xt7pg44hqn3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqn3h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1985 1985 1985-01-15 2020 true xt7pg44hqn3h section xt7pg44hqn3h \
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..33.3 3--. . 3 3 3 73.33 ‘3>.- 3.... - 333 IR .3 33,3 3- .393 33_3.'sz~.- ,3. 3 W as . 3 not get X- about ' Sald he h book . )ear (o yea .. ge‘ about » . . .
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”.63.: ' MW - “,..... "t'Ve vice pres' JaCccrding to applications 9”“ jusr 1.55 "“5 Pus330me name recO -‘ - 1 think it was mOre Cosr S ErXJ‘hange, . . ‘ - . .
mikwm ‘ 333333-3333, I L' L . 3 J LL ’1 ,.--- L L HM idem Jim PustieXL listedalimeL Lam vear‘: than 500 [OW nugiger said, Mignon“ Gated 51.200 f0! emCLem' QGALWL u L L
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"I the a book exch A has nts Want t ' and “a lot and hOpes tha year Was - mo er said he “'20"- ani
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.33., .xLJJJJJJ-m ‘x In ab ’ grant .. was more m...- »he mains-J and swarm we
’L- ‘3. “-5 J' ' 0 L yswm was m' bl" ‘
gs».- ,.ge. :- Bmwv llt Sle o - a‘J‘J’med be.
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,3 3hfi~r§f§§3m J j’ » . a: Media] Cm ma... 'The “P,"Ithemgm “36 l't .
_ . {13... . ~. .J- helppeople ter m “an che- U'Int u . ltle ht of /
. a ., 11.. ”Julianne “'8 to mfg"? parka}: “My 8 Very '99“)! to imif'emmng from n -’
Ilia-«1.35.24 .. L’ ’. “*‘JEZMKwJ if“, L‘ ca 6'. I . respi mni " L . arco.
wmwm .,,,3 3 % “an Erin! Inl ngeyfi caved a gun?! 3:33;?”th :gvfigt :nly d2 me thin; 333339332319, ”We 3 ‘
“Ruffian; limplm.‘ i" work in "'3'? said, 11,": a mimne .. The 33 5 Sleep § 1
MM mum mum“ for a,” “ to allow gm} 0‘ the .3. mm mm“ clim '
.3..3 33 3333 "up n‘ from a door: vim hm, "mule dun-"9‘9““! “to .5; patient?“ "ms 33303353100131, di‘38- \ J /:
‘ LL “Mm” Mad "" " upendi‘ d‘minati "‘ "“r own ”d‘ Ye". Keene 9' more “1. 1—;
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’w’ 10m m h ' ml “In“ in the m fa-m W» Apnea V ‘ Jr?
, .» . a- M Y W w . once a- ma ‘ -*
. . «at, war, for we“ be in ”tint... mamw y"'mnonl , /
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‘ do to u... "" In“. «M’”“ “7 mg. W. said Mm‘ “Nm' 333mm,. laid Mum”, ““ death. 0“ /
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z-uwrucrrrxm MM 1‘ 1.
.-_ - ~ - —~ iniermeiienemthieeeienderetevenisieeeileetedr —
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
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: 1 , \ nizations or University departments to make entries on
. ' ‘ 7‘ : T the calendar, a Campus Calendar form must be filled
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‘ ‘ . M:rmflhmnummmmmmu.
. . ‘ ‘i' y ‘ '
OMovies: Caddyshack; $1.75; OMovies: Caddyshack; $1.75; ' OMeetings: Getting To Know You- 0Movies: Indiana Jones and the
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM Dinner following discussion-Free; K- Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham
, 00ther: Ticket Distribution for the OSports: UK Basketball vs. Mississip- House/412 Rose St.; 5:30 PM; Call 254- Theatre; 7:30PM
~ , LSU Game-Free to full time students; pi State; Rupp Arena 1881 0Concerts: Lex. Philharmonic: Lee
Memorial Coliseum; 9 AM-4 PM; Call 7- OAcademics: Class work begins! OMovies: Caddyshack: $1.75; Luvisi, Piano; $10, $12.50, $15, and
1757 OMeetings: W.S. Webb Archaeologi- Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM $17; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-
. . 0Academics: Add/Drop; Memorial cal Society Meeting; 108 Latterty Hall; 4929
. Coliseum 7:30 PM; Call 269-1079
OMovies: Indiana Jones and the 0Exhibitions: Art Museum: Inner 0Movies: Indiana Jones and the 'M°Vi°53 indiana Jones and "‘9
