xt7pk06x0q53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06x0q53/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1903 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Lexington, KY Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Trinity Church, Covington, Ky., October 17-18, 1901. text Minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Trinity Church, Covington, Ky., October 17-18, 1901. 1903 1903 2019 true xt7pk06x0q53 section xt7pk06x0q53 2.1-. - ,5 . ‘ .
. i OF THE
Thirteenth Annual Convention
’ OF
The Kentucky Egual
fl Rights Association
.' Trinity Church
. Covington. Ky.
, October l7=18, 1901
i 5 “If Ye Abide in My Word * * * Ye Shall Know
' the Truth and the Truth Shall Make you Free.”
- , 5243 Mt" ,
l K419 :aNWERSttY of KEN‘lthKY
' , 3 5th _ ,.,, a . 1903.

—or— ‘ V
MISS LAURA CLAY .. ....................Lexington, Ky.
A First Vice-President. ‘
MRS. MARY B. CLAY........... . ........................Richmond, Ky.
Second V ice-President.
MRs. IVIARY CRAMER Lexington, Ky.
. T lzird Vice—Presidenl. t
Mas. N. S. McLAUGHLIN, 1011 Scott St.......... Covington, Ky. }
Corresponding Secretory. ‘ -
MIss ANNA MILLER......................... . ...........Louisville, Ky. T
Recording Secretary. i i
MRs. EMMA ROEBUCK, 112 West Front St............Newport, Ky.
MRS. ISABELLA SHEPARD Covington, Ky. ' {
Bible Study.
MRS. ELLEN V. GIBSON..... , ........................Richmond, Ky. i
' Press Work. l
MRS. L. C. OBENCHAIN ........................._....Bowling Green Ky.
National Enrollmenl and Pctz'lz'on fVork. . 3
MRS. S. M. HUBBARD........... ....................Hickman, Ky. , j
, lVor/é Among Young People.
MRs. JOHN BURK Newport, Ky.
i Advancement of lVommz’r World. I
MISS ANNA MORGAN .. .................,......Newport, Ky.
I’olz'l'z'azl Sludy. I
MRS. A. M. HARRISON...... ...,...............Lexington, Ky.
MRS. SUSAN LOOK AVERY ..............................Louisville, Ky. I‘
Educaiz'onal Opporlmzitz'es for Women.
MRS. CAROLINE LEECH Louisville, Ky. 5
. .1
' i


T 5:31" -

31:: N 1 N U m E S

if" ‘ o 1: T] I E '

\ 01“ i
_ The Kentucky Equal nghlS Assocntlon,


:1 October 17th and 18th. -
1~ I90l.

‘: THURSDAY, 9 A. M.

.1- Opening Executive Committee Meeting.

:5 The President, Miss Laura Clay in the Chair.

235:" The Committee adopted the following recommendations

9:“ as a plan of work for the ensuing year.

'14 I. That we endeavor to secure for all women in the State

:2 the same privileges of school suffrage now enjoyed by women

‘ in cities of the second class.

we 2. That a conference be held between the legislative com-

~ mittee of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. and the

* legislative committees of the State Federation of Clubs, and

NV ‘ the Woman‘s Christian Temperance Union, that we may co op—

: erate in working for those measures the three organizations

\ are alike interested in.

“1 3. That we work for presidential suffrage for women.

N 4. That we endeavor to secure legislative action making

2” manditory the appointment of not less than three women on

Z the Board of Control of State College.

1‘ 5. That we endeavor to secure any suffrage for tax-pay-

1: ing women that may be constitutional.

5; 6. That we endeavor to secure women on the Boards of

_-~ ' all reformatory, punitive and philanthropic State institutions.

(3‘ 7. That we continue to press the claims of mothers for an

5:“; equal co-guardianship with fathers over minor children.

a? :.. : :Ii- 3'
E 194842 -<=« 52:

 33:51 /( , L
1 \. l
“v, . 7,. ‘ .\ i
( 2 1
f ' ' Morning Session. i
l The convention opened at ten o’clock with devotional ‘
j exercises, lead by the President, Miss Clay. j
,E The Recording Secretary, Mrs. Rose Wiggins being
it absent, Mrs. Alice Carpenter of Lexington was made Record— j
t . ing Secretary, pro lcm.
l The Committee on Credentials was appointed. , j
‘ The conrtesies of the floor were extended to all members
' of Kentucky Equal Rights Association present. l
The printed program was made the orders of the day.

