xt7pk06x0r8d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0r8d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1960 Vol.27 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1960 Vol.27 No.3 1960 1960 2019 true xt7pk06x0r8d section xt7pk06x0r8d .Wwi ' , ,«’ 3 ‘ " 2, 4‘ 4'.-w‘3‘5%:?”/'34 4 " 1'
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I I 1‘ III I‘ 1 I I I);:-’:trflc}’l and Illecfgcg’he Canoilsdofioits adver' efl‘Ol‘t 10 Cxe‘ltel-icd boys and gIrl thC field jumped III/(:24 instead 01 90 /I>- (161111“de 511165 tax 1(
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II I ‘ II [I IL (111050555 5“ ,Joxgs the It affirms , 10961” W1(1 .1 'md to u g "11011 was m.;1(1VCTm 3 mm”
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‘III I“ I I‘ II “SH/lg ”fruit: ""d” the grad?” ‘0 frazk’rgzncts of lou‘mflhwC -1[[€l](1 the P1 €55 Contributc brand I‘M“: of lmsincss‘ . -1gP N01 III Walters, s€C1
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III; II I IEI 1 equality of of;l,IticiI’“tion m ”1'58” It 1,511?va news and laclll tin‘ and, 6. To 536 t of our Imumfactlllé I Not 1116 dealer becallSCII 1150 show 11m
III II ‘ III - dividual to fiFi'cedO’" of-thlemedium for "136: Press and Bu 6 [hr enlightenmen and (”I (-0.5le ,1 the Consumer! bodyhad used by WN‘
IIi I III‘ II III‘ 1 guarantee 0 e]. as a 11““ mmumty e - [he truth _ .1 .. 0 thing IV , That Same , )eratm
I “ I 1II “I I11 - the "cu/spa?! ”d cultural ‘0 PrlnL - 11% our P 165‘) ““m 16 Lr'll) f‘” ‘6” hard C01“ II" “16 0‘
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‘I‘II I I II I econo‘mc't 55nd Iflog’e‘s' (1112611 .111 keep these mo “er heights (111d bolls for the a(1\’¢ru‘)m§r misleading facts lnI llhR L s“
‘1 11 1‘. .I a 1 men _ 11‘ we ‘ _ , '11 glre2 . , , to 10 pay “108' b'nilion Gu' ‘21 '
I 1, ‘5 , 111' ‘; 1/60” . - Inc. A . wll :ittzll . . real; 514K? . -. c 01 111C _ ‘ . a com 1‘ I 1
I“ I I I I“ I melatlon, Assoclflwm I (:6 h] rzlismg 0m 1; n'ltiOYL yet 1‘ ‘5 0:119 'lhswgr heS 1n rs whodianI will be 011113
1'11 : ‘12“ .‘ n . ‘ - " .~ e I
“ | ‘ II I I ‘II I I KentuCky president N ws Fult0n grekltel milue , the leaders of the busmm‘s’ . s The n1a1111[‘1('tu:11c economlfi' the future of
mil-II; 1I:I',I - , e ; ‘ . 11' . n~ . , I -
'II 1 I 1 ‘ I sis f = , u1 Westph‘slmg Fulton County a Place “mo 5 . ‘0 ' ()1 two II“ g! [or it, An“ 1 ctlollpflld 11011 ““111 th
‘1! I 11 I 13 ‘1; ‘1 f I a . sident rea t , ‘ he 1““ "11 PI-(x 11 'dCD
99,1in Iv -“ :1 Adam Vwe—Pre red Citizen! Be . , Bi” :ulve‘I‘ '116 by incl‘ci‘”1 g Vice presl .
III; II ‘1‘: :I III ‘1 I V Foster B5 er rflse . Ie Possl ) , IIII U111“
1‘ * I 1 1 3% I ‘1 ‘ ' ta .Manag . ton . T0 AdVe 655 mM '~1ril)11“°“I ' of the
13" y: I I, I I » .I R portmann’ Sew}?t KTZntucky’ Lexmg ’nght F 1‘ Next Congl‘ is 1'01‘ it; 3 '1 ham in (115 .1 distribu‘ Sigma Delta
n1 ‘11F . - . . ' .~n z1.- ‘5‘ ( .- I
II “1 I I I II I Vlc‘0r Unwemty? Committee Planned 0 , It to A(1vert15€ 1‘5 I “NIVCI‘UW‘g ‘ '11 1110 increase 1 1 prom" 1116 member
1I I" I ‘1 >11 ‘ uthe . News, ' ~ “ng'1 . ‘15 Hex . ~ ‘ [111‘0118 - THIS“
:I ‘1 1:1 1 1 - ' Exec Czt ‘ , . 1e 101 ' ,, 55 at 1 .. . (1 101 . . A 111C .
