xt7pg44hqg4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7pg44hqg4b/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Sponsored by the Tennessee State Planning Commission; viii, 97 number 1, 28 cm; Reproduced from type-written copy; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.16 books English Nashville, Tennessee: The Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications List of Tennessee Imprints, 1793-1840, in Tennessee Libraries text List of Tennessee Imprints, 1793-1840, in Tennessee Libraries 1941 1941 2015 true xt7pg44hqg4b section xt7pg44hqg4b     Q>,Q   » _ ·'   UNIVERSITQ OF KENTLEF »` \ y • _ A
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    Ns. 16, List of
  Tennessee Imprints 1
    `! 17 9 3 -1840
_   in Tennessee Libraries i
1-jjgt ye .,_E 1.;-:; Nashville, Tennessee
1   The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
  - Work Projects Administration
ytéy gow 1941

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  Prepared by
  The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
  » Division of Community Service Programs
  Work Projects Administration
    FC) M   1— · 2 ‘<'¤ `··- or :,2 ei, imvexj —s_ W \ Xe         _
  · ‘
  The Tennessee State Planning Commission
  Nashville, Tennessee
  ;i_ j The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
ig » May 1941
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  A  W ,
  i ·· ` , A
  A   .,   
  The Historical Records Survey Program
  Sargent B, Child, National Director
  Madison Bratton, State Supervisor
  Research and Records Programs D
  Harvey E. Beckznell, Director
  Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor
  T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor
  Division of Community Service Programs
  Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
  Blanche M, Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
  Betty Hunt Luck, State Director
  wom moascrs Aommxsmmiom
  Howard O, Hunter, Acting Commissioner . _
  R. L. MacDougall, Regional Director
  S, Tate Pease, State Administrator _
  · .--·:   ··=:‘== =

In the summer of 1938 the American Imprints Inventory of the His-
torical Records Survey undertook a survey of the extant copies of early
American imprints located in libraries and other depositories through-
- out the nation. Since that time, some 2,000,000 volumes have been
examined in Tennessee. Of this number, roughly 77,000 were found to
have been printed in the United States prior to 1877, the date limit set
for the survey. The number of Tennessee imprints among this total is
approximately 1,200 different titles dating from 1793, three years be-
fore Tennessee's admission into the Union.
I The purpose of the American Imprints Inventory is to make a com-
plete record of printing and publishing in the continental United States
since the establishment of the first American press in Cambridge, Mass-
achusetts, in the year 1639. The Tennessee Survey is also engaged in
the preparation of inventories of county and municipal archives, church
archives, manuscript depositories and collections, and in making trans-
cripts of selected early county court minutes.
The established practice for making available extant printed mater-
ial has been to publish lists of the imprints by states. At the present
time, 15 of these preliminary check lists have been published; this list
will become number le in the national series. The general pattern of
check lists has consisted of listing all issues of the press of a particu-
lar state in chronological order and alphabetically thereunder. The
contents usually cover the holdings of libraries scattered throughout the
nation. The List pf Qggnessee Imorintg, 1793-18éO, ig Tennessee Libraries
deviates from this pattern in that it is limited to holdings found only in
Tennessee. Like the other check lists, however, it is preliminary and
· will be supplemented by additional lists to be issued from time to time.
Work has been initiated on a check list to cover Tennessee imprints, irre-
spective of location, for the succeeding decade, l84l-1850. It will be
similar in style and scope to the other publications of the national 4
S€l"l€ S •
This List consists of 469 entries representing the holdings of 34
separately maintained libraries and 12 private collections. Entries are
listed in alphabetical order under years, beginning with l793, the year
in which the first printer to the Territory of the United States South
of the River 0hio, George Roulstone, published the Acts and Ordinances of
· the Governor and Judges of the Territory. Each entry is a full descrip-
tion.of the title page of a Tennessee imprint, nothing being omitted
except quotations. Books for which no title pages were found are so desig-
nated by brief notations. Other pertinent information on certain titles
is also included following the pagination and measurement of the bookso
After every title paragraph a symbol for the collection in which a copy
may be found is entered. A list of symbols designating the title of the
library or owner of the imprints is included in this volume. A general
subject index and an index to printers follow the listing; references in
both are to entry number only.

