xt7pg44hqm6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqm6q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 1979 1979 1979-04-09 2020 true xt7pg44hqm6q section xt7pg44hqm6q Vol. LXXI. No. l37 Ker 2] University of Kentucky
Monday. April 9. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
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a” an“ ~ -. T 2‘ . r" “‘9“
5" MT” T WT T“ T r k, ' By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. average. members voted by a hand count on
‘ 2242,33 it“ . _ 218 2a.. . Copy Editor The symbols will appear on che which policy they favored. .- ‘
TT ’ .R, . . . prT 2 i ”T N student‘s grade transcript. The Rules Committee proposal
_ ' . i e: . .. _ _ f A new withdrawal policy. which Under the present POIIC)’. StUdentS used a grade of “X“ for students
. . x ., .. .. f ; ”tin-15,. .. introduces a “W, P" or "W2 F“ grade receive anT'E'TitTthe)’ withdraw during withdrawing before the midterm. ' '
T' 7', U -‘ T R... for students withdrawing during the theseeond halfofthe semester without while the major differences in the
. Vat-j. s . ‘ 22 3%, second half of the semester. will go petitioning , the E T carries a GPA Undergraduate C ouncil‘s proposal
, ‘ ' . . «gem before the University Senate today lor penalty and '5 added into the students were to change the meaning of "W“ to
T 'T "ea ' _. ..,.”, _- ' 225:;'.e.‘ V...» action. Erode pomt average. “withdrew“ and eliminate the
’ ' T' If approved. the policy will change The present policy. approved by the approval required by the student‘s ,
. , an the definition othhe “W" grade from Senate Dec. '2. l977.h38 beenineffect adviser and instructor in the
_ “no “withdrew passing." to “withdrew." for one year. The Rules Committee Of petitioning stage.
iiy DIANNl-Z MILAM/Kernel Staff During the second hair or the the University Senate and.- Senate The University Senate opposed the
‘ semester. students wnhdrawmgfroma Councrl has made rulings Wt“ the Undergraduate Council‘spolicy 39-26.
course will receive an earned grade policy went into effect to hx the and the Rules Committee‘s policy was ~. '
ans-r- , , ‘ from their instructor unless the interpretation of one or two disputed .
-2~. a ; »m ~ VVeekend c . » . r .. . . wmwww
., , ~ petition to Withdrawlor“urgent non- pomts. One major problem involved Wh h
§TTTT -»T? . . . _2 T I academic reasons. These include the difference between the use Of the en 1! TV senate took a straw V0“ .
T222 ,T' ~ 2 T T 2 .. - In the illness or injury. serious personal or "W" grade for withdrawals duringthe 0T ha po 'c) using the W grade for ,
2.: T“, ‘gf‘i'i'ef; 5T;T-TTTI:.,,.T T T 2, ‘2.‘2., é.\ T family problems. financial inability to Tim and second half of a course. w" drawals 1:“ng 3:5! halififhi 2
“2 “T2“ ~ , *2 i, \va '- 2‘ VV . E countr continue at UK or a call to military Both the Rules Committee and the semdestecil', an TL " ("h " F
§ ...VVV 22\ -. . .. .‘TT ITTT\T V T; 3;: "ST 2 , y service. Undergraduate Council developed gra e uring t e second alf, the
T ,T - ., T‘iT , According tothe proposed changes. withdrawal policies. and the Senate members voted 47'9 m favor Of the
T ”tfi’é T, 2TMTT- TV} There's ' var lety ofhappenings In the if the advisor. instructor and dean of Council voted to allow input on the proposal.