"I II II II II ‘ DIStrlCt B Gaines’ Park Willyiam T‘ "111C bdttbe [flux] 10 Conglg Sobi'lte gen- IS PM (1 [he sle‘“g5 [11" [1011. .
a“ 111:1, ;; . _ - . - ( . 25 ,r t . H] _ y,
‘ III: III II; ; 1 chairman, 1:2“ (Fourth), Fgfiyville: Second: Won WIHI Morton 1- Simon, 1 Icr'rtioll (,1 11011 1 keg Posmble' I IncludCd 1
MIMIII ,‘ i . e ‘; . -' - .- I «‘J‘ , - 21- ,-
I“E“ II ‘1 I! ‘ : Bowllng Gr County Herald’ Central on." 30351011: 5““ Advemsnlg r“ . 17ert18- [1011 I“ 1.: ;:: gram 11111 be
‘I: I III II ‘ I " ‘ Davis” Lyon Messenger.ArguS: journal) “NW 1 (01111581 “I ‘ mu (“1. VT) “( I r 1 ’I‘ " thtie LU" Supplies and
“1 I; ‘ i 11 -, . ' - ‘fl ' ‘ , -. ~s 21' 115$ ‘ . ~ -
11:1 LI '1-1. Stone: . r courier mouat, CI _ . .1 Hunting V use legl . , 10 1\ . III I.
» "= 1‘ 1a :. Larry - ummlsa ’ ' ble De --1 m ‘ . - zuhcr 1' mom I mssIOI 1 311111
.11 :1 .11 ‘1 1 I I; - d Basil ca 11 Tm" - Le- Anlerlc“ rtnght l0 . my, ‘ raw “ , (,oml fem“ I
i I: i" ‘i 4 Th” ’ nk 0 Be ’ EnteTpr'se’ ~)cech- ‘ slate agC Our “mg ‘ [ment as - 11110“ - 1e
I H I 1%! , , , Fifth: Fra Trotter, grcur'y’ -] ,‘ club 51 that 110 _ ._ e- W 'IPP‘m‘ . 1110119" 11111 precfl
IIII ‘; :1 1: III .‘ I vllle‘ . 1h George . er, Jr” M _ 11 E, Intrautee ' . "11 11m11, T . r 011 hel < _ of PU ) ’ WI ~
3311, I: I H 1 HI f; g Redford; Six h’ warren R- Fls_h III Common mm would 3 ‘ 01111111531011 (11 , ‘ ided 111116 , Department Henr)’ AS The Satul
' I; I} "1 ‘I ‘ III. ‘ banon: sevent 12 George JOPIm T 'Norris, Jr" I 6111 board 0‘ L Idvel‘tising’ PWV . of the state f Miss Hclcn 1111011561111 1 Pregf
'51:: . . .' - . r< ' .- . r: 115 .~ 11 0 ‘ urc< annua '
‘= Iv I1 ‘II 1"” ”= 11516, By” ’ ' th Iames rlCC K' )1! mhlblt “HI . a ()I‘ ProduC sClCLtlo r )llbllc Pall? .
“9‘1. 1‘ ' I lII‘é Car Somerset? NI" .’ Tenth: Ma“ r 5 strain or 1’ , -1-v hum”ess . 1vcr- her ‘ 1 the me“ I “Inna“: Kentucklan ‘
II‘II I I‘ I I “III wealth; dent AShlanC-l‘ 1 sborOi State-”£114“ f .’ ‘ 1’ [11:11 the 111(IUSI I qud that the ‘K :IssislilnI' II , )itoly Paul B_ . ed 10 [hf I I ne of
VIIII.‘ $1 1. 1 :II:1 } [1111617671 'I’ News, Mldd e 1) News) leer Y] "n ). ~1 in [hat 51am ‘ _ 2111 author' . LhC SLaLC Cal V‘s re—asslgn £1.“ng “IS 0 _
III“ I‘ I I II“ ‘ Hemy’ Dairihard Casey ““303 State 10”“; itself legd thfu] ” said Slmon‘- )roblems "I 1- 1e publisher, w 1nd [11¢ GO‘ EI the meeting.
