xt7pg44hqp1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqp1w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-01-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 08, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 08, 1993 1993 1993-01-08 2020 true xt7pg44hqp1w section xt7pg44hqp1w   


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Independent since 1971

Fnday' , January 8.1993




-- University officials hoping '
for shorter Add/Drop lines

ADD/DROP January 12 — 20


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer




As students return to campus this
i week, many will be welcomed by
something nearly as long as the year
ahead ~ the lines at spring Add/

During fall Add/Drop, some stu—
dents waited in line for up to two
hours, as Universitywide budget re-
ductions forced class cancellations
and fewer Add/Drop workers.

Officials said they hope this se-
mester’s waits won’t be as bad be-
cause fewer new students will be ar-
riving on campus.

“We are hoping the January lines
aren‘t anywhere near as long as the
August lines," said Lisa Collins. as-
sistant registrar for registration.

Graduate students and seniors
will have the first chance to Add/
Drop. starting Tuesday at 8 am.
Freshmen can begin later that day at
l0 a.m., followed by juniors at 1
pm, sophomores at 3 pm. and
non-degree students at 5 pm. Stu—
dents will not be allowed to Add/
Drop before their assigned times.

3‘ Students should report to the
i same sites where they registered for
classes. For those who registered at
Patterson Office Tower, the line
will begin in White Hall Classroom
Building until 5 pm. Tuesday,
when the check-in station will be
moved to the office tower.

Add/Drop will continue on a first-
come, first—served basis through
Jan. 20 but will be closed Jan. 18
for the Martin Luther King Jr. holi-

Students must have registered be-
fore Tuesday and have paid the $50
advance payment to be eligible for
Add/Drop. In addition, a student
must not have any “stops" V such









January 12 Hours:

Graduate students 8 - 10 am.
Seniors 8 - 10 am.
Freshman 10 am. - Noon
Juniors 1 - 3 pm.
Sophomores 3 - 5 pm.

Nondegree students 5 - 6 pm.

January 13 - 20 Hours:

For the remainder of the Add/Drop
period, students will be served on a
first—come, first-served basis. Sites
will be open on January 13 and 14
from 8 am. - 12:15 pm. and 1:30 - 6
pm. January 15, 19 and 20 sites will
be open 8 am. - 12:15 pm. and 1:30
~ 4:30 pm. UK is closed January 18.




Students report to Add/Drop at the
sites where they advance registered
In November. ex t snidents who
registered on the attarson Office ,
Tower mezzanine. Those students
r to the main corridor of .
‘ 11 Classroom Building until 5
p.m. January 12. After 5 pm. they
should report directly to the PO
mezzanine. Starting January 13
students should report directly to the
POT mezzanine. Students should
contact their academic dean‘s
offices or pro ram offices to confirm
JanuaryAdd/ op locations.







a t


llli fit


NOTE: Students who cannot War: at their
Inigo-d firms may AddIDrop alter their times
but not before.





as unpaid parking tickets or library
fines —— on their records.

Students who registered for class-
es today through Monday may add
classes beginning Wednesday.

Collins said each student should
bring a pen or pencil, a schedule
book and this issue of the Kentucky
Kernel to the Add/Drop station.

Once students are at their sites,
they must fill out the Add/Drop
worksheets completely and correct-
ly or be sent to the end of the line.
Worksheets are available at all Add/
Drop locations.

When a student is seated at a
computer terminal. he should add
classes before dropping others.
Many times students drop classes
then attempt to re-add them a few
minutes later ‘ and. to their horror,
find the classes already filled.

After leaving the terminals, stu-
dents should pick up the computer


printouts of their schedules and
check them for errors. If a computer
operator made errors, the student
should return to that operator imme-

Students who don’t get the class-
es they want on the first try can re-
turn to the Add/Drop station any-
time later for another attempt.
Students also may check the
PRIME system for updates on class
openings and closings. PRIME will
be updated twice a day during Add/

Those who plan on just dropping
classes should enter the drop-only
line in the classroom building.
However, students who wish to
withdraw from all their classes need
to go to 10 Funkhouser Building.

Collins suggested bringing a
brown-bag lunch or something to
read to pass the time in line. “Be
prepared to wait." she said.





Spring Add/Drop begins Tuesday and continues through Jan. 20. University officials say
they don't think lines will be as long as they were for Fall Add/Drop.