Temple of Doom; $1.75.- Worsham Light-The Shaker Legacy; Center for Temple of Doom: Sl-75; Worsham Temple of D°°'“? 31-75? Worsham
. Theatre; 730 mm the Arts; Call 7-5716 Theatre; 7130 PM "‘90,”: 7330 PM _
eSPorfs; UK Basketball vs. Florida; 0Concerts: Faculty Recital: Suzanne 00ther: Library Tours for Adult Stu- '5P0r'51 Entry d90d'"‘° .907 Intra.
Rupp Arena cintosh 8. Lucien Stark; Center for the dents (Registration required); Kings Li- 305k9'50” (0' Mgrs. M99""9 only);
. fins; 3 PM; Call 7.4900 brary; 5:30 PM: Call 7-3383 Worsham Theatre: 5 PM: Ca" 7-3928
OMovies: indiana Jones and the OMeetings: Snow Ski 005 Meeting;
, Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham 2285C? 7:30PM; Call7-7644
Theatre; 7:30PM 0Academics: Last day to add a class
0Concerts: Chamber Music Society: for "‘9 l935_5P"i"9 “"19“"
V The Diabelli Trio-Paid admission; Cen- OAcademlcs: 105' day '0 W/ draw
,9, for the Arts; Call7-3145 from UK or reduce load 8. receive an
80% refund
05ports: Entry deadline for intro.
Basketball tor Fac. & Staff; SC Auditori~
um; 5 PM; Call 7-2898
OMeetings: Emergence Feminist
' ’ Women's Press Meeting; 111 SC; 5:30
. PM; Call 254-2946
. ' 2‘4
' . k , . ‘ Movies f Arts 3' Concerts 61:3) Intramural and Athletic Events
, 1/15: Caddyshack; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM 1/18: Concerts: Lex. Philharmonic: Lee Luvisi, Piano- $10, 1/16: UK Basketballvs. Mississippi State; Rupp Arena; TBA
_ 1/16: Caddyshack; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM $12.50, $15, 8 $17; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-4929 1/19: UK Basketball vs. Florida; Rupp Arena: TBA
- 1/17: Caddyshack; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 1/20: Faculty Recital: Suzanne McIntosh B Lucien Stark; Center 1/22: Entry deadline for Intra. Basketball (at Mgrs. Meeting
.' . y , 1/18: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham for the Arts; 3 PM; Call7-49w only); Worsham Theatre; 5PM; Call7-3928
. , 0 Theatre; 7:30PM 1/20: Chamber Music Society: The Diabelli Trio-Paid admis- 1/22: Entry deadline for Intra. Basketball tor Fac. B Stafl; SC
.. . 1/19: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham sion; Center for the Arts; Call 7-3145 Auditorium; 5PM; Call7-2B9B
. i Theatre: 7:30 PM 1/20: Exhibitions: Art Museum: inner Light-The Shaker Legacy;
' 1/20: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham Center for the Arts; Call7-5716
_ _ Theatre; 7:30 PM
; a 7 ' 1/21: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham
. . . Theatre; 7230 PM
‘ ' i/22: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom; $1.75; Worsham
Theatre: 7:30 PM
‘ .- Meetings and Lectures ER Specaal Events Lock'ng Ahead
' A ‘  , 1/23: UK Basketballvs.Georgia; Athens; TBA
' . 1 , 16: W.S. Webb Archaeological Society Meeting; 108 Latterty V15: Academics: Add/Drop; Memorial Coliseum 1/23: Club Sports Day; Old arcade room (2nd floor) SC; 10 AM-
' .17 Hall; 7:30 PM; Call 269-1079 1/16: Class work begins! 4 PM; Call 7-3928
’ V22: Snow Ski Club Meeting: 228 SC: 7:30 PM: Coin-7644 ”22‘ '-°"d°Y'° °dd°"°“*°""' "3559"” “mm“ . 1/24: Wheelchair Sports Clinic- Free North Gym: Seaton Cen-
- , 1/22: Emergence Feminist Women's Press Meeting; 111 SC; A62} Lf’lgoY '0 W/d'W from UK °" "6"" |°°d .' "a”. an i“; 7PM-10 PM; Call 7.3923
, . . _ '. re un . . . .
. . “W C°" ’5‘ ’9“ ms: 0....“ Tim. ow...” to. m. mu 5...“... .0 1.... :12:._::::::::.:.::°2:;:::x°::.:23: ”mm 90- t
‘ time students; Memorial Coliseum; 9AM-4 PM; Call 7-1757 . 1/25: UK Cool Cats vs. KY Wesleyan (H); ‘3 w /UK lD-Pub. $4.
. 1/21: Library Tours for Adult Students (Registration requirOd). 35' 8“; Lex. Ice Center: 0:30 PM; Call7-2B9B
. . . Kings Library; 5:30 PM: Call 7-3383
l .