1 The convention enthusiastically welcomed our National

President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, and received much ,
l inspiration from her presence. I
j Mrs. A. E, Ellis appointed to arrange to have Mrs. Catt ‘ l
I address the pupils of the High School Friday morning.
I A number of fraternal delegates from Cincinnati were

introduced. Their presence and assistance in the discussions

added greatly to the interest of the convention.

The reports of the various superintendents were read and

} fully discussed.
; It was voted that we try to secure co—education at the '
i new consolidated Presbyterian College at Danville. The mat—

, i ter was referred to Plan of Work Committee. 1
i It was voted that a special effort be made to secure a ;
l Department of Domestic Science at the State College. 1
. A delightful message of greeting was read from Miss !
“ Anna Miller of Louisville.
, The Convention adjourned.

3 Thursday Afternoon Session. l
The Convention met at 2 p. m. l
After devotional exercises and the reading of the minutes i
of the morning session, the recommendation of the Plan of T
Work Committee were read and fully discussed. ,
, The recommendations were adopted. ,4.
Mrs. Catt addressed the Convention. 5
Mrs. Shrader of Ohio, spoke on How to Promote Interest ‘
in Woman’s Suffrage.

l (3 )
é Mrs. Drucker, Mrs Sachs, Mrs. Snell, Mrs. McCall, Mrs.
i Stanton and Mrs. Walker were introduced and spoke helpfully
1 along the lines of school suffrage.
' A letter was read from Mrs. Geo. Avery, President of
l Federation of Clubs in Kentucky, pledging the hearty co—ope-
‘ ration of the Clubs in the effort to :ecure full school suffrage.
E Fraternal delegates were introduced from the Susan 1’).
i Anthony Club of Cincinnati. ‘
i The Convention adjourned.
i Second Day, Friday, 10 A. M.
E Devotional Exercises conducted by Miss Morgan.
‘ Minutes read and approved.
I The reports of the Treasurer and Corresponding Secre-
tary were made and adopted.
Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennet was reappointed chairman of
Federation Suffrage Committee.
It was voted that it was the sense of the Convention that ‘
the size of the National Executive Committee should be
reduced by dropping the State member.. .
! Is was voted that the Legislative Committee be composed l
t of the general oflicers. .
l The news of the death of our valued friend and coworker, t
‘ Mr. Hubbard of Hickman, was received with sadness and was
I felt as a great loss to the work. The Corresponding Secre— ‘
l itary was directed to send a letter of condolence to Mrs. S. M.
‘ ' Hubbard. ‘
‘ The following pledges for money to carry 011 the State i
work were given: 5
J Mr.GeorgeHandyi..........,,......$8.00
Mrs. Hubbard...i...1.,........., 5.00 l
l Mrs.SallieBennet......1....1.t..,,.. 10.00 i
; MadisonC0.E.R.A.._..H,..M..... 10.00 1
T MissLauraClay.,i_.,....,,t....... 25.00 t
‘ Mrs.MaryB.Clay....,..1.t...,... 600 ;
. NewportE.R.A.....,............... 5.00 . f
A, MrsGiltner........t...,.........1.. 3.00 .
l . Twentieth Century Club . . . . . . . . . ,1 5.00 j
Mrs.\Volcott.....i...._ 1.00 i
'_h l
Making a total of 78.00 i

 l ,
i' l
i The following olficers were unanimously elected. it
E President, Miss Laura Clay. . I
E First Vice President, Mrs. Mary B. Clay. i
f Second Vice-President, Mrs. Mary Cramer. »,
i Third Vice—President, Mrs. McLaughlin. i
i Recording Secretary, Mr. Emma Roebuck. (
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Anna Miller. ;
Treasurer, Mrs. Isabella Sheperd.. i
The following Superintendents were elected. l
i Bible Study, Mrs. Ellen V. Gibson. 1
1 Press Work, Mrs. L. C. Obenchain. .
l National Enrollment and Petition Work, Mrs J. M. Hub— ' E
1 hard. ' i
l Work Among Young People, Mrs. John Burke. '
i Advancement of VVoman’s Work in Schools, Miss Anna
l Morgan.
i Political Study, Mrs. A. M. Harrison.
i Literature, Mrs. Susan Look Avery. ’
5 Educational Opportunities for VVotnen, Mrs. Caroline I
‘ The Auditing Committee reported they found the Treas- l
urer’s report correct.

