xt7pk06wx999 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pk06wx999/data/mets.xml Transylvania University. 1818.  books b92-175-30417813 English Printed by Worsley & Smith, : Lexington, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Transylvania University By-laws. Universities and colleges Kentucky. By-laws of the Transylvania University text By-laws of the Transylvania University 1818 1818. 2002 true xt7pk06wx999 section xt7pk06wx999 


            OF THE




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           BY-LAWS, 6C.

Rules and Regulations for the government of the
       Board of Trustees and their Officers.
                 CHAPTER I.

THERE shall be one annual stated meeting of the
Board on the Monday preceding commencement, at
which all elections of Professors andi Tnstrncters shall
take place; and two other meetings annually; one on
the first Monday in April, and the other on the first
Monday in October. The Board shall likewise be
convened whenever the Chairman or any three mem-
bers of it shall direct in writing. When such extraor-
dinary meeting is ordered, due notice thereof shall be
given in one of the gazettes published in Lexington,
and by the Clerk personally to such members as may
be convenient.
  2. A. Chairman of the Board shall be from time to
time, appointed.
  3. The Rules and Regulations of the House of Re-
presentatives of Kentucky, so far as the same are ap-
plicable, shall govern the Board in its deliberative
  4. The Trustees are to attend at commencement,
and if practicable on (lays of public examination and


                     E ]
                     CHAP. II.
  At each April meeting of the board, the following
Committees shall be appointed :-A committee of three
to inspect the buildings and other property of the Uni-
versity, and to cause all necessary repairs to be made:
A committee of three to superintend the collection of
debts, to arrange and adjust the expenses of the refec-
tory, and to examine the accounts of the treasurer, and
to report at each stated meeting of the board: and a
committee of three to inspect the library and philoso-
phical apparatus, and to examine the accounts of the li-
brarian, and to report at each stated meeting of the board.

                   CHAP. III.
  A Clerk shall be appointed during the pleasure of
the board. He shall keep a record of the proceedings
of the board; and for this purpose shall give his at-
tendance. He shall also record all the contracts, leases
and deeds which have been made and not already re-
corded, or which shall be made in future. He shall
carefully preserve the books and papers of the board.
He shall also keep an account of all receipts and dis-
bursements, and quarterly compare it with the accounts
of the treasurer. He is to receive such compensation
as the board may fix.

                    CHAP. IV.
  i. A Treasurer shall be annually appointed at the
April meeting of the board.
  2. An account shall be raised by the Treasurer of
.aoah species of fund and expenditure; and also a ge


L 5 ]

neral account of receipts and expenditures, which lie
shall compare quarterly with the account of the clerk,
and report to the committee of accounts.
  3. The treasurer shall pay no monies unless author.
ized by a warrant drawn bly the chairman of the board
and attested by the clerk.
  4. The treasurer shall deposite in one of the banks
in Lexington, all the monies which he shall from, time
to time receive. And the chairman of the board shall
be authorised to draw, in favor of the treasurer, from
time to time, for all dividends arising upon stock
belonging to the University, his order being attested
by the clerk.

                    CHAP. V.
  i. All monies arising from the sales of laud shall
be vested in such monied stock of the United States
or banking institutions, as the board of Trustees may
order, seven trustees concurring therein. The prin-
cipal stock belonging to the University shall not be
disposed of without the concurrence of a like number
of the trustees, the dividends arising therefrom, and
the interest upon debts due for the sale of lands, being,
alone applicable to current expenses.
  2. The present seal of the University shall continue
to be used until changed by order of the board.
  3. Each member not attending without reasonable
excuse, at a stated or at an extraordinary meeting, of
which he shall have notice, shall pay a fine of two dol-
lars to the clerk. The disposition of the fines shall be
annually determined by the board at the meeting next
preceding commencement.


Rules and Regulations relating to the University.

                  CHAPTER I.
       Period of Study-Classes-Admission.
  1. Four years are required for the regular course of
study in the Transylvania University for the under
graduates, Ai-ho are divided into four classes, the Fresh-
men, Sophomores, Junior Sophiisters, and Senior So-
phisters; a year being allotted to each of the classes,
  2. To obtain admission in the Freshmen class, the
applicant being examined b)y the faculty, must be
found to have a guod knowledge of Latin and Greek
graimimar-Virgil-the select orations of Cicero-Sal-
lust-Greek Testainent-Collectanea Grwca Minora-
Clark's or Marr's Introduction to the making of La-
tin-translate English into Latin-understand common
arithmetic-have studied ancient and modern geogra-
phy. He must also possess a good moral character,
and have obtained [Ie treasurers certificate of his bay-
ing paid the dues to the University, required in ad-
ance, or given bond according to the by-laws.
  3. A student desirous of being admitted into a class
in advance of the Freshmen class, may be admitted
accordingly, if he shall have obtained a knowledge of
all tile studies required of the class or classes wvhich he
Avihites to pass over, or their equivalent, to be deter-
ininel by the faculty; and lprovide(l that he pays all
the fees of tuition which would have lbeen p)ayable, if
Ite had entered the Freshmen class, unless he comes
from another college, wallen no such fees shall be