 F. KWYKM T”, m 1‘ 1‘4
ilm marks . I ’Top 10

celebration .. _, _ no .. Commons”...

. ,. ’ ’ '
0f King S day 7 the University to build an equine re- on to the National Basketball Aaso I
i... .. .1 _ O The lane (1 the University searchcenter. ciatim.
ByKENZIE L. WINS'I'EAD ; in" «g? I; , Bookstore to the Pollen Corp. last And, while the Wildcats may or
Staff Writer I; a; 2;; 2;ng ‘ I summer generated about 8300.000 The donation was one ofthe larg- may not make the 1935 version of
. . I “a“ I to.- me as an annual scholarship est individual gifts in UK: history. the Final Four, at least lexington

Martin Luther King. Jrs birthday Sgt; .3 ' ‘ fund. Gluck, who died several months residents will get a chance to be in
will be commented today at . 5“,; we . The fund will supply about 250 after making the donation. chal- on the action. The tournament will
noon in the Student Center Theater «.1 Iji scholarships that will pay for a year lenged the state and the horse indus- move to Rupp Arena this year and - .
with a biographical film titled ‘Dr. ‘ of in-state tuition and fees. accord— try to match his gift. Both met the become the “Shoot 'Em Up at -

Martin Luther Kim, Jr.: Amazim ing to Donald Sana. vice chancellor challenge, and the plans for the cen- Rupp.“ only because there are few ,
Grace" and a guest speaker from for academic affairs. The money ter — which officials predict will be rhymes forthcoame Lexington. .- '
Kentucky State UniverSity. . will come from inta'est generated among the best in the world -— are ' _ '

William H. Turner, dean of Arts > by the investment of the $1 million under way. .
and Sciences at KSU and former UK the University received from the
sociology professor. will speak about sale, and profits made from the 0 President Reagan walS "

“Racial Consciomness and the $000,000annualleaae. reelected in the most lopsided land- . .1 . ,
Black Student on a Predominantly incoming [m will receive slidein recent history. ' I I. ~
WhiteCampus.” . the largest partial of the schol- o The Kentucky Wildcats The reelection was perhaps the ’ I'

Chester Grundy. director of the ""5! . arships, but some of them will also basketball team made it to the culminationof what has been called .. . . . ,
Office of Minority Student Affairs, , i, i go to other academically talented NCAA‘si-‘inalFour,butnofurther. a “wave 0f conservatism“ that j . . '
said the film is quite interesting be- ‘ w: ‘ t "‘ undergraduates, adult students, The Cats lost to the Georgetown swept the nation last year Appar» . : ,, . . .
cause the civil rights activist serves transfer students, graduate students Hoyas in the highly-publicized “Bat~ ently. that wave didn t miss college I I- I . I ,
as narrator even though the film .W . Q andprofessionalstudents. tie in Seattle“ last year. The loss campuses or UK in particular Ail .'- 2 ‘.
was made after his death. He said o-< - ' l " came at the end of a noteworthy informal poll. held during Aprils ., . . , i
the film shows that the civil rights K ?- , ; season for a noteworthy team — one Student Government Association '. I
movementwasamassmovement. l " , l g 8 that boasted the likes of the tow- elections. predicted Reagan's land . . 2 .‘

The commemorative program .- l if 0 Lexington horseman Max- erins “twins“ Sam BOWle and M91- Slide victory about seven montlb .' ' ' -
could bring attention to one thing ‘ ' ‘ “ ' well H. Gluck donated 83 million to vin Turpin. Both of the giants went ahead of time. . - . ‘ _ ' . .
that most people do not know. Grun- was, \ . ' ,. 't ‘ .
dy said. “Dr. Kins was a flea! The Kentucky Kor- ~. 2 . . .
scholar and a preeminent intellec- I CARPET ' i ‘ .- '.‘- .

