xt7pk06x0s9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0s9j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 20, 1971 1971 1971-10-20 2020 true xt7pk06x0s9j section xt7pk06x0s9j as?“ ”w a «swst~ . ' -
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.... ~ “at an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky l
~ Iii: \\'('(lt1t*s(lzl}.()(t.20, Ill-fl LEXINGTON. KENT" '(1K\ 103‘") \nl l \ I ll. \H .0 5
‘ Poor 1 ' 0 * l" “
pBOP 8 13110111 .
«a r‘ W7 . , . w.-
“W‘W . , 81f a re group hits [00111 doctors . 5
' ' -- g, By PAUL MONSOUR The charges were rustic :3 . r '2 ‘3
' ~ ' - “ " Kernel StaffWriter press conference held y.mt.:d.;y . . _ \
, . The Lexington Welfare Rights front of the private Lexmc'w: ( Ling. _"_" ' ". g-‘1 12"”.
Organization (WRO) yesterday 81 1331 S BP-Md‘H} “'13 “R” f. --'
charged 18] Fayette (‘ount'y doctors charged that all 32 of in:- 3 rm : . _ _
. , and dentists with not accepting state 1h“ LCXH‘EYW“ Jim“ \1' ' ‘ i" j . Li‘s."
medical cards. cards , _g
The WRO said it conducted a D“°“”“' “51"”“1 i » .'f
- telt‘Phone survey in which all 344 of Dr, .I. lair-a Van Meter. cyminiatc _
' the doctors’ and dentists‘ offices in TOY GU W””"“*“”"~’-’ *“l‘l “‘7 “Um
Fayette COUHI)’ were asked if they L’. Dorroh. president of the l-ayette .: .. .
' . 3%; accept state medical cards. issued to County MCdiCHI SOUND" WW 1W1”
c . 2e _ people who can’t afford to pay American Medical Association .
‘ . doctor’s fees. branch). denied charges that they ~ ' ff '.
Max Rafferty, former California superintendent of schools, espoused Sixty percent Hf‘ ‘ “1““) ‘who‘ don‘t accept ’state’ medical cards. ind -' . g j
. . . . . . responded would not accept the cards said they have never refused to see a . ..
his own brand of political and educational philosophy Tuesday night . . , .
, _ according to the WRO survey. and 95 patient. . ;
at the Student Center; Raffertys meaning for the word percent of those responding would not Dorroh said he had already signed .
patriotismr— Simply love . Former student. government presrdent perform surgery or other specialized four medical cards yesterday
Steve Brights“contention that” economic interests run the treatment, the survey indicated. (The afternoon. Dr. Van Meter said he .‘
government ‘5 obvrous hogwash he said. (Staff photo by 10h“ state reimburses doctors for treating treats patients who have the cards but
HICkS) people with cards.) doesn't use the cards because too i -'
much red tape is involved. Both Dr. . .
Dorroh and Dr. Van Meter were 1' ’u I.
a ert t6 S St“ ents 0 singled out in the WRO charges. ._ ."
y WRO distributed the list of l81 , .‘
names and asked all people whose : .
doctor’s name is on the list to talk to '. j .
6 . . 9 their doctors and ask why they refuse ‘*
6 V1 S 0 m0 ern e ucatlon to treat people who have state medical .& ,
cards. In this way the WRO hopes to ‘, I
get more doctors to treat the poor. ~ .. ‘-
The “evils" of modern education came under individuals and not as a part of a voting block to AMA attacked ..- _, _
fire last night as Dr. Max Rafferty. former be manipulated for the good ofthe group. WRO member Ms. Vincent Brown. .
California superintendent 0f 50110015. attacked Rafferty added that individuals should use the and undergraduate “”11” problems '_
American education for turning to “group group to gain success. but should not let the group student “I Lk 1“”‘1 ”1‘” I?” ”HM “ _ ' I
adjustment rather than individualism." use them to gain success for the group, not doing anything to break dim n the y .
However, Rafferty told the audience of 400 in Durin lll‘ V . d . . q bilmt‘l‘ l‘L‘lVW‘C“ JOHNS lmd ”l" ff“? . ,V
the Student Center Ballroom that students, as . g t ““5“” an answer ?‘5§“‘T‘~ 311d thdl "(1061013 tttecm‘mlde” l “l“ . , ..
. _ , , . . ) , ) Rafferty was quieted as to now the draft fit in t) treat mm mode." The\ arse ‘1‘ . w ,
indmduals. couldn t do anything about the sy stcm _ . .~ . . . g , . . L l l t _ . l .. .
. . . With his theories of 1nd1Vidual bubjllgtltlt)” by their reasons too much red ”PM . ‘ .
while they are students. , . . groups. He replied. “When l live in a society I do .. _1 H. . .,. . w. . ’ :-
“Get everything you can out of school first. t .. ‘ 'f'” m individualisn but I do ., Tit“ 0“” ong H d.” m Am“?— wls” _. ’ _‘ . .‘
then do something about it,“ said Rafferty. “Run no 39:? :“d y y 1 th‘ lit 4” , ‘54“ .1“, refunds and not enough money. and 1 ; .