The supervision of the field work which resulted in the compilation
of the material contained in this List, and the preparation of this book T
for publication were under the supervision of George F; Bentley, Imprints
Editor of tim Tennessee Survey, assisted by Edna Evans, Sam ie B. Spence,
Madie Byers, Ona Mae Chilcutt, and Lucile Hosale, This book was prepar-
ed in accordance with instructions of the Washington Office of the Histo-
rical Records Survey Program, and was edited by Douglas C. McMurtrie,
National Consultant of the American Imprints Inventory. Much of the field
work in Tennessee was done while T. Marshall Jones, now State Supervisor
of Research and Records Programs, served as State Supervisor of the Survey
and while Dan Lacy, now Assistant to the National Director, served as
Regional Supervisor,
It is with pleasure that the Tennessee Survey acknowledges the assist-
ance of all the librarians and custodians represented in this publication,
Particularly helpful were Mrs, John Trotwood Moore and Nhss Gladys Wiley
of the Tennessee State Library; Miss Mary E, Baker of the University of
Tennessee Library, and Miss Lucile Deaderick, former head of the McClung
Collection, Lawson McGhee Library,
Maaisen Bratton, State Supervisor
The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
May 24, 1941

The list herewith presented of Tennessee imprints from the begin-
nings of the press through the year 1840, located in Tennessee collec-
tions, represents a departure from the usual form of the check lists
of the American Imprints Inventory. The present list was prepared by
the State Office of the Tennessee Historical Records Survey with the
aim of informing scholars and librarians in Tennessee regarding local
historical source materials in accessible locations,
. When the copy was examined by the National Office, however, it
· became apparent that the list would be useful in fields far beyond
the borders of Tennessee, It was therefore decided to issue it as
one of the regular series of imprints check lists,
A list of Tennessee imprints through 1840 in all known locations
l is now in process of editing and will be issued whEn—completed. Later
it is hoped to issue another list recording and locating Tennessee
imprints of the period 1841-1876.
Printing in Tennessee began on November 5, 1791, with the pub-
lication of the first issue of the Knoxville Gazette by George
Roulstone and Robert Ferguson, These printers undertook this new
venture at the request of William Blount, the recently appointed gov—
ernor of the Territory of the United States of America South of the
River Ohio, This territory was created by an act of Congress in 1790
V to organize the western lands ceded to the Federal Government in 1789
by the State of North Carolina,
George Roulstone was born in Boston on October 8, 1767, and
made his first venture as a master printer in Salem, Massachusetts,
before he had reached his twentieth birthday, By August 1789, he
had come to Fayetteville, North Carolina, and it was from that point
that he removed to Tennessee, Robert Ferguson, Roulstone*s partner A
in Tennessee, had also been printing in North Carolina, at Hillsboro.
On the date of the first issue of the Knoxville Gazette, the
new territorial capital for which the newspaper was named existed
only in the plans of Governor Blount, The paper was actually issued
at first from the little settlement at Hawkins Court House, now
known as Rogersville. Not until October 1792, a year after its
establishment, did the paper bear a Knoxville date line,
Ferguson retired from the partnership with Roulstone in May
1793, and thereafter the name of Roulstone appeared alone as "Print-
er to the Territory," In 1796 the State of Tennessee was admitted
to the Union, and Roulstone became "Printer to the State,
In June 1798, Roulstone discontinued the Knoxville Gazette
and began a new paper, the Knoxville Register, in partnership with