By Dale Greer could be raisedgand Byars said she it’s still there.“
K Executive Editor '5 kind or surpnsed at the results. United Way of the Bluegrass fell
“We've had some people who about 8 percent short of its 56.3
The head of UK‘s I992-93 Unit- came in and increased their pledges, million 8031 for 1992-93 and CUF-
ed Way fund drive said Monday she which is really gratifying," she said. rently '5 "I the Process 0f trimming
is pleased with recent contributions, “It was very few, but some. And about 5500.000 from the allocations
despite failing to meet the Universi- then, we’ve had others who contin- ll PmVldCS ‘0 189 social SCMCC
ty‘s goal for the first time in at least ucd to remember that they hadn't agencies in the chrngton area.
12 years. given." Agency officials have blamed the
UK had hoped to raise $460,000 Updated figures are not yet avail- economy ‘9’ the drop '" contribu-
this year. but had raised only about able on recent contributions, but “0“5 10 United Way.
_: $379,000 by the time the campaign Byars said they won‘t be enough The Lexington Rape Crisis Cen-
i gfficralllay ended in] Ntivember,fs:il:d for UK to reach its goal. ter, which receives $82,000 of its
' 65:? yars,co-c airwomano e “We sort of need a fairy god- S24:'(),000tl))cudgethllrom UV'lfd‘W‘l‘h
' mother to meet our goal, but every '5 dam: tter ‘ fl" mf‘ll‘igtjmi'fs
? Organizers decided, however, to little bit helps. Anything we get ob- un 103K} elmonfiyntrunc ‘5‘" If“-
5; keep the books open until the end viously makes you feel good. It‘s tor I‘m” aw ”5'
g of the year so that more money not an overwhelming amount, but Its United Way allocation was
SGA struggles 'tho t secretar
i Mashbum to hold them together. there to guide us and let us know
. By.J°.°.Bra.un and the Student Government Asso- what to do.“ Amold said. “She has
Ed'tor'a Ed'tor ciation had Mary Jo," said former done that with every administration.
h“ S‘tti th' d sk th' k SGA member Rob Mathews. She provides continuity to the of-
.’ mm“ (10'3“: 1:“ch s 0': ‘3: it; Scheurich said she left the job for rice."
y pe achange of atmosphere. November said he believes SGA


mail. Student Government Associa-
tion President Pete November Ia-
mented the office's loss of its secre-

After seven years in the SGA of-
fice, Mary Jo Scheurich transferred
to the College of Fine Arts dean’s
office. On top of that, because of a
University hiring freeze. SGA is
footing the bill for a replacement.

Scheurich's absence has placed
many additional duties on office

“With the new constitution we
have had to reorganize everything,
and with Mary Jo gone it‘s a lot of
added duties. I didn't realize how

“It's not that l disliked SGA and
working with students. that‘s not
true." Scheurich said that she “just
needed a change."

Because of the Universitywide
hiring freeze, the SGA Senate
stepped in and voted to use some of
its funds to replace the secretary’s
salary. which had been paid by the
University. The senate allocated
$18,000 to cover the salary and
benefits for that position until the
hiring freeze ends or another solu-
tion becomes available.

SGA Executive Director Mat Ar-
nold said he believes the senate

made the right decision to use sen-
ate money to replace the secretary’s

“The whole University has taken
a huge budget cut, whereas student
government got an increase in mon-
ey. So. for me. it‘s kind of difficult
to ask the University, who lost a lot
of money, to fill the position."

SGA~ received an additional
$30,000 this semester from a stu-
dent fee increase requested by last
year‘s president, Scott Crosbie.‘

November said the senate alloca-,
tion also was a wise investment be-
cause of the tremendous amount of


not cut this year, but it was not
granted an increase to cover infia-
tion, either. She said, however, that
the center was lucky it did not have
to trim its budget like some of the
other social service agencies that re—
ccive funding from United Way.

“We're pretty overloaded here as
it is. We desperately needed the
money. and a budget cut would just
have been devastating to us."

The center operates a 24-hour
hotlinc for rape victims anti pro-
vides counseling and other support
services. Lawless said a budget cut
would have especially hurt women
and UK students because no other
agency in Lexington provides the
same combination of services.

. um
_ y on c“. MM.
“tion glided can... as.
gist of changed M


List of cancelled elm m
39. _



Student ticket distributions
upcoming for regular season
games and Southeastern '
Conference tournament. which ‘
will be held at Rupp Arena.
Stories. Page B1.
What are the basketball polls
worth? What do they really
mean? Column, Page Bf.
Arts editor recounts the top
entertainment events 01 t .
previous year. Column.