, for office back someone for political office. get my “g1 0 ,0 my 0M7 [mg ‘1 "l. “mes-”l,“ ‘15 Brown. , .1
, ) “ please. That is the penalty 1 pay for belonging to The WRt) said poor people should f "
elected to the board Of trustees. . . this group. Although you may have to render unto [4 ,. , . l . .. I '11 ‘d' "l ‘ V
The fast-talking Dean Of Education from Caesar what Caesar must have in order to continue m“- Him dubs 0 d ml 1M ‘ ‘
’ l ' * 't Stoke for 40 . . . serVices. ;
Alabama 5 Troy State Lnivcr51y } . in busrness for the sake of all of us. you do not Tl . WRO . b‘ . d‘s‘rib‘l .. ,.
minutes about the ev1ls of modern education. have to surrender your immortal soul .. 1L mun ms t. L m . ' _
“A generation ago, something came along, a new ‘ themselves as those who can t make . ‘
philosophy of education,“ he said. “I watched it Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 Continued on page 6. Col. 5 .'
‘ happen. ‘ ':
“As you went through the grades, you were éeéi355353953335335355FEEESE-isfsfsifiésfgis€52252332333539E*25:=:=:3-i:15:2:2:22:35:31-?-::s:2:a:z:z:s:§:a5:::;:::z:;:::;.r:r:;.s:2-:-.:::--’::.-.'..~r::“-I:5':-?;::::-;.1::»322::1' 1:21:39: .3 '. -: u ‘. ~ - - ‘ .'; .
taught how to adjust, adjust, adjust. The group ,. . . . . . . g .
was glorified at the expense of the individual. 3 ;
No one responsible P th h lth l . . ft 7
“Your parents looked around for the person ay 3 ea 88 or e 88! 1}. . " '-
responsible for it. But there is no ‘George‘ :15
responsible for it because the United States, is By PETER STAUFFER ' ‘5’ 2
responSIble. Its been happening for years..We ve Kernel Staff Writer - g. .. 1 . :
put group adjustment. above the mdlv‘dllfalf Ms. Jean Cox, Student Health Service administrator. said the Health i-
mastery over the essential fundamentals Of 11 e. Center still plans to turn in the names of all students who have not paid I
In ananalogy, Rafferty noted how bees ”"0“?“ their health insurance fee by the Oct. 25 deadline. - , '
.50 ““11“?“ years Of evolution have become socral The $7 health fee. approved by the Board of Trustees last May. is 33% '
meCts’ livmg solely for the group. required of all UK students who do not have other insurance. Those with 5‘ I
.You and, your peers ‘have been taught STQUP their own insurance policies could have filled out a waiver form by Sept. V ’i i -
adjustment, he said. . In another generation 30 and not been charged for the fee. ' , ‘ .
you ll be ready for the hive. . . Ms. Cox said there will be some delinquent students but she wasn't sure ‘ ‘ " i‘ .'
Rafferty used “15.0w” ethnic group, the [nSh‘ to how many. “Payments have been pouring in the past few days." she said. . i. '
sufiport his contentions. . . . “There were close to a thousand today" (Tuesday). ‘_ ‘. 't . '
[f the IrISh had been confiltfned to thmk Of Cox said that most students‘ insurance policies are inadequate in 1.
themselves as a group, he said. they “’5?“ have f3? covering hospital expenses. “The average person doesn‘t know what his I .‘i' '
remained in the group. still in the ghetto. insurance covers.“ she noted. _‘. . -
Rafferty said ”.1? ”is" broke away from the" 32. She said there was some confusion generated because the health fee was i . h ’
minority ”classrficatron before the group :11 called “insurance". Students who already had some form of insurance . I .
adjustment concepts seeped mm the education 73'; figured that they didn‘t need any more. she said. ‘ ' it
. system. )5; (‘ox said one reaSOn for all the last minute payments was that many ' - ~ '
To fight the eVil. Rafferty said the individual students hadn't heard of the requirement. Letters were supposedly sent to .. » ' '
should do three things: all students during the summer notifying them of the fee. . ' - .
' As parents, insist that education be returned to Sttudenrts :hoi do notorgztiy thghfee byl the deadline will have their names .. I. . _
the basics of individualism. 3:5 sen to‘t e egistrars ice. Ly wr I not be allowed to pre-register for .. _ ‘ . .
. . 555;; the spring semester 5 classes.
