xt7pg44hqj6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqj6m/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) 1941 2 v.; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/no.37 books  English Philadelphia: Survey of Federal Records This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Agriculture -- Archives Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Catalogs Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, The Department of Agriculture, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt. 2 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series IX, The Department of Agriculture, No. 37, Pennsylvania pt. 2 1941 1941 2019 true xt7pg44hqj6m section xt7pg44hqj6m 1‘”Tmi'“°m”1w‘m\\ H
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I , ‘ Philadelphia Pennsylvania '
,1 ' ' ' The Survey of Federal Archives

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5 The Survey of Federal Archives ii
3 Philip M. Hamer, National Director
1 Williametta Wallace, State Supervisor
,’ Division of Community Service Programs
;: _ . Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
g: Agnes S. Cronin, Chief Regional Supervisor
‘ i
1 Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
- Philip Mathews, State Administrator ‘

 g . iii
1 .
5 The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the
g - products of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated
’ ’ as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration from
; January 1, 1956 to June 50, 1957, and has been continued since that
} date as a unit of the historical Records Survey, also operating as a
_ { nation—wide project of the Work Projects Administration, and a group of .
j . state or local projects of that administration.
; o The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, ack—
‘ 3 - nowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and
'7" content of federal archives in the state. Succeeding series contain
- 1 the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory I
, form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive f
,‘ departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of E
. the Federal Government. Within each series No. 1 is a general intro~
' " duction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency
' concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate
‘ numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in
: each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5,
‘ that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
For each local office information regarding each series, or unit 0f
related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive
,:. dates ("to date“ indicating an open file at the time the information Was
1 secured), general description of informational content, description of
the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and
1, purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in
1‘ folders, etc.), footage, description of the containers, physical condi— ,
. tion of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room |
- number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the i
.' Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey 3
- _ worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is j
g . on file in the National Archives. When it contains additional informa~ j
2,) tion on addenda sheets which have not been included in the mimeographed i
7 . ~ abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See
5 , - addenda." .
f 5 I. The work of the Survey in Western Pennsylvania was under the direc—
§ ‘ . tion of fir. Louis W. H. Johnson, Regional Director from February 11,
§' ' 1956 until October 4, 1957. Since that time and until March 50, 1959
_; ' hr. John T. McMahon, Project Unit Supervisor directed the Survey. The
A Survey in Eastern Pennsylvania Was directed by Mr. Richard R. Heindel,
,5 Regional Director, from February 26 until August 1956 and from August
' .f . ' until December 51, 1956 by Mr. John L. Corry. After Dr. Gerry‘s resig—
5;". ' nation the project Was reorganized with Dr. Richard B. Morris of New
§£1.7 York as regional director and James L. Whitehead as Assistant Regional
, ; . . Director. In October 1957 Mr. James L. Whitehead was appointed Project
1 " Superintendent for the state and acted in that capacity until September
V 19, 1958 when he resigned and Was succeeded by Miss Williametta Wallace.
.I . This Inventory of the records of the Department of Agriculture in
‘3 I '- , Pennsylvania was prepared in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Offices Of
' I ' - the Survey and was edited before final typing by Mr. L. J. Darter Jr. of
i; f" , the Washington office.
jg Hilliametta Wallace
’-, Philadelphia PonnsylVania State Supervisor
f1 . June 19411 SurVey Federal Archives in Pennsylvania
, n no, 5