' i The Convention adjourned. ‘
1 Friday Afternoon. "
‘ Devotional Exercises conducted by Miss Clay.
1' Minutes read and approved. .

Mrs. Mary Light Ogle read an able paper on Taxation. 1
. Mrs. Harriet Brown Stanton of Cincinnati, gave an able l
address urging more intelligent activity on the part of suffra-
ists. . 1
g Greetings read from the Women’s Missionary Union of l
Newport. ’
The following delegates to the National Convention were ’7
Prof. and Mrs. Giltner. Mrs. Gibson. ‘9
Mrs. Obenchain. Mr. Mary Clay. ' 1
Mrs. Trimble. Miss Laura Bruce.
Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Cramer.

i 1
; ( 5 ) -
l, A vote of thanks was tendered the Twentieth Century
I Club for their hospitable entertainment of the Convention, to 3
Miss Zimmerman for her delightful solos and to Prof. La Vas-
l sar, the Pianist. ‘
l The Convention adjourned.
i Night Sessions, Thursday 8 o’clock.
l Miss Laura Clay delivered her Annual Address in which 'i
3 she explained in detail the need of the proposed legislation ‘
i and aroused much enthusiam by her masterly presentation of '
3 the subject. .
i Judge James Tarvin made a happy speech in which he .
5 spoke of the present law relating to the guardianship of chil-
l dren as a blot on our civilization and a relic of barbaristn.
Judge Tarvin gracefully introduced Mrs. Carrie Chapman l
Catt who gave an address of remarkable strength and beauty-
Delightful music was a feature of the evening’s program. ,
1 Friday Night, 8 o’clock. l
I Judge Pryor introduced Mrs. Catt who again spoke to a
[ delighted audience, i
; Circular letters have been sent to every Equal Rights Association in l
‘ the State setting forth plans of work and giving suggestions. ;
Letters were written to friends over the State soliciting contributions i
; to the National Bazaar Work. E
l Much literature has been distributed. I
Dr. Frances \Vood and Miss Clay made a lecture tour over the State f
1 greatly strengthening old organizations and forming new ones. They j
l visited Barboursville and organized with Mrs. M. A. Tinsley as President. l
Lancaster organized with Mrs. \V. 0. Bradley, President; Mrs. Mary R l
’8 Patterson as Treasurer. 1
l They held a public meeting in Richmond. Dr. Woods being sick, 3
3 Miss Clay went alone to Ashland and made an address in the Christian 1
1+ Church. Organized with Mrs. Davis as President and Miss Laura White
, as Treasurer. Dr. Woods spoke in Lexington to a delighted audience. .
Several new members were added. Miss Hallie Herndon arranged for a :-
meeting at Frankfort but no organization was made. Spoke in Arling- 1
ton, Paducah, Louisville, C0vington and Newpart. i
r ,