John R. Parrington, Nothing is known of this paper beyond the issue
of October 30, 1798, but in the summer of 1799 Parrington was at
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and Roulstone had made a new start with
the old title of Knoxville Gazette, A rival paper seems to have
begun at Knoxville in June or July 1799, the Impartial Observer,
published by George Wilson, A merger was effected in a paper en-
titled both Impartial Observer and The Knoxville Gazette, published
by the firm.ElrRoulstone & Wdlson,`*—— -_—
Roulstone and Wilson dissolved their partnership in November
1800, ‘Wilson removed to Jonesboro and eventually became the first
printer in that town, Roulstone again restored the old title of ‘
Knoxville Gazette and picked up its serial nu bering from the date
of its reappearahce in 1799. He continued as publisher of the
paper and as printer to the state until his death in 1804,
· George Roulstone was succeeded in his business by his widow,
Elizabeth Gilliam Roulstone, who had the printing done for her by
John B. Hood, a newcomer to Knoxville, who was later to become the
first identified printer in Alabama, Mrs, Roulstone later married
‘ William Moore, who was Tennessee's public printer in 1808, In the
summer of 1808 the Knoxville Gazette came to an end when the Moores
removed, with the printing plant, to Carthage,
The first press at Nashville was that of John McLaughlin, who
established the Rights of Man, or, Nashville Intelligencer there
on February ll, l7TEK_`Thi€-paper lddtddldhly a few months and was
followed, in January 1800, by the Tennessee Gazette, founded by
Benjamin J. Bradford, a son of John Bradford, the pioneer printer
_, of Kentucky, Bradford discontinued the Tennessee Gazette about 1806
and in January 1808, began the Clarion at Nashville, but turned it
_ over to others in the same yearT——TdTl8l2 Benjamin Bradford began
T, the Nashville Examiner, which was continued after his death, in
Febrddry l8l4, by Rebecca Bradford, his widow,
Further appearances of the press in early Tennessee were at
Jonesboro, with George Wilson*s Newspaper and Washington Advertiser,
_ from 1801 to 1804; at Carthage, with WillEEHdMoore*s Carthage
Gazette; established in 1808 with the materials of George Roulstone*s
· old Knoxville Gazette; at Clarksville in July 1810, with the United
States Herald, published by Theoderick F, Bradford; at Columbia, in
November l8l0, with the Western Chronicle, by Thomas Eastin and James
Walker, """°""`°`°°"
An idea of the wider spread of the Tennessee press may be ob-
‘ tained from the imprints on the titles recorded in the following
check list, This list contains titles through the year 1840, It
is perhaps in order to note here that a bibliography of Tennessee
‘ imprints through the year 1830 was compiled by the undersigned and

 vii I
published in 1955 in a volume entitled Early Printing in Tennessee. V
The present list thus adds ten years to the period of publishing
activity which that earlier volume undertook to record.
Douglas C. McMurtrie
National Consultant
American Imprints Inventory
Approved; Sargent B. Child, Director
Historical Records Survey Projects
Washington, D. C,
May 12, 1941

l_{;E_l`_ TQ SYMB OLS
_ T Tennessee State Library Nashville
` TBriK King College Library Bristol
A TCh Public Library Chattanooga
TChCL Chattanooga College of Law Library Chattanooga
TChU University of Chattanooga Library Chattanooga
TCooP Tennessee Polytechnic Institute Library Cookeville
THRS Tennessee Historical Records Survey Project Nashville
THi Tennessee Historical Society Nashville
TJaLaw Jackson Public Law Library Jackson
TJaU union University Library Jackson
TJo Mayne William Public Library Johnson City
TJoT State Teachers College Library Johnson City
TJoV Veterans Administration Facility Library Johnson City
TKL Lawson McGhee Library Knoxville
TKL—Mc McClung Collection, Lawson McGhee Library Knoxville
TK—SC Supreme Court Library Knoxville
TMeB Bar and Law Library Association Memphis
TMeC Cossitt Library Nbmphis
TN Public Library Nashville
TNL David Lipscomb College Library Nashville
TNMPH Methodist Publishing House Library Nashville
TNP George Peabody College for Teachers Library Nashville
TNS Scarritt College Library Nashville
TNT Trevecca Nazarene College Library Nashville
TNV Vanderbilt University, General Library Nashville
TNV-L School of Law Library Nashville
TNV-M School of Medicine Library Nashville
TNV-R School of Religion Library Nashville
TNYM Young Men¥s Christian Association Library Nashville
TSewU University of the South Library Sewanee
TU University of Tennessee Libraries Knoxville
TU-M Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry.and
Pharmacy Library Memphis
TWGW Washington College Library Washington College
T-SC Tennessee Supreme Court Library Nashville
Private Collections
Allen Mrs. Penelope Johnson Allen Chattanooga
Barham Judge N. R, Barham Jackson
Boyed Judge E. H. Boyed Cookeville
Brown Dr. Alva Ross Brown ' Kimberlin Heights
Cooke W. Clarence Cooke Cookeville
Everett Judge S. J, Everett Jackson
Harris W. T, Harris Jackson
Luttrell Laura E. Luttrell Knoxville
Nunn James Nunn Jackson
Timberlake W. G, Timberlake Jackson
Wayland Mrs. Charles F. Wayland Knoxville
Woerner Victor Woerner Jackson