} Get as much schooling as possrble. Egg-.3 ,.; _‘
) Join a political party which treats members as 33?i€i;;:;g::;.5;.-...,z.::;;;;.3.;;;;,....;. . .3 .5 . 3.. 3-? - . _;;.3._i,gz.::,_;. , I . '

 2 — THE KENTI‘CKY KERNEL. \Vt-(lnculay. ()(‘L 20. l97l _____________________________,_______.__.._———————-———-—-——
. .
BEN SNYDER DEP r STORES Serves 8 countles
For Your Complete One Stop Shopping
‘ . g 0 ’0 .
1 HOUR FREE PARKING '" Tl" 3’" "' Gm" B" .d ' I ‘ 1 1Cl “‘3th
- . ‘ with 53 Purchase S a] S ll] 1] 1' l l l()]1 (J 1 .4 I] I
‘ By JACK LEONARD A(‘ll‘ as a four-y ear program “designed
. , KernelStaff Writer to he] local vrou is to im rove their
Are YOU Marrying 0 Roman cat 0 IC Education to improve nutrition and own communities."
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ling for isolated communities of One of a kind
, counsc . . . . . . . .,
Before The End of JanuarY' eastern Kentucky is the goal of the Dixon said this was the only prOJect
. I . 1 ' t, ' . V ' ~ I .- - l . , . .‘ )
. Father Moore IS conductlng 0 series Of pre— new mobile education bus operated b' 01 its kind in ItiIe country and praiscd
. C f . . , f . d UK s College of Agriculture. the bus tor givmg us a meeting place
. ‘ ’ "I one con erences 'n Ipreporotlon or mixe mor— Approximately the size of a and a fully equipped classroom in
. I . l. “0995 (Roman COthl'C and non-Roman COlhOI'Cl Greyhound, the bus is carpeted, which to show slides, TV tapes, movies
' .‘ , in 0 four week series. air-conditioned and heated and has and programmed teaching materials.”
' ~ room for '24. it was reconditioned to The bus has its own power supply
'v Where?-——NEWMAN CENTER—32° Rose Lone serve more than 25 communities in for use in rural areas where electricity
. - 1i h e s m ’en ., ‘ ' . i not aV' i1 ble. The unit also has "
. . When?—7:3O p.m. beginning FRIDAY, ocr. 22nd fig ‘ a ‘6 " ‘UFk-unntlts S d a . . “
‘ - 4 The blue and white bus. deSigned by complete modernized kitchen. .
I 7. housing specialist Kermit Mills and Ms. Lucy Hammond. state EFNEP
. ' i ' ————-————-—_—_— visual aids specialist JOE Wllll3m5~ was COOl‘dlll‘dtOI. said Illé‘ bllS Will ”lake its
a ~ I j s ' tunded by the Expanded Food and first visit and stop at a food stamp
, .' . . _ I a PE "n lama“ 8 Nutrition Program (EFNEP) and the distribution center in Hazard. ‘
- , .. . I A nalachian Community liii act While the bus was displayed at the
pl ' p » . r ‘ .. . _
. .1 . . ’ Program (ACIPt. according to Charles state lair this tall. Joe Williams. one of
I . , - . ' Barnhart. dean ot the ("ollege ot‘ its designers. estimated at least 20.000
- . 3 . i I- Argiculture. people stopped and inspected it. “l
. . ' \. I I Extension agents and specialists. would have liked to cliristen it with a
, - I' .~_. (3; >14 “BUT ONLY A JEWELER CAN TELL a l o 11 In W i t h n o n-pi‘ot‘essional bottle of champagne." he said. “but,l
‘ l ' ,' = If \ \. -—-___——=__— ———= Kentuckians. Will operate the bus in decided a hos ot‘ pondered mills might
I ‘\ ‘v/ .4 __ ‘—.—— I . _ . . ..
. ' * , f E“ ‘~ Av‘t‘= fabulous = their home counties in tin ettort to be more appropriate.
' . ’ . EVK {‘1‘ 49 E— : share nutrition and t'oodvbuying BL‘TOEL‘ its renovation by a UK farm
,_ V ‘ ' =_'§VV l "-va" = breakthrough = information with the citizens ot~ their service crew over a period til [8
, '. , . ' I' E' \ Y>\ V C/ \=_ E community. months. the bus was used to transport
. ‘ ' . E \QIVIIVTI‘AII‘g '= 0f the Space age! _E__ Charles Dixon. extension program sickI and wounded soldiers in the
. . . . _ E .. E = specialist in development. described military
. v = \. =
' - - 5' --——‘ 10K SOLID GOLD = . _ - - - -, ~
. = \ \\ E .
» -' x ‘ 5‘ / ~"=—‘_ . . . E C I . .