                      L 7 ]
  4. As there may be persons, not acquainted with the
Greek and Latin languages, who may be desirous of
attending the Lectures and Recitations, the Faculty
may by a vote, admit such irregular students, who are
however not entitled to a diploma. They are to pay
the same college charges as the class to which they
may be attached.

                    CHAP. II.

Of the Faculty-the President and other Professors.
  1. The Faculty consists of the President, Professors
and other instructers of the University, for the time be.
ing. The Faculty is charged with the immediate go-
vernment and direction of the University. It is to at-
tend to the enforcement of the laws and regulations
which shall be prescribed, from time to time, by the
trustees. The president is to preside at meetings of
the Faculty, which is to decide by the greater number
of votes, that of the President always being one to
give validity to the decision of the majority.
  2. The Faculty is to designate the books to be read
and the course of study to be pursued by the classes
during the period of their study.
  3. It shall be the duty of the President to take
charge of the University generally; to superintend the
buildings, grounds, and movable property belonging to
it; to report to the committee of repairs such damages
as may need repair; and to report to the trustees, as
occasion shall require, concerning the state of the Uni-
versity, and concerning such measures as may conduce
to its future prosperity.


                     [ 8 J
  4. He shall have power to visit the classes and any
of the departments of the University. He shall also
have power to give such directions and perform such
acts generally, not inconsistent with the laws of the
University, nor the ordinances of the trustees, nor the
regulations of the faculty, as shall in his judgment pro-
mote the interest of the institution.
  H. He shall preside at commencement, and on occa-
sions of exhibitions and examinations.
  He is charged with instruction in Logic, Rhetoric,
and Moral Philosophy.
  6. It shall be the duty of the President, or in his ab-
qence one of the professors, to perform divine service
on every Sabbath, at least once, in the chapel of the
University, to such officers and students as may choose
to attend. And it-is particularly enjoined upon the stu-
dents to attend public worship some where on the
  7. The president shall furnish to the clerk of the
board, two months previous to each annual commence-
ment, a report of the names of the students who have
attended the University during the session, and the
length of time of their continuance.
  8. The professor of Mathematics and Natural Phi-
losophy is charged with instruction in those branches,
and with the care of such of the philosophical apparatus
as shall be assigned to his department by the president.
  9. The professor of Languages is charged with in-
struction in the Greek and Latin languages, and with
Grecian and Roman antiquities. He is under the di-
rection of the President, also charged with the gram-
mar school, and is to be assisted with such tutors as
the tiusiees may for this purpose appoint.


                    CHAP. III.
  1. Avery student shall address and conduct himself
towards the president, professors and instructers, and
each of thetn with all possible respect. He shall ob.
serve the strictest decorum while in the class, neither
doing nor countenancing any thing which may tend to
incommode his instructer, or divert the attention of his
fellow students.
  2. The exercises shall commence in the morning
with prayers, to which all the students shall attend
with decency and reverence.
  a. No student shall possess or exhibit any indecent
picture, nor purchase nor read in the University any las-
civ'ious or immoral books; and if any student shall be
convicted thereof, or of lying, profaneness, playing at
unlawful games, or other gross immoralities, he shall he
punished according to the nature of the offence.
  4. No student shall quarrel with, insult or abuse
a fellow student, nor any other person whatever. No
student shall go to a tavern nor any other public house,
for the purpose of entertainment or amusement, without
permission from an instructer; nor shall he associate
nor keep company with persons of bad character.
  6. No hallooing, loud talking, whistling or jumping,
or other disturbing noise or act shall be permitted in
the buildings of the University, nor disorderly conduct
in the town, by a student; nor shall any student dis-
turb or attempt any imposition on his fellow student in
any manner whatever.


                     E 10 ]
  6. If any student offending against the laws should
presume to leave the University without a certificate
from the faculty, of his conduct and standing whilst
there, it shall be at the discretion of the faculty, to make
the name of such offender public, with the nature and
degree of the offence.
  7. No student shall engage or assist in any theatri-
cal performance, unless permitted by the faculty.
  8. The students shall treat all persons with whom
they have intercourse, with decency and respect, and
shall on all occasions observe the commands of the

                    CHAP. IV.