Cloudy today with
chance of rain; it




She also said the center counsels
“a lot of UK students."

Lexington‘s Salvation Army is
looking at a much different budget
picture. It saw its share of United
Way money drop this year by 2.5
percent, said David Bowles, the or-
ganizations business administrator.

The Salvation Army actually had
requested an increase in funding
this year, from $324,500 to
$339,100. so the cutback is having
even more ofan impact, he said.

About one-third of the Salvation
Army‘s budget is supplied by the
United Way.

The Salvation Army is attempt-
ing to raise extra money through a

UK chairwoman pleased by continued donations to United Way

variety of fundraisers, and Boules
said the annual Christmas dme has
enabled the agency to at least make
up for the 2.5 percent cut.

As a result, it has not had to lax
off any staff or curtail seniccs.
both of which would be last resorts
Bowles said.

ln addition to providing riightb
shelter for I60 homeless people, in-
cluding about a dozen families. the
Salvation army serves hot meals
and offers subsidized day care for
the working poor.

“These are basic human needs
we‘re talking about." Bowles said
“To cut any of these tsen'iccs»
would really hurt Lexrngton.“

UK, Douglas negotiate
out-of-court settlement


Staff reports

The first black doctor to be ad-
mitted to UK’s orthopedic residen-
cy program has left after an out-of-
court settlement was negotiated

Dr. Donald Douglas had won a
Fayette Circuit Court suit against
the University, and Judge Rebecca
Overstreet had ordered the Univer-
sity to readmit him to the program.

Douglas returned to the program
on Monday, according to UK Hos-
pital spokesman Doug Bnice, but
Wednesday the two parties reached
an undisclosed settlement

Bruce said Douglas will not be

the program.

In the successful suit, Douglas
contended that the University let
him go because of a discrimination
complaint he filed in I087 with the
state Human Rights Commission.

Overstreet niled that Douglas be
readmitted to the program Jan. I.

Last month, UK motioned the
court to permit the hospital to re-
quire orthopedic surgery patients to
sign a consent form saying the. rest-
dency program‘s faculty felt one
doctor was not qualified, but that
the University had to admit him by
court order. ‘

Overstreet denied the motion and
lectured UK that the consent form
would unfa’u'ly single out Douglas.

much Mary 10 did until she left" paid for the position because filling work a vacancy in the position and 40. Rain t-, returning to the program but could
Some SGA officials say Scheu- it was “vital totheorganization.“ would create over time. ' ' notrelcase any other details. 11“; mm UK President
rich is the glue has held the organi- “(Scheurich) was there all the Scheurich agreed. saying she. Douqu sued the University after Charles Wethington to apologize
zation together from year to year. time. When we have a problem or too. believes SGA cannot function being dismissed as a resident in publicly to those offended by Uni-
“ _ , h ‘Thc UK Wildcats have Jamal we don‘t know what to do. she‘s withoutasecretary. 1990 more than half way through varsity staterncntsduringthecase.
I . ' ’ ‘
» r J 51‘ "1 A '