nel, 210 Journa- . - .
tual. V, . _ , REMNANTS i I >

“It is rare when someone comes IIsm Building, Unl- -. , : . . . . .
forth who stands for or exemplifies varsity of All Sizes To Fit I I .I . .
the highest ideas that a seeiety K , . .. . . _ ..
stands for. i believe that Dr. King entucky, Lexmg- Sorority , .
was jist that kind of person." He tan, Ky. m AFraterntty 'i w
said it is valuable for any country to partment or ‘. I . ' ~‘ . .
have those people to raise important m (m, 257' Dorm Room ' - . . I
issuesbeforethepublic. 2877, Third class . ‘ ‘ .'

“Some say the measure of a great - Romncnt World . ‘ , _ - é‘ ; ‘
country is how they treat the poor ”0"ng pad at Slomclrclold..NE . . ‘. ; '
and oppressed." Laxnpgtan, K y, 253.0004 (.752):- ‘0“ .- . , II

King had a visionary quality, he y !)E/ 3. 1r - m I > . - .
said, based a lot on his principle of (‘3’, ~ 7‘ “I _ x. I , . .I'
faith — a faith that good will pre- . . (y, . 72C ll; I . -
vail. Grundy added that King did , ,5 a i 1 .
what he did not because of political gj : COLLEGE 0' .-’/ 9§0s . . . .~ .
ambition or material gain, but be- .. f' , BUSINESS & ECONOMICS : i 4\ 12:; ”I ¢ ’ . ' I' '
glimmhdo thought it was the right a.‘ : __. ”I” Z. a i For students going through ‘f‘ a... ”Ml“ ‘ ' - ' i. ' -

n8 - a. 2:7 . . ' “ . :~/ . - ' ,

Grundy said King was an immr- g} d ‘ ”hi \HKRP he‘lnc‘l—Maff Add/Drop a.“ ‘- ' L '
taut figure in American history he . . ' . ‘
cause “he was able to put black peo- Lald baCk On January 15th and January léth l“\'(‘r\' 'l‘Ut‘Stl’n' \‘tiu'll lintl .

. . . . , . ‘ . - t » '-
gétmmmtmfi flosgg‘g'f'ugfif: John Cline and his daughter Ashley. 2, sit down while they ONLY students in the College of B 8. ,Ioges . I“,Ha,(15h(.llimz(mm wk, . ' -.
what was right _ to do that in the wait during late registration. E approved for upper division status 3’“ That (‘f‘naln|\' ought to lllakt; - . .
faceofve serimsconsequencas" ma add i , , .. g - ‘
ry Y ‘ Tilt'stlay lam Day for you. _
. ,
MG‘I’. MK‘I’, rm. a acc courses ' ' ‘
Former pharmacy dean dies to T900 dating; .
After these dates the above courses cm." ‘32: :31? H-IAM Frl -Sat ‘ ‘
Staffreports named dean of the college in 1947. administration at Columbia Univer- will be open to students having the one. ' 'l‘l-‘IZAM Sim '3‘ ’
He continued to serve as dean after sity in 1951. course rere uisite " ur. . I '

Earl P. Slone, dean emeritus of the college became associated with . . . p q 5' Come wufch The . . ‘
the College of Pharmacy, died Jan. the UK College of Pharmacy the fol‘ He med '" Lexmgton and “’45 a .
tat the UK Medical Center. He was lowing year. The college moved to FreemaS‘m‘ a member 0‘ thefi‘m‘? Approved B 8 E students will need Games On Our _

82. Lexington in 1957. and he retired Internatlonat Pt“ Delta Chi, Pl“ student ID . I -
“He was a very fine person and a fromthecollege in 1973. Delta Kappa and Southiand Chris- ' . New Wlde-Screen T.V.! . >
, friend to all," said a faculty mem- Slone received his graduate of “a" Chum“ . 2
her in thequ of Pharmacy who pharmacy degree from the Louis- “The students were his children . ,
asked that her name not.be med. “He College 0‘ Pharmacy m 1923' since he had none of his own“ the . '
“And if you met him, he was your did graduate work at the University woman said. “He was a very special '
friend. Everyone loved him." of Chicago in 1926~27. received a bi- person." I . I ‘.