' ‘TTT‘ ‘tngttT 3! country 0“ the weekends, bout the student‘s college approve the policies by members of the University If the new proposal is approved
. _-R. 2&2‘2222 §,‘§2 educational and equestrian. Above, petition. the student will receive a Senate before selecting a new today. it will become the official
' .. ‘T T”, 222222 \eie‘jt’ two horses ford h “"9"“ th the “w P" or "w F“ grade these withdrawal system. withdrawal policy Jan. I. I980. ,
the :2 22W: 22 QT? Iroquois "“ht Club's 27th Annual marks. like the “W.“ are for The two policies were discussed on because of programming changes that
" The: T‘ T , "‘~' "T" 2%?“ target T2T point-to-point feature race. information 0m) and will not be the floor March l2. and at the will have to made at the Registrar's
T T TLTT‘WT -: ekaQTT sponsored by the Kentucky Hunt calculated in the student‘s grade point conclusion of the meeting senate office. _
-' _,;~-.._ . f 2 V3W5‘2 Club. Faren Warrior. ridden by . V
., 2. ,wfi 3g . t--2=sez~§;2.r TLT 3% TE England's top jockey George Sloan,
, VV t :‘TTTTT§§T§»“§TTs V", g 2. 2.,V 2§§T§5T won the even:i Pictured ‘1)“:th I“ c l a ,0 ves re 0 _
' “2‘ - “ii" 2 ‘ reolory 5‘" ""5 i" '- 4"“ S t C I PP P rt '
, X T53 T”\’s2§ Campbell‘s Landforms class. They ena e gun I V
T ‘Ws w T3,,» C“ " TT “The "T traveled around the state Saturday. . '
T“ ., seer "T c T’““' T’ 'T = The 22 2 TT observing various geological d f h
- 2 recommen mg was on researc .
iii 22 so fie . , 31%? R C ounty. they viewed a Karst
”a .é‘ Twwmyr g? «292$ window, which occurs when the By DEBBIE MCDANIEL low contract activity. funds to carry out the proposals, ,
., . 2t «me‘h limestone beneath the earthssuVrface Copy Editor . Establish a rotating “research which Vinclude publiCIZing the .
TTT’T T g collapses. "Tull": the drainage semester“ everythree orfour years and UthVetSItV)’ research prOjects.
" T . ,. .. “ £22 ”Tm" M” A report recommending the award Positions ‘0 regular faculty A‘.‘ “"5 ‘5 some t°°°““ °‘“ °“"‘
W _ :23? 222 ”sewjfki ”£2 T 3’ establishment of a vice president for members. PrinCIplc funding should teaching and regular budget Of the ,
TcfimTfiaw 2222in research and a University-wide focus come from extramural grants and Uh'YerSlty. Krislov said. . .
, QgTTT‘TTTT 2T 2.7; eggs on research will be presented to the contracts. . , Eichhom said. ‘All (the committeef . .
‘ 22 -. _, .. " ...I '. g ** University Senate todar- When ”n WW" was Muss“? at ‘5’ "y”‘wd"‘5".°'“‘°“‘.‘““~'“b"°
. ' , 4,; 2T -i:- . '. 22th ‘ ‘ ‘Tgtt‘ However. the senate must waive the the March 3l councrl meeting. problems. Theres “Oth'hS 'h here .
if ’t“ 2.552? .. T“ “ T - §T§§ l0~day circulation rule before it can members questioned several points SinglthVary hasn‘t heard ”t the past '0 ' ' ,
- 2- T T‘ § it: accept and discussthe report fromthc and the report was held over for years. . _ ’
.T», T2}: -:.'j T: University Senate Research discussion last Friday.The report was The COUnCll voted to bring the
. it T; aems2 ,_ , ..2 facts Committee. The report has been brought before the council by Roger report before the University Senate to ‘
lly TOM MORAN/Kernelsml before the Senate Council for two Eichhorn, a member of the Senate obtain feedback. and then discuss the ‘
weeks. Council and chairman of the research report‘s recommendations this Friday . ,
. I “The combination of many factors. committee. before C'TCUIauhg them to senate
Kernel names 1 979-80 ed ito rs rm . .
expanded service demands. inflation Opponent 0f the report. attacked Aft" dec'qmg how to word the - T
and budget problemsthreatentoerode several recommendations Friday. “1 recommendations, the “NM" wrll
Editors have been McDaniel said. faculty and student opportunities to see no reason to embark on a program make a motion -— which Willgo before
’ ' .. selected for the Kentucky In addition. the Kemp] i engage in research.“ the report states. that is going togive researchaclaim 0“ the Urnversny Senate _. that the ~T
Kernel next yearand forthe will rel' more on un aid " .. The report recommends; resources without some notion of senate endorse to theVadministration ' 2
‘ summer session T p ftf‘tT-TTT" T ' ‘ ' ' l " h 'd the numbered items listed under the
, . . 2 . . reporters and volunteer 222V? 2= » VA multi-dismplinary research resins. eVsai . conclusions ..
DTbT'T MCDTMTI' correspondents to expand ifii‘th bulletin featuring review articles . lthinkitsverydangerousntohavea l other action theS nate Council T
i m - ' JournalismVsophomore. was its coverage of campus Vii-7}"? 2 written by U K faculty. or a Vice preSIdent of research, Krislov “V l 2 d e l .
