xt7pg44hqh0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqh0j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1983-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, February 1983 text GSO Newsletter, February 1983 1983 1983-02 2019 true xt7pg44hqh0j section xt7pg44hqh0j . 3TLE..'.~.'.~;:.)£57T31.;“17.12333115323i " ‘ "
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‘33 "‘“d t’ 1333? a e
_ 13343 33‘ 33 333 3 ED]? ‘ORS SPACE
Boy, what a month this is going to GSO is here for you gay Lexington! And the opposite
be! I'm really exalted about our
Valent' D t Th B It should be true also. When there are only a handful
. ine: :nce at e ar.t F of people doing the work for hundreds of people,
5:32:82: ygu :hgudoenzg Egg: .thigr the rate of burn-out is incredibly high, and the
’ t f l' hm ' t t ‘ .
is the fourth year we have held the ra e o accomp is ent lS unfor una ely low
dance in cooperation with the nice The excuses of why you cannot help are endless. Is
folks downtown. We appreciate their there really NOTHING you can contribute? After all,
assistance and look forward to work- how demanding or incriminating is attending a GSO
ing with them on other events. social function, working the GAYLINE, attending and
h . presenting ideas at a 680 business meeting, or send-
Do you ave comments, suggestions, ing a much needed monetary donation? How tight can
or constructive crlthlsm that could your schedule be that a few hours could not be spared
benefit GSO? If so, please don't once a month?
keep it to yourself. I want to hear '
from you. This is your organization. Although I respect the valid excuses, is it to much
I am always open to ideas that will to expect support and help in whatever way you see
make GSO more reflective of the fit t6 give it?
needs of on: community; If we are A very heartfelt thanks to those few people who do a
eger €912g to imgrove he attitudes help where they can. Without you this organization
c 80016 y owar us, we mus work would not exist.
. , We will continue to work and strive for all of gay
Get involved! AgtenihbugiggifiEmeet- Lexington, tired and frustrating as it may be. We'll
ings, vo un eer or .e , ’ a - keep pleading for your help.
tend scalal events, discuSSion groups,
etc. Will we ever get it?
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!! 1983 ... It's Time!
See you at the Valentines Dance! SHOWYOUR Tim Banks
Keith Elston SUPRORT
President I“ 83 *H***
Gay Services Organization
A discussion group for lesbians and gay menias been initiated through GSO.
The purpose of the group is to provide a secure, supportive atmosphere where all members
of the gay community can discuss their joys, fears, and ideas with their peers.
At each monthly meeting, a topic of interest to the gay community will be focused upon.
The topic of the February meeting will be: "Coming Out: A Process".
The group will meet Sunday, February 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at 223 N. Broadway, Apt. 19.
For more information call Charlie Kast at 252-8143 or the GAYLINE at 231-0335.

 The Fourth Annual GSO Valentine's Dance will be held downtown at THE BAR on Monday,
February 14.
The event, always well attended in the past, is expecting the largest crowd ever in
1983. Publicity via the NEWSLETTER about the dance, has been sent to all the gay or-e
ganizations in the state as well as hundreds of individuals. Everyone in the entire \
community is sincerely invited and strongly encouraged to attend.
The Bar has generously agreed to donate all proceeds from the door to GSO. Many, many
thanks to them for this courtesy. This major fund-raising event is extremely important
for the continuance of the many services provided by GSO. Tickets to the party will be
33.00 at the door.
Make Valentine's Day something special. ———.—————-———————————
Come join 080 and their guests, dance to EHLUS: HET‘UE HT UK
the fabulous music provided by The Bar, W
and help support the organization that The new semester at UK has brought the Gay
belongs to all of you. It promises to be and Lesbian Union of Students into their
a very special evening! own.