  The punishments of the University are as follows.
Private admonition or reprehension: admonition before
the professors and instructers: admonition before the
class of the offender, or in the presence of a select num-
ber of persons: public admonition and reprehension in
the presence of all the students: degradation in the
class or to a lower class: suspension from the privile-
ges of the institution: dismission from the University
without expulsion: and lastly, public expulsion.
   Except the first and the third, which may be applied
by any instructer, the application of the other punish-
ments, according to the degree of the offence, shall be
made by the faculty.
   The punishments denounced, as well as the conduct
 prescribed for the students, are applicable to the gram-


                      [ 11 

mar school; the students in that school are also liable
to the use of the rod when indispensable in the judgment
of the professor of languages.

                    CHAP. V.
               Imode of Punishment.
  i. Complaint of misdemeanor in a student must be
made, in the first instance, to the president or one of
the professers, who, unless the offence be so flagrant as,
in his judgment, to require the interference of the facul.
ty, shall privately admonish the offender; and upon
failure of success may, at his discretion, bring the sub..
ject before the faculty.
  2. The punishment of public admonition, degrada-
tion, suspension, dismission and expulsion shall be in-
flicted only in virtue of an act of the faculty.
  3. A student whom it may be necessary to bring bee-
fore the faculty, shall have due notice of the time and
place of its meeting, and shall be allowed to defend
  4. When a charge of misconduct shall be preferred
against a student, the faculty shall have power to re-
quire the attendance of any other student to testify a-
gainst the delinquent; and it shall be the duty of such
witness to disclose his knowledge of facts touching said
charge, on pain of being guilty of contumacy, irs case
of his refusal; provided that no student shall be com-
pelled to give testimony which may condemn himself.
   5. All public punishments shall be according to a
written form which shall be read aloud by the presi-
dent or one of the professers, and shall be entered on
the records of the faculty.


                      [ 12 J
                    CHAP. VI.
               Of Instruction-Sfudy.
  4. The students shall keep in their respective apart-
ments, and diligently follow their studies, excepting
half an hour after breakfast, and from twelve to two
o'clock, and at such hour in the evening as the faculty
may appoint.
  2. No student shall attend the instruction of any per-
son who may undertake to teach any language, science
or art, in the town of Lexington, unless such teacher
shall be approved, and have liberty of teaching such stu-
dent, granted by the trustees; provided that the presi-
dent may give permission to attend upon an instructer
of merely the polite accomplishments.
  3. The students shall regularly and seasonably at-
tend the public and private lectures and recitations en-
joined by the rules of the faculty, or from time to time
announced by the president, or by any of the professors
or instructers. They shall use their best diligence in
preparing themselves for their several literary exercises,
and shall perform them with care and precision.
  4. The several instructers, as often as they deem it
expedient, may require their pupils to review and re-
capitulate the whole or any portion of the studies; and
for better ascertaining and promoting the improvement
of the studlents, they are desired, at each recitation or
private lecture, to satisfy themselves respectively, as far
as practicable, that each student has duly studied the
lesson assigned. For this purpose they are requested
to direct the attendance of one or more or of the whole
section, required to perform an exercise, at other tmn
the stated times.


                     [ 13 ]
  5. The Seniors and Juniors, until the second Mon-
day in February, and after that, the Juniors and Sopho-
mores, in alphabetical order, not less than ten each
week, shall perform public exercises in speaking, un-
der the superintendence of the president. Each stu-
dent shall declaim alternately in English and in one of
the ancient languages, unless for special reasons, one
of the modern be allowed, and shall present his piece
to the president sometime in the week previous to its de-
livery; and immediately after give him a fair copy.
Temporary absence from the University shall not ex-
cuse a student from this exercise.
  6. Every professor shall cause an exact roll to be
kept of each class attending upon his instructions. The
roll shall be punctually called over at the hour of atten-
dance, and all absentees marked. An abstract of this
roll, in so far as it relates to each student, shall be
transmitted semi-annually to his parent or guardian.

                    CHAP. VII.