.."t named Editor-in-Chief for groups. colleges, and events RR.“ \ monograph series . a scholarly book said. “I think the other areas of the ufianimously apprzve a t[galleria t: . V .
V, . the 19794980 year. Jay occurringduringthefanand 2Q“‘§~ \. on a single SUbjCCI . on indepth UIII\'CrSlly are gOII‘Ig to suffer a 0W peopepastt eageo I0 teac . .' .V ‘T.
‘ . : m Fossett. also ‘j‘ Journalism spring semesters, ‘ T' 2» studies of UK research areas be seriously- on a year-to-year arrangement. . T
T2 sophomore, WIll be Editor- , , ,V 3%“ 3 g initiated to show UK“hasasignificant My second great problem is I think Under the present administrative ’
T 'TT ill-Chief for this year‘s This .Summers- KTMTIT‘ “a“ =23. T role to play in the nation‘s academic the idea of non-tenured research regulation. the University can appoint _.
" ' ..62 T TT"-.~'T-.T"T T. summer editions. (Tblmd issues WhICh appear {“92 research arena, people is a mistake.“ Krislov said. people on a fee-schedule basis .
'T 1 . The selections were made Tnhfl weekly or mm a fig?“ ‘- V . A cabinet-level unit be adding that these people would regardless of age. ‘ j
I It - last week by the Kernel WTTT WT” mTIUdT feature iii:- ., TR, established to support activites such as probably be lured away to tenured- Although members of the council ~ T _
3:,VV - Board of Directors. The STOTTTS about campus 2, T computing. purchasing for research teaching positions. questioned the proposed rule because '
' .5 editors will choose the TCTMT'TS such as concerts .__. purposes and seeking sources and “I just think if people are very good ,they thought it might eliminate - ' .
remaining members of their and plays. sa'd Fossett. T‘ Teen: agencies for financial support. at research and (if) that is one of the retirement or force deans and , ' V '
staffs. Basically. Fossett said. _ fi‘ 2 . UK establish a non-tenured missions of the University. we should chairmen to carry infirm professors . ' -
Next year. the Kernel will the summer Kernel will be {sf research staff series with ranks get them tenure on the faculty," he past the age of 70.they agreed that in . -,
, combine in-depth features similar to the regular paper. * equivalent to the regular professorial said. special cases where it was impossible - . 2
on student and faculty He said the paper will ‘ “ ’ series, and pay the staff from Krislov said he also had questions to fill a position with a fully qualified . ' .
JAY FOSSETT lifestyles with its basic news continue the normal DEBBIE MCDANIEL extramural grants and contracts, A concerning how much funding the person, the administration should be '- V .
\ . coverage of the UK campus reporting and news coverage contingency fund could be established University could depend on from able to retain 70-year-old professors . . _
T 5mm" Wt" and Lexington community. at UK. ”7’4”" 54"” to provide support during periods of extramural grants and contingency 'who were still mentally alert. . 2 '
bars and using bedSheetS to exit through a thttd‘flom window. A SHORTAGE OF VITAL PARTS normally supplied by. prime minister under the nowexiled shah for l3 years:
T authorities said. truck threatens to choke the auto industry as a Teamsters Yesterday's six executions took place before dawn in four
T Iocal Jailer Donald Renick said the three kicked in a second-floor trucking lockout and strike enters its second week. cities. the newspapers said. Those executed included two pro. _
window while making their escape. but hi’ the time he reached As the Labor Department kept watch overthe strike‘s effects. shah army men. three Of the shahs policemen and .T landlord . ' r.
DEMOCRATIC CUBERNATORML CANDIDATE the second floor to investigate. the subjects had fled. it Wits estimated that 200,000 auto workers ora quarter critic who was charged with illegally seizmg land and raping several .
J°hh Y~ 3’0““th and his wife Phyllis George. the former Miss hourly work force would be laid offthis week. Elsewhere. the women. -
America. have purchased a l7-acre farm in Fayette County. ONE OF 10 PERSONS CHARGED with first-degree impact has been slight. 2
The farm was purchased from MR and Mrs. William 3- murder in the shooting death of a Kentucky man remained at The industry . the five majorU.S. manufacturers already FOUR JOURNALISTS - TWO SWEDES and two West , 2.