- , ' _ 5 ’ ’ ’ ‘ After their much publicized official ac-z
, , ' ‘ ’ resents , ceptance as a student group on campus last
1 H£.nl mflv p ' semester, Krista Hartmann, president of the
’ ' _- , , organization, reports many plans for the
' . ' 214 EAST MAIN . PH. 254-6010 R. FEjT’VQL or group. ‘
1 ‘ -, PIER PAOLO PASOUN' February activities include the showing of
x . " \ , , "Pink Triangles", a critically acclaimed
:' g 0% film dealing with homosexuality during
’1 9;, gaQ m: DECKMERON Pier World War II. Show dates have not been
5 - g . 6Q 53215:.5°é3!.275n2':31:3§.§52fl3.1%?!ng finalized. Election of certain officers
; “3, V9» gaseg’n’ummogwfdygmwg' are schedul ed for this month also.
. p ’ ‘83 ’ . "mD”°"""”m”"“””"97” Membership in the organization stands at
_Q\ TflNUHKY 30 (3/ 9:30 PM approximately 60 persons.
3/ .- ’ ————-—-—-——-—-—— GSO wishes the best to this important and
w e much needed group. 1983. . . It's Time!
’ Pier Paolo PasolinipuoummmsoupI-y- ~ wet-m
,z m... ’96; .. - ., -. :2; - ,_ ~ .
: :zrsozvgzsa'z-zz exam-“1:33:12? A " ‘ A. e ,. .v . , e
lulod m F’uohm‘~ gym-non 0! «gm tales ' . ‘ ” , A” , 1 ”I “ '/ ' 5 a " ’\ ‘5‘: -
. ‘ _ 4%. e“; figthglugg M W3 *
'_ EEEKHEKIE 8 [:10 5!! J’Q Homosexuality has existed throughout history
———————___.__ in all cultures, many of which have been. '
W“ ‘ more accepting of it than American society 1
E’s": \ ' “AWN moms r... at the present time. A cross-Cultural study ‘
3.5" $ 53:43.,:::‘:.Lizi.:::.:m 1:22:32: by Ford dd Beach (1951) found that 64% of
1.. c3 ~ the societies studied considered hemoeexu— '
3g. ., Q“ :2: Z°T::..;".“wi:$?;.°'..":’h".'°é2':::;°""’- ality to be a normal variation of human '
4%: k sexual expression. .
l ' We.» \_ / WM ‘
”Q\ 5:, ;.ml'm1.. ‘
HLL SEHTE $L 'PS _ > ' Dawn”
‘ . ~\x ’ ' ' ' ,
HLL HLms HHTED Gay ‘ , .
“ X i, .. lg ._._ ,COmmumty
*(Ma Ono Under /8 Rabid/#4) g I '

 ,. 1 2713 E7 , .3: . .3, . '
may gimmmee 52mm
Gays and Lesbians United for Equality (GLUE), a Louisville based organization, has
authorized formation of a Kentucky Gay Archives.
The Archives will be collecting newsletters, flyers and pamphlets and is seeking
interested individuals for information concerning the history of Gays and Lesbians
in Kentuckiana.
For further information, write Dave Williams, P.O. Box 4264, Louisville, KY 40204. .
(Courtesy Lambda Louisville) ‘
****** :tff ;
a . "5.11:“{33 ' A. 1
a :Jv.;~. ‘
QMUEK. AI” ‘ . 59/
.___eie9._ rpresents — :- , I...
.————-— 3 .
;_J- .
Margie Adam is an extraordinarily gifted 33V§\\.
songwriter, pianist and singer whose music 311 ' "“W ' y:
is a celebration of the human spirit-— I \\:» ggi§ ' -
revealing the love, the strength and the :, flu“ r l .
humor of a woman who speaks for herself. ' ‘ -
. Her songs are a unique synthesis of jazz, “aw?mm§rm§aafmagw§1§ '
pop, and classical sounds. . MARGIE ADAAQ;l
The concert is scheduled for Friday, February 25 at the UK Center 36§“?Bé“firts
Recital Hall. Self-selecting ticket prices are $7.50, 8.50, and 9.50. For infor-
mation call: 252-5110. ,
'HNTED' ‘Gfie F ' GSO
N I . ' Writers/reporters. _ r1 ends J
Hard work, hours not bad, no pay, . .
some thanks, Pulitzer Prize doubtful. — 3:: Gig NEWSEETTEE ls inlihg pgficegs.ofd
IntereSted? 0mm”: Tim Banks at of $031130: 1:331:31? oiganizztigngn s
_ _ ’ ’
223 4598 or the GAYLINE at 231 0535' and businesses who provide fair and un—
I know you're out there--HELP!!!! biased serVices to gays/lesbians. LlSt_
ing in this directory Will not imply
(Idea Courtesy Lambda Louisville) sexual preference of indiViduals nor will
it imply that these serVices are pro-
vided exclusively to the gay community.