Philadelphia, Field InSpection Service
Eastern District of Pennsylvania...................... 2
1 Kane, Allegheny Forest Experimental Station,
~i - Kane Experimental Forest.............................. 5
.1 Kinzua, Allegheny National Forest, "
3: - Goal Knob Fire Lookout Tower.......................... 7
: Philadelphia, Forest and Range Experiment Station...;..... 8
- ' Sheffield, Allegheny National Forest, Repair Shop Garage.. 10
, , Sheffield,Allegheny National ForeSt,Northern Range Station 11
‘34' Warren, Allegheny National Forest, Forest Supervisor . ,.y 1
a Division of Land Acquisition.......................... 16 3
l . Office Administration............................ 16
. - Division of Education and Information............ 22
( Division of Engineering.......................... 22
1 Division of Fiscal Contrbl....................... 23
? Division of Grazing.........;....................H 25
Division of Operations........................... 25
' Division of Recreation and Lands................. 30
. Division of Silvics..................;........... 31
, - Division of Timber Management.................... 52
‘ Ephrata, Division of Tobacco and Plant Nutrition, Tobacco
i . Fertilization Experiment Station...................... 36 T
, Harrisburg, Bureau of Plant Industry.........'...'.......... 36
1 Division of Fruits and Vegetables..................... 38
- . Philadelphia, Division of Forest PathOIOgy,
‘ _ ' Field Headquarters.................................... 89 ‘
i Gettysburg, Division of Construction, Gettysburg National.
V . ParktolaouIooooooolahooooooIto...connects-cool 41
. Harrisburg, State 0ffice.................................. 42
,3 Bedford, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor.. 44
’ Butler, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor... 47
Clearfield, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor 49
, Du Bois, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor.. 50
a Franklin, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor. 54
Greensburg, Suburban Resettlement Division, .
, Division Of Construction..............................‘ 57
fl management Division.............;....................., 60
' Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor.......4 62
' Harrisburg, Rural Rehabilitation Division, State Office... 63
‘ ' Rural Rehabilitation DiVision, Farm Department '
‘ Adjustment Section, State 0ffice................. 66

 i v
' , anesdale, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Inter-County
‘ H Area Office......a..n...............L.................. 66
, ff ~ Huntingdonfifizral :aetabiiizaation Division, District Supervisor6’7
~ 'f; Division of Land Utilization, Project Manager.......... 67
'>; Lewistown; Rural Rehabilitation Division;District Supervisor 72
g' Meadville, Rural Rehabilitation Division, Field Supervisor. 73
:i Norristown, Rural Rehabilitation Division, District
3 Supervisor........................l..................,. 77
‘ Reading; Rural Rehabilitation Division, District Supervisor 78
‘ " i Sunbury; Rural Rehabilitation Division, County Supervisor.. 79
-”' ‘ _ Towanda; Division of Land Utilization, Project Office...... 80
- ‘ Towanda, Rural Resettlement Divisionn
5 Pennsylvania Farm Resettlement Projects........... 81
5 *’ washington, Rural Rehabilitation Division,Field Supervisor. 82
%: Wilkes Barre, Rural Rehabilitation Division. i
i’-‘ Region District Supervisor........................ 82 4
é’. Williamsport, Rural Rehabilitation Division,District Office 83 ]
f, ' York, Rural Rehabilitation DivisionI District Supervisor... 84 ‘
‘ -, Indiana, Crooked Creek Soil Conservation Demonstration,
" Project Manager.,................;..................... 86
i' . - Photographic Collection..............................., 93 >
3 ' Lancaster, Demonstration Project........................... 93
‘ ‘ . Vandergrift, Beaver Run Soil Conservation Demonstration. ..
a ' 5.~ Project Manager........................................ 98
fr ‘ ' Williamsport, Regional Headquarters........................ 107 g
T Soil Conservation Service, Region No. l................ 110 1
?i_ ' Erie, Weather Station,,.................................... 113
i} . Harrisburg, Weather Station“............................... 117 ;
j; Philadelphia, Weather Station.............................. 120 1
i' Pittsburgh, Weather Stations............................... 121 :
' ' Division of Climate and Crop Weather................... 125 j
. ‘i: River and Flood Division............................... 125 g
Aerological Division Commercial Airway Service.Station 126 g
‘ j Reading, Weather Station................................... 127 E
' ‘ Scranton, Weather Station.................................. 128 g
' i
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' ' Food and Drug Administration, Philadelphia 2
' EfithDELPhlé
I U.S. Custom House, 2d and Chestnut Ste.
E This office was established in June 1906. It administers regu-
i lations throughout the State of Delaware, Southern New Jorsey, and the
f eastern section of Pennsylvania. Its functions are to inspect and ana-
f lyze samples of various products falling under the jurisdiction of the »
5 Food and Drugs Act. Some of the papers of this office have been destroy—
‘ ed by fire. After a period of five years, upon proper authorization,
j useless papers are destroyed. Important records are filed in Washington,
'i D.C.
i 1. ANALYSIS CARDS, 1906 - 1956. Cards written upuand collected 1
l by Dr. Brinton personally over a period of 50 years, chiefly from news—
; paper articles and trade journals, relating to the introduction of new :
” food and drug products on the market. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards,
, - 12 ft., in 12 drawers of wooden filing cases. R. 1204. (2662)
'2: . ' 1906 - 1956. Record of firms that have been prosecuted and firms against
2 whom prosecution has already been started for previously violating the
' i ’ Food and Drugs Act. Index in book font, 9 x 12. (Daily, official.) 9
» ‘ x 12 folders, 77 ft., in 25 drawers of wooden filing cases. R.1204.(2666)
.; Record of constant examination of factories manufacturing food products
: ' and drugs to see that the pure food and drugs laws are not being violated;
examinations cover sampling of foods, drugs, labels on same and even the g
2 advertising connected with the products. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 foldr ‘
.u _ . ers, 49 ft. 6 in., in 56 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 1204. (2664)
, 1910 ~ 1956. Records of examinations and tastings of foods and drugs im- g
}: ., T ported into the United States, quantities and qualities of the samples E
:?9 ‘ must agree with the inscription on labels or coverings of containers as :
c~ ' advertised. Filed alphabetically and chronologically. (Weekly, offi~ §
‘3‘-_‘ cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 18 ft., in 10 drawers of wooden filing cases. %
_ : » '1 _ R. 1204. (2660)
1.1-; " 5. DECIMAL FILES, 1918 — 1956. Decimal filing system; correspond— f
.' e2-_j ence and documents covered by the files relate to all the manifold acti- i
4: }' vities of the local office. Filed according to subject matter. Index in g
p , ., J _ book form, 9 x 12. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 40 ft., in 26 g
[3: , drawers of wooden filing cases. R. 1204. (2665) g
' 5
_ jl;~'> 6. SHIRLEY AMENDMENTS IMPORTS, 1919 - 1955. Multigraph cards for i
'_5 information issued at Washington, D.C. by the Department of Agriculture,
, ';' - concerning the composition and analysis of products imported from abroad i
' fixi-- ' or other states; if a violation of the pure food and drugs law is appar— i
’ a,’ ' ent, department's criticism is set forth and appropriate action recommend— i
'1'. ed. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 papers 2 ft. 1% in., in 20 drawers of i
a }f_ wooden filing cases. R. 1204. (2665) i
if, a