A native of Henderson, Ky” Slone ology degree from Western Ken- '
began working at the Louisville Col- tucky University in 1945 and re- He is survived by his wife, Comic. . I
lege of Pharmacy in 1946 and was ceived a master of arts in education Services were held last week. 1 5 o/ F I .. . .
Continued from pageone Wi'h S'Uden‘LFa‘Ul'y LB. 1 ‘ ' '

Conely said an operator will still tract will be signed. which is clude a fire alarm system and a se- 7 I ‘ ' ' ' '1 '
be needed, but not 24 hours a day. expected tobeabout March 1. curity system,Conely said. . ' - I ~
”The computer can do it at a much There are many opportunities to I DRYCLE A N I NG SH I RTS I . . ,I .
better cost." expand the system after the basic Wessels said the new system will " - . . .

The University will accept propo- system is paid off, Wessels said. make the process more complicated . . . . . .
sals from different companies until Right now the University is only for élbOUt 12 months. and after that ALL L A U N DRY . . ';
Jan. 29. Wassels said. The new sys- buying “a big enough system so we lt Wlll be 1855 complicated.I“We Will I' I ,
tem is expected to be fully operatio can pay foritwith the savings," the" hate the knowledge of what we I , . - '. .
nal one year from the day the con- The system can be expanded to in- can do. 0' '- . - ' '- I

I I . . . .'
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VI EW' 0' N I ‘ “$51 arm)...“ ,1 “' gAfiEH-f
snowshoe an Independent “mini » ‘ Ci ‘ I ' AT ENDOF
John Voohahl 3mm. whim. , .- / "“ \ ; l TUNNEL-r .
' Editor-in-Chlel MonogingEditor ‘ \ V ‘ \‘\\ , f '
:lluboth (are: m A. soon ‘ X - ‘ 7 . ‘
News Editor Editorial Editor Am. I‘ ‘ l t a l ‘5}! «z a K
’ O - ,tt , ‘ guest/"-
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L' ,. ' ‘.'.- h . .__
_ Arms negotiations , s _, .i a s, -. ‘1 s a
\S‘" ' f ‘ a ‘ * h“ ,1 ‘v / /
could bring about o first"
. s. ‘r - “v . \ .
,rii‘l /( "m I] i. . \.‘
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. I _’ , /
» better worldfor a . ,7 ’\ , _
' ' \ l ”W
, Last semester, the Kentucky Kernel asked for a special
. . Christmas present — an end to nuclear madness.
_ .1 And, although we didn’t see it in any of the special
' press reports from Geneva, one can almost imagine that
. Secretary of State George P. Shultz and Soviet Foreign 0 0 0 , 0
, - Mnnser nnnre reenter tents tens 0 1176161!” on t nee press cre entla s
- their recent arms talks.
At the talks, the two would-be Santas issued a joint Welcome to 1985' Orwell was -——-———-————————
. statement that said the two superpowers would set _a date “79% We.” watching our. hm, The media, much to certain politicians’dismay,
Within one month to begin negotiations on strategic and visions imtead of our televrsions m
medium-range nuclear missiles and space-based weapons. watchinsus—trt least for "0‘?- t 1 fl , 0PM" are "01 supposed t0 be cheerleaders, "07 are
' ' ‘ _That’s one holiday Preset!t we can all be happy, to re— “33:, “gfiffiafi; waffles": a reporters supposed to tie themselves too close to
' “me .Of comet as 59"” 0f the m9” cymcal mm m bah newscasts, has prompted the con- government or politics. From time to time they
, countries hasten to pomt out, there is a catch. Just as most hem of the amt thing we he“,e to , ,
‘ Christmas toys require extensive assembly and batteries, Big Brother these days — Big Gov- Corps. This distaste, Speaker said, do, and that S sad. But MOSI FeSPOIISlbIC,
the prospect of arms talks will require a good amount of ernment. led totheservice dedicated operations ~— no matter the medium
time patience and intelligence from both countries. There "W's that.yousay? Read °"- . Here's “Other one- . .
’ -t f bl t be k 1- t Larry Speaka. deputy preci- South Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms, — are dedicated to covering the news
are qui ea ew pro ems_o wor er ou . ‘ dential press secretary, announced the archbishop of the conservative b' {V I
On the part of the Umted States, those problems include recently that the White House plans movement in the who“ capital, 0 jec l e y.
the deploy