. 3 According to the May 1980 "Business
AdvertISIHg Ra ('65 World" , the gay community accounts for
19% of the disposable income in the U.S. ‘
We have approximately 360 mailing addresses If you offer a, service or if your or—
for the NEWSLETTER. Would you like to get ganization or business caters to ALL
those people to your business? It's easy- members of society regardless of sexual
place an advertisement! Rates are as follows: preference and you would like the gay -
community to know this, please contact
1/8 Page.......................8 8.00 Tim Banks at 223-4598 or call the GAY-
1/4Pageoooooooooooooooo000000015000 LINE at 231-0335. Help us help you!
"Ironically, I was freed from fear by
Full Page. 0 o o o o o o o o o o o a o o c o o o o o 40000 people Who, at the time, were Inled by
fear."--Bette Midler on her early years
The gay community has a highly discretionary at New York City's Continental Baths.
income. It's Simple to reach that market. *******
If you are interested in placing an ad, "TOGETHER-
please contact Tim Banks at 225—4598 before GAY & PROUD"
the 20th of the month. 3

; N Ew S EggnéL The Gay Rights National Lobby's (GRNL) effort to
HILL increase funding for research on Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) met with tremendous
success during the lame duck session of the Congress. Congress passed
, a Continuing Resolution funding the government for the rest of the
_ fiscal year which runs through September 30, 1983. In the Continuing
' \3“ Resolution, 32 million was appropriated for AIDS research to be con-
. “"'- ducted by the Center for Disease Control. In fiscal year 1982, only
'9. $500,000 for AIDS research was provided. The funds for AIDS represents
' '15\ I ' " II a significant victory since there were only two other new health re-
r1. \'7§'&‘_*\ lated programs funded during the entire 97th Congress.
- ‘ ~ 7 m The funds will be used to expand monitoring activities in an attempt
_ to learn more about the disease. AIDS has been identified in nearly
800 cases nationwide resulting in almost 300 deaths with two new cases
reported each day. Medical researchers still know little about the cause, mode of
‘ transmission, treatment or cure for AIDS. It is known, however, that the syndrome
causes a profound suppression of a critical part of the body's immune system.
While this. initial victory is an important step forward in gaining Congressional sup—
port for AIDS research, the effort to obtain more funds for vital research must con-
. tinue. Personswho would like to join the AIDS Constituent Lobbyist System or do
I other gay health issues, should contact Bart Church, GRNL AIDS PROJECT, P.O. Box 1892,
Washington, D.C. 20013 (202) 546—1801.
w“ W
t Call toll-free 800-221-7044
:‘ BOWLING TOURNAMENT *To report anti-gay violence
— * To obtain A.I.D.S. referrals
; Lambda/Louisville will be hosting the first - ~
5 annual Bluegrass Classic (”83 BC"), on H
i February 11 and 12. Teams from Atlanta, ! H< Z > r
" Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C.
" Milwaukee, Minneapolis, as well as Toronto, Tw_way
Canada and others will participate. (A team ( i ) ByAppohmrrtOnIy -
' from Lexington may be going!) [HWH 252.4595
The tournament will be at Rose Bowl Lanes
; on Goldsmith Lane, Louisville. The Classic HHHQ ©8815” ' :
is limited to 36 five-person teams. It is —
i open to both men and women bowlers and will 202 Off ’ i,
‘ be sanctioned by ABC/WIBC. Top team awards 7 ' 5' '
will consist of trophies and $600 cash. - (WITH THIS AD)
Trophies and cash prizes will also be awarded 3
to top finishers in singles, doubles and all . SHAMPOO '
' events. STYLED CUT .