 - 1 -
[ 1793 - 1840,
V 1795
O, Tennessee (territory) Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts and Ordinances of the Governor and Judges of the Territory of ‘
‘ the United States of America South of the River Ohio, [Knoxville;
‘ George Roulstone, 1795.]
viii p. 20 cm, [1]
[T.-p. missing]
A ‘ 1
A 1794
Tennessee (territory) Laws, statutes, etc,
· Acts Passed at the First Session of the General Assembly of the
Territory of the United States of America, South of the River Ohio,
Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the Twenty Fifth Day of
August, M,DUC,XCIV. Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer
to the Territory. M,DCC,XCIV.
101 p, 20 mn, [2]
Tennessee (territory) Laws, statutes, etc,
‘ Acts Passed at the Second Session of the First General Assembly of
the Territory of the United States of America, South of the River Ohio.
·- Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Monday, the Twenty Ninth Day of
‘ June, 1795. Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the
Territory. 1795,
$1, 4 p, 20 om, [:5]
T TJo TKL—Mc (31 p.)
— Sevier, John,
State of Tennessee John Sevier, Governor, in and over the Same, a
‘ PF0Gl&m&ti0n.,,. Given under my Hand and Seal, at Knoxville, This 10th
Day of August, 1796, John Sevier, By the Governor, Wm, Maclin, Sec’y.
[1] P. 12,5 x 20 cm, [4]
‘ I Broadside,
.1, T

 - 3 -
Tennessee, General Assembly, House of Representatives.
Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Tennessee;
Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Saturday the Thirtieth Day of July, One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Six, Knoxville; Printed by George
Roulstone, Printer to the State. 1796.
28 p. 20 cm. [5]
1 222.
Tennessee. General Asse bly. Senate,
[Journal of the Senate of the State of Tennessee, Begum and Held at
Knoxville, on Monday, the Twenty-Eighth of March, One Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Ninety Six. Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to
the State, 1796.] _
[9]-72 p. 17,5 cm. [6]
[T.—p. missing]
Tennessee, General Assembly. Senate,
Journal of the Senate, of the State of Tennessee; Begun and Held
at Knoxville, on Saturday the Thirtieth Day of July, One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Ninety—Six Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstene, Printer
to the State, 1796.
sz p, 20 em. [7]
1 19.2
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts Passed at the First General Assembly of the State of Tennessee;
Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday, the Twenty-Eighth of March, One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety—Six. Knoxville: Printed by George
Roulstone, Printer to the State, lQDCC,KCVI.
78 p. 20 em, [8]
T_ Egg TKL-Ho (72 p.)
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the First General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Saturday, the
Thirtieth Day of July One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Six. Knox-
ville; Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the State, 1796.
15 p, 20 mn, [9]
1 E2
Tennessee, General Assembly.
]Remonstrance and Petition of the Legislature of the State of Tennes-
see, 4th December, 1797, Referred to Mr. Pinckney, MT. Venable, Mr.
Nathaniel Smith, Mr, W, C. Claiborne, and Mr. Beyafd. 20th D€C€mb9?» 1797,
Report Made, and Committed to a Committee of the Whole House, on Monday
HGH?.] [Published by Order of the House of Representatives,] [Knoxville,
- [2], 177-201 p. 21 cm, [10]