‘ 1 “ 1 »’ ’ ’ , A 1 1 -, -- 1 ., I ,2 . .
i" I I‘ 15 II“ Fred J1 221g“: 5, 0. Va; 511137651. d mt, Thomal [is-mg he trlt egearch Spccmllsl ‘I. {necessary (Mr 15W“ (4.011111115131011. n of" (:harlelsltifs Entertalnh
EIII ’I I I ‘fII I Stafikzort‘ ImmedtlltederaLexingtom lecturer (11“ r “Such legislauon 1: H an in~ gull (I the res‘gndwl is- PubIISher 11 I Thursday ev
HI ‘ I ‘ ' 41‘?! ‘ . ea J . ‘ . ', 1 ' ) '21 . _. LC ‘ 11 v. , _
“I I I I I I" I 11: Adams’ Herald LP 655 Serv1ce, InC- of “(Ivclllblmgtising is needcd nOIhe entire «(61) “7110 returm [0 New Warm“ I the 1ad1es an
I’ I 1-1‘ I ' t I ' k 1' . ’l( vel‘ x Lcct ' . Adth, . ‘ 11ty “ . .
v :, 1 i s » . 1111!: y Iecausc ‘ . 10 Pro , 1n 1 ‘ ,[m (.011 1 Frrday
II 1 I 11 ‘ 1 Kel . widen! denburg ) . - . 11 but fidenCC ) (,ulla I sup.
I , .I , I I - an [56 on 1L _
‘IIIII‘ I : II‘1I Iames M- wrth’ Pr Messenger’igznt (“way 111 l onomy. LOSS of c1 ,15 People on [I a: ,5 1" "‘ [ospedI cocktall Pa“
1‘; I 1 g; g _-'1 . i . , - Pres . ' ~;111 CC ,- )rezli ‘ . .
I' II“ E j ‘1 I I I 1 wilson, First Vwivgws, Hardmsburg Amer“, . l 15 not as uldeSI the whiPng . roachlllg a Ipesensl'I‘ lowed by a.
II IIII 1 l 5 I1} 1 George II ’ Heraldinresident .11 ”(Ivenlslng ‘tising Cannot bC lustrii‘l 01‘ 316311121“ 111 appdi lte favomb IJUI'i firms and 1]
‘ww! 1 . e , I . .' - . ( I . ‘c 'r
IIIIII‘ I‘i I 2:1 ‘ [Roach’ Second ’32:”), News, shelb)’v1 think- NW” 1 us from other an A1: ch'ltC 2111 111111;?th prospectnIfingIII will sponsor
We‘ll“ , I 11» . C '- ‘ZIC‘ ‘ v C K . V I
» aims-1 1 I 1 ~ Ben“ Manage" , to dish 511011 11d 0 “pea . . e
IiI‘ILI1I 1:1 1 I I0 Secretary" in [on ho) . . ,, ' . the ml , by :1 _ , '. [he enIo)m
I L {III III III“? I. R. Pol‘tmaf‘n’ _ of Kentucky, Lex g 11mth 1118- * u- t1011 111 ' an bC donC . CurlOSlII _
1111511 , .I Vlctor Umvemty s Loo as * 1 1ovement for 11861 T1113 C fit 1nd to 1118 sions.
“1 1‘1 '1“: I ' r ' A 11 1:1 ' c
i, .u II, , recto , nc a c . 31.0
I‘-I III II III ‘ - Board Of DlAdvocate-Messenge:’ If you can’t get bchlum-ty the least you his dCSer for I
:11 If‘ ,1‘ II‘ Swain, demon New I he Comm ’ -
I; I I} . . 1t.
‘ I ‘i‘ I III:. Chairman’ Ens? E, Caruso“, AnDafly News; thC gOOFI 0f t It from 111 front Of ‘
1 E a 1 w ville: Rum y ice Hemy’ Pro rm 10 15 get OI
1 I m 1 1 “ Dan - Miilur - - ham, g cal] C
‘1‘: LI I5 ‘ Lawrenceburg‘ Niles 0' Dlnmgio
III I ‘ I Middlesbor": gs. Officers ex-offif '
"V . 1 l ‘ 1n , ,
', ‘: 3' ‘ 1 son SPr
11 3‘: : ‘ Daw
, ' NE 1 1
II} ,
‘ “INII‘EIII ' ,7
. III‘I‘I‘I‘I‘IIII‘II ¥ 7 ~
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“1“ EH 1:, . I ¥

 . 3 3
. .33
:ved throng“ ,3 3
questirm "“33 33,3 .