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7:" ’ A-S 351 001 1- 3.0 11111 0100914 0450911 A09 500 001 14 1.0 TBA TBA A110 022 005 7 3.0 M 09NAM 1230911 Bsc 777 401 3' 3.0 T 0030911 0000911
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" . A S ”1 m1 3° 3,0 Tn OTNPM 0450PM AGE 023 N1 4' 3.0 MWF 11NAM 1150AM Am m 201 21 3.0 TBA BUS 110 N1 3' 1.0 MWF 1W 1NOAM
1‘, 1 A s 370 001 1' 3.0 T11 0000AM 1150AM A09 007 001 7 2.0 TBA ABC 02 401 24 3.0 w 07009M 0000911 303 110 002 0 1.0 MWF 1100AM 1150AM
', 1 A s .7. 0.. 4' 3,. w .10.” 0.5.0" Min 007 002 10 1.0 w 03009M 03009M A110 023 001 24 3.0 TBA Bus 117 001 11 2.0 MWF 1000AM 1050AM
, : A5 371 4.1 5- 3,. MW 0.00m 00509M A69 712 001 12 4.0 TB 0000AM 0010AM A110 023 201 24 3 0 TBA Bus 117 002 11 2.0 MWF 1100AM 1150AM
‘1 , A-S 3.. 0., .1 1. m 1000AM 11 “AM TBA TBA A110 027 001 7 20 M 01009M 0150911 BUS 100 001 10 3.0 T 03309M 00309M
'1 1 13A 13A A011 721 001 0 4.0 TR 0200911 03159M 11 mm 1150AM Bus 315 001 15 3.0 TB 0200PM 00159M
' 41s 3.. .0. 1- 3,. w 1...“ 115mm 11 03309M 05209M ABC 11:11 001 41 3.0 Mw 00:10AM 0045AM Bus 310 001 12 3.0 T11 1100AM 12159M
. ' TBA TBA AGR 749 N1 24 0.0 TBA TBA AN 033 N1 39 3.0 TB MAM 1NOAM BUS 550 N1 10 3.0 TB 09NAM 1045AM
»’~. : A s 3.1 .01 3- 3,. m 0100911 025019” A69 700 001 0 1.0 TBA TBA ABC 0115 401 27 30 T11 00009M 0715911 00 300 001 14 3.0 T11 03NPM 04459M
3' - TBA AGR 709 N1 12 00 TBA TBA AN 050 N1 46 3.0 TB 04NPM N15PM CD 303 N1 15 3.0 TR 11NAM 12159M
1 ' A-S 300 001 4' 3.0 T11 01009M 04509M A011 770 001 0 1.0 9 02009M 02509M ABC 002 001 4' 00 WP 0100911 04509M CD 304 401 15 3.0 w 00309M 0900PM
' AS 3.. 401 5- 3,. my 00009M 0.50m A011 770 002 0 1.0 9 03009M mm M 01009M 04509M CD 511 401 2' 3.0 T 00009M 00309M
: 4.5 3.. 402 7 3,. m mom 0.50m A611 773 401 30 1.0 11 0730911 00209M ABC 1302 003 20 0.0 WF 02009M 05509M CD 507 001 11 3.0 TB 0000AM 1045AM
. A.s 3.. .0. 1- . . 13A 13A AGR m 001 14 1.0 TBA TBA T 02009M 05509M co 500 001 10 3.0 MWF 0000AM 0050AM
. 1 As 3.. 0.. 1- 1 . 13A 13A AHP 540 002 1' 2.0 9 1000AM 1150AM B 02009M 05509M CD 502 001 20 3.0 w 04009M 00309M
' AS 305 010 1- 1.0 TBA TBA ANA 305 001 3' 10 TBA TBA A110 002 004 20 0.0 M11 02009M mm W 0400911 00309M ‘
: AS 3.5 .12 1- 1‘. 13A ANA 300 001 11 1.0 TBA TBA w 02009M 05509M CB 057 001 4' 3.0 M 01009M 01509M .;. - ‘ :'
, A«S m 001 1° 1,0 TBA TBA ANA 503 N1 2' 3.0 TBA TBA T 02NPM N509M TBA ' fl '
1 A-S 5,. 001 2- 3‘. 1. 010.11" 0.50m ANA 510 001 13 3.0 T11 0000AM 0050AM A110 910 001 30 7.0 Mw 00009M 0050911 00 057 002 3' 3.0 M 0100911 01509M