 E I
, < 6 >
E As a result of the fine work done by Mrs. Obenchaiii and the lectures
that have been made over our State on woman suffrage, we notice a very
'3: marked growth in public sentiment for our cause. Space permits only
E , the briefests resume of the reports from the various associations.
E A liel ful lecture from Dr. Woods. Dues roiii tly aid; literature
, P P P P E
distributed. E
E This Association was organized by Miss Clay and Dr. Frances E.
E \Voods, with the following officers: President, Mrs. \V. 0. Bradley; Vice-
E President, Mrs. Margaret Gill; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary R. Patterson; Sec- E
E. retary, Mrs. B. F. Walter; Dues are promptly paid. E
E l
E Reports the loss by death of their beloved and able President, Mrs. E
E Stanley. They have distributed literature and have encouraged the dis- E
E cussion of women suffrage by the young people in the schools. The T
i membership has been gratifyingly increased and dues paid. Dr. \Voods
E lectured. MRs. M. B. MCCONNELL, Secretary. E
E Reports a membership of 61. Much interest aroused by lectures by Dr.
E Woods. Literature distributed. E
E .
E Reports an increase of 25 members as a result of the work of Dr. \Voods. E
- E Weekly meetings were held. Made special effort to secure a woman’s E
E name on the ticket for Members of Board of Education. Appointed a E
special committee to ascertain what percentage of taxes are paid by ;
women in Covington. MRs. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Secretary. E
E Reports literature distributed and dues roni tl aid, Donation sent E
to Bazaar at New York. MRS. L. OBENCHAIN, President. E
Reports literature distributed and a gain in membership as a result of E
Dr. Woods’ lecture. A large registration of women voters. Circulated E
a petition against the licensing of Vice in the Philippines and obtained a E
- . . . . E
large number of signatures. This petition was sent to l’residet MC- ‘?
Kinley. Miss ANNIE B. MORGAN, Secretary. E
Reports the holding of successful open meetings and a very marked in- E
crease in membership. A committee was sent to Frankfort to request j
Governor Beckham to retain Dr. Louis Bergman as assistant in the East- E
' ern Asylum for the Insane and to promote her to the place of second E
. , E

 7 .
J , (7-)
J assistant. Speeiale‘ffort made to increase the registration of women
J voters. Three thousand registered. Literature distributed. Contribu-
tion made to the National Bazaar. Dr. \Voods and Mrs. Ida Withers
llarrison lectured and much good resulted.
J Miss LAURA CLAY, Secretary.
Pays dues promptly. Increase in membership and in interest.
J Sends dues. Distributes literature. 3
J Sends dues. Distributes literature. J
f‘ Mrs. Lide Obenchain. Bowlingr Green. Superintendent, reports 2H p:i_ J
J pers in our State that publish suffrage articles. These are the leading ones J
J in the State. ITrges the appointment of local press superintendents who ' J
Q. shall co—operate with the State Superintendents Asks friends of suff- J
J rage to help in the work of getting good suffrage matter in the press. J
, Urges Kentucky men and woman to write articles on woman‘s suffrage J
' over their own signatures that their influence may be for our cause. J
J Expresses a special desire that all our college papers may have frequent J
J contributions. Expresses hearty appreciation for valuable assistance J
J received from Mr. Geo. Handy of Ilnrrodsburg. Over five hundred J
J suffrage articles have appeared in the press of our State during the J
past year. J
‘ Miss Anna Morgan, Newport, Ky read a full report showing marked J
J gain all over the world in priviliges accorded to women. J
J Mrs. Caroline Leach of Louisville, Superintendent, reports that in J
the Medical School of the l'niversity of Kentucky, a woman has been J
J admitted with the promise from the Dean that he will stand by her if '
J objections arise. This practically will mean the opening of all Medical J
8? Schools in Kentucky to women
J \Vritten reports were not received from other Snperintendents. J
. ' J
J a
‘r’ J
J i
J a
1 i
' J
J ‘ J
J 1
' ‘ J