old one buimi . k . . . . h . h 333
3:553:33 Prominent Spea ers, SOCiaIIZIng To Hig lig ’r Meet 3
at question, 3 Highlights of the 92nd mid-winter meet- Overall, it looks like a most informative Newburg,3Kentucky Corn Pudding, Chicken 3
till 50111681433313, ing of the Kentucky Press Assocxation Will be and entertaining program. Advance regis- Tetrazmni, Assorted Cheese, Salami and _
nd this Doweiii‘, addresses by prominent: nationally known tration should be made immediately so as to lsi‘aiiiisweiger, Macaroni Salid, Green 3Bean 3.
ory that explaii speakers. Heading the list Will be Jules Du- amid the conf‘usxon of this detail during the Salad, l'riiit Salad, Tuna Salad, Pickled 3
0w. 13015, Chief of the Liltlll American Bureau meeting. Beets, Spiced Cauliflower, Cole Slaw, Cot- 3
vere three mm [01‘ the Chicago Tribune, a Cuban corre- 3As an added inducement for the early ar- tage Cheese, Marinated Herring, Imported ‘
1nd COmpetitiiii, spondent far over 111- years. He was a prin- rivals on Thursday, heres the menu for the lsristling Sardines, Stuffed Celery, DeViled 3
Manufacturin. cipal speaker at the annual National Edi— buffet luncheon that should please the most Eggs, Pickles, OllVCS: Garden Relishes, Aspic
the three 11103333 [orial Association meeting in h'llllncapolis. enacting gourmet’s demands: Roast Round Mould, Spiced Fruit, Assorted BreadS, A5-
e day one 03ch His Friday luncheon address Will be on the of Beef, Lyonnaise Potatoes, Seafood :1 la sorted Dessers, and Assorted Beverages. 3
advertise. H3 U, S. and its relations in Latin America, :3
rand recognim especially Cuba. ——-—'——-——' 3
1ce and broads Backing ti) Dul’iois will be William 3]. W h' t W 't Sh I f ’ t 33 3.
:1 year his Slit ocrtel, segcretlary-maiiager of the Ohio News- as lng On rl er OWS n rlngemen S 3333
aseld production Paper Association, on the topic of restrictive l _ j 333 3 3
sta 1 new, man 16 islation. Oertel has lead a successful fight 0 Th P pl R ght T K 3 3 333 3.
cut Pl‘oductin: ingOhio against restrictive advertising legis— n 6 e0 6 S l 0 now 3 3i
1eir retail [”336 lation WlllCll has resulted in present laws in The following article by Robert Crater, 1951 opened the books for public inspection 3 3, ,
figuring profi: 131?“ state against societies, commissions, and Scripps-Howard writer, points up a minor in states which passed laws to prevent misuse ‘ 3
30/03 ““3 (M333 HECHCleS restricting advertising by prof’es» infringement on the people’s right to know: of the information. 33 3‘
090' Brand m sioual groups. WASHINGTON*Newspapers seeking out “T his generally has resulted in the worthy 3 ‘
t the.d.enmdb3 311365 tax 1.0513335 and uses Will be discussed (iliiselers in the new medical aid for the aged needy being assured of aid to the exclusion , - 3_ 3
lvertismg iiiiiii3 on Friday morning by \tlilliam J. Scent, program will be thwarted by a congressional of chiselers and has also served as a check on , .
rtising? Not 3333 3333th commissioner 30f fichemfctl 3:22:11 iJa roadblock. They will not be permitted to maladministration of the Act,” Smith said. ’3
iler—he (33d 333‘ which WNR novides tlie weeklies and will Coi1gicss,3in3 a 3113tte-note3actit3)ii) 3,115 supi- [(313 the aged program m Its secrecy decmon' 3 33
mer, because 33‘ '30 show thell'itest film )resentation bein 111er,3hung A (1131mm (.fi seeiecy pctween [.16. Thanks to the 1991. Jenner Amendment, 3 '3 i
3‘ somebodyhtd 335233 b' WNR (VV'ilters ii 110w cli'tirm'in ogf PUth and aid POOH. The[(e;:1510151 “as states still have the “g’iht to open up 33001.“ .3 ‘
thard,coldizitt3 the 0) 33 . 3' 3 ‘ 3' 1 ‘ ‘ f lllflde behind (5105(11 (30015 0 “6 enate of such programs as aid to dependent cliil- 333 3
_ 3 . 3 .. peiating committee anc treasurer 0 l‘lllflllCC Committee, agreed to by the House drcn, the blind and disabled. 3 333 3
’10ddmg33m33333 WNR. . and signed into law by President Eisen~ 3 3 33 1
iirerfilTifririiiiii313 Guy Easterly, LaFollette (Tenn) Press, hmyer, ___.___.__.____ 3 3 ’3
the ecouomlr' Will be on hand Saturday morning to discuss “It was felt that a person’s medical prob: Menifee County Journal 3 3333 3,3
_ 3 the future of the National Editorial Assoc1a- lems shouldn’t be exposed to the public, ' , _ , , 3 " ‘3'33 .