There will be an awards banquet and show held BLOW DRYING :
at the Holiday Inn Midtown, Liberty Street, ' - .
on Saturday, February 12. Cocktail hour will . ' K6111) i
be 7 to 8 p.m., with dinner at 8 p.m. The 5
awards and show presentation will be at 9 p.m. Buchanan
Best of luck to Lambda and all the teams in —_-— :
the competition. { ‘
We'll be looking forward to here about the -
. great outcome of the event! .-—-_
. ! Wet-W 508 East Main Street . 7 4
1 Lexington, Kentucky 40508 V a J ‘

 jpaC—Lesbian and Gay Political. Action Committecof the Bluegrass
LAGPAC of the Bluegrass is a group whose purpose is to form and maintain a vehicle
through which citizens can organize to impact local and regional decision—making
concerning the civil and human rights of lesbian and gay people.
I" LAGPAC supports: the decriminalization of adult concensual sexual activity for
a the state of Kentucky; civil rights of lesbians and gay men in housing and em-
, c ployment, equal access to public services, rights to organize and associate, equal
. economic opportunity; the rights of lesbian and gay parents to have custody and ‘
access to their children; the elimination of discrimination against women, recog—
nizing that in our sexist society lesbians are oppressed both as women and lesbians. I
They are firmly committed to the establishment of a progressive voice for lesbian and
gay people and believe that as gay men and lesbians we must take charge or our own
lives and speak clearly and publicly on political issues that effect us.
If you share these concerns on these issues and would like to become involved in
political work, please call the GAYLINE at 231-0335.
I 5'! ‘§"/" "pr“ I! ,‘\ :)[‘ I Q N G
. MIDWEST Montie hosted the first official GSO Potluck of 1983. What a
- II REGIONAL great way to start the new year!
is} . " The place was overflow1ng with people, food and drink. Many
‘ “\G R N L thanks to Montie for providing his beautiful home for the
. I m Regional Director affair. No one was disappointed!
d R' ht N t' 'I , , , .
E§§b§isfg§d32§t ggfifieftgggzn The tradition continues this month on Sunday, February 13.
Spring, 1983, most likely in Everyone is cordially invited to bring some food and them-
Chl‘EagO: RESPO'ISIMQ fOV‘FO' selves to Chuck, Jim and Tim's. Food will be served at 1:30 p.m.
ordination of.f1e1d operations ‘
in tWEIVe mléwésmm 5t§t95~ . For directions call 223-4598. Celebrate Valentine's early.
Must have organ121ng experience,
admigisfir‘zti‘ga #1135: azd ‘14:; If you are interested in hosting a potluck, please contact
W . - .
3:93;: gmfipg.‘ Iguboligrsp‘gak- Keith Elston or call the GAYLINE. All you need to supply is
" ing, lobbying, and fundraising a location.
experience preferred. Starting . .
salary range is $12,500-14,000 It would be of great serVice to our community. Please con-
pIus benefits. Ethnic minori- tribute. Thanks!
ties and women encouraged to
apply. Send resume and cover. . W
I letter before February 15 to:
. noaox 1892,. WASHINGTON.D.C. 20013 Q $5 _—____.__—__
7 _ 7 Many thanks to those who supported
GSO through the Christmas Tree Re-
bate program offered by Lansdowne
Doors'" Christmas Tree Lot.
”error. I % I . I fa; | We appreciate the opportunity to
: omnsr 1 II I ecfii‘AIiIEs I I f~I ' IS‘FSFIE’E‘ I I I Imfiiiv I. I work with the business community
' : g I z/{III I I ‘ I I I on such projects.
. j W“ l I : I WM ; I. no,“ I
”am-"“4. Wei I I “SEQ” I I‘m—Id Plans have been made to offer the
3 I I I I Q same program next year along with
I I' I ' I 7" I greater publicity.
I E i E A I I . ,_ Again, thanks to Lansdowne Lot and
- - ‘a - h - - - _ A to those who took advantage of this
imlnn'I-I-l-I- I-i mm“
- ' - - -' - - - - _
our esy- ,

 5' .an on Associated Press
{ -_ ' , '_m. NEH YORKo- Noting that most victims of a mysterious new immunological
' '~ ; - » T . .\ problem are homosexuals, the National Hemophilia Foundation~
bIOOd IVI has called for a ban on blood donations from gay men and a
E f . . halt to blood collection in areas where they live.