 - 3 -
P Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Second General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the
Eighteenth Day of September One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Ninety-
Seven, Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the Office.
120, 7 p. 20,5 cm. [11]
T TKL-Mc (110 p,)
Tennessee, Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Second General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the ‘
Third Day of December, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Eight,
Knoxville: Printed by Roulstone & Parrington, Printers to the State.
60 p. 19 cm. [12]
Tennessee, Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Third General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the Six-
teenth Day of September, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Nine.
Knoxville: Printed by Roulstone &`Wi1son, Printers to the State. 1799,
134 p. 19 cm. [15]
U. S. Constitution,
The Constitution of the United States of America, To Which Is Pre-
fixed, the Constitution of the State of Tennessee. Knoxville: Printed
by Roulstone_& Parrington, Printers to the State, M,DCC,XCIX.
50, [2] p, 20 cm, [14]
Tennessee, General Assembly, House of Representatives,
1 Journal of the House of Representatives at the First Session of the
Fourth General Assenbly of the State of Tennessee. Knoxville: Printed
by George Roulstone, Printer to the State, 1801.
141 p. 17,5 cm, [15]
- Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate.
Journal of the Senate at the First Session of the Fourth General
Assembly of the State of Tennessee. Knoxville: Printed by George
Roulstone, Printer to the State, 1801.
184 p, 17.5 cm, [16]

 - 4 -
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fourth General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee. Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday ‘
the Twenty First Day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
One. Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the State.
203, xxxvi p. 21.5 cm, [17]
T Tg (t,-p. missing)
l 1803
Blount, Willie.
Catechetioal Exposition of the Constitution of the State of Ten-
nessee: Intended Principally for the Use of Schools. By Willie
Blount, Esq. Knoxville, Printed by George Roulstone, 1803.
24 p. 20.5 cn. [18]
( EE
Tennessee. General Assembly. House of Representatives.
Journal of the House of Representatives at the First Session of
the Fifth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and
Held at Knoxville, on Monday the Nineteenth Day of September,—0He
Thousand Eight Hundred and Three. Knoxville: Printed by George Roul-
stone, Printer to the State. [1803.]
166 p. 17 ma. [19]
T (162 p.) TKL-Mc
Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate.
Journal of the Senate at the First Session of the Fifth General
Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville
on Monday the Nineteenth Day of September 0EE`Thousand Eight Hundred
and Three. Knoxville: Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the
State. [1803.]
172 p. 17 cm. [20]
T (178 p.] _TKL·1Z0
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fifth General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Mon-
day the Nineteenth Day of Septembert~0ne Thousand Eight Hundred and
Three. Knoxville. Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the State.
147, xi p. 17.5 cm. [21]
_, _T_ TKL-Mo
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Laws of the State of Tennessee. Knoxville, Printed and Published
A by George Roulstone. 1803.
viii, 320, [16] p, 22.5 cm, [22]
2 TKL4Hc TE Allen

 - 5 - .
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Uilitia Law, Passed at the First Session of the Fifth General Assem-
bly of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Hon-
day the Nineteenth Day of September, OEE`Thousand Eight Hundred and
Three. Knoxville, Printed by George Roulstone, Printer to the State,
24 p. 19 cm, [25]
Tennessee, General Assembly, House of Representatives.
Journal of the House of Representatives, at the Second Session of
the Fifth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and
Held at Knoxville on Monday the Twenty-Third Day of July One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Four. Knoxville: Published by the Exccutors of
George Roulstone Deceased Late Printer to the State. 1804.
82 p, 17.5 cm, [24]
Tennessee, General Assembly, Senate.
Journal of the Senate of the State of Tennessee, At the Second Ses-
sion of the Fifth General Assembly. [Knoxville: Published`by the Execu-
tors of George Roulstone Deceased Late Printer to the State, 1804,]
98 p. 18 cm, [25]
[T.—p. missing]
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Fifth General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the Twenty
Third Day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Four. Knoxville:
Printed by the Executors of George Roulstone Deceased Late Printer to
the State. 1804,
71 p. 17.5 em, [26]
T9¤HeSsee. General Assembly, House of Representatives.
Journal of the House of Representatives at the First Session of the
Sixth General Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held
at Knoxville on Monday the Sixteenth Day of September, 0ne1PHousand
Eight Hundred and Five. Knoxville: Printed by John B. Hood, & Co,
Printers to the State. [1805.]
116 p. 17 cm, [27]
Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate,
Journal of the Senate at the First Session of the Sixth General As-
Sembly of the State of Tennessee, Began [sig] and Held at Knoxville on