PrOdumonlluf tion with the group. Easterly is presently said Charles Hawkins. Hawkins is assistant L'bel SUIl‘ Dismissed : 33 3
distributiounfll3 \-lCC president of NEA, an honorary member to Commissioner William Mitchell of. Social A $120,000 libel suit against the Menifee 333 3333 ‘3
ease in (“5333333333 of the University of Kentucky chapter of Security Administration, which administers County Journal by the Menifee County :33; 333 3:
creased WM 533351113 Delta Chi and, for many years, an "IC the program of medical aid to persons 65 Board of Education and county Superin- 3 i3 3
‘ 3 [Ive member of. the Tennessee Press Assoc1a- and older. tendcnt has been dropped after being before ;3 ‘IE ,3
tion. ‘No Such Result’ the court since February, 1958. 3 ,: 1
3 Included in the Saturday morning’s pl‘O- The American Newspaper Publishers As— The suit grew out of a charge by the Jour- 33. ,
[155 Carrie LOH gram W331 be P2111015 811d roudtablcs on OlfiCC sociation, in a letter to Chairman Wilbur nal, edited by Jerry Ringo, that school rec- ,3 '
,s Commission“ “ Supplies and the future pOSSihilltiCS 0f the Mills of the Ways and Means Committee, ords were not made available to a group of‘ 3 3
ublicity,flntlo“3 central printing office. Committee reports said similar excuses were made by welfare citizens from the county. The following ‘3 f
3 Henry as [itr3 “333 precede the election 0f officers. officials when other federal-aid programs week the Journal reported, the Citizens . 3 .
: relation setup- The Saturday luncheon will feature the were started during the New Deal. group was allowed to inspect the records
Brannan, Pai‘iiv Annual presentation of KPA’s Outstanding “Opening the records has produced no they wanted to3see. 33 3 33 3
signed to tilt Kentuckian of the Year award. This is al— such result, but on the contrary has served Since the original (late of the litigation, 3 33333
3 the vaernor ways one of the most popular happenings of to eliminate from relief rolls many who by some of the members30f the school board 3 3 3
of" Charles E3 the meeting. no stretch of imagination were entitled to have rCSigned, or their term of .office ex- 3‘3
)ublisher (11111633 EntErtainmcnt will be plentiful, as usual. relief,” ANPA Ceneral Manager Stanford pned. The suit was dismissed With preJu- ' 333333 3
3,53 warsaw. 3. Thursday evening will have a reception for Smith wrote Chairman Mills. (lice, meaning it cannot be reopened, 3 33333 3
3 the ladies and buffet [01. the entire member- “Certainly, it can be amply demonstrated _ __-__._____ 3 .3 3.