Danish "I for 5450000. according to Fayette County large in Arkansas yesterday. had laid off 56.275 workers last Friday and had 74,200 on short- Germans -_ were captured by Ugandan President ldi Amin‘s
courthouse records. Nine other persons charged in the death of Richie Franklin. hour shifts. secret police and shot to death as they tried to sneak into ‘
. 322 Of Elkhorn. KY2 were being held yesterday in Mena. Ark, Uganda. the London Daily Mail reported in today‘s editions. 2 . ‘ . _
. . where 8 bond hearing has been scheduled for tOdEY- world Other sources said the four had hired a boat and were ' m -
’ ~ HOUSE SPEAKER WILLIAM KENTON retained his 75th Arraignment is set for Wednesday. ~ attempting to enter the country by crossing Lake Victoria.
. ' District seat in I977 after a heated. sometimes bitter. primary Franklin‘s body was found Wednesday night partially C AMBODIAN TROOPS LOVAL to ousted Premier Pol Pot which lies on Upnd"s eaatern border. , .
campaign against Theodore Berry. submerged in a lake five miles southeast of Wickes. Ark. fought back along the Thai-Cambodian border yesterday. and In the continuing fighting. Tanzanian forces pounded the . , -~
. ; Kenton's ISO-vote victory margain was viewed by some as Arkansas police had been searching for him since March 25 said they regained control of the strategic town of Poipet from southern approaches to Kampala with heavy artillery fire
. , surprisingly slim. Berry now is challenging Kenton a second when his wife Janet telephoned from Kentucky to report him Vietnamese and Phom Penh government forces. yesterday after apparently being stopped by unexpected \ . ~ V. .'
. .‘ 2" ‘ time and the race promises to be just as heated. missing. The flag of the Vietnamese-supported Cambodian regime of resistance from fresh Ugandan troops. according to extle ..
~ ' , '1 The central issue is likely to be legislative redistricting. which President Heng Samrin was haued down at the bridge marking sources and residents of the Ugandan capital. ‘
- . T . added eight precincts to the 75th District. nation the boundary between Poipet and Arranyapathet, Thailand. ' , V 2 .-
‘ I 2 Ber .ablaclt attorne .sa sredistricitiri wasmastcr inded Pol Pot rillas said the virtual] controlledthearea around - _ .

L 2 T. . by KeiTiTion to add 5.000 ithit: voters to the district. Kentfi‘n says Choir BIC: THORN'URGHEYAOEXEOfiY ThTTlprTTSThoz: Poipet shy; overrunningythe tow: Friday. weather . . 'V ,

' ‘ ‘ " ' c i ren an re nantwomens si ea ive-miera ius _ . . . _ . . ,_ .
f - .' 3 local growth mandated IT the damagedehTee Mile Island nuclear reactor may be lifted IRANIAN REVOLUTIONARY AUTHORITIES. STILL N0 DECISION as to whether It 1"”?ng "thug? . ,. 2 ,

. ~ . T 3 Monday. the govemor‘s spokesman said. rejecting U .S. and other criticism of their execution of aformer the temperinentll weather COMING!- TOdll’ Wt nnth: Y .' T. ,. - ‘

T " 5 state Thornburgh decided yesterdaytocontinuethe advisory forat Iranian prime minister. sent six more men totheirdeatha before cloudy skies and a 50 percent chance of showers Wilbur?! . .T . . ,
T least another day after meeting with Joseph Hundie. chairman firing squads Sunday. Tehran newspapers reported. soarinl (7i into the low 50!. The mercury will plunge so! to ._ 2 . f . . V
. 2 THREE PRISONERS ESCAPE” tfom the Scottsville- of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and NRC operations New violence flared in the streets of Tehran in the aftermath near freezing tonight. only to return to the upper or . ,' .

-. , Allen County Jail Sunday afternoon by sawing through cell chief Harold Denton. of Saturday‘s execution of Amir Abbaalloveida.who served as Tuesdays sunny skies. . . .