 - 5 - ”
Monday the Sixteenth Day of September, On [sic] Thousand Eight Hundred
and Five. Knoxville: Printed by John B. HEHE, & Co. Printers to the
state. [ieee,]
152 p, 18 cm. [28]
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Sixth General Assembly; of
the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the
Sixteenth Day of September, 0ne°Thousand Eight Hundred and Five. Knox-
ville: `Printed by John B. Hood, & Co. Printers to the State, 1805,
ei, [B] p. 17.e cm. [29]
5 @92
` Tennessee, General Assembly. House of Representatives,
Journal of the House of Representatives, at the Second Session of
the Sixth General Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and
Held at Knoxville, on Monday the Twenty~Eighth Day of July, One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Six, Knoxville: Printed for Elizabeth Roulstone.
[J. B. Hood, Printer.] [1806.]
105, [1] p. 18.5 cm. [50]
[N0 date shown on t.-P-]
, T_ TKL—Mc
Tennessee. General Assembly, Senate,
Journal of the Senate at the Second Session of the Sixth General As-
sembly, of the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on
Monday the Twenty—Eighth Day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Six:
Knoxville: Printed for Elizabeth Roulstone. [J. B. Hood, Printer.]
110 p. 18.5 cm. [51]
[No date shown on t.-p.]
LI; TKL-Mc   UT-];
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc,
- [Acts Passed at tln Second Session of the Sixth General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Began [sic] and Held at Knoxville, on Monday the »
Twenty Eighth Day of July, 0ne Th$usand Eight Hundred and Six, Knox-
Ville: Printed for Elizabeth Roulstone, 1806. (J. B. Hood, Printer.)]
115 p. 21 mn. [52]
_ [T.—p. missing]
Tennessee. General Assembly, House of Representatives,
Journal of the House of Representatives, at the First Session of
th6 Seventh General Assembly, of the State of Tennessee: Began [Sic]
at Kingston, on Monday the Twenty—First Day of September, and ContiE-
. ued by Adjournment to Knoxville, on Wednesday the Twenty-Third, One

Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven, Knoxville: Printed for William
~ Moore, State Printer, 1808,
__ 166 p, 18 am, [55]
_ I Tennessee, General Assembly, Senate,
‘·‘ Journal of the Senate at the First Session of the Seventh General
Assembly of the State of Tennessee: Began [sie] at Kingston, on Monday
the Twenty-First Day of September, and ContiHE5d by Adjournment to Knox-
ville, on Wednesday the Twenty-Third, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
V, Seven, Knoxville: Printed for William Moore, State Printer, 1808,
j= 197 p. 17.5 om, [34]
T- TKL-Mc TMeC _T_l\l_V_ TE
’ Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Seventh General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun at Kingston, on Monday the Twenty-First
V 4 Day of September, and Continued by Adjournment to Knoxville, en Wednes-
day the Twenty-Third, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven. Knoxville:
» Printed for`William Moore, State Printer, 1808,
180, [3] p, 21,5 em, [55]
K 1809
Haywood, John,
A Revisal of All the Public Acts of the State of North Carolina
;» and of the State of Tennessee New in Force in the State of Tenneesaee
° [sie]. Revised in the Winter of 1809 by John Haywood Esq, Attorney at
. LEFT and Formerly a Judge of the Superior Courts of North Carolina.
Copy Right Secured. Nashville, Printed and Sold by Thomas G. Bradford,
Printer of the Laws of the United States, 1809,
·. [4], 474, [ll] p. 22 em. [56]
Tennessee, General Assembly, House of Representatives,
— Journal of the House of Representatives, at tin Second Session of
the Seventh General Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held
at Knoxville, on Monday, the Third of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred
& NiH6. Knoxville: Printed by John B, Hood, Printer to the State, ·
98 p, 18,5 cm, [B7]
2 TKL-Me
TGIUISSSGG, General Assembly, House of Repx‘eSenta’GiVBS,
» Journal of the House of Representatives, gf the First Session of
the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held
at Knoxville, on Monday, the Eighteenth Day of September, One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Nine, Knoxville, Printed by George Wilson, Printer
' to the State, 1809,
ies p, is em. [se]