' AS 511 001 4' 3.0 T11 01009M 04509M F 1NOAM 1150M MWF 0200PM MOW TBA
§ j As 5.. 001 .- 3,. MW 0000AM 1150AM ANA 520 001 a 2.0 TBA TBA A110 910 002 20 7.0 M11: 00009M 00509M CD 057 003 4' 1.0 F 1000AM 1250911
2 , A. 5., 1,.1 .- 3. w ....AM 1150AM ANA 532 001 9 2.0 Mw 01009M 01509M MWF 02009M wow 00- 050 001 2' 10 TBA TBA
A-S 530 001 1' 30 Mw 01009M 04509M 11w 02009M 0450PM A110 910 003 20 7.0 Mw 00009M 0050PM co 0511 001 1' 1.0 TBA
4.5 540 001 0 3.0 MW 0100911 0450911 w 0100911 0450911 MWF 02009M 00009111 CD 073 401 19 3.0 w 00009M 00309M
. A—S 550 001 3- 3,0 MW 0100911 0450911 ANA 000 N1 5' 1.0 TBA AFC 910 N4 20 7.0 MW OBNPM NSOPM CD 702 401 11 3.0 M OGNPM 0030PM
' \ A18 551 001 4' 3 0 MW 0100904 04509111 ANA 611 N1 30 8.0 TBA MWF OZNPM NNPM CD 702 402 10 3.0 T 0000PM OBNPM
\ 1‘ A S 500 001 4' 3 0 m 01001114 04501911 ANA 831 001 12 3.0 TBA AFC 910 005 20 7.0 MW 00009M NSOPM COS 012 N1 0 2.0 TBA
\ A s 5‘, 00, . 3 . m 01009M 04509M ANA 033 001 10 2.0 TBA MWF 02009M 0000911 cos 031 001 20 2.0 TBA TBA
' A-S 571 2.1 1- 3. Mw 0.00m 00509M ANA 030 001 5' 3.0 TBA ABC 010 000 75 7.0 Mw 00009M 00509M cos 740 001 10 0.0 TBA
A-S 5.. 0.1 11 3 . my 010.010 .2500» ANA 002 001 30 2.0 TBA TBA MWF 02009M 00009M CE 100 002 1' 3.0 MWF 0000AM 0950AM
' TBA TBA ANA 749 N1 20 0.0 TBA Am 910 201 19 7.0 TBA CE 121 N1 33 3.0 MWF 11NAM 1150AM
' AS 504 001 1' 30 Tn mm 04501111 ANA 700 001 1' 1.0 TBA TBA A110 011 001 17 7.0 w1= 00009M 00509M CE 341 002 24 3.0 TB 0000AM 0015AM
, TBA TBA ANA 709 N1 9 0.0 TBA TBA MWF 02NPM NOOPM CE 301 N1 2' 3.0 MW MAM NNAM
- AS 010 001 4- 3.0 TR 0100911 0450911 ANA 790 001 10 10 TBA TBA A110 011 002 20 7.0 w9 00009M 00509M T 02009M 04509M
., - A-S .11 .01 3- 3,. m 01009M 0450911 ANT 120 001 11 3.0 T11 02009M 0250911 MWF 02009M 00009M CE 301 002 20 3.0 Mw 0000A11 0050AM
1‘ AS 020 001 4- 3.0 Mw 03004M 1150AM T 1 mm 1150AM ABC 1111 003 20 7.0 w1= 00009M 00509M TBA
€ 1 AS 021 001 s- 3.0 Mw oeooAM 1150AM ANT 120 002 7 3.0 T11 02009M 0250911 MWF 02009M 00009M CE 302 001 4' 3.0 TB 1230911 0145911
A.s .5. ..1 5- 3,. W 01009M 025.15" T 0100911 01509M ABC 011 004 20 7.0 WF 00009M 00509M CE 305 001 17 1.0 TBA TBA TBA . . .
AB 051 001 5' 3.0 Mw 01009111 0450911 ANT 121 002 2' 3.0 Mw 0100951 01509M MWF 02009M 00009M CE 305 002 10 1.0 TBA ‘_,
_ A-S am 001 4' 3,0 TR 01NPM “50PM W 09NAM ONOAM AFC 911 N5 20 7.0 WF 00009M NSOPM CE 395 N3 7 10 TBA ' ‘. ~
. AS 001 0.1 3- 3,. m 0100PM .2500“ ANT 121 003 15 3.0 Mw 0100911 0150PM MWF 02009M 00009M CE 401 001 11 1.0 M 0300911 04509M .1, 'v
