW 1967 FORD Galaxie 500 convertible. hav
' ‘. . - - ‘0» ‘ ‘1' PROFESSIONAL typing. — Theses, Dark green. Excellent condition. Low
- . ' '- . ‘ . ' ' ‘l ‘J themes. term papers. Turabian. MLA. mileage. $975. Call 266-2003 (6-8 p.m.) uno
' ‘ ‘. x‘ I 60c pp. Paper supplies. Bill Givens, 29N-D3
1 -' - 7 - ‘. k} 3 252—3237. Daily after 5 p.m. 18N-D4 com
. . ' 5 a: > t" "W““““‘ ‘
' . Q ® u WANTED

i V i '_ :: V :3 W T]
1 ' 4‘ ’ l ' E - ‘1 . If ROOMMATE to share efficiency apart- , . -

. ' ' . s" ’4 SINGER ment on Limestone. across street from “ht“

_. .7 _ i 5 -: _ Q :~ campus. Rent $60. Call Dave. 2512;12127é dep;

l . . ', ' “I it l97l Singer sewing ma- ,.__._..__._____._._._——— ' long

I i “ ' i I: z . VV 3 C . V -u SEAMSTBESS wanted to malfeVso‘me prof
-. - . ‘ *Q . chines l5, dome are Stu. simple wool skirts for reasonabie lee.

_. ,V . 3. l: . Call Nancy or Chris at 266-1535 3"" Ir.

» - .‘ - ‘1 i :1 m cartons. These are 5 D-m- N29 0 u
7 '. . V V. ‘7 V W

-V . - V , . .‘V :V Smger< latest models and FOR RENT busi
V V VV . ~. V ’V‘ .V V.\' 7 'WW ‘

y ‘ - .. 1 ~ t. ‘. are eqwoped t": dc mast EFFICIENCY apt. accommodates two me
. '7 ‘ .1 .1 . persons. Within walking distance of old
f , i_ ' ~ 1 t.‘ ltmds 0t scwmg. such as campus. Only $120 month. Call .
, . . -,.» l t V h V - 277-9775. Available Dec. 1. 19N30 (191%

V ... .. Zicrzao Anton .3 mono: ~———--——-—-—-—————-——-

-, , ' Ia . ' ' t: 9‘ ‘J ‘ L U ROOMS—Single $48 per month. Double any
‘. . 7 . , : ill grams and much more $27 per month. Refrigerator. Private he 1:
: .' , . . “I ;‘~’ ' entrance, near UK. State St. No .

V- _' . 7. 7} v $4995 each. lnspcct at drinking. phone 269-2834. 22N29 mdy

‘ ‘ I ,. 5:. MW an ii

7 r . , . . . .- it t: UNITED FREIGHT SALES Walchn Pr

. 7 . - ... - t it 2m 0...... o... “terriereyelashes: $1
- ' ‘ \ Featurin l“ Hours- M d s t d 9 9 ”7’0"“ ””29 “w
. 7V _ V _ . a g “e - on ay- a M ay, - ----—-—.-——-.———" rpm
, . V V » l\ { MIt-ZNDINCVE—Hentnmirliqg. pitchiggs dggfi ‘1 ’i V

. . . V7, 7 7 8 very 0W ra CS. ear 3m . ‘ ‘

. .V _ § GOOSE CREEK SYMPHONY g; 252-7680. zsN-m

~ 7 . - . ‘ 3 new

.. ,_ , 2 Dec. 3 8:00 p.m. B iml
. 7 : , :~. % i 7?

.. 5 ;- _ . it . l 5. 0 [M -. 17c:

. ,V 1’ g Tickets: $4, $3, $2.50, $2.00 :3? Q V E t BIRTHDAY 7 W
.‘ . _‘ " g: k On Sale—Nov. 17, 9:00 ~’ g ' ”“5
. . ._ . , 1‘ . 7 stud

V I. . ., V . . ll Memorial Coliseum , ”WU
y. . .7 .. ,7 After that—at Central Info. ill 9 O
. . . ' . (_ I
, '8— t William [lesene

. . . l}- Ki) '
. , , - T W l

. “ z _' . it, .