; l899-1900. }
.1 To Balance s 87 73 f'
:_ Donation from Laura Clay for Mrs. Catt’s Lecture at (3011— 3
:’_ vention of 1899 25 00 1
Salary Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary B. Clay.....$2.50 1
E H “ “ “ Morton .75
g “ “ “ “ Gibson 3.50 .
Z “ “ “ “ Loughridge...... .60
z “ “ “ . “ Bruce 5.00
E “ “ “ “ S. C. Bennett 5.00
t “ “ “ “ Thornton 2.00
l “ ” “ Madison County Asso’n... 6.50 ‘
l “ “ “ Miss Belle Bennett..... 5.00— 30 S5
, Donation, 'Miss Laura Clay for Press Work 10 00
1 Pledge of $50 to H. A. W. S. A. (Mrs. Hubbard $15 paid last year) '
3 “ $50 to Mrs. S C. Bennett.................................$30.00
1 Mrs. \V. W. Trimble 5 00— 35 00
1 Mrs. Susan L, Avery for State Work 2 00
r Donation, Friend 5 00
l “ Newport E. R, Association for Press \Vork......... 6 40
l “ Mrs. Geo. Handy 8 00 gr
5 Annual Dues Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Handy............................. 2 00 ‘
l “ “ Local Associations: Lexington 81120
i “ “ “ “ Richmond 21.00 ;
l “ “ “ “ Newport .. 2.80 0
I Covington: Twentieth Century Club 2.45 ‘
l ” Kenton County Equal Rights Association, 165— 39 10 1
E Total $226 08
i I900-l901. .
5 To Balance........ $94 33
E Appropriations by N. A. W. S. A. for State Work, Dr. Woods 70 00
' l ' Donation, Miss Laura Clay 21 40
l Receipts from Collections: Barboursville S607
1 Richmond........................ 4.40
1; Arlington.. 1,78
Louisville.......................... 1.95— 14 20
. Miss Laura White, for State Work 10 00
; Mrs. Hubbard for State Work . 5 00
‘ Miss Laura Clay, Sale of Leaflets...................... 25
Donation, Mr. Geo. Handy 8 00
Annual Dues, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Handy 2 00
‘ ‘ “ Local Associations: Arlington...............$ 3.15
Asllland . 2.45
Barboursville 2.10
Bowling Green........ 4.00
t . 20th Cent. Club....... 16.45
(.ovington {Kenton Co. Asso’n.. 3.15 6
Hickman............... 2.25
Lancaster 2.10
' Louisville 7.35
Lexington.............. 29.05 9
Newport........... 3.85 . ‘
Paducah................ 2.75 '
Richmond.............. 21.35—100 00
Total............... ‘b 325 18

 4 ,. t
i i)
f‘ l899-I900.
,' By Mrs. Catt $ 25 00
: Error in entry of amount paid to N. A. W. S. A. for ’99...... 60
Appropriations: Postage, etc. Corresponding Secretary........ 5 00
i “ Work among Young People, Mrs. Grinstead, 3 00 ,
” Press W0rk,1\Irs. Obenchain.. 5 00
’ “ Recording Secretary 1 00 ,
“ Traveling Expenses same 1 85 1
Mrs. Obenchain .. 16 40 l
‘ Salary Corresponding Secretary 4l 35 l
Printing Minutes 10 00 l
Animal Dues tQN.A. \V.S. A ll 10 l
Revenue Stunps 20 l
V? Printing Progranis......... 1 25 I
Balance 94 33 ,3
z I
e -
‘ _—‘ i
‘ . Total s 226 08 ;
19004901. l
For State Work, Dr. Frances \Voods, etc‘p 105 60 1
Rent of Hall and Cards, Louisville.........,.......................... 6 75 l
Mrs. Obenchain for Press Work 20 00 l
_ I
Salary to Corresponding Secretary..... 68 (35 5
Annual Dues to N. A. W. S. A.. 28 70 l
Balance 95 48 l
‘ l
TD ‘ ' i
e '
' __ ‘ t
Total .. ........$ 325 18 ,