.' -' Fr.\__ ' ' =
" ’ \‘V‘ = 3551 le
, . , 2:1/1 \ 7:? Dig-.1: Stldpi: E + +
' . . V 1. [(\ _— .. = ’
' .1 , “ . \ ‘ —= {IKEmuratd L :t = . , 4
I. . . _ . ‘. . -_\ ‘\\ \ \E i? Mm MU Ibt' g Classified advertising “1” be accepted mm,"m~"’o WWW
‘ 7 I ' ' =—'— . \\ T ‘3 E on u pre-paid basis only. Ads may be FOR SALE WANTED
.‘ t . = . \ \P\\ i = pl.ced in person Monday ‘hl’ou‘h m’mo’mm WWW
. I. -—- / \ - "H E Fridly or by mull. payment inclosed. AUTO TAPE PLAYER. Som‘ TC-20. FIGURE MODEL needed by profes-
‘ V = r / / 7’3 = 10 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Room 3125 new. $75 super DOWCFfUl- Call sional photographer. No experience
. I g / / ‘.r I ,, $ 95 E in, Journalism Bldg. 266-7091 after 5- 18020 necessary. Write. giving qualifications
- ‘ 1' ' E R t 1‘ g 2 d; 3_~5 "——”"—‘-'———'—— and availability to P.O. Box 8152.
I . _ // m = for thiieaifiniefguv‘:mama: 0,5th AKC MINIATURE red_ temale Dach- Lexington 40503. 018&21
, . . I 9 _ . shund. 8 weeks old. initial shots. Call _..___.___——
. a I . easy = same ad of £0 words. and $5.00 per 2551230 U 6 19021
' “ '. ..., , _— _‘ terms = week for 20 words. 10 cents per word ' :1 er p.m. MALE roommate wanted to share
. : N=__— .. = over 20 words, per insertion. M” . y , _. modern one bedrqom apt thls se-
. : \—-' , o. . . = "9 FONTIAC Leinans comert. 33” mester only. 5 minutes to campus.
. 2‘ ‘?/" \3 [mic/7 sm/‘r' cu: exact/y I'i/s’t‘ = The deadline is 11 SI- m. the doy H.O. 4-speed, very clean. Many ex- 2515:0036 affer 5 p m 18022
. .- , I . . = J .v A139 “I“ IIIII 'l‘ tn GU I, mi . . I = prior to publication. No advertisement tras. 703 Hambrick. 252-8116. 20026 _————_——.——' ‘
, - ‘ I' . _\ ‘1 \ . ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' j ”I“ 5 may cite race, religion or notional ————_—_______. PILOT “mm“ riders to ghare cost of
I I I .' I. I II E \ 3 \ k put/rtwttwfly It) s: [V lirw‘ wi/lZ" = origin es 3 qualification {or renting COMPONENT Stereo $275, Fender four-5(xat(:r plane to Georgia game at
‘. I r I , . Q‘ I r*——:=—— The trait/4's: I/ II”,Um/,,IM. 5 rooms or for employment. ligand Master Lead Guitar System. Athens. Saturday. Oct. 23. Phone
I ‘ .’ . . . s _— . ~,. IIIIIII I I = _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r osrite Lead Gu1tar $450. RCA TV 2 _ -l .
. _ . . . . V k§\‘= AUNmJ/lL. tr iluii/l by liltllll 5 FOR SALE 375‘ Smith Corona Typewriter 3100. W
‘- I l I If . —— a I\ \ \ E Yes. FlneI {modern 10K gold = 'WWOM Artle- 253'2042 20022 IMAIEDIATELY —- Male roommate.
I : . " —— . . l E settings included! i 1971 HONDA 450 Scrambler motor— m Modern efficiency near campus. $581
' I ‘ = ‘ ‘ V __ = cycle 469 total mileage; never been Rigg?§%haggAggl§Réhdazo msg#15511; 266'0187- 4'7 p.m. “020
I ' » -. ‘~ ' . 1‘ .- = (I ‘\ .‘I— A’ . = (rlildltppggtl—‘lsi'lfy';pl'i‘mfigétl have lingo? ('alrtridgle. Excellent condition. S25. TWO UK basketball season tickets.
- . . - . I‘I- ' Efi/ A 35‘ / ‘5“ 14"»di‘ullr'ta tit].lKUI,Ii,I’II or ’H ___~__:._ -_:_._.___._______._ Call 258'5115 or see at C224 Haggin. Will pay reasonable price. Call 254-
. I . g . t,» ..__/ \J “ VL UWgutd CHEVY 32755, power, factory air, 5 -—-—————~-~~~——— 73,18 dayS; 255—031' mgms- ASR ‘0‘"
* ~' " , : '» plus 2 snow tires; fully equipped top- READ THE KERNEL Webb, 20026
I . ' ' ' . . . ; EV line. Premium car 8625. 266~1829. W~¢mo~ommm
I . ,' _:_ —-——v. II 49w . 238 E . YOUVG n~ . 1 .. i :20 d
. 7 > _ —-—_.. .\ \AJ _— . MO,” St stil id . firmer man at eas an
I . . . ,I _ . _ . l esiring to attend coliege —— to
‘ I . ‘ ' a \\ m 255 5080 . attend bar from 12 to 4 Monday thru
.. . . . I‘ - ' ‘ Saturday, Apply in person. Levas
. I . ; ~ - .‘ Restaurant, 119 South Limestone St.