3 Ship- Friday evening’s lighter side will be a 311?” newspapers have shown no deSire “3131‘“— 3 3 33 3'3
iiig a WWW-33 COthall party and the annual banquet fol- SOCVCY t0 imbhsh these llStS In an 650“ t0 3 Charles E. Adams, publisher of the Galla- 3 3 .3 3
favorabiesenll'l‘ lowed by a floor show and dance. Several humiliate, and that welfare officers have not tin County3News, Warsaw, has reSigned as .3
3rospeCllVe 133"" firms and individuals have indicated they been thronged by the curious. executive director of the State Tourist and 3 3 33 i
,y appealing 3‘33 will sponsor the usual hospitality rooms for Excludes Chiselers Travel CommiSSion, a post which he has ,3 3:3
llS curiosityfi the enjoyment of those attending the ses— The secrecy argument by welfare officials held during the past year. Adams was presv 3 333 ;
5301153 prevailed until the Jenner Amendment in dent of the IxPA in 1956. 3333 33
3 i

 ”’111‘111 1
1 1‘ 11 ‘ - DECEMBER 1960 DECEM‘
1 1 1‘ 11 1 1 l
1 1 1 {1 1 ,1
11 11111111111111. PAGE Two 1
1. 1 1 i .‘ ‘ . - ' I
1.1 1' 1.1 1 ‘ 1 . . 4 Californw'l
11' .1 1», ' l t I 60 Ites
11 1 1 i 1 Re U 0
I1 1 1
1- 11 11-1 ' tor Reveals C ircu a ton Gains I l 9 110,11
, a e irec 1
i1 111 11 1 ‘1‘ ‘ 1. . >1 . red from a semi-Weekly [0 a stion trime 111mm“
'1 1 11 ' 1 - 1 Rate loseph Howard, publisher; and the planned 11 ‘15 (11111110 1. . Thomas E Preston 1' 1dic’dl publll
11. 1 1 .1 1 The 1961 Kentucky Directoin ant I . 1F. kfort Crusader, Frankfort, Joe Oglesby, er weekly C(ltlon. . C1b' con. 0 '10 ota
11 1 1 B k 'ust released from the printer, indi— iailI 1, 1 ‘tand that a new week- solidated the Cynthiana Log Ia In andTheI meallllb d
111 ‘1 111‘ 110 111 t l’cntucky newspapers made a gain 1mb11811er1 111C mic 11151 ' Achir county but DemOCl'flt 11“" one PUblicatlon under 1111 (1011“ by 111
131 1 ‘- catestia \ ‘ , ,. ,...I 5161 111 t .‘ n
1111111 11 1 E901 in 1960 Circulation figures over 19591 11 11115 been £5111"): - tion concerning the name of The Democrat. Thomas Purdom Ana, CiililorII
11111 1 111 1 O {/0 1 1 1 gain 0f 51% in the Pa“ 11110 1111118 no (11116111 111 0111111 changed the name of the Tribune-Dentin The case ii.
. . 1 ; c a 021 ‘ - . . -. - ‘ . , . ~
1|i1 11 1 ‘1 1 1n Circulation quoted in the new Direc— 1’111’11C‘1t10n1 {[set The (‘l‘Elt Mt. Olivet, to The Robertson Coumv 11511611 01 the;
1 1 ‘1 1 l 1 c t . . , . . . .. .: . , .’ . ,
1111 11 11 111 1 1 1611s 1 Metro )olitan group—Cowngtom 10“ hewsl’dlmls (hanged 1O 0 131' l r: News. George Trotter purchased the Marlon nwaided m]u
111 1 1 101111101 11c and 110i1isville—shows a daily GhngO‘V Times, Carroll K111301311: Pu 11351121 F’llCOll and consolidated it with the Lebanon D3117 News 01
1 11 1‘1 “ 1 sexmg Olly < ‘ . . r . - 1 ourna ‘l'CIlCl “1 : ‘ . f‘ 1 US
11‘1' '- 1 . . ~ . r editiOliS, he Menifee Count) J ’ _ : . ,- 1 mi, 1011
1111111111: ,1 '1‘ 1 circulation of 539,419 and Sundl) f ‘ ublishel“ The Greenville LntelPHSC' . 1 1'11 NewS"
1 ‘ 111‘ ' =111 1 1 I , .- «ton and Louisville, of 415,313. Jerry Ringo, 1) , "l .. 'nd The Kerby Jennings, Murray Democrat, Dai) I I
1111 1111 1 1‘1 1 1 101mb ' 1 '1, rou twenty-[“10 Leader, Andy Anderson, Puth 1&1 (1 .1. -cd his tri-weekly editions to a six-(lav which VOIEKS
111 111 1 11'1 1‘ The community (1111 g d 1l1 ircuhtion \Iountain Eagle Whitesburg, Thomas E. L tang ‘ The Oran:
11 i1 :,,‘- - - , ,1 c c 1, t t , . .- 1.
1.11 111111 1; 31 1 : newspapers: indicate a total 1 Y I . II 1_ l . These changes bring a total daily. . . . 909 is form:
1 1‘11111 1 1 f 17378 Eleven, with Sunday editions, Gish, pub isiei. . t te the 0111116131111) changes include the purchase 1 1 : .