 ; t
. ( IO) ‘3
i National Convention at Minneapolis Kentucky sent five delegates. [
i; Miss Laura Clay, First National Auditor.
, MiSS Laura Bruce Lexington. |
Mrs. Mary Cramer, Lexington. : '
i: Mrr. Sarah Clay Bennet, Richmond. ,
1 Mrs. Mary B. Clay, Richmond. 3
i Kentucky pledged one hundred dollars to the National for the com- 3
i ing year. Respectfully submitted,
E MARY B. CLAY, First Vice President E. R. A. ‘
: I The Convention having voted that the Executive Committee should ‘
i take in charge the Legislative work, as Chairman I went to Frankfort on i
! January 14 in the interest of the bills of the Kentucky Equal Rights Asso-
i ciation, and during the session I spent several weeks in that City. The _
if measures decided upon by the State Convention were Presidential Suff— ”y
I rage for women, Co-guardianship for minor children, women trustees for '
i the State College, and the extension of School Suffrage. As is already
I known, no success attended our efforts. Hon. V. H. Baird introduced 0),
the Co-guardianship bill in the House and Senator R. E. Puryear in the ‘
i Senate. Hon. Chas. S. Searcy introduced the bill for women trustees for ‘
i _, the State College in the House. Until this Session, the efforts of the V
. Frankfort Committee had always failed to find any one to introduce the i,
i, Presidential Suffrage bill. It was something of a success therefore, that
_ 1 this time Senator J. L. Whitehead introduced the bill which came to its :
i second reading, and received the votes of seven senators, viz: C. H. Dye,
‘ B. L. Huntsman, A. T. Howard, T. L. Kirk, J. P. Huff, J. W. Cotton.
1 J. L. Whitehead. The mention of this bill in the newspapers attracted ‘
' the attention of the Anti»S uffrage Society of Massachusets, and for what
i I believe is the first time, they sent their little newspaper, The Remon- ,
strance, to our Legislators. j
The principal effort of the Frankfort Committee was devoted to . »
resisting the repeal of School Suffrage for the women of the second-Class ‘
cities. 3
The members of the Equal Rights Association in Covington and New- ’
port made very earnest efforts to defeat the Klair Bill. ;
The Woman’s Club and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union i
all over our State worked faithfully to retain the School Suffrage. It is i
. regretted that we have not a detailed record of the splendid service
done by these organizations outside of Lexington. . E
A joint committee appointed from the Woman’s Club of Central Ken—
tucky, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and the Fayette Equal
Rights Association was selected to devise means to prevent the. repeal of l
. i
. l
7.7, . , .,,, , 77 7 , /'

‘1 ( II )
t‘ . the Clause in the charter of cities of the second class granting school
suffrage to women. This committee in turn selected a general commit- ‘
i tee of one hundred. The Executive Committee consisted of Miss Laura 1
3 Clay, Mrs.Magdeline Me Dowoell Breckinridge, Mrs.Frances Beauchamp. :
! Mrs. Louise Bewley, Mrs. Minor Simpson, Mrs. Ida Harrison, Mrs Eu- 1
; genia Dunlap Potts, Mrs. Mary C. Roark. Specialeditions of the Herald
l were issued filled with high testimonials from the most prominent men ,
‘ in Lexington, regarding the value of women’s services on the Board of ,
Education, and the advantage of women’s voice in the control of the
‘ school. i
The following memorial was sent to each member of the General ‘
r Assembly and publised in the press of the State.
_ > To [/26 I-[onarable Sandie and House of Reprcrr.‘;1£atiwcx of the Cmmmm- .‘
w,' wealth oflx’mlmky: .
V With an abiding faith in your sense of justice and in the belief that “
0“ your devotion to the highest good of our citizens transcends all other i
,‘z considerations, we, a committee of one hundred, representing the intelli- 3
' gent and home-loving women of Lexington, do respectfully ask that the
1 law granting school suffrage to women in cities of the second class he :
retained In support of this plea, we submit the following considerations: 3
f. 1. The law, in its present form, has resulted in an awakened educational l
interest on the part of all the citizens, and in consequent improved con- 5,
, ditious in the schools themselves. The highest authority in Lexington i
may be quoted to prove this statement. Superintendent Wm. Rogers :
Clay, in his report to the Board of Education at the close of the first year
‘ of women’s service on the School Board, says: “At no time in the history l
of our schools have our teachers worked with greter energy and faithful— g
, ness.” And again he reports: “I am glad to be able to say that work of 1
l the past year (1900) was exceptionally good." “I have visited the 1
, > schools in other States and have never seen our discipline excelled.”
‘ II. In this, as in all other American cities, a very large majority of ‘
the teachers are women and these should have the advantage of sympa- l
lhetic council and direction from members of their own sex. i
j III. As education is a public trust, it is perpaps the highest duty of i
i the law-making body of the Commonwealth to create conditions that
l, shall conserve the physical, intellectual and moral health of the children 5
E of the State, since upon these rest the safety and soundness, even the
i perpetuity of the State itself. Who can be more interested, who is so
'1 much interested in the welfare of children as the mothers? ,
i This interest, seeking every opportunity to do the children good, '
would manifest itself at the voting booth in the election of those best fit- f
ted to administer the schools to whose care the children must be com‘ 2
l i
l' .l
, .
, .
" i