.V ,V 7 i_oV .. . .. - _ {va .

V . V r « ' l ‘“with":fiefi/M-wfl»'AT-f-Y-ivfiz.>p'w;wp;zr;w;:2;¢¢/ MWWW2Wp9fizr/fflifi'izfifivgw ’ R1
. . ~‘ .- -. -——-—-————~_—_————————-———-———--‘A ~ “nu-..- .—n.———-——— -_ ...~-.-.-..~....——r—m- .7 . .. .... v V r. . . A _ _ ,.___‘ _- .. _____7 ‘_ H.” _

T ‘- _, V ' The Pertwillab Pa ers b D ‘ ' ' K
. . v. y p y on Rosa and Ron Weinberg KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS i

. . ' . 7~ '. h '
, ', . . . ‘ W‘l / ’—' A . - 7141 '4. ‘ ‘ u) L-l“* "‘ ' f / , V > ' n I > - BRING RESULTS 1
V .' . . . . . . Vii l l. i i .. ~ . «J , ,, n/ [[7 Z tv/JZ'SS 71,0; Tfl/S 7/M[ V[ l 4401/07
,. . . .‘ . 7 . , »: . . m V. ,1 , V .' A ML, L» , 4, MEX 7 F/"lv' MoMé'A/rs F/M , MAM Frigate/T. F.‘ 11.. H k "G I ‘
.‘ ‘ '- .. . . ~ '. s «aw . 7 «if v Q «1*? ; mu [/5 (/05 MYFA/T . I ¢ 20“" s {M
v .v ~ ’1 ‘i ‘ K v

_ . 7 . - .7 .~ iv: ‘. . ~ i ‘1 - A, i, ‘ a, t‘ 7 , ,/ 7r: - 7/ ,r ( . . r 7 7 The Kentucky Kernel. University ‘
7 , . ., . V 7 . , . .4 V l V : @ A MERE A 7m; W/Mo/i, r... 7, of , ,7; ug‘ StmmnV University of Kentucky. up
. . . V» . . , .' ,. r: ., ‘77 w Jr ‘,/,,V., 5.; ‘ 7,3“) ‘ 1/9577 V, ’r/fl'» kg"! ".77 mgttgn. Kenguclciemsoe. Secfimdt class
_. . . . , . , , « VV , - «r 7 fl/w‘ ‘ . ,q,_ .- "e . i C V , ' DOS ge pai a xington, en uc y.
7V .. t7 . ‘ 7 ‘7 , f f: ‘ t ”/Z‘ V { “932:1;9 ...-”inky .7 ,“VVVVV @ IN AFR/ND .>O BE [XVCSEQ AID M Mailed five times weekly during the

' ' -1 ' ‘ '1‘ 7 :, 4 w W m: ex Willi“ 2 , Wee... My ”/00. n W a Wm . ' ministries?stiffness:

' .' ' ' - . . . 7 h ‘ .7 i, , , ., 2 Ir . . 4 'r '5'?!“ lg " ,. ’G n' ,A 1:, H l session.

. . ._ . . 7. 7 »VV. MM T if E/‘l/ » 9t? 4/0 7. L. V, ’. I l‘ M72 #7 ”Us . If“; C’ 4(6DED/A/o ro fir 04/7 15977157 Pf/Ww/lz Alf/V M057 ‘0 ‘ Published by the Board of student