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Steve Illlinger I is: Douuurd Thom» ( I". Witt" Iunis .Ilmic Vaught 'I out MoI‘In
I Itliltu m i luv! Itltlulml [ill/I" gt “melt 1‘“ IAIN“! \‘Itorlt lililur [Mn-tut! of P/itmrgruphi
. ehbic Mrlhniei
, Sine Massey
Richard McDonald an.“ Helds Ruth Mattingly ( It) “illis John ('Iny Linda (‘nmpbell
' Humming Itlmu Jeanne “ohms "~ 1"“) ht! lHHIuHI it“ hit/w Brian Rickcrd I'Iiom "midst"
‘ dit . L a W - '\\i'i lrlli' It/l/t’l\ (I‘I'i lillliirv lHItIt/HI KIWI" I.(II’UI\
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“Art predicts life." agreed Jane Fonda with host and logistics. but critics contend that the virtually .- \ 2_ t ‘ . \\\\:\V52\ '. \ Rf .. \t .I“
' Dick Cavett on his television talk show last week. perpetual storage of any dangerous material is c ‘ . . ‘ ‘xst‘fi‘t‘ E§§V ‘ \ i.
. .. . . . . e u . .‘ . '.
Fonda‘s appearance resulted from her new ltlni. the hazardous. After the Three Mile Island tnCident. \ V . ‘ 2‘ .. l .:
nuclear disaster thriller China Svmlrtmie. and her stories appeared about an explosion of radioactive \ 2 ‘ ‘v _... MW" \J t
comment referred to a stunning news waste in the Soviet Union. which is reportedly less ‘ /- . _\_ "fl‘g'afiethg 2; ‘\ i . . :*
announcement thatdramatically coincided withthe careful about nuclear energy. The blast killed an / \\ 2“:.~-,‘.‘f‘; 3".“ {i ‘;\ 5% t 11‘;
movie Five nuclear power plants in NewYorkstate estimated hundred people and spread l » - ~. “ ' \Kj. wt. N a? 3 7“. 3
. . * u , — ~ \ . \‘ H H g .
had just been shut down by the Nuclear Regulatory contamination over a large area. ‘. V; _ ‘\ . '. ~§\»§1\‘\ _ vli't‘ Ehmb 2
.., ~ . . . . . .1' it . ' 7 '\ _ “V r- -‘ 3'
Commission “5 a precaution. If anything. the result of the T hree Mile Island : ;\ i ‘ Mk . :\h\;\i‘§§§‘$\b. ‘ '13.! . '-\\ / PEKH . :5
Little did Fonda and Cavett know how prophetic “event“ will be to slow the installation of planned $130?“ , i "‘ ’l \‘li‘t~j\'{t»“.‘l\:“"““ “123;. - "wk \ cfi‘ M” k'
2 . . 5":\‘ . .. \ ~su ‘.— .
their observation would be. The program‘s taping nuclear power plants by foreingthem to gothrough ‘ flex-5:: V“ , , . “leis “3‘5. :7” y/vfiéfi g, t t V ‘ if
. , . . . . g . ‘0 13/ ..;. t _ 2- ‘3 ‘- '4 1,?“
came days before the mishap at Three Mile Island. even tougher examinations and by requmng them ‘ ~ . ___‘___- . ":2 ’,_' ' . " & t! K.‘ .\.'(}(e r. ( Bfiffiij ii
Pa. America‘s worst such “event"ever and one to meet even higher standards “f safety. T KR: - “‘~ \ ~.\ \‘4 - earl!" J ff!) A
, W t ‘ ‘ v .‘ ' . ‘ \ ‘ ‘ -9 ' .. ' .;V' .
thdt CIOSCI.‘ parallels Fondas movie. One benefit would be to create an inspection ' \l 2%; ’ W 33/2
In the days that have followed.pe0plein America agency that is separate fromthe Nuclear Regulatory R, YQL THINK N? RAFSHQON C3,"; HELP M: WW MY WAGE“? :3
2 have read and learned qune a bit about nuclear Commission. A group that both formulates .12
power. Hing atomic energy has always been a ’standards and checks onthem isjust too vulnerable r
calculated risk. The only point of contention has to abuses. however unintentional. M ister Potat h d ea ks o t if
t .‘ ~ ‘ ‘ l . . - - - 2“,
hie“ what ‘h‘ Odd” 0‘ disasterare. Butinthedebate Another benefit Will be the increased attention 0 ea Sp u if
' a out sa et)“““‘"_ 01. nuclear power now-havethe that alternate forms of energy will receive. The .i i
ppper hand. and M” ieel much less defenswe '" the research and development of solar energy in the I I 3
duture.' Last weekend there were dozens . 0f various mediums of wind. tidal and direct sunlight O n ca m pal n SG 9' ectlon :‘i i
emlos.rations throughout the country against power needs much more funding. as does the I ‘t ‘:
nuc ear power. - study of coal gasification and nuclear fusion (which ‘9:
‘ .t‘lts interesting that neither lhree Mile Island or may be the best hope of all). By MISTFR POTATOHEAD that Mr. Metcow. after interrupting publication. I'm glad that those SO 5. 2
chiégematic cohunterp‘trt dealt “uh an aspect of Nuclear power must continue to be considered as , . . ht: spring brealk Liivsglnd in‘zis megs authorities invoIlved ignored meband 3: .