- AS 070 401 5' 3.0 11w osooPM 00509M M 1000AM 1050AM A110 911 000 73 7.0 w9 mm 00509111 CE 403 001 12 3.0 Mw 0500911 0015911 :
.'\\ ' ' A-S 571 ‘01 5' 30 MW NOOPM “50PM ANT 121 N4 19 3.0 MW OTNPM OISOPM MWF 02NPM NOOPM TBA _.‘-
L 1 3 AS 5” 001 4' 3,0 MW 0100PM 0250p" W IWAM 1050AM Am 911 201 10 70 TBA CE 421 N1 7 3.0 MWF 11NAM 1150AM ‘
0, TBA TBA ANT 121 N5 9 3.0 MW O1NPM 0150PM Am 912 N1 979 30 TBA CE 441 001 7 3.0 TR OBNAM 0915AM
‘ A s 501 001 5' 3,0 Mw 01NPM ()2pr F IMAM 1NOAM AFC 912 201 905 3.0 TBA CE 451 N1 5' 3.0 TB 09NAM 1045AM
. TBA TBA ANT 121 N6 9 3.0 MW 01NPM 0150PM Am 914 N1 15 3.0 TBA CE 4616 N1 13 3.0 MWF 1MAM 1050AM
‘1 A0 740 001 3' 3.0 TBA TBA F 11NAM 1150AM A90 014 201 10 3.0 TBA CE 4716 001 2' 3.0 TR 1100AM 1150AM '1', .
' A-S 750 001 5' 30 TBA TBA ANT 121 201 14 3.0 91 mm 00309M ABC 020 201 23 20 TBA TBA TBA T 02009M 04509M .
‘ £ A-S 750 002 5' 30 TBA TBA ANT 121 401 32 3.0 T OBNPM NOOPM Am 950 N1 4' 3.0 TB 02NPM 0250PM CE 402 N1 37 3.0 MWF MAM 0950AM :
A-S 707 001 7 1,0 TBA TBA ANT 141 201 0 3.0 W OBNPM 0030PM Am N4 N1 17 3.0 MW 12NPM 013OPM CE 506 401 1' 3.0 TB NNPM 0745PM .
. A-S 770 001 5' 3,0 TBA TBA ANT 160 N2 2' 3.0 MW 01NPM 0150PM TBA CE 521 401 0 3.0 MW NNPM 0745PM
“1 A-S 770 002 4' 3 0 TBA TBA M OMAM N50AM AR: N4 N2 19 3.0 TB 12NPM 0115PM CE 533 N1 13 3.0 MWF IMAM 1050AM
A-S 779 001 5' 30 TBA TBA M 05NPM NOOPM AFC N4 N3 25 3.0 TB 02NPM 0315M CE 534 N1 20 3.0 TB 09NAM 1045AM
\ , A-S 700 001 5' 3.0 TBA ANT 100 000 3' 3.0 Mw 0100911 01509M ARC 004 004 30 3.0 TB 1100AM 1230911 CE 550 001 3' 3.0 TB 12309M 01459M
1 A-S 7N 002 4' 30 TBA TBA F MAM O950AM Am N4 005 9 3.0 TB 12NPM 0115PM CE 509 N1 3' 4.0 MWF OINPM 0250PM
A»S 7N 003 5' 30 TBA TBA M OSNPM NOOPM Am N4 006 25 3.0 T 02NPM 0430PM CE 579 N1 20 3.0 TB 11NAM 1215PM
A-S 7N 004 4' 3.0 TBA ANT 160 N7 1' 3.0 MW 01NPM ()1pr Am N4 N7 21 3.0 TBA CE 503 N1 5' 3.0 TF1 03NPM 0445PM
. A-S 7N 005 4' 3.0 TBA TBA W 1 INAM 1150AM AFN: 904 N5 30 3.0 MWF 1MAM 1050AM CE 509 N1 15 4.0 MWF 01NPM 0250PM
A~S 7N ON 5' 3.0 TBA TBA M OSNPM ONOPM AFC N4 201 20 3.0 TBA CE 599 N1 13 1.0 MW 03NPM 0445PM
A-S 7N N7 5' 3.0 TBA TBA ANT 160 N8 3' 3.0 MW C1NPM OISOPM Am N4 202 29 30 TBA CE 599 401 2' 3.0 TF1 06NPM 0715PM
A-S 700 000 5' 3.0 TBA 1= 0000AM 0050AM ART 100 002 23 3.0 11 02009M 0430911 CE 034 001 12 3.0 TB 11NAM 12159M
A-S 7N 009 4' 3.0 TBA M 05NPM NOOPM ART 501 N1 20 3.0 TBA TBA CE 942 N1 7 3.0 TB 02NPM 0315PM
A.s m 010 5' 3,0 TBA ANT 160 N9 1‘ 3.0 MW 1NOAM 1050AM ART 502 N1 1 1 3.0 TBA CE 851 N1 15 3.0 TB 09NAM 1045AM