1 1111111 1111111 0 1‘1 101111 circulation 0112114811 Commu- Of six offset newspapers 1r11 theFS a 1 ub of the Critteiiden Press, Marion, by Evert News, but, 1
g 1‘11 1 111 mar’ a < ‘ _ . , . _ . ' Arc iie r e: P ' _ 1 .. ,- rial inc
‘1‘1 1 1 111' 11 1‘11 1 ‘ iit weeklics and semrweeklies mark a total GemgetoWH Grapth: t yRichard Mick lroni Charles E. Peppel, the GreeniilltI long 1 “'I
1 1111111 1 1‘ 11 lition of 324 150 Total circulation of lisher, 311d The Jefferson RePOt er, tab Leader by Andy Anderson from Charles 11‘1- m1)’ name,
1 - I 1 :1 ~ g y ‘ . ' CS ' ‘ 1
1 11111111 1 111 Cilaiate newspapers for any one day reaches and LeWIS Conn, lmthhers’ were T’lleI' and associates; and the Bath Conan the Orange1
5111‘, '1 a st " ‘ . I ~. _- ‘ , . loutt
11.1111 11 :11 - 1034347 subscribers, or one subscribei for 1151ied earlier. (1 h NewsIOuthOk: Owingsville, by Russell L. tlirIquEiSIlorIeI
111111 111 CVCTY three inhabitants. Based on house- The Leslie County News, Hyden, flhI the Metz from Paul I. Lewxs. . I d11n the e'
1:1 1111211 1 1-1 holds Kentucky newspapers reach almOSt Manchester Courier, Manchester, ceaset pu 1 Some changes were made 111 111111011111 1111 115e e1 ads or
.tl:1‘n 511 ’ -, _ _ .. .,. 1 - .- » ' ' nous : , .
1111'111; 1; 1;: 1 one newspaper per family- . 1 l lication. verttsmg rates, JuSLlfiCd by the cum zIttionI IIIII hs Like
.1111 1 111 1 - NeWSPHPEY changes during 1960 111C “(1‘13 Consolidations include the PUTChase 011 increases, but, on the whole: the na1101111 11111111the shor
1 1 1 i 1 11 1 A . . 4 ( . , ' I - T14 i
11111 1 111 1 the publication of three new papers, a the Lincoln County News which was con- rate structure was maintained. The (0111 5mm) us
‘ 11 i . ’ ' . . , . ‘ ‘ (Oil 1 1 1
1;1 i 1 I 311 1 ‘ weeklies: The Letchei County Commumi’l Solidated with the Interior Journal by Rich- pOSite rate [Oi the metropolitan newspaperIt1 (hettisers I
:1 i 1 . ‘1 ' . ‘1 _ . I 1 ' ' ' i1 ' ' 1 i
1 111 ‘11 11; 311 I Press at Cromona, Charles Whitaker, pu ard Ferguson publisher, and the Journal is $1.42 per line [01 thc (laily editions, $10 lere the ne
1 ': i1: 1 ' _ 1 ' ‘ 7 . . . ‘ '
1111‘; 11;; 1i l : lisher' The Earlington News, Earhhgton’ [or the Sunday editions. Composne rate for iiiIIS brou 111
11 1i 1 1 1 1 :111 '1 11 1 i y , . ¢ ' ' 1
11‘111 111 ‘13; q the community dailies, daily and Sunflfli G n€\\§3'
W: 111 1 1 ..——__————-— I I I I I I I IIOIIC I I
111 1111 11 1" editions identical, is $1.705 per 11116. 1
1111 1 11‘ 1 COr r ed C 't rate [or the weeklies and 5611111 €911 place-nan
=11 111 ‘1. .- ,1 . ,om )OSi ‘C c . .1
1'1‘ 1 11:; 1:11 71 Cl k A R g 1 . _ . 1 : 1 Bath News .