   Examinations-Exhibitions--leade i c honors.
   1. There shall be annually a public examination in
the presence of the faculty, a committee of the trustees,
and such other persons as may choose to attend, begin-
ning on the first Wednesday before commencement, in
the studies of the preceding year. Every member of a
class shall attend punctually, and orderly, aud answer
such questions as the president, or any instructer, or a-
ny member of the committee of trustees, may propose.
  2. The examinations are to be close and rigid, eve-
ry student being left to stand or fall upon his proper


                      [ 1 ]
merits; due tenderness being at the same time shown,
that the effiects of perturbation may be avoided as much
as possible.
  3. At the close of every examination the students
shall be ranked according to their respective merits.
  4. No student who may be deficient in the studies of
the preceding year shall be permitted, on any account
whatever, to proceed to a higher class; but shall be
placed at the bottom of the class to which he shall be
  5. A student not promoted to the next higher class,
may be allowed to take the lowest place therein, if, in
the opinion of the faculty, during the first quarter of the
next session, he shall have compensated his deficiency.
  6. A student who shall be found incompetent to his
studies, or negligent in them, shall be dismissed from
the Uuiversity; and want of sufficient progress to enti.
tle him to proceed to a higher class, after remaining
two years in the preceding one, shall always be consi-
dered as conclusive proof of such incompetency or
  7. Honorary testimonials, of the first, second and
third grades, decorated with the seal of the University,
and with suitable devices, shall be adjudged at the an-
nual examination, to such students as may distinguish
  8. No student who shall obtain an honorary testimo-
nial of the first grade twice in succession, shall be a
competitor for a premium thereafter, unless he shall ap-
pear to have grown negligent, in which case he shall
lose the preeminence implied by his exclusions and be
again put on the list of the competitors.


                     [ 1o j

  g. The names of all students who shall obtain hono.
rary testimonials, or possess the honor of exclusion from
competition, shall be announced by the President at the
public commencement; and he shall also confer those
testimonials in the presence of the assembly.
  10. Two weeks shall be allowed for revision previ-
ous to the annual examination; and a month to the sen-
ior class previous to the commencement.
  11. Besides the annual examination, there shall be
two exhibitions, each of them semi-annually, at such
time as the faculty may announce. Those students
who have most distinguished themselves shall be select-
ed to perform at such exhibitions. Every performer
shall lodge with the president, at least one week previous
to the exhibition, a fair copy of his composition; and at
such time within the week before the exhibition, as the
president may fix, each of the students so selected shall
rehearse their parts.

                   CHAP. VIII.

 Commencement-Academnical degrees-Vacation-
   4. There shall be a commencement on the second
Wednesday of July, in each year, when the academi-
cal degrees shall be conferred. No one shall be admit-
ted to aftrst degree who has not attended upon and sa-
tisfactorily performed the course of academical exer-
cises; nor any one who refuses or neglects to perform
the part in the Thesis, and also for commencement as-
signed him by the faculty. Every one to whom a part
in the Thesis has been assigned, shrll lodge in the


                      [ 16 ]
hands of the president a fair copy of his Thesis, by
such time as the president may direct; and each per-
former at commencement shall deliver a fair copy of his
part to the president, one w6ek at least previous to com.
mencement. If ar.y one make additions to what is con-
tained in the copy, delivered by him to the president,
or shall presume to deliver any thing in public which he
has been directed to omit, he shall not be suffered to
proceed, and shall be liable to lose his degree.
  2. No alumnus of this University, shall obtain the
degree of master of arts in less than three years after
the date of his first diploma, nor unless he shall have
made such literary progress, as in the judgment of the
faculty, shall entitle him thereto.
  3. Previous payment of all college dues, and the re-
turn or replacing of all books taken by the candidate
from the library, aie also required, before any degree is
con ferred.
  4. There shall he one vacation, from commencement,
for eleven weeks. The stated exercises, after those of
the morning, will not be required on the days of public
exhibition ant] examination, nor on Christmas day, nor
on the 4th day of July.
  5. No student shall abide at the University in vaca-
tion, i ithout permission, for some special reasons, from
the faculty, nor in the town of Lexington, unless that
be the place of his residence. All who remain in the
University, or in L-xin-ton, in vacotion, shall be sub-
ject to the laws eujoining orderly conduct as during the
  6. No student shall be absent a day without leave
-ranted, for some good reason, by the instructers whose


                      [ 17 ]

exercises he is required to attend; nor shall he prolong
his absence beyond the granted time. If his absence
exceed three months his relation to the University will
Ia e, without some cause be assigned, satisfactory to
.be faculty.

                    CHAP. IX.