' A-S 7N 011 5' 3.0 TBA W O1NPM 0150PM ART 760 N1 3' 1.0 TBA CE 052 N1 17 3.0 TB MAM 0915AM
A-S 7N 012 4' 3.0 TBA TBA M OSNPM ONOPM AS 112 N1 33 1.0 W 02NPM 0250PM CE 000 N1 2' 3.0 MWF 04NPM 0450PM
, A-S 793 401 13 1,0 W (3309M NNPM ANT 160 010 1' 3.0 MW 1MAM 1NOAM AS 112 N2 15 1.0 R OWPM N5OPM CE 001 401 13 3.0 TF1 05NPM N15PM
A-S 799 N1 4' 3.0 TBA TBA F OTNPM 0150PM AS 114 N1 102 1.0 B 04NPM OSNPM CE 002 401 16 3 0 TR O5NPM N15PM
A-S 7N ON 5‘ 3.0 TBA M OSNPM MOPM AS 212 N1 10 1.0 R 02NPM 0250PM CE 000 N1 4' 3.0 MW 05NPM N15PM
A-S 790 m 3' 3,0 TBA TBA ANT 160 01 1 2' 3.0 MW 1MAM 1NOAM AS 214 N1 10 1.0 B 04NPM 0530PM CE 099 N1 4' 3.0 F 02NPM 0450PM
A-S 799 N4 4' 3.0 TBA TBA F MAM N50AM AS 332 401 20 3.0 R 0545PM NNPM CE 709 401 0 3.0 TB 05NPM N15PM
‘ 1 A-S 799 005 4' 3.0 TBA TBA M OSNPM MOPM AS 333 N1 21 0.0 R 04NPM 0530M CE 749 N1 29 0.0 TBA TBA TBA
1 A-S ”IN ON 5' 3.0 TBA ANT 160 015 1' 3.0 MW 1MAM 1NOAM AS 342 401 28 3.0 Fl 0545M N30PM CE 700 N1 27 1.0 TBA TBA TBA
' AAS 2N 001 0 3.0 TF1 0200PM 0315PM W OMAM NSOAM AS 343 N1 10 0.0 B 04NPM OSNPM CE 709 N1 10 0.0 TBA TBA
I AAS 401 N1 3' 3.0 TBA TBA M OSNPM MOPM AS 395 N1 10 2.0 TBA TBA CE 779 N1 17 3.0 TB MAM 0915AM
. . ACC 201 001 45 3.0 MWF WM NSOAM ANT 161 401 21 3.0 M 00NPM N30PM ASC 120 N1 7 1.0 W 12NPM 0250PM CE 754 N1 13 3.0 MW
. w 0500PM NNPM ANT 323 401 1' 3.0 W OGNPM NBOPM ASC 300 N1 5' 3.0 T (IMAM NSOAM CE 7N N1 10 1.0 TBA
> ACC 201 005 a 3,0 MWF 1200951 1250M ANT 327 001 3' 3.0 MWF 1100AM 1150AM TB 03009M 0450PM CE 791 001 10 1.0 TBA
; w osooPM NNPM ANT 399 001 10 1.0 TBA TBA ASC N1 N1 17 3.0 MWF mPM 0450PM CEP 399 N1 45 1.0 TBA
1 ACC 201 000 40 3.0 MWF 120091] 1250PM ANT 510 001 5' 3.0 TB O9NAM 1045AM ASC N3 N1 23 2.0 TBA TBA CHE 105 N1 00 3.0 MWF
1 . W OSOOPM NNPM ANT 519 N1 2' 3.0 TB 02NPM N15PM ASC N4 N1 12 4.0 MW MAM 0050AM B
' ' ACC 201 007 11 3.0 MWF 0100PM 0150M ANT 525 N1 29 3.0 MW 02NPM 0315PM TR IMAM 1150AM CHE 1N N2 1' 3.0 TB
; W 0500M NNPM ANT 520 N1 25 3.0 TB 12NPM 0145PM ASC N4 N2 19 4.0 MW MAM 0050AM R
, ACC 201 000 25 3.0 MM 0200PM 0250911 ANT 520 001 3' 3.0 TB 1100AM 12159M T11 01009M 02509M CHE 107 001 0 3.0 MWF
1 w 0500PM “13PM ANT 534 N1 4' 3.0 T 04NPM NBOPM ASC 321 N1 20 2.0 F 01NPM 0500PM B
1 ACC 201 401 3 :10 T11 mom 07159M ANT 542 001 1' 3.0 MWF 1000AM 1050AM Asc 300 001 5' 3.0 MWF 09NAM 0950AM CHE 107 002 11 3.0 MWF
' ’ ACC 201 402 25 3.0 TB 073OPM N45PM ANT 5” N1 14 3.0 R OZNPM 0430PM ASC N2 N1 7 3.0 MWF MAM 0950AM H