 j « Food and Drug Administration, Philadelphia 5
. ‘ 7. . MISCELLANEOUS CURRRSPONDENCE, 1920 — 1955. Correspondence be—
tween this office and the drpartment at Washington, D.C., dealing with
q 3 supplies for local office; requests from censumers for publiCations is-

? sued by the Department, and requests for speakers to appear before gather-
: ings interested in domestic science and pure foods, to explain the func—
: tion of the Department of Agriculture Food and Drug Administration.
i - (Monthly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in 4 drawers of wooden
5 filing cases. R. 1204. (2659) =
. 8, FOOD AND DRUG VOUCHERS, 1955 - 1956. Food and Drug vouchers ‘
: listing duplicate bills attached; bills cover expenses incidental to the 1

~ ' operation of the Philadelphia office. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 fold—

' ers, 2 ft., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 1204. (2661)
V ‘ ,(yfl .
’ ‘ "—' ——————_‘

 ,1 I ,, I A; M..." , ,—_—‘. "l , 7 p _ ,WW, , _ , 7,,4 . p . - ,
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. I f


1, ,

Forest SerVice, Kane 5 '
Laboratory Building, R.D. 2 Kane, Pa.
1 The hane Experimental Forest within the Allegheny National
} Forest was established in 1951. The Kane Experimental Forest comprises
; 1756.8 acres of government land situated in the Allegheny National Forest
1 in Jones Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania; the tract lies for the most
i part on a high plateau dissected by various streams. "The object in es-
‘ tabliShing the Kane Experimental Forest is to provide a center of field
i work for the Experiment Station in the birch, beach, maple and hemlock
1 type of trees. Here are carried on investigations of methods of stand
J improVements, such as cleanings and thinnings, of methods of cutting to
4 . obtain natural regeneration, of rehabilitation of areas wrecked by cut— j
: ting and fire, and the more silvical and ecological problems involved in j
g the management of the type. t is hoped that the tract will also prove l
1 suitable for the investigation of the effect of forests on stream flow,
i particularly because regulation of stream flow was the object for which
i the Allegheny National Forest was originally established."
'. The agency was located in the Laboratory Building, R.D. No.2,
; Kane, Pa. on the seven mile road from Kane to Wilcox; the agency has
J been in this location since its establishment.
{ None of the redords have been lost or destroyed although most
9 v of the experimental data has been transferred from the hane Branch Field
Station to the Philadelphia office of the allegheny Forest Experimental
Station. No useless papers and destroyed without official authorization
from the Allegheny Forest Experimental Station. Instructions, regula—
. tions and orders from the office of Experiment Stations as well as from
. the Forest Service, Eastern Region No.7, Regional Office, determine the
disposition of records to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. headquarters.
' ‘ I
9. nLNINlSTRnTlVE OPEBaTlUN FILE, Jan. 1951 to date. Correspond-
u~ . ence incoming and outgoing, maps, blueprints, telegrams, news letters,
circular letters, etc. See addenda. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12
‘ - - _ folders, 4 in., in wooden filing case. Field Office. (1)
‘ .‘, ' ’ 10. INVENTORX STRIP-CRUISE SHEETS, 1952. Inventory cruise sheets .
1, ‘ , as to the tally of trees, species, diameter, reproduction tally, and
, .. . sample trees. The Kane Experimental Forest was cruised by strips. This '
j . ' . data is the original basis for compilation of percentage of species as
i . ~ V shown on the Photostatic Map of the Kane Experimental Forest. Sample
‘ - forms used on file in the National archives. (Occasionally, official.)
3, 9 x 12 envelopes, 1 ft., in wooden cupboard. Field Office. (5)
j‘ 11. INVESTIGATION FILE, Jan. 1951 to date. Incoming and outgoing