a .- ,- ' - ‘ I ' » ._ ... .4 737 , £77k f , .‘ 1' § 71' V/DEO Asmo Wlfcf/ liyv- 45M WOMEN/[1,135.7 - ‘ P‘g’ma‘wnsr "KP“‘WW 3“ “8?,-
I . . -' i V . . "fl'm—_— ,1 "kl/‘1', .I if V, r, 7 « 7 .f began as the Cadet in 1894 anl
. 1 . , ' . : 7- a ,. mnw— (3., i ,5} . ~ . A #6 f/APE ABM/72 ”Mu/[s . ' “it, "x §én¢ ”4 ' figcgslgfis continuously as the Keme
.i > , . .. u (l -~ Sui. . I .. .V- ;\\. IL ii )' ;”.V’ ~ .' .
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7: . . , 7 i .. i, .3 7‘ u (I C" 7 >\ T w . S ”In" (Lax. -* — =5: dull/'9“ .\V: i 4d . ~., " digit «‘5, ». - s. tended to help the reader buy. Any
. , , . ‘ ' , ,_ ,s , . , \. 7 9‘, . _ ; K V l ' «- '5 7 I i E .17 ,7» , . r: l" ; u . t . ‘ ‘ {l > ‘ false or misleading advertising should
_. V» .V 7 ‘; gnu ; __ _. - LEA O - V- ”6%; 777,1; .. $7 V-v will 5 h ‘ «q ‘4 be reported to The Editors.

,. '. . In TV , f: ,MV . ,, .. Ja‘fiifl“ V -. ., , h l Raga l :7va a?! ‘ . . fié'l ‘ goalscgmoxlt 3:31:30 W

' ‘ , .7 g . ., i i , WW a . .‘ g’ ' 5' ‘ - : _ a . ‘ r ~ ear y. y ma — .

' . i A ..Q ‘ A » xfiwsnfiy S% f ,7! w ,7 ‘5. 's'l '5' ‘. x ‘5 Per copy. from files — $.10

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7 . 7 9.. 7 7,7 . Mfr , .- ) .15.. \il ”.77 M7 . «a! ,, . g . 9 I) . ., ‘ Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755