 a ( 12 ) .&E
E mited for the greater part of the day. The mothers yield their children, v
: when they are at the most impressionable age, to the public schools. It
E is manifestly right that they should have a voice in the selection of those .
E who manage and control the schools.
E‘ IV. As members of the Board of Education, women, who constitute
the majority of the intelligent leisure class of every community, have
E besides the incentive of their deep interest in the children, much better _
E opportunities than men to visit the schools, to inspect there the sanitary
E conditions of plumbing. water supply, heating and ventilating, and to
E acquaint themselves with and correct wrong methods of teaching and
E disciplining pupils, and to rectify any other defects of educational policy
E that may appear.
E V. Throughout our own State the interest of women in the condi-
E E tion of our schools is deepening. The Kentucky Federation of Women’s
E Clubs, an organization representing five thousand women, at their annual
E 4 meeting in Bowling Green last summer instructed their committee on
E education to present a bill to this Legislature asking for an extension of ‘
E school suffrage to all women in this State. Other State organizations of §E
E women equally strong earnestly favor this progressive movement. ' '
Unprejudiced testimony to the splendid results of school suffrage in E
communities in all parts of our nation where it has had the best oppor-
’ tunity to show its value is found in Volume II. (1895) of the report of
r Hon. W. T. Harris, National Commissioner of Education. Inquiries
E regarding the influence of women upon the schools were sent to the State
E Superintendents of those States granting full school suffrage to their
E women. A few typical statements from their replies are here quoted;
_ E The State Superintendent of Michigan says; “No intellligent man in
Michigan, who has the best interests of schools at heart, has any desire
E to deprive women of this right.”
E The State Superintendent of Minnesota says: “In several of our cities
ladies have been members of boards of education and have shown good
‘ business qualifications and have exerted an elevating influence upon the
E school boards and the schools themselves.”
The State Superintendent of Wisconsin says: "Women have made
efficient school officers and the State and the school system have cer-
tainly gaind by the extension of these privileges to woman.”
The State Superintendent of Kansas says: “Kansas has had fora
number of years a law permitting women to vote and be voted for by
members of school boards. No objections have ever been raised against .
their voting. The mother, having a more tender feeling for her offspring, EES
. has been brought in contact with the workings of the schools and as a ‘
result her interest has gone out from the home to the schools, and conse— f
quently the schools have been made better.”
From Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, New
York, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Connecticut and many other

 i} ( Is) , p
v States come equally commendatory expressions of the results of women’s ‘
participation in the school elections. ;

. Can it be justly said that the women of Lexington whose work in ‘
the establishing and maintenance of a splendid free library, free hospital. l

orphan’s homes and innumerable other public institutions, is known . ’

throughout the State and outside of its bounds, are not competent to ,

. exercise as beneficent an influence upon public education as have the ‘
women in these States cited above? Since when and by what means i

have Kentucky women become more indiffent to duty or have become 5

less capable of discharging it than the women of Michigan, Illinois. New f

Jersey, Wyoming and Minnesota?

The repeal of the law granting school suffrage to women in cities of 3

the second class would be a marked reflection on the intelligence and 1

public spirit of Kentucky women. We appeal to you, the honored legis_ ;

lators of Kentucky, selected to guard the best interests of all the citizens, , . ’

to protect the women of Lexington in their right of school suffrage. , 1

. Mrs. John Reid. Mrs. Louisa Bruce. Mrs. Charlton Morgan. ‘
lit Mrs. Sarah H. Allen. Mrs. Helen J. Berryman. Mrs. H. H. Gratz.
' ' Mrs. Laura F. Shropshire. Mrs. Wood G. Dunlap. Miss Ella Williams. .
' Miss Lizzie Halstead. Miss Anna F. Didlake. Miss Sue B. Scott. ’
Mrs. J. W McGarvy. Mrs. Lewis F. Burton. Miss Nannie Bush. 3

Mrs. V. M. Alexander. Mrs. Stanley Milward. Miss Margaret Shaw.

Miss Eva C. Stevenson. Mrs. Mary D. Short. Mrs. Wellington Payne. 1

Mrs. M. B. Saunders. Mrs. Wm. J. Loughridge Mrs Wallace Searles. 5

Mrs. N. C. Terrill. Miss Mattie Hutchinson. Miss Katherine Pettit. j

Miss Mary D. Sharpe. Miss Annie McElhinny. Mrs. George Denny. 1,

Mrs. M. A. Ballard. Mrs M. H. Hodges. Mrs. George Didlake. 5

Mrs. Carrie Hanson. Mrs. M. E. Robinson. Miss Lillie Robinson.