" correspondence, blueprints, reports, catalogues and specifications. The
, “ file contains material regarding: the pumps and water system, the power
:; ' plant and septic tank; also in regard to RS—AL (research—silvics), men-
_'_ suration of trees, general material as to hardwoods within the Forest,
‘ , data regarding the Kane Experimental Forest Soil Survey, and the material
_ 2 regarding damage by bears of various tree plots. Other data regarding

 tf‘ V . '
\ I
F ,
j _ ,
.' Forest Service, Kane 6 s
‘: forestation in general, and specifically as regards student labor, poplar
-4“ hybrids, planting of Norway pine, protection of trees from animals and
-.». diseases, phonology, and general weather influences. Weather data and
fE ' specific tree studies are also in the file. (Frequently, official.) 9
, x 12 folders, 6 in., in wooden filing cases. Field Office. (2)
1 ' ' 12. MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, 1951 to date. Sections: (1) Map of the
fi' Kane Experimental Forest with the scale of 5 inches to 1 chain, showing
location of fenced areas and weather stations. (2) Copies of the soil
‘ map of the Kane Experimental Forest. (S) Traverse map of the Seven Mile
‘ ' and Dahoga Roads. (Occasionally, official.) 50 x 70 rolled maps, % in.,
.' in cupboard built in wall. Field Office. (6)
? TIONS, 1951 - 1954. A miscellaneous group of field maps and data per-
. ‘ taining to the map of the Kane Experimental Forest also blueprints per—V .
‘ flj taining to the administration building. See addenda. (Occasionally, J
'l official.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 6 in., in wooden cupboard. Field 0ffice.(5)
‘ 14. PHOTOSTATIC MAP, 1951 — 1955. Scale: 1% inch equals 5 chains.
2- As shown on the map the Kane Experimental Forest is divided into 25 com—
partments or land areas; this land being owned by the Federal Government,
- 'l other than two insets of two farm tracts which are owned by private in—
,, ~ dividuals. As shown on this map the component parts of the Kane Experi—
, mental Forest consists of stands of timber of various species as well as
' .1 of various age groups; this furnishes the basis for the division of the
..‘ Experimental Forest into compartments. These compartments are more or
j ‘ less typical of the Allegheny National Forest as a whole. The area of
‘. ' the Allegheny National Forest is 759,277 acres (gross) including private—
. 1y owned land. Map Legend shows: Experimental Forest boundary, adjacent
prOperty lines, compartment line, stand boundary, good motor road, secon—
, dsry motor road, wagon road, trail or path, railroad, abandoned railroad .
, grade, pipe lines, telephone or telegraph line, wire fence, barbed wire
. 4 ; ,o fence, stone fence, Experimental Forest corner, National Forest corner,
a cruise stake, compartment corner, building and gas well. Additional data
, . on file in Offica of Survey. (Frequently, official.) 50 x 70 flat sheet,
. ' - ‘ one sheet tacked on room wall. Field Office. (4)
STATION), 1954. The types of soil found within the Kane Experimental
_ Forest are listed in the following legend: Clymer Stony Loam, Clymer
- . ' Silt Loam, Leetonia Stony Loam Sand, Dekalb Stony Loam, Dekulb Stony Silt
' ~ Loam—Steep Phase, Cooksport Silt Loam, Lickdale Silt Loam, Christian Silt
Loam, Tionesta Stony Silt Loam, Atkins Loam, Philadelphia Loam. Scale:
1% inch equals 5 chains. Map is one of the original field copies.
Legend is printed on map. (Daily, official.) 50 x 70 flat sheet, 1
sheet tacked on room wall. Field Office. (7)
Feb. 1956 to date. Weather Bureau Form 1009: Meteorlogical Record for
the Kane Station. Observations taken between 5 and 6 P.M. Record as to
' temperature, precipitation, direction of wind, character of day and mis~
cellaneous. (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 loose-leaf book, 1 in., in cup—
_ board built in wall. Field Office. (10)