' , 9) ' :‘1 i' \ l » :li- ‘3‘») ~~’2:‘?'5\ 4 "'3/2' 5“" f- : ’4 ”M J; 4 -. Editoriai 9 Edit
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r a Q *4 x‘ _ i- ,. on, I], ._ . ’74: Sig: .- «:3: ”i A 1 ’7’” to. ? "1/ ' 4 '\ A3803?“ EgitorS. Sports -- 257-1740
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 M l ”l“. kl':\'lil ( k\ kl‘iR\I{l,. \lnlltl;i\. \tn. 2". l‘l7l — ‘i 'I
V 0 9 l o ,
Need a 101). p acement services may help
LS BySLlVIIQ ”LSSGARD companies)?comein here “MM“! . lid“ M‘illl Ills“ l‘laceincnt l’laceincnt SL‘I‘vlL’L‘ last semester lhc computer then \Ldfc‘llt’» "I
, eme ta met for JOUl'n’dllSlS. If they had gone Seriice registered about "80 became part of a L‘Ulllllltlt'll/L’Ll for .1 student mth a program ‘ '
as also W h en a student nears through 01h” channels,- lhk‘)’ undergraduates. 430 graduate i‘rrograin called HRH) H. which ”mum. 1m. unnpany's , .
he was graduation, llt.‘ begins to wonder ”fight h'deI‘ bC‘Cn mtervrewing students. and 870 alumni for (iRAl) H is I. “ulcetion ”€de “M. .ornpai., III... the . .
ray she about the future. Wlll he linghi‘h 1118,1018.{HO-~-l‘n<>\VIIIt% placement. Most of the system" made up iii 11S lllliirlllallfll: (.n the tin. :{nrl . - . . ‘
third continue his education or go out all along that they wanted undergraduates registered were companies and 15.? “my“ “mm”, hnn . , , '
t even into the world and try to find a Journalism students only. in the (‘ollege of Arts and When companies have «pertinw. “Iv“. WI“. sin. .I. . j ..,.I\ using
_lf)b‘.) . . . Westley stated. . Sciences Many “i'h (“£1995 ”1 they file a iob description will. the (il<,r\l) H s) stem What: it we ' - V
k them For the majority of UK‘s About 20 percent of all history. philosophy and 0th” the computerservne. .znrhsznented ;n earl} ’iit ll‘c‘l' . - -
ie first undergraduate population the departments and schools do not areas register to find ”just some ' _ .. 9. ,
of the decision is to find a job. Operate through any type of sort of related area” to their ‘. it :
ne.” Students graduating with a placement organization. These majors to work in. . ».
en any professionally-oriented degree are the professional schools with The heaviest number of job C A I f I' . ' .
ported such as nursing or journalism technical orientation toward placements through (‘cntral I. n W r '. . .' .
bestrol know essentially what type jobs career preparation. Placement occurs in areas like .‘ pp y 0 O - . . . . '
ig-after they qualify for and are Graduates of the College of business administration. _ i '
interested in. To aid them, many Medicine and the College of accounting and engineering, The StUdenl Center BOG I‘Cl : . ‘1' .
(en by departments and schools within Architecture usually get placement service has so many .' l " '
th and the University have set up information for jobs by word of recruiters visiting in these areas , ' I .I _
/, their “departmentalized placement mouth. In these professions. that funds are allocated to those I O N I E R T _ . ”
vaginal services.” there is usually an internship departments to make up lists of *
. Private services required which allows the seniors and their qualifications. . I. . ,
t this These private placement studentf to” form llllS onn Must havejobs I H A l R M A N . -'.
13;: 3 services are formed within the LOIS! :Cnsy or :lglirIce‘g‘élg‘Wnyr‘I‘: joncs said the Placement . , _-
. department or school to let the SerVice inVites only recruiters to - - - . - . .
ll. \Idlil . students of that school discuss departments go through two UK who actually have jobs to Apphcat'ons In Room 203—SHC . ‘ .= .
3. \ale . . . channels in order to place their _
employment opportunities With ,. Offer. .
who company representatives or students. The College or “We tell a compan“ not to D C“. 1’ A I _
interviewers. Interviewers in Agriculture 15 one Of the .“5 waste our time and theirs if they ea lne 0 pp Y' .- ' -
these situations are usually percent Of colleges who Utlllzc don’t have openings” he said ‘ ‘ '.
interested only inastudent with ,the” own. placemfmt semcc “We don’t want them coming Wednesday, December 8 . .
.. . . along With UK s Central . , , -, . _ .,
a speCific degree or direction of , , ~. here in order to keep a liason , .
. . g . Placement Serv1ce. . ~ ’ . ‘
:-:.:<:-:-:-:~:-:-:4:~:-:-. interest. Examples of this . between us and them, we want -. .-'. I ,
situation include tobacco Ag SChOOI has new serv1ce them to hire.” 'I -‘
companies interviewing only K6618“ Pulliam is the student Jones admits the Placement ’ ‘ '.
agriculture graduates and placement officer for the COHCEC Service uses “one major to ’ __ ' ‘ .
m hospitals interviewing only Of Agriculture. The placement peddle other majors," a fact he or ' . . . -
m nurses or dieticians. service has been in effect there says bothers many departments. = .
.1. steer- About 35 percent of the since Sept. 1. “If a company comes here to I
’“fglsg‘; departments, school and colleges “We’re encouraging students look for accountants. we might . I n j » .
-4—S——d within the University have set up to go to both Central Placement also encourage him to look at l; _ , - .
indigiecfn. some type of private placement and through us for jobs. That some of our students in other ar'a s .
18N29 service. doubles their opportunities,” areas,” Jones said. . ' ~
3313141983 Only eight percent of the Pulliam said. Many department heads. on =' '
3 13:33:; departments have their own According to Pulliam, the the other hand, encourage small 347 S. LIME Phone 252-1722 _‘
Ti—{é’ official placement officers, but larger corporations usually go corporations or companies . '~ I.
lm sizeé the remaining 27 percent of through UK’s Central Placement, interested in their specific areas MON DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - , '
fl departments with this service while the smaller companies to look only at the department '.
fifty;- have people who act as want an informal set-up because related to what the companies 500 - 10.00 pm. 4_ E- ’- ‘
figgin'ltjé unofficial contacts between they’re only going to hire one or are interested in. . . . . , . .'