  1. A Librarian shall be appointed by the Faculty,
from among the instructers or students every year. He
shall arrange and number the books belonging to the li-
brary, make a catalogue thereof, and have repairs,
when necessary, made.
  2. No person except a professor, officer or trustee,
shall be admitted to the library, or to handle or use the
  3. Those students who shall pay to the treasurer
half yearly one dollar and a half, shall be entitled to
the use of the books, except such as the faculty shall di-
rect not to be taken out of the library.
  4. The librarian is responsible for the contributions
of students to whom he shall give the use of the books.
He is to attend at the library, at tU o'clock on every
Friday, except during vacation, to deliver and receive
books, of which he shall keep an account, as well as of
the condition in which the books are when taken out
and returned.
  5. No student shall keel) out a book longer than as
follows, to wit: A folio two months; a quarto one
month, and any other book two weeks. No person


                      r i8 I
shall lent] out a book appertaining to the library. Eve-
ry person receiving books shall be responsible for their
safe return, and for all injuries done to them whilst in
his possession. If any volume shall be lost, defaced,
or otherwise injured. a sum shall be paid equivalent to
the damage incurred, or the work of which the volume
makes a part shall be replaced at the option of the li-
brarian, subject to the right of appeal, on the part of a
student, to the faculty.
   6. On the first day of January, and the first day of
July annually, the librarian shall render to the treasur-
er an account of all students who shall have had the use
of the library during the preceding six months; and
shall aso pay over to him any money that he may have
received, on account of the library, during the same

                     CHAP. X.

Refectory-Commons-Occupation of Rooms--tReward.
   I. The old house on the ground of the University
 is appropriated to a Refectory, and the residence of the
 Steward. And all the apartments of the new WIding
 which shall not be necessary for the purposes of instrue-
 tion, and such parts of the old as are not necessary to
 the refectory and steward, are appropriated as lodging
 rooms for the instructers and students, to be furnished,
 heated and lighted at their expense.
   2. No student shall lodge or board out of the Uni-
 versity, except with his parent or guardian, without
 the leave of the faculty, and then at such houses as it


                      E 19 ]

shall approve. The students shall reside in the chami
hers respectively assigned to them; nor shall a student
suffer any one to lodge in his chamber, his parent or
guardian excepted, without the permission of one of
the faculty.
  t. -When more than one student occupies a chamber,
each shall find his just proportion of furniture, fuel and
candles, whether he be present or not. If any one re-
fuse or neglect such contribution, it shall be charged in
his bill and paid in the advance required by the by-
laws, or according to the bond.
  4. All who reside in the University shall constantly
while in town, breakfast, dine and sup in the Commons
Hall, at the hours which shall be fixed, except in case
of sickness, or when invited out. If all the instructers,
whose duty if present it is to ask a blessing and return
thanks, should be absent at any meal, the senior under-
graduate, at each table, shall ask a blessing and return
thanks: And all shall take their places, on a signal to
be given by the steward, and conduct themselves with
decency. No one shall leave the table before thanks
  5. The faculty shall prescribe such other rules for
the preservation of order at meals, and for enforcing due
respect to the steward, as shall appear, from time to
time, to be necessary.
  6. The commons table shall be well supplied with
plain, substantial and comfortable diet, such as is used
in families in the middling circumstances in life.


                      [ 20 ]
                    CHAP. XI.
            Of charges to the University.
  1. A refectory being established for the purpose of
economy and good discipline, and without any view to
profit, the incidental expense, comprehending boarding,
lodlging, fuel, furniture of the commons hall, and sala-
ry of the steward, shall be so adjusted by a committee
of the trustees, from time to time, as to be equally ap-
portioned among those who derive benefit from the es-
  2. To meet all charges of students living in commons,
the parent or guiardlian of the student, at his option,
may give bond with surety residing in Lexington, to
be approved by the treasurer, to pay those charges at
the stated times in the college year, as the bills are
maple out and presented by the treasurer to the student,
or in lieu of such bond, advance fifty dollars upon the
first 'Monday in November, or on his admission; fifty
dollars on the first (lay of January, and fifty dollars on
the first of April, annually, to be credited in his bills.
And in like manner bond anti surety are required for
those students who do not live in commons, or the ad-
vance, at the option of their parents and guardians,
of  t3 33 for those who enter the classes, and StO for
those who enter the grammar school, on the first Mon-
(lay of November, upon their admission respectively,
and the same sums on the first day of January, and
the first (lay of April, annually. The stated times for
the payment of the college dues are the beginning of
the term, the firs-t of Januiary, and the first of April.
If a student shall be admitted beyond one mouth after


                     [ 2t ]
the commencement of a term, he shall be entitled to a
proportionate abatement.
  3. The, tuition fees shall be in the grammar school
thirty dollars, and in the classes forty dollars, the col-
lege year.
  4. The steward shall be appointed by the trustees,
and shall receive such salary as may be agreed upon.
  a. Each person in commons shall be responsible for
breakage and injury done by him to the furniture of the
commons ball.
  6. If any damage shall be wantonly done by any
student to the buildings, philosophical apparatus, or
other property of the University, be shall pay dou.
ble the expense of repairs, to be assessed by the fa-