 i4fi" ' Forest Service, Kinzua 7
,3, l7. FRENCLdlleL oRSRRVnTIONS, 1933. Phenological observations as
. (O5 - regards experbs: to with Beech, Sugar Neple, Hemlock, Black Cherry,
73, 4 Yellow Birch, Typo; fed Maple; Yellow Adder Tongue and Blackberry. (Oc—'
”fl: casionally, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 5 in., in wooden card cabinet.
3,: i; FieldOffice. (9) .
ii: 18. PHOTOGRAPHS, 1928, 1951 — 1932. Copies of photographs showing
}»5 construction operations) buildings, timber stands, experimental opera—
fi ' tions, etc. Films or plates for these photographs are in custody of
":1 Forest Service. (Occasionally, official.) 4% x 9 bundle, 5 in., wooden
1;; ‘ card cabinet. Field Office. (8)
3;?» 19. PROPERTY RECORDS, 1931 to date. Forest Service Form 874-16, ,
L2? transferred property record and inventory list. Also, record of surplus I
t7‘ property not charged and expendible and non—expendible record. (Occa- I
9‘? sionally, official.) Variously sized slips and cards, i in., in wooden }
‘ , Card cabinet. Field Office. (11)
i . Miscellaneous records including Form 877, Purchase records, etc, and of—
35. . ficial diaries pertaining to several forest rangers for the years 1955
fig; and 1956. (Occasionally, official.) Variously sized bound vols., and
é.; ,/ loose sheets, 8 in., in wooden card cabinet and cupboard.Fie1d Office.(12)
-Z-fi . . KINZUA
l . ' Coal hnob Tower near Kinzua 1
g ' . ‘ This lockout tower was established about 1922 and is operated
é .‘ in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters.
', ~ " No important records have been lost or destroyed. In regard
'. . ‘ to scecalled useless papers it would be necessary to receive instructions
v‘; , ' , . _ from district supervisor's headquarters Allegheny National Forest, before
: ‘I ‘ this file material could be destroyed. Reports and other data deemed
) ' necessary are sent through official channels and local administrative
. , units of the Allegheny National Forest, and the Eastern Regional Office
1 , ' at Washington, D.C.
5 g ', _ 21. LOOKOUT REPORT; Apr. 1956 to date. Form l—Re7, report of fire
if; sighted. In cases of fire sighted, lookout telephones report to district
I,‘ office. It is then transmitted to other stations in the area. By means
1 of adopted triangulation and through the cooperation of other stations,
,_ the location of the fire can be established with exactness and prompt
measures taken to control or extinguish it. Filed in a chronological or—
' ,_ der. (Frequently, official.) 4 x 7 loose—leaf book, 1 in., on wooden
‘ ' ’ table in office. Tower. (1)
449 A, register of visitors, with addresses and date of visit. (Frequent—
ly, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf book, 1 in., on wooden table in office.
' 5-.. Tower. (2)
i he? -
s _, ,7 {o