_ .I ._ IELECTRIC SHAVER COIN L( ' O ee ouse
- . l "““““W
.I . I I. I . ~ REPAIR DEALERS WERE-framed glasses around Haggin.
. . .. I I. , . , NAVY BAND JACKET 3 d i . . '
I II , II with QB. Building Thurs, Song afield?
I . I. I .I "G LDEN BR ID], 11:03 (fines. Reward. Call 269-3293.
' - ‘ ' * , ATTENTION O A 02"
l . ‘ I ‘ WWW
I. . . I ?~ . STUDENT NURSES' Monday and Tuesday, October 25 and 26—730 p.m. WWW
‘. . ‘. I -. I » . 1 . HAPPY DIWALI and all good wishes
. . . I COMPLEX COMMONS if” a {,aémyt newaKear to an the 1m
. '. . 1311 s u on s at . 19021
. 2 . . _ ' M
. . . .' I I The Army Nurse Corps finances Junior Wednesday and Friday, October 27 and 29 7.30 p.m. NEWEST homebrewmg recipes. use?
- 4 '. - "' ‘ g . , STUDENT CENTER GRILLE “1°9h01- U58 kitchen items.) 16 page
.. and Senior Student Nurses —- all cost IS §°:;53.2°$2‘D¥1£°-.3;.argg;:gg- {um-
.- 1‘ -. . . Thursda to r 2 —MiNl — - ‘11- '“ ' "u's'
-‘ - , pond by the Army —- plus your salary Will y’ 0c be 8 ."I CONCERT 8'00 p'm' MW (' Ky‘ 40205“ 32°
. I . I . . I . . w. LITERATE Gemini wench desires com-
.- j A ‘; be $lO0.00 a week. When ou roduote - my of lone Victorian male. P.o.
. I . .‘ . = . . VI 9 . Super and Golden Braid Box 525, Whitehall Classroom Bldg.
.' ,' ' .' ‘I . ‘ you are C CommlSSIOt’led Officer ln The GRAND B ALLROOM, SHC IIEI'I‘c'jjfigf'E{if2:::_j‘;-g;:;:II:;;:I-;I;.IIIIIEIEIIIggI».:.II;.-..533%: .I“1135533333335332315§E1353¥1513
« .. r . 352;; 1’ w
I . ,» Army Nurse Corp. Fun —— Travel —— Ad- LOVE 13:17?)
. - ‘ . :-:-:. K r :-:~:-
_- ‘- .1 g " venture is ours for the oskm . Sound B S 811- CONCERT 1‘22“ iv v'\
, t . , I, v 9 , Power! 4 u
I , , . unreo . Saturday, October 30— 8 p.m. Only at ”‘7’ fl
‘ - I I: Tickets still on sale at Central Information Desk, Helzber i \ t l', "
.I ' ' '. ‘- .' For Information call 606-252-6454 S'ude'" Center 3;; 9' ' '
v ” ' . “ Th P II b P - band $80 if???
v I . . , e ertwr a Y apers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg HELZBERG
I. .~ I " f I. i, 3' t . , “-7: :' /, ~24 ‘f M; 1.";ng ,rrf 416.0 mi M‘s .;‘I[,¢/ ,%off 70 mg ”bop “XI. .. .’ 4;: _, FAYETTE MALL
.‘l ' - -. . ' " r ‘ ; - 5' 4 at new ween V114 AV/Jfl/E I Maui,” A4177 x~[ 1ng at u a: fix M—
. ,I II . . ,I 1 I a .. -f . I414. . Mt! M/mma“? 170644525, 4% 40.44., 1:47.040 “1’17 row/2‘ . 4 W4. ‘l Tl" "chunky Hemel '
I ' ' ‘ ' ‘ “ . 4“ “I l" I "’S 75’ “54 45; FM”? 77“ ’ 5/13 4H ‘ ° The Kentucky Kern i if i it
' ‘ , ' ~ ' . .. a . . , .. : ’ . . d . , A v I e .
'. 4 ' ' , . u . ‘ ,r 1 v“: . t i L 4M: f: w” brawn/its 124/) “ram ,6 «5744/2125, : r if,» .1 ; n I i333“Fil'e'iiwigs‘oé‘emucsyfeg"!