otentiaTifdre” a; islevelnhmore troubling than the onesource Ofpower.N0w.morethanever.America width lcllsttlrc firm?!“ staff and i runs: (a tvrt t ed mats ou t :ihdiift: ot er non-incum ent g 2
Sam and Mi“! 63 5‘ .- hat aspect ‘5 radioactive must continue to look for other sources of energy “incercll: 20:112.”:{3:202:32 ,. » i . . a .
' a 0 0 “'1 "' that will work in certain areas. and must look for mmmnkm president 36d mg V Ihe Sflddcs‘ [hing ofitllmogzevents :3: ;
Supporters of nuclear power argue that storing sources of power that can be used without the president elect. Mark Mctcan‘and Sid A $32) sofliogzki‘fi; 3:53. 851;“: it 3
radioactive waste is Simply a problem of planning trading away of security. Neal. On a more personal note. I and Bob‘ deserve the other. half it is E
‘ whould lihkc to express mythankstoall ' >55 fortunate that Mark was able to 3; -
Home sweet home :h‘hct‘} “ iuzpii‘ikd me :t‘fjlga‘clm“ overcome this obstacle by his abilityto 73:.
-~ 4‘” gm“? "h" '~ 0ft m t '5 Mg and accost every UK student withinathrec é
- - hard-fought campaign. hundred-yard radius of the Office 5;:
ran in on y reca Is the night — ~~ .... t;
. . matter where they'had been; I admire '3
opinion .. that in a white man. :5
they drove old Bad Hole down - .1 WM...
"‘{l’nr‘hh T} "‘ ' ~ TMV , "$th zaceptional campaign: every aspect of 5
e oug tave never me essi's. " is campaign was an exception to all ’V
Franklin's been my roommate for “I know. I'm going to put him in a quickly ran out of the room to avoid Metcalf and. Neal. I rewfin'md them fit election laws and rules of fair play. g 3
four years. We liveinastudent ghetto suit and tell them he’s T. Lynn the wrath of Randy.who ran out of his "0m theirpicture “"‘h‘itmm page 0‘ | “Quid offer Mark an honorary ,3 3
apartment that‘s as airtight as a pup Williamson. Can anyone loan me his room wearing blue bikini underwear. theMarch I979 hm“ L‘”"””"""°'¥~ membership in my fraternity but ldo 3? I
tent. Our toilet doesn‘t have athandle car?" He swung at D.J.. whojumpcd up and before I ““5 ‘3th 10 read the” not think thatawhite man would want it
(it flushes automatically) and Doug threw him some keys. “Hurry grabbed a sprinkling system pipe. platform. the hm” was removed to ioin a brown vegetable‘s fraternity :3
everytime the people upstairs take a back.“ he said. his breath frosty in the trying to dodge him. from my possession by an overzealous V i i "
shower our sink fills. air. But the pipe broke. A wall of water censor. l Wu” “'10“de and appalled _ V
But I‘m not complaining. because As Franklin left. Mark ran in. poured forth.knocking me and several “he" l later learned that ”“5 “"5 commentary was written by
for three years Franklin and I lived in “Come quick." he said. “The shower others to the floor. “Abandon ship!“ repressive 793“” was really an . ' freshmen Keith Barton, JOh" '
the land that Housing Services forgot; has two feet of water in it.“ someone screamed. incumbent-and “OWCk’Ct 50mm“- I MISTER POTATOHEAD, Belanger, Vic Chaney. 0"“
where roaches checked in but didn‘t use call a janitor." I said. Slowly we edged our way down the feel that this is unfairto Mr. Mectcalf! denied this opportunity to distribute Dickinson. David Hardin. Bruce '
check out. “But there‘s already one down hall. DJ. jumped onto a newlv- lfeel thataShUt) publication should his platfrom at the students‘expense. Horning. Richard Neill, Todd .
