xt7pk06wz43j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06wz43j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-06-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 24, 1988, no. 528 text The Green Bean, June 24, 1988, no. 528 1988 1988-06-24 2014 true xt7pk06wz43j section xt7pk06wz43j \
Number 528 June 24, 1988
The Library Staff Organization is making plans for the annual summer
picnic. Fuller details will appear in a future issue of the QQ.
Names of volunteers are needed now, however, who would like to help plan
the picnic or work on the day of the picnic. Anyone interested in helping
should get in touch with Phil Stoffer, chair of the social committee, at
The Social Work Library on the fourth floor of King South has established
new hours for the eight—week summer session. According to Patti Powell, the
library will be open Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m., Friday and
Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., and from 1-5 p.m. on Sunday.
There will be a regular test of the fire alarm and sprinkler systems in
King North and South on Tuesday, July 5, between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m.
The Kentucky Historical Society is sponsoring a five-day tour of the
Jackson Purchase area of Kentucky August 1 through August 5. The tour will
emphasize Kentucky's cultural, historical and recreational opportunities of
the area. Participants will learn about Kentucky in the Civil War,
‘In¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kent k L'braries

 prehistoric and historic Indian cultures, nineteenth century lifestyles and
The tour costs $300 per person for KHS members and $375 for non-members
(double occupancy). Cost of the tour includes roundtrip charter bus
transportation from Frankfort, 5 days and four nights at Kentucky Dam Village
State Resort Park, all meals and admission to seven historic sites and museums
in the area.
For more information, or to make reservations, call the Kentucky Historical
Society at (502)564-3016.
STAFF ACTIVITIES Marshall created a wonderful display
in all seven cases. They, too, spent
Cheryl Jones will be the acting may extra hours. The finished
Law Librarian beginning July 1. product was outstanding ....
*** Toni Powell received the following
letter from Ms. Taylor:
An article by Patty Powell,
Extension Librarian, and Laura Rein, The library dedication last Friday
"OPAC Training for Patrons and Staff: was a complete success. This would
A Case Study" was published in the not have been possible without your
Spring, 1988, issue of Southeastern hard work. Thank you so much for the
Librarian. special attention to detail. And to
think, last year we didn't really
. ABOVE AND BEYOND believe this was ever going to
happen! Thanks for the
Mr. Willis received the following perserverance!!...
letter recently from Deborah W. Once again, Toni, thank you. It
Taylor of the UK. Equine Research couldn't and wouldn’t have turned out
Foundation: so well without your efforts.
The John A. Morris Memorial Jim Birchfield and Bill Marshall
Library Dedication last Friday would received this letter from Ms. Taylor:
not have happened without the hard
work of Toni Powell. Her hard work, The John A. Morris Library
perserverance, creativity and dedication was a complete success.
attention `UD detail were exemplary. Mrs. Morris and her guests seemed to
She handled the donor with such enjoy the library and your special
collections display in particular.
I would like to take this
finesse that we stand a very good opportunity to thank you for all the
chance of securing more support funds hard work you put in on this special
from her, not tx> mention feeling project. I really appreciated both
happy and proud about her original the display and the im ense effort
gift. and time you gave to it.
One of Toni’s ideas was to have I would like to know more about
Special Collections tc> a special what rare collections [the library]
_ display. Although there was not much is looking for in the way of books,
lead time, Jim Birchfield and Bill prints and photographs. The display

 has already sparked some interest Cathy Hunt Music Library [June
with some potential donors. 30]
NEW STAFF...WELCOM  ABOARD Gary Stottlemyer Law Library
Mildred Moore Biological Sciences I
* Reinette Jones .... Reference [July 1] Library [June 30]
Anne Campbell Circulation [June
BON VOYAGE...AND GOOD LUCK! Sharon Neikirk Acquisitions [July
Bill James Law Library 1]
[June 20]
J O` B` O P P O R T U N I T I E S
Library Technician V, grade 9, CEOMHA
Government Publications Department. Head, Records Maintenance. University
Library Technician II, grade 6, of Georgia, Athens. Salary: $19,500,
Collection Development Department. minimum. Deadline: August 26.
Library Technician III, grade 7,
Acquisitions Department[2 positions]. _ ·
If interested in any of the above I ILLINOIS
positions, contact Ann Howell in the
Director's Office. Head of Cataloging Department.
University of Chicago Library.
` Salary: based on experience and
COLORADO qualifications. Deadline: August
‘ Head, Science and Technology
Department. Colorado State
University: Libraries, Fort Collins. INDIANA
Salary: $30,000, minimum. Deadline:
July 29. Serials Catalog Librarian. Purdue
University, West Lafayette. Salary:
. Head, Colorado Technical Reference $20,000, minimum. Deadline:
Center. University of Colorado, September 1.
Boulder. Salary: $33,000 ndnimum. Assistant Engineering Librarian.
Deadline: July 15. Purdue University, West Lafayette.
Curator, Western Historical Salary: $20,000 minimmn. Deadline:
Collections and ‘the University August NL
Archive. University of Colorado,
Boulder. Salary: $31,000, minimum. KANSAS
Deadline: August 31.
Head of Acquisitions. University of
Kansas, Lawrence. Salary: $26,000 —
$33,000. Deadline: July 29.
Library Director. Smithsonian Technical Services Librarian.
Institution Libraries, Washington, Southeast Community College,
D.C. Salary: $64,397 —$72,500. Cumberland. Salary: $20,000.
Deadline: August 31. Deadline: July 22.

"'* .¢*.¤
Reference/Data Archives Librarian.
University of Missouri—Columbia. Humanities Bibliographer. Rutgers
Salary: $18,000, minimum. Deadline: University, New Brunswick. Salary:
July 15. $29,974, minimum. Deadline: October `
NEVADA Chinese Bibliographer. Princeton
University. Salary: dependent on
Head, Government Publications qualifications and experience.
Department. University of Deadline: September 15.
Nevada-Reno. Salary: $29,288, Music Listening Librarian. Princeton
minimum. Deadline: July 20. University. Salary: dependent on
Basque Studies Librarian. University qualifications and experience.
of Nevada—Reno. Salary: $29,288, Deadline: September 15.
minimum. Deadline: September 15.
Cataloger, North Carolina Collection.
University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill. Salary: $19,000 minimum.
Deadline: July 15.
Editor: Bonnie Jean Cox
Printer: Cecil Madison
NEXT GREEN BEAN: Friday, July 8, 1988
DEADLINE: Friday, July 1, 1988.