'. ‘ .- -.‘ a . ‘ / . v. , A n, , . . . ' . enuc ,
.. . 4. . I . I . ; _. , . W ._ ,z . 5k r/t/Mr .7 ; em 10 475/10pr ME thr/vs m filsfilagefpaid at {exingtoieié’é‘tfiuilfif
' ' .. ' ‘ , '1 II I? / y , v , . . . .I 3‘ 8 ive times . I
' ' _: ‘, ' , " , is ””5“- E’RHBOD/ “BERN/6W HAWK/41 K/sswg Boar/4 #511, my: 4 " Pl 3:??35 ye“ except fijfifiggfimxg';
I ' . I’ , .' ' - I :‘ If . '1‘. JIM-”1 (M456 2/? 504/5 OF THE whammy Sta/r4. j haw/’4 seismns.’ and (me during u" "mm".
» '. - , '. _' ‘ . 3 r ’ , ' . ’ , Tr Fl ’fl/S/A/G AND A f ' / 4 “Pushed by the Board of Student
. . , I. - . . . ~ r.» ,. It; . A? g l ~ _ i #057 p ”a“ o (3 Publications. UK Post Office Box 4906.
, 1 I . . . . r . /// if” 1 ’Li « OF Off/ER Eré/v 77, 35,91 F5 ( Li 44 O puiffifind as the Cadet in 1394 and
I ' l . ~ T, . TL 5 J r ‘ 'I / . <" 1 - i . l h . IS (‘ Cont ‘
. 7. . ' l v" i 1‘ 5. .. .. P. AL7/L ’T/A 2, 44/0 SUADRl soc/ENE Sf gué 57- TON/(,Hf 51 5mm: 1915. muons” as the Kernel
' - . . 'a -. .« / 1' r" . V / w ‘ I - \ t Advertising published herein is in-
,' - , , . . Os 3 'i -, .- . . It- .11 fin. \ 33" 1 ‘ ,». I a“ $\ ‘ 1 2 ended ‘0 help the reader buy. Any
t I . N _ . : ' \ '7 w?" \ 613i , _ ..\ 3g. . Q false 0" misleading advertising should ‘
, . . :,L M . - i { J I J Q}. [I “1‘9”“? ’ ~ ». m be reported to The Editors.
., I, .I II Lu» . ~~ .. . t..l ’44 . . .r. l‘l . I, .\. -» ‘ 1‘ $UBSCRIPTIOIN rum
- . . q , .2 l c to . =' u » 4/ v / i D were by m... - W
o ‘r I A} '1 e III I ' . .» x ”I 9 I; I’ i 3 g; t a!“ * I K copy. from files - $.10
i _ ’V ‘ ' ° ~r.. him-Ir \ \J' {T ‘ 7.,/ \x i\_;_‘ I " , ’i 1‘? - - . ‘ : ERNEL TEL
I , ‘2 r‘. y .. F a°_.- Io I. 23' 3%.. was; s/ II , . ll” . 5 3f . Editor. Managing “gram”? 1755
i ‘ l L; “I r . Ar) 4 , » I‘ 30: ‘Mfifil‘ §\‘§\§§&\ lw, : , f ' .I £3 :3 1:." .3”? . l’ . . EdAjggcaIl tpage Editor, . . . . -
Lu ‘ J 2; 231383“ .. HQ? .I_.\.;.\\\H_.\‘.;\ss;_ i. 3» :~ . II A 2325 ’2 {V I I, / ‘Lx A?K;:'ti$ing_ BVSlHQISPOélrcula-zs7 17.0
- - W ‘3W'* 5 o- . .I. . l- I

 — THE kENTl'LKV kERNEL \1'.-11...1.11..5_n.1. 211 1.1171 _.1 5' ' i
. MM— ' 1
ON CAMPUS Hrs: 9:00-5:30
395 5. Lime 277-5733
l3 Gant Shirts—Reg. $10.00 a. $11.00 7.99 or 2/15.00 '
. Sport Shirts—Reg. $14.00 now 4.99 5 H
Denim Shirts—Reg. $10.00 5—» 5.99
Neckwear / ,\.://_ \\\ V2 price I
Belts //'<\\ :Z:: \ 2.90 and 3.90
‘ Velours—Reg. $14.00 / 1' /\ {QI \ '5 now 7.90 1.": '5
Wallace Berry Knits \ / 15/111, V \\\\ \\. E only 4.99 5
Sweaters—U-Neck 8. Cru // l/ i” ”I! 5 7.90 1‘ '1
Sweater Shirts // ”5' O 5 \ 9.90
Sleeveless Sweaters ...........‘ { I " ’ 5 ”y only 4.99
Sox 557,1 "‘1 88c or 6/5.00 '
Flares—Cords, Denim \ '\ / 1&5) \\ $20) 4.99—5.99—6.99 '
Bush Coats '\ .5 y“ 41 only 34.90 5" 1.1.:
Corduroy Sport Coats / 19.90 ’ " , ”j
Shirt Suits 9.90 j' _
No Wale corduroy Jeans-Reg. $10.00 7.90 or 2/15.00
Levi Jeans—Reg. $10.00 now 2.99 . j _
Extrovert Jeans ~_ 3.99 ’
Wool Slacks—Values to $22.00 \VL‘x5 9.90 _'
Knic-Knac Knit Blouses _', 3 4:53.51 “\V. ‘ \ 7.90
Balloon Sleeve Blouses // \m§\\ 4-00
Pandora Sweater Vests / 1’75/1 1 ‘~~‘<;:555\\\\‘\‘ . \\ 3-00 551' ‘
Truth and Soul Sweaters f1 / \\\\\ ‘5 . 7.90 ‘1 .' - _
Niki Knit Skirts—Reg. $12.00 5, 1 " ' ,. “ I 7.90 .1 _
Niki Knit Hot Pants—Reg. $10.00 5 5 5 _~ fi@ \\\:1 I; \5 only 2.00 .5 51 .