I'm speaking. of course. of the there." Mark said. “And he‘s floating formed iceberg and floated away. not be taken so lightly: it is a shame Since this was the fate of the Struttmann and Mark Vondcrheide. ' ‘
Northside Nuclear Waste Dump; that face down.“ People began running out of their W
Siald old structure known as Bad Ho]e_ —’—____—;——_ rooms and someone 58! Off the fire dam." and libelous *tatt’mcntS- ““3 (onl’ernparlicular 1351493. concerns ‘
Don't get me Wrong. We had many frank/In 80d me: alarm. L e e 8 paper may also chose to condense or or events refevam to the UK “
great times there. BU! they.” b f' Once outside. the head resident 11 r ert‘Ct contributions.as well as limit communion or remarks concerning
ovef§hadowed by that one. terrible y gregg IOIdS stood onthe steps and spOke.“ltlooks ' the number m whmim‘ms by the operation and reporting of the ‘
evening; the night they drove old Bad —_—-——-——————_ like we'll have to stay in Alumni Gym pal/0y treilucm writers . , . Kentcky Kernel.
Hole down. . ‘ . We all ran to the bathroom. Bill tonight." he said. the sound of floors comehiziisttifiéte :iiior'bip‘m'feing Opinions- 1
As I recalL Fr.anklln‘.|and about 10 Jumped in. swam tothe floating body. collapsing in the background. “lt‘ll be The Kentucky Kernel welcomes personally “)th Kz’rnel "mm-00:1 Should he 90 lines or less 60 ’
others were Sitting in our room. grabbed it and swam back out.“Mark. cold. the roof leaks and there's and encourages contributions from II4 Journafism Building. Some (om; (‘harat'lersper line. i ,
wearing gloves and parkas. playing you bignit.“someoncsaid.“That‘snot reportedly rats and bugs. But it'sjust the Ultcoiniliiiu't’firpubliationon 'of identification is required. Give and explain a Position
cards when‘the door Opened and Craig 3 Janitor. It‘s an R.A.“ for tonight." the “What 3th Opinion Palm- Submissions may also be mailed to Pertaining ’0 lopim/iSSUP-tO/inlerrsl ‘I
S[.epped inSIde. Hisface was pallid and “Why don‘t you get US UPSct 0"“ The guy beside me smiled lime” ”mm“ and comm- Editom' Editor. “emu“! Kernel. '0 the UK “0'"’"“""’."~ ' ‘
his arms were quivering. “Guys. l‘m nothing?“ someone added. contentedly, “Ah." he said. "just like {anesd ""Vm be VIyPCd and ”.1ka ”‘ Jou'm'ts'" Butldthh UhiVmity
scared." he said. “I just saw this huge My phone rang and l “'Cht to answer home." space ' dnd mflu‘jc the “m“ 5 0' Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Commentaries: 7
rat out in the hall..." it. “Gregg. this is Franklin." :‘ffg‘dfif‘fltddgml‘é'ldt’lhg":£“.mb“ 40506- For contributions being Should be 90 lines or less. 60
.. . .. n ,_ .. u s en s s ou me u e ctr ‘ear - ~ ~ - '
.."‘B'g deal... HOW 5 Al? Gregg Fields. Journalism senior. and major. and University emploi'ees mailed on campus, our Speed Sort (hammers per hm. - '
...And this cockroach ate him." “Fine. But I can‘t get Doug‘s car out reportedly is quitting the Kernel in should list their department and number b04221. A” reserved for arm,“ Who."
"What'd the cockroach look like?“ of reverse.“ order to startaskiitebotird business in position 1 entry aznghife ednor-sfeel' 7M {pa-MI
V . _ ‘ _ .. , Y‘ “ . 9 ~ ~ . . - (‘ . ex erlen 'e, r
Phanklin said. standing up. Why? . which he attaches wheels to his dirty ”“3 MW” ”50”“ the right “Witt MW", "" 3” I'm" "' 1““ 6” 01h" Walt/"(Zions ‘ '0 “353:5 0;
‘It was two feet long and wore “Al ate the gearshift." socks. Until then. his column will '4”WhmiW‘mStt’HPC't'MLgrammar “h”’“""’2‘/"" l’""' WNW/0' sub/e“- ‘
cowboy boots." The group began reassembling in appear every Monday. _________________——______________ iii
“Oh no." Franklin said nervously. my room. “Well, 1'" t8" him, And ask i
“That‘s Al." He threw off his blanket somebody to send an ambulance over i
and picked up his coat. “I've got tofind here. One of the RAs just did a lousy HEY or ) 1"” \m °\ F -r“ 11'
him. Rats give him heartburn." He ran Lloyd BTtdSCS imitation.“ . “““Y CALL '5 IM m SJK E INGS YA
out. We had resumed playing cards when SKIMPY SHKIVELED Sud OF OM“ OM EMT-REE, ”WE-[b 60mm
“Franklin has a pet coackroach'?“ Ronald. who lived next door. ordered ‘m DOC ' l
, Yaksen asked me. everyone to get quiet. "Listen to my A 5.me WMW M HER. I I m SECONDS t ‘
, “Yeah," i answered. shuffling the roommate." he snickered. A Mad—.00“ COMEOM GIMY J ‘-\
, deck. “Every morning it comes by and We went to the W8” and pressed 0‘" A WE L—H“ | '
he rides it to the shower.“ ears against it. Randy. Ronald‘s on:
. Dan spoke up. “Anybody know roommate. was apparently sitting on V// / /
when the Northside Maggot Races his de With a girl. “I don‘t know why . ’ ’ ’2 S] E ERE
are?“ you act this way." he said to her. 71// ’/ / NOW LJ N H I
2’ “I think they're two weeks from “It‘s your‘fault.“ //// r . YOU WK T001 ”Otto ff .