 5 - . T
5 » ' I
; Forest Service, Philadelphia 8 I
E 25. DAILY LOG AND DIARY, July 1955 to date. Form 954, contains
% entries of events'pertaining to operation of station. (Daily, official.)
( 8 x 10% vols., 5 in., on wooden shelf. Tower. (5)
‘ 5457 Woodland Ave.
3 ' This office was established on July 1, 1927. Its functions
5 are to disseminate information as to the best methods for the use of
g forest products and to conduct investigations into the field of forestry.
; Correspondence and intra—office memoranda are destroyed after five years. ‘
_ ’ Vouchers, paid bills and expense accounts are destroyed after seven 1
years. Original data, gathered by field men, are made into reports and
4 ' are sent to Washington, D.C. periodically.
. ~ 24. FIELD DATA AND NOTES, 1924 — 1957. Data and reports of origi— “
‘ . nal work by workers in the field arranged according to name of projects; 1
individual tree records showing; tree number, species, diameter and j
- height in inches (4% from highest side), total height by feet, volume of ;
' . individual tree and basal area in square feet, physical condition, crown ' W
' ' form and supplementary notes, height to base of crown by feet, area by 5
acres, the location and the name of forest where cumulative record was Q
. ‘ made on sample lot is also reported on Form 562—2A. Plantation reports M
' ’ - from Kane, Pa., giving complete report on condition found in area. fl
' Standard Summary and Periodic Increment sheet on Form 525 shows total f
number of trees per acre, increase or decrease in number of trees, dead Q
trees etc., reported on sample plot at specified forest over eriod of L
time on trees over 5.5 inches in diameter. (Daily, official.§ 9 x 12 f
- . folders, 5 x 5 cards, 12 x 19 loose—leaf books and 19 x 21 atlases, 40' t
. . ft., in 8 drawers and on 2 shelves of steel safe cabinet. lst floor, .
. _ g _ rear. (9557)
~,' 25. PHOTOGRAPHS, 1926 — 1957. Photographs and illustrations of j
p . V types of work on various projects in the states of Pennsylvania, New 1
' ” Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, with full explanation on record cards. ;
' , , Arranged numerically by class number. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 5 x
_ 8 cards, 12 ft., in 6 drawers of wooden filing case.lst floor, rear.(6550,
' . ‘ ' 26. PERSONNEL DIARIES, 1927 — 1957. Monthly reports of the person—
" nel on work accomplished. Arranged alphabetically according to name of
, '- , the individual. (Daily, official.) 4 x 6 papers, 18 ft., in 5 drawers
. of wooden filing case. lst floor. (6551)
' 27. LEAVE RECORDS, 1927 — 1957. Record of leaves granted employ—
‘ , . ' ees, giving the dates Commencing and ending and the date of return to ,
. ‘ duty. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 6 ft., ,
in drawer of wooden filing case. lst floor, front. (6552)
11_ . ___n_____ __________________u.

 Q ‘.
( .
; Forest Service, Philadelphia 9
s 28; PERSONAL RECORD, 1927 « 1957. Complete record of personnel,
, giving date of employment and correspondence relating to employment.
j Filed alphabeticalkr. (Daily, confidential.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft.,
. in drawer of wooden filing case. 2d floor, front. (6555)
5 29. PROJECT DATA, 1927 — 1957. Reports on proposed projects inm
j eluding statistics sheets, memoranda, correspondence and working plans;
5 object of the study is to obtain the undogical information necessary to
l » successful silvia cultural management; plan of work: to obtain informs—
§ tion on number of forces, species and character, methods of planting,
f etc., expenses, salaries and wages, transportation and equipment, number
1 of men required and time involved, cooperation and agencies working
i along similar lines such as Resettlement, Land Grant Colleges, etc. Ar—
E ranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 21 ft., in
. r ' 9 drawers of 5 wooden filing cases. lst and 2d floor. (9556)
50. TRACINGS AND BLUE PRINTS, 1927 — 1957. Tracings and blue '
prints of wood done in the field, plans and specifications for new build—
V' ings, at Various experimental stations, tracings contain data on field
:,-_ erosion, slopes and soil condition, 1. e., type of soil and production
3. . soil. Arranged in separate drawers for each experimental station. 1
g > (Daily, official.) Variously sized flat forms, 10 ft., in 15 drawers of
i' - Wooden cabinet. 2d floor, rear. (9554)
, , 1
i ‘ 51. COPIES OF BULLETINS, 1950 — 1957. Copies of bulletins of the j
J“ ' - members of the staff on reports to stations, proposed work, organization 5
E ' '- of the Department of agriculture. nrran ed by subject. Technical notes 1
;fl arranged.numsriCally. (Daily, official.§ 10 x 12 folders, 4 ft., in 2 ‘
,1 '- drawers of wooden filing case. lst floor, rear. (6548) ,
. ' . 1
IE ' 52. PnoPhfil? hLCUhLS, 1952 — 1957. Form 551,