E 5 ' \me‘vfi‘ The foundation recommended, January 17, that manufacturers
j ' ‘. a l of a blood protein treatment for hemophilia stop using plasma \
- .“" ,J'j“'”*‘”“* '.. collected in "hot spots" with concentrations of homosexuals
IS SOUght with high rates of acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS.
* . -. -- - Potential donors should be asked if they are homosexuals and their
blood tested for signs of AIDS, said Alan Brownstein, executive director of the foundation.
But Virginia Apuzzo, the executive director of the National Gay Task Force, said a potential
donor's fitness should be judged on the basis of his medical history, not his sexual history.
She predicted the foundation's policy would needlessly stigmatize homosexuals without stop-
ping them from donating blood.
Brownstein said the foundation did not want to stigmatize homosexuals, but that questioning
donors about AIDS symptoms was not enough. The disease apparently has an incubation period
of up to a year, he said, and the symptoms--aches and pains, persistent fever, swollen glands--
, are too general to identify the disease's victims.
j In a related story, three major blood collectors—-the American Red Cross, the American
' Association of Blood Banks and the Council of Community Blood Centers--said in a joint
statement January 18, that their blood banks would neither ask donors if they were homo-
sexual nor exclude them because of it. A check of local organizations (e.g. Plasma Alliance,
Health Department, etc.) have also adopted this policy.
The latest study was done by doctors at Downstate Medical Center and the Center for Disease
; Control in Atlanta and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
; The occurence of AIDS in people who are neither‘homosexuals nor drug addicts "suggests that
‘ immunity is not conferred or guaranteed by virtue of a traditional lifestyle," the researchers
3 wrote.
>>, a . I» _************
_‘}%, .7 .H : ,,., . ;fi,i .l rt, » w .V, _ g r»,. l‘
, y g; ~ I, » ~ \Cuest Excerpt Courtesy THE WORKS)
Thoughts panhe CIOSEtIMentalit-y by Tom Green, Jr.
It is generally agreed that the greatest cause for continuing misconceptions, lack of under-
standing and stereotyping of gay people is the overall invisibility of the gay community.
Many who have studied and accepted our own sexuality are not ready or willing to admit our
sexual preference to friends, families, or employers. People have a need to feel accepted,
and homosexuality is not yet considered an acceptable lifestyle by many. The prospect of
social rejection seems to shine like a bright neon sign just outside every closet door. Fol-
lowers of the "closet mentality” may feel self-esteem, happiness and fulfillment, but these
positive feelings will always be weighted down with the ever present denials they must carry
to avoid possible rejection by society.
The theoretical answer to our problem of invisibility would therefore be for everyone who is
gay to acknowledge their sexual preference publicly. This would force society to deal with
the concept of homosexuality more fairly; they would have no other choice. However, the
continuing concept of a "closet mentality” adhered to by a majority of gay people will only
result in the continuation of the status quo.
"Coming out to our family, friends and people who are close to us is the single most revo-
lutionary thing we can do . . . and it is changing America."—-Virginia Apuzzo, executive
director of the National Gay Task Force.
The 680 GAYLINE operates on Thursdays and Fridays from 7 to 11 p.m. Call 231-0335.

 «5’ “f5“ ,"5 ‘ . “ H “:- ’1'“-
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. . If your group, organization, or bu51ness
! has information for the NEWSLETTER- PLEASE
3 contact Tim Banks as soon as possible.
! THANKS: PHONE--223-4598
.i monthly purification Li‘ifiliflfl' witn matters of interest to tne Gay Community of
Lexingt' .2 and 'airette County, Kentucky, the (1:71) .‘~£‘;":.L$LBZ‘TL~IR is distributed free
of Chal‘9‘{-. T’- ‘Cc olacod on the mailing list, send your nan-3 or initials and
address: which xii; be Kept confidential? to USO at no. box 111171, Lexington,
E’entuc:_ 40'5“ .
Entire ' ;nten‘:. copyrighted @ Fsbmar” -. 19g} by 080. all rights reserved.
«x»: ’. '