 - 8 -
» c Tennessee. General Assembly. Senate,
Journal of the Senate at the Second Session of the Seventh General r
Assembly, of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on
Monday, the Third of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred & Nine. Knox-
ville: Printed by John B. Hood, Printer to the State. 1809.
82 p. 2O cm, [39]
Tennessee. General Assembly, Senate.
Journal of the Senate, at the First Session of the Eighth General
Assembly of the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Mon-
day, the Eighteenth Day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and
Nine. Knoxville, Printed by George Wilson, Printer to the State, 1809.
200 p. 18 cm. [40]
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc,
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Eighth General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday, the
Eighteenth Day of September, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine, To
Which Is Prefixed a Copy of the State Constitution, Knoxville, Printed
by George`Wilson, Printer to the State, 1809.
155, v p. 21.5 cm. [41]
Haywood, John, comp.
The Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, in the State of
Tennessee, Compiled by John Haywood, Esq. Attorney at Law. Copy Right
Secured According to Law, Nashville (Ten.) Printed and Sold by Thomas
G. Bradford, 1810.
[4], 572, [16] P. 18 cm. [42]
M Haywood, John, comp.
The Duty and Authority of Justices of the Peace, in the State of
Tennessee. Compiled by John Haywood, Esq. Attorney at Law, Copy Right
Secured According to Law. Nashville, T. Printed and Sold by Thomas G.
Bradford, at His Printing—Office, Next Door to Talbot*s Hotel, Where al- [
S0 May Be Had Haywood's Revisal of A11 the Laws of Tennessee, and a Num-
ber of Smaller Books All Printed by Himself for the Benifit [sic] of
Public Agents and Personal Satisfaction. 1810. u_-
[4], 572, [14] p., [8] p, of advs, 18 cm. [45]
T TK1.—l.Ic TE
Haywood, John.
A Revisal of All the Public Acts of the State of North-Carolina and
of the State of Tennessee, New in Force in the State of Tennessee. Seo-
ond Edition. Revised in the`Winter of Eighteen Hundred and Nine by John
Haywood, Esq. Attorney at Law, and Formerly a Judge of the Superior Courts
of North·Carolina. Copy Right Secured. Nashville, T. Printed and Sold

 - 9 - —
by Thomas G, Bradford, at His Printing—0ffice, Next Door to Ta1bot*s
Hotel, Where Hay Be Had Haywood*s Justice of the Peace, the Land Laws _
of North-Carolina and Tennessee, &c. The Above Books Are for Sale by
Mr. Robertson, Nashville - Mr. Squiers, Franklin - Dr. Estes, Columbia
— Mr. M'C1ure, Clarksville - Mr. Spence, Jefferson - Mr. Trigg, Galla-
tin - Mr. Russel, Dover - Mr. Kirk, Giles County Mr. Garner, Lincoln
County - Mr. Crutcher, Lebanon - and Mr, Wilson, Knoxville. 1810.
[2], 474 p. 22 cm. [44]
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
The Laws of North Carolina and Tennessee, Respecting Vacant Lands
and Deeds, Which Are No Longer in Force, but Necessary to the Investi-
gation of Land Titles in Tennessee, Intended to Serve as an Appendix
to Haywood*s Revised Laws, Printed by T. G. Bradford. [Nashville, 1810.]
156, xxv p. fo1d.tab1e, 22 cm. [45]
Tennessee. University. East Tennessee College, Knoxville.
5,000 Dollars! By Authority, Scheme of a Lottery, for the Benefit
of East Tennessee College. First C1ass..., [List of prizes and rules.]
Hugh L. White, Thomas M'Corry, James Campbell, Robert Craighead, John N.
Gamble, Trustees Appointed by Act of Assembly. Knoxville, January 5,
` [1] p. 17.5 x 41 cm. [46]
White, Hugh Lawson, and others.
Knoxville, January Brd, 1810, Sir,,., [Text explains the lottery
authorized by the Tennessee General Assembly to raise funds for East
_ Tennessee College and requests information as regards the nu ber of tick-
ets the individual to whom the form letter is addressed desires.] `With
Great Respect, we Are Your 0bed’t Servants, Hugh L. White, Thomas M*Corry,
James Campbell, Robert Craighead, John N. Gamble.
[1] p. 21,5 X 24.5 cm. [47]
The Life of Joseph. Printed by Thomas G, Bradford, Market—Street,
Nashville, Tennessee, 1811.
vi, [2], 192 p. 17.5 cm. [48]
1 EE-1
Tennessee. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, Begun and Held at Knoxville, on Monday, the Six-
teenth Day of September, One Th