‘ companies and UK students. two people. Drop in recruiting D _2 f th I I Q . .
M Result of Friendships ll (IS high as 60 percent. 01‘ While the average number of '22a or e prlce o 7 _ > .- I '
W The informal placement Lin S eiiiplloymelnt-seeking companies recruiting college -' f . .
‘y 393’“ activities going on within manv S u ents go ”OUgl a source students has dropped about 34 . ' , -’

tf - . , — — — — _ - — » .
3533-123? departments are a result of other than the Central percent. the number of I — — — 1 . . . \
22N.__29 long-time friendships between Elafcmglllscrrlie otttciredcby tthtl ICCTUiteFS at UK has dropped ' ° ’ 4
“‘3 some f , ' l m lo 'ers 'mvml y. wm 15 it: C“ ra only 22 percent, said Jones. I .
abl f . pro essors ant e p y . . x . l .
5356353: Instead of going through PlchITlLlll Servrce doing? To encourage students to x fess our ""0". .- . _
N29 outside channels, the T0 assrst only register and [0 get more . _ . i I. ‘
businessman interested in hiring According to Harry W. Jones. employers interested. the I 1' Are you m favor °f the new 11 I'I'IIIIIOI'I dollar I . . '.
ates two employees may telephone his assistant director of the football stadium to be built here at U.K.? '
tanceCoIfI old friends in the related Placement Service. the services I I - ~ ' ' ,r
n a . . . . . ~.
' 191.130 department and ask if they have purpose is not to find jObS for ___.___yes no _, .
m any graduates with the abilities students, but to assist them in COMPONENT . ' ‘ '
'Privage he is interested in. The professor finding jobs. So the service relies STEREOS I 2- Explain; 0" 0 “Pam“ page, why or why I10"- I Q , ' ' .
Stazring may recommend a student and on the student to come and 3 Wh bl . _ . 1 ' .
M an interview will be set up. register himself with them. . AM FM Stereo Radio I ‘ of pro ems do you mm" are more 'm' I . ' . ‘
W Prof. Bruce Westley. chairman gith SuilCtI-Im 8 irasck and portonl‘, if any, than the building of this new . ' ' U
lcare by of the Department of V _ 3"“ anger- ”9-95 I stadium? I ‘
’19 rates' Journalism. said. although the RESER E eaCh' lnSpeCfal ' , '
22N29 Y S - . , . . .

n———-g done Journalism Department does not . OUI' prlng UNITED FREIGHT SALES Return this to marked boxes in CF, bur/ding, O T, lobby, . .', _
9%chin h "V i‘,“ “-‘Vlit‘l‘il‘t-Vt‘e Textbooks Now! 2123 Oxford Circle I and 551”“ ”00’ by Wednesday, December 7- Your I ' ,' .'- "
- organization tor placement. ' Hours: Monda -Sar d 9-9 0 inion will be a reciated’ ‘ '

newspaper representatives are WALLACEIS 300k Store y m ay, I p pp ‘ J ‘_ ,‘ _ . .
brought in to ii‘iterView students — — — - — _ — _ l- — . ' . -
duet tl_\ through the department. : . . ' .
, 7 Westley said the reason for , ' I, .1
c this is “protection" for his . ' I
students and the interviewers. , . , '
Want only journalists . , -
“They (interviewing .- 7 ,' ,
g D Y N d A 395 ON C MP 5 Hours: 9:00-5:30 , _ ‘9
ee . , '
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ADS For Business? A Mens . . . . .
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.2. .5: S BUTTON FLY JEANS—Reg. $7.00 ea. . . . 2/1000 v . . .
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22 s L. . ALL COATS Reg. $55.00 and $60.00 . . . . now 39.90 .
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