' Niki Sweaters—Reg. $14.00 /5/ 5‘1 :3} ’ / , f 8.90 ;.
"It Still Does" Skinny Knits '51. (5 - . 51 l 4 K15 . now 8.90 -
Niki Sweater Pant Suits—Reg. $32.00.. \\\5 “5 f 5 ,1 f,.......... 19.90 -. . ~ 1
Dresses—Complete Stock \\’ 1.1“ " ° ‘ ,/ ,1». ,l 20% off ’
. Mixed Lingerie “\\- “1 25¢ to 3.00 . 1 , ’ -
Swamp Coats i \5 [:(1\\ ///f// 4.90 __ g
Midi Coats ‘\ \\ > / 20% off 5 1 , {
Panty Hose-Reg. $2.50 \\ . " ' / only 99c 5 _
Sandler Maxi Boots now 16.98 5'

 F t t C t ' .l
' ’ ' d 0 d
. Immediate action 18 needed to aVOI a trabe y .
- I For those who think Attica or There are no recreational mention have claimed that the for it to be a regional jail which
San Quentin can't happen here. we facilities or any reading material primary cause ofthe growing unrest would eliminate the need for local
' suggest a visit to Lexington‘s available for prisoners. in prisons is conditions like those jails and a number ofjobs.
' 80-year old Fayette (‘ounty jail. In the women’s part of the jail. that exist in Fayette County jail. While this outdated statute In
The jail. which everyone says there is no seperation of minor and The sad thing about the jail remains in effect. prisoners in iii-ti:
- they want to get rid of. is a prime adult offenders. situation here is that there is no Fayette Countyjail. many of whom Ken
.‘ ' ' ‘ example of the worst in the The jail is not. as all county jails prospect of change. There is no have never even been convicted ofa his
‘ American PCHLII SVSICIH. in Kentucky are not. inspected prospect for change because of an crime but are merely awaiting trail, ”‘01“
. .' ' ‘ . .. ' . . ' . . . . . 0 en
- , . . ' A few specities: periodically by the State outmoded Kentucky statute that continue to live in these horrible cfm
- ‘ .\lin or traffic offenders are Corrections Department. requires each county. regardless of surroundings. disar
. USU'JUS' DUI in “10 $111110 CC” With One can only shudder to think population to have a county jail. We urge that the law requiring . M;
. - ’ - I drunks. what goes on in these sordid The only way federal money can be each county to have a county jail at;
. , i . There are no laundry facilities conditions. obtained to build a new jail is be repealed immediately and that that
i - ' for prisoners. Studies too numerous to application be made for a federally Up at
_ l. ‘ j funded regional jail be made as T
. - ,’ . . mem
‘ _rI‘ \ soon as pOSSible. We further urge he 53
. .. - . i' . \_ i/ % that the present employees of the com
. ' _ . , _' » _ \ \i ‘i county jails surrounding Lexington Nib
I . . l . _ s. . . S
_ ,. ' k H I \>\ V/ 4 ll I / be trained to fill the pOSitions at [PC
’ '- .; . ' , ' . e ¢HIUC ¢ffl¢ 5‘ i , -_ I’ is", ,/ the Iicwjail- singli
‘ \‘ 3.: :3 'II' If i ' ' h ve
. , a I , £13,1/ By dorng this the workers, the if
. . ' I’HH‘R‘I'“ “1 MVH‘K‘ \\ ,1?” / irisoners and mostl’ im ortantl w‘th
. _ , isi \BIlsHH) isoi LEXINGTON. KY. \_ % {7’ . /- I . , . .3 p . y now
' ’ ‘ . W_ W_ -.msv.Whow‘s-,,_________Q_I._.w ”t .. 3/ ‘ . ' / the Citizens of this area will all
. . . . . , . __IWHI_/\ )l‘l):’y(—)[l' [In ”jail—ii-u-ns Ui—ij‘lt’ lull/mix. not of (/u' I'nn'r'i‘s‘ii)‘. 2 4/” \ fi//// benefit. Re
- ‘ . .. ~ . . s . \ ‘ - / /v . . .