1111111 1 1 1’3 i 1 Use Of T” I le 0C 5 e weeklies is $77.81 per lme- ComPOSI‘ecmd‘; VIZ” hm
11111111111 1, I . II . I ., I 1' . I (.~
111‘ 111 .1111 111 11 - (k from a prised. Use the 100s wheel clock because [ht 01 all hentucky newspapers, chilies a; muse gboth n
1111111 '11 1111 111 The [CHOWing pointers are 111- en ' b miute wheel clock takes too much time to Weeklies, totals $77.87 per line, or $1,131-01 I‘I db siness
1111111111111 1 111 talk given by ArChi€ HICkS1 can/ion”? Eu compute ’li‘l(l the 10’s wheel can lose you five per column inch. Accordingly, an advertiser,1 11te -fi l1111 O
’ t 1.11 1.‘ . _ . ssocia ion: ‘ . . , : d ”across speo ca y
. ‘1‘1‘111 ‘5 1:1 ‘ lisher befme the Oiegon Press - . . -1 'k ,1 r -l to lace .i ten-inch a
1 . I a c 0c ing. it 10 “is 165 P a
1 111 1;; 1 .1 1I1 _ . . rofit- rO- miniitEs on . .. the name Tl
11111111111 ‘11 111 1: . Commercial Pnhtmg can be a Pfind pout EQitors and publishers all know the valuC the line”, would be charged $11,339.30- Grove )21)€I"
‘ 11:1;1 1 1:11: ' duccr 01‘ a Pamme—you hale 1(1) - b side of pictures and the bit about Piaures bcmg advertising that would bring “3511115- 1 - md cniis<13d C
1 11.1. . - ' ' ntie O . , . ‘ ., ,- tic i <
1111 ‘11 1 11 : wthll yours 15- Five Pomters O J worth a lot of words “Pphes equally 111611 to "lhc Kentucky Press 861111 1CC1 111616111111“ 1 The court 1
1111111 11 ‘1 11 1 I try to {0110111 are: 1 management records. Use graphs and charts first eleven-months period of 19 1 1d1 unfair busing
1111' . - - 2t ‘ ‘ . . .- ,. - . ' an s -
1 1 1 111 . 1 111. : 1. Charge to Prlhtmg department 111 to <4ch van a Quick PICture of 110111 business. Phwéd 11166128293 “1 “11110111111 reglomiiers
1 1 1 .1 1 1: 1 . . . . , . . ,- . . . . ., 1 . . __
11111.1 «11111:: which is printing. . b 1 Establish a good relationship nith youi state advertlSlllg in Kentucky 1161151110111
1111111111 1111 2~ U50 equipment sulted 10 1h? JO SIYOI b'inker whether YOU HECd him or not. Edu- Final payments for the year should appr. Women 111
: ‘1 l‘i 1 1 . . ' . 1 - l 1 ' « ' 1
11iI 1 111 1 get or get Jobs suited to )our CQL1113n?:n , 1 (ate him about your busmess problems and mate $180,000. . b for 1 when pullng
1 J ' -1 1 1 1. . . I u 1 c . v
1 111 1 1 1 '1 I 3. Don't compete Wllh the houseWI 6 11111 needs rind keep him informed Of your finan- The Directory and Rate Book will eI I II 1 __
11-11 1 ‘1 1 . . - . - ,1 ntion in ' ‘ . . 1 . . -’ -' vertlSm
11111111 1 1 1 1 ,1 ; a duplicating machine type of 0136 'i cial position. You “1111 find thlS effort well warded to national and regional adThisiIil Dix Winstt
11111; 11 i 1111 1 her field. , . . Ion er spent when you do need his help. agencies and important advertisers. I repnv. torial staff of
11111111 1 1 11 1 4. Don’t keep machinery that is no g —.——————- formation, which took many hoursdo PI ing been appoint
1’11;,1 . . . _ . ', - in averis
" 1 1 1 ' . ' ducm ' ~ - 1' . ub- , ; conducne to increas g .
1 131,11 1. 1,: 11 1 1310 g . . d mtive and non-produc- Mark 11. Ethridge, ‘lCC presrdent and I1) ration, isI )ers especialll State Parks I
111111 1 3 1 1 g 5. Determine pio t < l'sher of the Courier-Journal and TimeS, lineage in our state newspal 11b monel
111.1: . '11 ‘21 ' . .- it . . .. ‘ - d a or- . —
1' ‘1 1 .1‘ 1' . 1 time- - ’ (n - - convenience an
111111: 1 11111 1 1 1116 ' - ' estment on was named this month as Louisv1lles ma through theI . . dvertising ag€ii1 Among th(
11 11 1t 1 1:15: a A time clock is the best 111V IYI E the 16“" by the Advertising Club of sawngs that is influencmg a ‘11 one- W I
11111 3 31.1 can make. Install it or them under the 1n- i . 1156 ‘ « cies in using the one-order, One-blI 1 nnd1 e y: tIto aCIt
twat 3 1 ‘ 5;: ‘ . , .OUISVI . ‘ ‘ ce x ortn n
:111'1111111 in? 1 surance” excuse (that is, to prove a person . check plan of Kentucky Press SeerAdIIIII telEvisi g 1
“"1113‘ 1 .1 ‘ . ' ‘. ' , on an
11 I 1 1 11111 was actually working at the time of an acci ___.—-——— Weekly Newspaper Representatlges 21 51111.1 tiger of r