Miss Ann‘a Totten. Mrs John M. Clay. Mrs. Jere Morton.

Mrs Susan Shelby. Mrs. Robt. Berry. Mrs. Frances E.Beauchamp :

Mrs. Harrison Garman. Mrs. Wm. Threlkeld. Mrs, M. A. Harrison. 4

Mrs. G. A. De'long. Mrs. Virgil McClure. Mrs. J. C. Taylor. ‘1

Mrs. Sarah Rogers. Miss Laura Rogers. Mrs. James Todd. z

Mrs. Mat Walton. Mrs. James White. Mrs. Wickliffe Preston. 5

Mrs. R. G. Elliott. Mrs. M. J. Durham. Mrs. Lee Huffman. 1

Mrs. Hart Boswell. Mrs. Elizabeth Scott. Mrs. Alex G. Dunlap. i

Mrs. Thomas Bradley. Mrs. Fannie Barnes. Mrs. Roger Williams. i

Dr. Julia Washbnrn. Mrs. Ella F. Williamson. Mrs. Edith Cox. ' :

Mrs. James P. Headly. Mrs. D. G. Falconer. Mrs S. R. West Marshall.

.th Mrs. T. B.‘Hay. Mrs. G. W. Darnall. Mrs. A. S. Winston.
- Mrs. Shelby T. Harbison. Mrs. Wilbur R Smith Mrs. Clarence Egbert. .
f Mrs. J. Withers Smith. Miss Zelinda Neville. Mrs. J. A. Stucky. ‘
Mrs. Clarence Mathews. Mrs. M. L. Moore. Mrs. Milford White. .

Mrs. Joseph Clark. Mr. J. H. Overstreet. Mrs. Hamilton Scott.

Mrs. Hart Gibson. Mrs. Wm. C. Goodloe. Mrs. B. L. Coleman. 1

 . 1
1 ( I4) 1 ,
Mrs. Desha Breckinridge. Mrs. H. C. McDowell. Miss Julia McDowell. 1;
1 Mrs. G. D. Kelly. Mrs. James H. Mulligan. Mrs. William McDowell.
Mrs. Percy Scott. Mrs. Wm. A. Gunn. Mrs. Alice L. Carpenter.
1‘ Mrs. W. McClure. Mrs. Ellen D. Payne. Mrs E. O. Hiatt.
Mrs. J. S. Tompkins. Mrs. M. A. Ketchum. Mrs. A. D. Willetts.
1 Mrs. Thomas H. Clay. Miss Lucretia H. Clay. Mrs. James B. Clay.
2 Miss Fannie M. Anderson. Miss Fannie D. White. Mrs. Mark Collis.
1 Mrs. Maggie Clark. Mrs. R. P. Stoll. Mrs. James E. Pepper.
Mrs. M. T. Scott. Mrs. Minor Simpson. Mrs. Mary C. Roark.
1 MrswEuginia D. Potts. Mrs. Richard Arnspiger. Mrs. Phillip Grinstead.
1 Mrs. Kate Bronaugh. Miss Laura Clay. Mrs. Henry Bewley.
1 1 Mrs. F. A. Cramer.
1 After the Klair Bill had passed the Lower House and
was pending in the Senate the following letter was sent to the
1 It is stated by those favoring the Klair School Suffrage Bill that the
1 women of Lexington do not want school suffrage. This statement is
made in the face of the fact that more than eight hundred of the best
1 class of white women—in which number the white Republican women are
1 not included—attested their desire in October, 1901, by placing their
1 names upon the registration books; and this, although the regi:tration «
1 places were intentionally placed in negro cabins, barber shops and livery
- ;; stables; although no women were permitted to serve as oflicers of regis-
1 tration as in preceding years ; although an effort was made by local pol- ,
. iticians to get out an objectionable class of women in order to bring
school suffrage into disrepute. Owing to these facts and the absence of
any special issue, the registration of white women in 1901 was smaller
than in any preceding year since the gr