. . l ”11"“ “mt": I“"”“"“"("“"/ L a 1‘1 )7, l .\I\‘ By acting forthrightly and With frate:
V. ‘ i . ‘ janc Brown. .\Iunzrumu [Cr iior Jerry ewis. 1 ssoriate :( iior fl ;/ I I . . Mam
’ ‘ . 1 David .\. King. Blhltlt‘s‘x .\lmiugi'r John Gray, Editorial Page Editor l / i if} \ /i ( ‘ has“ maybe thL S,O_rt (3t tragedy afrai<
.- ' . -' I' laiiitc liaiitis. (.icg H.Hllll.lllll. Ratlii-l kamul} I.lll(’t)lll R. Lewis Inlr I I (IV/'2 \\l / that has befallen Jails trom New the
. I. :I .‘ . lialc \iaitlit-us. .iiid \\t‘ll(i\ “right. luislrmt .\lun/Igingr It‘dilors . . \I ‘ ‘22: I York to Califormia can be avoided. Janu:
. . ' . > .\likc Tierney. Sports Iftiiior Don Rosa. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor \I {‘39} / / “T
’ : , ' ' , if" i t
- . I. , . . ‘ \I'yjlj / . open
- , i , ' ‘ . “‘th selfis
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.. _ .... M erne orum. e rea ers mm 9
,I Ir 1 ' . in Ilbnrlion response legalized abortion?I Or are you not Going beyond the superficial realities to Dorm survpy helps
I . . . _ . . I haphazardly skirting the issue by discover the core problem areas is being ' ,
_ [I' _' ' . ' 1” TesPOnse '0 M155 Nichols article 9” overlooking why these conditions exist? “open-minded and concerned”,don’t you Debby Grayson, m her letter m the
. .~ -' . I. .. . abortion (10-12-71): I am afraid. Miss agree? Kernel Forum, Oct. 15,was distressed by
'. I'. . , I . . NlChQ]S* that you are nIOt grasping a major What in society has encouraged some the problem 0f aSSCSSing StUdent
.- .. . . i ' question I.” the abortion dilemma. YO.” women to seek abortion as the only way In response to Dr. Davis’ letter sentiment 0“ the liberalization 0f dorm
'_ i call Iabortion a preventive deVlCC- will out? The answer to this question will (10-8-71): Dr. Davis, my remarks on visitation rules by Nov. LFar from being Cour:
.I jI 1'. _ ,I legalization of abortion prevent child illuminate the problem areas to attack abortion are concerned with the right to “beyond the scope of human endeavor,”
i; . I I .. abuse. illiteracy). poverty, racrsm. and the change. Successful prevention occurs only life of all human beings, from the With a properly designed and executed AGRi
.' . . other soc1al ills. lthink not. when you search for the causes Of the moment the egg and the sperm unite. sample survey, an accurate assessment Of
I, l i ' You must search for the underlying poverty. Child abuse. etc.. Of Wthh you Your Statements concerning eggs and sentlmen‘ can be had Within a WCCk. Ch
L . . . ' . 4 . , . . 9 .
f ', I' " W causes 0f these conditions. attempt [0 spoke. and take pOSlIlVC steps 10 stunt spgrms separately developing mto human I ll be glad t0 COHSU" Mth anyone AG‘lliuI:
" . . 7'. , ; ' eradicate them, and prevent their their growth and development. beings are quite questionable, since that W‘Shmg to conduct web a survey.
j , ~ . " reoccurrence. Should not the concern of phenomena '_3 a biological impossibility. Lynn Roy MOI.“
' ' I all people be to seek out and destroy the As a human being and as a social BUt‘ considering your extensrve ASSN“, Professor ofStatlstIcs
. ' ‘, conditions that make life dehumanizing worker, you must continually ask “why". baclsground m. biology and ,ZOOIOgy,‘ I (EDITORS NOTE All letters ’0 the
.I to the child and to the adult? Eventually, your enlightened mind will iiriieth not remind you 0f "“5 seientific Editor must bea maximum of250 words.
' . ' A ff , l h dl' h grasp the root causes 0f 50W” ills and ' ' double-spaced typewritten and the writer AGns
' , re ou e ectlve an in t e ‘ . - . . . .
reventize as ect of societal illsb gur 'n enable fyiiu, With youhr IerOW man, to Mm Ellen Rodman must Identify himself W'th h” year and cure
p p y 3' 3 success u y prevent t 3" reoccurrence. Graduate Student. Social Work classification.)

 .I .
THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL, \Vt‘tlnl'stlily.()it.130, lll7l _. 'l
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9 gree pro ems 1t SHIRTS — 1/2 PrIce.’ is -
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111 S CCCh t0 fraternltles g [A 3? - * ' '
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to , . .
'dl . . . E5 - I ’ - ‘ V
By DAVID HUN'IlER the relationship between the Later, relating several attacks 33 . , '
Kernel Staff Writer I University and traternity