; Saturday.“ Jack answered. “They had He SISth. “Listen. do you think I my / / O i
. t; to be postponed because Blase enjoy holding your breast? DO you / L
: Cafeteria accidentally cooked the ones th'hk it gives‘ me some kind ofthrill'tl / / / ./ r y
2 they were gomg to use.' thought you d enjoy it. I was domg it / . %/// l I
' . 5 “l thought that rice seemed kind of for you. BUt you don‘t appreciate any / . * - H 61‘ .. 0
. 1 hollow the other day." someone htCC thth I try to ‘10-” / I .
. . chimed in. “Oh. all right.” she said. “But are / \ // i
.‘ ‘ Franklin came back in. “Deal me you sure you've never done this /
. ’ ' ‘ out."he said. I‘m taking Altothc Med before?” ‘ ® W///// W ///7/////
, . Center.” “WHY DON‘T YOU ASK HIM ‘ / //// / // / // '
'. _ “Franklin.“ I said. “why don‘t you FOR A RESUME?” Ronald yelled P - v ‘t: a 7 // / // ' i
. ‘ 2 . Just give him some Rolaids’.’ They through the W8" RE '."'I i // ‘
1 1 .. i won‘t pump a roach‘s stomach." The crowd roared its approval. but ‘
‘ (111:?
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______________.__——————————-——__—_——————___ ”ll' Kl'Nll ( Ki KI.RNI'.I.. Monday, April 9. 1979-3
.1 . . l
1979 S G electron results SG preStdenttaI candidates
Referendum: MANDATORY Bobby Gunelll ................763 Karen Barnes ... . Sit» lrtwell Kennedy wt I I I
HEALTH FEE? Ken Berry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .444 lom Ranierl. . . R i? Rudy Hlselttttl Wt haven t filed Chal enges '
., Craig 8095 ...............,,..344 (‘heryl Hillen .. S30 lllllltes ( .ttitln lttl ll appealstllal Mari. Metcall lhe deadline lor llllng
YESKSO WmcmZ‘ Johrt Stuckcr .- 5W latitu‘dtttcmrt *3“ will assume tllc Student sha'lmgcs I55Prm- tomorrow
‘ N02569 Senator-At-l.arge i'lop l5 take [)and Brewer. ,. t Silt» litilharu illilillillh 297 (internment presidenct Main. too. considered filing
‘ . office) litrettfloldlron . _. 506 Michael Koelllt-l 29‘ without challenge lrom the challenges last week after an
.am: ‘3) . -~- - ‘3’“) 3W” (P‘ 39" other candldates Cdlllon 0i Form. the SC-
5', Student Government "”1"” Billy Bob Renner . . . . . . . . . . . . . |030 lom Uram ...... ' . .. 4% Melanie Miller 390 ('harles Main. gm (‘larlt Student ('enter Boar’d
i I Mark Metcalf. . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . . _ l099 Tdoariikgfilciiis - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - . ~ - :2; J“th (Kirleer ...... :73 biliitihhitlrtlfnitilt 3‘: and BL”, l ngllsh hate all said newsletter. carried front-page
. ’ Charles Main 904 . .. ...._...........,. flit Kn. . . . . . . . .. . it o tit UH Jr lhs‘} will nut “It. challenges (0 stories on Metcal