‘ " Ace 202 001 32 3,0 mwr: 00002111 OBSOAM ANT 501 001 24 10 TBA TBA Asc 300 001 7 3.0 MW 1100AM 1150AM CHE 107 N3 42 3.0 MWF
1 R ONOPM NNPM ANT 502 N1 15 3.0 W 1WAM 1230PM F OTNPM 0250PM B
1 ACC 202 002 4' 3,0 MWF 0900AM 00m ANT 012 N1 10 3.0 W 02NPM 0430M ASC 395 N1 5' 2.0 TBA TBA CHE 107 401 09 3.0 TB
1 R osooPM NNPM ANT 021 N1 0 3.0 TB OBNAM 1045AM ASC 399 N1 9 1.0 TBA TBA CHE 220 N2 5' 3.0 TB
, ACC 202 003 1' 3,0 MWF 1200PM 1250PM ANT 841 N1 10 3.0 W 03009M NNPM ASC 4040 N1 22 4.0 TB 11NAM 1150AM T
, 12 05009511 NNPM ANT 720 N1 10 3.0 T OZNPM 0009M TF 02NPM 0350PM CHE 220 N3 2' 4.0 TB
1 ACC 202 om 3- 30 MWF 020019" 02501104 ANT 725 N1 20 3.0 M 02NPM 0009M ASC 41°C 201 29 3.0 MW “PM 0730PM M
: 11 0500904 NNPM ANT 749 N1 23 0.0 TBA TBA ASC 4106 401 10 3.0 MW 07NPM NBOPM CHE 220 N4 3' 4.0 TB
‘ . 1 ACC 202 007 31 30 MWF mm 03510104 ANT 707 001 7 1.0 TBA TBA w 0100PM 0250PM T
‘ 1 R NOON NNPM ANT 700 N1 20 1.0 TBA TBA ASC 4426 N1 7 3 0 MW TMAM 1NOAM CHE 2N N1 22 3.0 MWF
._ . ACC 202 000 31 3.0 T9 0000AM 0015AM ANT 7011 001 22 0.0 TBA TBA T 02009M 03509M CHE 232 002 73 3.0 TB
1 ,0 1 11 mm 0.3.011 ANT 770 001 12 3.0 T 02009M 04:109M A30 470 001 7 1 o T 0000AM 0050AM w
, ACC 202 000 5' 3,0 Tn @009“ 00151!" ANT 7N N1 27 1.0 TBA TBA A80 470 N2 14 10 B MAM NBOAM CHE 235 N1 15 1.0 F
‘ . n 0500911 NNPM AFC 120 N1 11 3.0 TB 12NPM 0145PM ASC 504 N1 21 3 0 MWF 12NPM 1250PM CHE 3“ N1 25 1.0 TBA
1 ACC 202 301 0 30 MW mom 0715PM AN 121 N1 117 3.0 TB 12NPM 0145PM ASC N1 N1 0 30 MWF MAM MOAM CHE 4426 N1 15 3.0 MWF
|' ACC 202 302 27 30 MW cm W AN: 201 N1 00 00 TBA TBA ABC 0N N1 4' 40 TBA CHE 514 001 13 3.0 MWF
, ACC 202 403 50 3 0 S 1130AM NNPM AN 201 N3 00 0.0 TBA TBA ABC 003 N1 21 2 0 TB 09NAM 1NOAM CHE 521 N1 20 1.0 T
~ ACC N1 001 1B 3 0 MWF MOAM NBOAM Am 202 N1 51 0.0 M mm 0349” A50 N4 N1 20 3 O MWF MAM NBOAM CHE 521 N2 27 1.0 W
1 ACC N1 002 1' 3.0 MWF MOAM M M 0340M “PM ABC 749 N1 20 00 TBA TBA CHE 521 N3 20 1.0 TB
1 ACC N1 004 1' 3.0 MWF 1100AM 1150AM WF OZNPM N55PM ABC 700 N1 10 10 TBA TBA CHE 533 N1 13 2.0 MW
1 ACC N1 005 14 3.0 TB 0930AM 1045AM AN 2N N2 7 0.0 M 02NPM 0340PM ABC 709 N1 17 00 TBA TBA CHE 5N N1 9 3.0 TB
' ACC N2 N1 21 3.0 TB MM N15AM M 034OPM N55PM ABC 771 N1 11 10 M 02NPM 02m CHE 540 N1 10 3.0 MWF
' ACC 302 002 1' 3.0 TB 0930AM 1045AM WF O2NPM NBBPM AN 7N N1 15 10 TBA TBA CHE 572 N1 1' 1.0 T
I ACC 324 001 2- 30 w; MOAM um AN 202 N3 0 00 M 02NPM 0340PM ABC 701 N1 15 1 0 TBA TBA CHE 572 N2 2' 1.0 T
1 ACC 395 N1 19 1.0 TBA TBA M MPM N05” ABC 702 N1 12 10 TBA TBA CHE 010 N1 20 3.0 MWF
1 Acc 3115 201 10 1.0 TBA w1 0200